#jensen needle in a misha haystack
deanwasalwaysbi · 3 years
I’m super bored at work right now and the whole misha hunt thing is extremely entertaining, thank you for that. just one question tho - what if misha does not actually exist and it’s just all one long jackles con. what if he’s just some massive group hallucination we’re all suffering from?? also, for a long time I thought your name was deanWasabi so I’m an idiot
anon what are we smoking? are you sharing? How long have we been in the group hallucination? are we in the hallucination right now?
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So it’s like the one Olsen theory? Jensen is secretly Misha and dons a wig and moves back and forth rapidly so as to fool us all into thinking he is two men. Clearly it was a much longer con than I thought. Jensen is committed.  He even got an internship at the white house a decade before the show was on the air at all. Jensen Longest Con. Bill Clinton is going to be so surprised.  Poor Vicky.
@iamnotmereally​ @chocolatecakecas @rogue-cas-whore @nightandwine take a bow boyz (gn)
TBF, Dean Was Bi since Dean Was Always Bi
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eisforeidolon · 4 years
Yesterday I saw a heller say that Jensen would hate a "bibro ending" and I was once again flabbergasted at the way they can distort reality. Jensen. The Jensen "#1 bibro king" Ackles would hate a bibro ending. 'k. And as if them trying to claim Jensen as one of their own wasn't bizarre enough, they're always flipflopping between this and their "Jensen is an homophobe!" spiel whenever he makes it clear he isn't one of them.
It’s like they’ve been too busy staring dumbly at his pretty face and fetishizing the guy to have heard more than a single word that has ever come out of his mouth, isn’t it?  I’m not even going to try to quote any significant proportion of the times Jensen has gone on at length about “brothers brothers blah blah blah brothers” because I would literally be here all day.  Trying to find any substantial number of examples of him voluntarily bringing up Cas that didn’t involve a joke at Misha’s expense or calling the angel a tool would also take all day - because talk about needles and haystacks!
Again, their perpetual problem is that Jensen is not Misha and he’s shown he’s perfectly willing to introduce a sharp pin of reality to the inflated balloon of their current delusions when they get too pushy about shoving it in his face.  Our (and Jensen’s) problem is they seem to have an infinite supply of balloons, so after a brief tantrum screaming about quote unquote homophobes they’re back at it again.
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