#jeff davis you are a literal psychopath
murphycooper · 2 years
why does derek’s son look like a carbon copy of stiles how are they gonna explain this
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septemberpoems · 8 years
teen wolf live-meta
meta in bold, fangirl in cursive, general in regular text. here we go.
I still want shifter green eyes
I FUCKING KNEW HE WOULD HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH THEM. nazis were too obsessed with norse mythology AND we’ve had a hellboy actor on set. I honestly wonder if he’s called Douglas bc of doug jones (played barrow, did half of all hellboy characters)
I’m so glad I have pizza to eat my emotions with
he’s gonna bite stiles and it’s either not going to work bc he’s already come into his powers, or it’s going to work and stiles will do a lydia
oh honey. honey, honey, honey.
I think lydia wore those clothes in s2? the onesie with the flowers?
lmao the rift looks like a world of warcraft dungeon portal
yeah this is definitely some hellboy-level nazi/norse mythology mashup. It should be noted that if Hauptmann is his last name and not his rank, there was an Ilse Hauptstein in the group that brought hellboy to earth to aid the nazis in winning the war. I know there have been hellboy/teen wolf metas done previously, largely because of doug jones’ involvement in the show and the uncanny likeness between kroenen and the dread doctors... which in itself is a bit uncanny considering who kept this brain-eating fucker alive since the second world war.
so I’m guessing most of his old squad are now riders. 
the rider with the rifle fights like I play fallout. why waste ammo when you can bash faces in
as a criminology student with a huge ww2 interest: I wonder what percentage of the nazi warmachine consisted of full-out serial killers and psychopaths. as in people who would have done the same thing regardless of war or peace.
that buck shot should definitely have made a bigger mess
honestly though. supernatural chris AND supernatural melissa. who the fuck needs an alpha pack
liam is going to make such a great alpha. i’m so proud of my baby
or she could be the alpha? 10/10 would follow hayden off of the end of the earth tbh
no bb she can’t see anything, noah, darling.. no.
lmao did he just bring the hellhound to the hellhound’s anchor. you fucked uuuuup
HAHA yep, that is definitely a world of warcraft portal
his german is not very german
wow how the fuck do I survive the remaining 7 minutes of this fucking episode
stop jeff davis 2017
it’s respect, lydia. you’re literally the battlefield goddess
ALRIGHT LISTEN UP. in 2012something I wrote a meta on stiles being a stile that I’ve pretty much spammed you with. but a stile is a way to get across a fence without letting something in or out. look me in the eye and tell me that was wrong? you can’t, can you? holy fuck I feel so vindicated I’m going to scream
also I’m posting a meta on what stiles might be veeeeeery soon so stick around because I may have called this two years ago without knowing it holy fuuuuuck
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mymoviesnob · 8 years
A Movie Snob Predicts the Oscars - 2017 Edition
Hello again! Welcome to the 2017 edition of A Movie Snob Predicts the Oscars.
As I have been preparing to write this, I’ve been going back over the list of nominees and I noticed a few themes in the films across categories… from overcoming adversity in Hidden Figures and Hacksaw Ridge. to complicated families in Fences. Moonlight and Manchester by the Sea. But the theme I found the most compelling is that of refugees fleeing war torn countries to find a better life for their children in several documentaries, 4.1 Miles, The White Helmets, Fire at Sea and to some extent, Ennemis Interieurs.  The Academy was certainly trying to shine a bright light on this global issue and I hope the nominations brought more viewers to hear these stories.  
While many of the films were heavy in subject matter, there were a few bright spots as well with small movies like Captain Fantastic, A Man Called Ove, La Femme et la TGV and the not so small and much beloved La La Land.
I typically wrestle with the films I personally enjoyed the most vs those which I believe will actually win. … because, let’s face it, I like being right. This year, I feel like the Academy and I will be pretty well lined up in that regard.  
And as the whitest white girl ever, I can’t claim that the diversity issue from past years has been resolved, but this year feels like a step in the right direction.
So, without further ado, here are my picks for the 89th Annual Academy Awards.
 Best Picture
Arrival – A film about aliens who land on earth and the linguists who attempt to communicate with them.  I found the concept to be interesting, but I could have done without the whole “special powers” thing that Amy Adams’ character experienced. Not a favorite.
Fences – Adapted from August Wilson’s Pulitzer Prize winning play, it was one of this year’s best. Solid performances all around and full of flawed characters and quick dialog.
Hacksaw Ridge – A lot of people who saw this one before I did raved about it. Maybe my expectations going in were too high but I personally did not love it. I agree that this man’s story is miraculous and he’s a true hero. I’m glad his story has been told, but this is not my choice for Best Picture. And who casts Vince Vaughn as a drill sergeant?? Seriously? 
Hell or High Water – The Dude, Chris Pine, Ben Foster… some bank robberies and lots of dirt. Good flick, but not the best in this bunch. See it though. I liked it.
Hidden Figures – this is another story I’m glad was told. I had no idea that these women had a hand in getting our space program off the ground. I thoroughly enjoyed it but I don’t think it’s the best.
La La Land – Hands down my favorite movie I’ve seen in years. I’m not typically one for glossy romances, let alone musicals, but this movie is pure magic. It was shot in Cinemascope and from the opening sequence, it had me. This is a throwback to the old Hollywood that made me fall in love with movies. And yes, I actually loved the singing and dancing and even the mushy stuff. This year I will not agonize about my favorite vs. the critical darling because they are one in the same! With all the darkness out there, it was refreshing to have a little light. Anyway.. much more gushing over this one later.
Lion – The amazing true story of a little boy who gets separated from his family in India and adopted by an Australian family. I found this to be more interesting than I expected but it was probably my least favorite of this bunch.
Manchester by the Sea – This is a heartbreaking story of a man who is forced to confront a dark past to care for his nephew after his brother passes away unexpectedly. This is slow and sad and looks at how people deal with loss and grief. This is one I had to reflect upon a bit. Initially, I was not a fan, but it’s not meant to be the “feel good movie of the year” and it accomplishes what it sets out to do.
Moonlight – this is one I saw almost as soon as it came out, not knowing anything at all about it. I went in with no expectations and left pleasantly surprised. Again, not a “feel good” movie, but one that tells the story of a boy, growing up in a drug infested community with a mother who is an addict and a drug dealer as his role model. and father figure. It follows him through three stages in his life and the internal conflict he experiences as he learns who he is. See it.
Isabelle Huppert – Elle – I wasn’t able to see this movie… it’s not available anywhere yet in the States, but she did win the Golden Globe so I think she has a shot.
Ruth Negga – Loving – Good movie… I’m surprised it didn’t get more nominations.
Natalie Portman – Jackie – I think she was good in this, but I found the character to be super annoying. I realize she was playing a real person… so maybe that means I would have found Jackie Kennedy to be super annoying? Anyway, not my favorite.
Emma Stone – La La Land – She’s my pick. Singing and dancing and being vulnerable in that way made me love her.
Meryl Streep – Florence Foster Jenkins – She can do no wrong… we all know this. 
 Supporting Actress:
Viola Davis – Fences – Hands down, no brainer, this is her night. She was AMAZING. She put Denzel in his place like her life depended on it. She will win and if she doesn’t it will be a travesty!
Naomi Harris – Moonlight – She was great as the crack addicted mother in this film. I also saw an interview with her later and realized she’s not American… accent was spot on. I would never had guessed!
Nicole Kidman – Lion – I’m not sure why she’s in this bunch. I like her, but I don’t get it this year.
Octavia Spenser – Hidden Figures – Another great performance from her, but Viola kicked her butt this go round.  
Michelle Williams – Manchester by the Sea – I don’t think she got enough screen time to warrant a nomination. Sure, she was good when we saw her, but she didn’t make a huge impression for me.
Casey Affleck – Manchester by the Sea – He gave a heart wrenching performance of an incredibly complicated character. It was more nuanced, less in your face than the other front runner and that is my reason for going with him.  He gets my vote but I’ve read that there have been some recent harassment suits brought against him that may cause him to lose votes.
Andrew Garfield – Hacksaw Ridge – nope.
Ryan Gosling – La La Land – I don’t think he will win, but I need to say that he proved to be more than a pretty face (and perfect abs, etc, etc). He sang. He danced. And as I was leaving the theater, I immediately looked up whether or not he played his own piano to find that HE DID! I find that to be incredibly impressive. And can we talk about his speech at the Golden Globes where he thanked his lady for being home raising their daughters while he was making this movie? Love him.
Viggo Mortensen – Captain Fantastic – I had no idea what this movie was until it was nominated and I really, really liked it. He plays a single father, living off the grid with his six children. I know that sounds riveting, but it was surprisingly sweet and funny and entertaining. I recommend it.
Denzel Washington – Fences – If Affleck doesn’t take it, it’s got to go to Denzel. He’s Denzel.  And delivering those lines had to have been one hell of a challenge.  Someone i feel it must be “easier” to be bold and boastful as he was in this performance vs quiet and subdued as Affleck was. 
 Supporting Actor:
Mahershala Ali – Moonlight – He’s my favorite to win. He’s that character you’re not supposed to like by the nature of what he does, but you find out that he’s a compassionate guy doing what he had to in order to survive.
Jeff Bridges – Hell of High Water – He’s THE DUDE! No other explanation necessary … you know that means he is, and always will be, awesome.
Lucas Hedges – Manchester by the Sea – He’s the teenager dealing with the loss of his father and an uncertain future.
Dev Patel – Lion – He’s the lost Indian boy, all grown up and trying to find his family. I’m not sure who he was “supporting” though... he was the main guy in this movie... 
Michael Shannon – Nocturnal Animals – He’s a cop with nothing to lose… (you know you want to read that in the “movie announcer voice”). Anyway, he is a great actor. Does great with creepy and/or crazy characters. This is not his year though. I wish this nomination had gone to his counterpart in this film,  Aaron Taylor-Johnson, instead. He played a really good psychopath. 
 Animated Feature:
Kubo and the Two Strings
Moana – I loved this, and I think it would win if not for Zootopia
My Life as a Zucchini
The Red Turtle
Zootopia – this is our winner
La La Land
Costume Design:
Fantastic Beasts and where to Find Them
Florence Foster Jenkins
La La Land
Damien Chazelle – La La Land – yes, yes, yes a thousand times, yes, he should win. He also directed Whiplash (which was amazing… you should see it)  and is likely becoming my new favorite director! He’s brave and only 32 years old. I’m looking forward to his long, beautiful, brilliant career!
Mel Gibson – Hacksaw Ridge – I’m just glad he wasn’t IN this movie. And I hold him responsible for the whole “Vince Vaughn as a drill sergeant” thing.
Barry Jenkins – Moonlight
Kenneth Lonergan – Manchester by the Sea
Denis Villeneuve – Arrival
 Documentary Feature:
Fire at Sea – about refugees fleeing the African coast for a small Italian island, and the people who rescue them
I am not your Negro
Life, Animated – this is about an autistic boy who grew up relating life to what he learned watching Disney movies. I liked it.
O.J:. Made in America – I think this will win due to its pure scope and scale. It literally goes on for days… (ok… 7 hours and 47 min but that felt like days..) and I did walk away having learned things I didn’t know about him and the murder trial.
The 13th – This is the one I secretly hope will win.
 Documentary Short Film:
Extremis – about doctor’s helping terminally ill patients and their families make difficult end of life decisions
4.1 Miles – about Syrian refugee’s fleeing for a small Greek island
Joe’s Violin – about a 92 year old holocaust survivor’s violin which has been passed on to a young music student at a school for immigrant girls in the Bronx. As the one not about the refugee crisis, it stands out, which is why I think it will win.
Watani: My Homeland
The White Helmets  - about a group of men, former builders, tailors, blacksmiths, etc, who risk their lives volunteering to save civilians (from either side of the fight) in Aleppo as bombs fall around them.  Everyone who believes that we should not allow refugees in to our country should see this movie. I realize that things are more complicated than that, but there is nothing complicated about parents not wanting to have to teach their toddlers the difference between the sound of a regular plane and the sound of one carrying bombs or not wanting to have to dig them out of a pile of concrete that used to be their home or school. I’ve heard the “if it’s so bad, they should leave” argument… but they need a place to go.
 Film Editing:
Hacksaw Ridge
Hell or High Water
La La Land – let’s keep this lovefest going…
 Foreign Language Film:
Land of Mine
A Man Called Ove - really, really enjoyed this one. 
The Salesman – for political reasons, I think this will win
Toni Erdmann
 Makeup and Hairstyling:
A Man Called Ove 
Star Trek Beyond – because of the Spock ears and stuff. (BTW… I hate these movies)
Suicide Squad – I can’t believe I sat through this garbage.
 Original Score:
La La Land – YES! The music is as much a part of this movie as Stone and Gosling.
 Original Song:
Audition (The Fools Who Dream) –  La La Land – I love this! And I had a really hard time between this and City of Stars…
Can’t Stop the Feeling! – Trolls – as much as I would like to see JT win an Oscar, I don’t think this will win, even if it is the only song in this bunch that most of you  know.
City of Stars – La La Land – this is the one I’ve had stuck in my head since I saw the movie. I love it!
The Empty Chair – Jim: The James Foley Story
How Far I’ll Go – Moana – I want Lin-Manuel Miranda to win, but not this year
 Production Design:
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Hail, Caesar!
La La Land - the sets are amazing!
 Animated Short Film:
Blind Vaysha
Borrowed Time
Pear Cider and Cigarettes
Pearl – this one is made to be viewed in virtual reality so its ground breaking and cool… I think it could win. But Piper is Pixar so... 
Piper –  will win… and it’s cute.
 Live Action Short Film:
Ennemis Interieurs – this is about the interrogation of an Algerian man who has lived in France for years but is trying to gain official citizenship. I hope this doesn’t happen in real life but something tells me it is likely not far off from reality…
La Femme et la TGV-about a woman who lives alongside the tracks of a high speed train and strikes up a friendship with the train operator she’s never met.
Silent Nights – didn’t love it.
Sing – about a girl who wants to join her school choir and a teacher who is hell bent on them winning a competition. I really liked this one too. 
Timecode  - silly and weirdly sweet
 Sound Editing:
Deepwater Horizon – I sat through this garbage too. Marky Mark needs to go away
Hacksaw Ridge – this is where I throw this one a bone…
La La Land – if Hacksaw doesn’t take it
 Sound Mixing:
Hacksaw Ridge
La La Land – because it’s a musical
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi
 Visual Effects:
Deepwater Horizon
Doctor Strange
The Jungle Book
Kubo and the Two Strings
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
 Adapted Screenplay:
Fences – I’m torn…
Hidden Figures
Moonlight – I’m going with this, but Fences may take it.
 Original Screenplay:
Hell or High Water
La La Land – again, torn, but…
The Lobster – quite possibly the weirdest movie I’ve ever enjoyed. Very, very strange.
Manchester by the Sea- I’m going with my gut and saying this is the winner
20th Century Women
Well, there you have it! 
This year I’ve been fortunate enough to have brought a few more friends into the “watch all the movies” challenge and it’s been so much fun! Can’t wait to see what next year brings! 
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