#jehanne de taeye
Chrysanthi: I'll run like the wind.
Jehanne: I know you won't.
Chrysanthi: The wind can be slow, Jehanne.
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Sara, walking in with Beca: What's going on here? Chrysanthi: Jehanne accidentally ate one of my brownies that I left in the fridge. She's having a bad trip so I'm trying to get her to calm down. Jehanne: I think I'm starting to hallucinate. My fingers are glowing. Chrysanthi: You were always able to do that, kid. Beca, crumbs obviously showing on her cheeks: Sara: Sara: ARE YOU TELLING US THOSE WERE EDIBLES?!
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Jehanne: How long does it take until you start hallucinating from sleep deprivation? Aiden: Oh, it's- Lillian: 72 hours. Aiden: Jehanne: Aiden: How did you- Lillian: There's a clown behind you.
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is-that-what-they-said · 10 months
Jehanne: When is quitting ever the answer?
Chrysanthi: Heroine. Cigarettes. A jigsaw puzzle. You've already got the picture on the box, bitch.
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Jehanne: In my defense, it was a bit I was doing your honour.
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Jehanne: Hey Chrys, I have a question. You're my best friend.
Chrysanthi: That's not a question.
Jehanne: It's not a question for me either! Happy best friends day!
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Jehanne: I am an excellent secret keeper. I've kept all of our secrets.
Chrysanthi: What secrets?
Jehanne: Oh no no, Chrys, I'm not going to tell you because I'm an excellent secret keeper.
[Jehanne's classmates walk away.]
Chrysanthi: You'll tell me later?
Jehanne: You already know.
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Daphne: We call that a traumatic event.
Daphne, turning to Zoey: Not a "bruh moment".
Daphne, turning to Jehanne: Not a "major L".
Daphne, turning to Lilium: And definitely not an "OOF LMAO".
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Jehanne: Bending a spoon with my hands is the same as bending a spoon with my mind. My mind controls my hands, you see.
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Sara: What do we say when someone disagrees with us?
Jehanne: That's homophobic.
Sara: No.
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On the trackfield
Jehanne: Chrys! What are you doing there?
Chrysanthi, while lying on her back on a bench: Photosynthesis.
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Jehanne: You'll never know what true fear feels like.
Cecille: Okay, have you ever heard Sara yell your full name?
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Jehanne: Hey Chrys, you love me, right?
Chrysanthi: Usually I'd say yes without hesitation, but I have a feeling this is going somewhere that I won't like.
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Chrysanthi, out of breath: I should have taken that cardio tip more seriously.
Jehanne: How much have you done?
Chrysanthi: You just saw it.
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