#jennette x jeremy
hollyhoneybear · 1 year
Athy and Jettie in different Picrews!
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link: here
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link: here
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link: here (ft. kiel and jeremy)
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vickycarlas · 3 months
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Jeremy x Jennette
I drew this a while ago because my phone is full of images of the two of them together and many TikTok videos.
It's a strange pairing but I like doing it since I read a Wattpad story that would have a chapter like this soon.
I made one where Jennette has green eyes ;)
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athena11118 · 2 years
Manhwa crossover incorrect quotes
Jennette: Princess, What's your type?!
Athanasia: Red hair, A pretty fit body, Strong...*describing Cale*
Mean while:
Choi han: Cale-Nim! What's your-
Cale: Athanasia
*Jennette come into Jeremy's room*
Jeremy's mind: *Oh my gosh, There's the girl, An angel , my wife, the mother of my future children, my love, the light of my life*
Also Jeremy: What the fuck do you want
Jennette: *What did I do?* thought while sobbing
Keira: Dad what do you want for christmas?
Dion: Revenge
Keira: What practical thing do you want for christmas?
Dion: Instrument of torture
Keira: What harmless thing do you want for christmas?
Dion: A knife
Keira: Uh.....That could work i guess
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bvnga-aprikot · 3 years
I- I just saw a bunch of clock app videos and apparently people are shipping Dion x Medea now?? and Lucas, Benjamin and Keira are their children?? how did we get to this point???
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vampire207343 · 2 years
New Life
What if Jennette Margarita is really the daughter Claude de alger obelia with Penelope when they accidently slept together while drunk. Anastacius de alger obelia stay dead and Claude never use dark magic to forget Diana.
  In the verge of her death Princess Serenity the fifth knows that her mother's plan to get her married to the Earth Prince Endymione by placing many magical blocks on her in her next life to avoid the plan of her mother Princess Serenity created an exact clone to take her place while asking her bestfriend Eris the Goddess of strife and discord to insure that she get reborn to a different Demision from her scouts except for Saturn her most loyal senshi which she ensure as well to place the real sliver crystal inside Serenity's body while creating a copy that could do similer powers but not as strong as the original Sliver crystal, Queen Serenity was non the wiser that the Crystal she currently have is a mere copy of the original use it's power to reborn the Inner and outer guards along her daughter to the future of Earth but with the Godess Eris meddling, Sailor Saturn are reborn along side her princess in a different demision and not even Sailor Pluto can find them no matter how long she search if they ever find out the truth.
While Penelope Judith run out of the Palace when she was pregnant with their daughter during Claude's coup d'etat. That named him the new Emperor when he killed his older half brother Anastasius de Alger Obelia. Claude later learn Penelope died of childbirth with their daughter he search for her everywhere but he never thought to look for his daughter at the house of Alpheus if he had he would have already found his beloved daughter Jennette is the name Penelope and I agree on the name of our daughter that much he knows.
Even when Claude fell in love with Diana of Siodonna he never stop search for his daughter even more when Diana became pregnant with their child but the baby was slowly killing Diana, he want her to get rid of the baby but she refuse so he decided to ignore her and when she died giving birth to the girl she dared to name the girl Athanasia. He killed all his concubine he no longer has any use for them. The only reason Athanasia even survive at all was because Lilian York beg on her knees to spear Athanasia's life which he did leaving them in Ruby Palace while he continue to search for his daughter Jennette.
6 years later...
Jennette Margarita is a very smart little girl even more to the secound Princess of Obelia if the Rumors are true at all. She is also very matures and Elegent for her age that by the time she was seven she already stop playing with dolls and already learn many language and politics and even began learn how to weild a weapon to defend herself from future assasin that might go after her. Duke Roger Alpheus also got her magic teacher by the name Tate who is a magician in Arlanta
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It was also believed that Tate was the Mentor of the Great Magician of Blacktower Lucas.
           Lee Ji Hye who recently awaken as Athanasia & she seek to change her fate and survive past her 18 birthday and she's working so hard to gain all the maids of Ruby Palace favor along with her dirtbag of a father putting on act of innocent and cute to gain their favor, but while the Emperor just tolerant her presence, but she has yet to truely gain the favor of her father.
Jennete learn under Tate for 5 years learning magic and taught him everything he knows before finally leaving Obelia and return to Arlanta by then she was already 12 years old with long golden blond hair that are in twin pigtails buns and with a beautiful blue jewel eyes. She already has a strong magical powers and she has unquie mark on her forehead a golden upward crescent moon, which glow when she use ever use to her magic. By then she already has her Divine Beast for 5 years now, he meet her divine beast a year after she began learning magic from Tate. She meet him when he was looking for food. Her devine beast also has the unquie mark on his forehead a golden upward crescent moon, like Jennette which are the mark of Lunaria royalty in her last life as Princess Serenity.
She has never been a pacifist unlike what her mother Queen Serenity the fourt has believe, but she a Lunarian scout train like her former cousin in her last life Sailor Dike, she was one of the most powerful scout but she also has disguise to prevent her mother the Queen from finding out that she's a scout train. Even Queen Hela of Saturn her stepmother taught her how to weild a spear and help her train along side her half sister Princess Hotaru who is the misunderstood out of all the senshi.
2 years later...
Athanasia work so hard to gain her father favor which somehow she manged to gain some of his favor but sometime he still ignors which she dosen't know why. And her dubte is tomrrow and she will end up meeting Jennette and so will her father, but if that happen she might say goodbye to surving so she has stop Jennette from meeting her father somehow tomrrow, she just has to, she dosen't want to die in this new life after only woking after 9 years living as Athanasia.
The maids of Emerald Palace got Athanasia ready for her dubte and the Emperor also gaved her a better dress than the one Athanasia original worn in the novel.
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She has to get ready to stop her father from meet Jennette she just has to, but when she arrived she can't find Jennette anywhere but Duke Roger and ijekiel are already so Jennette has to be around here somewhere. Her escort is Felix, original she wanted her father to escort her but she thought that he might not show up so she ask Felix instead so she was shock that her father show up at all.
      Felix Robane knows the only reason his Majesty even show up at the Princess Athanasia's debtute is the chance he might meet his eldest daughter their since Penelope run away with her while she was pregnant after his majesty's coup d'etat, with Penelope dead they don't know where Princess Jennette currently reside.
Athanasia look for Jennette everywhere after she dance with Felix but her father didn't even ask her for a dance he was so busy searching for someone in crowds and who he was search for she dosen't know. She want to continue her search but Duke Roger is already infront of father when he introduce Jennette to father but this Jennette look nothing like in the original Novel, she long blonde hair that nearly reach the ground unlike the brown hair she thought she'll have and blue gem eyes. And a unique mark on her forehead which look like a tattoos.
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She's wearing a beautiful dress she ever seen, she thought that by wearing a different dress for her debute that the out come would be different
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The dress the Jennette currently wearing makes her look like a goddess came down to earth and father even accepted Jennette as his daughter when Duke Roger introduce her to him even going so far as to give Jennette Opal Palace which are the Palace of the Crown Princes/Princess so with her father giving her that Palace basicly said to all the nobles that he already favor Jennette even after just meeting her about 5 minutes ago. And she dosen't even recognized Jennette's escort to the debute but she did find out his name and that she's Jennette's childhoodbfriend Jeremy agriche.
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Athanasia de alger obelia was horrified to find out that her father has accepted Jennette as his daughter so quickly while it took her two years to gain some of her father's favor and not only that he has basicly named Jennette Crown Princess after giving her Ophal Palace since it's where the crown Prince/princess lives.
As months pass by her father and Jennette slowly get closer and closer while she was beging push back and slowly beging ignored by her father many maids already loves Jennette since many meet her before they found out that she's Emperor's daughter and it dosen't help anything that many Nobel's love and adore Jennette having the Support of the Alpheus and Agriche family which is a powerful Dukedom family. While Athanasia still has no support not even the Emperor since he know support Jennette. Her maids slowly leave her, until only, Lily, Hannah, and Cres remain with her.
Even Lucas seem to like Jennette, I thought that he would hate her since she was suppose to be a Chimera well the original Jennette in novel was a Chimera but with Lucas current reaction I guess Jennette isn't a chimera in this life.
Athanasia visited Jennette to Ophal Palace to give her inivation in person for her party and she found that Jennette also has a divine beast like herself but unlike Raven who look like a black and blue dog this one is a white fox with the same unique marking on it's forehead like Jennette
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She really look like a real goddess which only cause envy in her heart to grew and with how little time she spent time with her father she already gain his favor while I have to work hard just to gain the favor only to lose it to Jennette how is that fair. Even the noble ladies I invited for my tea party adored Jennette and it seem that they are also Jennette's friends especially Lady Helena who's protective of Jennette.
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         Lucas the magician of Blacktower found out that Princess Jennette and her friend Lady Helena are both reborn soul from a different world unlike Athanasia they were a princess of their own Planet a goddess in their own right one day they will recieved their immortality once more but Helena made a vow in her last life to protect Jennete in that life to the next and that she would always fallow her she was only one who Jennette trust in their past life.
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myearts-uwu · 2 years
Even though I headcanon Jennette as asexual and she has a loving girlfriend in one of my AUs, if I do wanna pair her up with a guy, it would have to be the kind of guy who just exudes the biggest Artem Wing energy.
A guy who drinks his respect women juice every day, a generally kind guy who can depend on to be there in your darkest times, a malewife. Someone who’s calm and collected around everyone else but bashful when he’s with Jennette.
Screw the opposites attract and sunshine x absolute psycho trope (looking at you Jennette x Jeremy). I just want Jennette to be in a healthy relationship with a her boyfriend/girlfriend because that’s what she deserves.
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athena11118 · 2 years
Crossover ships i will be doing, Kinda.
Athanasia x Cale (I like it, idk why and don't ask)
Jennette x Jeremy (It's ok ig)
Medea x Dion (Uh...I like it ig)
Ofcourse there will be more that my peanut side brain can't think of. Actually i don't think I have a brain.
Who would forgot about crossover family? I will do it.
Maybe some non canon ships like
Og female lead x the current female lead and
The male lead x the second male lead? Idk...I'm just saying
If you're going to hate on my account, Please get out because i may act like i don't care but i might have mental break down at 3 am. You don't want that happening to a 12-14 years old that have mental issues and anger issues do you?
Thank you all for reading this post.
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vampire207343 · 2 years
Susan Alpheus
What if... Claude de alger obelia never fell in love with Diana. Jennette Margarita isn't a chimera while she is still Anastasius and Penelope's daughter, and Anastasius never came back to life he stay dead.
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Unlike how the concubine Diana have believed to have won the Emperor Claude de alger obelia's love but that was not the case while it is true she won some of the emperor's affection that dosen't mean he won his love at all, because the one who really has his heart is non other than his most beloved concubine  Susan Alpheus
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the beloved younger sister of Duke Roger Alpheus who truely won the Emperor's heart it wasn't long before the Emperor made Lady Susan as his Empress by then Diana has became pregnant but Susan was already 4 months pregnant with the Emperor's first child. By then the Emperor has began putting a distance with Diana that he didn't even care that Diana is pregnant and that their's a huge chance that she wouldn't survive the birth.
The Emperor was far to busy ensuring his Empress survive the birth of their first child than worrying about a simple concubine in his harem. But as the months of Diana's pregnacy progress as she grew weaker and weaker, she now 5 months pregnant while Empress Susan gaved birth to a beautiful little girl with Sliver hair and sapphire jewel eyes her father the Emperor gaved her the name Amaranth de alger obelia the imperial princess.
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(Let's pretend this is Claude and Amarantha)
While that happen the concubine Diana has grew and grew more jealous of the Empress that it wasn't long before Diana's jealousy consume her and she has tried to poison both the Empress and the newborn imperial Princess Amaranth, but the imperial mage manged to get the poison out of the young princess and Empress who nearly lost her life witch enraged the Emperor, Diana has earn the Emperor's hatered for trying to take his light from his life that after Diana gaved birth to her bastard daughter who she gaved the name Athanasia but the Emperor didn't allow it he gaved his  bastard daughter the name Anemone, since only he can give an immortal name to his children and he refuse to give the daughter of the wench that dared try to take the life of his Empress and their daughter.
Anemone grew up Ruby Palace raised by her mother most loyal friend and maid for the next five years but Lilian York ignored the name the Emperor gaved the young Princess and kept calling her the name that Diana gaved her that she has believed her name is Athanasia instead of Anemone. while the rest of the maids of Ruby Palace never call the small princess Athanasia since they know that should the Emperor find out their's a possiblity that they would lose their life and not even they would risk everything for the small princess who is unfavore by her father.
Princess Amaranth de alger obelia who is 6 years old  recently have a mana expolsion and she saved by a young magician by the name Lucas while many magician before him tried everything but they don't know what is wrong with the princess until Lucas came. Amaranth has mana expolsion since she is spending way to much time with her mana beast, which the Emperor nearly kill the poor thing if it wasn't for the princess. 
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But as long as long as she minimize spending time with her divine beast she should be find. The young mage became the playmate of the princess since her younger sister Amirta de Alger Obelia who is currently 3 years old while she's 6 years old. Who look more like their father than mother.
Lucas decided against of eating Amaranth's Divine Beast but then again he found another divine beast to eat and the princess didn't stop him from eat it since it dosen't belong to her or her young sister Amirta so she's didn't care enough to prevent lucas from eat the divine beast better it, then their's.
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Than her divine beast and who ever that beast use to belong must have been powerful until he eat it of course since it return almost of his powers all once and with the power he taken from the princess when she has the mana explosion which return his mana altogether but he decided to stick around Amaranth.  Their is something special about Amaranth that draw him in to her.
In just 2 years
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Lucas has grewn to care a great a deal about the imperial Princess Amaranth that he would do anything to protect her even disposing dose who is a treat to her life which the Emperor Claude himself aprove. 
The Emperor discover the daughter of his older half brother Anastasius and Penelope his ex-fiancee, existen he decided to take her in when his own daughter Amarantha was 2 years old and she grew up as a princess while she could never be the crown princess since she isn't the current Emperor's daughter. It didn't matter to Jennette de Alger Obelia who grew up along side her cousins.
Princess Amaranth is now 8 years old and Princess Anemone who believes her name is Athanasia wounder off in Garnet Palace when she was 7 years old and unlucky for her she end up meeting the 8 years old Princess Amarantha and the 5 years old Princess Amirta. Which lead to the meeting of Emperor which she discover that the Emperor hate his bastard daughter with no bound, she tried acting cute to gain the empeor favor even going do far as calling the Emperor "Daddy"
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Which didn't do anything the only she discover is that her name isn't even Athanasia at all like she believe but Anemone de Alger Obelia and that her father dispise her a great deal to her resemblence to her mother the former imperial Concubine Diana. Before Felix took Anemone back to Ruby Palace she was forbbiden by the Emperor ever going near his two daughters without his permission and if he ever see her again without beging call he would kill her where she stand, which only scared Anemone farther than she already is.
Anemone dosen't know what is happen this never happen in the novel and Amaranth and Amirta never existed in the novel and their wasn't suppose to be an Empress at all. Claude seem to still remember about Diana but he seem to hate her instead of loving her like it was the novel my future is uncertain.
It took 5 months for Anemone to find out that Lucas is the Royal mage of Obelia and the playmate of her older half sister Princess Amaranth de Alger obelia
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Who is quite known through the whole Empire as prodigy and the same could be said to youngest Princess Amirta de Alger obelia who is only 5 years old. And it didn't take her long to discover that Jennette lives in the royal ground and is recognized as a princess herself. While Jennette may not be the crown Princess, she is still a princess none the less.
Lucas has been teaching the imperial Princess Amaranth de alger obelia in magic and she's quite good at it if Lucas is to be believe. She began learning magic last year under Lucas.
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bvnga-aprikot · 3 years
the clock app keeps recommending me the weird ass crossover manhwa ship videos and while I at least kudos them for some sort of creativity, what the fuck came into these people’s minds thinking that a family with Medea and Dion was a good idea?? from all know they would kill each other with no hesitation and the fact that Lucas is one of their children makes it even more weird. yes I might be looking in too much into it but it’s just?? why???
anw I also think that one Jeremy x Jennette ship radiates a handful amount of Scaramona vibes, which explains why I have a lot of conflicting opinions on it. you know what, all this is just making me question why and how is this all possible so maybe it’s best for me to not talk about it anymore.
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