antlerqueer · 3 years
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Yellowjackets (2021). s01e09.
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antlerqueer · 3 years
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“You will be spending your Friday nights at your dad’s sad little apartment eating cold pizza on the sofa you know your dad cries into.”
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antlerqueer · 4 years
what keeps your characters up at night?
For Jal, while in-game at least, it’s the thought that their own family got them into this whole mess. Could Ben possibly have known? They want to think not, but... sometimes... That and sometimes Trouble plays with their hair when they’re trying to sleep.
For David, it’s the thought of those he’s lost. Both irl and in-game. As second-in-command, people died. Those were real-life people who died while he survived, and he was supposed to protect them.
Sofia sleeps fine. She’s basically dead anyway.
Julie has nightmares, so while she does take medication to help her sleep she’s frequently startled awake.
I can’t think of anything for Laith, Shaggy, and Nova right now. I haven’t thought about them much.
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