reallifehq · 5 years
Hiii May I pretty please with a cherry on top chance Jaycee from Scarlett Leithold to Bridget Satterlee?
Absolutely! Bridget Satterlee is now taken and Scarlett Leithold is now open! 
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prettyvenom-musings · 3 years
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jayceelynd · 4 years
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@JayceeLynd: Couldn’t keep it a secret any longer so, now you know. Can’t wait to meet you little peanut @malakhai-ozera !!

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davieslandon · 4 years
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@thelandondavies: Merry Christmas, from our little family to yours x @romanbeckett @malakhai-ozera @jayceelynd
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aaronhart93 · 4 years
text || aaromtin
Discord text thread featuring: Aaron & @romanbeckett & @quentindelancret​​
When: March 7, 2020 and March 8, 2020
Mentions: @jamisonhq @codyhq @jayceelynd​
Description: Quentin gets upset at what Jamison said in the group chat, they just fight a lot. the next day he tells Roman and Aaron that he sexted with Troye Sivan. 
Trigger Warnings: mental illness, arguing, cheating if you consider sexting cheating ig
I’m just gonna go back to my place.
wait why?
I need to go back to my place
I’ll text you guys later
is it about what Jamison said in the group? ignore him, Q
don’t worry about it. It’s fine
its not. i texted him on the side and told him to cool it
im sorry he said that to you
of course you did
I can’t do this anymore
do what??
deal with this
deal with what Q
Quentin, I'm making myself look like an ass to defend you in front of him. Don't take this out on us babe. Don't prove him right
being talked down to by all of Aaron’s ex’s who apparently think I’m just his pet now
just go deal with him I’m fine
I didn’t even do anything so I don’t know how I’m proving him right of anything
he's dealt with. it won't happen again
you just don’t even get it
maybe i don't, but come to bed and help me understand
I’m tired of it. Your little toys never do this shit to Roman or anyone else and I’m fuckin sick of it
i dont know how that's our fault
it’s not. I guess I’m just not worthy so I’ll step down
what have we done to ever make you feel that way
You haven’t done anything. I just said it’s not your fault
then why are we being punished
you know what, never mind. I’ll just continue to be talked down to so that all of Aaron’s ex’s can pretend like he still feels some type of way about them and I’m just the flavor of the week
who cares what they fucking think. It’s not about them.
it’s not about what they think. I don’t care what they think. I care about the way they treat me. Only me
and you need to let me take care of that
yeah okay
maybe you can give him a job too
but don't treat us like this.
that's uncalled for Q
or my bad.. he probably already works for you
it is uncalled for Aaron. It is
just let me step aside so you have have your toys close
text us when you cool off. then come back home to bed
yeah, I’m good. Just leave me alone
I’m staying at the apartment.
that’s fine
great ill just sleep alone.
maybe text Jamison or Cody I’m sure they would love to keep you company
or maybe half of my other employees
yeah maybe
Jesus, can you all just stop
I just wish you would even try to see it from my side. Like what if Stas was saying that shit to me? And I worked with him and saw him every day and when he attacked you I ran to text him privately
is that okay? Or maybe if I went to Hawaii would that be okay?
Quentin, I'm on your side. I am seeing it that way. I'm just confused as to why you're getting upset at us.
I’m not upset at Roman
and why are you mad at me?
because Aaron. You tell me all this shit and then turn around and pet their heads
I just don’t get it. How you can just act like, oh I told them to stop and just want me to drop it
I just told you I’m making an ass of myself defending you to him
well, don’t go making an ass of yourself on my account
the only ass I saw was him
okay quentin. Reset. What can I do to make this better
leave me alone. That’s what you can do.
I don’t want to do this anymore
Q don’t make any rash decisions right now. Just cool off.
I shouldn’t have to dread going into the town chat or have to watch what I say or else I’m gonna be attacked by Aaron’s thots.
it’s bullshit
I’m sorry, I do love you Aaron. I’m just so tired of fighting everyone just to be with you
Quentin. Cool off. Please
I am cool
I love you
the thing is. I’m not mad at either of you
I’m just so tired of it
nothing in life is ever easy Q, but what we have is worth it.
yeah okay
I’ve been belittled my entire life. I just don’t want to have to deal with it in order to have a boyfriend
especially when said boyfriend just talks them down and doesn’t really care enough to cut it off
but cut what off?
all these ex’s you are so determined to stay friends with even though they make me feel this way
you just told me about Cody today and Jamo wasn’t an issue until now
Cody is going to raise my best friend’s child and Jamison is my business partner. It is not that easy
okay well, that’s why I’m making it easy
don’t talk like that
Jay is my best friend too ya know? I’ve tried so hard to be friendly with Cody. But every time I turn around he’s being an asshat to me
it’s fine. It’ll all be fine
I’m sorry
I’m so sorry
don’t be
I guess I just need to start being more of an asshole myself
anyway, have a good night
the next morning
can we promise never to let other people affect our relationship
I can definitely promise that
me too
♛ 𝕽𝖔𝖒𝖆𝖓 ♛
I don’t wanna lose either one of you.
and you won’t.
morning sleepyhead
Troye and I messed around last night over text after you and Aaron fell asleep. I was rolling in molly and I wasn’t thinking straight and I swear I wasn’t getting off with him. I just didn’t think it was serious and I don’t even remember doing it. But I wanted you to know. I’d never keep that from either of you and I hope you know I don’t want him. It was a stupid crush and I’m so sorry. I’m so so so sorry
I just want to add that I don’t want him. I swear I don’t want him and I don’t even wanna go see him now. He’s been flirting with me for days now, which Roman I told you about that. But idk what happened. I’m not a cheater. I don’t wanna be a cheater. I’m so sorry I can’t even breath. Please don’t hate me. I love you both so much. With every ounce of my existence
I love you too
I love you both.
I love you too.
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quentinxdelancret · 4 years
@sixstringxheart: Finally got this beautiful angel to sing with me. It only took a year of convincing, but her voice is truly that of an angel. I hope you all love this one as much as I do!! Happy New year ♥ - Q  @jayceelynd #cover #edsheeran #newaddictions #jetrecords
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tierneyhastings · 4 years
top 5 hottest people in town?
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shit. hmmm, jihan, roman, jaycee, sam, and mariana. and robbie. ( @lit-wit, @romanbeckett, @jayceelynd, @samuelburton, @maricnasfm, @robbieturnerhq )
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antonirenaldi · 3 years
jantoni - two. (part one)
WHO ::  @antonirenaldi​ x @jayceelynd​ WHAT :: jaycee invites antoni to dinner. WHEN :: evening of march thirty-first. WHERE :: jaycee’s place. WHAT :: tw - ending of a fictional pregnancy ; no character mentions.
JAYCEE. She felt huge and so unattractive right now, not even trying with make up. She went to her kitchen and started everything so it could slowly simmer. Jaycee loved leftover pasta, always best the second day. Why did you have to almost say never again. Finding the remote to her surround sound she hit play and smiled as she heard the music fill her house up with life. Her hair was getting in her way so she grabbed a clip from her kitchen drawer and went about her way in her kitchen as she tried to calm any anxiety. Her dogs barking told her he was near as she walked towards her door. Probably being heard with her stern command to not move. “Stay..” she snapped her fingers at Kota, her tail was going side to side so fast. She forgot to take her apron off that was cheeky and said “we’re cooking” with a baby over her belly with a spatula. Slowly she turned the alarm code off and then unlocked the door. Opening it her soft smile went wider, as nodded her head to the side. Her dogs not moving an inch and she was a proud mama at that. “Olive, greet.” She snapped her fingers as she was still training her. Olive went where Jay had pointed then Kota followed. “Kota, is just a big ball of fur. If she doesn’t sense your dangerous she’ll be rude and just walk away..” Kota sniffed him and it looked as if she smiled and walked away. The dogs walked into the living room and just laid in a big bed they share by the fireplace. “Please make yourself at home..” she offered to take his items as she lead him to the kitchen, barefoot. 
ANTONI. If his GPS hadn't told him he was coming up on Jaycee's place, the barking dogs and her voice would have let him know he'd found his destination. He rapped his fingers on the door, hoping he didn't work the dogs into even more of a tizzy, although it definitely sounded as though she had things under control. As she swung open the door, Antoni returned her smile, taking in how casual she was playing the night, bare faced and barefooted. It made him feel better about wearing the same t-shirt and jeans as when they'd met at the store, which he'd been second-guessing on his way over, and the fact that he'd brought an opened, dented box of cereal as a hostess gift. "Hello ... ladies," he said, waiting patiently as Kota and Olive seemingly evaluated the interloper, surprisingly flattered when they granted him access. Following their owner into the house, he felt himself relax even more. He hesitated briefly in the entryway, unsure if her instructions were code to remove his shoes, ultimately deciding to toe them off. Knowing what he did of her, with the homemade ravioli right before her due date, she'd probably get on her hands and knees to scrub the floors if her tracked in anything from the New York sidewalk, and he didn't want that. "Wow, this place is fantastic ... smells fantastic ... sounds fantastic." If he was flirting, he might have added that it looked fantastic as well, but that's not what this was.
JAYCEE. Her girls were following him around, then sneak back to their bed. Kota would probably sit beside him at some point and beg for a hand shake. Her own way of begging for food. She noticed he took his shoes off and she smiled over at him. “Thank you, I love cooking and have made myself dishes I can just put in the oven or microwave after he’s born.” There was probably flour on her nose, as she turns the burners off for the pasta to let it rest. “So I separated them when I boil the Raviolis, there’s fresh ricotta and mushrooms, plain ricotta and then there’s beef. I just grab a few from each pan, enjoying the surprise of what I’m getting.” Waddling a bit to the fridge that was camouflaged with the same style as her cabinets. “Where are my manners.” She said with a thicker southern accent than she intended. Clearing her throat as her cheeks we’re definitely noticeably red by now. “I have different styles of beers, oh I have wine down in my basement.” She said as she pointed to the door that went to her dance studio for choreographing numbers for academy. Taking out some fresh garlic she went about dicing it, making them some sautéed onions and mushrooms. Something Jaycee loved more than her sauce at times. Grabbing a piece of bread she made, she dipped it in the sauce, holding her hand under the other as she brought it to him. “Be honest, I never stray from Nonna’s recipe. Faint memories of wooden spoons to the hand stops me.” She joked.
ANTONI. “That’s smart. And there’s always delivery.” He’d been surviving on such for longer than he’d like to admit, so he didn’t. “I’m sure people will bring you food, too. When Luca was born, everyone was constantly coming over to feed us, but I think they just wanted an excuse to see the baby.” His trip to the grocery store had been somewhat of a bust. Meeting someone who seemed as though she could be a true friend a definite highlight, but he’d been so caught up in her that he’d left without buying anything of real sustenance, again. Her list of the fillings almost made his stomach rumble, although he cleared his throat to camouflage any sounds. He was extremely glad she’d extended if not insisted on the invitation. “That sounds incredible.” “I’ll take any beer.” He wasn’t about to send the woman down to the basement for a bottle of wine she couldn’t share with him. An image of the two of them sipping a Cabernet over a nice dinner she’d prepared for him flitted through his mind, but he willed himself back to present, watching her bounce from task to task. “I was told you were just reheating pasta,” Antoni teased. “I wouldn’t have agreed to this if I’d known you were still going to be slaving away. Can I help, or would I ruin things?” “You too, huh? I was always smacked for trying to swipe things before they were finished. ‘Pazienza, Tony, pazienza ...’” His voice trailed off as he took the bit of food into his mouth, eyes meeting hers as the intimacy of the moment washed over him. “OhmyGod,” he groaned around his mouthful. “That’s incredible.” She was incredi- “Listen, you’ve done enough. Go sit down, let me get your plate.”
JAYCEE. Jaycee grabbed a few different beers and sat them on the island, centered in her kitchen so he could choose. Turning all burners off she cut the bread and smiled as he spoke. “Well a true Italian woman warms food up on the stove right. Why dry it out or the flavor gets ruined. Not when you cook Nonnas sauce.” She joked but did sit down, giving him a soft smile while she tried to get the apron off. Trying really hard not to think of the way he sounded when he groaned over her sauce, and needed to take a time out. It had been way too long for this girl and words are now being twisted in her thoughts to sexual. “We can eat here, or I have the living room and theater room.” She leaned side to side, telling herself she needed better chairs that were comfortable. Her stomach tightening a bit as she breathed through a small Braxton. Everything was where he needed it to make the plates as her feet rested on the bar stool across from her. Her dad had gotten the place while he’s be here working at the record company or recording a new album. Watching him take over only pulled at her strings to pull her further in, and she couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking about. As she smelt the sunflowers she’d gotten the other day still going strong on her island for decorations. “I think sunflowers are just happy flowers, they’re so pretty and bright. My dad..” she chuckled. “He planted so many rows before leaving for tour, cause he had to leave on my birthday that year.”
ANTONI. Seeing her struggling with the ties of her apron, he moved behind her chair, gently tugging the ties at her neck and back until they slipped from their bows and he was able to take the apron from her, folding it easily before tossing it on her counter. “Cute,” he commented, referring to the little joke on the fabric. The hitch in her breath made him do a double-take, but he decided not to pester her, assuming she’d let him know if she just happened to be in active labor - probably, at least. Maybe she’d just keep cooking right up until it was time to push. He prepped two plates the way she mentioned she liked it, with a mix of all three ravioli, covering them in some extra sauce and tucking a couple pieces of bread alongside the edge of the plate. “You tell me, wherever you’re most comfortable. Where would I find a bottle opener?” Antoni’s eyes found the flowers she was referencing them, assuming they were the same bundle she’d pick up earlier. It was wild, to go from noticing her to eating what was shaping up to be an incredible dinner in her home. If not for her pregnancy, it would almost feel like a date. “That’s quite the birthday gift, an entire field of sunflowers. It sounds like he loved you very much.”
JAYCEE. His fingers brushed against her skin when untied the piece around her neck, licking her lips at the jolts of electricity she felt through her body. “Thank you.” Spoke as she wiggled off of the barstool, giggling at herself. “Mylanta, that’s getting harder to do.” She snorted as she grabbed the basket to line it with paper and put the extra bread in and some olive oil and garlic. It was nice to have someone make her a plate and help her, she’s so used to just doing it all. Taking a few deep breaths as she rubbed her belly, hoping it’d calm the baby. Smiling at his words, she titled her head to have him follow her into the lightly lit theater room. “He was an amazing dad, and I hope I’m making him proud” she shrugged not really knowing if he would be. She knew he’d be heart broken over the mess their family is. There was a floor pit where her couches and recliners sat, a cute little bar that had lots of candy in big glass jars. “This room besides my room is one of my favorite lounging areas.” She spoke softly, setting the bread down then grabbing a big tray that laid on the couch to sit it up where it’d be in front of them. Sitting with her legs crossed and watched him, wondering what he was thinking. “I haven’t been home in so long, it feels nice to sit in here. Thank you for coming over..” she looked over at him with a soft smile. “So, what shall we watch? I have a variety of movies or we can just see what’s on?” She grabs the control pad for the room and turns the lights down a bit more, but left enough to be able to see one another. “I’m open to anything.”
ANTONI. He understood the desire to do right by her father. He was rapidly hurtling towards a month of separation from his wife, and he hadn’t told his parents. They’d checked in on him after the move, of course, and he’d - lied. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d lied to his parents. The reminder gutted him a bit, and a guilty sensation twisted in his stomach. What was he doing, fucking escorts and having dinner in another woman’s house? He should be in Boston, with his son, fighting for his marriage. This was not the right thing to do. He tried to shake the feeling, tried to find amusement in her candy collection and the comfiness of her couch. She was sweet. And she was about to be a mother. And maybe this was too much for either of them right now, whatever this even was. He was relieved when she mentioned a movie, hoping it would give his brain something else to analyze. “Give me your favorite movie,” he answered with a small smile.
JAYCEE. She had to get back up and excused herself to the rest room really quick, and washed her hands. Coming out she took her oversized sweater off, leaving her in her spaghetti strap shirt that was cropped a bit showing just a tiny bit of her belly. “I can’t believe how over heated I get.” She snorted as she sat down and grabbed the remote again. Removing the clip out of her hair, her long blond hair fell down her back. “Okay, but don’t judge meeeee.” She smirked as she typed in on the pad. “I loved this movie and would always say I was Baby and do the dances.” Pulling up dirty dancing and pushed play. “It was this or anything scary.” She giggled, shrugging while she grabbed her plate and took a bite. Moaning softly “Deliziosa, grazie a dio per la nonna” doing a little dance as she grabbed some bread, dipping it in the sauce. Her dogs came in and she snapped her fingers and they laid at the foot of the couch. “They think they need pasta.” She smirked, before humming along to the music and constantly having to move when music was on. “I love this soundtrack so much.”
ANTONI. “Well, you are cooking,” he reminded her, quoting the double-meaning of her discarded apron. His eyes remained very purposefully focused on his plate, rather than the neckline of her tank. “I think ... I’ve seen this whole movie in the sense of watching bits and pieces and filling in the rest with just pop culture knowledge of what happens, but I don’t know that I’ve ever sit down and watched it from start to finish.” When she took her initial bite, Antoni followed suit. It really was incredible, and not just because it had been so long since he’d eaten real food. He watched the way her dogs obeyed her, reaffirming how competent Jaycee really was. “To be fair, think everyone needs this pasta.” He could see why the movie would endear itself to everyone who loved it so much. It was charmingly sexy, and the love story was - quirky? Was that the right word? He and Jaycee laughed at all the same moments, and whenever he felt a slight tug at his heart strings, she provided an audible reaction that confirmed she felt it too. It was until the botched abortion that Antoni felt himself get restless, shooting a glance in the direction of his dinner date. Gabby had always hated watching any harm come to pregnant women or babies ever since she’d found out she was carrying Luca, and Antoni subtly took up the remote, just in case they needed to skip anything. 
JAYCEE. Catching his witty sense of humor, getting to see glimpse of that funny personality. Her jaw dramatically hung open at his confession, then smirked. “Then I guess it’s good I got your back.” She teased, before taking another bite. Putting the plate down after eating a few pieces to grab her bottle of water and drink almost half of it, sighing softly. “They get some pasta without sauce. I’ll add a little butter to it and they go to town. But I can’t all the time, spoiled babies.” Looking at her babies and shook her head giggling. “Ugh to have dance with Patrick.” She threw her hands up at the TV, smiled with a blush creeping on her cheeks. “I mean his mama did teach him.” She pointed out, yeah she’s watched this movie a few times you could say. “I always get so mad at Baby’s dad at this part. But you know, back then it wasn’t safe for women to do that. I think my dad and mom went to a school where a girl died from one of the under table abortions. She put her head down and realized she had dropped sauce between her boobs. “I guess I’m worse than a toddler.” of course she laughed at herself because honestly. It’s was so her to do something like that. “Mm..” she held her hands to her mouth to speak after popping a piece of bread in his mouth. “I have a lot of pasta and sauce so I hope you take some with. I’ll even throw in some your choice of wine from the basement.” Needing off her bum, she rolled to her hip facing him, but she was watching the tv as she ran her hand over her bump.
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kingsboro-tea · 4 years
Jaycee was a hot mess at the festival and when I say hot I mean HOT!! Girl needs to find herself a real man and stop messing with all these boys.
“Girl has been fucked over by so many men who dare call her their friend. I’m talking to you Khai, Roman, Quentin, and even Aaron too. Men, sounds like Jaycee is single and ready to mingle. Also sounds like she desperately needs to be fucked senseless. Quite frankly, I think Jaycee needs to be single for like...a long time before she’s able to have a stable relationship.” 
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( @romanbeckett​​ @malakhai-ozera @quentindelancret @aaronhart93 @jayceelynd )
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reallifehq · 5 years
Never left my heart, so I'm here for the fun xo
Follow Jaycee!
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prettyvenom-musings · 3 years
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jayceelynd · 4 years
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@JayceeLynd: One simple day at a time.

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malakhai-ozera · 4 years
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@khai0zera: She’s my bestfriend and I owe her my life. I love you, @jayceelynd

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davieslandon · 3 years
Discord Thread || Landon&Jaycee
Discord thread featuring: Landon & @jayceelynd
When: sometime after Jaycee find out she’s pregnant then timeskip to April 4th  
Mentions: @romanbeckett @aaronhart93 @quentindelancret
Description: Jaycee tells Landon she’s pregnant and that the baby is his; timeskip: Jaycee gives birth to Baby Sebastian Beau Davies on Easter Day, with Landon by her side.
Trigger Warnings: accidental pregnancy, mentions of morning sickness, talks of labour, breastfeeding
Jaycee had take five tests so far and went to the drugstore to to buy five more on her way to Landons house. Elle was at school so they’d have time to discuss this and figure things out. Jaycee loved Landon to pieces and he has been the best friend a girl could dream of. Picking on one another with mean come backs, with nothing but love for one another behind the remarks. Truth is, she’d take a bullet for Landon and Elle, and the fact that she was pregnant with someone she cared for and knew was a great dad. It comforted her, even though her nerves were a mess as she knocked on his door. Why didn’t she think it was weird she hasn’t had her period in four months, and her boobs have plumped up more than than usual. With her water bottle she walked in and grabbed Landons hand, her cheeks flushed from the cold air outside. “Landon, I’m sorry to rush over here. I just. I really really need to talk to you..” she turned around and the see through grocery bag showed the test, and a urine specimen cup to use the tests in. It was visible she was nervous and scared, as she furrowed her brow trying to read him. “I um.. Can we go to your bathroom?” She needed to sit down and talk but she’d drank so much water to retest for him, she was about to burst. Besides, they’ve both seen one another naked multiple times from the show they were on to recently a few months back. 
One of the benefits of being a journalist was the opportunity to work from home. It made things easier back when Elle wasn’t going to school yet and the habit stuck around, even once his daughter got older. He was much more likely to get some work done in the comfort of his own home with no one around to distract him than he was at the office. A knock at the door brought him out of his working zone and he got up with a sigh. When he saw Jaycee on the other side of the door, his confusion only grew. His friend knew that he usually spent the time Elle was at school working and didn’t interrupt him so the fact that she was here right now, looking frazzled...it worried him. “What’s going o-“ His words cut off when he noticed what was in her grocery bag. Those were pregnancy tests. Landon felt his stomach drop to his feet and he stared at Jaycee with wide eyes. She didn’t even need to say anything for him to come to his own conclusions because why else would she come to his place with pregnancy tests? In a daze, he followed Jaycee to his he bathroom, feeling completely caught off guard. When he saw her take one of the tests out of the bag, Landon finally managed to get his mouth working again. “You’re pregnant?”
Jaycee couldn’t hold it, and nodded for him to follow her to the bathroom. Deciding the leave the door open so he could talk and watch her do the tests correctly. “I have taken fivw tests already that say I am pregnant, and I have five more to double check. Landon I don’t get it..” after collecting a sample to dip the tests in, she cleaned herself up then washed her hands. It wasn’t that she’d think Landon wouldn’t believe her, she herself didn’t believe it. It has to be fluke or something. “And I’m pretty sure when we got snowed in is when we got pregnant.” She licked her lips, it was obvious she was scared and nervous of just telling him. Walking towards his bathroom, sitting down as soon as she pulled her pants down. Grabbing the cup to capture what she needed for the other tests as well and finished cleaning up. Standing with her hands on the counter as she took in a deep slow breath through her nostrils, taking the tests she divided them up to be opened by them both. Jay laid the dipped tests on its box. “I want to keep this baby, are you okay with that.?” She asked him with panicked eyes, trying to stay strong.
Landon knew that the next tests Jaycee was planning on taking would only confirm what the others said. With five tests saying that his friend was pregnant, how could it be a false positive? It was pretty much impossible but he also knew that wasn't the right thing to say right now, not when Jaycee looked so nervous already. This was pretty similar to what he'd gone through with his sister six years ago. The disbelief that this could actually happen and the fear over what it would mean. Only this time he was the father and not just a concerned brother. Jaycee also wasn't the only one in disbelief. How could he have let this happen? Whenever someone asked him if he was planning on having more children his answer was always the same. Maybe in the future. Landon still remembered the conversation he had with Alison when she was thinking of giving Des a little sibling. He understood the reasoning behind it but he wasn't ready. For six years, he raised Elle on his own. He had help from his family and friends but it was different than having a partner to share the experience with. Landon always said that the next time he did it, it would be with someone he was in love with and wanted to spend his life with. And most importantly planned. And now here they are. He shook himself out of his thoughts at Jaycee's question and nodded. Having adopted his sister's baby, there was no way that he was going to be against keeping his own. "Of course I'm okay with that, and I'm going to be involved and present. I promise."
Her hip rested against the sink countertop, with her arms crossed under her newly swollen chest. Should have been her first sign because she’s never been big up top. “I know you will, and knew you would. You’re a great father and I know this baby wasn’t planned. But he or she never could be a mistake. I was told it’s probably be impossible to be a mom, and you know it’s something that bothered me..” picking at her full bottom lip as her eyes showing how she zoned out, knowing and feeling he’ll be someone co parenting could be so easy with. “I’m just thankful it’s yours, and someone I trust. And you know I’m going to always love Elle as mine as well. And she can still come stay over to visit with her brother or sister while it’s my time. I would encourage it.. I’m rambling cause I’m so nervous, holy shit Lan..” she cupped her hands over her nose and mouth as she softly cried. “What if I’m horrible like my mom with my own child.. Don’t let me be my mom, please..” she shrugged softly and opened her arms needing to be held and he could probably use some comfort as well. “I have an appointment later today if you want to go. I’m okay with Elle go if you’re okay with it. They’ll be doing an ultrasound.. And hearing the heartbeat.” Her voice chokes up a bit at the thought of hearing something she prayed to one day hear.
Even though this was very unexpected and not exactly what Landon had planned for the moment, he would never even think about referring to his child as a mistake. He was just grateful that at least it was with Jaycee. They might not be together like that, especially after he came out as gay, but they did love each other. She was always there for him, whether that was a shoulder to cry on or someone to help him with Elle. And he knew for a fact that she would be a great mother who would love their child unconditionally. Landon was quick to pull Jaycee in for a hug when she started crying, murmuring comforting words in her ear. “You could never be a horrible mum Jay, no way. You treat Elle like your own and you know she loves her cool aunt to pieces. This is something you’ve always wanted but thought you couldn’t have...this baby is going to be so loved and you’re going to be a great mum.” What he was saying was also a way of comforting himself. He went from planning on going back to college for his masters to finding out he was going to be a dad again. It wasn’t something easy to wrap his head around. “I’ll be there”, he reassured. “But I’ll try and find someone to look after Elle while we’re there. I need to wrap my head around it myself before I tell her about it. And you know that once Elle finds out she’s going to be a big sister she won’t keep the secret for very long.”
Jaycee wanted to comfort him as well, knowing he had to be feeling some form of panic. Using her hands to rub his back, while she looked down at the tests that were all boldly positive. “Thank you, that means a lot. And you know if you still want to get your masters then go for it. I got Elle when you need me to.” Jaycee would have offered that regardless, because she loves that little girl to pieces. Laughing softly at agreeing needing to wrap their heads around the news. “I still can’t believe I’m pregnant.” Her eyes shined a bit from when she was crying, but she was beaming with a bright smile. “Well I guess after the appointment we can discuss different announcement looks. If you want to stay ahead of Miss Elle.” Smirking until her stomach growled causing her to laugh. “I can’t wait to eat after my appointment. I have to fast for blood work.” Scrunching her freckled nose as she playfully pouted.
Landon knew that he could count on Jaycee to have his back, just like he would always have her back. She was being serious when she offered him to look after both Elle and the baby so he could get his masters done like he planned before all this happened. He just wasn’t sure he could do it now. When Elle was a baby and during the first years of her life before starting school, Landon was always around. He was present for all the big accomplishments like her first word and her first step. There was nothing he feared more than the baby not getting the same attention from him that Elle got. What if he was at a lecture that he couldn’t get out of while his child was learning how to walk? No, he would hate himself forever if that were to happen but he also didn’t want to make Jaycee feel guilty so he just smiled. “You’re the best, thank you.” Landon wasn’t expecting his day to turn into such a rollercoaster of emotions and it was finally setting in...he was going to be a dad again. Talk of announcements brought Landon out of his reverie. Shit. He was going to have to tell Roman and Aaron about this. They didn’t deserve to find out from some announcement on social media. After the appointment I promise to take you to McDonald’s or something”, he chuckled, hearing the way her stomach was growling.
Leaning against the sink counter she just dazed out looking at the test, then down at her flat stomach. Brows furrowed as she thought how this was going to go, praying she didn’t disappoint herself or Landon in being a mother. Turning to her side she raised her sweater that was baggy over her plum colored yoga pants, looking from the mirror to her stomach and yeah she was bloating but she thought it was going to be a painful period. Tiniest little bump was evident but only if you really knew how small Jaycee was. “Hey I’ll take McDonald’s. Chocolate shake sounds really good right now.” She spoke while she dropped her sweater, blushing a bit. Probably looking like a weirdo looking at her stomach, or thinking she’ll freak out over gaining weight. And to be honest she was a little, but she’s stronger and would never ruin a chance to be a mom. “Are you okay?” She asked him in a soft tone, knowing she just fastened a seatbelt to a crazy ride for him. “I know it’s a lot.. I am still not sure if it’s true and probably won’t until the doctors appointment.” She pulled the ends of her sweater to bunch them up into her fisted hands as she laughed softly.
Landon looked on as his friend lifted her sweater and looked down at her stomach. This might not be the first time Landon found himself about to raise a child, but it was a completely different situation then it was with Elle. With Elle it was a completely different experience because his sister was the one who was pregnant and she never showed any interest in being the one to raise her. As much as he loves his sister, Landon never quite managed to figure out how she kept herself so detached from the situation and from the baby growing inside her. Once Elle was born, his sister signed over her custody to him and took on the role of fun aunt without a second thought. It wasn’t going to be the same this time as Jaycee was obviously going to be a very big part and it left Landon wondering about what he should be doing. Was he supposed to act like a doting father to me to his partner even though he and Jaycee weren’t together? Hopefully he would get more than enough time to come to figure it out and get used to the idea. “Yeah I’m fine. It’s just...quite a situation and unexpected. This isn’t how I thought I’d have my second child but it is what it is.” He knew the chances that more than five pregnancy tests were wrong were slim but he didn’t say anything. If that thought reassured Jaycee, then he wasn’t about to ruin it.
”It’s not how I’d picture having my first child. Neither of us planned this, and some how or some way we will figure it out. We’re friends before anything and Elle and this Baby  comes first.” She didn’t know what to expect, but she was definitely trying to hide she was upset. Holy hormones! Walking out of the bathroom after she cleaned up the mess she had made. Disinfecting the counter top was the least she could do, for getting upset and causing a scene. Uncrossing her arms from under her chest she held her hands up and looked up at him. “I’m sorry, that’s now the right way to speak to you. I don’t doubt you want to be in this babies life, and I know you’d want to be part of everything. So if you want to discuss living arrangements we can. I’d have my own room of course, and we can decorate both nurseries. Yours first, like I said earlier. I’m just repeating myself, yeah?” She pressed two fingers to each temple and massaged. “I just believe you and I could make this work. I don’t expect you to want to be with me just because. And I trust you’re not going to bring just anyone into our child’s life, unless you trusted them. Because I’ve seen you with Elle, so in a way maybe it was meant to happen this way. I can’t think of my baby as a mistake.. I know that much..” she laughed softly, before placing her hand to her neck to massage it. Her other hand going to her mouth as she yawned. “Sorry, I’m just so tired. I think I’m going to take a vacation as we figure things out, and my body adjusts to these hormones.”
Landon wasn’t sure what he said to upset Jaycee. He was supportive and had every intention of helping raise this baby, but he didn’t think he could be blamed for being shocked. It’s not like they planned this and now all of a sudden he found himself about to become a dad again. He was caught off guard but Landon also knew that saying all that would just make things worse if his friend was already upset with him. So while he would usually argue at being talked to like that, he knew that keeping calm was key right now so he just tried his best to smile. “Exactly, Elle and the baby come first. I’m glad we’re in agreement.” If there was something he wouldn’t settle for was for his daughter to be made to feel like lesser to the baby but he knew that Jaycee would never do that. She loved Elle too much. “We will make this work and I’m going to be with you every step of the way. And you know that I don’t bring just anyone around Elle so I’ll do the same with our baby. I never said this baby was a mistake Jay, no child of mine could ever be a mistake. All I said was that it was unexpected and you can’t really tell me it wasn’t. That doesn’t mean I’m...upset about it, or anything like that.” Landon wished there was something he could say that would help the girl feel a little better about it all, but he wasn’t sure what that was. “We’re going to be okay...I promise.” 
Hearing him out and speaking she felt like such an ass, Landon of all people. Someone she’s known for years and knew very well would never feel how her fears were screaming at her. Sitting on the end of his bed she sighed softly, before catching herself yawn. Placing her hands to her face as she shook her head, apologizing. “Lan..” she looked up at him with pure apologetic eyes, tears threatening to fall. “I’m so sorry if I was mean, holy shit what was that?” She gasped with her hand on her chest, trying to calm herself down a bit. Taking in slow breaths, before exhaling slower to relax her anxiety of the day. “I know all of that and I know you know Elle is just as equal to me. I think I just panicked and wanted you to know everything.” Two single tears fell from each eye as she sniffled a bit, while she looked down at her hands bunched up in her oversized sweater. “You know know..” she looked up smiling softly. “Elle is going to be the best big sister there is..” she imagined her excitement in wanting to hold her sibling for the first time, was something she’d be sure to catch not only for Landon but it’s a memory she wants for herself too. Using her sweater as she cleared her face up, she walked up to her friend and just hugged him. She needed it and she trusted his promises. “Did you know morning sickness is NOT morning sickness? I’d like to slap whoever came up with that term.” She tried to joke as she looked up at her sweet friend, now father of their child. Together, their family will no doubt be filled with laughter and fun. “I am hoping peppermint yeah I got will help, but then I get such heartburn after drinking it.” She laughed softly. 
Landon didn’t hold it personally. When his sister was pregnant with Elle, he lost count of how many times she was close to snapping his head off over an innocent comment he made which she took personally. It was all part of the experience and the joys of being around a pregnant woman. Not that he was about to tell Jaycee that, he valued his life thank you very much. So he just smiled and shrugged good naturedly, which only turned more sympathetic when he noticed that she was crying. “Hey, it’s okay”, he mumbled, squeezing her comfortingly. “I’ve got thick skin and I know better than to get insulted over something like that.” If there was one thing he was grateful for, it was that he wouldn’t have to ever experience morning sickness himself. It was no secret that the name was very misleading and it wasn’t only experienced in the morning. “My sister used to swear by ginger tea and saltines. If you’re lucky, it might even help you avoid getting heartburn. Although I wouldn’t blame you if you don’t want to try, ginger tea’s disgusting.” 
Nodding her head, sniffling as he assured her it was okay. “I just, I wouldn’t ever talk to you like that. I know we’re both mentally freaking out and that’s okay..” Jay scrunched her nose at the idea of ginger tea, but she’d try anything natural and safe. It was dangerous to have morning sickness so much. Not only for her and the baby, but her past as well. Thankfully she’s strong and has a powerful group surrounding her, reminding her they’re her family. “I will give any a try, maybe pick some up after the appointment?” She asked with a soft tone,smiling. Reaching for her pink water bottle the entire dance crew had, she took a sip of water. Drinking her water as if she’d been dying of thirst, without being messy. “I swear I go through double waters bottles a day now.” She laughed softly, trying to stay hydrated with morning sickness was important and she’s always been self conscious of what she puts in her body. “You know I have nausea meds from when I.. well you know the past. And Google says they’re safe. But, this might be the only child I ever get a chance to carry and I’m just so protective already. Besides I’d want your opinion on anything like that too.” She spoke with her hands, her phone went off and she saw it was and email making her smile. She opened it and saw the head shots for the girls came in and showed him. “Those two are going to keep us all stressed. They’re so precious.” She leans in to look at them again. “Elle and Destiny’s head shots will be the models of dance for the studio. So when you walk in there’s my girls.” Her eyes lit up as she spoke about the girls and the dance academy. 
“It’s okay, really...I know it’s a stressful time for both of us.” Landon wasn’t about to take it personally. This was a shock for both of them but he couldn’t even begin to imagine what it was like for Jaycee, finding yourself pregnant after being sure that wouldn’t ever happen for you...that wasn’t something Landon could ever relate to. So he was going to do anything he could to help out and make the experience a little more bearable, even if it meant buying shitty ginger tea that was never ever going to drink himself and keeping it in his cupboard. He could understand her feeling of protectiveness towards the baby. Having just found out about the baby’s existence, he already felt like he loved them so he couldn’t even imagine what it felt like for Jaycee. But he wasn’t about to force his friend to feel like shit over an opinion that he wasn’t really entitled to anyways. After all, he wasn’t the one suffering from constant nausea. “Maybe check with the doctor while we’re at the appointment to make sure? If you get their go ahead then I don’t see why you shouldn’t take them, especially if they help you out”, he reasoned. Landon looked at the photos on Jaycee’s phone, a fond smile on his face. He loved those two girls with all his heart and it was heartwarming to see Jaycee love them just as much. This is what he meant when he said his friends in Kingsboro were like his family. “They’re going to get really big heads if you keep spoiling them like that.” The smile on his face made it obvious he was only teasing though. 
Leaning her head against his shoulder, instant calm at how assuring he was. He always calmed her nerves in the craziest of situations. She was so nervous joining the show with him and Aaron but Landon was just so easy to get along with, with her at least. Anyone was to say otherwise she’d ask them what they did, no Landon. “Yeah I’ll ask the doctor, cause I’m scared I’d the ginger tea tastes as bad as you say it does. It won’t help me.” She giggled softly as she saw his face light up looking at the girls, those two ruled their world and they knew it. “They already know they control our lives, and we just added to it.” She bumped his shoulder playfully, before putting her phone in her back pocket. “I just want them to always be confident in themselves, not just their beauty. So I was adamant on them shooting while doing their leaps and warm ups. Of course they had to be little divas. But those head shots are basically for you and Landon. I’m just proud.” She smirked, shrugging her shoulders. Placing the flat of her hand her upper stomach as she felt a cold flush run over her, then got really hot. Holding her other hand to her mouth she walked fast to the bathroom and rushed before she threw up on his floor. Her long hair to the side, hoping none got in the toilet, (thankfully none did cause ew) she flushed it and rested her cheek on the cold porcelain and closed her eyes. “I’m surprised I lasted as long as I did before that happened..” she tried to joke, but wasn’t completely sure if she wasn’t going to sick again. 
————Time Skip ————
After being woken up at 3 am with her water breaking. She was so scared but Landon had been the best coach she could have ever asked for. From feeding her ice chips, to using a cool washcloth on her forehead to keep her cool. When they got there she was dilated to a five and they gave her an epidural as soon as she was in their room. It was going so fast she never let go of his hand until they were able to sleep for a few hours before it was time to push. And it was as if it all was a blur once they placed their son on her chest, Jaycee looked up at Landon crying in a sweaty tired mess. “He’s here.. he’s so beautiful.. Hey so you’re the little dude that kicked all the time” she leaned her head against Landons smiling, but tired from all the pushing. They took him to weigh him and make sure he was all good before handing him to Landon, bundled up. It was a moment she’ll never forget, watch him take in his son. “He looks so much like you.” She was still a crying mess, but she laughed. The baby wrapping his tiny hand around Landons finger, as he pouted a bit.
It was almost like time stopped having any meaning from the moment he got the text from Jaycee at 3am, who he thought was sleeping in the other room, to tell him her waters broke. From getting dressed, to texting everyone that the baby was coming so Elle wouldn’t be left sleeping on her own, it wasn’t hard to believe that he completely lost track of time. The benefit of having to drive to the hospital so early in the morning was that the usual Kingsboro traffic was pretty much non-existent and pretty soon they were being admitted to their private room. With Jaycee being dilated to five, Landon encouraged her to get some sleep after the epidural was administered. It was going to be a very tiring process and his friend needed all the sleep she could get. The plan wasn’t for him to fall asleep as well, sitting in the chair next to the bed and holding Jaycee’s hand but having not gotten any sleep at all before getting the girl’s text, and rushing around to get everything for the unexpected labour, maybe it wasn’t that surprising that he ended up drifting off for a few hours as well. Landon tried his best to be supportive to Jaycee throughout the labour. He fed her ice chips to make sure she didn’t get dehydrated and cooled her face down with a washcloth every time it seemed like it was getting to be too much. The situation was completely different than when his sister gave birth to Elle but one thing that was exactly the same was the helplessness he felt at seeing someone he cared about going through so much pain in order to bring to life his child. All he could do was to be a supportive and encouraging presence for Jaycee. The emotions that went through him as soon as his son was born and placed on Jaycee’s chest was indescribable. That was his boy. His son. It was both surreal and one of the most beautiful moments of his life. “Look at him”, he whispered, in awe at the sight in front of him.
One of his biggest worries after finding out about Jaycee’s pregnancy was that he would never be able to love his son as much as he loved Elle. How was it possible, when Elle was his whole world and had been for six years? It seemed impossible to think that he could hold so much love in his heart. It wasn’t something he ever told Jaycee because he didn’t want to worry her and was glad he didn’t. Because the moment the nurse handed him his son to hold, all bundled up and a small finger wrapped around his, Landon was hooked. It’s true what people say, the moment another child is born your heart grows a little more to make space for another. His baby was barely a few minutes long and Landon already felt like he would do anything for him. “Hey Baby S”, he cooed, tears streaming down his face and yet still able to make reference to the joke him and Jaycee had going on. He walked closer to the bed and sat down so that Jaycee would be able to get a closer look at their son. “Look angel, that’s mummy.” 
Look at him, and the way he just kept looking at his dad was enough to bring more tears. Jay was exhausted and honestly wouldn’t have made it through without how he comforted her. After they got her fixed up and comfortably resting on an ice pack, thankful that she was still numb. The doctor congratulated Landon and handed him a pack of cigars, as they let them know the lactation nurse would be in soon. Scooting over so he could sit better the best she could. “Hey my sweet little miracle, look at you.” She cooed, sniffling. The moment he was on her chest, Jaycee was so helplessly in love with their son. Looking into Landons eyes, both of them a teary mess, her chin trembled. “Thank you for giving me the best gift there is.” Her voice broke, her eyes filled with so much love and joy. Watching her best friend hold their son was something else. Jaycees eyes were heavy as the days of not sleeping weighed on her, but she was trying so hard to fight it. “I can’t stop staring at him, he’s.. Perfect. Our little Easter Bunny.” She ran the tip of her pointer finger over his nose. “He is definitely playing by his own rules, already.” She joked sleepily as the lactation nurse came in, and helped Jaycee learn how to hold him right and he latched right away. The nurse gushing how amazing he was doing and that she wasn’t even needed. Of course Jaycees heart swelled when she said that, but she just watched him in awe. Bonding even more over feeding him, gently caressing his head. “I love you so much, every breath I take is for you. I will love you beyond my last breath.” Tears still flowing, as she laughed a bit. Still in awe and shock he was in her arms, nursing. Once he was done and she was able to burp him, handing him back to his daddy. “You ready to go see daddy again, I know he can’t get enough of you either.” She felt so happy and drowsy. “If I fall asleep I’m sorry in advance.” She joked knowing better.
This was one of the most emotional moments of Landon’s life so he couldn’t even begin to imagine what it felt like for Jaycee. His friend thought she’d never get to have something like this and now here they were, looking down at their son. Jaycee was right in calling him their little miracle. “Thank you”, he said, voice breaking as he got emotional again. If someone had told him a year ago that he would be here, looking at his son with Jaycee right there with him, he would have laughed. Now he couldn’t imagine his life any other way. Landon watched with a fond smile as Jaycee fed their son and then took him back in his arms once he was done. “I can’t believe you’re even apologising. You literally just gave birth Jay, I’d be worried if you weren’t sleeping”, he said, although his eyes barely left their baby’s face. “Get some sleep love, we’ll be right here when you wake up.” 
Jaycee couldn’t say anything when he thanked her back, all she could do was nod as she choked up. The baby was making the cutest noises as he stretched and yawned. “I think he thinks it’s nap time too, look at you taking all the credit.” She joked, leaning over to kiss their son on his head, as a tear slid down her cheek. “You should get some sleep too, lord knows I’m not big enough for this bed to take it all up. If you decide to chill with him in your arms and watch tv you won’t bother me.” She a assured him, turning on her side to face them but giving him enough room to be able to lay on his side or back. Not even remembering when she fell asleep for a good four hours before she popped her eyes opened, looking around. And smiled when she saw the baby resting on Landons chest and they’re out. The nurse came to check on her and the baby quietly helping her to the bathroom. About 30 minutes passes when she emerges showered in her nursing gown she got with its matching floral robe, and fluffy slippers, feeling more alert and fresh. Gently crawling into the bed, wincing a bit.
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aaronhart93 · 3 years
Discord thread featuring: Aaron & @davieslandon​​
When: early morning March 22, 2020
Mentions: @jayceelynd​
Description: Landon tells Aaron that he is going to have another baby with Jaycee
Trigger Warnings: pregnancy
Landon wasn’t sure who he was the most nervous to tell about Jaycee’s pregnancy, Aaron or Roman. He knew how protective his best friend could be of Jaycee so Landon couldn’t he sure of his reaction over an accidental pregnancy. Now that Elle knew she was about to be a big sister, he knew it was only a matter of time until she told Des and once Des knew...well, Aaron was bound to find out as well. Landon wanted the news to come directly from him so inviting him over for lunch seemed like a good place to start. He went for an easy plate of pasta and was plating everything when he heard Aaron letting himself in. “Hey”, he said, glancing up as soon as the other walked in. “I know it’s a bit short notice but...there’s something I really need to tell you.” 
When Landon had told Aaron that he needed to tell him something in person, Aaron was less than thrilled. Whenever Aaron needed to tell someone something in person, that typically meant that it was bad news. Did he decide that he really didn’t want to be friends with him anymore? Aaron had figured that things between the best friends had been going pretty well after his accident and that things were getting back to normal between them. Maybe he was picking up the wrong vibes and maybe Landon still hated him for what he’d done. Needless to say, Aaron was nervous and he’d had a drink or two in his office before coming over to Landon’s. Just to loosen up a bit. The businessman made his way over to the familiar apartment and walked in to the smell of some delicious food. Something that Landon had definitely made for Aaron before when they’d been helping each other out with the girls as men in their early 20s. That seemed like a whole lifetime ago now. “Hey, man.” He walked in and help himself another drink when Landon told him that he needed to tell him something. He leaned against the counter and took a big sip of the beer he’d gotten from the fridge. “Okay...” he prompted. 
Landon wasn't sure how the best way to go about this was. Roman had taken the news pretty well, all things considered, but that didn't mean that Aaron would as well. He briefly considered telling his best friend after they finished with their lunch but he knew Aaron must be wondering about what was going on and he would just be postponing the inevitable. So he placed the plate of pasta in front of his friend and sat down. Anyone with eyes would be able to tell he was nervous but it wasn't every day he had to announce that he was about to become a dad...again. "So...Jaycee and I kind of hooked up on the night of the holiday party," Starting out with the basics was probably a good idea. "Well, it turns out she's pregnant and...it's mine."
Aaron sat down across from the other male, and honestly practically drooled when he looked down at the plate of paste. If Landon was buttering Aaron up for something, he sure knew exactly how to do it. The businessman dug in almost immediately. He didn't have much regard to niceties in front of his best friend - he'd seen him at his very worst after all. He only practiced good table manners in front of his daughter and new company. This was Landon and he was very comfortable around him. What Landon had side next made Aaron nearly choke on the penne. He took a deep breathe and focused on chewing and swallowing his pasta before processing what Landon had just told him. Landon was going to be a dad...again...with Jaycee as a co-parent. Jaycee. His two best friends were having a baby...together. "Hold on...you fucked Jay?" 
Landon should have probably waited for his friend to finish swallowing his mouthful of penne before blurting out the news but he couldn't help himself. It was the way he worked; overthink everything and finally blurting it all out like ripping off a bandaid. If the situation wasn't as serious, he would laugh at the sight of Aaron almost choking over pasta but he was too nervous over his reaction to really think about that. At Aaron's question, he felt his face turn bright red and trying to come up with the best way to explain the situation he found himself in. It was just his luck that only a few weeks after admitting what everyone apparently already knew and coming out as gay, Jaycee found out she was pregnant. "It's...a funny story." It wasn't really but what else could he say? "The night of the holiday party there was that snowstorm that trapped everyone indoors. I was with Jaycee, we were both a little drunk and one thing led to another....now here we are." Landon wasn't sure if he should mention that it wasn't the first time but since he was being honest, he might as well go all the way. "It wasn't the first time we hooked up either." 
Now that Landon had said it, Aaron did remember hearing that they had hooked up before. It wasn't a huge deal - Aaron hooked up with his friends all the time. And so did Jaycee and Landon. It was just...shit. It was a lot to take in. Aaron did remember that night, and he did vaguely remember seeing Jay and Landon leave together. These were his two best friends. And they were going to be co parents. He looked down at the table silently for a few moments, letting himself process what he had just heard and trying to figure out exactly how he felt about it. This was Aaron Hart - he had a tendency to take things completely out of hand and get mad about things he shouldn't really get mad about. He could understand why Landon was hesitant to tell him. After another beat, Aaron smiled and looked across the table at the other father. "Well shit, man. That's amazing! Elle is going to be a big sister. Have you told her yet?" He exclaimed, his eyes wide with happiness for his best friend. 
Landon could count on one hand the number of times Aaron was so silent around him and that wasn't a very good sign. He might pick on his best friend a lot but he also knew that the businessman was very protective of the people he cared about. While Landon knew he was part of that list, Jaycee was also included. It's not like he couldn't understand why Aaron might get upset over an accidental pregnancy, even though it was very obvious that Landon was going to stick around. The silence was almost worse than anger and Landon was stuck watching with bated breath as his best friend looked at his plate of food like he was contemplating something very interesting. Landon was about to say something himself when Aaron looked up with a smile and he could feel relief course through him. "Jesus Christ you scared the shit out of me mate", he said, feeling his tense body finally relax slightly. "Yeah, she was one of the first people I told so obviously I had to tell you next before you found out from Des." 
Aaron managed to laugh, just now realizing how intimidating that could have been. Aaron was not known for his patience, that's for sure. But of course he was happy for Landon. He knew how much Landon loved being a father, and how good of a father he was too. He knew that his best friend was going to do an amazing job with this one too. Aaron was looking forward to having another baby around too. He was such a sucker for those tiny finger and tiny toes. "Sorry sorry..." He told him, shaking his head slightly then continuing to eat the yummy food that Landon had made him. "Oh yeah, I'm sure Elle is going to slip that news as soon as they see each other at school tomorrow. Des will probably also insist that she's getting a new sibling. Or cousin at the very least." He laughed. "That was the news you got me all buttered up for? Damn, I'm more of a hard ass than I thought. Are people just nice to me because they're scared of me?" He joked. 
With the way their two girls were together, Landon wouldn’t be surprised at all if Des ended up referring to the baby as her other sibling. They were just that close and Aaron and Landon probably didn’t help matters with how often they went to each other’s places or organized sleep overs for the two. Add to that the fact that he was having the baby with Jaycee and there was no way the poor thing wasn’t going to end up with two overprotective older sisters. Landon rolled his eyes at his best friend’s comment but didn’t deny it. It was true after all, the lunch was his attempt at getting Aaron in a good enough mood that he wouldn’t be upset about the news. And technically it worked. “Sure you are. You’re an ass alright”, he laughed, shaking his head. 
Now that the air was cleared, Aaron found himself being able to relax and smile. He had so many questions for the older male. He thought about how different this was this time around. How when they found out that they were going to be dad's the first time around...how terrified they were. But they had each other, and that certainly wasn't going to change this time around either. "So when is she due? Do you know what you're having yet?" He asked, almost a bit too excitedly. Like he was having a kid himself. In a way he was though...at least it felt like he was getting a new addition to his family. 
This was completely different than the time his sister was expecting Elle. Back then he had more time to prepare and more of a choice about what happened or not, but he was still terrified. He was still so young back then and still felt like he could barely take care of himself let alone a tiny baby. So Jaycee’s pregnancy was completely unexpected and sudden but Landon still felt more prepared. He was older, hopefully more mature and more financially stable. “She’s due in April but with how these things go you never really know”, he said, finally allowing himself to smile widely now that he knew Aaron was okay with it. “And yeah, we know.” It was actually one of the first things he found out after Jaycee told him she was pregnant. “We’re having a boy.” 
April. That seemed like it was so soon. They would have to do a lot of preparation in that time...Yes, Aaron was talking like he would have to do the prep work too. This was his little extended family and he was going to treat it as such. "I can't believe I'm going to have a nephew." He grinned. "And you're going to have a son...of course." Aaron always secretly wanted a boy. Of course he loved Des more than ever and she was such a daddy's girl, but when he found out that he was going to be a father he really hoped for a boy. Of course he soon realized that he could do everything with Des that he would with a son, but that didn't stop him from maybe wanting another one someday. A boy this time. "I know I don't need to say this, but whatever you need....you ask me and it's yours." He assured his best friend. 
It was still surreal to him and he’d known for a bit now so he couldn’t even imagine what was going through Aaron’s head. The fact that his best friend was taking it all in stride already, so soon after finding out, meant the world to him. “I know...if someone told me at the start of the year that I would be having a son I would have laughed”, he shook his head. “Don’t get me wrong, I always knew that I would have more children someday but I never imagined it would be so soon. I don’t regret it though, even though it wasn’t planned or expected...is that weird?” Landon didn’t need the businessman to tell him that he would be there for him as he’s more than showed him that throughout the years but it was still good to hear. “I know, thanks mate.” 
The millionaire wasn't sure if he was actually jealous or if he was just getting a really bad case of baby fever. Now he couldn't keep himself from thinking about having another child. Maybe it was because he very best friend was going to have one, and it was something they had done it before. Aaron almost felt weird that he and Landon weren't doing this together again. Aaron nearly furrowed his brow because, no, that wasn't weird at all. "You kidding, bro? No, that's not weird at all. If I someone ended up with a kid tomorrow, I wouldn't be upset. I would be really damn excited actually." He confessed with a laugh. 
Landon wasn’t expecting Aaron to say that but he chalked it up to him being happy over the upcoming baby and getting to be an uncle again, although he did make a mental note to bring it up again later. They both loved their daughters to pieces and this was obvious to anyone with eyes but Landon didn’t think another kid was something Aaron was interested in, or at least not right now. Then again, he would have said the same a few months ago and look where that got him. “Hopefully, when it happens to you it’ll be a bit more planned out and you won’t be caught so off guard”, he joked. 
When Aaron had initially found out that he was going to be a dad, he really thought that his life was completely over. But what he had her, he soon realized that his life was really just starting. He knew now that he wasn't dating a woman, that having another kid would be something completely planned out...but even if he woke up to the news that he was some how having another kid again tomorrow, he would be absolutely ecstatic. "How do you think your mom is going to react?" He asked his best friend. 
Landon always thought that his second child would be planned, more so after he came out as gay. It was kind of hard for a surprise pregnancy if he was dating and holding up with men. What he didn’t consider was the last time he hooked up with a girl and now here he was. Not that he was complaining. Landon meant what he said to Jaycee, no child of his could ever be a mistake. “I’m pretty sure I’m going to end up getting the safe sex talk again”, he rolled his eyes. “But she’ll be happy in the end. Or at least I hope so.” 
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skyking91 · 4 years
@amaniraynehq @jayceelynd
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