voxofthevoid · 1 month
either 4 or 35! big fan of teen gojo crying🙌🙌
You have very good taste! 35 has been answered here, so let's go with 4:
04. you were born with a steady flame (we burn away)
Role reversal AU where teen!Gojou wages war on his teacher’s dick and sanity and doesn’t mind much when it backfires.
This one has a 3.5k outline and even titled chapters. It literally just needs to be written. Will I though. Will I...
This starts as Gojou acquiring a praise kink because Yuuji pats him on the head and calls him a good boy, and then he goes about trying to get Yuuji to praise him in increasingly deranged ways, culminating in the following scene:
Satoru asks for a kiss, and Yuuji confusedly goes, aren't you too old for that (confusing Satoru in turn) and then kisses him on the top of his head or forehead, and Satoru registers the misunderstanding even as he's turning his mouth to kiss Y. Escalate into makeout before Yuuji snaps out of it and asks what the hell Satoru is doing.
Satoru's response leading to him saying it's not just him who's affected—nudging Yuuji's hard-on. Yuuji tries to play it off as just physical stimulation, and Satoru makes a show of being/looking hurt and asking if he's just a body to Yuuji then. And Yuuji falls for it hook, line, and sinker, denying that Satoru would ever be just that to him, and Satoru hammers in the nail saying, "So you do want me," and Yuuji realizes he just got played.
Yuuji snaps and grabs Satoru by the jaw or throat and pins him to the desk. Asks (mocking or eerily serious) it was for being good that Satoru wanted a reward, right? “And I'm the reward, I guess.” Satoru nods warily. Yuuji: "Then there's nothing for me to worry about, is there?" Satoru is confused, and Yuuji goes on to give a full reason-you-suck speech, except he doesn't really seem to mind that Satoru's "arrogant, callous, crass, selfish, even cruel, with a burgeoning god complex." And Satoru is there being more turned on than pissed off by this, thinking he's apparently got layers like an onion.
Yuuji finishes his speech saying he doesn't really mind; he finds a certain nostalgic charm to it. Says he used to know someone like Satoru—no, much, much worse. “Do you know what I did to him?” Satoru rasps a negative, and Yuuji says he ate him piece by piece, and when he tried to bite back, he devoured him whole. Satoru makes the connection and says it's an honor to be compared to the King of Curses, says Yuuji can eat him too any time he wants. Yuuji shows a curious lack of reaction, staring down at Satoru with a blank expression that makes Satoru keenly aware of the heavy, calloused hand wrapped around his throat. Eventually, Yuuji says "we'll see, won't we" and leaves Satoru there on the desk, turned on and with two extra kinks.
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voxofthevoid · 3 months
what are your thoughts on marriage?
Hell no
^ that, in a nutshell.
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voxofthevoid · 3 months
do i have to ask u out for drinks to get called darling too ? /j
You need to catch me at the exact moment my internal voice sounds like an old-fashioned English guy. Otherwise, you're likely to be pelted with anything from "pal" to "sweetheart."
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