#jaxon shockley
kalissimsblog · 3 years
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kalissimsblog · 3 years
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kalissimsblog · 3 years
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kalissimsblog · 3 years
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kalissimsblog · 3 years
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kalissimsblog · 3 years
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** Lillie’s grandparents look young because they died and were brought back to life, which had the side effect of not aging (something that will eventually be reversed later on)
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kalissimsblog · 4 years
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9 years ago, Jaxon Age 16
“Come on boys, we’re going to be late.” Gabriela says with frustration, tapping her foot on the floor.
Her husband, Adrian, and son, Jaxon, slowly walk into the main room of the house where she is waiting impatiently for them. Adrian gives her a small, apologetic smile.
“We’re coming dear, no worries. It’s not the end of the world if we’re a few minutes late. It’s just a party, darling.” Adrian replies with a small grin on his face. She’s so cute when she’s annoyed, he thinks to himself.
“Do we really have to go, Mom? I hate parties.” Jaxon pleads, giving his mom the most desperate look he could muster. The last thing he wanted was to go to a party at her parents’ friends’ house. He could already hear the mundane small talk between the adults about babies,  work and whatever else they like to talk about. Boring. Count me out. 
“Yes, Jax. We have to go. It’ll be fun, I promise. Louis and Shelby are dying to finally meet you. I tell them about you all the time. You’ll love them, they’re great people.” Gabriela says.
Louis and Shelby are Gabriela’s close friends from college. Shelby, an amateur artist, is a nurturer at heart and always wanted to have a big family. Unfortunately, after several miscarriages, she learned that she couldn’t successfully carry a child of her own, so she and Louis agreed on the idea of fostering children instead.  The two of them have set out to take in children and teens who have had a rough life and help them flourish and reach their full potential. Gabi would trust the two of them with her life. 
“Alright. Enough chit chat. Get your butts out to the car. Both of you.” Gabriela smiles as she ushers the men outside before turning and locking the door. “It’ll be great,” she tells herself as she heads towards their car and climbs into the passenger seat. Adrian turns the key and the vehicle roars to life. And off they went, slowly making their way to their destination that lies on the other side of the city.
Read from the beginning here
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kalissimsblog · 4 years
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Throwback to when Jaxon and Leila took their grandbabies ice skating so Sam and Kai could go on a date.
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