#jazz forster
nessa007 · 1 year
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grown●ish (2018 - 2023) Season 1 | Episode 3
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cyarsk5230 · 7 months
2h ago
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JAZZ FORSTER & DOUG EDWARDS Grown-ish ⥽ 2x02, "Nothing Was The Same"
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amnesiac starscream au: cold search and furious awakening
Convincing the council to attempt to help them in their search for skyfire was tiring.
They're too stubborn, and dragged on with ridiculous ideas and conspiracy theories about it being a trap and cussed out the seeker whenever he tried to explain himself, only a few that could be counted on digits did bother listening to him.
Alpha trion, tigatron, and rodimimus gave them enough backing to launch a search for the shuttle.
It also came with the twins, great news for starscream!
Also bad news due to sentinel prime having to tag a long.
Through out the entire 3 weeks of their search in the Arctic, sentinel took every chance to berate optimus team for forstering a con, making jabs at starscream, and insulting optimus, plus trying to get a rise out of starscream.
Even those on the rescue mission who are uncomfortable with starscream being there, are extremely annoyed with sentinel childish behaviour, and surprised that starscream didn't try to kill him yet, or beat him up.
Starscream had to be patient , he had to, even if he was on the verge of breakdown in angry furious tears and wanting sentinel to shut up permanently and leave him alone-
It was by the fourth week mark did starscream break.
They were exploring a upcoming signal from the north east, a weak, pulsing signal, and sentinel couldn't shut the frag up.
"How do we know it isn't a con?-"
"Why is this cursed planet so cold!!-"
"I tell you it's gonna be a trap-"
Starscream exploded on sentinel prime , cursing him out through frustrated tears rolling down his faceplates, he was tired, he was scared, his body hurts and he hasn't slept in weeks because of nightmares and he wanted his freind back and he didn't want the council to hurt him if this didn't work and he hated the cold, he hated his own frame and wished to be something else to avoid all the suffering and the hatred he got from his forging for something he didn't control and he tolorated him because he had to, he tolorated him because he needs to, because if he didn't they would think he's a crazy uncontrollable warframe and treat him like a predator and he wasn't hewasn'thewasn'thewasn'thewasn't-
Throughout his breakdown and tears, he couldn't feel the jettwins begging to calm down, he couldn't feel jazz trying to keep sentinel away from him while he tried to kill in what he supposed is self defence, nor did he feel the rescue mission bots and optimus team freak out and warn them that the signal is pulsing wildly and rabidly approaching their location.
All he felt and saw was a recognizable giant blurr of white,blue,reds punting sentinel half across the ice with angry roaring of engines blasting through the cold air.
Skyfire then stood up from once there was sentinel, looked at the absolutely terrified bots, then to the crying starscream, and then, as if he didn't punch sentinel across the ice as if he weight nothing at all, wrapped himself around the seeker that he absolutely dwarfed and comforted him while starscream tears turned from frustration to uncontrollable glee.
All the while the others stood in either awe or fear.
And bumblebee broke the silence with a shivering "t...that's skyfire??? H..he easily dwarfs all of us! Pits even megatron is small compared to him!!" And optimus couldn't agree more.
You are a GENIUS everything about this is perfect! Finally, finally, they get to be reunited! Finally someone puts fuckface mcgee in his place, finally Skyfire is back!
I love the idea that shuttles are just these utterly massive, hulking mecha that make even Megatron seem teeny tiny. Skyfire is easily 4-5x his size but he still holds Starscream with the most gentle, loving hands
Gently shushing his precious seeker, trying to get him to stop crying cuz, "It's ok Star, I'm here, you found me, you did it, it's ok, please don't cry."
Only for Starscream to give him the most blinding, exuberant smile and assure him that these are tears of joy and he's never been so happy. Even all that suffering under Sentinel couldn't ruin this moment 💖
Also I love the idea that Skyfire busted free of his ice prison cuz he could sense that someone was making his boyfriend cry. Love that for him
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thesamoanqueen · 1 year
Tagged by my honorary hater @jcalvinist
Rules: Name 10 of your favourite characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people to do the same.
1. Roman Reigns - WWE
2. Daenerys Targaryen - GoT
3. Trafalgar Law - One Piece
4. Nikolai Lantsov - Shadow and Bones
5. Nakia (Namor) - Black Panther
6. Haniwa - See
7. Khonshu - Moonknight
8. Bo-Katan Kryze - The Mandalorian
9. Jazz Forster - Grown-ish
10. Charlotte Ritter - Babylon Berlin
@jeysuso @oddsofffavorite @thewarlordsworld @keybladeofsteel @thiccc-rider-mcintyre @wrestlezaynia @romanreignseater @racerchix21 @sunnyfleur23 @harmshake
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newty · 3 months
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ikea bookshelves are up 🙏
waugh / extra sassons and my 1870s alice / wilde / modernists (proust, forster, woolf) / misc victorians / misc oversize (japan, art, juvenile) & my teredio doujins lol
misc brits (mostly sass friends) / vintage press paperbacks / misc wwi / cs forester & wwii (maria remarque & saint exupery) / jazz age nyc + robert service & edgar guest / heritage press oversize
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mywifeleftme · 11 months
86: The Verlaines // Bird-Dog
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Bird-Dog The Verlaines 1987, Flying Nun (Bandcamp)
The Verlaines, authors of an all-time (apt and fav) album title in Some Disenchanted Evening, are probably the most ‘acquired taste’ of the original wave of Flying Nun/Dunedin sound New Zealand bands (The Clean, The Chills, The Bats, Tall Dwarfs etc.). Though the jingling single-word chorus of debut single “Death and the Maiden” proved they could be as elfin and twee-sounding as any of their peers, main Verlaine Graeme Downs tended to favour downcast melodies, played with buttoned-down desperation, like running to catch a bus to a job interview in the rain while holding an umbrella and a suitcase. All the good Flying Nun bands played with the tension between their poppy sounds and frequently dour or sarcastic lyrics, but of the lot Verlaines are the clear prescription for wry depressives (or at least people who think Robert Forster was the better of the Go-Betweens).
There’s an argument to made for 1987’s early singles comp Juvenilia as the most accessible introduction to their sound, but Bird-Dog is their most complete album statement. I was thrilled when the album was finally repressed on vinyl after 36 years, primarily because it is an essential “stare at the cover while listening” LP. Forget the rain/bus/umbrella metaphor I tried earlier; this brave brown smudge of a dog heedlessly pursuing (or being lured by?) a bird to the edge of a seaside cliff is bang on. At 12” x 12”, the visible brushstrokes of the hidden cliff in John Collie’s oil painting have a roiling texture, almost as though it is eating away at the soft green turf above. On the reverse, the same location is depicted sans dog, this time in gentle watercolour, the world at peace without all that barking and striving.
It's all there in the title track too. The lyric begins as a withering assessment of a man’s life spent yearning for transcendence who eventually grows old and slow, buys “a boarding house for slaves / and drinks imported German beer.” But if our escapes often become our jail cells, in the end we love our bars despite it, and the coda of “Bird-Dog” turns into an all-timer of a drinking song, basically a post-punk “Master of the House” from Les Miserables. Thrill of chasing bird despite cliff, one more brew to put off morning.
It's subtle at first, but throughout Bird-Dog, the Verlaines augment their basic power trio sound with unusual instrumentation, a flugelhorn here, a xylophone there, till the album closes with a fully orchestrated* flourish. The tricky, XTC-like “Icarus Missed” adds Gregorian chant (!) and bassoon (!!), followed by “C.D. Jimmy Jazz and Me,” a re-recording of their first single’s B-side with its humble accordion ride-out replaced with a sugary string and horn fanfare that wouldn’t be out of place soundtracking a Sonic Generations level. For an album that starts out as morose and minimal as this one, it's quite an about-face—one of those moments maybe when you shake off your malaise and see the richness in the life you’ve earned.
* Okay, so they don’t go full philharmonic; it’s the usual band plus five-piece string, trumpet, and trombone accompaniment, if you’re a stickler. But it sounds plenty sweeping!
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roaringgirl · 2 years
book club - July
keeping a little record for myself
feel like I say this every time, but really an abysmal showing at reading women writers. More abysmal than usual, even.
1. L. P. Hartley - The Go-Between (1953): Honestly I don’t remember an awful lot about this - I know I enjoyed it and there’s a cracker of a cricket match - one of the great sport scenes of literature?
2. Geoff Dyer - Out of Sheer Rage (1997 - reread): Was puzzled by this the first time I read it. On reread, I think it’s mostly solipsistic and boring. Dyer not as interesting a subject as D. H. Lawrence - even though it’s missing the point, I would rather have read Dyer’s unwritten book about D.H. than his book about not writing a book about D.H. Although he does, occasionally, have some great observations about old D.H., and has strengthened my conviction that although I don’t think Lawrence’s books are good, always, necessarily, I feel a sort of grudging affinity with him (whereas, although I like or even love a lot of E.M. Forster, I am fundamentally antipathetic to his spirit).
3. Szczepan Twardoch - The King of Warsaw (trans 2020): Some of this was really, really fun, but both twists were absolutely awful. Like, you can’t really supply a more harrowing twist to a novel about Jewish gangsters in Warsaw in 1937 than the one that we know is inevitably, historically coming. If you ignore the weird twist the main story could have been good, but the framing device was just awful.
4. Joseph Roth - The Radetzky March (1932 - reread): I went to Vienna at the beginning of July so got very into Mitteleuropa. I found this book very dull when I read it at about 16 - loved it on rereading. Fathers, sons, the historical weight of a crumbling empire, duelling, Austro-Hungarian army officers - what more could anyone want?
5. Bruno Schulz - The Street of Crocodiles and Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass (1934, 1937): Very Kafka (a kind of softer, more expansive Kafka?- and Schulz translated Kafka into Polish, I think). Love the shorter stories and the ones more concretely set in Drohobycz - less keen on the stories and novellas in Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass.
6. Frank Tallis - Vienna Blood (2006, reread)
7. Frank Tallis - Fatal Lies (2008, reread) - Fun Secession-Vienna set murder mysteries. Reread back in London while on Covid sickbed having caught it at the Vienna State Opera. Would have to be syphilis for the full Viennese experience, though.
8. Benjamin Myers - The Gallows Pole (2017) - Very taken by this. Historical novel about 18th century coiners in Yorkshire on the brink of the Industrial Revolution. Fun, overwritten prose - Myers thinks he’s Ted Hughes - but I am a sucker for this kind of revisionist - what would be the equivalent of Americana? Anglicana? Do find the trend for these very violent, very niche, self-consciously masculine historical novels quite funny but can’t complain as I am writing one myself.
9. Ben Galley - Lester Young. Cannot find any information on this online so suspect I may have misrecorded author’s name. But it was the rare short, well-written, perceptive jazz book with good selection of recordings as well as thorough discography. Oh, Pres! What a sound!
10. Adam Phillips - Missing Out: In Praise of the Unlived Life (2012): Enjoyed this a lot when he was, like, explaining psychoanalysis, although really (like most of Phillips’ work) it’s a bit of a rag-bag of essays and he’s a better second-order explainer than he is at doing original work. He is, though, a supremely gifted and entertaining explainer of others’ work (I’d compare him to Terry Eagleton). His literary criticism is interesting if insubstantial, though, especially because when I was ‘doing’ literary criticism I never really worked from a psychoanalytical standpoint.
11. Nick White - How to Survive a Summer (2017): Brandon Taylor-recommended, pretty rubbish really. Never really followed through on the O’Connor style grotesqueries I was expecting - a much softer book than I’d thought it was going to be, which is maybe more a mismatch of expectation to material, but - rather lightweight.
12. Eliza McFeely - Zuni and the American Imagination (2015): Boring book but fascinating subject. Read like a Master’s dissertation or something - not even quite a PhD.
13. T.H. White - The Sword in the Stone (reread)
14. T.H. White - The Witch in the Wood
15. T. H. White - The Ill-Made Knight: These are great. I loved The Sword in the Stone as a child (book and film), and really enjoyed the next two as well - think I may have originally read a different, shorter version of The Sword in the Stone. I love how much it reads like a Nancy Mitford novel, as well.
16. Jonathan Coe - Mr Wilder & Me (2020): Rubbish. Ordered second-hand to flat by my dad after we’d been discussing Billy Wilder. Very easy read, but flat-out bad. Might go and see the film adaptation if it ever gets made, though.
17. Bruce Chatwin - The Viceroy of Ouidah (1980): Another second-hand boon from my dad. Not sure what prompted it. Enjoyed a lot, although can only imagine da Sousa as Klaus Kinski following Herzog’s Cobra Verde - although think a lesser film that his others with Kinski).
18. Mieko Kawakami - Breasts and Eggs (2008, trans 2020): Breasts section great. Second section about sperm donation much longer and much less compelling.
19. Oliver Sacks - The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat (1985): Enjoyed very much, although the puritan in me suspects I should be reading Luria instead.
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eazy-group · 11 months
‘Grown-ish’ Stars Chloe x Halle Share Beauty Products They Swear By as Neutrogena's Newest Ambassadors
New Post has been published on https://eazybeauty.net/grown-ish-stars-chloe-x-halle-share-beauty-products-they-swear-by-as-neutrogenas-newest-ambassadors/
‘Grown-ish’ Stars Chloe x Halle Share Beauty Products They Swear By as Neutrogena's Newest Ambassadors
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(Photo : Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images for The Recording Academy)
Chloe and Halle Bailey, the duo behind Chloe x Halle, have reached another milestone in their career.
The sisters, whose claim to fame is their role as Jazz and Sky Forster in the comedy sitcom “Grown-ish,” announced that they had been officially named as Neutrogena’s newest ambassador.
Chloe X Halle X Neutrogena
  Over their social media, the “Don’t Make It Harder on Me” hitmaker surprised their fans with their bubbly and energetic campaign ad while flaunting their uber flawless skin.
“SURPRISE! we are so excited to announce that we are the new faces of @Neutrogena! Finding the perfect skincare routine is not easy, but with Neutrogena, we glow from the inside and out. we are so happy to be a part of such a beautiful family, and we are even more excited to share this journey with you all!” Chloe x Halle Instagram caption reads.
In the short clip, the older Bailey can be heard describing the brand as a total “game-changer.”
Following this, celebrity friends and fans expressed their support over the duo’s new collaboration.
 Japanese-British singer-songwriter Rina Sawayama mentioned how they “both look glowing.”
The same goes with the “Star” actress Ryan Destiny, who wrote, “Yesss! bc the skin is too beautiful. Ahhh, so f’n happy guysss.”
On the other hand, one fan threw his support for “Do It” singers and said, “..and Suddenly my skincare routine has all changed to Neutrogena.”
READ MORE: The Best Acne-Fighting Products Under $25
Chloe X Halle’s “Dream Come True” Team-Up
Following this, Chloe X Halle has a short Q&A as they celebrated their “dream come true” project.
“So thrilled to be @neutrogena brand ambassadors together! SUCH A DREAM COME TRUE!” they tweeted.
In the video, she recalls her little obsession with the brand and its famous face splashing commercial.
Moreover, Halle asked her sister what’s the three essentials things in her bag, to which she replied cellphone, Neutrogena Skin Balancing Cleansing Towelettes for “refresher,” and lastly, her dark shades.
Chloe x Halle Beauty Secrets and Holy Grails
In an exclusive interview with People magazine, the “Happy Without Me” hitmakers spoke about their beauty must-haves and learning to embrace their individuality.
During their candid chit-chat, the sisters were asked about their skincare go-to and products that they swear by.
For Chloe Bailey, she shared that she has been using Invisible Daily Defense Sunscreen, and it helps her address discoloration and scarring on her face.
Moreover, she also learned not to pop her pimples because they will only leave stubborn marks.
Another product that she mentioned is the Skin Balancing Micellar Cleansing Cloths to easily get rid of makeup residues.
On the other hand, her sister, Halle Bailey, shared that they both have different skin types, and unfortunately, she is more acne-prone.
With this, she uses Neutrogena’s Oil-Free Acne Wash and Stubborn Acne AM Treatment, “especially when I get anxiety about a closeup or something,” she explained.
READ MORE: How to Get Rid of Dark Marks from Acne Breakouts
See Now: 100 Most Beautiful Women In The World
TagsChloe Bailey, Halle Bailey, Grown-ish, neutrogena
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haovinhmusic · 11 months
Cấu tạo của đàn piano điện
Nếu ai thường theo dõi về lĩnh vực âm nhạc đều sẽ dễ dàng bắt gặp các loại đàn piano khác nhau. Tuy nhiên, không phải ai cũng biết đến đàn piano điện. Đây là dòng đàn hiện đại, có thiết kế nhỏ gọn, mang tới màu sắc âm nhạc đa dạng. Bài viết hôm nay sẽ giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn về đàn này để có lựa chọn phù hợp với nhu cầu sử dụng. 
Đàn piano điện (hay còn gọi là đàn piano kỹ thuật số) là dòng đàn thiết kế với công nghệ hiện đại, sử dụng bộ cảm biến để tạo ra âm thanh. Mang đến cho người dùng những trải nghiệm mới mẻ.
Đặc điểm của đàn piano điện
Thiết kế tối giản: Đàn có thiết kế không có dây đàn, khung dây, bảng cộng hưởng và bộ máy cơ. Chính vì thế mà đàn piano điện nhỏ hơn so với đàn cơ, phù hợp khi đặt ở nhiều không gian khác nhau.
Âm thanh tích hợp được nhiều nhạc cụ: Có nhiều âm thanh nhạc cụ được tích hợp như Vibraphone, Organ, các loại đàn dây. Với ưu điểm này, người chơi có thể chơi được nhiều thể loại như pop, rock…
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Đàn hoạt động nhờ bộ phận cảm biến phát hiện chuyển động của các phím đàn. Khi người dùng tác động lên phím, âm thanh sẽ được ghi lại và phát ra thông qua hệ thống loa. Do đó, bạn sẽ thấy âm thanh phát ra dưới tác động của người chơi vào phím đàn. Với piano điện, bạn có thể tùy chỉnh độ vang, âm trầm trên đàn. 
Lịch sử của những cây đàn piano điện tử
Đàn piano điện đã trải qua quá trình phát triển rất dài kể từ khi nó ra đời.
Cuối thập kỷ 1920 và đầu thập kỷ 1930 của thế kỷ 20, âm nhạc trải qua một giai đoạn phát triển đáng kể. Bên cạnh âm nhạc cổ điển, thời điểm này bắt đầu xuất hiện những thể loại âm nhạc mới như Pop, Rock, Jazz… Những thể loại này phát triển mạnh mẽ và lan rộng trên toàn cầu. 
Tuy nhiên, việc mang một cây đàn piano cơ nặng và cồng kềnh lên sân khấu trở thành một vấn đề cho các nghệ sĩ. Các phiên bản đàn keyboard thời đó không đủ số lượng phím và cảm giác phím không thực sự tự nhiên. 
Nhận thức được những khó khăn này, các nhà sáng chế bắt đầu nghiên cứu và phát triển một loại đàn kết hợp cả hai yếu tố: nhẹ nhàng nhưng vẫn có đầy đủ số phím, âm thanh trung thực và cảm giác phím tốt. Vào năm 1929, đàn piano điện đầu tiên được Neo-Bechstein chế tạo và được sử dụng rộng rãi. 
Sau đó, đàn piano điện Vierlang-Forster được giới thiệu vào năm 1937. Năm 1939, đàn piano điện tử RCA Storytone được phát triển thông qua một liên doanh giữa Story & Clark và RCA. Đây là một dự án do nghệ sĩ và nhà thiết kế John Varvatos thiết kế. 
Đàn piano này không có soundboard nhưng vẫn giữ được cấu trúc dây và búa của cây đàn piano truyền thống. Âm thanh được tăng cường thông qua các thiết bị điện tử, mạch điện và hệ thống loa, tạo nên chiếc piano điện thương mại đầu tiên trên thế giới. Ban đầu, các cây đàn piano điện này được thiết kế với nhiều mục đích, nhưng mục tiêu quan trọng nhất vẫn là phục vụ âm nhạc.
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Trong suốt thế kỷ 20, đàn piano điện không ngừng phát triển và hoàn thiện về chất lượng, tính năng và thiết kế. Các công ty sản xuất nhạc cụ lớn như Kawai, Yamaha, Casio và Roland đã liên tục nghiên cứu và cạnh tranh để đưa ra những sản phẩm chất lượng cao nhất cho người sử dụng. Các mẫu đàn piano điện như CT-401, CT-701 của Casio, CP-70, PF10, PF12, PF15 của Yamaha và EP-30, HP-300 của Roland đã trở thành huyền thoại trong những năm 1980.
Ngày nay, đàn piano điện vẫn tiếp tục phát triển. Với việc ra mắt nhiều sản phẩm mới và tích hợp nhiều tính năng đa dạng. Đàn piano điện không chỉ phục vụ cho nhu cầu biểu diễn âm nhạc mà còn được sử dụng rộng rãi trong giáo dục và giải trí.
Cấu tạo của đàn piano điện
Cấu tạo đàn piano điện tử có những bộ phận chính như: Phím đàn, hệ thống âm thanh và mạch điện… Cụ thể như sau:
Bàn phím và phím đàn
Bàn phím của đàn piano điện đa dạng từ 61 đến 88 phím, được làm bằng nhựa cao cấp hoặc gỗ tùy từng loại đàn. Bàn phím sẽ gồm các phím đen trắng xen kẽ nhau, được sắp xếp theo trật tự, mỗi phím đàn tương ứng với một nốt nhạc để bạn tùy biến khi chơi đàn. Khi nhấn một phím đàn, một tín hiệu điện được tạo ra và gửi đến hệ thống âm thanh để tạo âm thanh tương ứng. 
Hệ thống âm thanh và mạch điện
Hệ thống âm thanh của đàn piano điện tử bao gồm các thành phần chính như mạch điện, bộ khuếch đại, loa và công nghệ tái tạo âm thanh. Hệ thống âm thanh hoạt động nhờ các con chip điện tử thu sẵn âm thanh của nhạc cụ khác vào hệ thống, sau đó phát ra loa. 
Khi một phím đàn được nhấn, một tín hiệu điện từ bàn phím được chuyển đến mạch điện. Mạch điện sẽ xử lý tín hiệu này và tạo ra một tín hiệu âm thanh tương ứng. Tùy thuộc vào công nghệ và thiết kế của đàn piano điện tử, có hai phương pháp chính để tái tạo âm thanh. 
Một phương pháp sử dụng module âm thanh để tái tạo âm thanh của các dây đàn piano cơ. Module âm thanh này chứa các dữ liệu âm thanh được ghi lại từ các dây đàn piano cơ và được phát lại khi cần thiết. 
Phương pháp thứ hai sử dụng công nghệ mô phỏng âm thanh để tạo ra âm thanh giống với các dòng đàn piano cơ nổi tiếng. Điều này được thực hiện thông qua việc sử dụng module âm thanh số hóa và các thuật toán xử lý tín hiệu để tái tạo âm thanh chân thực.
Kết nối và tính năng điều khiển
Đàn piano điện có thể được kết nối với các thiết bị khác như máy tính, bàn mix, hoặc hệ thống âm thanh ngoại vi thông qua các cổng kết nối như cổng MIDI, cổng USB hoặc Bluetooth. 
Ngoài ra, nhiều đàn piano điện hiện đại còn có tích hợp các tính năng điều khiển như các nút điều chỉnh âm lượng, chế độ âm thanh, hiệu ứng âm thanh, đệm tự động và các nút chức năng khác để điều khiển các tính năng đa dạng trên đàn.
Nguồn bài viết: https://haovinhmusic.vn/dan-piano-dien/
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Birthdays 1.1
Beer Birthdays
Paul Revere; silversmith, patriot (1735)
Francesco Peroni (1818)
Gustave Amos (1840)
Michael Joseph Owens (1859)
Armin Karl Neubert (1894)
Elise Gammon, Miss Rheingold 1951 (1930)
Adrienne Garrett; Miss Rheingold 1954 (1930 or 1932)
Alan Newman (1946)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Edmund Burke; politician (1729)
James George Frazer; writer (1854)
B. Kliban; cartoonist (1935)
J.D. Salinger; novelist (1919)
Alfred Stieglitz; photographer (1864)
Famous Birthdays
Paul Thomas Anderson; film director (1970)
Dana Andrews; actor (1909)
Charles Bickford; actor (1891)
Catherine Drinker Bowen; writer (1897)
Maurice Chevalier; singer, actor (1888)
Shirley Chisholm; politician (1924)
Xavier Cugat; musician (1900)
Idi Amin Dada; African dictator (1926)
Grandmaster Flash; hip-hop musician (1958)
E.M. Forster; novelist (1879)
Edwin Franko Goldman; composer (1878)
Barry Goldwater; politician (1909)
Hank Greenberg; Detroit Tigers 1B (1911)
J. Edgar Hoover; FBI Director (1895)
James McAvoy; actor (1979)
Grace Murray Hopper; computer programmer, inventor of COBOL (1906)
Jacky Ickx; race car driver (1945)
Milt Jackson; jazz musician (1923)
Frank Langella; actor (1938)
Catherine McComack; actor (1972)
"Country Joe" McDonald; musician (1942)
Lorenzo de Medici; merchant prince (1449)
Elin Nordegren; model, Tiger Woods' ex-wife (1980)
Don Novello; Father Guido Sarducci (1943)
Sandra Oh; actor (1971)
Joe Orton; playwright (1903)
Pocahontas, a.k.a. Matoaka & later Rebecca Rolfe; Virginia native (1595)
Susan Pompoms; character from comic “El Goonish Shive”
Betsy Ross; seamstress, flagmaker? (1752) Mai Shiranui; character from video game “Fatal Fury”
Verne "Mini-Me" Troyer; actor (1969)
Ray Walston; actor (1914)
"Mad" Anthony Wayne; general (1745)
Gustave Whitehead; pioneer aviator (1874)
Hank Williams Sr.; country singer (1923)
Gail Zappa; Frank Zappa's widow (1945)
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Essential Jazz Standards - Jazz Play Along: Lullaby of Birdland
Jazz Play Along: Essential Jazz Standards: Lullaby of Birdland.
Music by George Shearing, words by George David Weiss (sheet music)
Background track with melody to Play Along: https://dai.ly/x8g1fhx
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Lyrics: Oh, lullaby of birdland that's what i Always hear, when you sigh, Never in my wordland could there be ways to reveal In a phrase how i feel. Have you ever heard two turtle doves Bill and coo when they love? That's the kind of magic music we make with our lips When we kiss And there's a weepy old willow He really knows how to cry That's how i'd cry in my pillow If you should tell me farewell and goodbye Lullaby of birdland whisper low Kiss me sweet, and we'll go Flying high in birdland, high in the sky up above All because we're in love Lullaby, lullaby Have you ever heard two turtle doves Bill and coo when they love? That's the kind of magic music we make with our lips When we kiss And there's a weepy old willow He really knows how to cry That's how i'd cry in my pillow If you should tell me farewell and goodbye Lullaby of birdland whisper low Kiss me sweet, and we'll go Flying high in birdland, high in the sky up above All because we're in love
Lullaby of Birdland
Lullaby of Birdland is a jazz standard composed in 1952 by George Shearing, with lyrics by George David Weiss, under the pseudonym 'B. Y. Forster' . The title refers to Bird, the nickname of saxophonist Charlie Parker, and Birdland, the local New York jazz historian. The song, composed by the English pianist and composer George Shearing, who recorded it in the same year (1952) in New York with his quintet, was later taken up by many artists (in recent times also by Amy Winehouse). Other versions include Sarah Vaughan, Ella Fitzgerald, Chaka Khan, Mel Tormé, Chris Connor, Quincy Jones, pianist Friedrich Gulda and, in Italy, Mina.
Georges Shearing
GEORGE SHEARING enjoyed an international reputation as a pianist, arranger and composer. Both on the concert stage and in jazz clubs, Shearing was renowned for his inventiveness and jazz orchestration. He wrote more than 300 compositions, including the classic 'Lullaby of Birdland', which has become a jazz standard. Shearing was born in 1919 in the Battersea area of ​​London. Congenitally blind, he was the youngest of nine children. His only formal musical education consisted of four years of study at the Linden Lodge School for the Blind. Although his talent earned him several college scholarships, he was forced to turn them down in favor of a more productive pursuit: playing piano at a neighborhood pub for the attractive salary of five dollars a week! Shearing joined a blind band in the 1930s. At this time, he developed a friendship with noted jazz critic and author Leonard Feather. Through this contact, he made his first appearance on BBC radio. In 1947, Shearing moved to America, where he spent two years establishing his fame on this side of the Atlantic. The sound of shearing attracted national attention when, in 1949, he assembled a quintet to record 'September in the Rain' for MGM. The record was an overnight success, selling 900,000 copies. His reputation in the United States was permanently established when he was booked at Birdland, New York City's legendary jazz venue. In 1982 and 1983, he won Grammy Awards for recordings he made with Mel Tormé. Shearing was the subject of an hour-long television documentary titled The Shearing Touch featured on The Southbank Show with Melvyn Bragg on ITV in the UK, which can now be seen in the US on the Bravo channel. He has received the prestigious Horatio Alger Award for Distinguished Americans in 1978, and a community recreational facility in Battersea, south London, was named the George Shearing Center in his honour. In May 1993, he was awarded the British equivalent of the Grammy—the Ivor Novello Award for Lifetime Achievement. In June 1996, shearing was inducted into the Queen's Birthday Honors List, and on 26 November he was inducted by Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace as an Officer of the Order of the British Empire for his 'service to the music and Anglo-American relations'. Read the full article
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sseureki · 3 years
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pocfiction · 3 years
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ZOEY JOHNSON, SKYLAR & JAZZ FORSTER’S Beyoncé Homecoming homage in grown-ish 3.01 Crunch Time.
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dailygrownish · 3 years
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chuckclayton · 3 years
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Damn! Being nice is so hard.
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randomiconz · 3 years
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sky x jazz forster
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