#jean was my first five star and she’s c1
electric-plants · 6 months
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actual footage of my account loving anemo characters almost as much as it hates geo
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citrus-seas · 2 years
Personal Sagau Intro
IMPORTANT NOTE: Much of this can be subject to change!!! I don’t really have this whole thing entirely planned out, so this is not a guarantee of what the series will be. This is written as of 10/24/22, and I have not started the first chapter yet. This intro drabble will not be updated, but I will instead make a new one if the changes are major.
I really need a better title for this series. It’s just... so bland. Anyway, this fic is extremely self indulgent, and not quite an x reader, although the player/owner of the account will be referred to as “you.” The reader is entirely based on my experience in the game, as this is based on my account. I will be changing a FEW things to make it more interesting, and also because it would be boring for me to just write everything that I’ve done in game. There will be no romance in the series since I have no plans of the reader/player actually descending to Teyvat as of now. This series is also COMPLETELY SFW with the occasional gore/violence, which will be tagged and warned about accordingly.
Quick side note: This will probably be poetic interludes from the perspective of a specific character. I don’t know if this is exactly what I’ll be doing, but let me know if you’re interested!
About the world: In this SAGAU, the characters worship the Creator as usual, with the player/reader not knowing about it. The characters are also aware they are somehow “chosen” to be vessels, with a heavenly meteor shower of gold/purple flying above them when chosen. POV will switch between controlled characters (kind of???) and the player/reader. The reader is completely gender-ambiguous and uses they/them pronouns. 
About the reader/creator/player: Just an average genshin enjoyer whose POV will not include major aspects from things not related to them playing genshin. They have no idea about the SAGAU concept, and sometimes simply talk to the characters for the fun of it (little do they know, their beloved characters can hear some of it). Their age is also ambiguous, but is from the age of 16-20.
About the characters: I will mostly be talking about the characters I have or understand the personality of well enough. Who these characters are? Here are some short drabbles about the main characters: 
NOTE: Some of these constellations are purposely inaccurate to what I have, so please tell me if I get some of their buffs from constellations wrong, since I don’t have any experience using them (same applies to characters I have more constellations of, and included a higher constellation feature then the one I stated they are.)
Jean (C0): The first five star you get, coming home at early pity on someone else’s banner (you’ll find out who soon ;) ). She is decently built, mostly as a healer and sub DPS. She used to be a fine main DPS, before being fazed out and replaced, only to be used as a slight buffer/healer in the spiral abyss. She holds a slight grudge against her successor, but she shoves the insecurities down into the depths of her heart. She could never be made at you, her beloved creator! She understands her place and tries to excel at what she does and in her assigned role.
Zhongli (C0): The second five star, coming home at soft pity on his banner. He is very poorly built and is only used for his shield and burst. He is completely dedicated to serving his role in the party, and takes it as a personal challenge to do his best with his bare-bones equipment. He feels as though you don’t build him better because you feel as if he can succeed without the extra help. Very proud, and often bores his fellow party members with his lengthy anecdotes, constant talk of osmantus wine, and occasional boasting about Their Grace’s confidence in his abilities without divine assistance.
Diluc (C1): Very well built, with his many five-star artifacts and R5 archaic. He feels blessed about coming home on both the standard and limited time banner of another (you certainly don’t feel that way). Although he is somber that he is no longer in parties as much, he feels a sense of relief that you still occasionally use him, and haven’t recycled his artifacts. Usually a main or sub DPS. He cares deeply about his fellow party members (which he can sometimes feel resentment towards because they are used more), except when a certain Calvary Captain is used. To his dismay, his damage is much lower, but still feels the need to surpass his “brother.” Do you pair them on teams together as a punishment, or because you truly want them to reconnect?
Damn this is getting long, so I’ll post a part 2 and 3 with the other major characters listed. Thank you for the support, and I’ll see you in the next post!
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rhenuvee · 1 year
Congratulations on 500! 🎊
For the event, my team is Venti, Xiao, Kazuha, and Kokomi! I call them the stamina reduction squad since all of them have stamina passives lol. If you can also add some headcanons for Weinlesefest. That'd be great!
Venti is the favourite he has polar star, c1, and three crowns, but don't tell anyone
Hope your event is going well and that you have a nice day!
Thank you!! (Main request is Weinlesefest, but lowkey Summer Fantasiaand Irodori Festival spoilers included)
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Team: Venti, Xiao, Kazuha, Kokomi (+ Weinlesefest)
Venti and Xiao already know each other briefly when Xiao heard Venti's music, and Kazuha and Kokomi also know each other from Kazuha being in the resistance for a short time
Kazuha and Venti being music buddies, Venti playing the lyre and Kazuha playing the zither (+ Xiao feeling relaxed when they play)
Venti trying to get Xiao to open up more... but being very chaotic in the process
Kokomi doesn't really like the idea of Xiao going head first into battle, as she thinks about her comrades' health
But then she learns that Xiao has c e n t u r i e s of experience, and opts for him allowing her to heal him afterwards instead
Kazuha's calm nature unintentionally is what draws Xiao to open up to him
Eventually they both speak about their past- Kazuha with the Musou no Hitotachi and Xiao with the Five Yakshas, and it seems they can relate to each other more than they think
Xiao usually likes to be alone, but Kazuha often goes and sits with him, not saying anything. Just some silent and peaceful times.
Kokomi gets excited when Venti tells her he's met "Zhenyu", and they like to have conversations about "A Legend of Sword"
Venti sneezing as much as my dad when Kazuha brings his cat
Kokomi teaching Kazuha more about Genius Invokation TCG. He'll be a pro after learning with a strategist.
Kazuha declining Venti's constant offers for a drinking buddy, cautious because he knows there's always a possibility of a "fruity cocktail"
The four of them participating by creating their own fecund blessings around Mondstadt <3
Jean encouraging them to also find and open other fecund blessings to make them feel more welcome and enjoy Weinlesefest
Venti trying so hard to influence what ingredients they should put in the wine the group makes (after all the Anemo Archon needs its approval) and the three completely ignoring him
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This is a part of my 500 follower event #rhenuvee500. See the event post to see how to participate!
Only 1 more days (until May 31) for this event, send in your requests!
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wri0thesley · 2 years
pls be comforted bc i have no diluc, just c1 mona and c1 tighnari.. (i gave up building him) while my cousin had diluc at low ar... now hes c3 w her. Which is a shame bc i love claymore gamestyles plus i just wanted jean GAAAAA I NEED MY ANEMO GF
i am sending you my greatest of condolences, anon! <3 i am at c0 qiqi, c1 jean, c2 mona and c2 tighnari with nary a diluc in sight . . .
i wish you much luck getting jean though!!! she was my first five star and i love her. shoutout to jean for carrying me through like the first 40 adventure ranks.
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skorchinq · 2 years
Bows Only: The Power of Anemo!
[IDs in alt text]
We last left off having finally ascended past AR 35 (and immediately jumping up to AR 39). With the shop reset coming up, a five star was guaranteed to be soon on standard banner, but the real question was if I could get a 5* on Venti’s banner before it ended...
But first, one more thing I pulled before the month ended:
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Ooh, new weapon! This could be good for Fischl or Collei, lemme just ascend it real quick--
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And then, the month of October began, and I went to the shop for my 5 intertwined and acquaint fates.
And in the FIRST SINGLE PULL, on I believe 50-something pity...
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So of course, I instantly stopped pulling. We gotta save those remaining 4 fates for whatever bow character comes next, we’re not going for cons!
(Though, I have to admit, as someone who’s had him C1 for pretty much all the time I’ve had him on my main, I find it a little bit jarring that his charged shots only have one arrow on this account.)
I switched over to the standard banner and, on the FIRST SINGLE PULL I MADE, it turned gold again! Could it be? Is Tighnari coming home?
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so fun fact Despite still not having Jean on my main and having literally only gotten Qiqi a few days ago as I’m writing this, I have gotten Keqing on my main. Several times. And it was always immediately following a Venti. So, uh... this is kind of ironic.
I spent the last 4 single pulls. Nothing but blues. I ascended Venti and Keqing for 2 more acquaint fates. And, wouldn’t you know it, on the very last one, at a mere 6 pity, we got another 5*, and it was--
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Well. anyways. It’s time to get everyone’s favorite bard up to speed with the rest of the crew!
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By the way, are you all familiar with that one daily commission you can get in Mondstadt where Jilliana asks you to clean a Statue of the Seven, and you need to use anemo to blow the elemental dust away?
And did you know that if you go to the statue after Jilliana asks you too, see the dust, and don’t clean it off, it actually remains there after the day is over and the commission can no longer be done? That the statue is just permanently dirty until you clean it?
Because I learned that the hard way!
For the sake of my sanity, the first task we must do with our newly acquired anemo is clean these statues!
Here’s some before and after photos of Venti’s hard work.
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Great job, Venti!
You know, it’s funny, cause there’s a dialogue option in that commission where the Traveler asks Jilliana why the wind doesn’t just blow the dust off the statue, and she answers that the Anemo Archon already does so much and we can’t ask him to clean his own statues.. and yet. He’s the only one who can.
I’m sorry for taking so long to finally clean these Statues of the Seven, Jilliana.
I’m sorry to Venti, for making you clean your own statues.
But most of all...
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I’m sorry, Neko, for taking so long to clean up Asase shrine. Now would you PLEASE UNLOCK MY CO-OP.
(And I’m sorry again to Venti for making you clean the shrine, too. Yes, I know it’s full of cats, but you’re the only one who could do it and it needed to be done!)
You know what I suddenly just remembered. I still haven’t done Kaeya’s story quest. I didn’t do it at first because there’s a part you need cryo for and I didn’t have cryo at the time, but... I’ve had Diona for a while, now. I just kinda forgot about that.
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Although, looking at the story quest tab, the event should probably take precedence, huh? We’ll do Kaeya’s quest another time.
Oh, and now that co-op is unlocked... I can finally enter the teapot!
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Gee, I wonder...
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(I say as though I do not also keep him in my teapot 24/7 on my main account)
See, the thing about the teapot is that most of the crafting recipes require wood, which I can’t collect with bows...
I do actually have a bit of wood. 5 logs to be specific. 3 were from when I chopped a tree to get sunsettias at the very beginning of the game with Aether, before I even got Amber. I expected it to be the only wood I’d ever have. 
I’m. not sure where the other two came from. They just sort of?? appeared in my inventory?? One I even saw being picked up by my characters... it was while I was fighting some hillichurls in dragonspine for a daily commission, and the in the middle of the fight on the left side of my screen I see “pine wood x1″ and I’m just like. Huh????
I tested some of my characters’ skills on some trees afterwards to see of one of them could actually collect wood, but, no luck. My next best guess is that maybe the shield mitachurl’s attack where it whacks you with its shield can knock wood from trees? But I don’t really know how I’d test that, so...
My point with this all is just that I have no access to wood-- at least, not until I do the Sumeru Archon quest and unlock Sumeru reputation. There’s a gadget you can get as a reputation reward there that can collect wood. But that’s a long way off, since I’ve pretty much been ignoring Archon quests on this account for now. I’ll probably wait at least a couple months more before doing the Sumeru Archon questline on this account, so it’s not so fresh in my memory from doing it on my main.
But, even so, I’m trying to make my teapot look as lovely as possible with the furniture I’m given as gifts/rewards and the blueprints that don’t involve wood!
Anyway! Enough about the teapot. Now that we have anemo, we also have access to Cecilia Garden, AKA the Mondstadt weapon domain. Which means we can finally upgrade that Stringless (which I’ve decided to give to Venti), as well as a few other weapons looking for another ascension.
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Holy crap, foddering 5* weapons gives a ton of exp! Well, that’s convenient! At least the 5* catalyst I got is useful for something, then.
Anyway, look what I got from wishing more on Venti’s banner B)
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New bow!
And I know, I know, I said I wasn’t going to pull on Venti’s banner anymore, but I needed more starglitter, okay? Why, you might be asking? Well, for this, of course!
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Amber’s got a phys dps / shotgun build, so having her C1 makes her much more powerful!
Now that I’ve got what I needed, I’ll stop pulling and start saving for real. Our next priority will be doing some story quests and hangout events, as well as grinding up our characters for the next Adventure Rank ascension, which is coming up quick! Actually, one we reach AR 45, we unlock the highest level of artifact domains... it’s a good thing our co-op isn’t locked anymore, it means we can easily farm some artifacts for our characters!
What would you all recommend farming for? Mainly asking for our current characters, but if you have suggestions for bow characters we haven’t gotten yet I’d love to hear that as well!
And remember, character details are on in the character showcase, so feel free to take a look at all my chars’ builds!
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genshin-obsessed · 3 years
imagine having 4k primogems and 10 wish orbs, using the latter to pull for xiao, getting xiao then using the 4k primos on zhongli's banner, getting a five star on the first 10 pull but it was jean and now you are sitting on your chair with a fatherless baby xiao and a c1 jean that you don't use
oh no ;w; but at least you have xiao and jean! jean's a pretty good unit- she's not a shield or anything but she's still cool
also i also want zhongli on my alt account but i have 1400 primos so that's definitely not happening. i got lucky with albedo once and then again with itto. my luck takes months to recharge
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shinysora · 3 years
uhhh- Jean's c1 makes her elemental skill (the mf shove attack-) pull in enemies more quicker but also do additional damage by like 40% while her c2 gives you a speed boost everytime you receive an elemental orb- so i'm often running around quickly whenever she is on my team lmao
and she is very fun to use !! she was in fact my very first 5* star so this was a sign-
and everytime i see the tags you make for me it makes me happy asuihsiuh,,
THATS SO COOL?! I got jean a couple of weeks ago anjkbjdk i got her on the standard banner <3
Is she your favorite 5 star?? :O
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Albedo, Jean(C1 wasn’t a single pull but first time was), Keqing(both times), Zhongli(c1), and diluc(C1) (both times) are all my single pull 5 stars. Keaya C1 and C2 were also single pulls for me. (Keaya is rn C3)- 🦉/ 🐉 anon
wowo! what absolute luck - the only five star that’s got a constellation is Zhongli because I cannot afford to pull more on their banners and I’ve only ever gotten different five star characters when they do come home 
(i bet you the next one will be Mona because she - i swear - will block me at every turn - i love you lady - but please .. no) 
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thelost-in-time · 2 years
okay I can die peacefully now /j
lost I'm so sorry to disappoint you but I don't play pokemon 😭 so I'm not familiar with the features and stuff 😭 I'm so sorry 😭😭 I only know little about it 😭
(I feel so bad 💘)
let's manifest together!! heizou and kazuha come home!!
I actually have all the standard characters :D keqing was my first five star, main, lvl 90 and name card!
I got Jean and diluc on single pulls right after eachother on the standard banner :0! (like 59 pity Jean, then 1 pity diluc)
then I got qiqi after losing 50/50 to eulas first banner, then got her c1 and c2 on standard again qiqi I don't need you pls stop coming home :')
thenn I lost 50/50 to mona on Shenhe's banner
am I missing someone? I don't think so
how about you? what are the characters do you have? I'm curious on how you got them :>
(this got a little long oops)
- 🦉
Diluc's laugh is super wholesome. I wish the game had him laugh just a little bit more 😭 but knowing Diluc, probably not.
Dw, I don't play Pokémon either ^^ Just talking about using a Pokéball to catch Pokémon the way you use the nets in Genshin to catch animals
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Manifesting the short anemo boys <3
But they still taller than me </3 /lh
Gimme one Qiqi please 😭 she's the only standard character that I want but don't have (AR56 and Qiqi-less)
And I don't have Jean either, but I want that woman to stay as far away from my acc as possible.
First 5* standard was Diluc on Xiao's fist banner (and then Xiao came 10 pulls later), and I think on Zhongli's rerun so he's now C1
Second was Keqing who came home on Childe's banner (Lost is still Tartaglia-less smh), and she came home AGAIN for C1 on my second attempt of getting Xiao
And lastly I got Mona on Eula's banner (Lost is still Eula-less smh)
And if I get Jean, Imma log off Genshin for three weeks /hj
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You play Genshin? Any five stars
you bet i play genshin
i’ve got diluc and albedo and the skyward sword or whatever its called
im at pull 71 on event banner so i’ll be getting my next 5* soon
lowkey hope it’s xiao but if it isn’t. . .
it just means i get scaramouche/dottore/baizhu/varka
whoever comes first
and tbh knowing mihoyo it literally doesn’t matter if i need a guaranteed 5* because those four will take years to come out so i’ll have enough primos to recover<3
i think im funny with my current team being diluc albedo and kaeya
took sucrose off for barbara for a bit bc my best pal is A XIAO MAIN THE BITCH. gotta heal her ass when she has razor and xiao smh
but man i just fucking hope i don’t pull keqing
like. c1 diluc would be cool the mans is scary without constellations 
jean would be fun to use bc i can shoot celeste off cliffs
never using mona lmao fuck oceanid but i’ll level her up fuck oceanid all my homies hate oceanid
QIQI I WILL HELLA USE i have the shit to level her up too
anyways dottore better have no vision and use a hydro delusion. i think he could use a sword like he’s already hot as hell bUT SWORD DOTTIE????? and tbh he would thrive using one bc he’s so dramatic. 10/10 will give albedo festering desire back if he’s a sword character
i stand by this
scaramouche either has a catalyst or a gun he’s electro and he could be a healer bc that would be funny but he is a catalyst and mihoyo is wrong if they say otherwise 
baizhu is a sword unit he taught qiqi how to fight moving on
varka. . . idk if they said anything but polearm varka sounds hot
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