#jem teaching tessa would be so romantic
wikitpowers · 6 months
Love this reposted ahhhh I’m SO TIRSTY for Jess’s ao3 bonus chapters but I can’t find writers who write in the Jessa stuff :( https://www.tumblr.com/02babyy/737456831603032064/blackstairs-is-such-an-amazing-ship-idc-what
Anyway so what r ur favourite headcanons of Jessa? ☺️🤭
my favourite jessa headcanon is probably jem teaching tessa how to play violin :') he would be so soft and gentle and patient with her even if she messed up (don't touch me)
ALSO the both of them teaching mina how to use cortana after emma passes the blade on would be so adorable but also badass af??? they are both so freaking powerful, mina would grow up one of the best warriors of her generation with them as her tutors istg
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Shadowhunters Short Story #59. Kit and Dru become Parabatia.
It is a cool October morning in LA in 2015 when 15 year old Drusilla Blackthorn finally plucks up the courage to ask her best friend something very important. 
Kit had reunited with The Blackthorns last year during Emma and Julian’s engagement party in LA. Since then Kit and Ty had begun dating and Kit and Dru had become best friends and the three of them were pretty inseparable. Ty and Dru spent a lot of time in Devon with Kit and Kit spent a lot of time with them in LA. 
Right now the three of them have just finished training and are trying to find the motivation to get up off the training room floor, Kit promised Jem he’d be home early today so they could celebrate Tessa’s birthday, but after training all morning he can barely move, he’s stretched out on one of the training mats with his head in Ty’s lap, becoming more and more relaxed the more Ty plays with his hair. Dru is sitting up against a wall next to her brother and best friend, working up the courage to ask Kit a very important question. 
“When do you have to go back to the Scholomance Ty-Ty?” Kit asks, linking his hand with Ty’s and lacing his fingers through his. 
“I hate it when you call me that, I have to be back in two days.” Ty quietly says with a scowl on his face. He is not at all fond of his childhood nickname and only lets Helen, Mark, Julian and Emma call him Ty-Ty, and Livvy of course. Mina also calls him Ty-Ty, he’s been trying to get her out of the habit but she just thinks it’s hilarious when he insists he doesn’t like being called Ty-Ty.
“But I want to give you a cute nickname, I could call you Holmes?” Kit teasingly suggests. 
“Don’t you dare, Watson. If you do I’ll start calling you Christopher, I’ll teach Mina to call you Chris.” Ty shoots back, knowing how much his boyfriend hates being called by his full name. 
“Alright alright, truce.” Kit says, holding his hands up in mock surrender. 
“Idiot.” Ty laughs. 
“Yeah but I’m your idiot.” 
“Barf.” Dru says in a flat tone, as Kit rolls of Ty’s lap and onto his stomach.
“I’m going for a shower, meet you guys in the living room?” Ty asks, getting up from the mat. 
“Sounds good.” Kit replies. 
“Hey Kit, can I ask you something?” Dru quietly asks, as Ty leaves the room.
“No I can’t lend you money.” Kit smiles at her. Dru scoffs and rolls her eyes. 
“Dickhead, that’s not what I was going to ask. I was going to ask if... if you would be my parabatia.” Dru blurts out.
“I... you want me to be your parabatia?” Kit asks in a high pitched tone of surprise. Dru nods. “I-I thought you’d ask Jaime.” Kit stammers, trying to wrap his head around what’s just happened. 
“Jaime’s too old.” Dru says in a quiet tone, looking down at her hands, unprepared to look at Kit if he says no. 
“D-Dru, I-I’d be honored.” Kit fumbles over his words, shocked at Dru’s question but also delighted. 
“Really?” Dru asks in a surprised tone, her head snapping up in shock. She hadn’t been expecting Kit to agree to be her parabatia, she’s always thought that secretly he thinks she’s just his boyfriends’ annoying little sister who he puts up with because he’s a nice person. He’s always treated her the same way he treats Emma, Jules, Helen and Mark and the way he treated Livvy when she was alive, but Dru has always thought he was just being nice.
“Absolutely, Dru you’re my closest and best friend, you’re like a sister to me, you’re just as much my sister as Mina is, I would love to be your parabatia.” Kit softly says, reaching out to squeeze Dru’s hand. 
Holding back her tears of joy, Dru throws herself at Kit, pulling him into a tight embrace. “I can’t promise I won’t mess up the parabatia vows though, despite what Ty thinks I am not as clever as John Watson.” Kit says in an amused tone. Dru laughs and lightly shoves his shoulder while wiping at her tears. 
“I love you, you dumb ass.” Dru says as they pull apart. 
“I love you too, when I go home later on I’ll talk to my dad about arranging the ceremony and stuff, when do you want to do it?” Kit asks, helping Dru up off the mat so they can go meet Ty downstairs. 
“As soon as possible?” Dru asks. 
“Sounds good to me.” 
Later that evening in Devon, after dinner, Kit, Tessa, Jem and Mina are all gathered in the living room. Tessa is re-organizing the bookshelf in the living room, Jem is sorting through Mina’s clothes, while Kit is sprawled out on the other sofa with Mina curled up against his chest, both of them watching something on his phone. 
“Hey, dad?” Kit asks, letting Mina takes his phone and sitting up straight, pulling her into his lap. 
“Yes?” Jem asks, looking up and smiling at Kit. 
“How do I go about arranging a parabatia ceremony?” 
“Well, firstly you would put the request forward to The Silent Brothers. Then they’ll take a while to deliberate and consider, they might want to observe you and the person you want to be parabatia with, to make sure you’re a right match for such an intense and strong bond. Once they decide that you’re a good match, you start to plan the ceremony, you and your future parabatia choose your witnesses, you learn the oath, and set a date.” Jem explains 
“Are you thinking of asking someone to be your parabatia Kit?” Tessa asks,turning to look at her son. Having a parabatia would be great for Kit, he needs a friend, someone who will always have his back. Of course he has Ty, but romantic relationships are so different to platonic ones.
“No not me, I... Dru asked me to be her parabatia and I said yes.” Kit quietly says, hoping Tessa and Jem will approve of his choice, especially Jem, who had such an incredible, strong bond with his own parabatia. 
“Oh sweetheart that’s wonderful!” Tessa exclaims in delight. She’s always approved of Dru’s friendship with her son, Tessa is extremely protective of Kit and there’s not many others she trusts to keep him safe, but she trusts Dru and knows that she’ll keep her Kit safe in battle and always have his back. 
“Your mum’s right, it’s wonderful news, congratulations Kit.” Jem softly says, glad that his son will have someone as wonderful by his side for the rest of his life, like he had Will. Now he only hopes that Mina will find a parabatia one day too, perhaps a Herondale, if Clary and Jace have children. 
“We can go to The Silent City to put it forward to The Brothers tomorrow, if that suits Drusilla of course. Jem can help you put your case together in the morning and we can go in the afternoon if you like.” Tessa says, putting her book down and sitting next to Kit and Mina.
“It sounds good to me, I’ll text Dru to see if it suits her too, when Mina eventually gives me my phone back, little thief already, I’m so proud.” Kit says in a joking tone, ruffling his sister’s hair. Mina smiles up at him, and reaches up to pat his face, which is a very affectionate gesture to her.
“Have you thought about who you’ll ask to be your witness?” Jem curiously asks, thinking Kit will probably choose Jace or Emma. 
“Yeah I... I was hoping you’d my witness, dad.” Kit shyly says, avoiding eye contact with Jem, terrified of rejection. 
“Oh, Oh Kit I’d be honored.” Jem softly says, setting one of Mina’s old baby grows down and walking over to Kit, pulling him into a tight embrace, now that Tessa has Mina. 
“Dad, you’re suffocating me.” Kit says in a raspy tone, patting Jem’s arm. Jem laughs as he pulls back and ruffles Kit’s hair. 
“You’re being dramatic, I barely touched you.” He says in an amused tone. 
“You’re trying to distract us, so we won’t make a fuss out of you, you hate when we fuss over you.” Tessa says, though she knows that Kit secretly loves it when Jem and Tessa fuss over him. A few weeks ago he had come down with the cold and clearly enjoyed being fretted over, with Jem sending for The Silent Brothers every time he coughed, and Tessa burying him in blankets and hot water bottles, bringing him lots of hot soup and tea, taking his Xbox up to his room and setting it up there so he wouldn’t be bored all day, and Mina making him get well soon cards and bringing him tissues and vapo rub and cuddling with him to make him feel better. 
“No I’m not, I don’t have feelings.” Kit insists. 
“Oh dear, that doesn’t sound good Mina mine, does it? Should we summon The Silent Brothers do you think, or is your brother just being silly?” Jem says in a light tone, taking Mina from Tessa and pressing a kiss to her cheek. Mina giggles and pushes his face away, not enjoying the tickling sensation she’s getting from his stubble. 
“Kitty silly.” She determines, looping her arms around the back of Jem’s neck. 
“Hey you’re meant to be on my side you little traitor, Dru would never betray me like this!” Kit says in a mock hurt tone, frowning at Mina, which just makes her laugh harder. 
“I didn’t expect the arguing to start this early.” Tessa says in an amused tone. “Lucie made it to three before she really started annoying James.” She adds with a smile. 
“I think we should get you to bed Mina mine, before you and your brother kill each other.” Jem says, ruffling his daughter’s hair. “I’ll tell you a story about your Uncle Will if you like, before you go to sleep.” Jem adds, lifting Mina up and settling her on his hip. 
“No! Want Kitty tell story!” Mina exclaims, reaching out for Kit. 
Kit happily takes Mina upstairs and tells her a story about Livvy, before finally managing to get his phone back from her to text Dru, who agrees to portal to Devon tomorrow morning so they can put their case for being parabatia together, with Jem, before going to The Silent City and presenting it to The Silent Brothers.
Meanwhile in The LA Institute, Dru has gone in search of Mark, to ask him something important. Last she saw him, he had been in the drawing room with Cristina and Kieran, saying goodbye to Kieran before he left for Faerie for the next few days. Though they have their little cottage between the mortal world and Faerie, Kieran still sometimes comes to visit them both in LA, and to visit Mark’s family, and Cristina’s family in Mexico. 
Dru quietly opens the door to the drawing room, where she sees Mark sitting on the sofa next to Cristina, his hand intertwined with hers, both of them talking quietly as Mark plays with a lock of her hair. Dru is hesitant to interrupt the moment, but since she and Kit will be presenting their case to The Silent Brothers tomorrow, she can only talk with Mark now.
“Mark.” Dru says, pushing the door open further and stepping into the room. “Can I talk to you alone for a bit?” Mark smiles brightly at her, though there is worry in his eyes. 
“Of course, come in, don’t linger in the doorway you’re making me nervous!” Mark says, gesturing for her to sit next to him. Cristina pecks Mark on the cheek and affectionately ruffles Dru’s hair on her way out.
“I wasn’t interrupting anything important, was I?” Dru tentatively asks, as she takes a seat next to her brother on the sofa. 
“No not at all, we were just talking. What do you want to talk to me about? Is everything okay?” Mark asks in a concerned tone, examining Dru’s face for any trace of pain and hurt.
“Everything’s fine Mark, nothing to worry about. I just... well this afternoon, after training, Kit asked me to be his parabatia, and I said yes, and... well I want you to be my witness.” Dru blurts out in hopeful tone. 
“Really? You wouldn’t prefer to ask Julian or perhaps Helen or even Ty?” Mark softly asks.
“No, I want you to be my witness, I love Helen and Jules and Ty, and even Tavvy’s okay but I only want you to be my witness and if you say no... well then I’ll refuse to become parabatia with Kit.” Dru says in a firm tone, lifting her chin and crossing her arms across her chest. Mark laughs and gently tugs on a lock of his sister’s hair. 
“Oh Dru, you’re just like mom with how stubborn you are. Of course I’ll be your witness, you don’t need to blackmail me you silly thing.” Dru’s lips twitch up into a smile and she leans in to embrace her brother. 
“Do you really think I’m like mom?” She quietly asks, laying her head on Mark’s shoulder. 
“Yes, so much. You and Jules remind me of her the most, Jules gets his artistic talent from her, and his ferocious love for his family, mom was so protective of us, especially me and Helen because we’re half Fae, and Ty because of his autism, and like I said you’re stubborn as hell like her, but also gentle and loving, and brave, and you look just like her, it’s like you have none of dad’s genetics, just moms, it’s quiet eerie.” Dru laughs and wipes at her tears. 
“I love you.” She quietly says. Mark drops a kiss to the top of her head, hardly able to believe it’s been 15 years since he held her for the first time and fell totally in love with his new baby sister. 
“I love you too Dru, so much.”
The next day just after Dru arrives in Devon, while Tessa and Mina are at a playgroup for Mina, Jem, Dru and Kit sit down at the kitchen table and start to put together Dru and Kit’s case. 
“I think The Silent Brothers may be particularity interested in why you two want to be parabatia after only knowing each other for two years, it’s not unknown for parabatia to have only know each other a few years before taking the oath, but typically cases are more like Emma and Julian or Alec and Jace, where two parabatia have known each other practically their whole lives.” Jem explains to Kit and Dru. 
“Well Dru and I fought in a war together, and I’m dating her brother, she could my sister-in-law one day, and when Livvy died we were eachother’s main comforts really, that’s what brought us close I think, well more so Ty’s plan to resurrect Livvy but I can’t exactly tell the Silent Brothers that, can I?” Kit asks, leaning back in his chair. 
“Not unless you want to get Ty thrown in The Guard, but you did make a very good point about fighting a war together and grieving a loved one together, Kit. Drusilla is there anything you’d like to add?” Jem asks, turning to look at her.
“Well I totally agree with what Kit said, he also helped me learn a lot of useful skills, I mean it’s basically thanks to him that Jaime and Diego didn’t die in The Guard when The Cohort threw them in there, Kit taught me to pick locks and so I picked the lock on their cell, we saved lives together.” Dru says, fighting to keep the emotion from her voice. She and Jaime are close friends and the thought of him dying almost reduces her to tears, after loosing her mother, then her father being turned Endarkened, then Mark being taken by The Wild Hunt, Helen being exiled and Livvy being killed, Dru simply can’t take any more losses. 
“That’s an excellent point Drusilla. So you’ve established why you think you’re suited to be parabatia, but why do you want to be parabatia?” Jem asks.
“Pretty much the same reasons we think we’d be suited to be parabatia, we worked well together in the battle against the Cohort, Dru always has my back and I always have hers.” Kit says. Dru nods and says 
“I agree, Kit’s like a brother to me, he was there for me when the others couldn’t be, when Jules and Emma were in Faerie, and everyone else was dealing with The Cohort and grieving for Livvy, I don’t think me or Ty would have gotten through that all without Kit, those couple of months when he weren’t in touch were awful.” Kit flushes, feeling extremely guilty for avoiding Dru and Ty after he moved to Devon, even though they understand he was grieving his birth parents as well as Livvy and trying to figure himself out. 
“Have you chosen a witness Dru? That’s a very important aspect of it all.” Jem asks. 
“Yeah, I asked Mark last night, he was delighted and agreed, it is okay for him to be my witness right? Even though he’s half Faerie?” Dru asks, concern lacing her tone. 
“Of course, he’s half Faerie but he’s also half Shadowhunter and he has fought with The Clave before and I’m sure he will again, there’s no reason he would be rejected as your witness.” Jem assures her. 
“Good.” Dru quietly says to herself. 
“So, do you two think you’re ready to present your case to The Silent Brothers?” Jem asks, closing over the notepad he had been taking notes on, just in case Dru or Kit wanted to look over what they had said. 
“Will you be there dad?” Kit asks in a nervous tone, looking at Jem. He hates the idea of being in The Silent City with just The Silent Brothers and Dru, he still doesn’t entirely trust them or many other Shadowhunters yet, his birth father had drilled that distrust and hatred of Nephilim into him from birth. 
“Since you’re both underage, yes I can be present if you want me to be.” Jem gently says, seeing the fear on his son’s face. 
“Okay, then I’m ready.” Kit says, his shoulders relaxing slightly. 
“Me too.” Dru agrees. 
“Alright, lets go then.” 
Just a week later, The Silent Brothers approve Dru and Kit’s request to become parabatia, and they are set to take the vows and perform the ceremony in a month, giving them enough time to learn the vows and organize everything. 
Currently it is the week before  the ceremony and Kit is still struggling to learn the vows, he had never been good at academic stuff like this, he had always learned by doing, not by reading from a textbook. Jem, Tessa, Emma and Jace are all doing their best to help him, but he’s still really struggling. 
Right now he is sitting in his room in Devon, the paper with the vows printed on them in front of him, his head in his hands as he tries desperately to take in the words. 
As he tries to absorb the first line again, he hears a knock on the door, and Jem steps in with Mina on his hip.
“Hey, your mum’s with a client for the next few hours, how are you getting on?” he asks, coming to stand beside his son. 
“Not good, I just can’t learn it.” Kit says in a dry tone, running his hands through his hair.
“Maybe I should write them out on cardboard signs and hold them up for you during The Ceremony.” Jem jokes. 
“Dad that’s a great idea!” Kit exclaims, a smile lighting up his face. 
“Kit, I was kidding, I can’t actually do that.”Jem says in an amused tone. 
“Why not? There’s nothing in the rules that says you can’t.” Kit argues. 
“Not officially but it’s not something you do, like how it doesn’t officially say you can’t cheat in exams, but you know you can’t.” Jem says, patting Kit’s shoulder. 
“It’s stupid, why can’t I read it from the page?” Kit grumbles. 
“Kit, it shows you aren’t dedicated, that’s what The Silent Brothers will think anyway, I know you have trouble learning things this way and if I could get you out of it, I would, but I’m afraid I can’t. What I can do however, is be here to help you, I’ll sit here with you all night to help you learn it if you want, whatever you need me to do, just ask.” 
“Dad... were you nervous before you and Uncle Will became parabatia?” Kit quietly asks, looking up at Jem. 
“Absolutely, I was nervous the idiot would set me on fire.” Jem jokes, drawing a laugh from Kit. “I really was nervous though, it’s such a huge commitment and I thought I would only live another couple of years, I was afraid of how much more painful the bond would make my death for Will, it’s completely normal to be nervous before you become parabatia, it’s more un-usual not to be nervous.” 
“I need a break from studying, can you tell me about your parabatia ceremony? Who was your witness?” Kit hopefully asks. 
“Charlotte was my witness, and Henry was Will’s.” Jem says. He hadn’t asked Charlotte to be his witness, he had been afraid of bothering her, but she had volunteered and he was delighted, he looked up to Charlotte, loved her and idolized her, it meant a lot to him to have her as his witness. 
“How did you cope knowing that eventually you would die and hurt Will? People are still after me, The Lost Heir, and I’m afraid of the consequences that will have for Dru when she’s my parabatia.” Kit anxiously asks, picking Mina up and settling her in his lap.
“I didn't really, I tried not to think about it, like I tried not to think about my illness and my parents death. I knew Will was strong and he would be alright, especially after we met Tessa, I wasn’t so worried about leaving Will because I knew Tessa would take care of him, of course I didn’t want to leave either of them, but I was happy knowing they had each other.” Jem softly says, his heart aching for his parabatia.
“Does being parabatia mean Ty and I are going to have name any daughter we have after Dru, and she’ll have to name any son she has, after me?” Kit asks, trying to lighten the mood. “Because Uncle Will named Jamie after you and you named Mina after Uncle Will.” Jem laughs and ruffles Kit’s hair, his heart warming at the fact that Kit tried to distract him and make him laugh. 
“Well no it’s not a rule, Alec didn’t name his first child after Jace, and I doubt Jace will name his first child after Alec. When James was born I tried to get your mother and Will to change his name, I thought he should have a name all of his own, but they refused, and then tricked me for weeks into believing they were going to name Lucie Jemma, after me again, even as a Silent Brother I fell for Will’s pranks.” Jem laughs, remembering Will’s laugh and the look on Tessa’s face when they finally told him they weren’t actually going to name their daughter Jemma.
“Dad, do you think you could test me on the oath, see what I know and don’t know?” Kit hopefully asks, holding the sheet of paper out to Jem. 
“Of course, if this doesn’t work maybe you could try recording yourself reading it and then listening back, that works for some people, though I would say you’re more of a kinetic learner.” Jem says, taking the sheet from Kit, who looks at him blankly. “Never mind, I’ll explain latter.” 
For the next few hours Jem helps Kit to learn the oath, testing him again and again until they’re both certain he knows it. 
The next week flies by and soon Kit is standing at the entrance to The Silent City with Jem and Tessa on either side of him, and Mina on his back. She’s not looking forward to going down into The Silent City and has insisted on riding on Kit’s back while Jem leads the way forward with a witch light. Dru and her family are already down there, Kit had seen Mark and Cristina going down, just as he and Jem, Tessa and Mina arrived. 
“Ready?” Jem asks, placing a hand on Kit’s shoulder. Shifting Mina higher up onto his back so she won’t slip, Kit nods. 
“Yeah, what about you Min-Min, you ready?” He asks, squeezing her leg gently. Her arms tighten around his neck before she says 
“Uh-uh, but go slow!” 
“I will, I promise.” Jem starts forward with his witchlight, illuminating the dark, damp passageway, followed by Kit and Mina, and then Tessa. 
When they reach the place where the ceremony will take place, Tessa takes Mina while Kit looks around for Dru. 
“Looking for Dru?” Kit hears a familiar voice at his shoulder. He turns to see Emma standing next to him, grinning at him. 
“Memma!” Mina squeals, reaching for her. Mina adores Emma, she’s like a cousin, aunt and sister all rolled into one, and Mina thinks she is one of the most amazing people in world, and she’s certainly one of her favorites, along with Jem and Kit. 
“Hey Min-Min, look at you being down here, brave girl!” Emma exclaims, taking Mina from Tessa and settling her on her hip. 
“Uh-hu! Kitty carry me!” Mina says in an enthusiastic tone. 
“Well you have the most wonderful big brother, I wish I had a brother growing up! By the way Kit, Dru’s over there with Mark, they’re ready to start at any minute.” Emma says pointing across the room, where Kit catches a glimpse of Mark’s white hair, standing out in the sea of black gear. 
“Will you come with me dad?” Kit asks, turning to look at Jem. 
“Of course, you’ll be alright with mummy and Emma, won’t you Mina mine?” Jem softly says, brushing his daughter’s hair back, knowing how spooked she is down here, usually when she gets unsettled and spooked she clings to him, and won’t even go to Kit or Tessa, she just wants her dad. Hopefully she’ll be alright now though, since Emma is here and so are so many of her other favorite people.
“Uh-uh!” Mina says, nodding enthusiastically. 
Kit and Jem make their way over to Dru and Mark, where the two teenagers greet each other with an embrace. 
“Nervous?” Dru asks, pulling back and squeezing Kit’s hand. 
“Pft, no I don’t have feelings, you know that.” Dru laughs and lightly shoves Kit by the shoulder. Kit gasps in mock outrage. “She just tried to kill me! Brother Enoch did you see that? We’ve not even exchanged the oath and she’s trying to kill me already!” Kit exclaims in a exasperated tone. 
Indeed, though it seems you provoked her, are you quiet sure you’re suited to be parabatia, when you’re accusing her of attempted murder just before the ceremony? Brother Enoch asks in his cool, emotionless voice. Kit rolls his eyes. 
“You guys don’t have a great sense of humor do you?” He asks. 
I don’t see an accusation of attempted murder as humorous. Brother Enoch dryly says.
“You’re messing with me, aren’t you?” Kit asks. 
Indeed. Now are you ready to begin?  Dru and Kit nod.
Before Kit knows it, he is standing in the middle of the floor, in a ring fire, opposite Dru, reciting the oath perfectly, drawing the rune on her arm and letting her draw the rune on his back. It is all over in what feels like a matter of minutes, and soon the two of them are standing side by side with their families, Mina pulling at Kit’s shirt, Ty holding his hand, Tessa fussing over him, Jem congratulating him and telling him how proud he is of him, The rest of the Blackthorns beaming at him while they fuss over Dru. 
A few minutes later Kit and Dru merge from the Silent City side by side, just behind their families. 
“Hey.” Kit says, lightly bumping Dru’s shoulder with his. “I love you parabatia.” Dru grins and bumps him back. 
“I love you too dummy.” 
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tlhnetwork · 5 years
the last hours by cassandra clare : a complete compilation of snippets released as of 19 feb 19
reminder that snippets are tentative and can be misleading, it’s all up to interpretation. i have ordered the snippets, some are all from chain of gold as far as i guessed / can tell from cassie’s tags and have some sort of sequence, others are most likely from chain of gold too. some are from cassie’s pinterest so they might just be ideas. i will update this post at least once a month, also depending on whether new snippets have been released. 
Will had been sitting on the floor, the rug bunched up under his feet, with his back against Tessa’s legs. He looked up when Jem came in, and Jem, in his Silent Brother robes, went over to Will and sat down beside him. He drew Will’s head against his shoulder, and Will held the front of Jem’s robes in his fists and he cried. It was the first time it had ever occurred to James that his father might cry about anything.
They were inseperable.
"What's that little smile of yours?" Matthew inquired. "You look as if you're about to laugh."
He yanked him downward, and in a moment they were rolling on the carpet like puppies, Matthew laughing uncontrollably...
He took a deep breath, and crossed the floor of blades and constellations to the other boy’s side. He stood at the foot of the stairs, looking down.
“But of course,” he said, very softly, “your sentiments are reciprocated.”
He stooped over him, tilting his chin up. Their lips met. The other boy made a soft sound, almost like surrender, stretching under his body. He slid an arm around his neck and pulled him down onto the stairs.
"Will." Tessa sank down beside him on the bed. "There is no war."
"A lapidary phrase is one that is worth carving into stone," said Matthew, "and preserving forever — a wise saying such as we are dust and shadows, or alternately, any words that come out of my mouth."
"That's because you’re drunk," said James. They were both sprawled at the same round table in an upper room of the Devil Tavern on Fleet Street.
"I think too much and I drink too much," said Matthew, "that's my problem."
MATTHEW talking to JAMES
"Please recall that I am the pale neurasthenic one and you are the dark brooding one. It is tedious when you mix up our roles."
Matthew held out his hands. “Pax,” he said, wheedlingly. “Let it be peace between us. You can pour the rest of the port* on my head.”
James’ mouth curved up into a smile. It was impossible to stay angry with Matthew. It was almost impossible to get angry at Matthew.
* as it turns out, a definition of ‘port’ is a strong, sweet dark red (occasionally brown or white) fortified wine, originally from Portugal, typically drunk as a dessert wine. that’s how I made the connection between these snippets and arranged them so. it’s not confirmed.
“What if Cordelia has changed her mind, and says she will not have a minx like you?”
“She would never!” Lucie was outraged.
“No,” Will agreed. “She would not. As far as I am concerned, you shall perform the ceremony as soon as you please. All I want is for you and Cordelia to live a long and happy life, and never be parted.”
"I am pleased - it is high time I think more girls became parabatai with each other," said Cecily.
“Cordelia Carstairs,” Will said, after greeting her mother. “How pretty you’ve become.”
Cordelia beamed. If Will thought she was pretty, perhaps his son thought so, too. Of course Will was entirely prejudiced toward all things Carstairs. He even thought Alastair was perfect (and, possibly, also pretty.)
The Beautiful Cordelia was a novel that Lucie had begun when she was twelve.
Cordelia glanced over her shoulder. “Is it — I mean, I wish to chat alone with you, too, but are we being dreadfully rude asking your brother to walk behind us?”
“Not a bit,” Lucie assured her. “Look at him. He’s quite distracted, reading.”
And he was. James had a book out and was calmly reading while he walked. Though he seemed entirely caught up in whatever he was perusing, he nevertheless skirted oncoming passers-by, the occasional rock or fallen branch, and once even a small boy holding a hoop, with admirable grace. Cordelia suspected that if she had tried such a stunt, she would have crashed into a tree.
“You’re so lucky,” Cordelia said, wistfully, still looking over her shoulder at James.
“Goodness me, why?” Lucie looked at her with wide eyes. Where James’ eyes were amber, Lucie’s were a pretty pale blue, a shade lighter than her father’s. The famous dark blue Herondale eyes had gone to Will’s sister’s children.
Cordelia’s head snapped back around. “Oh, because —“ Because you get to spend time with James every day? She doubted Lucie thought that was any special gift; one didn’t, when it was one’s family. “He’s such a good older brother. If I’d asked Alastair to walk ten paces behind me in a park he would have made sure to stick by my side the entire time just to be annoying.”
“Pfft!” Lucie exhaled. “Of course I adore Jamie but he’s been dreadful lately, ever since he fell in love.”
She might as well have dropped an incendiary device on Cordelia’s head. Everything seemed to fly apart around her. “He’s what?”
“Fallen in love,” Lucie repeated, with the look of someone enjoying imparting a bit of gossip. “Oh, he won’t say with who, of course, because it’s Jamie and he never tells us anything. But Father’s diagnosed him and he says it’s definitely love.”
“You make it sound like consumption.” Cordelia’s head was whirling with dismay. James in love? With who? The look he had given her when she stepped down from the carriage, perhaps she had imagined that?
“Well, it is a bit, isn’t it? He gets all pale and moody and stares off out of windows like Keats.”
“Did Keats stare out of windows? I don’t recall hearing that.”
Lucie plowed on, undeterred by the question of whether England’s foremost romantic poet did or did not stare out of windows. “He won’t say anything to anyone but Matthew, and Matthew is a tomb where James is concerned. I heard a bit of their conversation once by accident, though —“
“Accident?” Cordelia raised an eyebrow.
“I may have been hiding beneath a table,” said Lucie, with dignity. “But it was only because I had lost an earring and was looking for it.”
Cordelia suppressed a smile. “Go on.”
“He is definitely in love, and Matthew definitely thinks he is being foolish. He does not like her.“
Cordelia clutched Lucie’s hand as they jolted through the streets in the Carstairs’ carriage, surrounded by the blurred traffic of omnibuses, motorcars, and pedestrians. Advertisements whirled past. THE HORSESHOE HOTEL. THREE GUINEA STOUT. NEW PALACE STEAMERS. Signs advertising tailors and fishmongers, hair tonic and cheap printing.
Matthew, sitting across from them on the upholstered carriage seat, was muttering and swearing to himself, his hair sticking out madly.
“Hidebound,” he muttered. “Weasels.”
“What?” said Lucie.
“I think he said hidebound weasels,” said Cordelia. “But who do you mean, Matthew? Are you angry at us?”
Matthew flung himself sideways so his long legs were pulled up on the bench seat in front of him, and his profile was presented to Lucie and Cordelia. It was a fine profile: he was much more delicate-featured than his brother, who had a broad, strong face. Matthew had a face that looked as if it had been meant to be painted on china.
“Of course not,” he said. “It’s just appalling how they all treat James.” He glanced at Cordelia, and then at Lucie. “She knows, doesn’t she?”
James could see his mother moving like an anxious pale star among the guests in her lilac dress, greeting each of them warmly, welcoming them to her home. She had not glamoured herself to look her husband’s age for the evening, and she appeared enormously young, though her hair was done up like a gracious older woman’s, not a girl’s. When Will materialized out of the crowd and came to put his arm around Tessa, smiling down at her, the gray at his temples flashed like silver. James looked away; he loved his parents for being extraordinary, but sometimes he also hated them for the same thing.
James and Matthew separated, Matthew to dance with Lucie, and James to speak to his parents. Cordelia saw them glance over toward her and looked away quickly; still, she was not at all surprised when James appeared a moment later in front of her, flashing a smile at his aunt and uncle.
“Miss Carstairs,” he said, with a slight bow in Cordelia’s direction. “Would you favor me with this dance?”
“It’s a waltz,” said Cordelia’s mother, before Cordelia could speak. “My daughter does not know how to waltz.”
Cordelia bit her lip. She certainly knew how to dance: her mother had engaged an expert instructor to teach her the quadrille and the lancer, the stately minuet and the cotilion. But the waltz was a seductive dance, one where you could feel your partner’s body against yours, scandalous when it had first become popular.
She very much wanted to waltz with James.
"Who's the boy tripping over his own feet?" Cordelia asked as the boy in question, a slender, ink-stained young man with spectacles and tousled brown curls, nearly careened into Lucie and Matthew.
"That's Christopher Lightwood. My cousin. Alas, Christopher is far more at home with beakers and test tubes than he is with female company. Let's just hope he doesn’t pitch poor Rosamund Townsend into the refreshment table."
"Is he in love with her?"
"Lord, no, barely knows her," said James. "Charles and Ariadne* are engaged, and Barbara Lightwood has an understanding with George** Hayward. Beyond that, I'm not sure I can think of any romances brewing in our set. Though having you and Alastair here might bring us some excitement, Daisy."
Her heart leaped. "I didn't realize you remembered that old nickname."
"What, Daisy?” He was holding her close as they danced: she could feel the heat of him all up and down her front, making her prickle all over. "Of course I remember it. I gave it to you. I hope you don't intend me to stop using it."
"Of course not. I like it." She forced herself not to move her gaze from his. Goodness, his eyes were startling up close. They were the color of golden syrup, almost shocking against the black of his pupils. She had heard the whispers, knew people found his eyes odd and alien, a sign of his difference. She thought they were lovely: the color of fire and gold, the way she imagined the heart of the sun. "Though I don't think it suits me. Daisy sounds like a pretty little girl in hair ribbons."
"Well," he said. "You are at least -"
He broke off. She heard the click as he swallowed: he was looking past her, at someone who had just come into the room. Cordelia followed his glance, and saw a tall woman, thin as a scarecrow and dressed in the black of mourning, with gray-streaked auburn hair done in the style of decades ago piled on her head. Tessa was hurrying toward her, a concerned look on her face. Will was following, and goodness, what did they both look so worried about?
As Tessa reached her, the woman stepped aside, revealing the girl who had been standing behind her. A girl, dressed all in ivory, with a soft waterfall of white-gold curls gathered back from her face. The girl moved forward gracefully to greet Tessa and Will, and as she did so, James dropped Cordelia's hands.
They were no longer dancing. Cordelia stood, frozen in confusion, as James turned away from her without a word and strode across the room toward the girl.
* in the original snippet, her name was Daphne, it’s been changed to Ariadne, confirmed.
** see next snippet
Barbara patted Thomas, as if his brawny arm was a small boy’s head. “I was merely anxious about you, Tommy. Surely you are not vexed.”
Thomas’s brows were drawn sharply together, making his amiable countenance dark for the briefest interval. Then he sighed, drew his sister toward him in the circle of his arm, and stooped to press a kiss upon her brow.
“No, Babs,” he said. “Of course I am not vexed. Can you spare your brother a dance, though I know Oliver** will be loath to part with you? I will take care not to be clumsy.”  
** unsure if George’s name has been changed to Oliver or if they are even the same person.
“Christopher,” said Thomas. “Would you take James away immediately and show him an interesting scientific experiment?”
Christopher frowned. “Which one?”
“Any one at all!” said Thomas. “I will escort the ladies home.”
Christopher’s brow cleared. “Ah, I understand perfectly. This is what Matthew said we were to do, about not letting James out of our sight and above all else keeping him away from…”
He trailed off, gazing at Grace with distant alarm.
Be careful what you say to me, Grace told him. There is nothing I cannot make you do.
[ popularly assumed to be JAMES talking to GRACE ]
"That was vile, what you made me do, and vile that you made me do it."
Apprehension stole across Thomas’s face. “Lucie, you must not challenge Grace to a duel.”
“We shall see where the night takes us,” Lucie declared.
“Oh good,” said Thomas. “I see you intend to Herondale to the fullest.”
Make a wish, Jamie
"Stop!" James cried. He felt as if he were drowning. He had always been shy...
The world had gone monochrome. James saw broken, black walls, a splintered floor, and dust that glittered like dull jewels scattered across the place where Barbara had fallen.
James cried out. Lightning seemed to fork behind his vision, and suddenly he was back in Regent’s Park, kneeling on the grass. There was a firm grip on his shoulders. “Jamie, Jamie, Jamie,” said an urgent voice, and James — his breath tearing in and out of his chest — tried to focus on what was in front of him.
Everything was blurred in that moment but Matthew’s face, his green eyes wide and dark and steady. Behind him moved other figures; they seemed in that moment like the shapes James had been finding in the clouds — inchoate and untouchable.
“Jamie, breathe,” Matthew said, and his voice was the only steady thing in a world turning upside down. It had been years since this had happened. Years. The horror of it happening in front of a crowd of people —
“Did they see me?” he said in a cracked voice. “Did they see me turn?”
“You didn’t,” Matthew said, “or at least, only a very little bit — perhaps just a bit fuzzy round the edges —“
“It’s not funny,” James said through his teeth, but Matthew’s humor acted like a slap of cold water; he opened his eyes fully, saw Thomas and Christopher looking down at him. They had positioned themselves so as to block him from the crowd at the lake’s edge.
“Get up,” Thomas said. “It’s the best thing you can do, James, we’ll tell them you tripped or fell.” His hazel eyes were anxious but his tone was reassuring. “Honestly all the attention was on Ariadne — “
Matthew’s hands on James’ shoulders turned into a grip on his arms, and James was hauled upright by his three best friends. Christopher produced a handkerchief from somewhere and began to dust his lapels.
“Chris,” said Matthew. He was the only person who ever used that nickname for Christopher besides Anna. “Stop. Who cares if he’s dusty? He was just invisible.”
“But he isn’t any more,” Christopher pointed out.
“We need to get you back to the Institute,” said Matthew to James in a low voice. “If you’re going to start suddenly going all — shadowy — for no reason, then the Silent Brothers —“
“Not the Silent Brothers,” said Thomas. “Just Zachariah.”
The whole way to the Fairchilds’ James had felt as if he were choking, and now he could breathe, the pressure on his chest easing. He couldn’t find words now, couldn’t do anything but clutch on to the front of Matthew’s shirt and put his head down on his shoulder.
Cordelia was alone in the hallway. Squaring her shoulders, she pushed open the door to James’ room.
She had never been in a boy’s bedroom before, and it was quite a scandalous action to enter now, but the significance of it seemed small, swallowed up by her worry. James was half under the covers of the bed, moving restlessly from side to side, his face flushed with fever. His nightclothes clung to him, wet with sweat. It was a bright day outside and sunlight speared through the room, illuminating the bowls of burning herbs that Enoch had left behind.
James rolled toward her. His eyes, the color of sunlight, blinked open slowly. “Matthew?” he said. “Matthew, is that you?”
A betraying hope swelled in her heart and for a moment she allowed herself to imagine being engaged to James, being welcomed into Lucie's family.
The moonlight softened the harsh gold of James' eyes to a dark umber. How changed would his life have been if his eyes had not been a sign of his difference?
Cordelia blinked, bewildered. "James?"
"I suffered every thorn for you," he said. "I would again."
"Hold my hand, James," she said.
“Matthew told me what happened at the park,” Will muttered in a voice no one but James could hear. James shot a betrayed look at Matthew, who shrugged and gave him a half-smile. Matthew could be relied on to tattle on James if he thought it was for his own good. “Thank the Angel for Matthew and Thomas and Christopher.” He touched James’ face. “I regret ever having said that your generation was wasting its time with parties and boating and dancing. All I wish for you is to be able to amuse yourself in a pointless fashion during peace and never, ever be in danger.”  
"To take tea with Anna Lightwood," said Cordelia. "She invited me."
Cordelia felt her back stiffen. "I accepted the invitation," she said. "I will go."
Anna Lightwood lived on Percy Street, a small byway near Tottenham Court Road. It was made up of long rows of houses of red brick that all looked very much the same. Each had sash windows, white-painted doors, brick chimneys, a shallow set of steps and a fence about the servants’ entrance made of black wrought iron.
On the stairs in front of No. 30, a girl sat crying. She was a very fashionable girl, in a walking-dress of blue foulard with lace trimmings and acres of flounces about the skirt. She wore a head-band trimmed with silk roses, and they wobbled as she cried.
Cordelia checked the address she had written down again, hoping it would have changed. No, definitely Number 30. She sighed, squared her shoulders, and approached.
“Pardon me,” she said, as she reached the steps. The girl was blocking them completely; there was no way to politely edge past. “I’m here to see Anna Lightwood?”
The girl’s head jerked up. She was very pretty: blond and rosy-cheeked, though she’d been crying. She gave Cordelia a deeply wary look. “Who are you, then?”
“I, ah…” Cordelia peered more closely at the girl. Definitely a mundane: no marks, no glamour. “I’m her cousin?”
“Oh.” Some of the suspicion went out of the girl’s face. “I — I am here because —“ She went off in a fresh spate of tears.
“Might I enquire as to the problem? Is there something I can do?” Cordelia asked, though she rather dreaded finding out why as it seemed the sort of thing where she might have to come up with a solution.
“Anna,” the girl wept. “I loved her — I love her still! I would have given it all up for her, all of it, polite society and all its rules, just to be with her, but she has thrown me out like a dog on the street!”
“Now, Emmeline,” drawled a voice, and Cordelia looked up to see Anna leaning out of an upstairs window. She was wearing a man’s dressing gown in rich purple and gold brocade, and her hair was a cap of loose, short waves. “You can’t say you’ve been thrown out like a dog when you’ve got your mama, two butlers, and a footman coming for you.” She waved. “Hello, Cordelia.”
“Oh, dear,” said Cordelia, and patted Emmeline gently on the shoulder.
“Besides, Emmeline,” said Anna. “You’re to be married Wednesday. To a baronet.”
“I don’t want him!” Emmeline sprang to her feet. “I want you!”
“No,” said Anna. “You want a baronet.”
He might be Cordelia’s brother, but she did not like him above half.
Moreover, at the present moment, he presented the appearance of a lunatic. Beneath his unbuttoned coat his waistcoat was disarranged, and one side of his high wingtip collar was dreadfully askew. His improbably light hair was out of its usual careful shape, pomaded strands going wildly in all directions and glittering electric bright under an arc lamp. On Percy Street, the street lights were older and less reliable, their fierce yellow burn stripping them all down to harsh lines.
“You’ve lost your hat, Alastair,” said Lucie.
Alastair said: “I have lost my sister!”
Lucie went cold. “What do you mean? Has something happened to Cordelia?”
Does love mean anything to you, she said. Or is it just something people give you easily, the way you give toys to a child?
“I respect a heartbreaker,” said Anna. “People are better off without hearts anyway. But you don’t leave people better off. You’re not a heartbreaker, Grace Blackthorn. You’re a life destroyer.”
"Anna can seduce anyone," said Matthew.
"Preferably not boys," said Anna, without looking up. "Then I have to pretend to be interested."
Anna raised her eyebrow at James as he turned away, but James ignored it. Anna had been raising her eyebrows at him all his life.
Anna’s deep-blue eyes narrowed as she studied him. James was sitting on the edge of his chair, hands clasped together and leaning forward in Anna’s direction. These cousins looked more like brother and sister than James and Lucie, or Anna and Christopher. James’s face was chiseled and serious, while Anna’s features were sharp and roguish, but they shared the same coloring of crow-black hair and snow-white skin. More than that, both had an air of cleverness that seemed thrown up as a defense against sensitivity, sharp minds that shut away hearts too easily broken. Seeing the similarity made Cordelia wonder what had happened to Anna, and fear what might happen to James.
Anna flicked an eyebrow upward, a scratch of ink dashed across a page. “Ah yes, about that. Let me be perfectly clear what you are asking: you want me to seduce a pretty warlock in order to procure you an [item redacted for spoilers!]?”
Anna surveyed the room, and when she was answered with cautious nods she threw her hands into the air.
“You are off your heads, every one of you.”
“Can you not do it?” Thomas asked apprehensively.
Anna toyed with her watch chain so the chain caught the light and glittered. “Oh, I daresay I could.”
There was a collective moan lamenting Thomas’s stupidity in asking such a question. Lucie told Thomas he was a dolt. Thomas begged Anna’s pardon.
“Not at all, Thomas, I know you’re an innocent soul. That said,” Anna drawled, “I take many issues with your request. For a start, it is against my strict policy to seduce anybody twice.”
“Every outlaw must have a code,” James said.
"No one ever just wants to have tea," said Anna. "Tea is always an excuse for a clandestine agenda."
"Do you think he's in love?" Anna said. "People can be rather awful when they're in love."
"But is it wise to prove James isn't a lunatic?" said Matthew.
"You might leave that to me," said Anna.
And there beside her was Grace. Lucie remembered Grace as a determinedly poised twelve-year-old but she was quite different now. Cold and lovely and statuesque.
From where they were, they had a perfect view of James, standing straight and polite as Tatiana Blackthorn, wearing a faded fuschia dresses stained with dark spots, advanced on him, a witchlight torch in her hand.
“How dare you come here, Will Herondale,” she said, a savage tone to her voice. “What is left for you to destroy? You murdered my husband and my father —“
Lucie made a small whimpering noise. Cordelia clutched at her cold hand, squeezing it for comfort.
“That’s James.” It was Grace, dressed all in a long white nightgown with a white dressing-gown over it. White slippers covered her feet and her blonde hair was loose, falling over her shoulders. “It isn’t Mr. Herondale, Mama. It’s his son.”
He really did have a most arresting face, Lucie thought. She firmly believed it was all right to stare at people when you were a writer. Writers needed to gather material. That was all there was to it.
* not confirmed, but popularly assumed and not without good reason.
"Miss Herondale?" said a soft voice behind her.
[ most likely JESSE & LUCIE ]
But Lucie was staring at the boy who had come in with them. The boy who she had last seen in Brocelind Forest. Lucie was ten when she met the boy in the forest. Lucie looked for him in the forest after that, but she never saw him again. It would be ten years before she saw him again.
[ these snippets are actually separated but they flow well so I put them together. ]
Jesse sighed and looked up at the chandelier. "I have two ages," he said. "I am twenty-four. And I am sixteen."
[ popularly assumed to be JESSE & LUCIE ]
"Can no one else see you?"
James went white. "Lucie?"
Not tie him to the bed, Cordelia thought. Not cut his beautiful hair. She loved his hair: it was black like his father's, black as night, dark as a place you could tell secrets in.
“Disgraceful,” said Mrs Bridgestock. “I know your face. You are that Persian boy. Are you not ashamed to be running around corrupting nice young people? I suppose you are only following your father’s example, but considering what happened to him, you should really know better.”
Cordelia wished to rush to her brother’s defense, but she did not dare move.
Alastair bared his teeth at Mrs Bridgestock. “I should, shouldn’t I?”
A coat settled on Lucie’s shoulders, bottle green superfine and warm from the heat of Matthew’s body, smelling of expensive cologne. Lucie glanced up to see Matthew’s face above hers, limned by sunlight and the gold of his hair, serious for once as he carefully buttoned the coat closed. His hands were usually swift and bright with rings, flying through the air when he talked or to the curving hilt of his rapier when he fought, but now they were moving with great deliberation over such a small task. She heard him draw in a slow breath.
James' heart lurched in his chest. "We were childhood friends."
"You lied to me," she said.
UNKNOWN BOY ( the person in the pin was a guy )
"You carry my life in those careless hands"
ANNA ( SHADOWHUNTERS FOUR, the pin was four boys )
"Delicate boys must be protected," said Anna.
The house has all fallen down into ruins, he said.
UNKNOWN BOY AND GIRL ( in the pin, they both had dark/brown hair )
We could get married, she said.
To the last hour.
[ according to Cassandra Clare’s The Last Hours Pinterest board. The picture was a girl with red hair and a guy with black hair. Cordelia and James fit the description best. ]
Death is not the end.
The shadows of our own desires stand between us and our better angels, and thus their brightness is eclipsed.
One for all and all for one.
We had grown as gods, as the gods in heaven, souls fair to look upon, goodly to greet, one splendid spirit, your soul and mine.
All together, or not at all.
Thank you angels for ensuring she’s a good dancer, loves to dance and takes me out dancing.
[ unsure if the last five are actually snippets, it’s not in the Shadowhunters’ Wikia but it’s on Cassandra Clare’s The Last Hours Pinterest board so I just added them in. ]
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