diamondsandpebbles · 25 days
is micro-needling the secret to perfect skin? | qure skincare micro-infusion review | byalicexo
could micro-needling really be the secret to perfect skin?
in my latest video, i’m talking all about the qure skincare micro infusion system, the at-home microneedling tool that promises to help reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and dark spots, whilst also helping to even your skin tone and texture.
i like to consider myself a guinea pig of sorts when it comes to skincare and skincare tools (especially now that I’m in my 30s), so when i got the opportunity to try out something new i’d never done before, i jumped at the chance.
if you’ve been curious about microneedling, but aren’t sure where to start, then this video is for you. plus, if you’ve been looking for a sign to start incorporating this into your own skincare routine, then you’re in luck because i have a special discount -- so make sure you watch until the very end.
as always, i hope you enjoy the video. don’t forget to like, comment, SUBSCRIBE (turn on your notifications) and share with a friend. and in the meantime, i’ll catch you in the next one.
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sivatherium · 2 years
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gloria0110 · 2 years
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#文末優惠 我喜歡你,剛剛好你也喜歡我! 🌟剛剛好就是一種最好,放掉那些不需要~~ 工作忙碌一天回到家,洗完澡後,躺在床上時,儀式感的點上香氛,就是我的剛剛好,放掉壓力和煩惱,讓香氛的天然清香,帶我徜徉在無憂的懷抱~ #Qure香氛淨萃儀 那小巧迷人的溫潤線條,讓人看了就覺得放鬆的淨白色,光是看它,心情都愉悅起來~ 你以為只有咖啡才能用膠囊嗎? 那可不! 🍀Qure香氛淨萃儀結合空氣清淨與擴香功能,透過UVA光觸媒技術達到抑菌效果,搭配可自由替換的香氛精油膠囊,淨化空氣品質同時帶來細膩的植物精油氣息,『高分子透氣薄膜』,厚度僅0.3毫米,不需依賴水噴霧或加溫就能讓包裹其中的精油自然揮發透出。 🍀紙盒規格內的「茶樹」、「薰衣草」和「甜橙」香味,每一款都是我的最愛,千萬別說我貪心,小孩才做選擇,不是嗎? 🎡當我寫文腸思枯竭時,點上木質調的茶樹精油,那帶著青草香氣撲鼻而來,心情也跟著愉悅,提神醒腦了起來~ 🎡睡前點上薰衣草,白天不停運轉的思緒,在薰衣草香味從Qure香氛淨萃儀機身散發開來,讓我彷彿到了普羅旺斯的薰衣草園,讓我的眼皮也越來越重,一夜好眠~ 🎡好心情不就是在迎接早晨那第一道曙光,點上甜橙,滿滿元氣的柑橘清香,跟自己說聲早安~就可以用滿滿的能量,展開一整天的挑戰~ 🥰最近還購入的新產品 #繆思花語 清淡優雅,就像冬陽溫暖和煦烘罩著,給我滿滿暖身暖心的呵護,淡雅的味道沁入鼻腔,讓紛亂的心也跟著平靜下來~ 👏Qure香氛淨萃儀除了可用USB供電、也有內建電池,約兩個小時的續航力,隨身攜帶也很方便,精油完整包覆於膠囊內,不沾手、不沾桌面,不需用水,對台灣高濕的夏天環境來說,使用起來更無負擔,35分貝,靜悄悄的最高品質~ 現在幫大家要到了超值優惠組合價: 即日起至10/10享1機4油優惠方案(淨萃+新花香) $3300 (原價$4430) https://url.qureair.com/vYwCX 【QURE】 官方網站: https://lihi1.com/Em6Qk Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Qureair Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/qureair IG @qureair / FB-QURE #QURE #香氛膠囊機 #香氛膠囊 #擴香儀 #香氛機 #天然精油 #剛剛好的生活哲學 #香氛 #儀式感 #香氛推薦 https://www.instagram.com/p/CjC4aL3hiQV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ladycharles · 1 year
Whoah, just an update to my earlier post, all of a sudden my 'related artists' list got huge.
Who do you like here? Who do you recommend the most? Bonus points if you can find my old band on the list 😉💖
Thank you all greatly for streaming me enough for this data to exist, this is actually amazing 💙🤍💗🤍💙
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Ps these are originally songs by my old band that made the list:
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christinedepizza · 3 months
“Within lesbian contexts, the "identifcation" with masculinity that appears as butch identity is not a simple assimilation of lesbianism back into the terms of heterosexuality. As one lesbian femme explained, she likes her boys to be girls, meaning that "being a girl" contextualizes and resignifies "masculinity" in a butch identity. As a result, that masculinity, if that it can be called, is always brought into relief against a culturally intelligible "female body." It is precisely this dissonant juxtaposition and the sexual tension that its transgression generates that constitute the object of desire. In other words, the object [and clearly, there is not just one] of lesbian-femme desire is neither some decontextualized female body nor a discrete yet superimposed masculine identity, but the destabilization of both terms as they come into erotic interplay. […] Clearly, this way of thinking about gendered exchanges of desire admits of much greater complexity, for the play of masculine and feminine, as well as the inversion of ground to qure can constitute a highly complex and structure production of desire. Significantly, both the sexed body as "ground" and the butch or femme identity as "figure" can shift, invert, and create erotic havoc of various sorts. Neither can lay claim to "the real," although either can qualify as an object of belief, depending on the dynamic of the sexual exchange. The idea that butch and femme are in some sense "replicas" or "copies" of heterosexual exchange underestimates the erotic significance of these identities as internally dissonant and complex in their resignification of the hegemonic categories by which they are enabled. Lesbian femmes may recall the heterosexual scene, as it were, but also displace it at the same time. In both butch and femme identities, the very notion of an original or natural identity is put into question; indeed, it is precisely that question as it is embodied in these identities that becomes one source of their erotic significance.”
Gender Trouble, Judith Butler, 1990
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xiaq · 1 year
I like to think I'm not a particularly vain creature, but I've been struggling recently with my face. I know I look fantastic for someone in her 30's. However, I am starting to get the faintest of laugh lines around my mouth and eyes and, especially when I smile in photographs, I'm noticing... a lot more lines. Which makes sense. Because I am aging. And objectively that is a good thing and I really would like to continue my crusade against the beauty industry etc. but the only reason I stopped wearing makeup on a daily basis was because I got eyeliner tattooed on so, clearly the beauty standards are entrenched. Anyway. I'm doing everything I can topical/skincare wise as well as internal/food-wise to treat my skin kindly. I know several female friends my age who started getting regular filler years back but I just...don't want to spend the money or take the risk and B is adamantly against anything been injected into my face, which is fair. I wouldn't want anyone to touch his beautiful laugh lines.
So, I've been researching: 1. At-home microneedling stamps like Qure (seems rollers aren't a good idea) 2. Light therapy like Omnilux 3. Microcurrent therapy like NuFace
Does anyone have experience with any of these (or other!) options for desperately clinging to visible youth without A. filler or B. spending a shit ton of money?
I feel like I'm in this awkward place where there's still hope of looking younger than I am. If I was two decades older with deep laugh lines and was past the point of no return that would just be...easier. Like I wouldn't feel as if I had to try so hard anymore, you know? I don't know. There are days that being a woman in society is exhausting because yeah fuck traditional western standards of beauty, but also...I want to feel pretty.
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2dkapsddr · 29 days
August 22nd, 2024 - SDVX EG, DDR World, PIU Phoenix
delivery boy kaps, reporting in on his first notable delivery!!! today, i had a quest to go to round 1 and deliver some packages to some of my friends that otherwise couldn't receive packages at their houses. my bag was super heavy when i set off on my way to round 1, but i treated it as a slight training weight for round 1 preparations... and it maybe seemed like the sdvx scores below agreed with me? i don't personally think i got anything too notable, but i got a ton of cool VF raises despite my warm-up attempts (spent mostly against my friend and his friend www) . maybe i should've come back to it later when i was already warmed up...
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only played a single set of ddr today, but i got this sweet flare IX clear on Night of Knights (CSP-16), and a 2g GFC at that (almost a PFC somehow!!!) . still need to work on that MA though, maybe when I'm warmed up a teensy bit more .
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crippleprophet · 2 years
Hi there! I found your google doc about AS and found I relate to a lot of the symptoms. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about a year ago (after 3+ years of backpain and over a year of fatigue and widespread pain amongst a whole list of other symptoms). This diagnosis never sat right with me. All the reumatologist did was order some basic blood tests (all came back negative) and poke at my body for twenty minutes before going "you have fibromyalgia, here's a pamphlet, try reducing stress". I'm currently on the waiting list for a rehab center to "learn to live with it". I have pain all over, but it's always concentrated along my spine and in my hips. Especially the 'alternating buttocks pain' feels very specific to my experience. I guess I'm not quite qure why I'm writing this. Mostly to say thank you for making that Google doc. I'm gonna scrape together the courage to go back to my doctor. I'm also just really curious if it's weird that I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia without ever having any scans done? I don't even know if you would have an answer to this, but I saw fibro mentioned in the doc so I thought maybe you'd know. I've tried googling it, but I can't find anything. It just has always seemed really weird to me. Shouldn't doctors have ruled out more things before jumping to fibromyalgia? You don't have to reply to this, mostly just wanted to thank you for the Google doc and your blog in general <3
omg thank you so much, genuinely when people tell me my posts (especially long info ones i put a lot of work into like that) were helpful for them it makes me feel like my life has meaning, there’s a lot i can’t do because of illness but this shit is my passion & even if it’s slow going, responses like this make it so worth it <33
with the usual disclaimer that i’m just Some Guy on the internet who reads a lot and has experienced a lot of medical neglect, my understanding of fibromyalgia is:
people diagnosed with fibro are definitely experiencing real, serious symptoms
many people get misdiagnosed with fibro when doctors discriminate against them (treating it as a modern equivalent of hysteria) and/or do not perform proper testing or data interpretation to reach the real diagnosis (often, but obviously not always, small fiber neuropathy)
some people diagnosed with fibro probably do have the same condition, separate from other existing diagnoses, but the data about what’s going on is 1) very limited to begin with, 2) inaccurate due to widespread misdiagnosis, & 3) often centered on patient psychology in really ableist ways, so it’s basically useless
any doctor whose first-line response to illness, even those genuinely exacerbated by stress like most chronic illnesses, is to reduce stress is an unrealistic, unhelpful asshole who i will one day run over with my mobility scooter on a tour of fury
i think it’s ludicrous that your rheumatologist ruled out AS, especially considering AS (especially nonradiographic AS) often involves neuropathic pain and enthesitis (inflammation of the entheses, where tendons or ligaments connect to bone) sites often overlap with fibromyalgia tender points.
it is unfortunately really hard to find a rheumatologist who will diagnose a condition that is both seronegative (doesn’t show up on bloodwork) and nonradiographic (doesn’t show up on imaging), but depending on what blood tests were done you might not even know if you’re seronegative, and you don’t know if you’re nonradiographic because you haven’t had imaging. for an idea of the standard of care, after my first rheumatology appointment with similar symptoms to those you listed, i was tested for:
complete blood count (CBC) with differential/platelet
comprehensive metabolic panel
routine urinalysis
antibodies SS-A and SS-B for sjögren’s syndrome
rheumatoid factor (RF) for rheumatoid arthritis
IgG/IgA antibodies for rheumatoid arthritis
vitamin D
thyroid secreting hormone (TSH) for hypothyroidism
Smith/RNP antibodies
anti-dsDNA antibodies
antinuclear antibodies (ANA) for lupus
C-reactive protein (CRP) which can indicate inflammation
Westergren erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) which can indicate inflammation
those were probably like… 6 or 7? vials of blood and a urine sample, and i had an x-ray and MRI. given that there are no disease-modifying drugs for fibromyalgia, i think it’s absolutely neglectful to diagnose anyone with fibromyalgia without ruling out all other possible options, and i think it is definitely medical neglect that you received no scans after discussing disabling back pain.
i totally understand that this may not be possible depending on your circumstances, but if it’s an option i think it could be a good idea for you to get a second opinion rather than revisit the first doctor. but that’s your call and i hope it goes well for you no matter what you end up pursuing! i’m so sorry you’re dealing with this, please let me know if there’s anything i can do to help 🖤🖤
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gencnujininacilari · 1 year
Ez te ra bûm zîn lê tû ne bû min ra Mem.
Tu bû Beko Âvan. Gûne mî xaro qure qere
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magical-glimpse · 1 year
there is lot of going in life nowdaYS ...... are you okk?
I got less than 24hr to make qure my entire team is ready for the biggest presentation of the year, so okay isnt the word i would use 😅im stressed and tired lol but tarot and dance help me rest in a way
How about you ?
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bloodygothichell · 7 days
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nazma1057 · 1 month
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theinkbunny · 1 month
Love youuuu pretty bastarddddddd \aff
Qure so xuteeee
love you more <333
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sanzokuparties · 3 months
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sammyyakub · 4 months
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sassypantsdiary · 4 months
Are My Dark Spots Really Fading? - - YES.....along with my guilt and self-loathing.
Are My Dark Spots Really Fading?
Qure Micro-Infusion at home treatment – How’s it going? Just to remind, the Qure System is meant to be used every two weeks, for 3 months.  [For a more complete explanation of this product, how to use it, see my previous post’s link here –  https://wp.me/p9SRk0-1yJ]  I’ve completed two treatments thus far.  With that kind of time frame, you wouldn’t expect to see significant improvement over…
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