#jason grace and the dii consentes
pjohoo-reclists · 4 months
Percy Jackson & Neptune Fic Recs
A list of fanfics featuring the platonic/familial relationship between Percy Jackson and Neptune. Enjoy!
kept you like an oath by aadarshinah
Not Rated | 800 words | Complete
Percy Jackson & Poseidon, Percy Jackson & Neptune
Temporary Amnesia, Percy Jackson Needs a Hug, Flower Crowns
"You were born for a reason, Percy Jackson. Perhaps it was to remind these Romans of the power of the sea." Or: One universe over, a world exists where Percy gets 24 hours between being accepted into the legion and being sent to Alaska on the quest to free Thanatos. This has a greater effect than anyone could realize.
Daddy's home by IncompleteTh0ts
G | 1.2k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Neptune, Neptune & Poseidon, Hazel Levesque & Frank Zhang
Memory Loss, Camp Jupitar, Son of Neptune
Percy finally meets his father.
Fishing And Fishermen by orphan_account
G | 1.3k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Poseidon, Neptune & Poseidon, Neptune & Percy Jackson
Post-Son of Neptune
In the attempt to make the visit less awkward, Neptune- employed by Juno/Hera to talk to and make sure Poseidon is well- tells a cryptic story of Perseus's time in SON. Later he finds himself answering a prayer Aka: Uncharted bullshits their way into extending the storyline and narrative and finds themself actually liking its actions upon the story
Storm Drains by Phoenix_And_Thestral
G | 2.1k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Poseidon, Percy Jackson & Neptune
Short & Sweet, Bonding, Pre-Canon
He had not come here to speak to the boy. He really shouldn’t have stuck around as long as he had. Neptune had just thought to see him, to see what child Poseidon had borne after so long heeding the oath. He could tell the child would be powerful someday -- assuming, of course, that he lived that long. And yet, Neptune found himself sitting on the curb beside a storm drain, trying to convince the mortal child that there were great whites under the streets of New York.
bellow, bid our father rise by magdalenes (ariadnes)
T | 2.5k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Neptune
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Camp Jupitar, Father-Son Relationship
The first thing his father ever says to him is, "Y'have a way of prayer, boy. Best be careful with those thoughts. Ye may be my get, but I'll leave you for the gulls to pick over just as quick."
He's Mine by PunkFlame
T | 3.1k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Poseidon, Percy Jackson & Neptune
Seafam, Powerful Percy Jackson, Ascension
"He doesn't belong to you." Poseidon spat, allowing his own form to burst from its bounds. Neptune laughed, "Any of your treasures, especially your treasured offspring, belong to me. He has been mine from the time he drew his first breath." Poseidon growled, the water around them beyond ice cold. "No. You will leave him be. Stay away from my boy." "I think not. You've had your chance, now it's my turn."
bloodtide by DragonflyxParodies
Not Rated | 4.5k | Last Updated May 23, 2024
Percy Jackson & Neptune, Percy Jackson & Kymopolia, Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo
Non Canon Compliant, Past Genocide, Divine Retribution
There are no water gods in New Rome.
marked me like a bloodstain by aadarshinah
T | 5.5k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Poseidon, Percy Jackson & Hazel Levesque, Percy Jackson & Neptune
Temporary Amnesia, Father-son relationship, Powerful Percy Jackson
"Nice to see you're not letting losing that upstart Achilles' curse slow you down."
Perseus Jackson and dii Consentes by CarpePugna
M | 6.7K+ | Last Updated Oct 16, 2023
Percy Jackson & Jason Grace, Percy Jackson & Neptune, Percy Jackson & Lupa
Roman Mythology, Camp Jupitar, no sugarcoating the myths here
Life’s been pretty normal for Percy and Jason since they left the she-wolf Lupa and arrived at Camp Jupiter; but now, with tensions stirring amongst the gods, Jason and Percy must band together to protect not only New Rome but the rest of the world itself. AKA the Roman!Percy au that’s not very original since I’m plastering over canon with Roman legends instead. But I hope you like it all the same!
Even with just a name by 60sec400 
G | 8.6k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Poseidon, Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson/Neptune
Dark Percy Jackson, Good Parent Neptune, Roman Percy Jackson
Small snippets in a world where Percy chose the ocean. Neptune finds his son. Perseus Jackson has a quest for the glory of Rome and the glory of Neptune. Only, well, he's met another god. And that god wants him to find Annabeth Chase, the one name he's had in his head since he's woken up other than his own. aka. disconnected scenes that could exist in a son of neptune au
The Ascension of Percy Jackson ( as brought to you by Poseidon) by breakerfaith
T | 22k+ | Last Updated May 31, 2024
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson & Poseidon, Percy Jackson & Neptune
Ascension, Poseidon Loves Percy Jackson, Alternate Universe
Poseidon looks at Percy and decides " no you don't get to die" and focuses on turning Percy into a god.
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frozenrose20 · 4 months
Just know in another universe instead of Percy Jackson and the Olympians it's Jason Grace and the Dii Consentes.
Im very curious to what the books could be about in that universe though. Heroes of Olympus is probably the same except Son of Neptune would be first and that would be called The Lost Hero and then The Lost Hero would be the second book and probably titled Son of Zeus.
But here are some ideas about the books the first books.
Book 1: the wolf house
this book starts off with him being young and it's him being Peak feral wolf boy Jason learning everything from Lupa and this book is pretty much just his journey of getting to camp because if it was as chaotic as it was for Percy with the curse of Achilles at 16 imagine what it was like for baby Jason all alone without a curse to help
The next three books are just about him rising to become leader with this strange looming threat of the titans except there is an even bigger shroud of mystery around it because he doesn't have the Insight Percy did. An interesting twist that could be interesting is that since he's the champion of Juno, they could have Juno in such a highlighted as having this motherly/mentor position towards him like he respects her like his mother and he prays to her just as much as he does his father but then everything in Heroes of Olympus happens where Hera is portrayed as a villain and it would be a nice switch between the two books and this audience that has spent the past five books have seeing Jason have a respectable relationship with Juno just see everything thrown in the trash because she had to sacrifice to save the world .
The last book is him fighting and defeating krios and something interesting they could do is hint towards the emperors because they themselves are roman maybe a throw away line like, "beware the beast." And Jason takes it as litteral and thinks a monster would come for him. Another angle could even be that in Heroes of Olympus when Percy comes to Camp instead of them describing him as this otherworldly Godlike figure they refer to him as like a beast or wild/feral so the readers are tricked in into thinking he is the beast, add that to the fact that Jason's missing and that they think he's a Son of Neptune and it can really explain why they were so strongly distrusting of Percy.
Trials of Apollo also would be the same except people would probably be destroyed and even more shocked when Jason died in that Universe and hey he did die in water so technically they were right to be wary of a Son of Neptune because their leader died in his father's domain.
Also Imagine the entire five books Jason has his memories of Thalia and he talks about her in such a fond tone and the readers are led to believe that she's dead only for the absolute shock of him walking into the Zeus cabin and seeing a picture of her.
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bunkernine · 4 years
Octavian, but like, with murder and corrupted morals during the Roman Prequel books
The Son of Lightning
“You’re lucky death isn’t allowed,” the pale blond snarled at me.
You’re lucky they allow ugliness. Snorting, I grabbed the next rung of the ladder. “I’m not afraid of you.”
He grinned wickedly, teeth sharp like canines. “You will be.”
(The Son of Lightning, ch 8)
The Missing Vestal
“Death before dishonor,” Octavian murmured. “But a man who kills another never had honor to begin with.”
Reyna ran without a word. I grimaced and threw the rock at him. “What’s your problem? She told us about her dad because she trusted us.”
Octavian’s jaw clenched. “My family has a long history of death and corruption. It’s in your blood and it won’t go away. Reyna’s cursed her entire line.” He threw the rock back, but it flew past my head. “Don’t chase after her. She needs time.”
“I won’t let that happen,” I scowled at him. “She’s not cursed. And neither are you for that matter. Fate and ancestry is stupid. Nothing is ever set in stone.” 
Octavian watched me, and his forehead creased. I didn’t know much about his family, but I was certain that whatever he was implying wasn’t going to happen. I was sure of it. 
“Okay,” he said softly, and then didn’t speak after that. 
(The Missing Vestal, ch 17)
The Games of War
I grabbed Octavian’s arm. “You can’t seriously think that’s okay.”
“Of course not,” Octavian snatched his arm back. “Have more faith in me, Wolf Boy. It’s ridiculous that they would think we can kill a god. They’re immortal.” He gave me a disgusted look. “Especially not a Fifth Cohort disgrace like you.”
“You know whose fault that is.” I glared. 
“Jason.” Despite her brave face during the meeting, Reyna looked nauseous now. “We’re not killing anyone. We’ll find him and figure out what happened.” She glanced at Octavian. “Immortal or not, murder is wrong. There is always another way, even if it may seem like the only option.”
He scoffed. “I know that. Believe it or not but I have morals.” He cracked his knuckles. “As if anyone wants to deal with a death nowadays.”
“Either of you kill that god-” Reyna looked them in the eye. “I’ll do something worse than death. This is my quest and I can not have it go wild.”
“I would never,” I promised.
Octavian nodded grimly. “Never.”
(The Games of War, ch 7)
For a moment, it seemed like he would do it. Octavian’s hands gripped the golden hair, and his knife was pressing into the god’s neck. An anger I had never seen erupted through Octavian’s facial muscles. 
“Do it,” The god giggled deliriously. “Come on, boy. Do it,” His voice grew deeper with each word, more wanting and begging. “Do it. Do it. DO IT. DO IT.” 
Octavian cried out and dropped the knife like it burned and jumped away, breathing hard. He began shaking his head, clutching his temple. “No, no, no, no-” he gasped, head darting up to me and Reyna. He looked scared, with our faces no doubt mirroring that. 
The god began to cackle, the wretched laughter echoing through the cave, until it suddenly stopped and he slumped over. My hands trembled, the gladius slipping out of my fingers and clattering to the floor.
“Jason...” Reyna’s cried. 
“I didn’t- I didn’t kill him,” I choked out. “He’s unconscious.” I licked my lips, grinding my sweaty palms against my thighs. “Unconscious,” I repeated. “Not dead. I can’t- I won’t-”
“It’s okay,” Octavian breathed, placing a hand on my shoulder. His face was pink like taffy, and in his eyes was fear. “It’s okay, Jason.”
(The Games of War, ch 24)
The Witch’s Wrath
“Are you crying?” I laughed at him. It couldn’t be- the Octavian sobbing like a baby? This was gold. Octavian’s head whirled up, and the laugh died in my throat.
“It was an accident,” He cried. His shaking hands wiped across his chest, staining his clothes red. “An accident, I didn’t mean to-” He grabbed at his chest, gasping out, “I didn’t- I didn’t mean to, Jason, you have to-” He scrambled back, gasping.
He must’ve been having some kind of attack again. It wasn’t unlike what happened in Tampa. I shifted between my feet, staring at what Octavian did- what he didn’t mean to do.  
There was a lot of blood. I recognized the fallen soldier as one of the Senate’s spies. His face coated in the unfamiliar red, his pulse gone. One of Octavian’s knifes was nestled in his side. My eyes flickered to Octavian’s panting and rocking. It was too late to save this man, but what could I even do?
A small part of me didn’t believe Octavian. But a much bigger part of me did. It was an accident, I thought, and pulled the knife out with a sickening squish and bile rising in my throat. Wiping the pugio clean on my shirt, I crouched next to Octavian.
His pupils were dilated, and he couldn’t stop shaking. I asked him to count with me, if he could, and slowly, Octavian calmed down. I didn’t force the air like last time- that felt too invasive. 
“It was an accident,” Octavian shuddered, sobbing into my shoulder. I patted his back, my eyes never leaving the body a few yards away. Auribus teneo lupum. I needed to do something, tell someone, but right now Octavian needed someone too. Who knows what would happened if I left him alone. 
I’ve seen death before. Lupa would bite into an animal, holding on until it went limp, and then devour the poor thing. I’ve looked into the face of Proserpina and Thanatos and demanded help. I’ve argued with ghosts and listened to their stories. I knew about Reyna and her dad. 
Yet somehow, all of that felt different. Octavian had always been different. It felt like it was always going to come down to this. His father, his siblings, his prophecies- they were always going to lead to this. 
I bit the inside of my cheek. No. Things were going to change.
(The Witch’s Wrath, ch 26)
On the way back, I watched Octavian. I’m not sure why. I thought maybe something would change. He slept with his head on Reyna’s shoulder, nose whistling softly. My mind searched for his hands that should be stained red, or some sense of fear and madness. Some sign that he was disturbed or upset. Instead, he slept like a baby. 
I turned away before Reyna could ask what was wrong. It didn’t feel okay that when I looked at my own hands, all I could see was me pulling out that knife. I shakily exhaled, whirling the pinwheel in my hand. It spun slowly, as the bus kept driving. 
(The Witch’s Wrath, ch 28)
Octavian’s look of betrayal will never leave my memories. He left, his father’s hand on his back, leading them out of the temple. Reyna’s face held no emotion. She waited until we were out of sight, before she whipped around and pushed me against the wall. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” She hissed. “Jason, what is wrong with you?”
“He didn’t want anyone to know.”
“I don’t care!” Reyna yelled. “You should’ve told me! We promised no secrets and you hid this? Do you know what you just did?” 
I pushed her away. “Octavian’s going to get help and figure it out. I helped him.”
“You think they’re going to help him? After all that happened, you think, those- those,” Reyna sputtered, “those people are going to help him? You think Octavian’s going to come back better?”
“I don’t know,” I admitted. “His family knows what’s right, don’t they?” With Reyna yelling at me like this, I was starting to think I hadn’t thought it through. With exposing that the government was crooked and there were spies everywhere with the Titans, I was beginning to regret telling them about what Octavian did. He was my friend and I had just directed him down an evil path.
Family doesn’t mean anything, Octavian had said back in Oakland. My family... I know they’re into some bad things, but what can I do? It’s been going on for generations. I’m not going to become like them. Why do you think I want to be praetor? It’ll be different this time.
It won’t, I realized. And it was because of me. “We’ll help him,” I desperately assured Reyna. “We can help him.”
“Honestly, Jason?” Reyna’s eyes were cold. “I don’t trust a single thing you say anymore. I don’t think what Octavian did was right, but you? You knew what you were doing. You knew he wanted to be praetor. This sick little game between the two of you has gone too far.”
“No...” I trailed off. That wasn’t it. I didn’t care about those titles, I didn’t want them. It wasn’t about our rivalry. I thought I had been helping him. Reaching out, I called, “Reyna, I-”
“Don’t touch me!” Reyna shrieked, pulling away. “I don’t trust you Jason! This isn’t the first time and it won’t be the last.” She wiped at here eyes, a nasty look on her face, hurt and angry. “You didn’t want people to see you as selfish and power-hungry like your father? Well congrats, Jason. That’s all anyone can see.”
She shook her head, stepping back and then when she was far enough, she sprinted away. I wiped at my face, chest heaving. I hadn’t lost just my home in Camp Jupiter today. I lost my family as well. 
(The Witches Wrath, ch 36)
The Fall of Rome
“Don’t do it,” Octavian urged. “You can’t come back from something like that. She’s not a monster.”
“But she is,” I growled. 
Octavian hesitantly reached out. His cold hand went over mine and he lowered my sword. The Venus girl darted away, running back to the ranks of the Titan army. My anger flared.
“What is your problem?!” I yelled. “She’s one of the bad guys.”
“We both know it’s not black and white like that,” Octavian winced. “Just focus on the mission.” 
Even though I was still angry, I can tell by the whipping winds that our fight was not done. The girl was gone anyway. “Fine,” I muttered. “Let’s go.”
(The Fall of Rome, ch 24)
Reyna and Octavian were both splattered with ichor and blood. I didn’t ask about the latter, nor did they seem inclined to share. Reyna was nauseus, but Octavian seemed only anxious to keep moving, like something was going to catch him. 
“What now?” I asked, slumping to the ground. “It’s over.”
Octavian’s armor jostled. “You’re weak, Wolf Boy. It’s never over- Hoc est bellum.” This is war. 
Reyna held out her hand. “It’s all you now, Jason. We’ve toppled the Senate, right? All that’s left is the throne. Let us be your sword and shield.”
I swallowed, glancing between their faces. Reyna’s hair had falled out of her braid long ago, and Octavian’s face was streaked with blood. I didn’t know how many monsters or people, even, they killed for me to get here. Now was not the time to give up.
“Okay,” I stood, taking her hand. “Krios, then.”
(The Fall of Rome, ch 25)
Octavian couldn’t even look at me. It wasn’t my fault- I didn’t ask for praetor. After all that happened, that was the last position I wanted to hold. I just wanted to go back to Gwen’s comforting embrace at the fifth cohort, back to the warm hearth with the Vestals, back to whipping winds of running in the forest as I howled. Instead, I was dripping with gold and purple.
“I checked the stuffing,” Octavian threw the empty stuffed animal skin at me. “Death and confusion is coming your way. Maybe that’s what you deserve.”
“You wouldn’t.” 
Octavian seemed almost disgusted. “No, I wouldn’t. You don’t deserve a death from my hands.” He stormed away, and I stared after him. Still, I couldn’t help but feel unnerved.
I’ve seen what Octavian could do. Death was one of them. Whatever his father and the Senate did to him, changed him. But it was my fault they even found out. It was my fault for becoming praetor and dooming him to Augur. I remembered how much Octavian would’ve hated this outcome these past few years. I hated it too, but Octavian abhorred this. 
But I was the one who made it happen.
Just then, I was afraid. 
(The Fall of Rome, ch 35)
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bunkernine · 4 years
Jason Grace and The Dii Consentes
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Book 1: The Son of Lightning
Jason didn't have a lot to his name but the clothes on his back and a tattoo he never understood. He knew he was Roman, unapologetically so, and he would do anything to defend his home and fight. But first step? Joining the Legion. Preferably without getting stabbed by Octavian or falling off cliffs for a mystery girl.
→ Jason grows up as an orphan under the care of the Vestal Virgins 🧒🏼 He doesn't meet many other demigods until he hits SPQR. Because of his age, he trained alone one-on-one with various people, but never was with the other kids. When he hits about 12, he has to go through Wolf House before entering SPQR with the others
→ Before he enters SPQR, he goes through Wolf House for a few weeks with the other hopeful legionnaires 🐺 Here he meets Octavian and a few other minor characters (Consider this like Percy meeting Annabeth, but also Clarisse/Katie/The Stolls). Octavian sees Jason's tattoo and scowls (this is because he's jealous but Jason doesn't realize this and covers his arm up). They hate each other but use each other to succeed ahead of the others (both are too arrogant). It's essentially survival camp but people probably die. Jason thinks about what he remembers of his time under Lupa, but never verbally mentions it
“You look stupid. Stupid and useless.” Octavian sneered. He dug his knife against the tree. I winced, hearing the scraping noises as he carved his name into the bark. He grinned wickedly at the sight of the scratchily clawed OCTAVIAN. 
“I’m smart enough to not leave a trace of where I am.” I told him. His mouth flapped open for a second, and he screwed his jaw shut, lips pulling together in a thin line. 
Octavian brushed off his knife and pushed past me. “Keep moving, Bar-code.”
→ They make it out obviously ⚔️ Their next step before getting placed is some war game outside of the SPQR walls and into the mountains. It is here that Jason stumbles into Reyna.
She was dripping with whatever was in the murky river. The girl was about my age, long black hair and dark penetrating eyes. She wore one of the centurion helmets made for someone with a head twice as big, no doubt found abandoned with its giant dent and streaks of dried blood. Big slimy chunks of green mucus latched to her skin and clothes.
“Uh,” I said, still holding my nose. “Hi. You fell in the river.”
She cursed, loudly, and began to run off in the opposite direction. I heard Bryce’s victory whoop from beyond the trees, and against my best judgement, grabbed my sword and sprinted after the mystery girl.
→ They become fast friends and win the game together 🏆 Jason is surprised that she's not a demigod (she is, he's just 12 and dumb), and tells her to join the legion. Octavian swoops in just to be annoying saying it's not that easy. Reyna scowls and says "Watch me." In the excitement of winning the game, Jason loses sight of her.
→ Before their placing into cohorts, Octavian tells Jason that he's useless and doesn't have a family so he's going to the 5th cohort anyway 👪(Octavian has a long ancestry in 1st cohort and as officials). To both their surprise, Jason is placed in first cohort with him. Jason asks the current praetor why. It's pretty obvious, but it's the first time Jason is told explicitly that he's a son of Jupiter. In the feast afterwards, Jason looks for Reyna but she isn't there.
I stumbled up onto the podium. The Roman legionnaires stared back, blank-faced, silenced by the shouting Augur. Despite her best tries, a low murmur rippled through the crowd.
I clenched my teeth, thinking about what Octavian said. You're a no one. You have no family and no home- as if they'll accept you. I could hear his snide laughter. Scanning the crowd, I searched for someone familiar, someone I knew. The Vestal Virgins weren't in sight- they weren't allowed here and that made my fists clench- but then I saw Gwen. She smiled from over the helmets and spears. 
She was in the fifth cohort. I wanted to be in a cohort with someone like her. Then the crowd exploded with noise, and I realized I missed the announcement. I didn’t need to ask- Octavian’s reddening glare and sputtering said enough. 
Gwen stayed smiling. 
→ Jason and Octavian make a pact together when they get branded 🤝 Something about being rivals and they're not going to lose to each other. Then Jason gets another bar added and Octavian gets his tattoo. He looks ticked that Jason already had his, but is proud of his new tattoo anyway
→ A few weeks later, Jason stumbles out of bed into another "new recruit" ceremony 🗡️ There's a girl on the stage. It's Reyna. He yells that he would vouch for her, and Octavian calls him stupid because Jason's on probation. The legionnaire wearily accepts Reyna, and the three of them are now in first cohort together.
“It’s you,” I grabbed her hand. “Reyna, you’re here. You’re a demigod.”
“And?” Reyna snatched her hand back, folding her arms. She was still glowing from the feast, her hair covered with one of the faun’s confetti. On her forearm was a single thick black line underneath a crossed sword and torch. Bellona, I thought. A war goddess. That fit her. Reyna was strong and strategic.
I grinned at her. “We’re in the same cohort. So we’re teammates- again. But this time with less sewage and slime monsters.”
She blinked at me. Then broke out into a laugh. “Can you show me around? Octavian offered but I think he was trying to get me alone to kill me.”
“He does that a lot.” 
“I can tell.”
Now, Jason has bare memories of Lupa and a glimpse of Thalia. Following the journey of three years in five books like PJO, the Roman Trio are around 12/13 years old. Ultimately, there is still the Titan War in the last book, but the focus is little on the actual Titans and what leads up to it. 
While Percy and Annabeth had Luke, Jason’s in the Annabeth position in which he’s being betrayed by family- in this case, this is the Roman Senate. It in incredibly frustrating because of the secrecy and abandonment that the government had, and Jason/Reyna gets tired of the fact that they are just kids in a war camp
The Roman Trio’s struggle would be Reyna who despises the Senate and has no ties to SPQR, Octavian who has a long ancestry in power and strives to become praetor instead of Augur like expected of him, and Jason who grows up under the care and tutelage of the Senate but is treated as a trophy rather than a child. By the fourth book, the Senate topples because of the lies, but this leaves the Romans in an uncertain state of reform by the fifth book as the titans rise. The Roman Trio get thrust to the front of the battle, and take their place, despite hating it because it’s what they fought against (at least for Reyna and Jason- Octavian’s just pissed that Jason was praetor instead). A new senate rises and nothing really changes, and Jason disappears when Reyna needs him most. In his absence, things settle and everything goes back to how it was, and when Jason returns in Mark of Athena, he hardly remembers what happened. 
🤔 with the Roman trio, there's also the morals dynamic brought up much more than in PJO. Jason is strict on what is good and bad in the beginning, while Reyna questions it constantly ("Who is the one who created the rules?"). Octavian has his values rooted in the Senate as well, but unlike Jason, he hardly falters in his beliefs (the rare moments he does, is a split decision to trust the other two over the laws). Jason's disposition on morals changes almost entirely through out the series. Secondly, Octavian is suspicious but he's not really a villain. Just a dick 💀💀💀 he's 13 so idk what u want me to say
Some things do change though. Like the process to joining the Legion is different from what Percy goes through. Little things, but they happen 🤔
--- Anyway, since SoL is an intro book, it doesn’t have much substance but introduces topics. I’m a huge fan of the (found) family concept going on with PJO, and this would be great in between this and HoO. Reyna and Octavian’s backstories get explained through out the books I guess. Ngl, it would be very cool to end the final book with a mention of Hazel and Nico. 💑 As for romance... I don’t care cause valgrace wins in the end... PJO wasn’t ever about romance, but it’s probably there. I'm not picky.
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The Other Books: The Missing Vestal // The Games of War // The Witch's Wrath // The Fall of Rome
(hyperlinks to be added when i do them 😩)
*things to note: 1. i changed octavian to being only a year older than the jason and reyna, rather than two years. 2. i have no clue what spqr does like... at all 3. jason gets knocked to fifth cohort in book 2/3 so it’s still accurate to book and his inevitable hubris as a son of jupiter gets checked 4. there's probably some julius ceasar arc going on but idk i'm too dumb to think of it rn
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bunkernine · 4 years
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The bread tasted like leaves, but it was the best thing I had eaten in a long time. Scarfing down the little Dakota could spare, my ran through what was going to happen. A survival challenge meant we were doing things on our own. No help allowed, and definitely no interference from a referee. We would’ve starved, but the Senate would consider that more honorable than accepting help like this. 
For once, Octavian seemed to agree with me. He sneered at the bread held out to him, saying, “That’s against the rules.”
“You’re hungry,” Dakota offered again. His armor clinked, the sound echoing through the quiet forest, reminding me that he shouldn’t have been here in the first place. I swallowed, and the shame bittered the taste. Earlier, Octavian called me weak. He said I wasn’t a real Roman. Would a real Roman have taken the bread?
“I’d rather die,” Octavian spat out. 
“You’re going to starve,” I told him. “I’m not going to help you if that happens.” Octavian’s cold eyes trailed from the wrapper in my hand, to my face, where he held my eyes. His thin lips lifted upward like I had just told him a joke.
“Better to die a Roman than be weak, Jason.”
I rolled my eyes and passed the wrapper back to Dakota. After thanking him, the older legionnaire pointed toward where the river was- to which Octavian glared holes in my head for even asking for help- and headed back toward the wall. The silence between me and Octavian was worse than before, but at least I had something filling my stomach. But still, even after the bread, there was a gnawing in my abdomen, a spooling pit of uncertainty. 
Octavian’s stomach growled, but he only cursed and ignored it, striding forward like it was nothing. His hand was at his side, poise straight and practiced, ready to fight and die like a true Roman. 
The gnawing came again. Was Octavian right? I was Roman, obviously, but could someone be not Roman enough? The thought angered me, but not as much as even considering Octavian could be right. He was too irritating to be correct. 
Octavian then dropped. I bolted forward, the knife Gwen gave me earlier in hand, searching for whatever monster was there. I would kill them, the way a good Roman would, the way that was taught to me, ingrained as instinct. 
Then Octavian groaned, clutching his stomach. Realizing what happened, I kicked his squirming legs and he whined louder.
“What did I tell you?” I squatted by his sweaty face. “I told you I wasn’t going to help you.” 
Octavian’s face contorted in pain. “Shut up,” he huffed. “Get me some thing to drink.” 
For a second, I considered if the roles were switched. Octavian would’ve left me in a heartbeat. Is the Roman way to leave a comrade- I scowled, because Octavian wasn’t anywhere close to being a comrade- or would the Romans help their team? 
A phrase from one of my private lessons came to mind. Non nobis solum nati sumus. Not for ourselves alone are we born. I grumbled under my breath. Helping other people was fine, but did that have to include Octavian? There’s probably another line that said “not for ourselves alone are we born (unless you’re annoying and your name is Octavian).”
Roman decision or not, I patted his shoulder again and stood up in search for water to give the guy and gleefully tell him I told you so.
[explanation of this part of the son of lightning under the cut bro]
[A quick excerpt from the survival camp/Wolf House part of the book. It seems right that they would learn to survive alone, and then have a team game afterward, because you’re strong as one, but stronger together. Dakota’s a year or two older than Jason and Octavian, and eventually gets demoted to 5th cohort for something as simple as sharing bread. He’s only supposed to watch and make sure the kids who... don’t make it... get moved to stop from scaring the others. He took a liking to Jason and Octavian before the actual survival camp started. By survival camp, I just mean they dropped those kids in the woods filled with predators and rabid wolves without weapons or food for a few weeks lol... 
I think the best way to approach SPQR is that you go to school up until 12ish (Jason and Octavian rn, tho jason got private lessons cause he’s the son of jupiter and octavian is a Gifted Kid) and then train for a week with basic fighting skills, and then get dropped into survival camp aka Wolf House. Then who ever is left is clearly strong, and then they have the team game. From then, based on performance you’re supposed to get sorted into cohort’s but really it’s just nepotism cause the Senate is all twisted. I’m going to say SPQR has regular classes too lmao, so they know some math 💀
anyway, introducing the idea of jason not feeling wholly roman so early is pretty good. the feelings get ignored after this anyway, lol, until later in the books 🤔 but it'll make this issue more enticing in hoo 💕 jason's to annoyed by octavian to even register this being a legit struggle. also... he's 13 😩... I really had to resist the urge to throw in a "stupidhead" somewhere 😭]
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bunkernine · 4 years
It's very interesting to see Jason kind of be a jerk to Octavian. They're kind of jerks to each other but they're friends but not and it's very interesting. Much more interesting than HoO.
lololollol thanks💕 i’m stealing this ask to talk about their made up relationship hehe.... i’m throwing a read more cause i got verrrryyyy long and idk if it all makes sense lol
[📕 here is an intro to this particular branch of romanprequels]
[📖 here is the specific post on octavian in the rompre]
[📑 here is the tag on my blog for this particular branch]
So, I was stuck between two variations. The first was have them grow up as friends, but eventually dislike each other, but the second was this little rivalry. Idk, pjo could be dark at times, but this way served the roman trio to feel a lot more different in tone and relationship than from the original trio with percy/annie/grover or even the lost trio. HoO.... should’ve been darker, but having it go from PjO, to RomPre, to HoO is fine too. 
That aside, they’re also 12/13 when they first meet, and are stuck in close proximity, and pitted against each other from the beginning. Octavian’s someone who has always been in power because of his family and prodigy, and suddenly some orphan comes along and is praised just cause he’s the son of jupiter? Yeah, that was natural. Jason didn’t really grow up constraining his aggressiveness, but he learns to through out the books, but still makes thoughtless remarks and shit (which is why he would think things through a lot more come HoO. He’s definitely a thinker, but he’ll come to a point- Octavian related or not- where Jason gets that his mind is a lot more powerful and he needs to trust it. Which is why his memory loss is so upsetting in TLH because that was his tool to trust). 
Anyway, they’re still like, questmates. I have it planned that Jason’s in the first cohort with Octavian (further pissing the latter off) until the ending of the second book, where they fail to do something and Jason gets demoted. So they’re definitely familiar with each other and despite their competition, they’re still kind of friends who care about each other. Also, Octavian is like, kind of pretentious lmao. Reyna on the other hand, is someone Jason always trusts and relies on, but that’s for another post lol.
I think a lot of Jason means well. There are points in HoO where he can be careless or cocky, which is funny since he’s typically regarded as such a morally sound character. I think it would’ve been better to see him grow into that instead, and the comparison between his dynamic with the Romans, and then his dynamic with the Greeks would change him a lot. 
🤔 When it comes to Octavian, there’s always been this kind of influence of a rigid set of morals, and power, and fate. Being an Augur literally surrenders to fate, but there’s probably some corruption with people lying about it or faking prophecies maybe? It’s interesting that canonly, Octavian REALLY wants to be praetor, but there wasn’t any reasoning for it. He also mentions looking for Jason, but doesn’t really put much effort. Jason also never seemed inclined to be in power nor be praetor, so for him to unwittingly steal it from Octavian? WILD. 
‘Cause Octavian does have some semblance of prophecy powers, he could’ve already seen this coming, and might’ve listened to Jason saying “blah blah fate isn’t real haha” and maybe believed him. Only for the outcome to be exactly what he despised.
Anyway, I think it would’ve been really cool for Jason to be so “YOU DECIDE YOUR OWN FATE, WE CAN CHANGE IT!!!!”, especially with the themes of PJO, and then, in HoO it’s literally him succumbing to fate and the will of the gods, and like, by toa... he really just accepts it. And it’s such a sad story to watch. 
As for Octavian, we just get introduced to this snobby kid with issues, and then over the Roman series, we’ll see those issues and why, and watch as he tries to fight it, but he also fails, and eventually dies in HoO because of this power-hungry state and allegiance to the Rome that they’ve tried to abolish.... also a sad story. (Reyna’s i have kinda planned in my head, but have yet to dive into cause she actually HAS a backstory in canon but i can’t remember it lmao)... so like, perhaps one of the reason why Jason doesn’t enjoy leading as much is because he still feels awful about what he did to Octavian. Like, all his efforts for his friends turn out bad, which pushes his insecurity, cause maybe he is just like his dad. 
Anyway.... cause I’m a lost trio superstar 😍 this kinda fits into why jason doesn’t fuel too much into his supposed “rivalry” with percy, but also tries harder to keep leo grounded cause octavian losing himself could very much happen to leo too. but also when it comes to piper, you have someone who did lie to him all tlh, and was going to sell him out for family, so he’s trying to manage that. HONESTLY THIS WORKS A LOT BETTER if Jason straight up, didn’t get his memories in tlh, and he always has flashbacks to what makes up the roman prequels but  doesn’t quite remember. So then, he knows something happen, but when he looks at the hurt in Reyna’s face, or the envy in Octavian’s he knows it’s his fault but not how. And he can only hope he doesn’t do it again with Piper and Leo.
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bunkernine · 4 years
Diana twirled her stick in the fire carefully. Octavian stayed back in his tent after the crocotta attack, no doubt cursing the girls out, and angrily ripping into another stuffed animal for a hint of a fortune. 
“Lady Artemis,” Reyna tried talking over the flames. “We’ve been here for a week now, and the Vestals are really important to Jason-”
“They’re my family,” I confirmed next to her. Reyna nodded and squeezed my hand.
“His family.” Reyna echoed. Diana didn’t look like she had been listening, until she sighed softly and lifted her face toward the moon, murmuring prayers to herself. Reyna looked at me and I shrugged back. It was cutting close on our deadline, but it would’ve sucked to have wasted this time with the Hunters. 
“You have more family, Jason,” Diana whispered. She looked back at the fire and pulled back a burning marshmallow. It dripped into the sticks, until there was nothing left. Diana sighed again like it bored her, and she pushed another jumbo marshmallow onto her stick. 
I glanced at Reyna. She looked very patient, but I could tell by the way her knee began to bounce faster that she was getting annoyed by the goddess. If I focused well enough, I could hear Octavian’s frustrated mutterings. There was wolf howl in the distance, but it was very faint and tickled my inner ears. I suppose I did have more family- in the past few months, Reyna and Octavian, and the rest of the cohort were practically family. Lupa and the rest of the wolves hadn’t entirely abandoned me. 
The Vestals were my family, but I was lucky enough to have more. Reyna only had Camp Jupiter, and Octavian had a confusing and questionable mess. I was very lucky to have so much family- but that didn’t mean I could abandon a missing Vestal, either. 
“I know,” I told Diana. “But it’s really important to find Daisy and the other girls. How would you feel if one of the Hunters were lost? They might be immortal, but they’re still kids.”
Reyna elbowed me- hard. Diana’s eyes fell onto me, the cold white eyes staring past me. Her lips pulled into a frown, and she slid her stick back to reveal a golden brown marshmallow. The two of us watched as the goddess, placed the marshmallow in between chocolate and graham cracker squares. She chewed in thought, chin sitting on her hand. 
“Alright,” We jumped, and Diana stuck a new marshmallow on her stick. “I will help you find the missing girls. But you do not get to talk to a goddess like that again. You are lucky that I am fond of your family. Now leave, Jason. I need a word with Reyna.”
(The Missing Vestal, ch 14)
lol. she was talking about thalia with the “u have more family dude”
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