madamefist · 4 months
"7- Poor Buttercup! My heart broke for her in this chapter! 😢
7 - She's going through it.. You wait till the next chapter 🫠😬"
"8- Butch is the best boyfriend Buttercup could ever asked for! 😭
8 - 😬😬😬"
"you're all going to hate me after I post this next chapter 😬 Like chapter 8 is.. I'll just say sorry now."
Lol! Can't wait to see how you are gonna break my heart to pieces! xD 🥲
And honestly, don't worry too much. We're not going to hate you. I actually started caring about the greens (especially Buttercup) when they get involved in some heavy shit like this. I only read your fanfic for the Reds, I never cared about the Greens nor the Blues (especially the Blues). And that's not because you didn't write them well, it's just that they always were meh to me. xD
But the last chapter you did really made me care about Buttercup and sympathize with her. So, what you're doing is a good thing for her character (even though it was so painful to read! xD 😭).
So, don't worry and do what you do best. 🙂
And this is an Ask, so I should ask you something! 🤣: So, you said you don't know when you will update after chapter 8. Does that mean chapter 9 is not written yet? Because I remember you saying you had written until chapter 11.
Another question: When exactly do you think you will release chapter 8?
Hi! Love to hear you've become more invested in the greens! They're a close second to the reds for me - it's the blues I struggle with, which I think is clear in my writing. I do need to work on it. But yeah I'm with you, they reel me in the least too, however I want to get better at writing them in a way that does peak my own interests let alone anyone elses! Yeah I have written up to chapter 12 I do believe.. I am not 100 percent on that though as I haven't actually sat down & looked at any of my writing in a long time. I'm tackling tumblr first, then ao3 & ff.net! Then I'm going to look at updating. I'll be updating Prophecy first. I can't give you an actual date, or any idea of when it will be, how soon it will come etc.. But it will be soon. As I said in my previous response, things have been tough personally for me at the moment, but I'm trying to find my joy again & one of the ways I am doing that is to try and get back into writing. I miss it deeply. I'll try to be a little more forthcoming with general updates from here on out anyway. Thanks for sticking around regardless! MF
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zedpercyfan · 6 years
Oh!  Oh okay, never thought I’d end up getting tagged in one of these, but @anjumstar3 / @letswritefanfiction has done me under xD. 
RULES – Bold the statements that are true & tag 15 people.
I am over 5′5″ / I wear glasses/contacts / I have blond hair / I wear sweatshirts a lot / I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing / I have one or more piercings / I have at least one tattoo / I have blue eyes / I have dyed or highlighted my hair / I have gotten plastic surgery / I have or had braces / I sunburn easily / I have freckles / I paint my nails / I typically wear makeup / I don’t often smile / I am pleased with how I look / I prefer Nike to Adidas / I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport / I can play an instrument / I am artistic / I know more than one language / I have won a trophy in some sort of competition / I can cook or bake without a recipe / I know how to swim / I enjoy writing / I can do origami / I prefer movies to TV shows / I can execute a perfect somersault / I enjoy singing / I could survive in the wild on my own / I have read a new book series this year / I enjoy spending time with friends / I travel during school or work breaks / I can do a handstand
I have had my first kiss / I have gotten drunk / I have told a crush I like them / I have traveled outside of the country / I have flown on an airplane / I have stayed awake for more than 48 hours / I have had a near-death experience / I have caught something on fire / I have performed in a talent show / I have shot a gun / I have been on TV / I have gone scuba diving / I have broken a bone / I have slow-danced / I have gone on a shopping spree
I am in a relationship / I have been single for over a year / I have a crush / I have a best friend / I have known a friend for over ten years / I have a brother / I have dated my best friend / I am adopted / My crush has confessed to me / I have had a long-distance relationship / I am an only child / I give advice to my friends / I have made an online friend / I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell / I have watched the sun rise / I enjoy rainy days / I have slept under the stars / I meditate outside / The sound of chirping calms me / I enjoy the smell of the beach / I know what snow tastes like / I listen to music to fall asleep / I enjoy thunderstorms / I enjoy cloud watching / I have attended a bonfire/ I pay close attention to colors / I find mystery in the ocean / I enjoy hiking on nature paths / Autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle / I am the mom friend / I live by a certain quote / I like the smell of Sharpies / I am involved in extracurricular activities / I enjoy Mexican food / I can drive stick-shift / I have memorized an entire song in a day / I believe in true love / I dream up scenarios to fall asleep / I sing in the shower / I wish I lived in a video game / I have a canopy above my bed / I am multi-racial / I am a redhead / I own at least three dogs / I am LGBT
Tagging: @dashingcatameringue @dbzebra @paolo1350 @miyatoriaka @hollylu-ships-it @lilitomatomine @ultimatebman @allthingsmisty @lightningenergy @jassimhamid26
Yeah, think these peeps were the only people I could come up with to tag.  You’re not obligated to if you’ve already done it by the way.
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madamefist · 4 months
Please let us know if you're okay. 🙏🏻
Hey, So sorry for my radio silence. I know it's been awhile since I've posted or updated in any manner & I'm sorry about that. In all honesty I've not even logged on to tumblr or ff.net/ao3 in a long time. Without oversharing too much, things have been very difficult for me lately, so writing/updating weren't high on my priority list. There were points that maybe doing some writing would have been good for me, therapeutic possibly, but I've been so deeply depressed I wasn't finding much joy in anything.
However, things are looking up. I am beginning to see the light once more. The dark cloud has cleared a little. Hopefully it continues to remain that way - I'd be grateful for just some overcast days at this point! I'll look back on my other messages/asks & get back to everyone now. But thank you so much for checking in. I do appreciate it.
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madamefist · 1 year
Hi, Madamefist. It's been a while since your last update. I hope everything's okay with you. I get busy with a lot of stuff myself and forgot to give the latest chapter a second read. I saw you rebelog, and I remembered you. So, I just wanted to know if when you think the next update will be?
Hi there, Yeah, I know I kind of fell off the planet for a bit. But I'm feeling a bit more myself at the moment & hoping my personal situation will improve as it is seemingly.. I'm hoping to get Prophecy updated this week - possibly today if my work commitments permit it, so fingers and toes crossed (: Thanks for being patient with me xo
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madamefist · 1 year
I'm so late again to write this! But wow! Another fantastic chapter! Despite being a "slice of life" chapter, I really enjoyed reading it. A lot of stuff happened, so I will talk about each point in a separate "ask" (and of course, ask you a question! xD). First thing first: Brick & Blossom flirting in French & Spanish.... I. NEED. MORE. OF. THIS! 🤣 Seriously, even if you do a whole chapter of just that, I will still read it! xD Second: Brick & Blossom little "fight", Brick may have been harsh, but he's right, Blossom really needs to put herself first for once! Don't get me wrong, being selfless is cool & all, but you have to look for what you want to. So, yes, as harsh as it was, Blossom needed to hear it & I like Brick's half ass "apology"! xD And third thing is: Everyone downplaying Brick's kidnapping... Look, I'm not here comparing Brick & Blossom kidnapping and saying which is worse, but the way everyone brushed it off is really annoying me, like all he get "Yeah, it's fucked up I'm sorry this happened to you" and that's that. It screams, "He's a guy, he can deal with it" & I really don't like it. The school didn't even bother to check on him & no one cared to ask him if he's okay now, not the PPG, his brothers, or the Professor. And while he does look fine (or at least that's what he tells himself), it's still a bad taste in my mouth. So, my question for you is: Will this topic be tackled again? Or will it be left at that (since from the look of it, Brick doesn't appear to mind it much or at all)?
Thank you so much for reading, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I love writing Blossom and Brick flirting, particularly in front of people as I feel like it's something that doesn't happen often 🤣 I agree too - I see Brick being good at pulling out a little of the 'selfish' in her when it's appropriate. Okay so about the downplaying of Brick's abduction - I agree with you and I kind of did it on purpose. His brothers see him as someone who doesn't need to be asked if they are okay - he's always absolutely fine and he can handle anything! At least to their minds, anyway. You can rest assured Blossom has checked in on him behind closed doors, and know that they would have spoken about it a lot whilst they were still on the Cayman Islands. And with regards to the Professor, I think he's so swept up in checking on Blossom it's not crossed his mind to check in on Brick. I also feel like he too would be guilty of assuming Brick can handle himself, and just generally forgetting he is a parentless 18 year old boy. HOWEVER. This topic will be tackled again at some point soon in an upcoming chapter.
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madamefist · 1 year
Hey, Madamefist. I'm glad to see you're updating here. I was just about to ask you when you will update Prophecy. It's good to hear it will be this week. Also, I'm happy to see Break the Cycle finally getting an update.
But I'm also wondering about something... Did my previous "ask" (which was sent a month ago, maybe more) not reach you?
Because I'm sure I did send it this time... I think... I hope I didn't write something inappropriate or if I was being too much... "wild" or "inappropriately friendly" in my last message, which is why it was ignored by you? If I was, then I apologise. Sometimes, I write stuff without giving them a second read or thought. Which then turned to awkward/cringe/inappropriate messages...
Anyway, I'm happy to hear about the Prophecy getting an update soon. I will be looking forward to what will unfold in the upcoming chapter.
Hii, no worries, I wasn't ignoring it at all, just been really swamped with work and real life stuff, that's all. You didn't do anything wrong, I'm just bad at managing my life 😅😂 I've answered your previous ask just now. And yes - I managed to update Break The Cycle - & Prophecy will follow shortly!
Thanks as always! 🖤
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madamefist · 11 months
HOLY SHIT!!! A lot of things happened in this chapter!!! Where do I start?!
1- Esmérelda is a b@#&!
2- Buttercup lost her powers TWICE!
3- Mike is bi! YAY! xD
4- Drama between the sisters! :(
5- Esmérelda is a bitch!!!
6- Him and Esmérelda are aware that Brick doesn't get affected by Esmé's influence!!! 😱
7- Poor Buttercup! My heart broke for her in this chapter! 😢
8- Butch is the best boyfriend Buttercup could ever asked for! 😭
10- Brick can see the future??! 😦
11- The Blues finally made up! YAY! xD
12- Blossom finally told her sisters about her heart attacks. I'm glad.
13- Brick started to put two to two together, but he's still not making a move!!! C'mon, Brick! Do something!!!
Phew! I think that's everything! xD You really know how to write villains, Madamefist! First, Melvin, now Esmé. Seriously, I'm starting to hate her more than Melvin. The Reds didn't get a lot of focus, but I was glad that Blossom told Brick about what the Professor said to her. My heart also broke when her sister ganged on her when Esmé accused her. It was really hard to read. :(
But I can't but just noticed Brick's new "ability" if you will call it that. He now can dream about the future? Can foresee the future? Similar to Him? Hmmmm... it's quite interesting, I have to say.
But man, the ending, with Him appearing and telling Esmé to kill Buttercup... I'm both scared and excited for the next chapter! This chapter was worth the wait for sure. But I do hope you update within a month, I really want to know what will happen next!!!
You take care now. 😄
Okay.. 1 - Yes, you are correct 😂 2 - Poor BC 😭 3 - Yay Mike 💖💜💙 4 - I think we need to refer to number 1 for this one.. I didn't enjoy writing them being horrible to each other I gotta admit! 5 - Yes, that is very true 6 - Yes - they know stuff Brick doesn't - wouldn't that annoy him! 7 - She's going through it.. You wait till the next chapter 🫠😬 8 - 😬😬😬 9 - STILL VERY TRUE. 10 - 🤔🤔🤔 11 - Yay blues 💙 12 - About time really..! 13 - He needs to trust his gut more doesn't he... 14 - YESSSSSSSSSSSS 😆 Thank you so much! I don't know what it says about me as a person being able to pull off writing evil well, but I'm gunna take it as a compliment either way 😏🤣 The reds will take centre stage soon - I worry about my fics being tooooo red sometimes. They are my favourites to write, but I do love the greens - struggle with the blues (but that doesn't mean I don't love them) - but gave myself a little personal goal to try & write them better/more in my Choices/Prophecy fics. I'll do my very best to get chapter 8 up within the month 🫶
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madamefist · 1 year
Holy shit!!! First, Break The Cycle and now this chapter!!! 😱😱😭😭 My heart wasn't ready for all this angst!!! 💔
Esmé is.... she is not Sedusa... she is... SHE'S A DEMON! Yes, a female demon! A succubus! No! An evil succubus!!!! That what she is! She works for HIM!
And she's after Butch now... Good God! That scene was disturbing when she was INAPPROPRIATELY touching him! And both Butch AND Buttercup stood there and didn't stop her!!!
And the Professor! The hell?! He was an ASS to both Professor Winter and Blossom!
And oh my God! Freaking Melvin's letters!!! Seriously, it's a good thing you closed the chapter on the Reds flirting. Otherwise, I don't think my poor heart could handle it! xD
This chapter was somehow more disturbing than Breaking the Cycle's chapter. Seriously, Madamefist, well done!!! I have to praise you again for your wonderful writing!!! You made me both excited and fearful of what will happen in the next chapter! I really can't wait to read it! I really hope you update it sooner this time! 🙏🏻
But now... I... I think I need to collect my thoughts first before I give this chapter a second read/review and ask you questions.
I think I need fluff. Yeah... maybe I will go back to read the "Ice World" chapter again. Yeah, I think I will do that. Fluff is good... Angst is bad! xD Talk to you later.
You know what, I was thinking if anyone who reads both fics, they'll go from Break The Cycle like 'oh my god, no - Professor, I love you! 😭' then to Prophecy like 'wtf Professor?! 😠' 😂😅 All I'm gunna say is.. Hope you don't mind some angst too much 😬🙃 They'll be fluffy stuff sprinkled around too - I promise! Yes - go back to the 'Ice World'!! 😂 Thanks for reading xo
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madamefist · 1 year
Okay, now I'm sure I didn't click on send when I wrote the review (I mean the "ask" 🤣😅), I remember writing it right after I read the chapter (which was about 4 weeks from now) but it seems I forgot to send it to you, my bad. Anyway, here it is:
OMG! I couldn't stop laughing at how the girls and the boys reacted to the "Maybe Baby"! 🤣 Especially Buttercup and Butch! Seriously, how do you come up with these ideas?! Don't tell me they gave you fake babies in school, too! 🤣 But really, I loved this section of the chapter. It was both funny and informative to these horny teens! And by horny teens, I mean Kim! xD Maybe this will make her claim down a bit. I loved how Buttercup reacted when Butch turned off the fake baby. I can already see she will be a great mother. And for Blossom & Brick... yeah, the "world" is really rubbing it in their faces now with whole little girl thing. I did notice Blossom at being honest with Brick while trying to make the image of the leader to Buttercup. I noticed both of them do the same thing actually; Brick is maintaining the image of always being in control (just like you mentioned to me before about how his brothers view him) and Blossom trying to appear that way for the same reason. Whether it was intentional on your part or not, it's really something I like to see in the Reds and love when it gets explored; the whole leader/big sibling mentality.
And oh boy! We got a new villain! Esmé was it? Yeeaaaaah, this one screams Sedusa! But I won't jumb to the conclusion just yet becausee it seems this lady can "manipulate" (as she described it) both men and women. Either Sedusa powers increased or this is a whole different person. It seems she can also manage to get the ppg/rrb on her side somehow! Except for Brick.... HUMMMMM?! Why is my boy Brick not affected by her? Does it have to do with his DEMON PWO- okay, I will stop. 😅 xD
Oh yeah! I almost died laughing when I read the girls reaction to the Professor french kissing Esmé! I don't care what this woman did to him. The PPG should never EVER let him live this one down after all the restrictions he put them through with their boyfriends! 🤣🤣🤣
I'm so excited to read the next chapter. Can't wait to see who is Esmé and what her attentions are. What will become of the blues (didn't forget about their little drama). Why is Brick not affected by her "powers"? And most importantly, will the Professor be able to look in his daughters eyes after this incident? 🤣
Again, sorry for just sending this message now. Take care now.
Heyy, don't worry at all! I'M sorry for taking soo long to respond to you. I'm glad you enjoyed the Maybe Babies! It wasn't written from experience, I just know it's a popular 'trope' I suppose in a lot of US, high school tv shows etc so I thought it'd be interesting to watch them all muddle through it 🤣 I toyed with the 'bag of flour' idea initially but I knew only Blossom, potentially Bubbles, would take that seriously. It needed to scream in order to get everybody's attention 😈
I really like the big sibling/leader/maternal/paternal thing with the reds too - I love writing Brick as reluctant on the surface but cares deep down too. He's got a soft centre - you just gotta dig deep 😊 We do got a new villain! & I'm gunna keep it short & sweet on that subject as I don't want to give anything away 🤐🤣 I will be updating this week for definite - early next week the very latest but I promise chapter 6 is coming. Thanks for sticking around 🤍
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madamefist · 1 year
Oh! If it will be tackled (the downplaying of Brick's kidnapping), then I no longer have an issue with it! xD Just allow me to praise you for your skilful writing! 👍🏻My fear was that it would be brushed off & it would never be brought back again. And Blues angst, you say? YAAAAAY! xD Also, I'm going to stop asking you about the whole Angel/Demon stuff since it seems it's impossible to answer me without spoiling stuff. 😅 So, instead, I'm going to hold my theories & see for myself how right or wrong I was. 🙂 And nice! Grandma will be back! Can't wait for it to see if she had a change of heart or not. And honestly? I'm okay with either. If she had a change of heart, it would be lovely. 😊 And if she still the old hag we knew before.... well, I will be ready for Brick vs. Grandma round 2! xD So, both possibilities are welcomed. And Cody Cody Cody~~~ your second best written character imo, Melvin will be the first (oh yes, you read it right! 🤣 I would love to explain why, but there's not enough room for that now...) I really want to see how he feels about Butch now that he has surpassed his 4 months with Buttercup... Oh! Btw, I don't know if you didn't without noticing or not, but if you go back to the early chapters of Choices, it was Cody was the first one who befriended Butch! And he more or less brought him into the group. In other words, he's kind of the reason why Butch and Buttercup are dating now! It's from that fact the readers know for sure Cody is full of shit when he said he's not okay with Buttercup dating Butch because he's a bad guy. It was a missed opportunity to bring up back in Choices, which made me wonder if it was intentional or if you haven't noticed yourself? And the second & last question: Will you upload chapter 5 soon?
Ehh, you MAY still take issue 😅 But Brick's trauma will be discussed again soon! I actually not long wrote it haha. Ahh I'm sorry I don't want to spoil things haha, so yeah you'll learn more on the Angels/Demons stuff as the fic progresses. If Grandma Utonium is a leopard that changed her spots I think I'd keel over 🙃😅 & Melvin's like shit on a blanket 😬 Ahhhhhh CODY. He is a combination of SOO many teenage boys I knew growing up 😅😆 Ya really don't know what ya got till it's gone! But thank you, I dealt with my fair share of Cody's as a teen so it doesn't shock me you feel he's well written paha 🙃 Yesssss, I did intentionally make Cody become friendly with Butch first - it was more the musician angle though. My day job is within the industry & the way people bond over their instrument is unlike anything else - I just thought, they are both drummers. Despite their uncertainty of Butch initially, I knew the musical bond would be too strong to resist. You can't put two drummers in a room and not watch their faces light up as they discuss their craft! But ALSO - I thought it would be bittersweet for Cody when Buttercup and Butch started to hit it off and crush on each other. Little bit of sweet karma for him in a way.. To answer your last question - I just updated, chapter 5 is now up!
Thanks so much for your kind words, for reading and for sending your questions and thoughts my way - I hope you enjoy chapter 5 🖤
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madamefist · 1 year
This should be the last one. So, Baby Blue is jealous to point to threatening others! Damn! He was so mean too, to the guy. Like, I get it, he was a little tiny bit drooling on Bubbles. xD buuuuut still, that was too harsh of him. I don't think Bubbles will be happy if she learned. And it seems Ashleigh is targeting Buttercup. Good luck girl, this one doesn't fuck around. xD And finally, here's the question: Will we see the Grandma, Cody, Melvin, & Princess again? Or that's it for them?
I see Boomer as being POSSESSIVE AF of Bubbles. I only wrote it in subtly in Choices but I thought, this has got to come out in him more as their relationship progresses. And I see Bubbles as being the sort of person who would just call him out on it and straight up tell him he's got to sort out his shit. Yeah Ashleigh has some sort of death wish 😬 Okay to answer your final question: Yes. Yes. Maybe. Maybe. 😉🙃
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madamefist · 1 year
Okay, now, about the whole Angels/Demon stuff. I know you said "you will not say a thing" last time I asked about Brick (yes, I'm the anon). So, instead, I will ask you about Blossom. So, Blossom got a new power thanks to saving Brick, right? Then, even if she was hit with AX she still should be able to use her ice because it came to her for being an Angel, not as PPG. Am I right, or am I reading too much into it? Because it seems so easy, just hit her with AX and no more Angel power.
I would say maybe you're reading into it a bit much - but maybe not. I don't know how to answer in a straightforward way without giving things away.. So I'll just be cryptic and say you're not NECESSARILY right but you're also not exactly wrong...? 🤔
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madamefist · 1 year
Hi! Sorry to hear you got ill! I hope you're doing fine now. I'm really looking forward for chapter 4, I hope you post it soon! 🙂 About the guitar thing, yeah, it's the only thing that bug me from Choices, too. Maybe something like Blossom holding Brick's guitar and thinking back on how she jumped to the conclusion when he asked her about giving her two guitars a name and how she assumed he was making fun of her when it was the complete opposite? Or maybe she can joke about how Rusty & Ruby (it's Ruby, right? xD) look cute together, and Brick responding to be careful not make her other guitar (forgot the name) jealous? I know I'm being so demanding right now, but I really REALLY want it to be acknowledged that Blossom knows about Brick's guitar by now. xD But again, if it doesn't fit or work, then don't force it. It will forever bug me, but it is what it is. 🤣🥲
I'm feeling much better now, thank you! I JUST posted chapter 4 - hope you enjoy it! Yeah I totally agree with you - and rest assured it pissed me off too that it didn't make it into the story - I pissed me off for not ensuring it went in there somewhere 🫣 HOWEVER - I promise it'll be added as organically as I can manage, cos I'm with you, whilst only a small portion of the fic, it was a shame it wasn't there! I'll see what I can do... 👀
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madamefist · 1 year
Soooo late for this, but I don't care! This chapter was fire! I loved it from start to finish! I'm really happy that you chose Blossom to save the day and not Brick! Blossom kicking Princess ass was so satisfying! xD And those random 2 characters that helped Blossom, I hope we hear from them again. And the dirty deeds scene was epic! xD like, even in bed they're trying to one-up each other! And... this is an ask, so I should ask you question. 😅 So... will Brick show Rusty (his guitar, not sure if he calls it Rusty or not) to Blossom in a flashback scene or something? It's the one thing that was missing from Choices for me. I know you're 11 chapter deep in the story, but it will be great if you could sneak it somewhere.
I am soooo late replying - I'm sorry, I've been super ill. Finally on the mend now, thank god for antibiotics. I'm glad you enjoyed Chapter 3 - had to have the one upping in that side of their lives too 😆 Yes Brick does call his guitar Rusty - & him showing Blossom it was a bit of a deleted scene from Choices as the chapters were getting too long and I was struggling to find a place for it that made sense and wasn't too forced. I planned to ensure it made it in somewhere but it was before they admitted they liked each other and I found it hard to place so it just never made the cut in the end 😕 It did bug me for a while because there was that little semi flirty scene where he mentions it and says he'll have to show her one day and then it didn't happen, so I totally get where you're coming from. It was kind of set up and then amounted to nothing.. Now they're an established couple a scene with Rusty would have to be entirely different as we can assume he's got his guitar out in front of her by now (that is not a euphemism 😅). I'll have to have a think and see if I can believably work it in - or maybe just try to think of a cute scene that involves Brick and his guitar. I've not done any writing in ages - not properly anyway. I've been so unwell and had zero motivation for much of anything, but I am hopeful to get back to it now I'm feeling a little more myself. All I have done it started planning some long, spiralling crime/thriller/drama fic out of fucking nowhere that would take me yonks to write when I'm elbow deep in Prophecy and need to focus on that - but ADHD 😅🙃 I will post chapter 4 asap xo
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madamefist · 2 years
My god, MadameFist! I must tell you I have never felt I want a character to get BRUTALLY beat up as much as for Princess & Melvin! xD 🤬 Like, you could kill them off & I will be okay with it! 10/10 chapter! Love to see that Otis is still alive! I thought him has already killed him, hopefully he won't get the chance. I will be waiting for the next update. I hope it will be soon, I'm dying to know what will happen next! And again! Someone has to give these two maniacs an ass whipping! I don't care who!!! xD
I'm so happy to hear you loved the new chapter! Otis is a clinger 🤣 Him is fonder of him than he cares to admit. Aiming to update within the month! Thank you again!
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madamefist · 2 years
Hey! It's been a while since last time you posted, is everything okay?
Hello - I know, I've been really quiet, I'm sorry. Things just got super busy & I've not been in the best of head spaces. I posted about posting a sneak peak of the sequel to Choices but then never did - I got all up in my head about it. Do I post a reds snippet? Or blues? Or greens? Or try & find something to please everyone? I'm having some confidence issues (story of my life, lol) & even though I'm like 9 chapters into the sequel, I've basically convinced myself it's garbage anyway. & now: writers block. Woohoo. I'll do my best to post a sneak peak soon - hope you're well, thank you for checking in.
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