fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
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He is an little beetle who is “ugly”,he is also a guy who makes juice (its called beetle juice but is 100% bug free),also he got vision 0.4 fold,as a sign that he lost almost everything
Hmmm. Beetles on alternia are implied to be equated with money (”embezzling beetles”), so it’s definitely good he’s not making juice out of them. Why does he make juice, though? I don’t know how ell that goes with the rest of his character? Is it just because of the beetlejuice pun? You don’t really have to do that if it doesn’t fit his character… Though I guess recycling could encourage him to make juice out of other stuff? Maybe he could be the type he likes clean living in general up to and including doing those weird juicing diets? 
AU of la cucaracha and the Anvil boy,troll of Odel
Name:Kaburo Jeprio,Kaburo is from Kabuto that is beetle in japanese,also that it means headgear too,Jeprio is from jepri,an egypt beetle that reincarnates on the balls it makes,it resembles the way he uses “trash” to make art
Hooow about Vietei Buybak. 
Vietei is from a particular species of dung beetle, and Buybak is just… It’s a reference to Buy Back policies, where organizations will pay for containers being returned to be recycled. 
Age:7 sweeps
Strife Specibus:stick kind,an stick with tin and plastic decorations
Recycling is a big theme you have here, so him just grabbing a stick and whacking people with it is pretty funny… But I kind of like the idea of him just having like, Salvagekind. He just uses whatever things he’s recently rescued. It could be a piece of driftwood, or a wad of paper, or a pvc pipe, or… so on and so forth.
Fetch Modus:hmm
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle- Everything he puts in gets reduced to its base components. Which is convenient for combining them in new and unique ways, but really inconvenient if he wants to like… save something as it is. 
Blood color:Cobalt
Symbol and meaning:Scorittarius,void aspect,derse dreamer,sign of the doubtfull
Trolltag:i want something with RR so it means Recycle and Reduce??
How about reclamationRtist. Reclamation being a reference to the taking back and converting into new, and Rtist being a play on artist. 
Quirk:he uses big balls Of trash,alsO gOt hOrns On stuff D=€,but i feel the “O"s are too dry
Hhmmm… You could have him triple R’s, like tRRRash, as a reference to reduce/reuse, recycle. Of you could have him litter sentences with a bunch of punctuation to be a visual waste. 
like.,;:this.,[’. he.,;:fills,.;’spaces,.’;with.,;[tRRRash}\’;,
Special Abilities (if any):he got vision 0.4 fold,also he “reincarnates” when he “dies”
Hmmmm…. I still don’t know about the number. But I do think that… Okay, so part of how eyes work is that they recycle light-sensitive proteins. So his eye could fail to do that and he could thus have lost a large part of his light vision? It’s a good contrast to Odel’s light synthesia. 
Lusus: it is an living ball with horns
That is a pretty funny ideajhbjh. Maybe it could have beetle horns and a sort of shell? But instead of legs it just has an orb that it rolls on. Love it.
Personality: he is a guy who recycles stuff,he does art but he feels like there’s something missing in his hearth
Maybe none of his work ever satisfies him? Like he will do all this new work and this building of stuff, but he’s always chasing some greater potential? He can’t find a medium that satisfies him? He’s tried painting and sculpture and culinary stuff, but he’s still searching for the Perfect Canvas. The Perfect Medium. The Perfect Starting Point.
Interests:art,ecology and troll Burton
Title:prince of void,he destroys the nothingness so it gets something on it
I do kind of like this for him. He wants to actively get rid of the uncertainty and create something solid in the process.
Land of Stretch and Drip. 
A planet with giant canvases stretched over the lands, to protect the consorts from the downpour of paint which falls from the sky every evening? 
Dream Planet:derse
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Horns: I decided to keep the somewhat spikey horns, though I edited them to look a little bit more recognizably like beetle horns. 
Helmet: I decided to make it metallic colored and put it in two different colors, like he salvaged two pieces of metal and fused them together into this helmet. 
Shirt: Similar to the helmet, I decided to make it look like he combined two separate shirts. A cerulean and a black shirt, with one half holding his symbol. 
Shorts: Simple and a little bit frayed, I wanted them to look salvaged, too. Just a lot of recycled fabric going on here!
Shoes: I did keep the clean white shoes you added. 
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