#jasper ready to *fight* anyone who rejects alice
goldeneyedgirl · 7 months
I have returned
My absence was medical-related, and now I'm back - and optimistic that things will get better now! So if you've been waiting for an email, DM, or ask response, I've actually got enough spoons to write! We have two new chapters on the way this month, so I cannot wait to get those finished.
Until then, have this weird fun little snippet from something I never really did anything with.
He’s sitting at his desk, working on the family financials when he hears their conversation - Bella and Alice. “You never fell in love?” Bella is curious, and the question - or at least, the ones that will follow - has been waiting to burst forth. It makes sense that she’d be curious. Alice is the last person anyone would expect to be alone. “I did once, but it didn’t work out,” Alice’s response is light and unexpected, and he immediately freezes. She doesn’t talk much about her life before she met him, and she’s certainly never mentioned any love affairs or a broken heart. “They weren’t interested.” “Oh, Alice,” the pity in Bella’s voice is cloying, and he can feel the embarrassment drift over Alice. “It was a long time ago, Bella. It’s not something that I think about very often. I know that they are safe and happy, and that’s all that really matters in the end.” There is definitely sadness in her voice now, and he wonders who it was. Who turned their back on her and left her alone and unprotected. “But didn’t you see that it wouldn’t work out?” He wants to ask Bella to stop talking, to leave Alice alone, but he is transfixed by this secret side of Alice, this secret history that not even he knew. “I saw us together and happy. And I got impatient, and decided to go to them early. I just wanted to skip to the good part, I guess. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out.”
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
NEW! The Fire of the Innocent Sun: Jasper Hale x Fleur Hale, Chapter 5
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Authors note: Again some elements of the movie and book have been changed. Remember when this song was popular?
"I keep going to the river to pray 'Cause I need something that can wash out the pain And at most I'm sleeping all these demons away But your ghost, the ghost of you It keeps me awake."
Ghost by, Ella Henderson
I hadn't been down to the reservation in a while it's lush trees and plants were turning orange and yellow and its grass was still damp and slippery. It was as if it was frozen in time, being dormant in constant rain and coldness. Before I knew it I was at Billy Black's house, an uneasiness was nestled within my stomach. I didn't know how Jacob would react or how much he had changed. I knew he was still hurt after all the manipulation Bella had put him through and I didn't know how he would treat me. Would it be was cheerfulness and joy or would his heart freeze over and reject my plea immediately? I didn't have much time to ponder over my choices as the door had swung open. A smile greeted me at the door, Billy Black hadn't changed much... it gave me a sense of comfort.
"Fleur, it is so nice to see you again...Sam told me the situation you're in... I hope you make it out okay." Billy said, moving aside for me to come in.
"Thank you, I hope we do too... Did dad show you pictures of Ezra?"
Billy chuckled before answering me.
"You know he did, he looks a lot like you two... same black hair and brown eyes."
"He doesn't have my personality that's for sure."
"What's he like?"
"He's a lot like Jasper... calm and collected the only thing he got from me was my love for the Earth. He is obsessed with plants, water, and he is absolutely fascinated by space it's adorable." I smiled at the thought of my son... I never knew how much love I could feel someone until I had him. I loved Jasper to death of course but having a child just opens your eyes that much more.
"Not that I'm complaining that you visited but, there is a reason you're here I'm sure."
I looked at him, guilt replaced my joy.
"Yeah, there is... I need to talk to Jacob, is he here?"
"He might be down at the beach, if he's not there he's in the barn house."
"Thank you, Billy. It's so nice seeing you again." I said, I bent down to hug him.
I then turned around walking toward the front door, I walked down to La Push. The nerves had set in again and if I could, my palms would probably be sweaty. The wet gravel crunched beneath my feet and the wind howled loudly. I had stopped and looked around, the ocean looked grey matching the sky perfectly.
"What are you doing here?" I sternly voiced asked from behind me.
I slowly turned around and saw Jacob staring at me. The disdain was riddled in his eyes.
"Hey, Jacob..."
"What are you doing here?" He asked again he sounded angrier.
"I wouldn't bother you if it wasn't important... I think you know everything that is going on right now."
"I know some of it but that's not my problem. I left Sam's pack."
My eyes widened, shock replaced my apprehensiveness.
"What? Why?"
"I didn't feel the need to be there anymore... and before you even ask you know why."
"It is Bella?"
"Ding ding ding."
"I'm sorry Jacob... I know my sister really hurt you."
"Not like you care."
I walked up to him looking him dead in the eye.
"Of course I do! Jake, I've known you since I was a little girl... you were one of my best friends. I know you can't stand what am I but I am always going to care about you."
His eyes filled with sadness but relief began to shine through. I took a chance and pulled him in for a hug, he reciprocated it. I could feel hot droplets of water fall onto my clothes.
"She really fucking hurt me."
Venom leaked from my eyes and my face scrunched up.
"She hurt me too."
I didn't know how long I was standing there with him but suddenly the sun filled my vision. It was like our walls built with coldness and ice were beginning to thaw. I hadn't really talked much about any of this with Jasper or the others. No matter how much she screwed me over she was still my sister. As much as I didn't want to I loved her and I always would. Jacob and I pulled apart, I could see the relief on his face. He must've been holding all of this in too, all of that pain stuffed into a bottle that was about ready to burst.
"So... what did you need?" He asked, a small smile was on his face.
"You know I had a son?"
"Yeah, I do... Billy tells me all the time about the photos your dad shows him."
"Well... Bella and Edward told the Volturi about him and now they're coming after all of us."
"Wow... So that's where she went."
"Yeah... Leah told me that a lot more people are turning because of the vampires we found to help us out."
"So you're asked me to help the wolves out."
"Damn didn't even have to finish my statement."
Jacob laughed before answering.
"I'm in... you're going to need all the help you can get."
"Thank you so much Jacob you do not know how much I appreciate this."
Timeskip: 2 hours later
Jacob and I drove back down to the Cullens' house, I wondered how they would react. When I pulled into the driveway I saw Jasper and Rosalie waiting for me.
"Oh boy..." I muttered to myself. Jacob and I got out of the car and approached them.
"Fleur where were you?" Jasper asked.
"I had to find a little bit more help," I said, gesturing toward Jacob.
"Jacob, nice to see you again." Jasper greeted, I could tell he was tense.
"Don't worry I'm not gonna try anything on you guys... even if blondie tries to poison me."
"Don't push your luck." Rosalie threatened, her eyes took on a deadly look and her finger was pointed at him.
"Okay you two settle down and get in the house," I said, trying to breaking the tension. Before we could however I could he the sound of two people running. Their speed wasn't one of a human Rosalie, Jasper, and Jacob would all hear it too.
"Rosalie get Carlisle now!" I said.
Rosalie quickly ran into the house.
Before I knew it two men were standing in front of me... both were unfamiliar.
"Who are you?"
The door behind me swung open and Carlisle called out toward the two people. Kate, Rosalie, and Emmett were right behind him.
"Vladimir, Stefan, you're a long way from home."
"What are they doing here?" I heard Kate inquire.
"We heard the Volturi were moving against you. But that you would not stand alone." Vladimir answered.
"We didn't do what we were accused of," I stated.
"We do not care what you did."
"We have been waiting a millennium for the Italian scum to be challenged," Stefan said in eagerness.
"It's not our plan to fight the Volturi," Carlisle said quickly.
"Shame. Aro's witnesses will be so disappointed."
"They enjoy a good fight."
"Aro's witnesses?" I asked.
"Aww. Still, hoping they'll listen?" Vladimir said to me mockingly.
"When Aro wants someone from a coven it's never long before evidence turns up proving that coven committed some crime."
"So he's done this before?" I said, anger leaked in my voice and I quickly whipped my head around to look at Carlisle.
"It happens so rarely, I never realized it was a pattern," Carlisle replied.
"How in the hell do you not remember that he's done this before you've lived for hundreds of years!"
"I can't really tell you Fleur... I just know he always pardons one person whose thoughts he claims are repentant. This person always has an ability. And they're always given a place with the Guard."
"It has to be about Alice. He has no one like her!" I started.
"Which is why she left." Jasper finished for me.
"Why does he need witnesses?" Emmett asked.
"To spread the word that justice has been served. After he slaughters an entire coven." Vladimir answered.
"Come on inside, we need to tell everyone else the news," Carlisle said.
You could imagine the faces of everyone when they revealed the pattern of the Volturi. Horror and shocked were all anyone could feel in the room.
"Benjamin, Tia, we're leaving. NOW!" Amun demanded.
I quickly jumped up blocking his way toward the exit.
"And where will you go? What makes you think they'll be satisfied with Alice? What's to stop them from going after Benjamin next? Or Zafrina or Kate, Bree, or anyone else with a gift?" I started, I looked toward Jasper for support.
"They will try to get anyone they want. Their goal isn't punishment, it's power. It's acquisition. Carlisle might not ask you to fight, but Fleur and I will. For the sake of my family. But also for yours. And for the way you want to live." Jasper added. Jacob and Leah looked at each other before nodding slightly toward one another.
"The pack will fight. We've never been afraid of vampires."
"We will fight," Kate said, Tanya, Elezar, and Carmen nodded in agreement.
"This won't be the first time I fought a king's rule." Garrett added.
"We'll join you." Benjamin said, smiling at me."
"No, we will not!"
"I will do the right thing, Amun. You may do as you please." Benjamin said dismissing Amun.
"We will stand with you."
"So will we."
I looked at everyone before thanking them.
"We're going to take down these bastards once and for all."
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darkestdesired · 6 years
Immortal Guardians
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Requested by : @stargirl4e
Tags:@vxidnik @nadinissavage
Summery: How will the Volturi react to their favorite human growing up?Rosalie becomes worried,how long will the reader remain human after some shocking news?
Volturi x reader
King x reader
AN: I really like this Gif of Rosalie,she looks so beautiful.I’m not spoiling which king i picked since the requester wanted to be surprised.Hope you like it! I have a special twist coming up in the next chapter so stay tuned! Love you all! 
It had been 14 years since i first met the Volutri,the Cullens were surprised by how they treated me.But sadly i hadn't seen them in 5 years,they became distracted by a rogue vampire army in Germany that needed their full attention.Once they destroyed the army they were all eager to see me,they knew my 20th birthday was coming up so they invited all of us to Rome.I followed my siblings into the castle,i may have been the oldest but they still treated me like their little sister.I didn't mind it,whatever made them happy was okay in my book.They had sent me a beautiful gown that looked like something straight from Mary Antoinette's wardrobe.I heard heels clicking and looked ahead of us to see Alec and Jane running towards us.A happy grin spread across their faces when they saw me pull down my hood,"(Y/n)!" I weaved past my siblings and pulled the twins into a tight hug."I missed you guys so much!" Alec pulled away and looked me up and down."Wow,you've grown up a lot since we last saw you." I giggled."I can't believe you're going to be 20." I smiled at Jane."You're making me feel old!" Jane shook her head as she laughed."Come along,everyone is super excited to see you." I nodded and we followed as Jane and Alec led the way,i looked around at all of the agriculture,The castle was gorgeous and i felt strangely comfortable.I hid behind Emmett and jasper as Jane and Alec pushed open the doors to the throne room. Aro stood up with a smile,Marcus perked up and Caius looked at all of my siblings,they could me hear and smell me but they couldn't see my face other then my dress peeking out behind my brothers."Ah,the Cullens.We are so very glad you could all make it." Edward gave a small apologetic smile."Yes,a few members had to stay behind." He was referring to Carlisle and Esme,they stayed home with renesmee who wanted to stay with Jacob. Aro nodded and looked across the group,"And where is our little human?" Emmett and jasper stepped out of the way to reveal me,i giggled as i saw their eyes widen.Marcus's bored expression change to a wide smile, Even caius cracked a smile,but Aro,Aro was in complete shock.
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He hadn't realized I'd grow up so fast,but here i was,a grown woman."Aro are you alright?" Aro quickly broke from his trance,not realizing he had been staring into my eyes the entire time."Ah..yes my dear,i am alright,you just surprised me." Marcus and caius appeared next to him. Caius noticed i wasn't wearing heels like my sisters,"Why do you insist on wearing flats?" I glanced at my shoes before looking up at him with a smile."I remembered how much you hate the sound of clicking heels so i decided to wear flats." Aro smiled at me."You are very considerate Cara Mia." I blushed lightly."It's nothing,Anyways,i was told that you all had a surprise for me,Alice and Edward wouldn't tell me anything." Marcus smiled down at me."We cannot tell you either,Just know that you need to stay in your room while we finish preparing it.Jane,will you and Alec watch over her?" Jane and Alec perked up and grabbed my hands."Now go on,I promise you'll love the surprise." Aro cooed.Jane and Alec led me past my siblings,i waved as they watched worriedly,Except for Edward and Alice who smiled and waved back.Marcus noticed the way Aro was watching me as i left with Jane,He used his powers and noticed the bond form between me and Aro.He gave Aro his hand,Aro looked at him in surprise.Edward clenched his jaw,he wasn't happy with Aro being my mate but he could tell from Alice's vision that we would be happy together, even if there were a couple obstacles."I see,What unexpectedly wonderful news." Rosalie furrowed her eyebrows."What is it brother?" Caius asked confused."Aro started a mating bond with (Y/n)." The others looked at Edward in shock."No!It can't be him! Anyone but him!" Rosalie growled.Demetri and Felix growled back at her,they were ready to fight."Rosalie calm down." Emmett held onto Rosalie,but she was livid."NO! I will not let you have her!" Caius growled."You do not have a choice,this is up to Aro and (Y/n)!" Jasper sent calming waves to everyone so that they'd calm down."I know she's always going to be our baby sister but she's old enough to make her own decisions."Rosalie glared at jasper,She knew he was right,but she couldn't stand the thought of someone as kind as me being with an old power hungry vampire."I won't accept this,but if she agrees then I'll allow her to be with you,but if you so much as hurt a single hair on her head we will hunt you down and rip you to pieces." Aro raised a brow,"If i ever hurt her i believe you all might need to wait in line to kill me,Everyone here would die for her." Felix,Demetri and the the other two kings nodded in agreement.
I walked around the room while Jane and Alec asked me questions."So,have you met anyone?" Alec smirked.I shook my head,"No....well..there's one man who I've liked for a very, very long time,but i doubt he'd see me as nothing but a child."Jane and Alec looked at each other then at me,"What is he like?" i smiled and sat on the couch in between them."He's a few inches taller then me,he's also vampire,he has gorgeous red eyes that i could stare into for days,his hair is as dark as night and soft to the touch.He's intelligent,kind,and gentle.When I'm with him it's as if the rest of the world disappears." I looked down at my hands with a smile on my face.Jane and Alec gave each other a knowing look,being vampires they heard the entire conversation from the throne room,"Why don't you confess? I'm sure this man will feel the same." Jane gave my hand a reassuring squeeze."Maybe,but what if he doesn’t? The rejection will hurt touch for me to bare." Alec rubbed my shoulder."He'd be crazy to ever reject someone as amazing as you." I kissed their cheeks and smiled."what would i ever do without you two?" Alec smiled back."You'll never have to know." Jane and Alec perked up,"Their ready,we need to blindfold you." I giggled as they blindfolded me and led me down the hall,"So this is how i die,blindfolded in a gorgeous castle." I heard a bunch of laughter,and one voice i recognized as Felix,"Very funny." I could smell a fresh scent of flowers.I was sat on a chair,"You may take off your blindfold Cara Mia." I heard Marcus say.I gently untied my blindfold and gasped when i opened my eyes.I was in a giant ball room surrounded by my family,there were fresh flowers and rose petals everywhere.I covered my mouth as tears fell down my cheeks,The Volturi’s smiles dropped as Aro ran to me."I am sorry,Is it that bad?We can fix it,anything you'd like." I laughed as i wiped my eyes."It's perfect,Thank you all so much." There were a few sighs of relief. Aro kissed my hand,”I am so happy to hear that Cara Mia,You scared me for a moment there.” i giggled as he helped me stand.”Sorry,Wouldn’t want you to have a heart attack,would we?” i teased with a smirk. Aro leaned in a bit more,”Only from you my queen.” He chuckled as my face turned red.”This is your night,Let us celebrate.” i smiled and nodded,he held my hand as he led me to the others.This night would be one of my happiest and most treasured memories,if only i knew what waited for me the morning after.
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