#jesse lingard x reader
kylianmbappee · 1 year
Marcus: *to y/n*, How is the most beautiful person on earth doing?
Y/n: *smiles*
Jesse: I'm great, thanks.
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Enemies To Lovers
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30 Day Challenge My daily challenge with prompts, these fics will not be tagged only if they were requested by an account and they’ll be under 500 words. 23. Enemies to lovers Jesse Lingard  Word Count: 331 You and Marcus were hanging out around his, like you usually do.  As the doorbell went off, you jumped as neither of you were expecting anyone. Marcus jumped up and grabbed the door. “Hi” you heard him say as a male replied.  As you looked up, you saw Jesse coming into the living room where you were sat.  “Oh hi” you muttered as he simply waved at you.  You and Jesse had never got on at all, for some unknown reason you both didn’t see eye to eye.  “Why do you two hate each other? you secretly love him I know you too well” Marcus smirked as he re entered the room which was filled with tension.  “Never said I hated him, just didn’t see eye to eye for whatever reason. But I don’t think I love him” you bluntly replied.  “I am here you know” Jesse sarcastically waved at you.  “Sorry” you loosely shrugged your shoulders as you watched as Jesse’s face practically snarled at you.  “I’ll go get a drink, you won’t kill each other while I’m out the room for at least 5 minutes will you” he laughed.  “You love me, you just need to stop lying” he smirked as you let out a sarcastic cackle “Nope, don’t think I do babe. Flirting doesn’t work, you’re such a tease. I guess I’ll have to work my way out to see where we go from here” you replied.  “Maybe a date” Jesse quickly blurted out as Marcus walked back into the room.  “A date?!! What the fuck have I actually just walked in. You hated each other when I left and now you are dating? Jeez what ”Marcus laughed as the two of you were now blushing.  “I need to see you two on a date as you hate one another” you rolled your eyes at Marcus.  “Just stop making this anymore embarrassing please” you rolled your eyes at him again as Jesse was left laughing at his friend. 
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valentinajadehill · 1 year
jesse lingard masterlist
sports branch o
can't take my eyes off you o
okay stop already- bloody hell ft marcus rashford o
lie detector part one, part two ft marcus rashford, jadon sancho and paul pogba o
hold your hand out randomly ft marcus rashford, jadon sancho and paul pogba o
stuck in a lift ft marcus rashford, jadon sancho and paul pogba o
sing or swim ft marcus rashford, jadon sancho and paul pogba o
always got you nugget ft marcus rashford o
facade o
doe eyes o
is it a match, part two o
you didn't tell us o
avoid, punch, date or marry o
best friends would include o
rate his instagram posts o
best friends o
why are you blushing? o
like father, like son o
stolen kisses o
boxer o
audience with adele o
tiktok pranks o
public o
not funny o
f1 driver number o
blurbs / oneshots
movie ft marcus
date night
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httpsaa1 · 2 years
Trust issues - Jesse Lingard
Warnings: angst(fluff ending), jealousy, brief mention of making up with sex
Summary: In which Jesse thinks reader is cheating on him because she’s been working a lot more
Jesse Lingard x female!reader
English is not my first language!
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Jesse was desperate at the moment.
You were supposed to be at home at 6 pm, it was 9 pm currently and still no signal of you. You had sent him a message telling him that you would be arriving at 7 or 8 because of all the work that you had, but then you didn’t send him anything to let him know that you would be more delayed. He had called you a minimum of 25 times and not even a response. Besides, you had started to be distant with him, arriving home later than usual and with your hair made a mess, just kissing him as a good night and going to sleep, not sending him more of your ‘good luck, baby’ or ‘have a good day, baby!’ texts and last but not least, you hadn’t said ‘i love you’ for a while.
The thoughts of what could be happening to you were killing Jesse. You didn’t love him anymore? You weren’t interested in continuing the relationship after 3 years that he considered the bests of his life?
He had told this issues to his friends and one of them made him think that you might be cheating on him. That friend of his had a partner that cheated on him and they had started behaving just like Jesse had described you were doing. That was about 5 days ago and Jesse didn’t want to believe him, but the coincidences of behaviour were big. It was consuming his head the fact that you had started behaving so odd that he stopped trusting you and instead of asking you if anything was wrong, he just got to his own conclusions. He got to the point of starting searching on your Instagram for people that you could be cheating on him with. And the stuff that he found didn’t help either. He saw that one of your childhood friends had been commenting a lot on your posts and that you had been answering him with hearts and everything. Besides, he knew that he had moved recently near your place and that he wanted to see you. His jealousy increased a bit more every time he saw a like or a comment from your ‘friend’.
He was in bed overthinking and sulking again when he heard the front door being opened, he quickly got up and ran downstairs to finally talk this with you. You heard footsteps and turned your head to smile at your boyfriend. But he didn’t have that happy face that he would always have when you arrived, instead he had his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes didn’t shine like they would usually do.
“Hi, baby. I’m sorry if I woke you up, I tried to be as silent as possible.” You smiled up at him due to you thinking that he was mas because you had woken him up. He didn’t return the smile though and instead his frown deepened. You were the one to frown this time. It was already strange that he didn’t start hugging and kissing you the moment he saw you and now he was not smiling like he would always do.
“We need to talk.” Was everything he uttered not even looking at you.
“Yes, of course. Let’s sit down”. You two sat down in the table and you looked at him so he could tell you the problem.
Jesse stayed silent, carefully choosing his words.
“You have been distant.”
“Yes, I know. I’m sorry, it’s not like I want to but I’ve got a lot of work to do. I’m sorry, baby.”
He closed his eyes when you called him that, not wanting to imagine you calling other man like that.
“Yeah, I get it. But you haven’t answered my calls and you told me you would be here at 8 and it’s almost 10. Moreover, your hair is a mess and it seems that you have fooled someone.” The footballer almost whispered while looking down, still scared of seeing the lack of love for him in your eyes.
“Excuse me? Are you assuming that I am cheating on you? I’m sorry that I was delayed, it’s really a lot of work but you can’t say that I have slept with somebody because I arrived late and have a mess in my hair. There’s something called wind, you know?” You had stood up and crossing your arms in your chest to say that, not being able to believe what you boyfriend was saying.
Jesse stood up too.
“Well you are clearly cheating on me. Jake has told me that when women cheat they act just as you are doing. And I am sure it’s with that friend of yours that has moved near our house to be close to you.”
“Mark? My friend from childhood?”
“Yes, the one that was living in Italy and before you found him on Instagram and he moved here.” Jesse rolled his eyes at your effort of trying to look innocent.
“Mark moved in with his girlfriend. He was leaving in Italy with her until he got a job in here. He wanted to meet so I could meet her, because they are getting married in July and she wants to meet the people that are going to their wedding. Do you remember when I told you about a dinner that is in some days? It’s to meet them.” You couldn’t believe him. That he would dare accuse you and your friend of such things, you had told him that he was engaged and that you two were attending their wedding next month. Jesse seemed to remember when you told him that, but he was adamant to leave the argument.
“Well, maybe that is true. But, you have never worked so much and not answered me or texted me.”
“My battery died, I did send you a message about that.” You reminded him again.
“Still, you could have been sleeping with other man.”
“Jesse! I was working!”
“Why you have never worked so much! Besides, your boss loves you! She would never give you so much work.”
“I’ve been doing extra hours to be able to afford a gift for you!” His face dropped at this statement. “Not everyone earns millions per month and even if Susie loves me, she won’t pay me more if I don’t deserve it.”
The boy was stunned and speechless. He couldn’t believe that you would overwork yourself to buy him something, you knew that you could take his money if you needed to.
“But, why?” He had a look of confusion on his face.
“Because I want to buy you a gift for your birthday, and I know that it’s in December but I won’t arrive to the amount of money needed. So if I stay until this hour of the day I’ll earn enough to arrive in 7 months, now 6. I’m sorry, that I’ve been distant, I just wanted to give you what you wanted.” You sat back down and ran your hands over your face because the surprise was ruined now and due to you overworking your boyfriend had thought that you were cheating on him.
“Aw, baby.” He sat next to you and wanted to caress your back, but decides that it would be better to let you calm a bit. “I’m so sorry for thinking ghat you were cheating on me when the only thing that you were doing was to do an enormous effort to buy me a gift. I feel stupid now for even thinking that. I’m truly sorry, I can’t say much more than that, and that I love you.”
“I love you too, Jesse, but you can’t think that I haven’t been loyal to you because I’m working more, because if we thought like that you would have cheated on me countless times.”
“You are right, my love. I’m so, so, so sorry for not thinking beforehand. Can you please forgive me?” He had started caressing your hair softly and now was pouting at you.
“Only if you give me a kiss.”
Jesse cupped your face and leaned in slowly. When his lips touched yours, you sighed at his softness. He still got this reaction from you, even if you had been dating for over 3 years. You pulled away and smiled sheepishly at him, and this time he did return it.
“Let’s go to bed, princess. Maybe I can make up for my stupidity.” He smirked at you.
“By the way, what did you want to gift me?”
“The BMW 7 that you talk a lot about every time.”
His jaw dropped at your confession and he grabbed your waist to turn you around and kiss you again.
“You are the best, I’m sorry for thinking…”- Jesse scratched his head - “um, for thinking you know what.”
“Just don’t think that again, baby. And if you do, please don’t talk with your friends and just tell me straight away.”
“I will, I promise. I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologising, Jesse! I’ve already forgiven you!”
“You right, I’m- nothing, nothing.” He raised his hands in innocence. “I’ll make it up, I swear!”
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Heyy! I hope that you enjoyed this little angst!<33
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sanchosbae · 1 year
Who I write for
Achraf Hakimi
Abdelhamid Sabiri
Marcus Rashford
Jadon Sancho
Jude Bellingham
Jesse lingard
Jobe Bellingham
That’s all for now!
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emwritesfootball · 2 years
Rooftop Tension | Jesse Lingard
You + Jesse, sexual tension up the roof when sharing a hotel room
A/N: pretty sure this had been a blurb request before I stopped but you’re getting a slightly-longer-than-a-blurb word count on this, my dear x
- - -
You took a long sip of your drink as you stared out at the sunset from the rooftop balcony of the hotel you were sharing with Jesse. What was originally going to be a girls’ weekend staycation with your best friend had turned into a last-minute desperate invite to your guy best friend. Jesse had eagerly accepted and you knew how needed this long weekend was for both of you. 
“Enjoying the view?” Came Jesse’s voice and the man appeared beside you, his own drink in hand. He’d upgraded the room without you knowing, the ‘thanks for the invite’ gift surprising you in the best way.
“Which view?” You teased, giving him a look that read you or the sunset? If you were honest with yourself, the sexual tension had been present between the two of you from the beginning but timing had kept either of you from acting on it. Now, both of you were unattached and you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t been hoping something would happen between the two of you in this hotel room. 
Jesse smirked at your reply, resting his elbows on the balcony railing which caused his forearm to brush against yours. “In my opinion, they’re both beautiful,” he murmured, the words making your stomach dip. 
Now was your chance, and you decided to take it. “You know, getting kissed at sunset is on my bucket list…”
You felt Jesse tense beside you and for a moment you thought you’d fucked up. He sucked in a breath and turned to face you. “Well, then, it’s a good thing that’s on my bucket list, too.” 
“Really?” You asked, your gaze flicking from his eyes to his mouth, and you noticed him doing the same. 
“Really,” he whispered, his hand cupping your cheek right before he leaned in and covered your mouth with his.
The kiss was everything you’d been dreaming of, Jesse pulling you as close as possible without making a scene. Your head was still fuzzy when the kiss ended, both of you breathless. “What do you say we take our time, finish our drinks, and wait ‘til the sun goes down before heading back to our room?” He murmured, giving you a light kiss. “Just because we’ve been waiting forever for this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t make it special.”
“That sounds perfect,” you breathed, your body already anticipating just how good the night with Jesse was going to be from that kiss.
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way222ethereal · 1 year
I’m 🤏🏾 this close to taking matters into my own hands when it comes to these footballer fanfics. Ik the World Cup is finished but can I at least enjoy a Phil Foden fanfic 😭
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https-sonshine · 1 year
Muy Grande
pairing : son heung-min x reader
word count : 911 words
warnings: slightly suggestive, slight cursing
authors note: hey guys this is a small draft from the fanfic i’m working on.i haven’t written in a while so i’m not quite sure if i’m doing it right. please feel free to leave constructive criticism and let me know what you guys think about it 😅
Son watches you.
The humid summer air envelopes him and makes him clammy as he watches as you pull your shorts down. Denim stutters against your skin as sweat cling to them. With your back against the brick wall, you lift your feet to stand on tiptoes. Your cheeks look soft and shiny under the dim alleyway light. Watching you start to relieve yourself, the puddle under you grows. Something is intoxicating about the look of instant relief on your face.
Fuck. Why am I getting harder?
A night out drinking sealed his fate. He knew he should've been resting for the upcoming match. Drinking wasn't his thing. Inevitably, he had been a victim of peer pressure. He didn't expect to meet you. You were like coming up for a breath of fresh air. Underneath his cherry smile, he had been drowning in the pressure of leading his team through the world cup. He didn't want to disappoint his country. He was sure you had yet to learn who he was and that you would have no recollection of tonight's events. His thoughts wandered to your friends, your boyfriend.
What kind of boyfriend purposely tries to pimp their girlfriend out? Is there not a limit to showing off?
However, that thought left his head as soon as it knocked his mind. After all, it was none of his business. Since that dreadful drinking game, you had stuck to him like glue. Rocking back and forth uncomfortably, you tugged on his shirt sleeve.
"Preciso de urinar," she slurred.
(I need to pee)
"Urinar, o toalete," you exclaimed whilst rubbing your legs together.
(Pee, the toilet)
His mouth formed an O shape as the realisation hit him. He looked around, but it seemed unlikely that any English players would return soon. Son wiped his sweaty palms against his shorts and carefully pushed you two through the crowd in search of a toilet.
The familiar sight of a female stick figure caused him to exhale a breath he didn't know he was holding. He strengthened his grip on your hand and dragged you towards the long line of women.
"A linha...." you muttered, causing his eyebrows to shoot up.
(The line...)
"É muito longa, linha longa, longa," you kept repeating like a chant.
(Is too long, line long, long)
He ran his hands through his head, mouth slightly open, yet no words could come out
"Linhaa longa" you let go of his hand and pointed towards the line.
(Linee is long )
"Line too long?" he said, making you nod mindlessly.
How did he end up here? He asked himself again. Before he could start feeling sorry for himself, he noticed the pretty girl was no longer standing before him. Instead, she was stumbling toward the bar's exit. He quickly made his way towards you just in time to witness their pathetic attempt at pushing a pull door.
"A porta não abre porque" he saw you pout and squeeze your eyes shot before you pointed at the door
(The door isn't opening. Why? )
"It's a pull door," he lightly chuckled whilst pulling the door open
Her eyes bored into his. Suddenly, her face cracked into a smile.
"Muy grande" is all she said
(You're so cool)
God, what he would do just to see her smile like that again
And this is how he ended up in this humid summer air instead of the comfort of his hotel room.
At the entrance to the alleyway, he stood guard to ensure you didn't attract anyone's attention. To ensure that no creeps were doing what he was doing right now.
Despite being finished, you haven't shimmied back up the wall. Or re-put your shorts on. Son observes as you tilt your head to the side, glistening eyes meeting his gaze.
Don't be weird. Don't make this weird.
"Sorry, I'm sorry-"
"Está bem," You giggle and continue to sit there for a little while, the alcohol in your system making your brain sluggish.
(It's okay)
"Merda, eu estou perdido"
(Shit, I'm wasted)
"Your pants are not on," he quickly says before turning around, which causes you to look back down at your bare legs encased in shorts. He hears a muttered "Merda" from behind him, which prompts him to turn around as your hands clumsily pull the sides up, underwear and all. You don't even button them before standing back up in such a shaky manner that Son extends a hand to you for support.
As you start strolling out of the alleyway, he can't help but notice your panties poking out from above your waistband
"Wait, wait!" He shouts, "Button your shorts first," grasping your arm to stop you.
You waste too much time fumbling with the zipper and button before giving up and letting your hands drop to your sides.
"Voce nao fala portugues voce?" she mumbled before biting her lip.
(You don't speak Portuguese, do you?)
"Can't," you hiccup, "do it for me."
Son hesitates before coming up from behind you. Your panties are twisted and sitting high on your hips as a result of how forcefully you shoved them up. The front of the shorts are entirely exposed and barely holding on.
The warmth of your body pressed against his only made him harder, his shaky fingers not taking long to push the button through.
His hands drop, and he slowly moves from behind you, scared he's made you uncomfortable. You turn around, closing the gap between you two, faces close, sparkly eyes smiling at him with an emotion he can't make out.
"The others must be wondering where we are," you say before remaking your way out with faltering steps.
Completely unaware of what you've just done to him.
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threelionsgirl · 2 years
girls things | jadon sancho + marcus rashford
request: "heyy pls can u write a long imagine about when hope jesses kid gets her period when hanging out with jadon and marcus and they don’t know what to do so they comfort her whilst they call reader for help..? tysm" warnings: none word count: 1165 notes: requests are closed! masterlist
"That's not working." Marcus said to Jadon.
The two of them were standing outside the ladies' room of an ice cream parlour that they had decided to go to for a walk with Hope. It was being a nice day, until little Lingard started to get a little weird and locked herself in the bathroom.
At first, the Manchester United boys just thought she was too tight to pee, but they started to get worried about her taking so long. The two really treated Jesse's little girl like a niece and always took her out for walks when they could.
"Hope, for God's sake, you need to tell us if something is going on so we can help you." Jadon tried once more, knocking on the door, but silence remained.
"We should go in." Marcus suggested.
"We can't go in the ladies' room, Rash!"
"Then what the hell are we going to do? Jesse will kill us if anything happens to Hope."
"She just went into the bathroom, nothing that serious could have happened, right?" Jadon pondered. The two were startled when they finally heard the girl's scream from the other side of the door.
"I'm bleeding!!!" They widened their eyes, desperation starting to creep in, imagining the worst things in the world. She could have slipped and hit her head on the sink or else cut herself with something they had forgotten inside.
"What the f-" Marcus stopped himself from saying the swear word, "Hope, are you okay?"
"Okay, little girl, stay calm, we're coming in."
"NO!" Her scream stopped Jadon from turning the knob. "Don't come in."
"We need to get in so we can help you."
"No!" she denied once again and Jadon and Marcus looked at each other in doubt as to whether or not they should override her consent.
"Okay, just tell us, why are you bleeding?" Jadon tried, maybe it was no big deal. She was lucid and talking to them, which was good.
"I… I don't know." She spoke loud enough for them to hear, the answer only made Jadon and Marcus more confused and worried.
"God, Jesse is never going to let us go out with her again." Rashford said to Jadon. "We should get someone to help us."
"Who? "Jesse wasn't an option at that moment even though he was the father and if Hope didn't want the two of them to come in, people she had known since she was a little kid, it wasn't possible to ask a stranger. They stared at each other for a few minutes and seemed to think of the perfect person, so they spoke at the same time, "Y/N."
Then Marcus pulled out his mobile and started calling the girl.
"Hope, just tell us it's not your head that's bleeding." Jadon wanted to make sure.
"It's not my head."
"Less bad." He said, and they both stood there by the door waiting.
Y/N appeared minutes later, she tried to be as quick as possible after Marcus had stressed so many times how urgent it was.
"What the hell is going on here?" she asked as she entered the ice cream parlour and approached them. The boys disentangled themselves from the wall and sighed.
"Y/N! Thank God!" Spoke Rashford holding her shoulders and shaking them a little.
"What's the matter with you guys? And why did I have to come so quickly? Where's Hope? Lingard said you guys went out together today." She asked, looking around for the little girl, until she realised they were in front of the door to the girls' bathroom.
"So… She's in the bathroom and won't come out." Jadon explained. "And she doesn't want to let us in either. We thought you might have better luck."
"She's bleeding!"
"She what-" Y/N's eyes widened at what Marcus said, but it took her only a few seconds to join all the dots. A girl bleeding in a bathroom and not wanting help from anyone male could only mean one thing. "Oh sure. You two are so clueless. Give me some space." She laughed and Jadon and Marcus walked away, rolling their eyes. Calling them idiots was Y/N's favourite thing to do.
Y/N approached and knocked three times on the door before speaking. "Hey, Hope, it's me, Y/N. Can I come in?"
She waited a few seconds and Hope answered. "Y/N?"
"Yeah, honey, it's me, Uncle Marcus called for me to come and help you, are you okay, can I open the door?"
"Yes, but only you."
The sound of the lock opening echoed through the room, Y/N opened the door and walked into the bathroom. She found Hope curled up and sitting on the floor, knowing exactly what she had to do.
When they came out of the bathroom, Y/N at first refused to speak, the only thing Marcus and Jadon noticed was that Hope was wearing the sweatshirt Y/N took, tied around her waist and that she was fine, with no apparent sequelae. They called Jesse and dropped Hope off at home.
In the car, Jadon, who was in the driver's seat, looked at Y/N in the passenger seat. Marcus was in the back and leaned forward to elicit answers from the girl, they were still very confused.
"So, are you going to tell us what happened? Because I don't know Jad, but I was pretty worried."
"I was too." Said Jadon starting the car. "And scared. Really scared of Jesse."
Y/N laughed. "It was no big deal, Hope was on her period." The boys opened their mouths and shook their heads, that explained a lot, "I didn't want to say when we left the bathroom so as not to embarrass her further."
"Oh shit, she could have told us!"
"She was embarrassed, Marcus!" Exclaimed Y/N turning back. Jadon slapped his hand on her arm indicating for her to put on her belt and Y/N rolled her eyes. Those two were so protective. "And she was a bit colicky and out of pads. I gave her some and some medicine too to ease the pain."
"She shouldn't be ashamed of us, we're her uncles long before she was born."
"You may even know her since she was a little baby, but she's still a girl, and you're still two stupid boys." Y/N and Marcus and Jadon made a fake face of indignation at the comment. "It's super normal for her to not want to share some things with you guys, but this whole being ashamed thing is just a phase, we women are structurally taught to be ashamed and want to hide our menstrual period."
"Hm…" Marcus muttered. "Right, so, Jad, write it down: next time we're going out with Hope we're going to need to stop by a pharmacy first."
"Why a pharmacy?"
"To buy medicine, hot bags and pads." He replied proud of his future plan and Y/N rolled her eyes imagining the scene. Jadon and Marcus were clueless, they could buy 50 packs of pads and dump them all over Hope.
"Don't do that, for God's sake!" She laughed. "Hope will never want to go out with you again."
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heaven2me · 1 year
potential fics
jude bellingham x reader
“what did i just walk into?”
“i’ll take care of you”
marcus rashford x reader
“i don’t want to be alone tonight”
jesse lingard x reader
“i would choose you over football everyday”
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mountswhore · 2 years
𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 (𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝)
happy birthday (part two here)
they’re mine
nothing matters more than you
favourite girls
number one girl
drop the act
not completely alone
bless your soul
for his girl
champions league baby
this very moment
i can change that
my MJ
worst days
it’s normal
down under
that feeling of relief
good boy
love doesn’t follow time
they all know now
beauty and the beast
just like his daddy
undeniably yours
too distracting
𝐛𝐞𝐧 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 (𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝)
out of love (part two to 'happy birthday')
𝐣𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐝 (𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝)
my little robin
this year
𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐬 𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐝 (𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝)
christmas at ours
well done
hot chocolate
come with me
boo boo
𝐣𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨 (𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝)
tipping point
good job
only if you do it
that damned dress
close to you
a day of belle
bonded like glue
this is suffering
you heard me
𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐜
keep you with me
you know what you did
my smart girl
coming with you
𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐜𝐞 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬
zoo date
𝐤𝐚𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐳
bon appetit
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kylianmbappee · 1 year
Marcus, about Y/n: I could fix them, but honestly whatever the hell is wrong with them is way funnier.
Jesse: That's what any god probably thinks about me.
Jesse: You have to apologize to Marcus!
Y/n: Fine!
Y/n: Unfuck you, or whatever!
Jesse: In your opinion, what is the height of stupidity?
Y/n, turning to Marcus: How tall are you?
Jesse: Y/n got into a fight.
Marcus: That’s bad.
Marcus: Did they win?
Jesse: *pretending to joke* So when are you going to go out with me?
Y/n: I don't know. When are you going to ask me to?
Marcus: And you just ran away?!
Jesse: I didn't expect them to flirt back!
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charlottemount · 2 years
SECRET — Jesse Lingard
summary: which y/n and jesse first time sharing their private life on social media as fiancé (polaroid ig feed!)
warning: English is not my first language
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jesselingard I proposed to my girlfriend and she said YES! 💍, I don't think 3 years is a long time but I can't continue with her as boyfriend/girlfriend… I want to take another step with her in our relationship.
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14.days__ Congratulation btw
marcusrashford Ayy Congratz mate, when and where will the wedding party be held?
jesselingard @marcusrashford (:
marcusrashford What’s ‘(:’ mean, mate?
vvvian.gina her IG is @y/instagram/n :)) she's gorgeous 🤌
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y/instagram/n i'm going to be a married woman💍 love ya JL! 🤍
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rlhalliday Ahh y/n congratzz my bae 🥺
hopelingard Aunt y/n i want to sleep at your house, only with you and me no daddy because i miss you so muchh
y/instagram/n why not baby? come on pack your thing and i’ll pick you up, k?
unknown.u Are you really love him or just love his MONEY 🤑
jesselingard @unknown.u Just leave my wife alone, duhh 🙄
masonmount Oh gosh my babyyy!!!!
benchilwell y/n I’m so excited!
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Liked by y/instagram/n, rlhalliday and 809.170 others
jesselingard Sleep over party is readyy! 😆
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Liked by jesselingard and 991.330 others
y/instagram/n Hello! this is y/n.. i have received a lot of questions and inquiries from fans via dms… first i want to thanks all the blessings from you guys and i was really happy to read these dm and at the same time with a large amount of dm asking about our love story, but we wanted to keep it a little private so we can only say briefly that we met in Spain and the story after that was just like any other couple 😉
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benchilwell What’s a great story 🙂👏
jesselingard Let’s celebrate tonight 🍷
y/instagram/n oooooh deal dd
justparttyyiing Urg i’m so sick of here 🙄 disgusting
jessefann.love @justparttyyiing No one ask you to like her, just fuck off
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Liked by rlhalliday, lucialoi and 443.088 others
y/instagram/n bachelor “partyyy” w fam ✌️
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frienddy.aco Anyone notice that she didn’t even drink a sip of wine 😼 i guess she’s pregnant
11113.220_ Maybe she can’t drink, i don’t think she’s pregnant tho
onlyforr.u I love her IG feed, so warm and aesthetic
lucialoi It's really funny when you keep forgetting your engagement ring on the sink 🤣
y/instagram/n yea i just don’t know why i kept forgetting 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Fortunately, someone reminded me, otherwise i lost it
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jesselingard Pretty pretty wife 🤍
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y/instagram/n my handsome hubby! 🐻☀️
benchilwell Photo take by me
marcusrashford Chilly chill
lucialoi @y/instagram/n You are so PRETTY Y/N
y/instagram/n thank you babe 🥺 @lucialoi
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y/instagram/n honeymoon (22/02 🤍)
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jlfan.__ I saw you two this morningg
marcusrashford Beautiful view 😘
y/instagram/n what? Marcus stop it, he’s my husband
cmpulisic Miss you already my friend
chippul She’s so lucky to marry someone like Jesse, I think I should find a man like that too
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blueathens · 2 years
Merry Christmas
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Summary: In which Y/n gifts Jesse a present that he has been begging for nearly year now.
Song: Santa Baby by Kylie Minogue Quote: “It’s Christmas Eve babe-”
Masterlist//Dusk Till Dawn Masterlist//Agape Masterlist
“Can you reach?” Jesse asked as his hands gently grip onto Hope’s legs as she sat on his shoulders, leaning up as she tried to put the star onto the top of the tree.
“Of course she can’t, Jesse you’re too short for something like this.” Y/n giggled as she leaned against the doorframe, hands tucking under her very large white jumper as she watched the way her boyfriend looked at her in mock defence.
“I’m taller than you.”
“By an inch.”
“And that inch is very important.”
“Daddy I still can’t reach,” Complained Hope as she interrupted the couple barrel from below her, her little hands waved the star at hand to see if some type of magic can help her put it on. “The star.” She complained again. “Daddy!”
“How about we open a present instead and then we can try putting the try on top of the tree again.” Y/n suggested as she moved towards them and sat cross-legged onto the ground and grabbed the medium sized box in front of her and held it out for Jesse and Hope as he too moved to sit on the ground with Hope in his lap.
Y/n was absolutely buzzing and strongly believed Jesse was unwrapping the present unbelievably slowly. It was a gift Jesse wanted for ages now, begging for it since the beginning of the year and still begging for it now.
“It’s Christmas Eve babe-”
“Jesse just open it.” Y/n interrupted him as she looked at him with widen soft eyes, waiting for him and Hope to open the lid of the cardboard box that was painted a yellow colour with some gems on the rim of it.
“Is this…?” He gulped as he pulled out the shirt with the words ‘See you in 9 months Daddy and Hope,’ and then a small piece of paper fell out of it as of the t-shirt he unfolded, and it told him all he needed to know.
The ultrasound of his and Y/n’s little boy or girl.
“Babe…is-is this real?” Jesse asked as he stared widely at the black-and-white picture in his shaky hand and all Y/n could do was nod as she said:
“We’re having a baby of our own Jess…Hope is gonna be a big sister.”
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judeswhore · 3 years
3 with jesse lingard (bonus promts)
in which it turns out jesse is a 28 year old man who’s never seen love actually
prompt: “i think you just made the naughty list”
i hate mariah carey - jesse lingard
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"I'm sick of this song." Jesse tried to lean over the kitchen island to make a grab for your phone, frowning and grumbling when you snatched it away. "Turn it off." You took a step back to put even more space between you and tucked your phone into the front pocket of your hoodie.
The two of you were in the middle of making a batch of Christmas cookies, songs playing through Jesse's speakers to get you into the festive spirit. You'd already spent the morning decorating, you doing more than your boyfriend because he was more interested in trying to tie you up with tinsel, but you'd gotten there in the end. This was the second batch you were attempting to make because the two of you had gotten slightly distracted and left the first lot to burn, the smoke alarm putting an end to your little side plans.
"How can you be sick of it? It’s a masterpiece.” You argued as Jesse glared at you, barely paying attention as he filtered flour into a bowl.
"You've played it about fifty times today, I think I hate Mariah Carey because of you." You gasped dramatically, picking up a cookie cutter and lobbing it in his direction. It hit against his shoulder and he just stared at you across the island, clearly unamused.
"You can't hate Mariah Carey, Jesse, she is Christmas."
"Michael Bublé is Christmas." He countered and you shook your head in disapproval, stopping in the middle of his kitchen with your hands on your hips.
"I think we've hit that point in our relationship where I'm about to lose feelings." Jesse narrowed his eyes at you, hands pulling back from the bowl, flour still clinging to his skin.
"Meaning I don't think I can date someone who thinks Michael Bublé is more Christmasy than Mariah Carey. Did Sam sing a Michael Bublé song in Love Actually?" You didn't wait for him to answer, just held your hand up in the air. "No, I didn't think so."
"Who the fuck is Sam?" You gaped at him, mouth open as you tried to figure out if he was being serious or not. His face was completely serious and it made your mouth drop even further, head shaking in utter bewilderment.
"Sam, the little boy from Love Actually who's in love with the American girl?" You raised your eyebrows waiting for it to click but Jesse was still staring at you like you were trying to explain some new phenomena to him. "His dad is Liam Neeson and he plays the drums in the school play to try and impress her and then he chases her all the way to the airport because she's The One."
You genuinely couldn't believe you were dating a man who didn't know who Sam was. He's quite literally the blueprint for all first true loves, everyone knew that.
"Y/N, darling, your explaining is amazing but it's not helping because I've never seen Love Actually." Jesse clapped his hands slightly and a cloud of white flour plumed around him, settling on his black counter tops and you made a look of annoyance at the mess he was making.
"That's blasphemous." You had to pause the music to process his words because what person hadn’t seen Love Actually? “Like never?”
“No, never wanted to.”
“Are you taking the piss?” Jesse rolled his eyes and wiped his hands down the front of the apron you’d made him wear. It said “hottest chef” and he’d decided he was never taking it off. “I think you just made the naughty list.”
“For not watching Love Actually? Bit over the top isn’t it?” He made his way over to you, fingers reaching into your hoodie to grab your phone, disconnecting it from the speakers in just a few seconds. “I’m choosing what we listen to.”
“Oh absolutely not, we’re finishing the cookies and then I’m making you watch Love Actually.” Jesse’s lips slipped into a pout and he dropped his head against your shoulder, groan vibrating from the back of his throat.
“I don’t want to.” The whine in his voice was evident but you were set on making him watch it, you wouldn’t leave his house until he knew all the characters and their backgrounds. His arms slid around your waist and he tugged you against him as though hoping he could hug you tight enough that you couldn’t move but you just pushed him backwards.
“You have to or I’ll dump you.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“I would. Sam’s love story is more important to me that ours.” You kept trying to push him back towards the cookies so you could finish them but he was stronger than you and kept you rooted to the spot, his laugh tickling your neck. “Stop! You have to watch it.”
“It’ll be shit, why can’t we just watch Elf?” You made an incredulous noise and pinched his bicep.
“How can you think Love Actually is shit but wanna watch Elf? You’re completely ridiculous.” Jesse trapped your arms against his chest, grunting when you stepped on his foot.
“I don’t like rom coms.”
“Oh my God, you’re such a fucking liar we literally watched The Holidate last night.” Your back hit the counter and Jesse effectively caged you in, his hands pinning yours to your sides. He met your gaze, humour evident in his eyes and you knew he was trying not to laugh at your unsuccessful attempts of getting away.
“I only watched because you begged me to. I didn’t even like it.”
“Bullshit, you were rooting for them the whole time.”
“I was trying to keep you happy.” Your lips suddenly turned pouty, shoulders dropping and you gave Jesse those eyes he could never say no to. “Nuh uh, those eyes won’t work this time.”
“C’mon, stop being a Scrooge, this is my favourite movie.”
“You say that about every movie.”
“I’ll get down on my hands and knees and beg you.” Your boyfriend’s lips suddenly tilted into a teasing smirk and he let go of your wrist to tuck your hair behind your ear.
“I think you’ll be the one on the naughty list if that happens.” Your pout got deeper and you ignored his attempt at a dirty joke, your fingers wrapping around the back of his neck.
“If you watch it with me I’ll kiss you as much as you want and I’ll even let you teach me how to do your weird football tricks.” Jesse bent his head a little and let his lips brush the corner of your mouth, your lashes flutter when he slipped his arm around your waist and pulled you against him.
“How about you do both of those things and give me a back massage.” You tilted your head in contemplation even though you knew you were going to say yes. Massaging Jesse never stayed just massaging Jesse for very long and you weren’t one to complain about that. You gave a little shrug, pout clearing for a smile to take its place.
“Okay sure. But you have to sit through the entire thing with no complaints and I want you to tell me when it’s finished what everyone’s story was.”
“You’re so demanding.”
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Learning to love you- Jesse Lingard x Reader
summary: In which the reader and Jesse are figuring out how to deal with an unplanned pregnancy. All while hiding it from her brother Marcus. Based on Billie Eilishs „Halley‘s comet.“
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I don't want it And I don't want to want you
It was a dark and cold morning when you made your way to the black car parked in your driveway. You buried your face in your scarf as it was freezing. You opened the car door before sitting down in the vehicle, shivering as you closed the door.
„Did he see you leave?“ Jesse asked, sitting in the driver seat of his black Mercedes, dressed in some black tracksuit and looking pretty tired.
„No of course not Jesse.“ you sighed, running your hand through your hair as you stared out into the foggy air.
Trying to avoid Jesses stare on you „I was careful, I promise you don’t have to worry.“
Jesse could tell you were pressed about this as he started driving down the road. The two of you not talking to each other at all. This was a shitty situation to be in for both of you.
What had happened was that Jesse and you had what could only be described as a one night stand. You had both gotten pretty drunk at a party and it just kind of happened. And what started of as just a one time thing soon turned into a regular occurrence. Both of you agreeing to keep it casual. The messy part of the story was that Jesse was your brother Marcus best friend and teammate.
Well, not exactly the messiest part of all. No, the even messier part of this story was that Jesse was currently driving you to the hospital. After your period was late you had taken a pregnancy test and it had turned out positive. The positive test was followed by at least twenty more. Each of them telling you the same thing; you were pregnant.
It had taken you a lot of courage to call Jesse and tell him about it. He of course freaked out and even started to yell at you at some point. So you see that’s why you were not really fond of the idea of being with him at the moment. He had been incredibly rude and you had cried all night after the phone call. Till he texted you that he wanted to make sure it was true before doing anything else and that he would pick you up at 5am to go to the hospital.
In your heart you knew that it was true. All the symptoms and this weird feeling you had the past four weeks finally making sense.
„So are you never gonna talk to me again?“ Jesse spoke up after a while, clutching onto the steering wheel as you sighed.
„What can I even say.“ you whispered, crossing your arms as you stare out the window „You already have made up your mind.“
„Made up my mind?“ Jesse chuckled before shaking his head „I’m sorry that I didn’t jump up an down in joy when you told me that I got my best friends sister fucking pregnant!“
You bit your lip, trying to resist the urge to cry again. Was this already hormones?
„Well, it isn’t my fault either Jesse!“ you now hissed back, looking at him from the side.
Jesse looked at you before sighing „I know it isn’t Y/n! Okay? I’m just fucked if this is really true.“
„What’s supposed to not be true? I have taken about twenty tests. I’m fucking pregnant Jesse!“ you yelled, completely fed up with his narcissistic behavior.
„And you are a hundred percent sure that it is mine?“ he now hissed and you could immediately tell he regretted it.
You chuckled, staring out the window again. Oh, were you pissed off by the guy.
„I honestly can’t believe you right now.“ you bit your lip, already feeling tears fill your eyes.
Jesse didn’t say anything, he just stared at the road as he questioned why he was such an idiot sometimes. The rest of the car ride was dead silent and neither of you said a word.
„So you are definetly pregnant.“ the doctor said as you were sitting on the hospital bed.
You could hear Jesse sigh in the corner as he nervously paced up and down the room.
„And ehm…“ the woman weakly smiled at you, probably feeling sorry that the father of your child was currently acting like his life had just ended „I’ll give you a call to make an appointment next week and we can do a first ultrasound check up and then and discuss everything else.“
You nodded, looking down at your hands as you fumbled with the hem of your shirt.
„I’ll give you two some time.“ the blonde woman now said before leaving the room. And with it leaving you behind with Jesse sitting on a chair in the corner and cursing under his breath.
„Fuck, fuck, fuck!“ the guy said, burying his face in his hands. The sight of it made you sad. He looked truly upset about this. He couldn’t even pretend to be happy that you were carrying his child for a second.
After you stayed in that room and Jesse didn’t talk to you or try to comfort you at all, you finally decided you had enough. You stood up from the bed before putting on your grey coat that was hanging at the door.
„I won’t tell Marcus.“ you said, your voice cold and emotionless.
„That you're pregnant?“ Jesse furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at you confused.
„No, that it’s yours.“ you answered, grabbing your purse and scarf „I’ll say it was just some one night stand. It clearly didn’t mean anything to you…“
„What are you even talking about?“ Jesse sighed, thinking you were joking.
You looked back at him one last time before saying „I’m saying that you don’t have to be involved in the babys life. Okay? You’re free Jesse.“
With that you walked out the hospital room and as you made your way out the hospital, somewhere inside you kind of hoped he would follow you. But he didn’t.
But in my dreams I seem to be more honest
And I must admit, you’ve been in quite a few
„I wish you could come to the game with me tomorrow.“ Marcus sighed as he sat down next to you on the couch „But if you’re sick it’s probably a bad idea.“
It had been almost a week since you had last seen Jesse. You hadn’t told your brother you were pregnant yet, excusing the constant throwing up with the flu.
„Yeah, It’s probably not a good idea.“ you mumbled, crossing your arms as you stared onto the ground. The last week had been incredibly hard. You felt rubbish and there was no one there to support you or someone you could talk to.
„Are you okay?“ Marcus asked, sounding worried as he looked at you from the side „You seem sad latetly.“
You smiled weakly, your eyes probably giving you away „I’m fine. Don’t worry.“
As you awaited your doctors appointement a lot of questions ran through your mind. How where you ever gonna make this work? You were still studying and living with your brother. You had no job and you couldn’t actually afford a child by yourself.
You felt like you were gonna fail this child and maybe it was unfair to put someone into the world and offer them zero stabilty.
You also didn’t understand why you felt upset about not seeing Jesse. After all he had treated you like crap since finding out you were pregnant. So why on earth would you ever miss him? You kept having these weird dreams of the two of you and the baby as a family. It made you sad that subconsciously you obviously wanted him in your life.
Halley's Comet Comes around more than I do But you're all it takes for me to break a promise Silly me to fall in love with you
At least the nausea had gotten a little better. Just in time for your appointment on Thursday. You scrolled through your phone as you waited for the clock to hit four, so you could finally head to the doctors. All day you had been way to nervous to do anything as you paced through the house nervously. All the while your brother watched you confused and at some point even telling you to chill and sit down.
Then a couple hours later you were laying on the hospital bed as you awaited your doctor. When she finally came in you noticed she wasn’t alone.
„What are you doing here?“ you asked with furrowed eyebrows as you looked at the guy standing behind the doctor.
Jesse stood there completely dressed in his training attire, indicating that he had left training just to come to the hospital. He was out of breath and looked like he hadn’t slept in a while. He looked even worse than you who had been up sick all night last week. Jesse didn’t answer you, he just walked around the bed stopping by your head as your doctor started to do the ultrasound.
You looked up at him but his eyes were fixated on the screen. You felt the cold feeling of the ultrasound thing against your stomach as your doctor started to search for the baby. The room was silent only the sound of the machines could be heard.
„So I was right.“ the doctor smiled as she pointed at the screen „You are about six weeks pregnant and this is your baby.“
She pointed at the smallest looking thing on the screen. It was about the size of a ricecorn.
„It’s so tiny.“ you mumbled, making your doctor chuckle and nod „Yes it’s still very early.“
You then felt a hand grab yours and when you looked at it you saw that Jesse was holding your hand as he kneeled next to the bed. He looked at you with glassy eyes before looking at the screen again.
„That’s our baby.“ he then said and you felt yourself also tear up as he caressed your hand with his thumb.
For a moment the whole world and all your problems seemed to dissapear. It was just the three of you.
„And then I was thinking I want go get little baby adidas shoes.“ Jesse gushed as he drove down the streets, the biggest smile plastered on his face.
You chuckled as you stared at him from the side with furrowed eyebrows. He had been talking about everything he wanted to do for your baby since you two left the hospital. It was kind of confusing to you that he suddenly seemed to be head over heels about the pregnancy.
„Jesse?“ you spoke up and he raised his eyebrows as you sounded quite serious „Do you actually mean all of this?“
Next thing you knew Jesse pulled over, The cars passing honking he had abruptly done so. He turned off the car engine before turning to you. You looked at him and you had never seen him look that serious.
„Y/n… I…“ he stuttered, clearly nervous before grabbing your hands „I‘m so sorry for what I did last week. I‘ll forever regret reacting that way.“
You felt yourself tear up as you gave him a weak smile „It’s okay Jesse. I forgive you.“
„Good because I really want this baby.“ he whispered and you could tell he was also trying not to cry „I want it and I promise I’ll always take care of it.“
A tear rolled down Jesses cheek as you gently took your hand to wipe it off. Putting your hand on his face as you looked him in the eyes.
„Hope is gonna have a little sister or brother Jesse.“ you giggled, making him smile as he leaned in to place his lips onto yours.
It was different than the kisses you had shared previously. Normally it was just a sexual thing but this time it felt different. It was tender and soft. It was kind of like; love.
I haven't slept since Sunday Midnight for me is 3:00 a.m. for you
The next few weeks your life seemed to have turned upside down. Your body was trying to get used to the fact that it was now the home of another person as you tried to balance online school and the constant nausea.
You had been basically living at Jesses house as he had wanted to be by your side if you needed anything. Telling Marcus you were staying at a girlfriends house as Jesse and you hadn’t yet figured out how you were gonna explain your brother that you were in fact pregnant.
It was almost the twelfth week of your pregnancy which is normally around the time that people tell their family and friends. But of course your situation was different.
So for now you were staying up all night watching Netflix as you couldn’t sleep very well due to feeling sick. You had watched each Tv show that even existed but it wasn’t all that bad. Because at least you had Jesse.
But my sleepless nights are better
With you than nights could ever be alone
You also felt this incredible connection to the thing growing inside of you. It was like you loved someone you didn’t even know yet. For the first time in your life you felt like you weren’t ever gonna be alone again.
All the aches and pains became worth it when you thought about the little one. Dreaming and wondering if it was gonna be a girl or boy. Imagining it’s whole life and how much it was gonna be loved by both Jesse and you. How Hope was gonna soon become a big sister.
It was about the fourteenth week of your pregnancy when you were awoken by a sharp pain in your stomach. Immediately getting worried you tried to call Jesse, who was already in training by that time.
Of course the call went straight to voicemail as you started to slightly panic. Googling your symptoms as all the worst case scenarios came up.
„Pick up. Please Pick up.“ you tried calling Jesse again as you started to get dressed, struggling to put on clothes as you felt like you were about to die because it hurt so much.
But the call didn’t go through again. You thought about what to do and you knew you couldn’t drive in this state, that was for sure. After contemplating you did the only thing that your motherly instinct told you to do.
You picked up your phone, dialed the number and held it to your ear. Just a few seconds later a voice apperaed at the other end of the line.
„Hey Y/N?“ your brothers voice appeared and you immediately got nervous „Everything alright?“
„Hey Marcus.“ you mumbled, trying not to start crying as you were incredibly scared „No everything's not fine actually. Listen I know this is gonna sound weird but I really need to talk to...Jesse.“
„What?“ Marcus asked and you could tell he was super confused. You could hear voices shout his name in the background before Jesses voice apperead.
„What’s up Marcus?“ Jesse asked and you could hear him and Marcus talk.
„It’s my sister.“ Marcus told his best friend and Jesse immediately started to panic „Is she alright?“
„No! She said she wants to talk to you, what the fuck is going on?“ Marcus hissed and next thing you knew Jesses voice appeared on the phone. He had probably ripped it out of Marcus hand.
„Y/n? Are you okay?“ Jesse asked worried, ignoring Marcus uporoar in the background.
„No, Jesse.“ you voice was shaky and you tried not to cry „I woke up and I have this weird pain in my stomach.“
„Fuck.“ Jesse cursed, as you could hear him start running „Okay just stay put Y/n okay? I’m gonna be home in like ten minutes alright?“
The next ten minutes felt like an eternity as you waited for Jesse to get home. You knew after this you would have to tell Marcus what was going on. You prayed for your baby to be alright as you waited in front of the door. The fresh air helping to manage the pain.
Then Jesses car pulled up and out stepped not only Jesse but also Marcus. Oh, fuck.
Your brother looked absoluetly pissed off. Had Jesse already told him?
„What the fuck is going on Y/N?“ your brother yelled as Jesse ran over to you. So he hadn't told him yet. Great.
„I’m sorry he insisted on coming with me.“ Jesse said out of breath as he grabbed your hands and when he saw your pale face he immediately looked worried again „Is it really bad?“
„Yes, it’s a little better now but I think we need to go tho the hospital.“ you whispered as your brother was currently standing a few feet away from you looking absolutely baffled at Jesse holding your hands.
„Okay let’s go get you in the car.“ Jesse tried to remain calm as he helped you walk to the car while Marcus kept asking the same question „What is happening?“
You rolled your eyes at your whining brother, dressed in his training attire as Jesse put you in the front seat.
„Yo, what the fuck is this Jesse?“ your brother went on and on as Jesse closed the car door. You saw he was trying to not flip at Marcus as this situation was already super stressful and Marcus constant nagging wasn’t helping.
„We need to go to the hospital.“ Jesse quietly said and Marcus immediately looked terrifed „Why is she sick?“
„No…“ Jesse mumbled and he looked down at his hands „Well not techincally.“
„Well, what is it then?“ Marcus hissed, feeling like he was losing his mind and no one was explaining shit to him „Why is my little sister at your damn house Jesse?“
„She…is…“ Jesse stuttered and you buried your face in your hands, knowing he was about to drop the big news as you watched the interaction from inside the car „She is pregnant.“
Marcus looked at you through the window in absolute shock. His eyes then fell on Jesse and it was like he put two and two together and finally understood what exactly had been going on behind his back.
„Wait a minute.“ Marcus hissed, shaking his head while looking at his best friend that was scratching his neck and looking at the floor in shame „You got my sister pregnant?“
Jesse didn’t dare to say anything he just slowly nodded as he looked his best friend in the eyes.
You looked at your brother, who looked like he felt deeply betrayed and how could you blame him. He had just found out that both his best friend and his sister had been lying to his face.
„I’m sorry we didn’t-“ Jesse tried to say something but he was cut off by a fist hitting his face. You gasped as Jesse covered his mouth with his hand.
„Ouch.“ Marcus whined, shaking out his hand while Jesse looked at him shocked. His lip slightly bleeding.
„What the…“ Jesse hissed, looking at the blood on his fingers and then at his friend.
Marcus just furrowed his brows before groaning „Oh, come on. You fucking deserved it.“
Jesse raised his eyebrows, knowing Marcus was right but he just hadn’t expected this from the guy. And you were also quite suprised as your brother wasn’t normally a violent person. But maybe he was right and Jesse did kinda deserve it.
„Now get in the fucking car and drive my sister to the hospital!“ he yelled and you almost chuckled, this was typical Marcus. He just cared to deeply to stay mad for long.
Jesse didn’t say anything else as he made his way into the car. Marcus hopped in the back seat as you started heading of to the hospital.
„Can you go a little faster man!“ Marcus yelled popping his head between the front seat „She clearly is in pain.“
„I’m driving as fast as I can!“ Jesse hissed and you giggled at the interaction between the two „Are you okay love?“
Marcus scrunched up his face in disgust as he punched Jesses shoulder „Don’t call my sister that!“
I was good at feeling nothing, now I'm hopeless What a drag to love you like I do
„My lip fucking hurts.“ Jesse whined, looking at his bruised reflection in the rearview mirror as you waited at a red light.
„That’s what you get for knocking up my sister.“ Marcus hissed, sitting in the backseat with crossed arms.
The trip to the hospital had revealed a that the pain you had been enduring was some kinda round ligament thing. Apparently a lot of women had it and it would go away with resting. So luckily nothing bad.
Now you were on your way to McDonalds as you were really craving junk food and Jesse said yes to your every wish. That was one perk of being pregnant.
„What’s even the situation between the two of you?“ Marcus asked and you held your breath as you hadn’t yet discussed this with Jesse „Are you gonna get married or what?“
„What?“ you squealed at your brothers silly question.
„Yeah, I mean you are in a relationship right?“ Marcus asked but it was more directed at Jesse than you.
„We haven’t discussed that yet Marcus.“ you answered, not wanting Jesse to feel obligated to say something.
„So you just used my sister for sex?“ Marcus stated emotionless and you gasped at the guys audacity.
„Marcus!“ you hissed, feeling super uncomfortable with the whole situation.
„No I didn’t!“ Jesse now hissed, clearly offended by the accusation.
„Well if you aren’t in a relationship…“ Marcus shrugged and you could tell he was still very much pissed off at this whole thing.
Jesse shook his head taking a deep breath in „I fell in love with her. That’s why I even slept with her okay?“
It was dead silent for a second as you couldn’t believe what Jesse had just casually revealed. He loved you?
„You love me?“ you asked, looking at the guy in the driver seat.
„Yes…“ he smiled at you, before placing his hand on your thigh.
„I love you too Jesse.“ you smiled putting your hand on his.
It was a beautiful moment until you heard Marcus pretending to gag in the backseat. „Oh my god… I feel like I’m gonna throw up.“
I've been loved before, but right now in this moment
I feel more and more like I was made for you
The rest of your pregnancy was absolutely blissful. Jesse and you were falling in love with each other more everyday and your brother started to get used to the idea that his best friend and sister were gonna have a family.
You moved in with Jesse and the two of you started preparing for the baby to arrive. Painting and decorating it’s room, buying all kinds of baby stuff and starting to dicuss names.
Hope also was thrilled to hear she was gonna be a big sister and soon enough the whole world new about the new addition to the Lingard family. Then your due date arrived as you awaited for the birth of your daughter. That’s right, you were gonna have a little girl.
And the day she came into the world your life had forever changed. Finally you felt whole. It was like your whole life you had prepared for her. She was the cutest little baby with her dark curly hair and brown eyes. She was your whole world.
I'm sitting in my brother's room
Haven't slept in a week or two, or two
You sat on the chair in the corner of your brothers room as you watched Marcus and Jesse just stare at the little thing laying on the bed. She was now two weeks old and it had been one hell of a ride. Adjusting to parenthood was definetly hard.
„She is so cute when she sleeps.“ Marcus gushed looking at his niece as a tired looking Jesse chuckled „Yes, she hardly sleeps though.“
He winked at you as you gave him a weak smile, way to tired to say anything.
„So did you finally decide what her name is? Baby is starting to sound really good to me.“ your brother joked, making you chuckle as you leaned back into the chair.
Jesse looked at you with raised eyebrows as if he was asking for permission. You slowly nodded as he looked at the baby again.
„Her name is Haley.“
I think I might have fallen in love What am I to do?
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