sivatherium · 2 years
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codesofclariviee · 5 months
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Happy 1 year and 10 months Yaniee.
Thankful for your existence since day one. I am blessed to have you in my life. But I know days are not always perfect and there are times that we fought, those times were the reminder of how you handle our fights oh so well. We say bad things but you always make up with me and equate a hundred more of good things. At this time I can say that this is the love that I was always wanting to experience. I am thankful and blessed that you are my girlfriend even if drought is everywhere to be seen. Now I can say that the drought was not that very bad. Thankful for you, my perfect epitome of a lover.
Jecelle Clarivie
#codesofclarivie #codesmatter #EpitomeofaLover
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wellnessnuggets · 7 months
Understanding Down Syndrome: Facts And Myths Unveiled
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Cilladda Down syndrome-ka waa xaalad koromosoomeedka oo saameysa malaayiin dad ah oo adduunka oo dhan ah.
In kasta oo ay caadi tahay, haddana waxa jira fikrado badan oo khaldan iyo isfaham la'aan ku xeeran xaaladdan.
Maqaalkan, waxaan ku baari doonaa waxa uu yahay Down syndrome-ka, xaqiiqooyinka la noolaanshaha, iyo taageerada ay heli karaan shaqsiyaadka iyo qoysaska.
Waa maxay Down Syndrome?
Down syndrome-ka, waxa sidoo kale loo yaqaan (Trisomy 21), waa cillad hidde-side ah oo ay keento lahaanshaha koobi dheeri ah oo koromosoom 21,Sida caadiga ah unug kasta oo jidhka bini'aadamka ah waxa uu ka kooban yahay 23 lammaane oo koromosoom laakiin shakhsiyaadka qaba cilladda Down syndrome-ka waxay haystaan ​​nuqul buuxa ama qayb ka mid ah koromosoomyada 21, taas oo wadarta ka dhigaysa 47 koromosoom halkii ay hore u ahayd 46 koromosoom.
Walxahan dheeriga ah ee hidde-socodyadu waxay saameeyaan horumarka jidhka iyo maskaxda, taasoo keenta heerar kala duwan oo ah naafo jireed iyo maskaxeed.
Fikradaha Guud ee caadiga ah
1. Down syndrome waa dhif ama Naadir
Xaqiiqda: Cilladda Down syndrome-ka waa mid ka mid ah xaaladaha koromosoomyada ugu caansan oo ku dhaca qiyaastii 1 ka mid ah 700 ee dhallaanka adduunka oo dhan Lama xidhiidho isir, dhalasho, ama xaalad dhaqan-dhaqaale.
2. Dadka qaba Down syndrome had iyo jeer way faraxsan yihiin
Khayaali: Iyadoo shakhsiyaadka qaba cilladda Down syndrome-ka inta badan lagu tilmaamo inay faraxsan yihiin oo ay jecel yihiin farxada hadana waxay la kulmaan shucuur buuxda sida qof kasta oo kale.
Waa muhiim in laga fogaado ku-laxowista oo loo aqoonsado inay yihiin dad leh shakhsiyad gaar ah...Read More
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maxamedmubaarig · 9 months
Ruux Darajadadiyo Jecel Doonistada Ayaa Dadka Laga Dhaweynta ❤️✌️
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daadir12 · 1 year
Kuwa ku jecel way kula joogi doonaan oo waligood kaama tagi doonaan hadii ay helaan xitaa boqol sababood ay kaaga tagaan waxay heli doonaan kaliya hal sabab ay kugula joogaan ❤️‍🩹
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aworldofmymaking · 1 year
Being a mom change my life
By: Cabual Jecelle P.
BSBA-HRDM (9:00-10:00) MWF
I was 18 at the time when I gave birth to my first born it was definitely not in my plans. Being a new mother was a learning experience like no other. The moment I had my daughter, I made a promise to myself and my child that I would be the best mother that I can be. The instant connection between a mother and child is priceless. it was true love at first sight. Having another life that depend on you can somewhat be a scary feeling, but for me it was all the motivation that I needed.
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This is us when she days old at the time This made me ask myself, am I really capable of raising a child at a young age? this time life change . While I was going to school, I also work as part time sales lady near the school so that I could provide for my daughter needs. until I finished senior high school.
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This is us on my graduation and after applying for a job, and hired by agency and my position is caregiver, I immediately start working the next day and being away from her for hours makes me uncomfortable or unease because of I'm not use to it being away from her.
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before going to work i decide to go to church to pray and thank him for giving me strength on my daily work . and time past by 6 years change me a lot. I don't go out with friends anymore . Providing things that she needs is my priority right now.
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On her 6th birthday make me dream of giving life that my parent can't give on me. living as mom and student give me lots of lesson. being in a relationship is not the priority anymore.
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xogsidemedia · 2 years
Basharku Isagaa Og Naftiisa
Basharku Isagaa Og Naftiisa
Basharku Isagaa Og Naftiisa Waxba ku anfaci mayso amaanta kuwa wax amaana, marka ay kugu sheegaan wax aanad ahayn.  Sidoo kale dhaleecaynta kuwa wax dhaleecaya waxba ka dhimi mayso haddii aanad lahayn xumaanta ay kugu sheegeen. Si kasta oo Aadamigu u wanaagsan yahay waxa jira kuwo neceb , xataa Anbayadi Allah (sw) may wada jeclayn dadku.  Si kasta oo Aadamigu u xumaadana waxa jira kuwo jecel,…
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heeso · 4 years
Cabdi Diini - Alloow somaliyo daganoo is jecel
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somaligovernment · 3 years
Why is it called hurdujeceyl? Ma anaa jecel hurdada ama hurdada baa ani jecel?
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mamduud · 3 years
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Gabadha Muslimada ah Ee Saalixadda ah Bisha Barakeysan Ee Ramadaan Dhexdeeda Maxaa Laga Rabaa.? !!! Wax badan Ka Ogoow Halkaan Oo Kaa qarsan. Walaasheyda Muslimada aheey Ka Digtoonoow Inaad Ku Kacdo Muqaalafaadkaan Soo Socda inta Lagu gudo jiro Bisha Barakeysan Ee Ramadaan Waxaa Ka Mid ah: Hadaba Waa Kuma Qodobad Looga Digayo in ay Ku dhacaan Haweenka Muslimaadka ah Ee Sooman .?! Waa :Shan iyo Tobankaan Qodob Oo Si Faahfaahsan Hoos Loogu Sharxi doono. I.a 1》 :Waxaad Ka Taxadirtaa inaad Salaadaha Dib U dhigid Ku Sameeyso Adiga Oo Ugu Qiildayanayo ` Jiko Ama Kushiin ayaan Ku jiray ,Afur ayaan Reerkeena U Sameeynayay, Ogow Jannada ayaga ay Rabaan Adigane Waad Rabtaa ! , Rsauulka CSW Waxaa Uu Yiri" Qofka iyo Gaalnimada Waxaa U dhaxeeya Kaliya in Uu Salaadda Ka tago" 2》 : Waxaan Uga digayaa Qodobkaan Dhamaan Rag iyo Dumar Ka Taxadir in Aad Maalmaha Aad Sooman tahay La mid dhigto Sida Maalmihii Kale Ee Caadiga ahaa Ee Aadan Sooneen Sida Inaad Dadka Xamato Aad Ku Jees jeesto Aad La Fadhiisato Dad Aan Allah Xuseeynin Ka Waramayo Qabiil iyo Siyaasad Qurun ah Mar Uu Allah Ka digayay in Qofku Xanto Qof Kale Oo Walaalkiisa Waxaa Uu yiri " Qaarkiin Yuusan Xaman Qaarka kale Midkiin Ma jecel yahay In Uu Cuno Walaalkiis Oo dhintay.? , Jawaabtu Oo Waad Ka Harahsaneysaan Allah Ka baqa Marka. 3》 : Walaasheey Jooji Calaacalka Marka Aad jikada Ama Kushiinka gasho , Waxaad Niyeeysataa inaad Afurin doonto Dad Sooman Allah Ka Ajar Xisaabso Waqtigaaga Ugu badan Ka dhig Tasbiix iyo Takbiir. 4》 : Waxaan Kaaga digayaa Oo Mar labaad Kaaga digayaa inaad Suuqa U baxdo inaad Adeeg doonaneyso Mooyaane Waqti Kale 5: Ka Taxadir inaad Waqtigaga Ku beerdareeyso Telvion iyo inaad La Socoto Musalsalaadka Adiga Oo Dayacayo Salaaddaha Waajibka iyo Taraawiixda. 6: Waxaan Kaaga digayaa Walaalkey iyo Walaashey Muslimada ah Ee Maanta Dhan Soonaa inaad Raashiinka Maxaa Kaaga galay Camal U Cunto , Biyahane Sido kale Ogow Bishu Waa Bil Cibaado Ma ahan Bil Cunto iyo Cabitaan. 7: Qodobkaan Waa Mid Aad Uad U Muhiim ah Waxaad Arkeeysaa Gabdho Muslimaad ah Oo Marka Uu Ku dhaco Dhiiga Caadada Ama Xanuuno Kale Ee dhlmada Maalinta Aan Wax Cuneynin , Taasi Waa khalad Marka Uu https://www.instagram.com/p/CNc6D53nbqy/?igshid=131iy6ggyi0xe
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codesofclariviee · 1 year
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The best glimpse of the day was written in your face. It was like poetry seen in the beauty of a beholder. She was nothing to herself but to me, she’s all states and princesses. It was like a game, and every move she made was breathtaking. I was blinded and blocked with thoughts running through my mind. I let my guard down with this beautiful desire to sketch your face. Seeing you in the morning was like a melody in the orchestra. Evening was like a rest on an ongoing war, with you I feel safe. The madness can be heard sometimes. But you give hope to that love that was long ago lost. The heavens planned your escape to the land. It was the most beautiful mistake that ever happened in paradise. Your presence was a gift that forever holds neutral tones. Within you, I found the perfect creature that ever existed. Purity and love were born with the presence you radiate. Feliz cumpleaños and a million magic wishes to you! <3 Jecelle Clarivie
#codesofclarivie #codesmatter #felizcumpleanos
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iamshiq-blog · 5 years
##Repost @suldaanseeraarguhaad (@get_repost) ・・・ وَبَشِّرِ الصَّابِرِينَ ﴿١٥٥﴾الَّذِينَ إِذَا أَصَابَتْهُم مُّصِيبَةٌ قَالُوا إِنَّا لِلَّـهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ ﴿١٥٦﴾ Geeridu waa xaq, mana jiro qof Gees maraya oo waa waddo sugaysa ruux walba oo adduunka dul saaran. Markayse tahay “Mowtul-faja” ama geeri degdeg ah way ka xanuunbadan tahay, midda ruuxu la jiifay waayo dheer ama waayo dhaw, Waxan annagoo isku duuban Eebbe (SWT). uga baryaynaa @hodantv inuu u naxariisto, kitaabkeedana midigta ka siiyo, kana dhigo marti la jecel yahay. Waxan Mawle uga baryeynaa inuu gurigeedi adduunyada mid ka kheyr badan Rabbi ugu beddelo. Dhamanten inako isku duuban waxan murugada iyo tiiranyada la wadaagayna guud ahan umada somaliyeed @somalia, gaar ahaana qoysteeda. Amin..Amin..Amin @hodantv (at Kismayo) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz1PlMil6jP/?igshid=1v5lgn3qputrv
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somalifaces · 6 years
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"A lynch-mob brutally murdered my husband because we belonged to the 'wrong clan' and his nephew married a girl from one of the so-called ‘noble’ clans. What I still don’t understand is what crime my late husband committed. Two young people fell in love, but one of them belonged to one of the ‘wrong' clans. They wanted to be together and become a family, so my husband sought the permission from the girl’s family on behalf of his nephew. He didn't influence or force them; it was their choice as two mature people who loved one another, have been in a relationship for years and want to start their own family. Both families agreed, and the young couple became a family. Everyone was happy, except the mother of the girl. What happened next shattered our happy world. My husband was a kind man, a loving father to his 12 children and an amazing husband. He had a small little garage that he was proud of and he worked day and night to put food on the table. One day, whilst he was driving in his case, an angry lynch mob approached him, stabbed him and burned him to death. As he was crying for help, they ruthlessly kicked him as he breathed his last. Wasn’t he a human being? All he ever did was build a happy home for two lovers? Who decides who is from the right clan and wrong clan? In front of God, we are all equal. No human being is superior or inferior to any other human being. How do I tell my children that their father was killed in a hate crime and that they too can be targetted once they grow up?"
"Koox iswadata ayaa si arxan daran u dishay ninkaygi sababtoo ah waxaanu ka dhalanay qabiil la yaso, maadama  wiil adeer u yahay ah  guursaday gabar kasoo jeeda mid kamid ah qabiilada u haysta in ay naga mudanyihiin,  ilaa hada maan fahmin sababta iyo danbiga uu galay ninkaygi hadana sabab u noqotay  in la dilo! Waxaa is jeclaaday laba dhalinyaro ah, laakiin mid kamid ah kasoo jeeda qabiiladaas loo arko kuwo aan wacnayn, waxay doorteen in ay wada nolaadaan, qoys noqdaan, marka ninkaygu  wuxuu qoyska  gabadhu ka dhalatay ugu tagay si ay ugu hibeeyaan gabadha wiilka adeerka u yahay isagoo ka wakiil ah. Masuul kamuu  ahayn isbarashadoodi,  samayna kumuu lahayn, waa go’aan ay lahayeen labadan qof anagana hawl noo taala ma ahayn laba qof oo qaangaar ah jacaylka dhexdooda imanaya , iyagaa is doortay, is jeclaaday, muddo sannado ah xiriir lahaa, hadana doonaya in ay qoyskooda dhistaan gurina yagleelaan. Labadii qoys waa ku heshiiyeen, inantiina waa loo hibeeyey wiilkii, lamanihiina sidaasay ku noqdeen marwo iyo ninkeedi, dhamaan waa lagu farxay qoyska cusub, marka laga reebo gabadha hooyadeed. Kadib waxaa dhacay arrin xanuun badan, in aanu wayno farxadii aanu aduunkan ku haysanay, ninkaygu wuxuu aahaa nin naxariis badan, aabbo jecel caruurtiisa oo ah 12 caruur ah. Wuxuu laha meel geerash yar ah, har iyo habeenba wuu shaqaynayey si uu qoyskiisa u baahi tiro quutal daruuriga qoyskiisa miiska u saaro.  Maalin isagoo hawshiisa iska wata, waxaa soo weeraray koox xanaaqsan oo dhanka gabadha ka socday, mindi bey la dhaceen kadib nolosha ku gubeen ila naftu ka baxaysay. Isagoo ku qaylinaya in la caawiyo, hadana iyagu si bilaa naxariis ah u garaacayeen ilaa intii noloshiisa ugu danbaysay ee naftu ka baxaysay. Miyaanu qof bani’adam ah ahayn?  Intaas oo dhan wuuxu rabay wanaag  iyo in uu dhiso qoys lamaane isjeclaaday ? Yaa doorta in aad noqoto qabiilka wacan ah iyo midka xun? Ilaahay agtiisa, waynu simanahay, qofna qof kama qiimo badna kamana qabiil wacna. Murugada iigu xanuunka badan, hada, waa sidii aan  ugu sharixi lahaa  caruurtayda in abahood loo dilay  sababtoo ah qabiilka ay ka dhasheen awgeed,iyaguna halistaas ku jiraan marka ay  qaangaaraan?"
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amiguiz · 4 years
Dejé de tener tele cuando dejé de tener marido. Él se la llevó. Estuvo bien, ni me gustaba. Tardes y largas noches mirando Netflix para no mirarnos entre nosotros. Ahora, soltera, el mundo estaba listo para mis ojos, mundo de ventanas, horizontes donde antes había espejos distorsionados. 
Como tantas otras cosas, ese recuerdo lo embodegué. Simplemente dejé de recrearlo y se esfumó. Nunca más volví a ver la tele así, de esa manera, el futón se fue y semanas después yo me escapé de esa casa, fin, bye.
Es 2021 y volví a comprarme una tele, pero esta vez para jugar mi videojuego: Bob Esponja, La Batalla por Fondo de Bikini. Recuerdo a mi hermano, a mi primo Jecel, a Sarahit, una época en la que no era propiamente feliz, pero creía serlo. Juego durante dos o tres horas los sábados o los domingos, a veces ambos, y me siento bien. 
Ayer no me sentía tan bien, la ansiedad no me dejaba concentrarme y no logré avanzar de nivel durante un tiempo notable, no sé cuánto, lo suficiente para sentirme estúpida. 
Mi hermano me recomendó El agente topo, una película chilena sobre viejos de la misma directora de La once, que amé. 
¿Una película? Años luz de eso. Las pocas películas que he visto últimamente las he visto en la computadora, como una estudiante, como una turista de colchón. Me tomé veinte minutos y conecté todo lo necesario para enlazar Netflix en mi tele. Me sentí poderosa, no tanto como cuando instalé el ps4, pero mucho más poderosa que cualquier otro domingo. Luego, al momento de sentarme a ver mi película, resultó que no está disponible en Estados Unidos y bla. Acabé viendo algo llamado What we wanted, aceptable a secas. Cuando terminó, era de noche, y decidí hacer una pausa antes de ponerme a hacer otra cosa. Me puse de pie en la oscuridad, rumbo a la cocina. En cuanto mi cuerpo alcanzó la verticalidad, me sorprendí a mí misma en un gesto automático, un chasquido de dedos, tantearme el bolsillo del pants, ¿Paseamos al perro de una vez?, palabras al aire, sin eco.
¿De qué hablas, tonta?
Los espejos ahora están adentro.
Es increíble esto de los viajes en el tiempo. Me gustaba más cuando el Delorean estaba embodegado, pero en fin, así son las cosas, qué le vamos a hacer.
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thedossier-n · 6 years
Jecelle Yzabelle
On the 29th day of November in the year 1998, a girl was born. Her parents named her Jecelle Yzabelle, from their names, Jeremy and Cecille. But her grandmother thought she doesn't look like a Jecelle. Jecelle sounded sweet and innocent, while the baby girl had piercing eyes that made them think "Kontrabida." They renamed her with a name that belonged to one, Bianca. Jillien Bianca.
With her parents always on the road for a living, she was pampered by her grandmother and her ever-loving aunt. She grew closer to them than her parents, but she loves them dearly, even when they're gone. Jillien Bianca R. de Veyra is a name that would be remembered by every teacher she was under. She was loud and talkative, and she danced to the beat of her own heartbeat. She was that girl. But despite of being that girl, she completed her elementary education in a Catholic school, Liceo del Verbo Divino, and graduated with academic excellence awards and recognition. She went to Leyte National High School for her secondary education, and that was where everything went downhill. She discovered the art of cutting classes and developed a severe illness called absenteesm. She was no longer getting recognition and she did not care about her grades. She was still the same, loud and talkative, the only difference was, she did not know which path to take, nor does she know herself.
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In senior high school, she enrolled in the program Information, Communications and Technology strand, because despite of being really bad at school, she was good with computers. She met several good friends that she wanted to keep forever, made memories that she would never forget. And that is where she found her heart, along with it was a clear sight of the path she wanted to take. She graduated with honors and the recognition she deserved. She was still the same, loud and talkative, but this time, she wore her heart upon her sleeve.
With a positive heart, she decided to enroll in Leyte Normal University. Though her college friends described it to be "horrible," she was certain that she could do it. But she didn't, she couldn't. She wasn't able to make it to her desired path. She failed to take a spot in the IT program. She felt defeated, until she found out that she passed the qualifications to be in the English program. Though her heart did not beat for it, she thought that it might be God's will.
And my oh my, it ended up to be a disaster. She got depressed in the first few weeks and she thought about dropping out. It was because of the pressure and the culture shock. She broke down everynight and she just wanted to quit, only to find herself getting up each morning to prepare for the very reason why she cried at night, University. No, she wasn't the same. She was silent and shy, there's the huge difference.
She prayed to God for a sign, if she was going to stay or leave everything behind, because her heart was getting lost and she was afraid she might completely lose it in no time. But she met new friends, ones she could trust, ones who didn't speak her dialect but ones who could understand her heart. And that was what made her stay. People who felt like her, but people who are willing to fight like her.
Jillien Bianca R. de Veyra, 20 years old. A dreamer, hoping and fighting.
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infull-livingcolour · 6 years
Maalmahaan waxaa la sheegaa gabdho xaasas ah oo ka dalbaya nimankooda in ka isticmaalaan dabada (wasmo macaan) taas maxaa keenay
inta badan nimanka ayaa dalbada gadaal waxayna u dalbadaan meesha oo ciriiri ah oo aadna u kulul iyo sababo kaleba, tolow naagaha qaarkooda maxaa ku kallifa inay wasmo dabada dalbadaan.
waxaan u celin karnaa dhowr waxyaalood inay sabab u yihiin dalbashada haweenka wasmo gadaal
1- inay haweeneydu ay fiirsatay filmada xunxun oo ay ka aragtay wasmo dabada oo marka ay isleedahay tijaabi
2- inay mar hore tijaabisay oo ay la qabsatay, waayo qofka wuxuu u barto ayuu rabaa inuu sameeyo kama ahaan karo.
3- inay gabar yartahay oo ay been u sheegayaan habraha waaweyn oo xunxun oo ay u amaanayaan wasmo gadaal
4- inay tahay naag kacsi badan (wasmo jecel), maxaayeelay naagaha kacsiga badan oo wasmo jecel wax kasta waa ka suuroobayaa
5- inay nafsi ahaan u jirran tahay oo ay u baahanyahay daawo nafsiyeed
6- inay jaahil tahay oo aysan ogeyn xumaanta uu leeyahay falkan
wasmo macaan
somali wasmo
wasmo mcn
siil weyn
waa maxay wasmo
marka maxaa laga rabaa ruuxa xaaladan oo kale la soo gudboonaato, waxaa laga rabaa inuu si fiican ula hadlo oo ka dhaadhiciyo falkan inuusan bannaanayn oo uu yahay fal aad u xun, haddii ay tahayna mid wasmo macaan jecel inuu si fiican u qanciyo ilaa ay ka dheregto
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