weisswodka · 27 days
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Jewish Hatsune Miku! I wanted to jump on this trend
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hyperpotamianarch · 1 month
Pleasant music playing. The logo of Camp Nephillim appears on a sky-blue background. The logo is a tilted Star of David in which all the points are stylized as wings, with the words "Camp Nephilim" above and the Hebrew equivalent - "מחנה הנפילים" - below. Underneath the logo is a tagline - a quote from the Tanach.
The logo & background slowly fade. The music also fades, though a bit later than the logo.
[Setting: Int., an office of some sort. The back wall is covered with book shelves, with many of the books being in Hebrew - the Talmud, multi volume edition of the Tanach and such books. There's a table in the middle of the room. Behind it sits Tuvia Rosenbloom, an adult Jewish man with curly dark hair, a short beard and sharp green eyes. He wears a blue Camp Nephilim t-shirt, with a Tzitzit under it and a yarmulke on his head. He sports a friendly smile.]
Tuvia (with a noticable British accent): Shalom! Hello, and welcome to Camp Nephillim. I am Tuvia Rosenbloom, the camp councelor, and I'm here to explain to you about what this camp is and why you're here. Your journey here was likely shaking, so in the meanwhile take your time to relax and drink a cup of water while you're watching this orientation video. Please remember to say the blessing before!
[He lifts a cup of water, says the blessing and drinks before continuing]
Tuvia (cont.): So, first thing first: you should know that many thing that you may have thought were merely myth are, in fact, quite real. This includes angels and demons - though they aren't exactly the same as you might've imagined them. No, the whole "Biblically Accurate Angels" meme wouldn't prepare you enough either. Angels can also sometimes appear differently than their natural form, and can even seem like regular humans. They sometimes fall in love with humans, which is how most Nephilim come to be.
[Tuvia's office disappears, to show instead a Chumash opened in the Book of Genesis, chapter 6]
Tuvia (cont.): What are the Nephilim? Well, as the Torah says,
"It was then, and later too, that the Nephilim appeared on earth—when divine beings cohabited with the human women, who bore them offspring. Such were the heroes of old, the men of renown."
[Setting returns to Tuvia's office]
Tuvia (cont.): So, those are the Nephilim, then: children of Divine beings and humans, who are heroes and men of renown. And you are likely one of them.
[Tuvia takes another sip from his cup, then sets it aside]
Tuvia (cont.): You might need some time to digest that, feel free to pause the video for a few minutes. Getting back on topic, though: you are, likely, the child of a divine being. If you always grown with a single parent who only rarely reminisced of another parent you don't know what happened to them - you are likely a Naphil. It may grant you certain abilities relating to the position your divine parent served in the universe. Note, however, that those divine beings aren't gods. We do not worship them or offer them sacrifices, even as mediators between as and G-d. Some of those Divine Beings do like to consider themselves gods and were worshipped by old civilizations - the Greek and Norse pantheons, for example. That doesn't make them any more gods than the Angels known in Jewish lore - they are merely forces. Powerful, but not omnipotent.
[Tuvia pauses for a moment, letting that sink in]
Tuvia (cont.): There are other types of people who might find their way to Camp Nephilim, however. Perhaps you were training in magic under the Egyptian ḥartumim of Per Ankh and felt uncomfortable during Passover; maybe you studied under the tutelage of the Chaldeans in New Jersey, and they were harsh on you during Tisha b'Av; or maybe you were either born with the Re'iyeh, the Sight, or were granted it by an experiment gone wrong. I, personally, am descended from one of the few Jewish bloodlines that inherited the Re'iyeh from one of our ancestors. We can see the hidden world, and the threats within... and they tend to look back. Which leads us to demons.
[Tuvia leans back in his chair, putting his hands together]
Tuvia (cont.): It is important to remember that Demons - or Shedim, as they are known in Hebrew - aren't what you've come to expect from beings with such a name. They aren't evil monsters, hell-bent on tempting you to sin. Rather, they are... adjacent beings to us, not dissimilarly to elves or goblins in modern popular media. However, they are nothing like you may have come to expect from elves of the Tolkeinian kind. They are wilder than them, and prone to hurt humans. They aren't always murderous or impossible to reason with either. Some of them, like our lore instructor Yonatan Shida, are rather friendly. Many of them crave blood, though, and nothing is tastier to them than the blood of the Nephilim, or other humans capable of seeing them. They live in the edges of society and can feel when someone is looking at them. And when you do... when you acknowledge seeing them... you become fair play.
[Tuvia returns to his previous posture, lifts his cup and takes another sip]
Tuvia (cont.): You likely had a significant encounter with Shedim, or maybe other types of monsters, on your way here - but it probably wasn't your first time seeing them. It might have been a man who, upon a second look, had chicken legs. Perhaps you could've sworn that a weird stranger who seemed to follow you had two heads. You may have seen a horse fly on the horizon, or encountered a tall person with an umbilical cord tying them to the ground on a field trip. They were less of a threat to you back then. But yo have grown, and your powers and abilities grew with you - along with the Shedim's ability to sense you. They will be coming for you - which is why you're here. Camp Nephilim is a place for Jewish Nephilim and Ba'alei Shem to train. To get used to the powers granted to us by virtue of our parentage or via other means. We're not the only place for such training; Camp Half-Blood in Long Island offers training for children of entities from the Greek Pantheon, while the 21 Nome of the House of Life in Brooklyn offers training in Egyptian magic, and the Chaldean school in Jersey City will train you in the Mesopotamian vain. None of those, however, is built with Jews in mind: the worship of pagan gods is common in all these places. They don't supply you with Kosher food, tend to not care for our holidays and often enough rife with latent antisemitism. We offer a Jewish alternative - no matter what is your level of observance or what congregation you belong to, you can be sure we have here at least one synagogue you can daven at and one you'd never set foot in. We do not worship any god but G-d here - you can honor your parents in ways fitting the traditions of the Torah, but even if a divine parent asks of you to worship them you are not required to. Another difference between us and the other Camps and Schools is that you aren't trained to slay Shedim here. You're trained to keep them at bay, imprison them if necesarry. Unlike other monsters, Shedim die like humans do, and so killing them should be only taken as a last resort: if your life are in danger you should kill whoever threatens you, but otherwise killing Shedim is like murder. We would ask you to refrain from doing that unless necessary.
[Tuvia gets up]
Tuvia (cont.): That is it for the orientation video for now. Further explanations on your sleeping arrangemnt and schedules will be given to you when you exit the room. Welcome to Camp Nephilim! We hope you enjoy your time with us.
[Outro music playing, the picture of Tuvia's office is replaced by the blue background with the Camp's logo to the side while the credits are shown on screen]
Writer wishes to note he knows nothing about writing stage instructions.
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gift i made for @eleheba a while back <3
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jewishjesper · 5 months
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Silly oc doodles
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 10 months
here's a fun fact: there were 114 jews in sunderland in 2001 (this was the only year i could find census data); the chances that roy billetted with a jewish family are like. vanishingly small. and i don't think he was canonically intended to be jewish but if there's no jews in a story i will add them (add us), and i really do think there's something about the alienation of growing up jewish away from any sort of jewish community that's very resonant with his arc. because he moves hours away from home and then he loses his grandfather — loses the person who was implied to be his primary caregiver, who had things left to teach him and never got the chance: how to ride a bike, but maybe also how to set a seder plate and build a sukkah and taper off caffeine the week before yom kippur once he's old enough. you can't pick up judaism through osmosis, is the thing, not unless you're around other jews. so he grows up five hours away from home and the school holidays, the holidays from football, never line up with his holidays so he doesn't celebrate; starts to forget what he would have been celebrating, or how. but then he comes back to london and phoebe's shit dad fucks off for good, and his sister decides they're going to raise her jewish. and it's fucking awful, having to learn his own culture from books and from his sister, pushing down the resentment that it's ingrained in her the way it isn't — the way it maybe never will be — in him, but he doesn't want phoebe to grow up feeling the way he did. and so he learns.
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eleheba · 2 years
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➰a way with words
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icemankazansky86 · 8 months
Shabbat Shalom from the Kazansky’s.
Ice and his older sister, Ana (oc)
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mitskijamie · 7 months
some more incredibly niche headcanons i couldn't fit on the poll/are too random for anyone to agree with me
Roy owes Phoebe over a million pounds in swear-word money by the time she goes to college. He eventually just buys her a house and calls it even
Bumbercatch has an identical twin and they're totally exactly like the creepy twins from the shining
Roy was arrested for public urination in his 20s and his mullet mugshot is the lads' favorite image to ever exist. they make like a billion impact font memes of it
Jamie likes to buy stuff for himself that he couldn't have as a kid. Toys/stickers/snacks/coloring books/etc. He thinks it's weird and embarrassing and doesn't tell anyone, but it's just a healing/comforting thing because his childhood was so awful
Keeley's favorite color is actually purple, but pink has become her brand and it's too late to change it now.
Roy is a message reactor. Why would he use words when they made a feature specifically to allow you to avoid using words. His text exchanges with Jamie are like "Can I have toast with jam for a snack" "Roy disliked a message" ":(" "Roy disliked a message"
Roy hates going to the dentist. That shit is private. No one should be poking around in there, much less with little lights and cameras. Violation
Rebecca unironically reposts minion memes on FaceBook. This one sends her every time
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thedeafprophet · 28 days
If flondon keeps insisting on having the rats involved with Christianity, I think I should make Paxton Jewish tbqh
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jewishicequeen · 6 months
Jewish OCs save me...
Jewish OCs...
Save me Jewish OCs...
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weisswodka · 26 days
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Chassidic Fashion ⭐
(I know that in real life only men wear this kind of clothing, but the outfits are simply inspired by it. This is not correct religious clothing.)
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Anyways since there's so little intersex rep (that I have seen)
Captain Jack Harkness from Doctor Who/Torchwood is intersex, okay?
Also my OC (whose story I have to develop) is also intersex
Name: Raisa (from the Yiddish word for Rose)
Pronouns: he/him
Picrew #1 by: occultoctoling
Picrew #2 by: Sangled
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(yes he's Jewish because I said so)
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sparkplgggrrrrrrr · 30 days
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Hi chat this is Adriel expect a lore post soon 🫸🫷
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prinz-vassago · 6 months
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NEW CHARACTER JUST DROPPED!!! Ruth Grosz/Ruth Groß (25y.o) is Judith's best friend since childhood. Ruth has always supported Judith through her life and is the only person Judith considers her true friend, but despite everything, Ruth is very problematic and grew up with many demands to be an exemplary woman in her community. Ruth came to Krakow with her parents from Germany when she was still a child and soon became very popular in the local community. During her teens she started to become obsessed with beauty stuff, which made her very vain. She is always well-groomed and in makeup, she also likes to wear expensive clothes and is currently working as a hairdresser and making sheitel wigs. Her beauty and personality attract many looks and many men want to marry her, making her very desired. She constantly goes on secret dates with her suitors and the only person who knows about it is Judith, who worries a lot about what the community will think of her friend if they find out but she keeps the secret. She never married and this caused many in the community to start questioning her modesty. After a while, she starts a relationship with Lev, who seems to really love her and always presents her with clothes and accessories that he makes himself. He is also always concerned about her well-being and tries to be as supportive as possible, but although she tries to act satisfied, she never is. Apparently she approached Lev so she could be closer with Spitzel, and he begins to notice this eventually and their relationship begins to deteriorate and they start to feel mixed feelings for each other. It is a fact that Ruth feels a great need for approval from people, as she was never able to please her parents since childhood and must restrain herself from being her true self by the rules of the community. Despite all that, she is really talented at her job. After Judith's family decided to arrange the marriage to Spitzel, Ruth became extremely jealous as she has feelings for Spitzel since her childhood. She ends up getting angry with Judith, even though Judith doesn't feel anything for Spitzel, and then the friendship between them becomes extremely toxic. Ruth begins to treat her friend with inferiority, and begins to get restless to the point that she decides to make everything to ruin the wedding and win Spitzel for her. She knows that being married with the most talented man in her community will finally please her family, and this made her pin all her hopes on marrying him. After this, her mental health begins to decline significantly, and she turns to drinking and smoking, always getting drunk and having emotional breakdowns. Her personality will also change drastically and she will start to be labeled as "crazy". Upon learning about Spitzel's true nature, she becomes even more obsessed with him, and begins to consider him her true "god". He realizes that he can use her to his advantage, and so the two begin to have a hidden relationship and she helps him with the stuff.
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kinginthemask · 11 months
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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓶𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓪𝓭𝔂 𝓛𝓲𝓵𝓲𝓽𝓱
Happy Halloween🦉
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