authorgeek · 4 years
Medical Update
My jaw hurts today. I’ve been clenching my teeth through the abdominal pain while doing my best to study and pay attention in my zoom Uni lectures. Today, those go from 10am to 5pm. I have been in insurance/transfer/records and testing limbo, in some capacity, since I was 18. That’s three years ago now. Mom has been fighting as best she can by my side to switch to a hopefully successful treatment (Entyvio) ever since I asked for it when I turned 18 and insurance wouldn’t let us try it. We’re just waiting for a call to get my first dose scheduled, but as of right now I have been without really any formal treatment. I am at about a 6-7 on my pain scale, and have been steadily resting there for a couple of days now. I’m needing the bathroom more and more frequently and am having an increasingly difficult time sleeping, sitting through (let alone participating in) a lecture, or studying for extended periods of time.
It’s getting more difficult to eat without pain, and my hands are once again constantly dry, my fingers and toes are cold all the time, and I’m often overall shaky or weak. My hands shook so badly while making breakfast this morning a jar of jam slipped from my fingers and shattered on the kitchen floor.
I say all this, because UC, and IBD is generally called an “Invisible” Illness, and I find that to be entirely incorrect to us who live with it and those who love us. I think “Private” or “individual” or “Isolating” are better words. I can’t be there for my family, my friends, my boyfriend, or any of the people in my life who I love and care about. Not because I don’t want to be, but because my body betrays me. I am gritting my teeth and pushing through, sleeping when I can, eating what I can stomach. These things take all of the time and energy I have. I am tired, exhausted beyond the capacity of the word, and I have no more to give to the people I love. They sit by helpless, unable to ease my pain. That is not invisible. It is illness. It is Autoimmune Disorder. It is disability, by definition.
I am not asking for pity or sympathy. I am asking for empathy from those who understand living in a failing body, I am asking for prayers in the process and success of new treatments, and above all, I am asking for grace. I am doing the very best I can, and I am sorry that it is so often not enough. I am also asking you to VOTE and vote for Biden, as otherwise, the healthcare and medical system will continue to fail me and my family and it becomes more dangerous and more difficult for me to receive any form of treatment or care. Yes, it really does impact me on that personal a level.
All my love, and thank you for reading this far/supporting me along my journey.
- Jay
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thxtbird · 5 years
After exactly one minute of consideration, I will be doing me and my friends as funny quotes. None of these are original!
Charli (me): Does anyone have whiteout?
Jay: No, but I have a laptop charger if that helps.
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poetatertot · 7 years
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AX2017 was great!! I got waaay more FFXV merch than intended (oops) got wig fibers all over the bathroom floor (double oops) and finally made an insta! July, come again soon 💖
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caldvvin · 7 years
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♠ it’s my birthday on friday :D so I decided to make a follow forever to recognize all of my favorite people on this site! ♠
♥ names in BOLD are mutuals ♥
♣ italicized names are really awesome blogs ♣
♦ If I’ve made any mistakes, please tell me ♦
| @akcnde | @fencrocks | @jaythefangirl | @macncharlie | @sapphiccowboy |
★  A - G  ★
| @alistairs | @alot-of-trash | @altfire | @anglaziegler | @corvosblink | @corvvi | @cursedcourier | @darkspawned | @drxgony | @esteljune | 
★ H - O   ★
| @heleuspathfinders | @herocsneverdie | @isabelasass | @iures | @kaldwinn | @lesbianmeii | @lynns-mind | @mactirian | @mercysblaster | @nickvalentine | @novachuu | @nxxctis |
★ P - Z ★
| @pastelmogar | @reapfist | @reapreyes | @shimadass | @sublimepoint | @tethrasing | @ttalon | @unidentifiedspoon | @wrenhavenriver | 
✦ Once again, thank you everyone for following me! It really means a lot ^3^ ✦
☀ Have a wonderful day :D ☀
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shortjaysstuff · 6 years
Happy 20 Million Subscribers Markimoo!! I don't have any art or anything but my words but..... I love you so much and with you the best for your channel!! @markiplier
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runekept · 7 years
it begins.....the day where @jaythefangirl gets back on tumblr and regurgitates my entire blog back onto my dash
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jespeerfahey · 10 years
Rule #1: Always post the rules. Rule #2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked, then write 11 new ones. Rule #3: Tag 11 people then link them in the post. Rule #4: Tell them you tagged them.
What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever done?
  ~. Idk  I went to Canada one time
How was your childhood?
~. It was alright...
Do you like people?
~. Meh
Who is your anime BFFL?
~. Ling Yao ;)
Do you think you’re a Kool Kid?
~. Not in the slightest
How many siblings do you have?
~. I have one sister. Follow her. waterloothefangirl
Tell an embarrassing story
~. One time I thought I felt a spider crawling on me in bed while I was listening to music so I freaked out and accidentally threw my headphones into the fan.
Tell a story.
~. One time in 6th grade we were sitting in class and a mouse fell from the ceiling. It lived, don't worry.
How many toes do you have?
~. I have ten toes
Are you sure?
~. Yes, quite.
Whats your favorite anime? Why?
What's your name?
Do you have any pets?
Why do you watch anime?
Who is your favorite character in the history of ever?
Do you like water?
Worst lie you've ever told?
Wear glasses?
Favorite movie?
Favorite subject in school?
You feel me?
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jespeerfahey · 11 years
I was tagged by linkluvr01
Rule 1: always post the rules
Rule 2: answer all the questions of the person who tagged you and create 11 new ones
Rule 3: tag 11 new people
Rule 4: Tell the person you tagged them
  If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Probably England
What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time? watch Netflix and eat!
Favorite T.V show? Hetalia
Favorite movie? Rise of the Guardians
Favorite color? Purple!
Favorite book/movie/show quote? my favorite line ever is from "the Titan's Curse" which is, 'I can see the stars, m'lady.' yeah, it makes me sad
What is your current hair color? it's a reddish-brown
If you could change your name, would you? yeah, and i'd change it to Vienna, because that's totally cool
      What is your quest? I dunno. I want to be an art teacher
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladed swallow?  is this from monty python?
What is your name?
where are you from?
do you have a job- if so, what is it?
who is your favorite actor/actress?
why do you have a tumblr?
what do you think of tom hiddleston's ass?
have you ever heard of share the love?
do you think isaac mcdougal is a funny name?
what is your opinion on the name "Jordo?"
do you believe in life after death?
do you think jean kirchstein is hot?
  sorry, my computer isn't letting me link the url's.
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