chuuyrr · 10 months
Hey chuuyr ^~^ I wanna ask if it's alright to get NIKI song recos? Hihi
i gotchu' chizenn ദ്ദി ˘͈ ᴗ ˘͈)✧ i feel like lowkey is quite well known for NIKI already, so i suggest these songs, which i believe deserves more !!
accoustic sessions of the ff. from head in the clouds (2019)
la la lost you & shouldn't, couldn't, wouldn't — personally in love with the guitar and acoustic version of these two songs of hers but the original version is just as good !!
indigo [ single ] (2019)
indigo — tbh, this song is what really got me into NIKI and got me into knowing 88rising too since it's what my old friend was listening to and she recommended it to me !!
wanna take this downtown? (2019)
urs — this comes in with lowkey but i find this just as good because it gives that pining trope vibes !!
i like u [single] (2017)
i like you — a vv old song but it gives that pining friends to lovers trope with that "take me back to when" vibes
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mayaflowerxs · 2 years
Hi, I hope you’re having a good day. Can you write enhypen reaction to you getting injured? Thank you 😊
Synopsis: You get hurt and each of the boys react differently.
Warning: Fluff / Slight Angst. May be some swear word usage not much. Injury, rough housing, mentions of blood and bruises. In no particular order.
A/N: it posted randomly so sorry for any errors, did not proofread!
Pairing: Enhypen x reader
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HEESEUNG: falling off stage
The boys had currently been doing a sound check for their upcoming concert. Jarkata, Indonesia their last stop before going home, their last ever show until the end of their tour. Due to yours busy schedule you couldn’t go to earlier ones and after much begging, you arranged your schedule to fit your boyfriend’s last show. Now, off to the side you watch as your boyfriend and friends practice their choreography. Only a few hours until the concert and you can see the concentration on all their faces. It wasn’t until they were given a few minutes to relax did Heeseung drag you onto the stage. Sitting behind you, playing with your fingers as the two of you watch the Ni-Ki and Jake play wrestle. “Careful!” Jay tells them when he notices them a little too close to the edge. Cuddling with your boyfriend, you can feel the tension on his muscles that you try hard to snooze. “You’ll do great.” “I know” He mumbles nuzzling his face in the croak of your neck.
“Then why do you look so nervous?” “Because it’s the last concert, don’t want to make anymore mistakes.” Brushing strands of hair out of his face you smile at him warmly and kiss him. “You’ve been awesome the entire tour. You’ll do great tonight like always. Besides I’m here now, there’s no way you’ll be bad.” Rolling his eyes playfully he pressed a kiss on your cheek. “My good luck charm.” hearing a clap come from his choreographer, he helps you two stand. “See you in a bit.” You tell him before walking off. “Come on boys!’ Jay yells out. Still too immersed in their play fighting they fail to see you walk past them. Bumping into you rather hard, you shriek and lose your balance. A one way ticket straight to the ground. “Y/n!” you hear them yell out, the pain shoots straight to your ankle the second you land. Loud footsteps and bodies immediately circling around you. “You okay baby?” You hear your boyfriend ask you, picking you up as he sets you on top of the stage. Settled in between your legs he inspect the ankle you’ve been cradling. “Give me an ice pack!” Taking off your shoe, he massages the red patch of skin looking over at the two responsible for your injury. “Sorry y/n..” They mumble guiltily. “Guess im not your good luck charm after all.” You tell him, “Shut up, you hurt only motivates me to get through the concert quickly and efficiently so I can come back to you.” He says kissing you.
JAKE: pricked by a cactus
You hated hiking. It got hot, which made you sweaty which would result in you being cranky. You liked the shade, you valued a nice cool refreshment as a fan cools your face. What you don’t appreciate is being woken up at the crack of dawn as your boyfriend had a random epiphany the second he woke up. “We have to go hiking!” He says excitedly as he throws your duvet off you. A wrecked looking nest a hair on top of your head as you squint from the sudden sun light that enters your room. “It’s too early, come back to bed.” But he refused. About a half an hour later he has you two in the car and on your way to dry and secluded hills. Biker shorts, a sports bra and a water bottle in hand, sunglasses propped on your nose as the two of you stand at the very bottom of the hill. Having to crank your head up and see the full height of you, you can’t help but sigh. “No way.” You exasperate. “Yes way, come on.” The hike up was excruciating. No matter how early it was, the heat was still unbearable. Water bottle half empty and energy running low. On the contrary, Jake seemed to be having the time of his life. Taking all sorts of pictures of whatever he found intriguing. Running out of breath, you hunched over. “babe please, lets take a break.” Turning back and seeing you absolutely exhausted he snorts and puts his phone away. Brushing the loose hair out of your face he helps you stand up properly letting you lean on him for support. “We’re almost at the top.” “You said that minutes ago and no where do I see the top.” “Trust me, we’re almost there.”
Huffing, you keep going. By the time the two of you made it you had to admit the view was gorgeous. You take a much needed break by sitting on the ground. And although the hike up was painfully difficult, you only stayed there for a bit before Jake wanted to go down to the field full of dirt and dead grass. “Why are we here babe?” “Oh come up, it’s nice.” “It’s dead.” Grinning at you, he goes to take more pictures in which you absentmindedly followed after him. As you take another step to follow him, you cry out in pain by the sudden sting. Whipping his head, Jake is at your side in a second. “What? What is it?” Looking down and seeing the thorn in your hand he hisses at the sight. “Oh god you got pricked by a cactus.” “Jake it hurts, get it out.” “Me? But what if I hurt you more?” “Jake you got me in this mess, get me out of it.” “Okay!” Grabbing your hand gently, he covers his hand in his sleeve and tries to take the thorn out. “Ow!” “I’m sorry!” It was pretty stuck on you and by the time he got it out, your skin was irritated and swollen. “Okay we need to disinfect the puncture come on- OW!” Turning around and seeing his shoulder got stung by another cactus’ thorn the two of you suddenly realize just how many cactus there were. “Okay, remind me to never take us hiking again.” He tells you.
JAY: broken nose
Today the boys were planning on going to the park to play some baseball. After some convincing from the boys, Jay reluctantly let you go. It wasn’t that he didn’t want you there, it was the fear of you getting injured that was causing him doubts in bringing you. He knows how rowdy his friends can get, he already struggles keeping them alive and now add you into the mix? He’ll never know peace. By after some reassurance from you, he accepted. Not like you needed his permission anyway. When the day came, gloves, a ball and baseball bat in arm as the eight of you make it to the baseball field. “Sit right here, where you won’t get hurt.” Jay is quick to say, sat on a bench behind a fence you tell him to go play as you happily stayed back to keep score. All seemed to have been going well until you have began to grow bored. At some point it went from playing to bickering as you got to admit, they weren’t exactly the best batters. On the phone, you’re taken by surprise when you feel Jay sit besides you suddenly. “Bored already?” He tells you, resting an arm around you. “No! Just checking how long its been taking you guys to hit the ball.” “Ouch.” He smirks, “I’m getting sick of baseball wanna go for a walk?” He lowers his voice, motioning his head to the pathway around the park. “Okay.” You grin, allowing him to walk you out of the fence.
“Okay lets do this again!” You hear Jake say, a few seconds later a ‘ping’ is heard from the bat and a gasp to move out the way. But it had been too late, the impact had met with your face and soon the burning pain engulfs you. “Y/n are you okay? Sunghoon!” “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean I swear!” The boys go to check up on you but Jay prevents them from doing so. The dirt soon gets covered in red as they gasp in seeing the puddle of blood pooling your face. “I think my nose is broken- Ow!” “Tilt your head back!” Jungwon says and you do. “No! She can choke, tilt your head down.” Sunoo tells you and you do. “No, then she’ll bleed out even more.” Ni-Ki pitches in. “What do I do people??” You snap, feeling Jay’s hoodie come to your face you look up and see his concerned face trying to clean up any of the dripping blood. “Come on, we got to get you to the hospital.” he says sternly, keeping you close to his side without giving the boys another look they comply. His worries came true, the wait was excruciating. You had an ice pack on your nose and thankfully the bleeding stopped then. Jay had bid the boys off and had stayed behind. You knew he was pissed about the situation and it’s why you reassured him that you were fine. “You lost like a pint of blood.” He huffs. Snorting but wincing at the pain you rest a hand on his thigh. By the time you were called and Jay went in with you, you got x rayed and told your nose was fractured. When you were leaving, you were surprised to see Ni-Ki and Jungwon waiting outside with a bag of food in hand. “We decided to get you some food but you took a while so…it got cold.” Giving them an appreciating smile you give them a hug. “I really am sorry y/n” You hear Sunghoon speak up, had just gotten back from the restroom you hug him too. “I forgive you.” Even though Jay was still upset, he managed to let it go by being by your side every second of the day. A bit too literally.
SUNGHOON: Scraped Knee
You have terrible balance lets just say that. But this was Sunghoon’s entire childhood for the most part. Ice skating was very important to him and so when the day came and he asked if he could teach you, you couldn’t reject the offer. Now currently on the ice and grip held tightly onto Sunghoon’s arms you wobbled your way to keeping your balance. A light hearted laugh escapes him as he keeps you at bay. “Relax, if you focus so hard on balancing it’ll only cause you to be more subjected to falling.” “Easy for you, you’ve done this for years.” You squeal before you fall in his chest. You feel his chest rumble before helping you stand up. “I can’t do this babe!” “yes you can.” Holding you by your waist, he moves slightly. “relax just take small steps my face.” Cringing when he hears the rough steps you were taking he speaks, “You’re skating not marching this isn’t some sort of military propaganda.” Smacking his chest he laughs and holds your hand. After a while, it finally seemed like you were getting the hang of it. “See?” Chuckling nervously you follow his strides as the two of you skate further and further into the rink. Away from the safety of the sidelines. You weren’t going to lie, you were having fun. It feel exhilarating and now you understood what all the fuzz was about.
For the first few hours in the rink the population was scarce until noon hit and it seemed everyone got on the same page to go to the ice rink. What started out as four people resulted in about twenty. It started to overcrowd which wasn’t much of a problem to Sunghoon but was leaving you queasy. Ultimately Sunghoon had declared you capable enough to fend for yourself and had been doing laps around the rink but as you tried to make your way out of the rink it seemed almost impossible to do so. Too many people were blocking your way, many sped past you. It felt like a traffic jam and it left you to try and call for your boyfriend but that seemed impossible given the distance. People were zooming past you, many didn’t even try to get out of their way for you and the amounts of couples that refused to stop holding hands made it impossible for you to find and edge to hold onto. Ultimately, you were stuck in the middle for who knows how long. “Sunghoon!” You try calling out the him but the loud voices of others had muffled yours out. You felt yourself get dizzy, you were hyperventilating and a million thoughts racing in your head you felt the inevitable making its way towards you and as expected it did. A hard chest collided into you that caused you plummeting onto the ground. A loud oomph and a seer pain courses throughout your back. “Are you okay hun?” You hear a woman call out for you but you were too out of breath to respond. A voice could be heard excusing itself through the piling crowd until finally you make out your boyfriend’s face. “Babe!” Helping you up, he helped you get off the rink and sit on one of the benches. “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have left your side.” Giving you an ice pack, he notices the rip on your knee and sees a patch of blood. Quick to grab a first aid kit, he attends your wounds. “Remind me to never let you take me ice skating again.” Giving you one last sympathetic smile he nods and kisses you.
You and the group have decided to have a cook out. It’s been a rough couple of months and every one had collectively agreed to have a night in. After a very serious debate on what to eat, you were given on Tteok-bokki watch. As a helping hand, Sunoo was by your side. Jay and Heeseung were busy with the meat, the loud sizzling can be heard along with the smoke. As the two of you had finished making it, the responsibility to look over the meat had suddenly fallen on the two of you. “make sure to turn it after a while.” You hear them tell you two but you didn’t worry. You’ve done it before, and for the time being you spoke to Sunoo about the latest gossip. Too much, you’ve managed to have lost lots of time. “What’s burning?” Sunoo says as he wrinkles his nose. The both of you widen your eyes as you look over and seeing the pan emitting mass amounts of smoke. Quick to run over and turn down the hit, Sunoo had flipped the meat in a hurry. The sudden impact had caused the oil to jump out of the pan and burn you. A good amount of it catching your thigh. “Shit are you okay?” Sunoo is quickly wetting a rag and setting it on your thigh. “Everything okay?” You hear a voice say, turning away to not face your boyfriend you give Sunoo a look to keep low key.
“Oh yeah, we just kinda lost track of time haha.” Eyeing the two of you, Jungwon walks over you. Quick to get rid of the rag you try to hide your leg as much as possible. Feeling his arms come around your waist he sways the two of you side to side. “Hi.” He smiles at you, “Hey.” You nervously chuckle, a hand in a tight fist as you try to ignore the stinging sensation. “You okay? You seem weird.” “Funny look who’s talking, is it hot in here? You know what Imma go freshen up in the bathroom.” Before you give him anytime to respond you make your way over to the bathroom. Taking a large intake of air when the cold water hits your skin. Relieve too feel it slightly cooling the red skin but still through it, does your skin still burn. The faucet ran loud you didn’t hear Jungwon come in. “I knew something happened.” Startled, you watch as he nears and takes a seat on the toilet. “Why didn’t you just say anything?” “i didn’t want to worry you.” Shaking his head, he opens the cabinet and takes out a bottle. “Silly girl.” Turning off the faucet, he dries your leg and applies burn relief gel. Adding elastic bandage over it to keep the gel from smearing. “Next time, please tell me.” He tells you with puppy dog eyes. Nodding, he grins and leans in puckering his lips. You don’t refuse him and kiss him. “Go rest, I’ll take care of the food.” “But-“ “No buts.”
SUNOO: Impaling of a nail
After months of looking for a new place you finally found it. It wasn’t anything fancy but you were planning on renovating it. The boys were skeptical about it, the second they stepped foot on it, it seemed about ready to give out but you were optimistic and for that, you had their full support. As you gave the the tour of the place, Sunoo had noticed the patchy walls. Broken floor that was uneven and the stairs that were way too rough it could cut anyone. There was barely any running water and the were no heater. Overall, the house looked abandoned for a house but at least the backyard looked nice. It was odd how sunny and vibrant it is, such a dark contrast from the inside of the house. The grass was green, flowers had been growing a swing hanging by a large strong apple tree. A small hut with enough space to keep some extra junk and it even had a another small building to the side a room, working bathroom and sink if anyone would to ever want to crash for the night. The house itself had three bedrooms. Despite it looking like a hot mess, you felt excited you had finally got yourself your own house, still paying off mortgage but still. “I’m telling you once its finished, it’ll look fantastic!” Happy to see you so joyful, Sunoo walks over and give you a back hug. “I’m proud.”
Clapping your hands, you turn and grab his hand. Dragging him over to the backyard. “I’m thinking in this corner I was a trampoline maybe. I had one when I was younger and I absolutely enjoyed it. Really took my mind off things, and here maybe there can be some flowers and a small fountain. maybe even a few of those garden bench chairs you know what I mean?” As you try to give off the visual, Sunoo nods along as he takes a further peak inside the small garage. Empty, small and had a bit of a funky smell but that wasn’t what captured your attention. it was the scream you let out that had him running out frantically. Running over to you and seeing your foot had begun to bleed out he helped keep you steady as he looked at it. “What happened?” The rest of the boys run out. “This stupid nail was dug real deep in the dirt.” Wincing when they get a look at how deep the nail went into your foot they help you take a seat. “Go get water and a rag. Get some alcohol if there is any.” Sunoo tells Jungwon. “It’s bleeding a lot.” Ni-Ki comments which ends in everyone giving him a look. “Sorry…” Sunoo inspects the wound and pours some of the water down your foot. “It looks too deep, you may need to get stitches for it.” “No! We just have to disinfect, it’ll clear up on its own.” “Y/n, I’d usually listen to you but not today c’mon.” Not giving you a choice, you comply. By the time your foot was treated, Sunoo had your leg resting on your thigh on the car ride home. Letting your head rest on his shoulders, Sunoo was surely not going to let you step foot in your house until it was remodeled completely.
NI-KI: Slipped on floor
The amount of times you told Ni-Ki to clean the floor after showering was getting annoying. You loved him but to keep having the same discussion was tiring. You had just woken up late after you slept through your alarm. School had taken a toll on you and you thought an hour nap wouldn’t hurt. Ni-Ki had been sitting in front of you playing video game with the boys so you suspected he had something to do with that. Hurriedly grabbing your clothes set out already you rush into the bathroom. Leaving the clothes on the sink you go to turn the knob but fall, hard. It only took a few seconds before Ni-Ki came rushing in. “Are you okay?” Out of breath, pain coursing through your back and any bit of drowsiness you had left in you had completely vanished. “No! I’m not!” Leaning down to help you sit up, he’s about to apologize when you cut him off. “How many times do I have to tell you to dry the floor after you finished showering?” “I’m sorry I forget-“ “No Ni-Ki at this point you blatantly ignore me, it’s like you do this on purpose.” “No, I swear i -“ “You know what I’m already late for work, go back to playing your game.” Without another word, he nods and walks away with guilt.
By the time you had gotten out, there was silence between the two of you. Ni-Ki really did feel bad. It’s why when you left he managed to convince the boys to leave for a few hours. He cleaned the bathroom floor, the room the entire house really leaving it spotless. And when you got home, he gave you a massage, cuddled you and gave you a bag of goodies we went out o get you. He mostly wanted the boys gone so he could do that without them poking fun at him. Just gotten one of his hoodies out the dryer he hands it to you and whispers in your ear. “I really am sorry y/n.” He pulls you closer to him as the two of you watch a movie. The look of sadness in his eyes was enough for you to know he was being honest. “Don’t let it happen again.” Quick to agree, he nodded profoundly which caused you to laugh. A cheeky smile on his face to know you no longer were mad at him. You forgave him and got cuddles all night.
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simrockfelin · 10 months
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Jarkata, Indonésia
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hardynwa · 1 year
Why We Insist On Global Promotion Of Nigerian Made Goods - Buchi George
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Made in Nigeria goods have what it takes to do well at the global stage according Hon. Nwabueze Buchi George who is the president of Globe Chambers of Commerce. Through their Nigeria Economic Cooperation and Business Development Forum, Buchi George said that Nigerian Made Products need just the platform to thrive at the global stage. He said that with the Nigeria Economic Cooperation And Business Development Forum 2023 they are strategically positioned to project Nigerian Made goods globally. “The event is designed to create a global showcase for Nigeria made goods, brands, products and services” Nwabueze-Buchi-George Another arm of the Nigeria Economic Cooperation and Business Development Forum is the Nigeria Made Goods, Brands, Products & Services, Fair Exhibition And Expo which will create global access for locally made goods by supporting the international supply chain in the global market  “So far we have booked for Kuwait and Indonesia and we will keep creating more strategic access for our products because we believe they can make it out there” “Programs like this will not only benefit the manufacturers, but will also benefit local consumers who will be buying export standard products in the country” “This new standard will further create a greater rating for Nigeria around the world”, Buchi George said. The events schedules are as follows. - Kuwait City, Kuwait. 28th - 30th August 2023  - Jarkata, Indonesia 28th - 30th September 2023  Intending participants are to register on the official website  www.nigeriaecbdforum.com.  Read the full article
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korrektheiten · 1 year
Welche Rolle spielte die Bundesregierung bei der Ermordung von Hundertausenden Kommunisten in Indonesiern ab 1965?
NachDenkSeiten: »Nachweislich unterstützt von US-Geheimdiensten wurde 1965 die anti-kolonial ausgerichtete Sukarno-Regierung in Jarkata gestürzt und in Folge mindestens 500.000 Kommunisten grausam ermordet. Indonesien verfügte damals über die größte kommunistische Massenpartei (die PKI) außerhalb Chinas und Russlands. Deren Mitgliedschaft wurde völlig liquidiert. Neue Archivfunde sowie Aussagen damaliger Diplomaten, Militärs und Geheimdienstler deuten darauf hin, dass die BundesregierungWeiterlesen http://dlvr.it/SlvddT «
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cgtnofficial · 6 years
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Game for a slippery challenge? 💪Indonesians celebrated the country’s 73rd Independence Day on Friday in a way that matched the athletic spirit taking over the host of the #2018AsianGames – by taking part in a pole-climbing competition, one of the most iconic ways to mark Independence Day in Indonesia. It involves teams of four attempting to climb greased poles to snatch the prizes hanged at the top. #AsiaGames #Indonesia #Jarkata https://www.instagram.com/p/BmpGK-zgFVR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ktmwjnnqp9wl
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beauti4soul · 6 years
Regrann from @salvia_maak - ✨🗡 Over 130 Students killed over 5 Year’s of School Brawling. A child protection commission urged the city administration to put an end to a cycle of violence among students. Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) commissioner Retno Listyarti said the Jakarta Education Agency should immediacy move to facilitate reconciliation between the schools involved in the brawl, “so students will not keep retaliating.”#jarkata #jarkataschool#schoolbrawl #indonesiaschool #indonesiaschoolbrawls#streetfighter #fighting#voilence #students #weapons#combat#combatweapons #pickoftheday#kerambit #crowbar#samuraisword #saw #IAm_MsJohnson 💞 - #regrann
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rameshmuthusamy · 5 years
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Can we mee t? #jarkata #happinesskitchenandcoffee https://www.instagram.com/p/B1s8Mh8Fokp/?igshid=1g5boww3vz20l
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judithlukovacs-blog · 7 years
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Model:Nadia. Foto & Copyright: Júdith Lu Kovács
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makish-dine · 5 years
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Alright, so here's the story behind these pics. I recently got my friend to play Overwatch. (On a side note, if you'd like to watch 2 terrible Overwatch players, then watch us on Twitch. My username's Mebruno95. Our playing schedule's pretty random, though.) Anyway, as we're playing this game, I notice that she's saying a few names that don't make any sense to me. Then I realized she's started calling McCree, Inigo Montoya and shouting, "You killed my father, prepare to die!" Then she's like, "Man, I really hate, Jakarta." Of course I have no idea who she's talking about until she points out Zenyatta, and I'm like, "Oh, of course. Jarkarta." And then there's Reaper. This doesn't even have a cool story. She was just like, "Come back, Skull Face Man," because he was running away from us and she didn't remember his real name. And that is how these were born. I hope these amuse you as much as they amused me. The pictures do not belong to me, nor do they belong to @house-and-holmes who added the text to each. She also spelled Jarkata's name wrong, but oh well!
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paetoi · 7 years
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170729 VIXX FAN MEETING in Jarkata 春 DO NOT EDIT
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beann-e · 2 years
Based on the song ‘ high school in jarkata by Niki ‘ ^unedited^
Didn't you hear Amanda's movin' back to Colorado?
It's 2013 and the end of my life
“ I’m gonna miss you bae “ you said eyes feeling heavy as you struggled to keep eye contact with your best friend “ like really really miss you “
Your long sleeve not enough to wipe the tears that finally fell “ it’s ok y/n — I’ll be back “
“ I just — “ the coughs that struggled and battled with the snot that threatened to fall down your nose “ I don’t understand why you have to leave — we’ve been — we’ve been best friends for years “
“ yknow how parents are y/n “ your best friends face lit up in a fake smile “ they know better then I do “ scoffing as another one of your sleeve clad hands came up to wipe your tears
“ baby — we gotta go “ your best friends dad called as he helped her mom into the car. You best friend nodding towards him with a small ‘ coming ‘ leaving her lips before turning around to run to the car words coming out in a shout as she turned back to look at you while running
“ you won’t be all alone y/n — you’ve got atsumu” your eyes moving to look up at the male towering over you with a small smile on his face
“ don’t you dare get together after I leave you sneaky bastards“ she shouted as your body shook at the claim a small ‘never’ leaving your mouth as he moved to put his head ontop of yours throwing a wink towards her.
“ wouldn’t dare touch her without your permission “
Freshman year's about to plummet just a little harder
But it didn't 'cause we kissed on that Halloween night
“ well that was a lie “ his eyes stuck on yours as he looked down on you. The angel halo you wore only doing nothing but confusing him after the devilish acts you’d just committed not even 5 seconds ago.
His eyebrows drawn together in a desperate act of concentration as he couldn’t move his eyes away from yours.
Heavy pants leaving his mouth as his hands panicked after realizing they were touching you. The anxiety from the sudden everlasting moment enough to make him pause all the thoughts he’d ever had about you.
Your wide baby like doe eyes only scaring him more as you looked up at him with nothing but innocence and a small plea hidden behind your beauty colored eyes.
A plea he couldn’t fufill.
A plea he wouldn’t fufill.
Your hands dropped from his shoulders as you watched him move through the crowd pushing softly at anyone who didn’t move fast enough. Suddenly everyones eyes feeling like swords being pointed at you and only you for your straight forward action. An action that was ok for only guys to do first obviously.
I needed a good cry, I headed right to Kendra's
I hated you and I hoped to God that you knew
“ he’s not worth it y/n “ your friend spoke rubbing up and down your back as your body convulsed into itself with small cries leaving your now dry lips “ but yknow who is “
Shimizu moving to pick up your head to make it face hers “ you“ she smiled softly “ you’re worth the tears you’re worth more then him— and you’re damn sure worth more then anything he’ll ever have in the future when he does come around and finally figure himself out “ she shook her head laughing slightly at your tear stricken face
“ all these damn tears you might as well audition for the school play y/n “
Your eyes opening wide at the claim with a slow devious smile spreading across your face “ you’re right “ you cried “ you’re so smart shimizu “ you laughed pouncing on her like a 3 month old kitten.
Planting small kisses along her face as you screamed “ he’d never join drama club omg — I love you “
Now there's drama (Drama), found a club for that
Where I met ya (Met ya), had a heart attack
“ shimuzu— I really “ your eyes wide as you watched the doors open “ really—really“ tears only threatening your lash line again “ really “ watching as he walked down the ramp and onto the stage dropping his backpack as he came to sit next to you on the floor ignoring all the props you’d set out to decorate for the upcoming play “ hate you “
“ y—y/n it’s been awhile “ he smiled you cringing at his words the image of him walking away from you Halloween night a couple months ago still fresh on your brain “ I heard you were playing Juliet “ he nodded at your lack of reply teeth showing nothing but white and no thoughts behind his pretty brown eyes “ I’m Romeo “
High school in Jakarta, sorta modern Sparta
Had no chance against the teenage suburban armadas
“ what the hell — how “
“ I don’t know shimizu “ you shook your head as it laid on the edge of a table in the malls food court “ he just “ you scoffed “ appeared“
“ wow even i couldn’t have seen that coming “ she spoke as she took a huge bite out of her apple “ how unlucky are you “
“ extre— “
“ hey babe “ you heard the thundering annoying voice of your friends boyfriend come from above your depressed body that was draped across the surprisingly clean table “ what’s up with the grim reaper over there “
“ not funny tanaka you know y/n’s been going through hell lately “
“ damn you’re still stuck on him ? “ he laughed stealing kiyokos apple and taking a bite for himself “ how long has this been going on now ? Since what like ? middle school ? It’s like you’re always dealing with some shit with him ever since we first met “
he shook his head softly “ maybe you should’ve left him to sit there alone at that shitty table that day y/n “
“ tanaka “ she screamed as he moved to kiss her ruffling your hair “ you guys used to be the best trio freshman year what happened — you and ‘tsumu had the closest relationship— would’ve thought y’all were a Taylor swift song with the way you two ran around your parents “
We were a sonata, thanks to tight-lipped fathers
Eyes clenching as you remembered everything you’d been through with the stupid 6 foot volleyball player. Long nights filled with smiles as the three of you would sit on the edge of your bed watching dumb movies and singing karaoke.
The way your first best friend helped you to finally invite atsumu to sit with you at your table. Her guiding you through your speech as you struggled to talk to him only focusing on the blonde highlights he wore.
Her tickling your sides when you would protest to her leaving the room alone for just you and him while she went to make dessert for everyone.
The slumber parties yall would have circling around your head as you realized as soon as she left so did the comfortability you felt around atsumu “ I miss my best friend “ just another phrase you would say to cover up the true meaning behind it ‘ I miss him ‘
Yeah, livin' under that was hard, but I loved you harder
“ see this is why I didn’t want to do this y/n “ He screamed in your face backstage “ I hate this “ he spoke “ I hate you “
The small argument you had planned to battle his claims dying on your tounge as you let the words he spit sink in “ oh “
“ do you know how stupid that was “ he spoke breathing heavily like telling you not to get too wrapped up in your character was rightfully enough to make him lose his temper like this.
“ do you know how —- how dumb that was “ eyes sparkling with something you barely caught in the dark lighting of the stage lights.
“ I— I wasn’t thinking I’m sor— “
“ you never are y/n “ he screamed “ and that’s — that’s the problem — it’s just like that night— on — on Halloween “
“ you ? remember that “
“ of course I do — the moment you stole my first kiss freshman year y/n yes— yes I do very — very vividly “ jaw clenched as he spoke
“ you always do shit without thinking always — it’s like your brain stopped working when she left us “ he scoffed “ I just — I wish you actually thought things through before you did them that’s all “ he said wiping his mouth from the kiss you’d planted on his lips for the second time in the last two years.
Watching as his body turned to follow the same pattern away from you like it had that Halloween night almost feeling like a repeat of events or should you say this time it was almost like a sense of deja vu a stupid paradox to when you made the exact same mistake freshman year after swearing you had no interest in kissing him.
Screaming he’d give you a disease if you did yet, here you were with two rejected advances under your belt.
Had you really been that stupid like he said to believe that all his recent advances had led you here again?
the invite he gave you over the phone to have lunch with him in the schools courtyard.
The not so casual brush of his hand against your face before he took a picture beating into you how he thought you looked so beautiful in the moment.
The fast dart of his eyes from yours to your lips as you two swung on the set of swings at the elementary school he’d come looking for you at to help pass the time of you waiting for your little sister to be dismissed.
“ am— I ? Am I stupid ? “
High school in Jakarta, an elaborate saga
I still hate you for makin' me wish I came out smarter
“ I’m sorry “ he spoke softly brows furrowed as he climbed through your window “ they just— shes always nitpicking “
You bit at your lip as you pulled your shirt down trying desperately to cover the stupid Spiderman shorts you wore “ it’s fine you know the routine —just— just get in the bed ‘tsumu “
“ you know I hate to do this to you “ he spoke as he pulled off his shoes and moved to your bed. You never realized how tiny it was until you watched someone as giant as him try to climb in yet still manage to be comfortable.
Your figure moving to pull up the covers over your bodies tucking yourselves in them as you came face to face with his red stained eyes.
His eyelashes damp and long as he blinked at you. Your own stuck darting around his face as you wondered how you two had managed to get here in as little as a few weeks.
Silently thanking his mom for nitpicking so that you and atsumu could go back to the sense of normalcy and comfortablity you once felt with each other.
Biting the inside of your cheek as your hand came up to rest on the side of his face thumb swiping at the loose tear that fell from his eye as he closed them letting himself fall victim to the warmth your palm gave him.
Allowing himself to feel the comfort he’d been running from all these years. The comfort he told himself he didn’t need that he would never need again. The comfort he said he wouldn’t drive away but for the last two years he’d only been doing that to you.
Eyebrows wincing at the thought before he felt your hand travel and fingers ghost over his eyebrows trying to smooth them back to relaxation. The little bit of intimacy breaking his heart.
You love-hate your mother, so do I
Could've ended different, then again
We went to high school in Jakarta
“ you’re always with her “ he spoke venom laced in his words “ always “
“ well she is my friend “ you laughed at his words of jealousy “ — and we do sorta kinda have a major school project due tomorrow atsumu “ you scoffed “ you should be doing your half with us “
Got a group assignment, I'll be at Vall's place
You don't text at all and only call when you're off your face
“ yeah but, what if — “ he sucked his teeth “ what if I said I was drunk off my ass right now “
“ ‘ Ts—“
“ so drunk I might just show up on your doorstep ? “
“ atsu— “
“ so drunk I might just profess my love to you while, asking your dad to marry you and kissing you in his face saying fuck the formalities? “
The quiet breeze and static over the phone all that spoke between the two of you. Letting his words sink in.
It’s year three.
Year three of knowing each other.
Of being in love with the man who ignored you on and off again for the last two years yet, now here he is drunk like there’s no tomorrow screaming what ifs half way across town into your small device.
“ hmm ? “ he questioned desperation laced In tone “ what would you say y/n “
“ I’d say drink some water atsumu “ your hand moving faster then your stupid brain as you let him sit with his own thoughts while finishing your project that was due tomorrow morning.
You had no more time for his stupid antics that you knew he’d just forget by first period tomorrow.
I'm petty and say, "Call me when you're not unstable"
I lie and tell you I'll be gettin' drunk at Rachel's
“ you can’t date him y/n he’s just not — he’s just not the perfect fit for you honey “ your mom spoke softly “ we’ve known him for years he’s unfit — he’ll never pass as a good husband y/n “
“ he can’t even properly support himself after highschool my love“ your dad spoke harshly “ volleyball will only go so far what happens if there’s god forbid an injury “
“ well I would hop— “
“ what if you’re two kids in and have no job at the moment ? And he’s out of work for the next 3 months due to a god forbid Injury “
Your thoughts going everywhere mind following every concern they held except the ones you wrote out and practiced answering for the last two days to address just in case they asked
“ you’re not ready for a relationship y/n— you’re in your last year of high school baby“ your parents agreed “ we say maybe “ they looked at each other in silent agreement “ 23 maybe ? “
Your mom nodded along with your father “ then we’ll hear you out“ she smiled “ ok “
But I couldn't have you sit there and think
That you're better 'cause you're older
Are you better now that we're older?
“ I love you “
“ I love 10x more “
“ you say that but you wouldn’t die for me now would you “ you smirked slightly hand ghosting over the staircase “ would you “
His eyes looking up at yours as he smiled “ I would “ he spoke softly “ I’d do a million treasons to be with you my love “
“ Romeo — if I do say so myself I’d say you’re acting a bit different then the normal guy “ you laughed “ I’d say you’re going off script here “
“ well “ he let out a laugh “ I’d say you just haven’t met many guys like myself — I’m not your average romeo “
“ oh ? “ you questioned an eyebrow raising “ would you mind showing me how different you are Romeo “ you spoke softly “ I’ll be waiting upstairs “
“ sneaky minx “ he screamed running up his homes stairs and into his room following after you as you jumped on his bed giggling loudly.
High school in Jakarta, sorta modern Sparta
Had no chance against the teenage suburban armadas
We were a sonata, thanks to tight-lipped fathers
“ he said no “ he spoke into your neck “ he told me no again “
“ I don’t even know why you bother at this point just accept it“ you sighed as he kissed your neck softly “ at least I have “
“ doesn’t it bother you — that they don’t want us together ? “ he pouted “ even a little “
“ it only makes me love you harder you turned your head to face his sad eyes looking up at you as you kissed his forehead softly
Yeah, livin' under that was hard, but I loved you harder
“ you two have to be the stupidest couple I’ve ever seen “ tanaka spoke softly watching as the two of you fought over the last milk that sat in the middle of the table
“ we’re not a couple! “ you both screamed in unison at the group in front of you before moving back to what you were doing before you were so rudely interrupted
“ just give it to me atsumu “
“ no “
“ atsumu if— “
“ no I’m not falling for your manipulation tactics today “
“ atsumu if you l— “
“ no “
“ atsumu “ you screamed
“ no “ he yelled louder everyone turning around to give you two side glances before continuing what they were doing coming to the realization that it was nothing important but the two class clowns arguing.
“ atsumu — if you love me — “
“ lalalalalalallaal “
“ Jesus fucking Christ just listen to her man— and if she gets it just get another one from the fucking cafe “ osamu screamed causing atsumu to only become even more pissed off then he already was.
The argument between the brothers only making you smile as you winked at osamu who passed you the milk in the middle of the table atsumus pleas falling on deaf ears. His eyes locking with yours as his mouth opened wide open to argue before you beat him to it.
“ love you “
High school in Jakarta, a comedy drama
I still hate you for makin' me wish I came out smarter
You love-hate your mother, so do I
Could've ended different, then again
We went to high school in Jakarta
“ you’re leaving me ? “ he questioned as he sat on the edge of your bed watching as you packed your suitcase “ why are you leaving me “
“ ‘Sumu“
“ baby “ he cried grabbing your arm as you walked past moving your body to stand between his legs as he looked up at you. Hand coming up to fix the sad smile that was etched on your face into a fake smiling one “ talk to me “
“ it’s nothing it’s just— shimizus leaving with tanaka yknow they got new jobs and — well “ you swallowed hard “ I’ve decided I wanna study in the states “
His heart dropped at the words he’d not only heard from you but also from his ex. The words that dug up years of trauma that kept you two from getting together in the first place “ oh “ he spoke the strength behind it losing its meaning as his heart dropped a little
“ see “ you pointed into his chest “ this is why I didn’t wanna tell you “
“ will you still— “ he shook his head “ what wait actually ? — were you even gonna tell me ? “
“ well I was— “
“ what ? Were you just making all the decisions of our relationship without me ? “
“ well “ you laughed “ I wouldn’t even say we’re in a real relationship ‘sumu “
“All we’ve been through and now we’re not in a relationship “
“ its just “ you spoke softly “ it just makes it easier for me to leave if we’re not ‘sumu “ you nibbled at the inside of your cheek as your voice was barely audible “ so let’s just say we were never dating— we just have “ you sniffles “ history “
Natasha’s movin’ to New York (New York)
Probably sometime in August (Ah)
And I'm spendin' the summer in Singapore (Ah)
I'm so sad, I can't tell you shit anymore
“ I’m glad we met atsumu “ you smiled as you watched him struggle to understand the situation fully. You were really leaving itd been four years. High school was over.
Graduation leaving you two named as most likey to stay together after high school. You winning most likely to succeed and atsumu winning biggest class clown. It was really over.
The late nights sneaking out and away from your parents with the little bit of euphoria you felt after every late night escape. The loud cries that would fill his ears when you would cry to him about how much you missed your old best friend. How she stopped calling you once she made it overseas.
His own cries that would flood your room when you opened the window for him to rant about another argument he had with his mom about how volleyball was in fact a career path. He didn’t have to do something as extravagant as his parents did . Explaining to her that he didn’t have to be exceptionally good at something like osamu was.
“ it was fun yeah ? “ you smiled your head tilting as you moved to grab your suitcase waving to him as you rolled it past the baggage area to get checked in.
I made friends with Abby this year
We're movin' in in March or so
And although you bring me to tears
I'm glad that we gave it a go
Suddenly the airport seemed too loud for him too many people too many wrong answers. His head swirling with all the old memories you two had. At the memories he hadn’t yet got to complete with you.
The picture perfect family that would pop up in his dreams whenever he fell asleep
The soft touches he would no longer get to feel from the random days he would crawl through your window complaining about how ass his life was.
All the moments he took for granted with you. All the empathizing moments he felt for you when you would cry about how your parents had yet again said no to allowing him in the house so you two would have to sit outside your house and if he felt like walking you two could have lunch at the park.
How he could pace outside your front door for a whole hour before knocking praying your dad would finally have a civil conversation with him instead of threatening to kill him if he brung up your name and marry one more time together in a sentence at 11 at night.
The homework assignments he would try to help you with as you sat in his lap palm pressed to your forehead as his back rested against the chair at your desk googling to find the answers to that quiz you told him you had coming up in 4 days.
The tears that had never stopped falling over the years for not only himself but for you. For your relationship that was never rewarded a title but, was filed with nothing but love.
Unlike most people when they send the love of their life abroad right now it was clear he had regrets.
He loved you with regrets.
He can only say right now as his feet moved faster then his brain faster then the people around him that seemed late to their flights. Faster then your plane that was getting ready to take off to wherever the fuck it was because he’s such an asshole he can’t seem to listen to the most beautiful person in his life talk for 5 fucking seconds
Faster then the way his heart thumped as he caught up to you ripping the suitcase away from you and scooting it behind the two of you as he wrapped his hand around your shoulder pulling you back and into the kiss he’d been wanting to give you in the 3 years you’d known each other.
The feeling he’d been dying to reciprocate back to you in these past 4 years youd grown up together in
The kiss and feeling he’d been wanting to feel since middle school with you. Since the first time you walked over to him with that stupid dopey smile confessing how he always seemed so lonely and he didn’t have to be because you and your best friend would welcome him with open arms if he was ever looking for a friend.
The intensity he’d been wanting to feel since freshman year when he nearly cursed you out at your first shared Halloween party not in anger that you’d kissed him but in anger that you apologized after.
In anger that he didn’t do it first that he didn’t take your breathe away first in anger that it was you who stole his first kiss not the other way around. Anger that you were so damn predictable with everyone else yet , everything to do with him you were nothing of the sort.
Angry with himself for only now noticing that you meant the world to him. Only now noticing that you weren’t middle school y/n that you were 4 year old wiser y/n.
Angry with himself for only now realizing that you were in fact the true love of his life.
That you were no longer the “ don’t touch her she’s fragile“ person your best friend drilled into his head before she left on her own adventure nearly three years ago.
His body trying to express all of this into a simple kiss but his attempt, obviously failing when you pulled away a small smile on your lips as you turned to look at your new friend who stood in shock that the irritating asshole in your backseat , who said he didn’t care if you flew damn near 10 hrs across the sea and didn’t come back he just wanted you gone literally 5 minutes ago in the car , just kissed you so hard you nearly floated out of the airport and into the sky.
“ i— i — i love — i love you y/n l/n “
Wiping your lips with the back of your hand and nodding at him causing his new smile and confidence he finally gained to break. Hand reaching to grab your suitcase from behind him before you patted him on his back “ 3 years too late atsumu “
You laughed walking your suitcase and yourself away “ at least now you know how to steal your first real girlfriends breath away yeah ? “ you laughed “ I was a fun free trial now go get a real subscription ok “ you smiled at him as you raised your fist shaking it a little “ I believe you’ll be a great boyfriend— everything you did wrong over the years finally soaked in it seems like “
You nodded at his dazed expression and lack of words “ I better see you on my tv atsumu — you promised “ eyes showing nothing but hope as you spoke “ I better see you carrying a beautiful baby at the Olympics ok —promise me “
His heart broken as he watched you finally walk through the small hallway ducked off by the exit to board your plane everyone else still walking in the airport like there was no tomorrow. No one knew nor cared that a 19 year old boy just got his heart broken by the love of his life that he’d failed to notice until it was too late.
His heart clenching as he let out a small “ promise “ praying not only you— but god could hear his small claim.
His prayer to someone up above to grant him his wish of not only fufilling his promise to you but, you being the other half in making it come true. You would be the one handing him a beautiful baby after he won his gold medal at the Olympics.
You would be the one he would have a real ‘ subscription ‘ with
He’d never forget his high school years with the love of his life in Tokyo Japan.
High school in Jakarta, I won't, but I wanna
Ask you when you talk about it, do I ever come up?
Say thanks to your mama, now we're through
Could've ended different, then again
We went to high school in Jakarta
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mudaship39 · 5 years
Alpha Centurion War
Cities on planet Terra that were destroyed in World War 3 and only exist only as ruins:
Old San Jose, Old San Francisco, Old Reno, Old Tucson, Old Little Rock, Old Milwaukee, Old Springfield, Old Topeka, Old Colombia, Old Kansas City, Old Jackson, Old Nashville, Old Little Rock, Old Richmond, Old Columbus, Old Lincoln, Old Raleigh, Old Providence, Old Tulsa, Old Cincinnati, Old Charlotte, Old Madison, Old Mobile, Old Montgomery, Old Salt Lake City, Old Birmingham, Old Baton Rouge, Old Houston, Old Savannah, Old Orlando, Old Lexington, Old Concord, Old Ottawa, Old Victoria, Old Winnipeg, Old Guadalajara, Old Juarez, Old Tijuana, Old Zapopan, Old Acapulco, Old Rio de Janeiro, Old Cali, Old São Luis, Old La Paz, Old Munich, Old Barcelona, Old Hamburg, Old Saint Petersburg, Old Jarkata, Old Milan, Old Samara, Old Kazan, Old Istanbul, Old Baghdad, Old Mumbai, Old Shanghai, Old Osaka, Old Sapporo, & Old Saitama.
Alexander Kana’i Mack Ryuu Francisco Makoa Smith/Alexandria Ataahua Macy Haruka Francisca Kamalani Smith was walking through the old ruins of Terra or Earth journeying through the wreckage of the old world destroyed during World War 3. Moss and vines grew over the ruins as nature reclaimed what was once it’s as nature over man made metal. Where there was once man now animals live. Badgers, coyote, foxes, wolves, & bears hunt deer, elk, & caribou in the abandoned cities that of the US that are now ruins. Abandoned after the Third World War demolished these cities.
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kidneycenter · 4 years
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Are you interested in selling one of your k1dney for a good amount of 14Cr,7cr Advance kindly Contact us now,as we are looking for k1dney donor, Interested person should contact us now Dr. Stanley Adrian. Whats-App No +919663960578 Call us on +919663960578
#Hindi #Hindu #Tamil ####Modi #PM #Asia #Chennai #Bangalore #Mumbai #Delhi #Goa #Karnataka #Pune #Dimart #Diwali #2020 #Nepal #Delhi_riot #Donatekidney #Kidney #sellkidney #sakitginjal #india #beeshma #trance #Telugu #new #jarkata #event #kidneydonor #matka #today #now #latest #trend #best #tgif #friday #oviation #hindi #hindu #bollyworld #zeeworld #zee #Bangalore #news #tv #new #2020 #Hyderabad #Delhi #Chennai #Mumbai #weekend #week #work #cafe #hotel #asia #corona #money #fast #music #Goa #Pune #BMW #Benz #ola #quora #LinkedIn #invest #tour #travel #food #award #Smriti #INDvsAUS #IND #INR #Mandhana #withinHerReach #RangBarseWithSid #Allahabad #BraveWomenOfShaheenBagh #Sell #Buy #India #HindiTayoPwede #Hindi #HindusUniteForDharma #Smriti #shafaliverma #Shafali #DelhiRiots2020 #Delhigenocide #Mumbai #Hindu #Tamil #China #coronavirusindia #CoronavirusOutbreak #coronavirus #Now #News #today
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bananashemmo · 5 years
Committed The Robbery (Part 13)
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Pairing: Y/N/Gangmember!Ashton
Rating: NC-17
Request: Yes
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
Summary: On a scale from 1 to shit, how fucked would Ashton be if he ended up banging the other gang member Luke’s little sister Y/N?
Read Committed The Robbery on Wattpad
With tired eyes and a bored expression, you leaned your cheek against the palm of your hand. Your pencil was swinging between your fingers and you tried your utter best to focus.
Whoever had decided that classes after 7 P.M were a great idea, was in a serious need of a health check. Nobody was able to concentrate at this time of the day.  
Not even a girl like you.
Your book was open and you were trying your best to catch along with whatever paragraph in the law enforcement was stated. Paragraph numbers were shown on the large screen in front of you, but you couldn’t keep along.
You just wanted to drift away into your own thoughts. Imagine that you were somewhere else where it didn’t require you needed to use your mind.
Even the guy next to you were half asleep. He was struggling more than you and he was known for being the better student.
You wondered if you should just give him a nudge in the shoulder. But he looked so peaceful having his eyes closed.
He was probably listening anyway.
You looked down at your notes and tried to understand what you had been typing. At first, it was decent notes that you needed to use for a few projects next week, but when you tried to scan what it said, you couldn’t read your own words.
You had also ended up doodling instead. That was when you realized that you had lost your concentration.
There was no point in sitting here.
You took a scan at everyone else. It was actually many who had met up, some even looking pretty committed. It was no wonder, some enjoyed not having to meet up early for a class.
You wouldn’t say you were a morning person either but being here this late.
It should be a crime.
You shut your notebook and placed your pencil on top of it. There was no reason in trying to write something down if it wasn’t readable after all.
You glanced over at the glass door that was the only way to see the hallway. The lights were actually off, indicating that the sensors hadn’t caught movement. Nobody was out on the hallway at this time.
That was no wonder. You were the only class that had ‘night’ classes, meaning that it was only the 25 students in the room that was around the whole place.
Everything else was shut down, if you walked further away than to the end of the hallway, you would need to use your ID card to shut down the alarm.
You looked back at the professor who seemed and sounded so committed. Professor Jakarta was like, so into this subject you sometimes wondered if he’d rather be in the law enforcement than a college professor.
You glanced back at the glass door again, feeling you saw a movement and you did.
Your eyes widened in surprise and your lips parted slightly. You were so sure you were seeing wrong but when Ashton moved closer to the glass you knew your eyes weren’t being fooled.
You furrowed your eyebrows confused, not knowing what he was trying to illustrate with his hand movements.
You were great at reading people but this was getting out of hand.
“You’re not supposed to be here.” You mouthed towards his direction and he grinned lightly.
“I know,” He mouthed back and made movements with his hands as if he was motioning you to walk out of the room.
You shook your head in response, you almost wanted to say no out loud. But it wouldn’t be possible for him to hear and neither did you want to disturb the class.
Ashton made movements again and it was so distracting to you, you grabbed your back and stood up from your table. You walked down the stairs that lead down to the door and tried to avoid the long eyes after you.
You used the excuse that you needed to go to the bathroom and almost knocked the door into Ashton even though it was glass separating you and he could see you.
“What are you doing?” You whisper-yelled once the door was shut and grabbed him by the arm to move a few meters away so you wouldn’t spoil you through the glass.
“You know you can’t be here.”
“The boys are out tonight and I was bored so I headed to your dorm but you weren’t home. Your scared roommate said that you were here so I showed up on my motorcycle.”
“And?” You looked at him with blinking eyes, skipping through the part that he mentioned Alba seemed scary.
That wasn’t the shocking news of the day.
“I thought I’d ask you out for a milkshake.”
You looked at him dead in the eye as if he was being serious. Was he seriously showing up on a Tuesday night asking you out for a milkshake? Not to mention dragging you out of a class where you were supposed to be for the night.
“I’m in the middle of a class.” You mentioned as if he hadn’t noticed and nodded your head back.
“I know,” He smiled, “I could tell how bored you were. I’m sure you will forgive yourself for skipping one class. Please?”
You looked at him not knowing to say. Your eyes drifted towards the classroom where you were supposed to be. You had never skipped a class before and the guilt was filling in your veins.
But you also knew that you wouldn’t get anything from sitting in the room. Professor Jarkata had already lost you and that was kind of the point of no return.
“I shouldn’t be going with you. I can’t walk away from here.” You said more quietly and tried to sound serious so he would understand.
“You can’t walk from here?” He asked, copying your tone and you nodded your head in agreement. But your seriousness was killed by the smile growing on your face.
“Fine then,” He accepted and in one swift movement had you lifted in his arms.
“I’ll just have to carry you then.”
As you walked down the street after Ashton had parked his motorcycle by the parking lot, you couldn’t help but grin and smile at the same time.
Fine, he had won this time. Thinking further than you and you accepted your little mistake. Sometimes he was being too literate but that was what you fell for.
You looked up at him and squeezed his bicep because of his teasing tongue sticking out from his lips.
“Stop looking at me like that.” You mumbled and hit him instead. He could barely feel it, you hit like a feather.
“Like what?” He asked back and looked forward. He could see in the corner of his eye that you were rolling your eyes by his ridiculous question.
“Like you’re a child who just got their will.”
“I kind of feel like that.” Ashton smiled and stopped when you came closer to the ice cream shop where neon lights were illustrating the whole street. It wasn’t hard to notice where it was, it brightened with pink, blue and purple colors.
You didn’t know this place but Ashton seemed familiar. He opened the door for you and invited you inside where a few students were. Not someone you knew of, but you could tell as they were sitting with books studying.
“How do you know this place?” You asked and he shrugged his shoulder.
“You’d be surprised how many places I know in this city.”
You didn’t know if you were supposed to take that as a good thing or not and you stopped in front of the counter to look at the many different ice creams.
“Weren’t we supposed to get a milkshake?” You asked and looked up at him.
Ashton nodded his head in agreement and wrapped his arm around you when someone walked past you so you wouldn’t stand in the way.
“What is really cool about this place is that you get to pick whatever ice cream you want to be blended like a milkshake. My personal favorite is the mango sorbet which they blend with a bit of milk. It’s like, the best milkshake I’ve ever had.”
You nodded your head by his explanation and placed your hands on the glass on the counter.
you looked at the many signs. They had even made an ice cream that was based on Oreos and cheesecake. There were also the typical ones like chocolate, strawberry, and pistachio. You looked over at the corner with various fruit-based sorbets.
“I think I’d like to try the hazelnut ice cream.” You pointed towards the ice cream and Ashton nodded his head in agreement.
He smiled over at the cashier and ordered a mango and a hazelnut milkshake.
You didn’t know if you were supposed to pay for yourself but since he had invited, he was also insisting on paying. You didn’t want to argue with him because you knew from the start it was a lost battle.
You waited carefully for your milkshake and when you were given them Ashton held yours and headed towards a couch where you could sit.
He also made sure to grab a few napkins, just in case.
The taste of the milkshake was actually amazing. It reminded you so much of Nutella, which made sense because it was made on hazelnuts. It was so well made you needed to make a mental note remembering this place.
“So when are we going to talk about it?” He asked and you furrowed your eyebrows.
You didn’t know what he was talking about.
“Talk about what?” You asked, taking another sip of your milkshake.
“About that kiss by the fountains.”
You almost choked on the liquid and you leaned forward to grab one of the napkins. He was right about needing one and you looked up at him with wide eyes. You wanted to be polite but he took you off guard.
“Really, Ashton?” You quivered an eyebrow at him but smiled.
“You haven’t thought about it since?” He asked and you looked down at your fingers by the question. They were getting cold from holding the milkshake.
Of course, you had thought about it. In fact, you had been thinking about it every single day since it happened. You had no idea how to shake it off your shoulders. No matter what you did, Ashton would always come to your mind and it was hard trying to get him out of your head.
When you woke up the next day you actually thought it was a dream. Or more like a nightmare because Luke finding out was hunting you down. It was almost like you had forgotten what happened between you and Ashton in the first place.
You leaned your head against the cushion of the couch and looked at him with soft eyes.
“I think about it... A lot.” You mumbled and he nodded his head in agreement.
“I do, too.” He admitted and took a sip from the yellow milkshake.
You could feel your cheeks ready to brush and you briefly looked down at the menu card on the small coffee in front of the couch. It had the ice creams you had been looking at by the counter so there wasn’t much new to be distracted by.
You looked back at him and bit down on your lip in thought.
“Should we tell Luke?”
This time it was Ashton’s turn to widen his eyes and he moved the straw away from his lips.
“Are you planning my sudden death?”
You didn’t want to laugh by the question but you couldn’t help but giggle just a bit. The way he was asking showed he was clearly serious, but you didn’t know what to answer.
It was indeed a stupid question.
“I just think it’s hard to keep secrets all the time.” You admitted and shifted in your seat.
“You’ve been keeping a pretty great secret for many months now. Sometimes you act like nothing ever happened between us.” He mentioned and you lifted your eyebrows by his words.
“You feel like that? Because it’s still affecting me to this day.” You answered and he also widened his eyes.
You looked at each other trying to come up with something to say that was going to take away your weird feelings about the situation. You had never actually spoken up about this for so many months, it was almost as if it didn’t happen.
“It’s not like I can show up in front of Luke and say hey... I kissed your sister last week not to mention I was the one taking her virginity.”
If you had been drinking a sip of your milkshake, you would have choked again. Sometimes he was just straight forward and you weren’t really prepared for it.
“I know it’s weird but uh... Have you been with someone ever since?” You managed to ask and looked down at the ground to keep yourself from looking awkward.
“No, I haven’t.” He answered honestly and looked at you carefully, “I haven’t been feeling like myself since then. And when we all were thrown out of college, everything just seemed to change. I haven’t had girls on my mind at all.”
You couldn’t help but feel just a little bit happy inside.
“Have you been with someone?” He reversed the question and asked you.
You looked at him sincerely and shook your head. There was no one at college that caught your interest and especially not the way Ashton could. He always managed to make you feel safe no matter what trouble you were in.
“Of course I haven’t. That night with you has been my only time. You can practically call me a virgin again.” You said quietly and leaned your head to the side.
He widened his eyes and you didn’t know if it was because of your comment or if it was because you hadn’t been with someone since him.
What did he expect though? You weren’t really the type of girl to jump on whatever guy came close to you.
“I actually thought you had kissed someone. Might as well be something I’ve made up in my mind.”
You rolled your eyes by his words and you shook your head, “The only guy I’ve kissed is you. Have that in mind.”
“I will.”
You smiled at him and took a look around the shop. It had a bit of diner vibe because of the old school colors. You didn’t mind though, you kind of liked the place. It was located nicely and wasn’t near any kind of creepy street where Ashton usually stayed with the boys.
You had a question in your mind that came up by your thoughts drifting. You weren’t sure if you were supposed to ask but you did.
“Did you uhm-,” You looked down at your feet carefully. He looked at you in wonder, wanting you to continue.
“Did you bring Amelia here?”
Ashton’s lips folded into a straight line by your question and he sipped on his milkshake as if he was in thought. It would make sense since he knew of the place, you kind of put the puzzle pieces together by that thought.
“No, I actually didn’t.” He explained and leaned back in his seat.
He ran a hair through his brown curly locks and sighed to himself.
“I don’t go to the places where Amelia and I stayed. It just brings back too many memories. Especially the bad ones. I don’t want to go through nightmares every single day. That’s now how I want to live my life. So I’m just trying my best to try not run against the walls. And by that, I just avoid the places we used to hang out.”
“How do you know this place then?” You asked after carefully listening to every word he had to say.
It was a sensitive subject but you liked seeing that side of him. That soft side.
“I used to study here. Just like the ones over there.” He nodded his head towards the young ones being around your age.
Your eyes adverted back to his and you smiled, “Do you miss it?”
“Sometimes. Sometimes I don’t. That depends what mood I’m in.” He answered and the conversation continued like this.
You talked about anything between earth and ground. You loved just hearing him talk because he was so passionate about his stuff but he was also a great listener. You felt that he heard every single word and kept it in his mind.
You were happy that it was actually a relaxing day. Nothing dramatic was happening and it was just the two of you.
But sometimes things were said a bit too quick.
It was only an innocent way to the toilet that made you almost collapse with a guy that hadn’t seen you in the process. He almost spilled his ice cream all over her but he was lucky that he missed.
It made Ashton stand up from his chair in one swift movement and headed towards the guy with fire in his eyes.
“Are you blind? You could see her walk forward.” He made a movement to push the guy away from you and you looked up at him with wide eyes.
“Ashton, it’s okay I can handle this.” You tried to grasp his arm but he shrugged you off.
“I’m sorry, it was just an accident I swear.” The guy explained, he was wearing a leather jacket that seemed significant.
“You know an accident would be my fist to your face if you don’t leave within five seconds.”
Your eyes widened and you wanted to yell at him but instead, you grabbed his arm to pull him out of the shop. You’d rather walk out than the owner suddenly showing up and banning you from being there due to inappropriate behavior.
You kept on pulling him by the arm until you stood on the parking lot, the lights from the shop reflecting on Ashton’s face.
“What was that? He did nothing to harm me and you literally attacked him!” You didn’t want to yell but it came off like that.
Ashton looked down at you with a tight jaw and pressed his hands into his pocket pants.
“I can’t take you anywhere. You just fight everyone.” You didn’t want to sound sad but it was the truth.
He glanced over at you because of your words and he chewed on the inside of his cheek. His brain was running through with answers but he couldn’t come up with something that was going to solve it.
“You bring the worst out in me.”
Your jaw fell and you didn’t know how you were supposed to handle his words.
He moved his hair away from his eyes to show his sorrow. He was serious about his words and you wanted him to continue. You needed to hear his explanation.
“It doesn’t mean I’m blaming it all on you. I’m just having such a hard time because I am so insanely afraid that something is going to happen to you.”
“Nothing is going to happen to me, I swear.” You leaned down to grab his hand and intertwined your fingers.
“Every corner you turn, there will be someone ready to tear you down. Once you’ve experienced a loss. You will look over your shoulder for the rest of your life.”
You could feel your heart beat fast by his words, he was in serious pain and you had no idea how to take him out of his misery.
“We will figure this out okay? Someway... You can’t walk around every day feeling miserable and in fear of someone is going to take me away from you. I can’t let that happen.”
He didn’t seem fully convinced but when you moved up to stand on your toes to give him a kiss, it soothed the pain he was feeling.
“Come on,” You nodded your head towards the motorcycle and followed him towards it.
He looked at you with sad and almost defeated eyes but the blush on his cheeks showed the warmth you gave him just by being near him.
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