#jeanemarie and isaac
onegreasygal · 5 months
AU where Jeanemary Chatur and Isaac Tettares survive the events of Canaan House and are taken care of by Camilla, Coronabeth, Judith, during the events of Harrow The Ninth and eventually Palamades and Pyrrha in Nona. They become friends with Nona and for once feel like older siblings to someone, and they also become friends with Hot Sauce and the gang and they help Nona walk Noodle, eventually reuniting with Gideon/Kiriona and Harrow towards the end of Nona.
Can y’all tell I feel very normal towards The Fourth House? I love them, they deserved so, so much better. Those Ghastly teens, may their souls rest peacefully in The River.
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impishglee · 6 months
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jeannemary always has the saddest wettest eyes in the world so i’ve decided her middle name is binghe
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saint-of-grief · 10 months
Even more TLT characters playing league of legends
Part 1 is here
I left a lot of characters out in my first post cause I don't think babs would play league for an example, but I'm willing to make an effort and imagine this.
NABERIUS: Ezreal one trick. Never looks at matchups, picks Varus if Ez is picked or banned. Has 2 million mastery points, Ianthe always points it out when he misses a Q. Complains a lot in the chat, but will never be as mean as Ianthe. Plays with the twins cause otherwise he has no one to play with. Is platinum.
JEANEMARY: Vi main. Saw arcane (reason I didn't mention arcane on my last post was bc I think none of the characters there would be that crazy for arcane, they'd play league even before the boom), goes duo with Isaac and they try to emulate the professional calls of the sixth, but are too chaotic to do so. Types in chat to answer people flaming or to say "mb" about bag ganks. Is gold.
ISAAC: Zed and Akali main, Kayn if he's playing jungle. Despite his edgelord champion pool, is not very toxic. Goes duo with Jeanemary, they're about to get out of elohell. Types in the chat to ask for ganks or apologizing for bad plays. Is gold.
ABGAIL: Soraka main, but willing to play ADC if with Magnus. Knows exactly how to build for each game, wards the shit out the map, carries the team on her back, passive aggressive if she thinks someone's trolling. Does not buy skins. Plays 1 game per day and then goes back to work on her research. Types "GG :)" after every win. Is platinum.
MAGNUS: Support main, mostly Leona and Braum, he started playing to spend time with Abgail. Tower dives like it's nothing. Doesn't do runes, builds Solari every game. Once he played with Ianthe in his team, took him 2 weeks to turn chat on again. Types little jokes about the champions in chat, no one likes, except for Gideon. Is silver.
DULCINEA: She's a twitch streamer and all her donations are for hospital bills. People open her stream expecting her to be playing Lilia or other cute champion, she's playing Naafiri. Knows how to play almost every lane, likes to play flex with the sixth and the ninth. Usually chill in the chat, but if you tilt her, you're gonna read some ugly things. Is diamond.
PROTESILAUS: Toplane main. He's that guys who won't come out of the toplane for nothing, not even herald, you'll put your camera on him and he's laning peacefully and farming, it's 20 minutes of game, both botlane towers already fell. Plays Illaoi or Garen, usually appears on Dulcie stream but doesn't say anything. Never types in chat, is diamond.
THE EIGHTH HOUSE: I'll do this two in one take cause who even cares about the eight house. They're that jungle and top duo that won't leave you alone, with champs like Rumble and Zac, if you're bot or mid and they're on your team, prepare to play without a jungler. Sometimes, they'll have a discussion in the middle of the game and nothing will be done. Only type in the chat if not in voice call. Both are emerald.
I'll do the OG Lyctors later.
The first post:
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penguin--person · 1 year
Also also
I hear you've got ocs 🤨👂
Pls share
im gonna tell you... about PENNYMORE of GANYMEDE!!
pennymore is a tlt oc of mine:3 hes the cavalier of flavia of ganymede - who is not my oc, but my bestie @theosrose 's !!! i usually just call flavia flu hehe so . im gonna call ehr that 👍 so, first of, a quick summary of ganymedes - ganymedes is a 'mini-house' of the fifth house. its a warden sorta moon, one that prisoners go to, just like, a big jail cell, yea? flu is the warden of it:) shes a necromancer, a spirit one! can communicate with the dead n all.. shes like, 2-4 years older than penny (who is 17) so. thats it, basically. pen is just a guy! one day, a break out happened (when flu was 2-4 years old), people were fighting, there was murder happening, and because of tlt lore and thanergy and everything, pennys parents were like "lets conceive a child NOW his thanergy levels will be OFF the CHARTS" . n! yeah. hes a necromancer. but like barely passing. he can communicate with like dead mice n only very recently deceased ghosts. so the family was like, 'oh, maybe he can be her cavalier... n she can cheat a bit.. they can work together but with flu seeming stronger than she is..' n stuff. .. so they got paired up! pen is sooooo violent:3 my guy loves to fight.. here he is btw
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thats his canaan house outfit, at least - meaning 'fancier outfit than usual'. thats his canaan house outfit, at least - meaning 'fancier outfit than usual'. he just. he loves fighting. he would die for flu. he does, in some timelines (theo n i like to explore all of them hehe), he does!!:D the reaon he wears his mask if bc if he doesnt he will just grab a rock and start chewing on it. and also he likes looking mysterious and coolB) if you offend him in any way, he will challenge you to a duel. if you strike him as a cool person, he will challenge you to a duel. he loves to duel. and he loves YOU. so much love in that lad... admires camilla and palamedes i think:) likes gideon.. harrow too, sorta, reminds him of flu a bit.. likes the fifth pair, as he feels like. a kinship to them since he's also a fifth, being a minihouse of the fifth. propably buddies with the jeanemary and isaac, too..def has a soft spot for dulcinea. respects proto. thinks the second are cool... thinks naberius the third is UNSWAG and dislikes silas the eigth. feels pity for colum the eigth. he thinks jod is cool but if jod really is cool why is he letting so much crime happen and whys he letting it happen under such shitty circumstances like why are people being forced into crimes what the hell jod why are you letting this happen. surely you dont know about this jod... if only he knew about all this, then it wouldnt have happened... is a jod fanboy. man. definetely like a martha dyas fanboy now that i think about it. would def wanna battle her. or was judith the cavalier... eh he'd wanna battle them both:3 n last and not least! hes lactose intolerantB)
if u wanna know more... well my guy... my askbox is open❤️ n i cant exagaterate how much he cares for flavia. i rlly cant.
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bad-ads · 1 year
isaac and jeanemary have my fuckinh heart
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vraska-theunseen · 2 years
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dabblingandbabbling · 5 years
Ianthe was the best necromancer but she as an absolute dumass about the living...
Now spoilers
To continue....the three most dangerous/powerfull necromancers were Ianthe, Palamedes and harrowhawk.
Judith Deuteros (2)(for she was shitty) refused to play the rules to any game but her own and Marta functioned as her inforcer. I cant remember marta ever questining her necro...in retrospect that was a bad sign.
Isaac Tettares (4) was 14 and doing his best but he was in over his head and got necr-ophaned to young. And Jeanemaire was doing her best to have his back like a best friend should but they never stood a chance.
Abigail Pent (5) was a badass but i think she cared as less about being a necro-mancer then she did about being a good necro-parent and historian. So she died of perfectly understanable, wrong genre assuming, lack a paranoia. Magnus was an awesome husband, abigail was lucky to be necro-married to him but he was shit in a fight.
Palamedes Sextus (6) the sex-pal himself, was an awesome human being who had pretty much all his shit together... and any shit he missed camilla took care of quickly and effectivly. But they functioned as equals....love... repect...paranoia...all that jazz, they were comfortable working independantly or together and Paladedes CHOOSE not to become a lycter. He picked his moral mountain to die on and camilla had his back.
For the sake of this rant Dulcinea Septimus (7) does not count..... for reasons
Silas Octakiseron (8) is an asshat who used Colum as his servent/battery and silad would rather sit on his dubius moral hillock then learn anything.
Harrowhark Nonagesimus (9) only truely seemed to care about two things: keeping the tomb locked and keeping gideon with her. She was cruel and cunning and hardworking to ocomplish her goals. She was also a rageing bitch but she loved gideon and HARROW IS VERY VERY BAD AT EXPRESSING HEALTHY EMOTIONS. Normaly I am very not okay when love is expressed as abuse but I dont think it ever occoued to Harrow that she could hunt Gideon. Because nothing could kill Gideon. Everything else in Harrows world was decaying or dead but Gideon was unkillable. Harrow did some fucked up things to gideon, but i think it was always about gettingngideon to focus on harrow. So when they get to the first house Harrow firstbtries to limit gideons contact with the others for Harrow knew that Gideon was pure of heart and dumb of ass so a gernerly likeable human being...and she understood that she(harrow) was not. Then Gideon come and saves harrow and harrow starts to understand that maybe there are options to keep a persin with you ither than controll. So they land in a great lesbian pile if rage and respect, horemones, facepaint, and fair two many sharp boney bits for two girls to resinanably have.
Which brings me back to the idiots of the third house. Ianthe, Coronabeth and Babs who clearly have about 50% to much human for thier partenership. From what they say ianthe was being strangled in the womb by Coronabeth...and thier father wanted a Matching set so Ianthe faked Coronabeths power.
Coronabeth should have been Ianthe's cav. They would still have been a matched pair. Babs was basicly Coronabeths overgroomed beard. Ianthe was an idiot for killing Babs instead if enlisting Caronabeths help. I think that Corona would rather have been awknolaged as Ianthes cav even if it meant dieing just to be honest. But ianthe was shit with people and let coronabeth do all the heavy lifting of human interactions and she went off to be smart and skulk around....if ianthe bothered to investigate the other houses eeven for an hour or two she would probably has figured things out a lot soonner.
Also if the lycters have the mucle memory of their cav's then ianthe/coronabeth would have worked best! Identical bodies....different memories
In conclusion
1. I cant spell/tpe worth shit on a tablet keyboard
2. Judith is the kind of bitch who woukd declair herself king during the apoclypes just because she had been in the army
3. Ianthe should have picked her twin over the duechhair
4. Isaac snd jeannemaire could have kicked 14 year old harry potter and hermionie grangers ass.
5. Abigail and Magus were the adults eveyone else needed when they were 6.
6. Sexpal and cammilla were fully functional adults whos lifechoices and threats i fully respect
7. Dont trust the girl made of Cancer and her man made of lemons
8. 8th house is full of asshouses
9. Harrow and gideon really needed abigal and magnus when thy were 6 to show them how adults have relationships
Thankyou for reading my shitpost
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impishglee · 6 months
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baby isaac and jeanemary 😭
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impishglee · 7 months
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grubs and mama!!
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impishglee · 2 years
thinking abt the fourth house kids and how We Suffer is discussing Cytherea’s mission as a success bc she killed a bunch of house leaders and camilla is fucking furious bc she’s like Cytherea killed some fourteen year olds. those are the house leaders you’re so triumphant for taking down? children?
isaac and jeanemary didn’t deserve to die. they were just kids. but the people that isaac and jeanemary would have almost certainly killed had they grown up and joined the cohort as planned wouldn’t have deserved it either. isaac and jeanemary would have grown up to live short violent lives where they killed as many rebels as they could before they got backed against a wall and blew themselves up trying to take as many people as they could with them. not saying We Suffer was right or Cytherea murdering them wasn’t horrible, but it’s so tragic to think abt what their lives would have been had the lyctor trials not happened. for them and for the people they would have killed
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