#beca desjardins
mcrololo · 2 years
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Wies, Soms is het te laat // Melody S. Gee, Each Crumbling House // Mary Oliver, A Visitor // Mary Oliver, Oxygen // Racoon, Oceaan // Lord Byron, On This Day I Complete My Thirty-Sixth Year // Sue Zhao // Billy-Ray Belcourt, A history of my brief body // Butler, When You Want To
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Sara, walking in with Beca: What's going on here? Chrysanthi: Jehanne accidentally ate one of my brownies that I left in the fridge. She's having a bad trip so I'm trying to get her to calm down. Jehanne: I think I'm starting to hallucinate. My fingers are glowing. Chrysanthi: You were always able to do that, kid. Beca, crumbs obviously showing on her cheeks: Sara: Sara: ARE YOU TELLING US THOSE WERE EDIBLES?!
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mcrololo · 2 years
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Judy Hale, Dead to me // Rebecca West, from a letter to H.G. West // Gwen Benaway, Holy Wild // Louise Glück, Mutable Earth // Racoon, Oceaan // Mika, Blue Eyes // Eljayetc, I had a dream last night // Edna St. Vincent Millay, Truck-Garden Market-Day // Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment // sagescrittore, twitter
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Beca, letting Emily win at arm wrestling: Aww, darn, you won again!
Lilium, slamming Zoey's hand down at full force: DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU GET ZOEY? DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU MESS WITH THE WARRIOR?!
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Emily: Small things hold the most anger. They hold the rage equivalent to a thousand suns.
Beca: Give me an example.
Emma: Wasps.
Emily: Chihuahuas.
Zoey: Emma.
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mcrololo · 2 years
Hi hello bestie I would like to throw the question about reasons behind songs in playlists right back at ya!! Is there any oc playlist that you'd like to (partially?) dissect for me? >:3c
Oh boy would I? I have far too many oc playlists to be healthy so I’ll pick Beca since she’s so close to my heart and I’ll let shuffle decide a few songs for me to dissect (I promise I’ll keep it short) (Narrator voice: They didn’t)
COMPLETE MESS by 5 Seconds of Summer I picked this song in part because she had a very intense "almost" love story with her best friend in high school. You know those shared looks, touches that can't just be brushed of quite as "friendship", spending way more time with each other than with other friends. But neither of them dared to overstep any boundaries and ask, so it wasn't until the very last second, until their goodbye, that things finally clicked into place and everything was 'complete' as it were. The other reason I picked this song is the mirror of it all. Where Beca felt like she could have had her perfect romance, all the other romances she's had and has after that are complete shit and she sets the bar too low. She lets people walk all over her because she thinks very little of herself, and the song illustrates that beautifully with the lines "I’ve never been a saint, have I?" & "But I'm never one to change, am I?" There’s more to it, of course. And I realize this song has a specific meaning to the artist themself. But to me, at least for Beca, it means that in romantic relationships, she’ll always be that mess, because she’ll always try to look to complete herself with someone else. That’s what she had with her best friend in high school, so that’s what she’s trying to find from then on, and unfortunately that’s just not how the world works. (And I love the melancholic vibes this song gives off.)
You are my sunshine by Elizabeth Mitchell This one is one of my favorites actually!! I put this one on here because Beca plays this song for her little nephews at night when she’s over, to get them to sleep. Her and her siblings have been through a lot, and to have these little boys come out of it and have a happy family after all, that means the world to her. (Sometimes I picture the man singing along as her brother coming in and my heart goes soft and all is well)
Leugenaar by WIES (Translation: Liar) Beca grew up thinking she was supposed to keep everything to herself, which resulted in her learning that she had to lie about, well, everything, too. That’s not true obviously, but for her it was the truth. She picked up bad habits, and started hanging out with bad people as well. A lot of the lyrics in this song feels very her, from: “Nu fluister ik als schreeuw om hulp Laat mij brekend boeten Totdat ik niets meer voel” (Translation: Now I whisper as a call for help Let me break and suffer Until I have nothing left) Please note I’m taking a little liberty. These translations might be slightly off, I’m not a professional shfjs to the verse: “Ik ben een leugenaar Ik lieg alles bij elkaar Wie had dat bedacht? Wie had dat verwacht van mij?” (Translation: I am a liar I lie about everything Who whould have thought? Who whould have expected that from me?) Because at the end of the day, people also see her as this small, fragile little girl who won’t do anyone any harm. But at the same time that’s not how Beca sees herself. I also really love the lyrics “Een rugzak vol geheimen” (A backpack full of secrets) because it’s so fitting for her.  Anyway um. Maybe I should keep it at three, as fun as this was. This got incredibly long already shfjs. Thanks fren!!!
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mcrololo · 3 years
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Old art sketch dump pt. 1
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mcrololo · 2 years
I'm doing the pleading eyes hoping it will convince you to share more of your Reasons To Put Songs In Playlists 🥺
do you mean beca or?? because she has a whopping [checks] 163 songs in her playlist so we can arrange something, I'm sure
Simmer (Acoustic) by Hayley Williams This song is actually on here because at face value Beca doesn't feel anger, not towards other people. And I thought maybe the acoustic version of this one might illustrate that better, because Beca thinks she doesn't feel anger, but she acts on anger all the time, just not deliberately and not at other people. But she's constantly acting out at herself, because, to a certain extent, she's angry at herself all the time. And in that scenario, there's one line that stands out to me in this song: "How to draw the line between wrath and mercy?" Beca isn't merciful towards herself at all. As I've said here she thinks very little of herself, so she takes every opportunity to self-sabotage. Be it in relationships with others (romantic, platonic, familial), opportunities that could benefit her in any way, or even just something small, like not buy her favorite snack or make her favorite tea when she's thirsty. One other lyric that stands out to me for completely different reasons, and that has nothing to do with the song and the meaning of the artist at all, is "Nothing cuts like a mother", which for Beca gets a very different meaning, and is part of why she's so angry at herself all the time. I still wanted to point it out because it's important to her character. To wrap this all up, in the wise words of Hayley herself at the very start of this very song; rage is a quiet thing. (This is another reason I chose the acoustic over the original for her)
Need me by Simple Creatures It's funny, I think you sent me this song and told me this was Beca and her father. The first verse representing her alcoholic dad, the second verse representing her. And you were right. They both had to deal with an abusive monster (he with a partner, she with a mother), and they both sought out different, unhealthy coping mechanisms that ultimately had them drifting apart. But sometimes their paths crossed for a little while, and for a very brief moment they shared some sort of understanding. It would leave them with this need to be in each other's lives that neither of them tried hard enough to accept, and I think that's the tragedy of their relationship. This song represents that for me, especially the chorus.
mirrorball by Taylor Swift This one is really easy lmao!! Beca loves Taylor Swift, for one. The other reason is that Beca doesn't know who she is, so it's very easy for her to slip into a version of herself that she knows whoever she's with likes. In high school she hung out with the outcasts and the punks so she became more of a punk herself. Things she loves, and other people voice they hate? She keeps to herself. To her it's common knowledge people like hanging out with others they have common interests with, so she pretends to be like that, too. It's why Pretender by AJR used to be her themesong (until Bloom by the Paper Kites ultimately took its place). It isn't until she finds healthy friends she can get to know who she really is. Mirrorball is one of those songs that really represents that struggle to me. I don't even have a favorite lyric here, all of it is just so good!!
This one got even longer 😭😭 my girl just has so many layers i love her so much
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Lilium: Emily, right hand blue.
Emily, having to move over Beca to place her hand: Okay, you're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
Lilium: I stopped spinning like 15 minutes ago. Honestly I'm surprised you didn't notice sooner.
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mcrololo · 4 years
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For Christmas @shikariix commissioned a good friend of ours to draw art of one of my characters, and it turned out so breathtakingly perfect I'm still yelling. I love it so much, it's one of the best Christmas presents I've ever gotten!! ;w;
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Lilium: Hey Emily, are you free on Friday? Like, around 8?
Emily: Yeah.
Lilium: And you, Beca?
Beca: Um... Yes?
Lilium: Great! Because I'm not. You two go out without me. Enjoy your date!
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mcrololo · 4 years
Since I know you love talking about your ocs.... do you want to do the headcanon ask meme for Beca Desjardins? 👀
I can’t shut up about my OCs even if that would save my life, thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to be obnoxious about my OC Sexuality Headcanon: A huge lesbian (she’s actually very tiny, but she loves women until her dying breath and beyond). Gender Headcanon: Cis female.  A ship I have with said character: Beca and your Emily of course (otp)!! But I also ship her with Sara. And I think her and @tinytigerrrr‘s Lilium would make a great couple too!! I’m just........ shipping, yk.  A BROTP I have with said character: I absolutely fucking love the friendship between @wooksbazooks’ Terry and Beca. Team Berry!! But I’m also a very big fan of Sara & Beca as best friends, and just Terry, Rahat and Beca combined? Mwah. I love that Beca has so many good friends, thank you all for your service.  A NOTP I have with said character: Idk she doesn’t seem to mesh will with her self-esteem.......... Hm........... A random headcanon: Did I ever tell you why Beca taught herself how to sing? It’s because, when Lucas helped her out of her panic attack by singing her favorite song together, she figured - if it happens again, at least I won’t have to think about how off key my singing is. That influenced her to pick up the ukelele too (indirectly)!  General Opinion over said character: It feels so weird to answer this for my own character lmao but I love her a lot actually. She’s one of the best I’ve got to write for, and she helped me realize so much about myself honestly?? She started out as a caricature and became a well-rounded character that others can actually relate to and I love that for her. Here’s to giving her fluff with Emily after all the angst we put her through, cheers! 
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Emily: Ow, son of a bi-
Beca, gesturing to Gabriel and Damian: Emily! Children!
Emily: -iscuit. Son of a biscuit. That's it.
Miles: Nice save.
Emily: Yeah. Fucking nailed it.
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Terry: This bitch is ruining my life.
Beca: Oh my god, who?
Terry: Me.
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Sara: I have an excellent gaydar, I can determine if a person is gay or not with just a glance.
Beca: Cecille has been in love with you for years.
Sara: She what?
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Beca: It's a feeling stick. Whoever is holding the feeling stick has permission to say whatever he or she is feeling without being judged. I'll go first: I feel like I wanna know what you're feeling.
Beca: *Passes Terry the feeling stick*
Terry: *Breaks the feeling stick in half*
Beca: Believe it or not, that's not the first time someone's broken my feeling stick.
Beca, pulling out a smaller feeling stick: I have a travel size.
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