hello-delicious-tea · 10 months
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Boy I hate this Jerdan guy more with every page.
So, he had a habit of exchanging publishing for sex from teenage writers. LEL had three illegitimate children by him while trying to support her mother and sister after her dad died. Hate him yet?
Then he found out her poems were what kept his magazine afloat, so he kept publishing them…apparently without paying her for them or the reviews!
Then he dumped her for a YOUNGER teenage writer, who he also kept as a long term mistress without any of the financial benefits a mistress might expect.
And the whole while, as she tries to keep her reputation as clean as possible to keep being socially acceptable and so able to make money, he’s bragging to his buddies about how he gets to fuck that. And between the constant reputation cleaning and the pregnancies and the horrific sexual exploitation, LEL keeps self-sabotaging by writing poems that are flagrantly suggestive and hurt her reputation more.
Boy, what a great guy, helping all these cute little teenage writers keep their families afloat when they’ve got no one else to do it! What a standup man!
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jpmasendo · 2 years
Health is state of complete physical mental and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity a resource for everyday life,not the objective concept emphasizing social and personal resources as well as physical capacities
"Types of health"
•Physical health
Physical fitness include pursuing A healthy lifestyle To reduce the risk of disease. For example, Maintaining physical fitness Preserves and develops a person’s respiratory and cardiac Function Endurance, muscle strength, Flexibility and Body composition.
•Mental Health
In mental health include our emotional, phycological, And social well-being. It affects The way we think, feel and act. It also helps the way we determine and handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is Important at early stage of life. To childhood adolescence, and adulthood.
•Spiritual health
Spirit Is something that cannot be defined as part of the body or part of the mind spiritual Doesn’t Necessarily Have to Relate in religion Although it can to some people. When you practice spiritual care You are nourishing your soul, you are striving for inner peace and and you are seeking to find purpose and meaning of life.
•Emotional health
Emotonal health is about how we see ourself, how we handle difficult situation, and how we acknowledge Our feelings And those of others. Checking ourself, becoming mindful of your triggers And thinking pattern. And fiding ways to work Through them Rather than bottling up inside.
Things you Should have done to haVe a good health
Exercise, Healthy eating, Personal hygiene, rest/regular sleep
Focus on the positive, reading books, be sincere.
Pray to God, find meaning, priorities and values.
Time with your love ones, respect yourself, Talk about your problem.
Importance of health
Your health is at the center of your life. Every part of your life relies on you having good health. Also Good health is central to human happiness and well-being that contributes significantly to prosperity and wealth and even economic progress, as healthy populations are more productive, save more and live longer. For a healthy life cycle, you need a healthy and balanced diet, good hygiene habits, staying in a proper shelter and getting enough sleep. In addition, you will have to participate in physical activities
Your energy levels reflect your overall health and well-being.The more energy we have the more we can accomplish in our daily life Yes we all have the same time a day, so the difference between us can only be the energywe bring to every aspect of our lives. We students are expected to stay fit and healthy and create awareness among others. Students need to realize the importance of staying healthy.Furthermore, as the next generation they can play an important role in raising awareness amd mainting stable health systems. In simple terms, staying healthy means we taking good care of our body. We should remember that a healthy mind exists only in a healthy body, physical and mental health helps a person maintain the energy levels needed to be successful in life. All of us must strive to achieve good health.
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3dogsfamily · 2 years
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柳柳的八字眉x紅唇👄實在太太太太太MM7,加埋反白眼🙄️真係忍唔住要畫出嚟😂😂😂 MV好睇又有驚喜,比兒登玩咗2次都值得🥳 #jerdan #八字眉 #柳應廷 #elevation https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb0ScLSPjbT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ask-bootleg-sgrub · 6 years
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Axford Emborn, Rustblood, Knight of Space, Derse Dreamer, Sign of the Trailblazer
- Hammers are TOOLS, not weapons - Nothing a little elbow grease and telekinesis can’t fix - Handy
Handle: anvilledArmaments
Jerdan Karten, Bronzeblood, Bard of Doom, Prospit Dreamer, Sign of the Lonely
- Lets it go. Lets everything go - Don’t bother him in any way - Fuck you he likes his sandals
Handle: arcticTundra
Willum Mesmur, Goldblood, Thief of Time, Derse Dreamer, Sign of the Savvy
- Approximately 65% leg - They run, they run so far away - Varsity Run and Chuck player
Handle: trackedAbout
Vyalet Lupnus, Limeblood, Heir of Life, Prospit Dreamer, Sign of the Reliever
- Furbeasts!!! :DDD - Can I pet your lusus? - Good listener. And taster. And smeller.
Handle: caninesGenerally
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wavespeel · 6 years
Dear Jerdan,
Dzaii struggle na kaayo ko dinhi ambit ba murag naay curse ang school kay I test jud ka ba, grabeee grabeee hahahahaha dzaiii first day pa nko animal dzaiii gisakitan kog ngipon and guess what nihubag wow! But yeah nobody notice coz I'm invisible visible hahahahaha mao rato sunod na pud.
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handfuloftime · 5 years
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Also: the one subject on which John Barrow and I agree completely. 
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last-smoke · 3 years
NOT a google drive folder with books about/by Sir James Clark Ross
(will be updated, titles under the cut)
[Franklin Expedition books]
A Memoir of the Late Captain Francis Rawdon Moira Crozier, R.N., F.R.S., F.R.A.S., of H.M.S. Terror, William Kirkwood (1859) - Ross is identified as the author by Jerdan in Men I Have Known
A Voyage of Discovery and Research in the Southern and Antarctic Regions, during the Years 1839–43, volume 1&2, by James Clark Ross (1847)
Narrative of a second voyage in search of a North-West passage: and of a residence in the Arctic regions during the years 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833 : including the reports of Commander, now Captain, James Clark Ross, R.N., F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. and the discovery of the Northern Magnetic Pole, volume 1&2, by Sir John Ross (1835)
A Letter from the Antarctic, by J. E. Davis (1842) [publ. 1901]
Men I Have Known, by William Jerdan (1866)
The Journal of Sergeant William K. Cunningham, R.M. of H.M.S. Terror (1839-1843), transcribed and edited by Richard Campbell (2009)
Available to borrow on archive.org (working on the PDFs)
Polar Pioneers: John Ross and James Clark Ross, by M. J. Ross (1994)
The Polar Rosses: John and James Clark Ross and Their Explorations, by Ernest Stanley Dodge (1973)
And, with credits to @azirafaile:
Retreat from Boothia: The Original Diary of James Clark Ross, May to October 1832, by Rear Admiral James Ross and James M. Savelle, in Arctic - Vol. 45, No. 2 (Jun., 1992), pp. 179-194
Round Lord Mayor Bay with James Clark Ross: The Original Diary of 1830, by Rear Admiral James Ross and James M. Savelle, in Arctic - Vol. 43, No. 1 (Mar., 1990), pp. 66-79
And, with credits to @explorersaremadeofhope:
On the Effect of the Pressure of the Atmosphere on the Mean Level of the Ocean, by James Clark Ross, in Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Volume 7 (1854)
Philosophical Transaction Of The Royal Society Of London Part I, by James Clark Ross (1834)
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laissezferre · 4 years
when william jerdan said, “sir james and lady ross are two human sympathies concentrated in one”, when john franklin said, “it is truly interesting seeing the two captains together. the same spirit animates each”, when jerdan also said “the rosses delight in the same recreations, charities, and pursuits”, when the entirety of hobart said, “captains ross and crozier are like brothers, so attached by their mutual tastes”
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tammyfeabakker · 3 years
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Here lies Thomas jerdan Jr. One of the best people I ever met. I worked for him for 2 in a half years. Tom's dad died of renal cancer. Tom had it checked frequently. Tom got the vaccine. By the time he took the second dose. A tumor showed up. He was a healthy man. 85 percent curable with surgery. Diagnosed in August. Got the booster. It spread like wild fire. I'm not talking anymore or trying to convince people. Its not good if you have an underlined weakness. Today I was at 55 n older community. Covid ran rapid 6 are in critical condition 3 died. They were all vaccinated. With underlined conditions. It hit close to home. Your all on your own. Up above is proof in the pudding. Rest in peace my dear friend Thomas Jerdan Jr. I said don't get that booster he said I'll be compromised. I said it will put you 6 feet under. And it did. Tom did not die of renal cancer he died because he got the vaccines. Heed my warning. I'm done talking bout it.
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battlestar-royco · 6 years
What sort of stereotypes are there in Bardugo's books?
Well, I haven’t read TGT in few years, so my memory is hazy. But what I do remember is the Shu Han characters having stereotypical accents and being fighters or something, and the F/jerdans being like the harsh northern types. Essentially the ratio of R/avkan: non-R/avkan characters was skewed so we only got relatively little representation of other TGT countries. The characters and cultures from those countries weren’t super fleshed out and didn’t take up as much space in the narrative as characters like Alina and her love shape guys. It was more of the surface-level cherry-picking type of R/avka worldbuilding but for Nordic (???) countries and China and Mongolia (which SH is inspired by). And of course there’s the obvious Russia-inspired central country for which B/ardugo drew from a bunch of myths and cultural tendencies, clothing, and foods but she did what she wanted with the naming patterns, fairy tales, food/drink, outfits, etc instead of being a little more respectful to the culture.
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mitchelljerdanrrm · 5 years
How to Choose a Cremation Urn
One of the many things you will have to consider when making cremation arrangements after the death of a loved one is the kind of urn you want to choose. It is not always easy to do this because there are lots of options. If you are not sure where to begin, funeral homes and cremation providers can help you by offering a few simple tips to make the purchase an easier one.  
The first thing you need to do is to make a budget. To do this, take the time to look online for the kind of urns that you want to see what the average costs are. You can also ask for price lists from the different provides in your area. This will give you a good idea of the kind of rates you can expect for the different options and it can make it easier to narrow down the choices.  
Providers of cremations and funeral home directors also recommend knowing what use you expect from the urn. Display urns are elaborate and are made to be displayed in the home or in a columbarium niche. You can choose to have transportation urns, which are just made for transport and are simple containers. There are also keepsake urns, which allow you to have your loved one’s cremated remains close by without letting everyone know that is the case. These can be lockets or even picture frames with compartments that can hold some of the cremated remains. The use of the urn will have a huge impact on the options available, so take your time deciding.  
Something else that you want to consider is the size of urn you need. If your loved one weighed more than 200 pounds, you will need to purchase a larger urn than is standard. If your loved one wanted to be placed with another loved one’s remains, then it is necessary to purchase a companion urn. Some of these come with the option of mingling the remains, if that is what your loved one wanted. There are also urns for infants and for children. Depending on the size of the body, one of these will be better than the others. You should speak with the provider to see what they recommend.  
The kind of urn you purchase will depend on your budget, what kind of use you intend for it, the materials that you prefer, and much more. It is important to consult with the director of the funeral home or the cremations provider to see what options they recommend and what suggestions they have. Reach out to a reputable company like us at Mitchell-Jerdan Funeral Home Ltd. We can guide you through every step of making the cremation arrangements. Stop by our location at 1200 Wabash Ave Mattoon, IL 61938 to speak with our experts, or give us a call right now at (217) 234-8828 to get started making all of the necessary arrangements for your loved one.  
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sirensbounty · 5 years
Cattle Rustlers
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A test, for the newest blood to enter the Siren's Call. A simple job, something to catch a few rustlers and deal with their crimes in anyway that the hunt group see fit. Dead or Alive, they still get paid...
Central La Noscea was a nice area for farming and raising animals, which made it a nicer area for stealing to make a quick gil. Arriving on the scene of a crime in progress, the Sirens go all out to make sure they neutralize the situation. The new crew a bit on the bloody side, decide that death was a suitable punishment for their crimes. Claiming the bodies, and returning the chattel, the crew finishes their mission in a timely manner.
Participants: Ardeth Jerdan, W'amarok Howlingbalde, Mraeka Jerdan, Saran Moks
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ask-bootleg-sgrub · 6 years
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gA: Well, I do hope you arre enjoying wearring those.
gA: I will keep yourr eyewearr safe and securre forr the time being.
gA: At least until you rreturrn my goggles.
aT: **youre not getting those back for a while moosha**
gA: I trrust this perrson. I trrust anyone with a good taste in aesthetics.
((For @ask-the-golden-avian (aka @ornithic) for plugging my blog! You really liked Moosha, and I really loved Dannie, so drawing the two of them together only made sense! To anyone that sees this that isn’t following Dannie’s ask blog, you should do it, they’re an adorable troll and I love them. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!))
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weirdletter · 6 years
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Echoing Ghost Stories: Literary Reflections of Oral Tradition (Phantom Traditions Library), edited by Tim Prasil, Brom Bones Books, 2018. Info: brombonesbooks.com.
For centuries, ghost stories were part of an oral tradition, often involving a storyteller reciting the spooky tale before a fire on a chilly winter night. During the 1800s, as magazine production and literacy became more widespread, reading ghost stories rose in popularity. However, many authors attempted to preserve on paper the experience of listening to an account of the supernatural. Harriet Beecher Stowe, Mary E. Wilkins, E. Nesbit, Ambrose Bierce, Edith Wharton, M.R. James, and many others put their creative stamps on this distinctive tradition. Echoing Ghost Stories: Literary Reflections of Oral Tradition showcases such tales, establishing their fascinating place within the wider genre of the Victorian ghost story. Echoing Ghost Stories is the second volume in the Phantom Traditions Library, a series of anthologies featuring unusual and forgotten genres of fiction that flourished in the 1800s. Future anthologies will feature other sub-genres of ghost stories, occult detective mysteries, tales about voyages to the moon, and more!
Contents: Introduction – Tim Prasil "The Dead Man's Race: A Christmas Story" (1839) – W. Jerdan "Ghost Gossips at Blakesley House" (1843) – William Mudford "Ghost Stories" (1845) – George Washington Peck "Rather Ghostly" (1855) – Anonymous "Tremewen Grange" (1860) – M.A. "Lady Farquhar's Old Lady" (1872) – Mary Louisa Molesworth "The Ghost in the Mill" (1872) – Harriet Beecher Stowe "The Rival Ghost" (1884) – Brander Matthews "Mr. Rangle's Ghost Story" (1884) – H.J.V. Torode "The House of Strange Stories" (1886) – Andrew Lang "Un explained" (1891) – Letitia McClintock "The Baron's Room" (1896) – Ivy Hooper "From the Loom of the Dead" (1898) – Elia Wilkinson Peattie "Davenport's Story" (1902) – Lucy Maud Montgomery "The Lost Ghost" (1903) – Mary E. Wilkins Freeman "The portent of a Shadow" (1905) – E. Nesbit "A Stranger" (1909) – Ambrose Bierce "The Eyes" (1910) – Edith Wharton "A School Story" (1911) – M.R. James "Between the Lights" (1912) – E.F. Benson Appendix: "The Passing of the Christmas Ghost Story" – Stephen Leacock Sources About the Editor
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handfuloftime · 4 years
The General Evening Post, December 1812, parodying Napoleon’s bulletins:
The winter is now completely set in. The army is in excellent spirits, though night bivouacking on the ground does not agree with them well. Some of the Lads of Paris, who were formerly mechanics, have constructed very neat bedsteads of ice, which are found of great service. The sheets furnished in these parts are beautifully white. The army is well supplied with most of the necessaries of life. Snow, in particular, is so abundant, that evry one gets as much as he wants for nothing. A scarcity of shoes is felt; but these are things that the soldiers of Napoleon the Great do not stand upon.
On the 17th, a cloud of Cossacks attacked the Prince of Eckmuhl. The enemy was defeated, and our brave fellows took possession of a forest in their rear, with little difficulty, with the exception of 9170 men, who marched towards Moscow, in order to intercept the Russian supplies: the Prince of Eckmuhl covered himself with glory, all of which he carried with him to Liadi, on which place he made a movement alone. The weight of his glory was so great, that he judged it prudent to leave his marshal’s baton behind.
[...] The weather is beautiful--the roads superb--the snow enchantingly white--the ice refreshingly cool--the hail remarkably soft--the Emperor’s health excellent--his condition delightful!
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105ttt · 6 years
You give off strange and somewhat alarming vibes because 95% of the time it's all pink and frills and sparkles and soft, cutesy things, but 5% of the time it's blood and gore and viciousness that seems to come from nowhere.
If this is Jerdan then I’m so sorry my blog is a mess
If not then I’m still sorry my blog is a mess
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