#jared rogan
incarnateirony · 1 year
I wonder when it's going to occur to Jared fans that he abandoned them.
If you are an SPN fan. If you are liberal/progressive. Stop projecting at him.
He's vanishing by choice from more and more conventions. He COULD have made it to last Jib, he had the weekend off, Jensen worked Friday too. There's a lot of Could Haves Jared could choose for SPN. He could have dreamed up more than Random Case Idea if he cared. He literally does not care beyond his publicity and paycheck.
He's chosen to signal Good Christian Southern Living. He's chosen Gun and other distinctly right wing and southern articles. His show is literally based on moderacy and riding the edge of the coin. He literally got a tattoo that is so offensive the archaic symbol has been removed from recent issue IDs in the state it was used as a nationalist symbol in--before he chose to get it. Something conscious enough his own wife hides behind stickers on IG posts. He's chosen Tulsi, and Rogan, and all other kinds of blatantly right wing outlets. He's caught covid three times. He's selling random health supplements.
Fam, I don't know how to break this to you, but Jared's become a Republican. Possibly a NeverTrumper, but a Republican none the less.
Stop arguing with me. Go argue with him. It's his fucking marketing, not mine. It's his covid, not mine.
But they wanna argue it away because their playdoll isn't behaving properly and they're just, idk, gonna be insufferable to everybody else that has eyeballs while they argue against not just plain reality, but the marketed one Jared is hanging up with star spangled banners.
But that's not real good if you wanna pretend to care about progressive things (often while butchering important topics to mask severe homophobia or racism), because how will they stay Socially Just Middle Class White Woman then??? So no duh reality isn't real reality can't hurt them.
Guys. What the fuck. You do realize Jared Padalecki is like, an actual person, who is doing and saying and making choices in an actual real world outside of the internet, and not like a doll or some figment of your imagination you can roleplay with, right?
Accept it. He turned on you. Now either shit and get off the pot and admit you turned with him, or make a moral decision on your own time, but leave us out of your psychic bubble burst.
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laf-outloud · 4 months
I know it's debatable, but I'd really rather Jared not be on The Boys. It's already not my show anyway, but any time I see Seth Rogen (ex: Critics Choice Awards), it just makes me realize Kripke isn't "our" Kripke any more // Rogen slashing at the CW and cutting people with mean humor. TB going over the top with gratuitous gore // Some people may like it, and I'm glad for them, IG. But it's really not my thing, they're really not my producers any more. I'm in my Soft TV Era, wanting family feels
I don't know that there's anything to debate. Jared fans have never wanted Jared on The Boys and Jared's branding doesn't fit with that show. It's highly unlikely he'll ever be on it.
As for Kripke, I'm pretty sure he's the same as he's always been, he's just no longer tied to broadcast network standards. And Seth Rogan has openly criticized the wildly successful MCU, so I wouldn't take anything he says seriously.
I think a lot of people prefer the relaxed, family-friendly drama. The grittier series may win awards, but it's the broadcast network shows that appeal to the most people, and therefore get the most advertising dollars. And if you're looking for more family feels... I came across this article from December about USA looking to bring back the "Blue Sky" feel to their scripted shows! Here's hoping they succeed because there was a time when I was watching USA practically every night. I'd love to have more shows like those on air.
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zekekaiju · 1 year
Movie reviews: Double Feature
I recently saw the Mario movie. I also recently saw the DND movie. I liked both of them. I liked the DND movie better then the Mario movie but that might just be due to a greater fondness for DND. I'm going to go through the movies and talk about what I liked and didn't like, but it's going to be a little less in depth because it's two movies.
I liked the Mario movie, it was fun, enjoyable and had a lot of clever references. The story, while relatively simple, was cohesive and there weren't really any unnecessary stops along the way. The only real complaint I have with it story wise is we spent a little too much time on Mario's motivation in my opinion.
Overall the character designs were good and most of the actors were definitely trying to play the role as given. While I would have chosen someone else, Jack Black really did embrace his role as bowser and was a convincing villain and I didn't hear Jack Black. Chris Pratt was doing a Mario voice but a few times throughout the movie his Mario voice went away and he sounded like Chris Pratt which was jaring. I didn't like Seth Rogan as donkey Kong. He wasn't a good choice and there was a lot of him in the character, but he was minimally annoying and didn't ruin the movie for me. As stated before the character designs were good overall. Occasionally, Bowser looked a little more like a dog then a lizard, and short stubby Mario was a bit of an eyesore. Personally, I think there were better choices that could have been made in both the character design and voice actor department with one exception: Luigi. Everything about Luigi worked, his character design was on point, his voice matched his design and it was consistent, and even his overall characterization was recognizably Luigi.
The actual characters were very well done. Luigi was perfectly Luigi end of discussion. Toad was a very good comedy relief character, perfectly blending confidence with just the right mixture of competence and incompetence. Mario's stubbornness and perseverance in the face of opposition were well done and made him a very classic hero type. Peach was strong, capable, confident without ever being mean. Peach was what a strong character should be. Anytime a stronger character relies on putting other people down or showing off how much stronger they aren't actually strong they're insecure. Peach doesn't come across as mean or insecure which is good. Donkey Kong did disguise his insecurities as blistering arrogance and mean spirited comments. It allowed him personal growth as a character but also made him super annoying. Bowser was an excellent villain, he was large, imposing, unnecessarily cruel, and willing to use any means necessary to achieve his goal. He was also amusing and fun to watch but not in a way that made him seem less threatening or evil. Most importantly for me, was he was in no way more likeable than Mario. I never found myself even a little sympathetic to his cause, nor did he have a good quality that Mario didn't also possess.
All together this made for a very enjoyable family movie, that I wouldn't mind seeing again.
The dungeons and dragons movie was fun. It was a lot of fun and I had a great time seeing. I've now seen it twice and enjoyed it both times. It's basically a heist movie in a fantasy setting. A good summation of the overall plot is GOTG doing the heist from Ocean's eleven, set in Narnia. The action is very crisp and well done, the characters are great and the humor is generally amusing and is not reliant on crude humor. It was a great family movie. Now this is the second time I have called a movie a family movie and by that I mean that it's a movie you could feel reasonably confident taking the entire family. It's a movie that you think anyone in your family will enjoy without being offended by it. As such it keeps it's primary points simple: you can't give up on important things and family is one of those important things. These are ideas most people can agree with. Now it does sometimes allow it's emotional moments to be immediately undercut by a joke but it was never annoying for me.
The movie has a lot of action which is always fairly fast-paced, but it's very well choreographed, I never lost track of what someone was doing and it didn't really have a lot of shaky camera footage. The movie also did a really good job showing how the different characters abilities synergized and utilizing their strengths and weaknesses.
The movie really shines in its characters and in particular the interaction between the different characters. It's a combination of lighthearted banter and snark that helps illustrate these people characters and endears the audience to them. It helps make these characters real and keeps them all fun.
The movie doesn't require you know anything about DND to enjoy it although some jokes are funnier if you've played the game and there are some nerdy references but no foreknowledge of the game is required.
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lol-jackles · 2 years
You have some wonderful industry insights, and then you say some of the silliest BS. Hollywood doesn’t like leading men w/ curly hair? Sounds like something my granny might imagine. Better tell Orlando Bloom, Henry Cavill, Matthew McConauhey and Kit Harrington, just to name a few. Jared hasn’t been styled well recently, nothing to do with what Hollywood “likes”. He needs a stylist.
Of course there are actors with curly hair, even lead actors have them.  My point is the higher tier they climb, the more deemphasized their curls are on screen.   Eriq La Salle used his wear his jerry curls until he was cast in ER and he got rid of his thick Afro.   
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I bet you didn't know that Geroge Clooney has curly hair.   He hasn't been seen in public with curls in 30 years.   
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Usually comedy leads are "allowed" to keep their curls because comedians are not considered handsome i.e.   Seth Rogan, Will Farrel, and Tom Hanks.  There's even a Curly Hair is Ugly trope  
The Simpson movie: Todd Flanders: I wish Homer was my father. Ned Flanders: And I wish you didn't have the devil's curly hair.
Once Tom transitioned to dramatic leading man, his hair was shorter and his curls much more relaxed.  
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“Better tell Orlando Bloom, Henry Cavill, Matthew McConauhey and Kit Harrington”  Again, on screen.  Orlando and Henry rarely play characters with curly hair, hello, Legolas had long straight hair.  When Mathew Mcconaughey was in romantic comedies he sported curly hair but once he transitioned into dramatic leads the curls were either cut off or plastered against his head.  Last time I saw Kit Harrington in a movie lead role was Pompeii where his curls and abs fought each other for attention.
Also, did Sam Winchester's hair evolution tell you nothing?  After season 3 they attacked Jared's hair with flat irons and gell to deemphasize his curls as much as possible.  The peak was season 10 and I forget what fans called his hairstyle, maybe Lord Faraquet from Shrek, because it was so unusually straight.
Same for actresses.  I think the last time I've seen Nicole Kidman’s curly hair was in Days of Thunder where she co-starred with her future husband, Tom Cruise.  When they married and improved her career, her hair went straight.
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Julianna Margulies went from a supporting actor on ER to lead of her own show The Good Wife and surprise surprise, her hair was straightened.
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Why the bias against curly hair for high tier actors?  Because it reflects the real world bias against curly hair because they’re considered unprofessional in most settings. Millions of women go the extra mile to straighten their hair just to be taken seriously at their jobs.
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Misha Collins always seems to be doing charity fundraisers for different things and political (left wing) stuff, he published a poetry book and got divorced recently i think. Jensen Ackles doesn't seem to use social media much so not much on him. Jared Padalecki got arrested for beating people up a while back. You can google his mugshot. Apparently he's pretty right wing, into guns and Joe Rogan and shit like that. Lives in Texas and Idaho, is married to an actress he met on Supernatural, sells vitamin supplements on the side. He used to attack people if they upset him on twitter and Facebook quite often back in the day. last time he did that (2021?) he attacked Jensen Ackles and a tv writer for not including him in a show (or not telling him about it? something like that.)
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Oh 😳 that's insane man
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whengeorgiawentblue · 2 years
I know you don't like Jared (and I don't like him much either), but of course he's pro choice. He's not THAT conservative. He isn't some bible thumping fundie pro-lifer or something. Jared actually used to have the reputation of being the liberal and progressive one of the SPN cast before started saying too much dumb shit and started hanging out with weird gun fanatics like his best buddie Anson and listening to Joe Rogan and so on.
So he degenerated with the years 😭
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taylortruther · 2 years
As someone from Houston I’d love to hear about the Austin celebs you’ve encountered.
i've sadly only encountered the worst ones like alex jones and joe rogan. i also had a really stupid experience with jared padalecki where i recognized him (but did not say anything or approach him) and we met eyes so he preemptively yelled at me not to ask him for a photo. ass. jared is notorious out here, so many people hate him.
however, i'm like 2-3 degrees of separation from some other local celebs and their experiences are way more interesting than mine.
my brother has lived in austin for years and was drinking buddies with elijah wood for a time--they used to frequent the same dive bars on the east side and he's apparently cool as hell. my housemate is basically a socialite and has met jewel (very cool and down-to-earth) and gotten hit on by joe rogan (he was gross but charismatic and monstrous looking irl apparently.)
a friend of mine is former neighbors with glen powell and loves him (and another person who interviewed him said he was a dick lmao). and the boss i used to work is friends with taylor kitsch and jensen ackles. they're cool, apparently, but my old boss is a huge sexist ass (irrelevant to the conversation, i just want to put it out there.)
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incarnateirony · 1 year
I have enjoyed nothing more than this fandom's concern trolls and dogwhistlers being forced to expose themselves in the expanding and evolving media landscape.
They're so used to the habit built in delusional fan spaces that they just keep digging holes on habit but the second it leaves the static filled dome they intentionally constructed they basically come pre-branded with tattoos on their forehead like "cw: xenophobia, racism, white nationalism" the second anyone actually turns over the dialogues they've been picking up.
Meanwhile, SPN fandom is learning in many different faces and wings what Not Being Pandered To looks like.
Jared standom is so worked up because most don't even enjoy Walker, and are recognizing they aren't his demographic, short of those that ARE happily promoting texas nationalism or Good Southern Christian Family Values he trots out between his Rogan and Tulsi pushes. Jared's very confident and clear in his audience, but his own supposed fans that used him as a prop here no longer can benefit from his positioning for their weird social attention games.
Then you get people lashing out and trying to make anything sound socially woke when all it is, is made up excuses to attack small creators, conveniently ones strong in liberal messaging like LGBTQ, and so on. It doesn't matter what they'll attack. This time they attacked a creator's nationality. Sometimes it's "gays prancing around". They always put frills on it to sound like it's some social campaign to convince people to go after with said dogwhistle, but it always boils down to attacking the revolutionaries for existing, never actually fighting oppressive systems.
Meanwhile Jensen is appealing to, well, my demographic. And I regret to inform you, my demographic is not the same as the SPN Fandom Arguing Dome demographic. My demographic is 200X gamer dudes and tournaments, DC and batman, general genre conventions and scifi, comics, you know. That wing. And I'm not sure if you noticed, Jensen is explicitly pursuing audience in that wing, with a strong LGBTQ+ stance adjacent to basically Evolve That Community away from LOL GAAAAAAAAAAAY.
Nobody cares about you guys still throwing residual temper tantrums about ships on TV shows antis already lost, nobody fucking cares, carol, all you've done is attack a perfectly good independent game developer until they gave up all their profits. High fucking five, everybody.
Me? This demographic? We won't actually care, because we aren't jackshit insane living purely in a Destiel Vs NonDestiel dichotomy of relevance, or pretending somehow this has anything to do with Harold Padaponki like I'm sure his stans will try to translate it to because they have nothing fucking else to focus on for content.
It's over yall. Childsplay is over. Just stop making noise. It's like dealing with spoiled children at naptime.
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laf-outloud · 1 year
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@tomdeblass Just got stem cells at @ways2well. I am so excited about this. Both of my shoulders have a torn labrum and rotator cuff, and I am very confident this is going to help me tremendously.
These stem cells are taken directly from the umbilical cord of a healthy mother (non 💉).
It was a busy day as they had Rogan in the morning, the great @tulsigabbard treated right before me (fingers crossed she runs for pres), @jaredpadalecki was treated the same time as me along with his wife, then @tonyhinchcliffe and @gordonlovesjiujitsu.
Many thanks to @ferrisbuhler81 for this. I am so thankful, brother.
Looking forward to the comedy club tonight!
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I hope this kind of treatment can help Jared's ACL!
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Ditch + Jalisha for the otp asks?
1. Who fell for the other one first? For Ditch, they both end up falling for each other the more they hung out. With Jalisha, def Alisha.
2. Was it love at first sight? Nope (for both)
3. Was it lust at first sight? Also nope (for both). They found each other hot but it was a gradual thing.
4. What do physical trait do they love the most about each other? Delilah loves Mitch’s eyes. And Mitch loves Delilah’s nose. Jared loves Alisha’s eyes and Alisha loves Jared’s smile.
5. What personality trait do they love the most about each other? Mitch loves how loyal Delilah is and Delilah love Mitch’s heart. Jared loves Alisha’s no nonsense attitude and Alisha loves Jared’s kindness.
6. What random everyday object/activity makes them think of each other? Paint makes Mitch think of Delilah and the drums make Delilah think of Mitch. Video games makes Alisha think of Jared and the spa makes Jared think of Alisha.
7. What is something they'd want to change about the other if they could? Nothing.
8. Do they get along with each other's friends and family? Well, they’re all in the same friend group so… Jared’s buddies do like Alisha a lot tho.
9. Do their friends and family like their significant others)? Yea
10. Have they had romantic partners before? Yes
11. Are they a healthy couple? If no, why not? Yes to to both
12. Do they have potential to be healthy if they're usually toxic? Already healthy.
13. Do they have potential to be toxic if they're usually healthy? If they continued to hide their feelings and have the whole miscommunication thing then yes.
14. What song fits them perfectly? Cruel Summer for Ditch and Heart Attack for Jalisha
15. Do they like the same music? Delilah and Mitch hav different tastes. Mitch likes death metal and Delilah is more of a pop girl. Jalisha has similar tastes in music.
16. Do they like the same food? Some, yes.
17. What do they have in common? Ditch are both schemers but loyal and loving at heart. Jalisha are both kind people who mind their business and are very independent.
18. What is their sex life like? Ditch still has a very active sex life even after they became an official couple but they stopped living in denial. Jalisha’s sex life is just like Zenmasters: active but they communicate and like hanging out more.
19. Would they ever lie to each other? Why or why not? Ditch I can see doing that, when it comes to surprising each other with stuff. Jalisha, the only things I can see them hiding is their feelings for one another.
20. Are they interested in marriage? Why or why not? They’re teenagers lol
21. Are they interested in having children? Why or why not? Same answer as #20
22. Do you have other ships that resemble your otp? Ditch has some similarities to Rogan and Jalisha is like Naxi.
23. Is there top/dom and bottom/sub energy? Delilah tries to be the dom but Mitch is just as dominant so…nope. Alisha is very much dominant but Jared is too sometimes.
24. Are there any kinks or fetishes they share or don't? Ditch has used a few toys before and Jalisha, nope.
25. Are they sentimental about gifts they've received from each other? Very much.
26. What holidays do they like? Ditch loves Thanksgiving and Christmas. Jalisha are Valentine’s Day babes.
27. How do they feel about Valentine's day? Delilah and Mitch don’t have anything against it but it’s not their fave. Valentine’s Day is Jalisha’s favorite holiday.
28. Are they jealous/possessive of each other? They all do get jealous seeing each other with other people but not possessive.
29. Do they like public display of affection? Even during their ‘friends with benefits’ phase, Delilah and Mitch would act like a couple. Jared would always have his arm around Alisha and she would snuggle with him.
30. Do they enjoy dancing? Delilah and Mitch like dancing to faster songs but not slow songs. Jared and Alisha also enjoy dancing.
31. What's a perfect date for them? Delilah and Mitch would go to the movies (their first date!) and Jared and Alisha would go on a dinner date.
32. How do they comfort each other? Mitch would hold Delilah in his arms and kiss her head. Delilah would do the same. Jared and Alisha would cuddle and embrace.
33. Who is the big spoon and why? Mitch and Jared are big spoons imo (I just get that vibe tbh)
34. What's their favorite nonsexual activity together? Mitch and Delilah love watching movies together and Jared and Alisha would cook together.
35. How do they deal with being away from each other for a long time? They call, FaceTime, text, and write.
36. What is their favorite place to kiss the other? Jared loves kissing Alisha’s nose and Alisha, Jared’s cheek. Mitch loves kissing Delilah on the head and Delilah loves kissing his cheeks and lips.
(Cheek, hand, closed eyelid, neck, nose, etc.)
37. Have they ever hurt each other on accident? Yes to both.
38. Have they ever hurt each other deliberately? Delilah and Mitch do try to make each jealous at one point.
39. Who gets hit on the most? All of them lol.
40. Who tries to distract the other when they're trying to do something else? Delilah and Alisha
41. Who is, overall, the smarter one? All of them.
42. Who is the sensible mature one? Delilah and Jared lol
43. Do they fight a lot? Not really (at least not screaming at each other)
44. How do they make up after a fight? Delilah and Mitch talk it out right before makeup sex and cuddles. Alisha and Jared would kiss and he’d spin her around right before heading to coffee together.
45. If one of them forgot to log out of their SoMe, what would their partner do? Delilah would just remind Mitch. Same with what Alisha would do for Jared. For the most part, they’d have no reason to logout.
46. How do they make each other laugh? Mitch would crack a few jokes and Delilah would tickle him. Jared and Alisha would make some light hearted jokes.
47. Are they extroverts/introverts? Jared is an introvert, Alisha is an extrovert, and same with Mitch and Delilah.
48. Who would bring home a homeless animal? Mitch and both Jared and Alisha
49. Do they match outfits for special occasions? Yes
50. Who would protect who in a dangerous situation? They’d all protect each other
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fittrrmy · 1 year
Lara Beitz Weight Loss [2023], Before and After
Lara is an American comedian, actress, and producer. She started her comedy career by doing stand-ups in small restaurants in Chicago. However, as she became famous and as her talent received exposure, she gained recognition. She moved to Los Angeles, where she received a lot of shows and gained a lot of followers. Some of Beitz’s successful shows are Laughs, The Comedy Store, and The Mangina Dialogues. Although Beitz became a very successful comedian and actress, there was still something in her life that was lacking. She didn’t feel that she was healthy. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Lara Beitz (@larabeitz) Since her teenage years, Beitz has struggled with her weight. She knew that her weight was not okay. That it was something to be taken care of. The problem, however, was that in her teenage years, she didn’t know how to do it, and then after she became a comedian, she didn’t have enough time. But after struggling with being overweight for years, Lara decided to get rid of it once and for all and she embarked on the journey to lose it. Recently, while on The Joe Rogan Podcast, Beitz announced that she has lost 40 pounds and is very happy about that. Find out how the American actress, Tami Roman, lost 30 pounds while struggling with body dysmorphia. How did Lara Gain Weight? The main reason behind Lara’s weight gain was her negative habits. While in her teen years, she got addicted to alcohol, which nearly destroyed her life. “There was a period of time for years where I woke up and started drinking,” Lara recalled. She further said about her addiction, “I would be like laid out on the bathroom floor with the guys I liked. It was always just really rough.” The alcohol addiction had a very negative impact on Beitz’s health. She started gaining weight. The good news, however, is that after fighting her addiction for many years, Lara became sober at the age of 29. And since then, she has never touched a drink. She got over her addiction by meeting new people and getting out of the circle that caused her to become an addict in the first place. After becoming sober, Lara decided that it was time to become healthier and she started her weight loss journey. Also Read: Jared Fogle Weight Loss Lara Beitz’s Weight Loss Journey “I feel lighter. That’s exactly how I feel,” Lara said. “It was like an equivalent to eight bags of potatoes. And if I think about what it would be like to carry that around in a backpack. Like through an airport or even in your home. It was very tiring.” She added, “My ankles and my hands combined weight around 20 pounds and I was carrying the weight like its two times. It didn’t leave any energy in me. But now I’m very energetic.” Just by listening to Lara, it can be assessed how happy she is with her new physique. She started her weight loss journey at the start of 2021 and within months, she lost 40 pounds It was a very big achievement given Beitz’s past struggle with weight loss. After losing the weight she built confidence that has helped her in maintaining that healthy physique. Also Read: Katie McGowan Weight Loss How did Lara Lose Weight? To start her weight loss journey, Lara needed a partner. Someone who knew what to do. So, she called her fellow comedian and personal trainer, Stasia Patwell. With the help of Stasia, Beitz built her workout plan. “She’s a trainer and she started doing these classes on Zoom for female comics. She is so f*cking funny,” Lara said. She continued, “She would ask me to do workouts and when I was about to drop from a plank that I’ve been holding for minutes, she would say ‘don’t be a pu*sy the world already has a lot of ‘em’ and that was enough to get me going. “She called me things that nobody ever had. But it got me where I am today.” With the help of Stasia, Lara built resistance in the face of hard work, which proved to be fuel for her weight loss journey. Whereas Lara focused on her exercise, she also maintained a healthy diet. “I gave up eating flour and sugary products, which I guess has been the biggest factor in my weight loss,” Beitz said. After losing 40 pounds, Beitz feels so lighter. She said that it feels like a burden has been lifted off of her back. She also encourages others to get out there and work for their health. Lara has come a long way and given the amount of hard work she has put in, she deserves her success. Also Read: Gucci Mane Weight Loss Before & After Weight Loss By eating healthy and doing all the hard work, Lara has succeeded in losing 40 pounds. Her current weight is 140 pounds as compared to her old weight, 180 pounds. The famous singer and songwriter, Doja Cat, has finally opened up about her 20 pounds weight loss. Final Words Whenever we read about a weight loss story, we should remember that it is not something that happened over a week or even over a month. It is something that requires some hard work and time. And once you put in enough hard work and lose weight, you’ll realize how heavenly you feel. It is just like as Lara said, “I feel lighter”. Also Read: Katie Maloney Weight Loss Erika Thomas Weight Loss The post Lara Beitz Weight Loss , Before and After appeared first on Heal How. Read the full article
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The video features professional surfer Shane Dorian and his friend Jared Williford's terrifying encounter with a great white shark while surfing in the waters off the coast of Hawaii. The video is hosted by Joe Rogan, who interviews Dorian and discusses the details of the attack, including how Jared narrowly escaped with his life. Dorian describes the moment when the shark grabbed Jared by the arm and how he escaped from the shark. Throughout the video, Dorian and Rogan discuss the dangers of surfing in shark-infested waters and the importance of respecting the power of these apex predators. Enjoy!
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lol-jackles · 2 years
Do you think there is a chance we will get to see Jared in a movie by Rideback and Dan lin one day? Even in a small role in one of Dan Lin's upcoming movies ? I saw he had a few in development on imdbpro. One of them has Jason momoa as the lead. I like Walker but i wish Jared would go back to movies
If there is a role that fits Jared then there's a fair chance that Lin may consider him for projects because producers tend to prioritize reliability. For example, Judd Apatow casted actors from his Freaks and Geeks tv show in some of his movies, such as Seth Rogan, Jason Segel, Martin Starr, and James Franco.
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usasportsworld · 1 year
Jared Gordon proposes Paddy Pimblett rematch in London after controversial UFC 282 decision
Jared Gordon proposes Paddy Pimblett rematch in London after controversial UFC 282 decision
With the controversy around the ending of their fight at UFC 282 on Saturday, Jared Gordon wants a rematch with Paddy Pimblett. Gordon lost to Pimblett by unanimous decision, causing a stir among most fans, fighters and media alike, who agreed the ‘Flash’ was robbed. The ‘Baddy’ disagreed, and told UFC commentator Joe Rogan that he ‘won the first two rounds pretty easily,’ so there should be no…
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toptrending2 · 1 year
UFC: UFC 282: Paddy Pimblett defeats Jared 'Flash' Gordon via controversial decision
UFC: UFC 282: Paddy Pimblett defeats Jared ‘Flash’ Gordon via controversial decision
Paddy “The Buddy” Pimblett (20-3) defeated Jared “Flash” Gordon (19-6) via unanimous decision after three rounds of the co-main event at UFC 282 in Las Vegas. All three judges scored the contest 29-28 in favor of Pimblett, who did not believe the fight was as close as Joe Rogan and the other commentators were making it out to be. Pimblett, 27, became the first fighter to defeat Gordon, 34, on…
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what the texts inform us about bros and energy
The phrase “texts learn in courtroom” has an terrible, awe-inspiring energy, like some form of historical incantation with the potential to carry horrible and great issues to mild. For instance, we are going to by no means have the ability to overlook Western Australian Lawyer-Common John Quigley assuring premier Mark McGowan by way of textual content that he wasn’t “making love within the candy hours earlier than daybreak” as an alternative of plotting in opposition to Clive Palmer. Alas, the texts popping out of the lawsuit between billionaire Elon Musk and Twitter over Musk’s aborted plans to purchase the platform characteristic nothing fairly so putting, however they does comprise loads of fawning and, as such, a portrait of how energy works. Information completed fearlessly. Save 50% whenever you be part of Crikey as an annual member in the present day. Be a part of us The messages between Musk and Twitter boss Parag Agrawal present simply how a lot seems to return all the way down to ego and caprice. First, after all, there have to be a bit about what an ideal coder Musk apparently is “I wrote heavy-duty software program for 20 years,” he says at one level. “I interface method higher with engineers who’re in a position to do the hardcore programming than with program supervisor/MBA varieties.” We’ll merely depart this interview with Dogecoin co-creator Jackon Palmer right here. Predictably, the connection, initially heat, falls aside as a result of Musk can’t cease himself posting: After Agrawal texts him to say this sort of factor “isn’t serving to”, Musk spits again, with a tone that suggests he’s simply considering of it now, “I’m not becoming a member of the board… This can be a waste of time. Will make a suggestion to take Twitter personal.” Thus he begins the ball rolling on a US$44 billion deal — which he makes an attempt to again out of inside months, therefore the lawsuit — as a result of somebody wasn’t deferential sufficient to his tweets. We’ve all been there. These will not be the one high-profile folks whose texts can be found because of the lawsuit. Others embrace terrifyingly common podcaster Joe Rogan, Axel Springer CEO Mathias Döpfner (the person who prayed for Trump to be reelected) and, most cringe-worthy of all, angel investor Jason Calacanis: Musk: Morgan Stanley and Jared assume you might be utilizing our friendship not in a great way This makes it appear to be I’m determined. Please cease. Calacanis: Solely ever wish to help you. As Charlie Warzel places it in The Atlantic: The texts are juicy, however not as a result of they’re lurid, significantly offensive, or supply up some scandalous Muskian grasp plan — fairly the alternative. What’s so illuminating in regards to the Musk messages is simply how unimpressive, unimaginative, and sycophantic the highly effective males in Musk’s contacts seem like.  Crikey is information for readers who can deal with the reality. We’re amazed by the help we’ve had from all around the world over the previous few weeks — and thanks in case you contributed to our defence fund. Simply in case you’ve been which means to subscribe, we’re preserving the 50% low cost on for a little bit longer. Help Crikey Originally published at Sunshine Coast QLD News Originally published at Sunshine Coast QLD News
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