#jeff joker moreau x oc
commander-krios · 1 year
24 touches prompts: Foreheads pressed together, a silent way to say “I’m here” for anyone who speaks up
Thank you! I ended up using this for an unexpected pairing. Joker from Mass Effect and an OC of mine, who ends up being his boyfriend for a few years in pre-canon.
Jeff closed his eyes, ignoring the words on the datapad in his hands, trying to remember what it was he’d been reading. Something about pilot terminal data or black boxes or… he didn’t even know anymore. His brain had turned to mush hours ago from all of the information. But that wasn’t why he was sitting there on the couch, staring at the wall of his apartment.
Aurora’s message flashed in his mind: Finished N7. Just wanted to let you know. Ceremony is on Arcturus in a few weeks. If you want to come, I can send you an invite. I hope you’re doing alright, Jeff. I miss you.
Should he bother to respond? He hadn’t spoken to her in the last few years. An occasional message would find its way from her to him, mostly redacted by the Alliance depending on what she was doing. She was a big shot in the military, a Lieutenant Commander and apparently now an N7. He didn’t even know why she messaged him anymore.
With a sigh, he placed the datapad on the couch beside him, running his hands over his face. He should probably go to bed, he had to leave for Arcturus in the morning, his newest assignment and CO waiting to debrief him and introduce him to the crew and ship. Then they’d be shipping out for months, sleeping in an overcrowded bunk with communal showers and nosy ensigns. 
Instead of moving, he leaned into the cushions, trying to will his mind to stop spinning from the studying. Too much information with too little rest and then add on the emotional response he had to Aurora’s name flashing in his inbox, he was wiped out.
Fuck, he thought he was past the burning anger.
Jeff’s gaze slid to find his boyfriend hovering in the doorway, long dark hair pulled out of his face, green eyes peering out of a lightly tanned face covered in freckles. The man who had snuck up on him years ago, who stole his heart before he even realized it. John Riggs was a man unlike any he’d ever known.
“Hey, you.” He replied, patting the cushion next to him in invitation. “Did I wake you?”
John shook his head, but the dark circles beneath his eyes betrayed him. He stifled a yawn before padding barefoot over to where Jeff waited. Then he collapsed onto the couch, throwing his feet on the coffee table in front of them… where the stacks of datapads waited, mocking him.
“You leave in a few hours. You sure you don’t want to get some sleep before then?” John absentmindedly brushed his fingers through Jeff’s shaggy hair and he closed his eyes at the touch, thinking about how much he was going to miss this. 
“I’d rather sit here with you. I can sleep on the shuttle.” Jeff wanted to do more than sit, but he was exhausted. John was right, of course, he should sleep. That was the smart thing to do.
Joker never said he was smart.
“Oh, so instead of sleeping, you’ll just make me listen to your complaints about how much your back hurts on our first vid call?” John chuckled, leaning closer to run his lips over Jeff’s unshaven face. “Now that’s true love.”
Jeff’s heart clenched at those words, knowing that during their many years as friends and the last two as a couple, that was one thing he hadn’t managed to utter. One of many things he needed to make up for. Clearing his throat, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. It gave him a moment to gather his thoughts, to not make a complete idiot of himself.
 “I do, you know?”
John hummed, raising an eyebrow at him. Silence stretched between them before the words slipped from his mouth.
“I love you.”
John’s eyes lit up, a dazzling kaleidoscope of moss green and sky blue. He leaned in seconds later, pressing a soft kiss against Jeff’s lips. 
Despite the gentleness, it stole his breath from his lungs, leaving him dizzy yet yearning for more. It lasted only briefly, but John didn’t move away when the kiss ended, resting his forehead against Jeff’s. Peace existed in this small apartment on Elysium for him. A peace that he would crave no matter how far he was in the galaxy.
“I’ll be here when you get back, Jeff.” John mumbled against his lips, refusing to break contact. “Because I love you too.”
He blushed. He could feel the heat on his cheeks and neck, but he ignored it in favor of getting his fingers tangled in the mess of John’s curls, pulling him as close as he could manage. John laughed lightly, crawling onto the couch and following Jeff’s lips as he laid down, pulling John nearly on top of him.
Jeff stared up at him, memorizing the look of tender adoration in John’s eyes as he hovered, dark waves cascading around his face like a waterfall. He always saw the stars whenever John looked at him.
Sometimes he still didn’t know what it was that John saw in him.
Maybe it was the exhaustion or the message from Aurora, but he felt tears well up before he could stop them, before he could banish the emotion that lurked in his chest. “Why? You’re amazing and I’m just-”
With his voice breaking, Jeff closed his eyes, trying to ignore the painful lurch of his heart. 
John touched his eyelids gently, a single finger brushing the sensitive skin with featherlight caresses.. “Look at me, Jeff.”
Fighting the urge to say the hell with you and shun the request, Jeff pulled air through his nose, trying to push away the fear that clawed itself around his heart. The initial reaction was difficult to parse, but he was learning. Not everything was fight or flight anymore.
When he finally pried his eyes open, John was watching him fondly, his lips curling in a grin that always set Jeff aflame. His breath caught in his lungs as John leaned closer, a soft kiss touching his cheek. 
“I hope you meant to say something positive about yourself,” John murmured, lips trailing along his jaw before he paused at the curve of Jeff’s lips. “You are the most wonderful man I’ve ever met, Jeff Moreau. You need to stop selling yourself short.”
John laid a kiss on each corner of his mouth, his chin, before settling against his lips softly. 
There was no denying how hot John was (another reason he questioned their relationship nearly daily), but his tenderness, his sincerity, the love that he radiated with a smile, Jeff knew he was the luckiest man in the fucking galaxy.
“Hard to do around you.”
John chuckled, sitting up and bringing Jeff with him. He ended up settling onto John’s lap, arms wrapping around him. “I’m doing my job then.”
With a contented sigh, Jeff rested his head on John’s chest, snuggling into the warm and safe embrace of one of the only people he could count on. John held him close, and Jeff memorized everything about him: the smell of sea salt and lemon of his cologne, the strength of his arms as they held him, the constellations of freckles that marked the map of his skin, the soft ginger hair that trailed down his chest to his shorts. He lazily ran his hand down John’s chest, feeling his eyelids grow heavy.
He didn’t want to sleep, he had too much to do before 0500 came, but maybe he could rest here for a little while.
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sakorb · 1 year
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sad trumpet noises
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commander-krios · 2 years
OC Masterlist (updated)
Here is the list of my OCs plus any relevant info, romances, and tags. I write as well so feel free to check out my writing tag or my AO3.
Mass Effect
-Canon Universe-
Charlotte “Charley” Shepard
Canon // Colonist/Ruthless // Soldier: Assault Rifle/Shotgun // Paragon/Renegade Mix (Paragade) // Main Tag // Romance: Thane Krios / Kasumi Goto
-Alternative Universes
Aurora “Rori” Shepard (Falling Like Stars AU)
Spacer/Sole Survivor // Adept: Biotic/Pistol/Decryption // Paragon // Main Tag // Romance: Jeff “Joker” Moreau
Daniel Shepard (Falling Like Stars AU)
Spacer/War Hero // Sentinel: Biotic/Shotgun/Tech // Renegon // Main Tag // Romance: Kaidan Alenko
Astrea Peg'asi
Tilaari // Main Tag // Romance: Damon Reznor
Daianira Peg'asi
Kitalphan // Main Tag // Romance: Calderon Lynch
Sade Peg'asi
Human // Main Tag // Romance: Vexx Serif
Maris Peg'asi
Kitalphan // Main Tag // Romance: June Nyux
Sereia Peg'asi
Kitalphan // Main Tag // Romance: Bash Ilahaj
Baldur's Gate 3
Asmodeus Tiefling // Lore Bard/Wild Magic Sorcerer // Main Tag // Father: Fëanor (Half Elf craftsman) // Mother: Elara (Asmodeus Tiefling wizard) // Romance: Rolan (my canon) / Dammon/Rolan (WildThunderForge) / Shadowheart (in game)
Seldarine Drow // Rogue/Assassin // Main Tag // Mother: Qilfrynra (Lloth-sworn Drow) // Father: Zekyraen (Seldarine Drow) / Romance: Rugan (ex, my canon) / Gale Dekarios
Duvessa Morvian
High Elf/Dragonblooded // Wizard // Main Tag // Romance: Enver Gortash / Minthara
Dwarf // Paladin of Devotion // Main Tag // Romance: Wyll Ravengard
Lymrith Vkriss
Dragonborn // Fighter/Eldritch Knight // Main Tag // Romance: Barcus Wroot (my canon) // Lae'zel (in game)
Deep Gnome // Monk/Way of the Shadow // Main Tag // Romance: Astarion
Half-Orc Dark Urge // Warlock/Pact of the Great Old One // Main Tag // Romance: Karlach Cliffgate
Other BG3 Ships:
Wyll x Astarion (Wyllstarion)
Rolan x Dammon (Thunderforge)
Karlach x Dammon (Heartforge)
Shadowheart x Lae'zel (Shadowzel)
Halsin x Jaheira (Jahelsin)
Cal x Geraldus
Lia x Rion
Yuehai Xun // Darth Revan // Grey Jedi Guardian // Main Tag // Romance: Malak // Canderous Ordo
Wren Sloane // Jedi Exile // Light Jedi Sentinel // Main Tag // Romance: Atris // Atton Rand
Saints Row
Saints Boss Miranda Lee Sato ("Miri") // Main Tag // Romance: Viola Dewynter
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