romaroy · 7 months
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Justin Kirk filmography: I'll Be Seein' Ya (2022)
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schnaideranton · 4 months
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Restaurant "Reserved" Sign. Clock showing reservation time.
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cogbreath · 1 year
Important Website (Digital library of some medieval manuscripts, etc)
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headgehug · 1 year
not going to but kind of want to rewatch supernatural just to make kerouac analogies and figure out who cas is supposed to be if dean n sam r dean and sal paradise . but I won't. I just saw a picture and was like oh that's jack
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japhgura · 29 days
The human urge to assume everyone secretly hates U
A fine drop indeed😌🍷
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d-i-x-i-t · 1 year
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uwmspeccoll · 7 months
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It’s Fine Press Friday! 
Today we’re taking a deep dive into Songs for Gaia, a slim edition of poetry by Gary Snyder (b. 1930). This understated, beautifully-crafted letterpress volume was printed in 1979 for Kah Tai Alliance at Copper Canyon in Port Townsend, WA, a fine press dedicated solely to poetry since its founding in 1972, and was handbound by poet and bookbinder Samuel Green. It features woodblock illustrations by poet and printmaker Michael Corr (b. 1940), who learned his craft while living in Kyoto from block printer and illustrator Takeji Asano (1900-1999). Asano was a notable figure in Japan’s Sōsaku-hanga woodblock printing movement. The book is quarter bound in cloth with a cover marbled in a finely executed combed feather pattern, a touch that lends a hint of psychedelia to its otherwise traditional aesthetics. It was released in a limited edition of 300 copies.   
Snyder, who is popularly known for his time amongst and spiritualist influence on the Beat poets and the counterculture of their generation (along with Kerouac’s portrayal of him as Japhy Ryder in the 1958 novel The Dharma Bums) spent 13 years in Japan (1956-1968) studying Zen Buddhism, forestry, and ecology. A scholar of Asian languages versed in cultural anthropology, he also studied calligraphy with accomplished calligrapher and seal carver Charles Leong during his time at Reed College. Snyder’s calligraphic signature graces the half-title page of this edition.  
This modest yet potent edition of Songs for Gaia is a fitting form for the work of a poet whom writer Bob Steuding once characterized as cultivating an “accessible” style and “a new kind of poetry that is direct, concrete, non-Romantic and ecological.” As Snyder wrote of his own work in A Controversy of Poets, “I try to hold both history and wilderness in mind, that my poems may approach the true measure of things and stand against the unbalance and ignorance of our times.”  
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-Ana, Special Collections Graduate Fieldworker
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pavidla · 1 year
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mystacoceti · 1 month
[...] when [Henry Morley, Japhy Ryder and I] got out into country with no more houses and anything I began to yearn for a good old hot breakfast and suddenly after we'd gone over a little creek bridge we saw a merry little lodge by the side of the road under tremendous juniper trees with smoke boiling out of the chimney and neon signs outside and a sign in the window advertising pancakes and hot coffee. 'Let's go in there, by God we need a man's breakfast if we're gonna climb al day.' Nobody complained about my idea and we went in, and sat at booths, and a nice woman took our orders with that cheery loquaciousness of people in the backcountry. 'Well you boys goin huntin this mornin?' 'No'm,' said Japhy, 'just climbing Matterhorn.' 'Matterhorn, why I wouldn't do that if somebody paid me a thousand dollars!' Meanwhile I went out to the log johns out back and washed from water in the tap which was delightfully cold and made my face tingle, then I drank some of it and it was like cool liquid ice in my stomach and sat there real nice, and I had more. Shaggy dogs were barking in the golden red sunlight slanting down from hundred-foot branches of the firs and ponderosas. I could see snowcapped mountains glittering in the distance. One of them was Matterhorn. I went in and the pancakes were ready, hot and steaming, and poured syrup over my three pats of butter and cut them up and slurped hot coffee and ate. So did Henry and Japhy – for once no conversation. Then we washed it all down with that incomparable cold water as hunters came in in hunting boots with wool shirts but no giddy drunk hunters but serious hunters ready to go out there after breakfast. There was a bar adjoining but nobody cared about alcohol this morning.
from Dharma Bums, Jack Kerouac
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surrealisticduvet · 1 year
thanks for the tag @aquarianshift <3
ao3 first lines tagline!
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyways]
i was going to say that my last 10 wouldn't be topical enough for this sideblog but they totally are 😭 oh i'm in deep aren't i.
pea-and-bacon soup (Kerouac's Dharma Bums) On special nights, Ray had Japhy for dinner– up on Desolation mountain in his one-man cabin.   Japhy always turned up unannounced, though expected.  He wasn’t here , of course– he was a thousand miles across the ocean by now, trolling Japan.  Japhy was probably transcending all of human history in a temple somewhere and Ray was just staring out over the treetops watching for smoke. 
on locusts and wild honey (john the baptist /reader. sure i'll promo this again.) If not for the dark clouds still hanging heavy with rain over the city all afternoon, it would have been just now after dark, and he was the only one in his hotel room for the night, the others having taken up offers for dinner or sitting mesmerized staring out the window at the rain. That he wanted some peace and quiet wasn't questioned, considering the tumultuousness of the past week, a gauntlet of frothing interviewers with loaded questions, and now the knowledge of what tomorrow brought, the raincheck show at noon, a flight, then the usual evening show. You could tell he was exhausted, even if he hadn't told you.
someone with that kind of intensity (iykyk. idk) John swiveled around, staring at her in disbelief.  "Yoko! not with–" "What, love?" She sported a tender look of concern, but he knew how undercutting it was.  He ignored Paul across the table. His cheeks were burning; he could hardly believe that she would bring it up in front of anyone at all, let alone Paul. Not with everything she knew, from all the time they had spent opening up to one another. But she had–
three-point hesitation roll (monty python starting from where my words begin since it's a finish-the-story kinda fic) Ginger had hardly felt around under his chair for whatever books were lying about when he heard the plane engine growl and sputter. “Will you two knock it off,” he insisted, huffing and sinking further back into the once-plush but now well worn chair. “You made it through, let’s not fly right back into the turbulence.”
hand of fate The astrologer had been gone long enough for John to calm down about the whole situation and realize just how much he depended on a daily dose of mysticism, like reading the morning paper. The marital advice was a step too far, and perhaps the position had gone to the man's head, but finding a good astrologer was hard enough and to find one that was hiring material even more so. Off his kilter, as if spiritually unsure whether to bring an umbrella for a cloudy day out, John was sulking, sprawled out amongst the pillows scattered in a common area corner of their offices. Bored and distraught, he turned his attention towards pestering George, sitting cross-legged, reading a small book.  "What's that?" John asked lazily, rolling onto his back to stretch, arching slightly, punctuating his severe lack of interest with a yawn.  "Book."
a friend of ours (monty python) "Jocasta, darling," she crooned, setting the tennis racquet aside once they'd stepped through the doors of the country club. It was empty this time of day, with most members still out on the court. Their three other friends included, with Alec and David playing a game of singles, and Sandra on the receiving side (despite any teammateless blancmanges that might have been in the area). The lady and Jocasta had retreated, looking for a bit of peace and quiet after a riotous bout of volleys.
monty python's canterbury tales It was in quite a fit that Terry woke In fact at first he thought it was a joke. His mattress was replaced with heeth and hey; A cock had roused him, heralding the day; The air was stale and starved his foggy mind And made it hard to leave his sleep behind. In dream alone he held his lover near Though for so long he'd been a brother dear And- he, indeed, which little helped this state So wallowed Terry much in dreams of late.
the sitting room of love They don't always talk, when they're alone. It's not unusual for them to come home after a day of work and hardly say a dozen words all night.  They hold each other incessantly. One endless caress, nearly morbid in mutual obsession. At work or at rest, always-- hand in hand, side by side, head on lap or shoulder. Beautifully endless. Connected always, the blind clutching the blind, trembling against the darkness. He's lost, she's lost. They hold each other. 
(the rest of these aren't published but have some wips for fun :P ) [working title: yeah, yeah, girls] There were some things that boys just couldn’t stomach, and the two of them sat on the floor of Beth’s bedroom amidst a veritable explosion of girl was something that would make any boy their age ill.  There were certain preparations, certain rituals that had to occur before going out– especially when tonight was as big as it was. The Beatles were live in London after a long summer away, and after seeing nothing but American girls for months it was the pair’s solemn duty to make themselves presentable.  There was, after all, no place like home. 
[working title: further adventures of Paul on the floor] Ahme, bless her, had been far wide of the mark in terms of how quickly the serum would wear off.  For Ringo, injected in just his finger and staying otherwise full-sized, it would have worn off in a matter of minutes, hours at most.  But for Paul, unfortunately hit right next to a major artery, sending the serum pulsing through his bloodstream and dropping him to the height of a lab rat– no, a lab mouse, recovery would never have been that quick.  His metabolic system was much too small now to process out the amount of serum that had been injected, and the doctor had agreed, after being paid off quite handsomely to make up for the shock of the situation.  It would be a few days, at best, before he was back to normal.  With the cult members still hot on their trail, the band had no choice but stay on the run, with Paul in tow, in jacket and shirt pockets, jostled about miserably on their journey to the Alps.  One positive, they figured, was that they only had to buy three tickets. 
holy hell. if you made it this far, well, let's be best friends, shall we? one thing i learned from this is wooow i know how to wear out a sentence!
i don't know a lot of authors this side of town so if we're mutuals and you write then you're tagged. :) i don't make the rules.
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romaroy · 7 months
Justin Kirk singing in "I'll Be Seein' Ya" (2022)
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schnaideranton · 4 months
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cogbreath · 10 months
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I think constantly about this dialogue. Reading it over and over and over. God. Love him. Revere him, even. I could go on.
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headgehug · 2 years
Japhy and Ray being normal about each other compilation
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Japhy, exhausted, running into town to get his groceries for leaving, spending money he doesn't have on stuff Ray craves
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Ray's goodbye adjacent to the goodbye of Japhys woman
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Ray making the soup Japhy taught him how to make
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Ditching the big goodbye party to go hiking again
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Not to mention Japhy saying he'd been reading Whitman. And Ray's asceticism from women but obsession with his mentor? friend? companion? sure he's a raving misogynist but you know what they say...
All of this just because it's funny; but man is the line between friendship and romance blurry sometimes
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japhgura · 9 months
Jsyk I got your ask and wrote like 5 K about the Kensei-Mashiro-Tousen dynamic (with bonus Weiss and Hachi!) in a manic fit yesterday I just need to edit/refine it and do my laundry before I can post
Ynsjeiggjsnsir I didn't realize it was my birthday djjejd i'm VERY excited
Currently in my own pipeline are:
- Tama Coloured (base colours are on, but I need to finish the surrounding area and wittle dwagon)
- Curse Wound Snippet - aka Shūhei going 'Maegawa Holy FUCK' as he kicks in the door and they argue for a while
- Self indulgent Maegawa story all about her working with a 'you can try and get your Zanpakutō to talk to you by putting yourself in a life threatening situation'-academy kid heavily featuring Muramasa and also past Kensei, showcasing some of her past shortly after receiving the very very bad injury
- A lil itty bit all about the 69 tattoos
- Some sketches of Squad 9 Tech Support (Did you try turning it on and off again?)
- Yeehaw Crusaders Jotaro Sheet
- JoJo Fix-It
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mywifeleftme · 1 year
157: The Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band // "Born Into Trouble as the Sparks Fly Upward."
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"Born Into Trouble as the Sparks Fly Upward." The Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band 2001, Constellation (Bandcamp)
22 years ago Montreal’s other iconic prodigiously-membered post-rock band released their second LP. It’s not easy keeping all of these pro-Zion-but-not-Zionists straight, so I’ve helpfully listed and ranked each of the musicians who have passed through this constantly shifting collective from first to least-first. Let’s go!
Members of A/The/e Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band, Ranked
1. Mike Garson - piano 2. Annie Clark - guitar, keyboards, backing vocals 3. Brian Teasley- percussion 4. Daniel Hart - violin 5. Szabolcs Szczur – accordion 6. Davey 'Crabsticks' Trotter – Mellotron 7. Timothy Matthews – mbira 8. Buffi Jacobs – cello 9. Bach Norwood – piano, keyboards, backing vocals 10. Harriet Ballance - triangle, backing vocals 11. Japhy Ryder – floristry 12. Stuart "Peebs" Peebles – piccolo 13. Chandler Petrino – natural horn, oboe 14. Jared Pechonis – theremin 15. Toby Halbrooks - theremin 16. Corn Mo - backing vocals 17. Patrick Hewitt – theremin 18. Darin Hieb – trumpet, backing vocals 19. Rachel Woolf – flute 20. Mark Beardsworth – claviola 21. Allen Halas – percussion 22. Edwin Mendoza – viola 23. Todd Beaupré – vibraslap 24. Thaddeus Ford – trumpet 25. Paul Deemer – trombone, trumpet 26. Mike St.Clair – trombone, synth effects 27. Josh Guyer – trombone, spoons 28. Chris Curiel – trumpet 29. Heather Test – French horn 30. Victoria Arellano – classical harp 31. Sean Redman – violin, mandolin 32. Kelly Test – percussion 33. Mike Mordecai – percussion 34. Jason Garner – drums 35. Audrey Easley – flute, piccolo, EWI 36. Rick G. Nelson – viola 37. Nick Groesch – piano, keyboards 38. Keith Hendricks – percussion 39. Evan Hisey – keyboards 40. Dylan Silvers – guitar 41. Daniel Hart – violin 42. John Lamonica – percussion 43. Marcus Lopez – percussion 44. Matt Bricker – trumpet, synth effects 45. Taylor Young – percussion 46. Joe Butcher – steel drum 47. Evan Jacobs – piano, keyboards 48. Todd Berridge – viola 49. Nick Earl – guitar 50. Evan Weiss – trumpet 51. Jay Jennings – trumpet 52. Tamara Brown – violin 53. Merritt Lota – steel drums 54. Daniel Huffman – guitar 55. Timothy Blowers – harp 56. Anthony Richards – steel drums 57. Louis Schwadron – French horn 58. Andrew Tinker – French horn 59. Nick Wlodarczyk  – trombone 60. Paul Gaughran – flute 61. Isabelo Cruz – French horn 62. Bryan Wakeland – drums 63. Hayley McCarthy – viola 64. Dave Dusters – percussion, backing vocals 65. Billy Mills-Curran – flute 66. Logan Keese – trumpet 67. Ricky Rasura – classical harp 68. Tonya Hewitt – banjo 69. Daniel Poorman – slide whistle 70. Andy Parkerson – clarinet 71. Joseph Singleton – viola 72. Jenelle Valencia – violin 73. James Reimer – trombone 74. Regina Chellew – guitar, trumpet, backing vocals 75. Ryan Fitzgerald – guitar, backing vocals 76. Cory Helms – guitar, backing vocals 77. Jessica Jordan – backing vocals 78. Jenny Kirtland – backing vocals 79. Kristin Hardin – backing vocals 80. Elizabeth Evans – backing vocals 81. Neil Smith – backing vocals 82. Julie Doyle – backing vocals 83. Christine Bolon – backing vocals 84. Natalie Young – backing vocals 85. Constance Dolph – backing vocals 86. Elizabeth Brown – backing vocals 87. Apotsala Wilson – backing vocals 88. Jennie Kelley – backing vocals 89. Roy Thomas Ivy – backing vocals 90. Jamey Welch – backing vocals 91. Ethan Voelkers – backing vocals 92. Mark Pirro - bass 93. Frank Benjaminsen – backing vocals 94. Stephanie Dolph – backing vocals 95. Jennifer Jobe – backing vocals 96. Mike Elio – backing vocals 97. Kelly Repka – backing vocals 98. Jason Rees – backing vocals 99. Jeneffa Soldatic – backing vocals 100. Michael Turner – backing vocals 101. Don Congeler – backing vocals 102. Michael Musick – backing vocals 103. Melissa Crutchfield – backing vocals 104. Sandra Powers Giasson – backing vocals 105. Paul Hillery – backing vocals 106. Stephen Dix – backing vocals 107. Jessica Berridge – backing vocals 108. Melisma MacDonald – backing vocals 109. Ross Cink - backing vocals 110. Lucy Williams - choreography 111. Josh David Jordan – backing vocals 112. Brad Butler – backing vocals 113. Jason Rees – backing vocals 114. Andrew Aldenenotti – backing vocals 115. Getting hit by a bus wearing a flowing white robe 116. Tim DeLaughter - vocals, guitar, piano
Hold on. I’ve just received word that these musicians are actually members of some other band? Apologies for the confusion!
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