#jcs rp
unsungabsurdity · 1 month
@prvtocol sent < "We need to let Stringer know about this in full." > from Brianne to Spencer
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Spencer enters the lab before her coworkers, clicking on lights and machines as she makes her way to her desk. The single-cup coffee maker chirps a happy tune from the corner of her workspace, telling her the timer started and finished brewing her cup at the perfect time. She takes a long indulgent sip before finding it a coaster and going to check her emails.
Regarding the Wolf Tick - from the xeno-anthropologists draws a little groan. Howard sent that information over, she told him three times to specify that the tick only attaches to large live-stock like animals. She'll have to reply to that eventually.
Scalpels - from the medical team. Order your own. She says it every time they ask. If they'd allocate their resources with more intention, they wouldn't have this problem.
Eastern developments - expansion team. Now that catches her attention. She uses the mouse out of habit, ignoring how Alicia would've playfully chastised her for not touching the display had she bothered to be here.
How quickly can you get samples from these? The message reads.
The three pictures take forever to load, only coming in once Spencer had rested her head in her hand. The images make her choke on a sip of black coffee.
They're Na'vi. Sure. Not unusual. But they're grey. And small. Very unusual. She leans in closer for a better look, noting their stubby tails and strange demeanor. They seem to be watching from a distance, but make no effort to hide themselves. The tallest of the group stands with his shoulder back, eyeing the camera with a focused expression. Spencer clicks to another, seeing the group of five step closer. Their leader stays at the front of the pack, the bottom half his face covered by a thin fabric tied to a bone going through his nose. He has a bow slung across his back, bigger than the others and more decorated with more feathers and claws. The final image has him raising his bow in a menacing way. She stares at the final image for longer than she needs to, flabbergasted by the contents.
Of course there are other Na'vi better suited for their specific environment. The Tulkun hunting parties have seen plenty of Reef Na'vi, learning early on to keep their distance from the shore. But these were different. They'd look sickly if their warm points weren't a slightly pink hue. Spencer is so entranced by the images that she doesn't realize Brianne entering the lab until the soft clicking of heels approaches.
"Miss Landry-" the greeting comes from surprise as she rushes to close the tab on her computer. She's so distracted that she didn't realize her computer was still connected to the projector, displaying the final image of the grey Na'vi onto the back wall of the lab.
"We need to let Stringer know about this in full."
Spencer frowns. Stringer will want them out of his way. He'll want devastation brought unto their community until they leave their home. Anything to get whatever he's after out east. They didn't even attack the expansion drone. She can justify the war with the Omatikaya, there's a history there that can't be ignored or worked around. But these people haven't done anything. She wonders if there's a way to ignore them. Find another site for their expedition. Her consideration keeps her silent for a long while, trying to pick her next words carefully.
"...Are you sure...?"
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pandoranfalconer · 5 months
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Finally finished up my lil drawing of Sparrow and Petar flying around
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rocklobster0 · 6 months
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Apologies to any avatar rp accounts I followed recently, I meant to direct you to my new side blog which is also an rp based blog >< I hope to get to know you all and have fun writing.
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a-hell-of-a-time · 2 months
((Just Vassalphus/Icyago/Fire and Ice verse things:
Andre introducing Vassago to Via, Stella (Though most of the Stella's my Andre interacts with know of this already).
Stolas being confused as to how the hell these two became a thing (and maybe borderline jealousy should Stolas/Andrealphus/Vassago poly ever happen.
Everyone teasing the shit out of Andre because he has it down bad for Vassago, and Vassago acts like an oblivious idiot (though is very much aware) just to make things worse for Andre (because Andre is a brat convince me otherwise.)
Just Andrealphus things:
Andre's future son being introduced in the Noble Snow verse to people.
Via learning that she has a new baby cousin who later becomes nothing short of a chaotic nightmare.
Everyone else being subjected to the chaos that is Yukitaka because you thought anyone in this family would be normal-))
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prpfz · 2 months
JC Avatar / Frontiers of Pandora Search
Hey all! You can call me Lucifer or Luci and I use they/them! This is not replacing anyone! If we have an active story I am still very interested!
This is a specific fandom search specifically for the fandom JC Avatar / FOP . Im happily willing to double up, seriously it is not problem and I enjoy it! There’s nothing really strict besides the fact I want to double up for the chance to play both an oc and cannons. I just finished FOP so I have a slight favor to explore plots based on the game however I wont turn down a plot set during the movies.
OOC Stuff
Past Tense, 3rd Person, Multipara at least 4+
Willing to talk / Headcannon ooc
Pinterest Boards + Playlists always encouraged
Extra brownie points if you are super talkative ooc! I love talking about the “what ifs” of our stories!
All gender pairings welcome!
Anything queer is slightly favored but ill never say no to a straight ship.
I like the idea of toxic pairings so so so much. It can be however fucked up as wed like!~Age gaps, unconventional species ships and power imbalances are all welcome. Im even open to 🍪.
Searching For on my Side
Im mostly looking for someone to write Mercer for a na’vi oc of mine but Id also be interested in writing my recom oc against Quaritch.
Messy messy messy. Both ships have some fun power imbalances to play around with.
Your Side
Come at me with any idea truly! I will write any character and be enthusiastic about it. You want an angsty or fluffy story? Done. You want a self indulgent smutty story? Happily.
I am able both dom/sub characters. It depends upon my character/muse. I also enjoy writing both.
Of course NSFW is optional!
I prefer we talk interests / limits in dm but Im open to write most things. Very few things make me squeamish even if Im not into it myself, it can still be fun to write out and make someone else happy.
like or dm
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dcynnight · 6 months
reverse starter call? i'll try to check out your starters after i go to class.
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sayitan · 2 years
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when  you  are  an  older  sibling,  you  are  given  a  responsibility.  you  are  shown  a  life  that  matters  so  much  more  than  yours.  you  keep  that  kid  safe.  it  doesn't  matter  what  you  lose  in  the  process  or  how  many  things  you  have  to  take  apart  to  keep  something  else  together.  all  that  matters  is  that  you  do  your  job.    //    someone  has  to  leave  first.  this  is  a  very  old  story.  there  is  no  other  version  of  this  story.
#𝐒𝐀𝐘𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐍  —  independent,  selective,  &  private  neteyam  roleplay  account  from  avatar:  the  way  of  water.  fluctuating  &  low  activity.  heavy  headcanon  influences,  critical  media  meta,  &  character  development  analysis.  mutuals  &  18+  only.  written  by  chey,  woc.
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brckensocietyarch · 2 years
{ open to m/f/nb | plot: jc has been avoiding your muse (can be for whatever reason and whatever connection idm!) and now your muse has shown up at her place. }
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JC hadn’t answered the door, she could see from her camera doorbell who had been knocking and she hadn’t wanted to talk to them. She was currently holding a grudge, and had even skipped going to a party to night in case she would see them there. One thing she hadn’t expected? Them climbing up to her window via the trellis. Of course the second she saw them she rushed over to the window and opened it. “What the fuck are you doing?” She might’ve been mad but she didn’t enjoying the idea of the other risking themselves to speak to her. Instead of sending them back down the trellis risking their safety further she sighed. “Get the fuck in here before you hurt yourself.”
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shayflame · 1 year
James Cameron’s Avatar Rp
A friend of mine made a group for Avatar on discord, and I think if you’re a fan of both the movies, you should join!
Here’s the [UPDATED] link: https://discord.gg/7EVYAJT6
It expires in 7 days, and will be renewed next week on Monday.
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prvtocol · 1 year
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#PRVTOCOL is an independent, highly selective, low-activity, plot-oriented roleplay and writing blog for an RDA CORPORATE DIRECTOR of the AVATAR franchise with active Far Cry 3/Modern, Cyberpunk 2077, and Star Wars verses.
A study in... corporate corruption and complicity, success and family obligations, navigating work/life (im)balance, the loss of self, striving to be a good person, the trials of aging, and waiting for love to never come.
Heavy themes present; please read the rules. est. 2021/06. ♡'d by L (she/they, 30+).
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I would love to do an in-depth Jesus Christ Superstar Roleplay. Like a modern-day story where Jesus, Judas, The Twelve, Mary, etc. Are all reincarnated and they meet again. But things turn out differently. Though they have ups and downs. They work together to have a different out come then there original lives. Judas and Jesus actually become a couple, and though it's tough, they make it work. Just something full of angst, drama, and love.
So. . . If you're like a Roleplayer and JCS fan and you are interested. Feel free to, like message me or something and maybe we can do the thing.
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abysskeeper · 1 year
How has been Trick's relationship with the Empire? As far as I've gotten, she got sold into Imp Slavery before being picked by the Jedi, which does grant a very good cause to hate them without quarter, but also she has made friends on the other side, plus her experience on the Alliance must have tempered any lingering passions against it? Where does she stand now?
Oh, this is a fun question, if not a little disappointing of an answer. Thanks though!
Remember how I said I enjoyed desperately, spitefully hopeful stories? Yeah. So Trick was born into slavery, which is sort of an important distinction because, while her two older brothers and her parents remembered a life beyond Dromund Kaas, she never knew anything else before she escaped as a young teen. Despite that...Trick never really hated the Empire as a whole. Her abusers? Yes. The systemic oppression that allowed this to happen to her? Yes. But the Empire as a whole? No.
Or, at least by the time she joined the Order, she mellowed into a much more balanced viewpoint. For one, she absolutely refuses to be another round in a cycle of hate and violence--this is sometimes to her detriment, but in this case it actually gives her a bit of clarity in not seeing the Empire as one huge conglomerate and instead considering the individuals within it.
For two, she's aware that many of those individuals were in similar circumstances to her, and are either just as trapped in an oppressive society as she was, or wound up broken when they broke their own chains (and she cannot blame anyone for falling to the Dark Side in that environment).
And for three, she takes a much more balanced approach to the Light and Dark debate of the Force, and holds steady to the belief that one can't exist without the other. Thus, she doesn't want to see the Empire destroyed so much as she wants to see it change (because yeah...she does genuinely hate the whole slavery and conquering angle). Besides, she readily acknowledges the Empire has its merits, the same way the Republic has its faults.
So, by the time she hits the Alliance, her views are already pretty mild towards the Empire and they remain that way. The Alliance is everything she's ever wanted (Nadia's return and seeing the Alliance is like...the most canon conversation ever for Trick) and the Imperials who are with her are obviously the kind of people she always knew were in the Empire and wanted to see changes happen for anyways. Her true ire has always been towards the Hutts, and her falling out with the Republic during KOTET gives her way more grief than the Empire ever does.
Though, it should be noted that her friends on the other side (not counting the canon divergence @gothamcityneedsme and I have going on) consist of my canon BH Hayden, whom she met on Nar Shaddaa right after her escape (so well before he was a hunter and she was a Jedi), and who holds absolutely zero loyalty to the Empire or to the Mandalorians, and my sometimes canon Inquisitor/otherwise Sith assassin Raz, who was a fellow slave and who holds...surprisingly similar ideals regarding the Empire and its need for change.
The only Imperial she really befriended after becoming a Jedi was Lana, and their closeness kind of just proved to her how the whole divide and wishing for the Empire's destruction was pointless in the first place.
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pandoranfalconer · 5 months
@prvtocol and heres the last reply for ease of tracking.
Sparrow followed her, ducking under the doorway to get through to the meeting room that thankfully had a high roof. Moving a couple chairs out of the way Sparrow sat down on the floor at the right side of the table, not too far from the director. His tail coiled out on the floor. It felt almost comical, the way he sunk down and became so small, all you could see was his shoulders and head above of the table.
Regardless he didn’t make a mention of it. He was in a little world built for humans after all it was only natural, he wouldn’t quite fit, anymore… So why complain?
“Of course, Director. I was brought up after the artificial manning experiments. Once I got up to speed with it. I found they hadn’t yet tried to collect eggs for raising manning. It was classed as fruitless. Too dangerous for what skill sets their team had at the time.”  Sparrow gave a small smile that quickly dissolved back into his usual stoicism. “We ran an op, it went well only issues were, the brood would only listen to me. They were still bigger and dangerous even if their stingers were wrapped. Worst of all, we only had 3 so it wasn’t sustainable and replicating it consistently would’ve been too much of a risk.”
Sparrow adjusted a touch in his seating to sign to her directly rather than under the table. “Now though, we have a key to the lock so to speak.” Sparrow softly gestured to himself. “Me. Like this, I’ve found it easier to capture and do the manning process. I've had positive results so far with a Sting bat I've trained to assist my squad. He responds when called, takes orders and is calm. An animal but he doesn't go out of his way to out right attack on sight when in the presence of other marines. I'd have to do tests to see if he'll be as equally calm around human personnel though.”
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recompilot · 2 years
Anyone want to RP with my new Trudy RP blog from Avatar and AU of Avatar The Way of the Water?
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brckensociety · 8 months
{ open to m/f/nb {selective with f) | based on this | please read rules before interacting. }
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when jc had gotten a job opportunity that took her away from her hometown she felt complete relief in the fact she wasn't just escaping her father but also finally breaking free from the memories that town held. specifically, the memories of her high school sweetheart turned worst break up of her life. it was exciting to finally be able to look around and not flashback to important moments that tug at her heartstrings. of course, something she hadn't expected was her new neighbours in the complex she now resided in being absolute animals in the bedroom at all hours. at first she had tried to drown out the commotion with her music but after weeks on end of it she finally cracked. when another loud session started the femme made her way over to their door, knocking loudly. "jesus christ! can you two stop banging for even a night?! i'm trying to fucking sl-" she had started to yell along with her assault of their door, surprised when it opened and she saw the last person she expected. her ex. in an instant she found herself freezing and lost for words.
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tahnisreu · 9 months
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❝ There's a whole world outside your window. You'd be a fool to miss it. ❞ㅤㅤㅤAddison (Addi) || Daughter of Norm SpellmanㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤAVATAR original character guidelines || addi || message || memes || opens
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