#jeyfeather moon
Thanks for answering, I loved the story! :D mechagodzilla and Madison! how niceAnd about the other request, I ask you for a little story (2 chapters or 1) of Madison and Rodan in AO3, the Firebird deserves love too (since Godzilla and guidorah are more popular)Rodan and Madison would be very nice (how it develops I left it to your imagination :3 I hope you can answer)
You're welcome! And thank you! It's not a full chaptered story, but here's a fluffy little ficlet of the two of them. I agree, Rodan deserves more love!
• • •
“‘She obtained the situation of companion to Miss Barton, calling herself Amy Durrant. She engaged a room and put some furniture into it so as to create more of a personality for herself. The drowning plan was a sudden inspiration. She had been waiting for some opportunity to present itself. Then she staged the final scene of the drama and returned to Australia, and in due time she and her brothers and sisters inherited Miss Barton’s money as next of kin.’”
“Why,” her dad’s voice interrupted Maddie, “are you reading about murder to Rodan?” 
She looked up from the rocky ledge she was comfortably perched on. In the volcanic pit beside her, Rodan cooed gently at the break in the story. 
“What, worried he’s gonna find inspiration?” Maddie asked, grinning. Sitting up a bit, she lifted the book, making sure to hold her page with her thumb, and presented the cover of Miss Marple: The Complete Short Stories to him. “He likes mysteries.”
Using the distraction to drink from her much-needed water bottle—just because it was safe in the base didn’t make it any less hot—Maddie watched her dad shake his head. 
“Maybe I should be worried about you getting ideas,” he muttered, leaning on the railing above her. 
“It is a pretty good ‘what not to do’ list,” she said. 
Rodan shifted, moving his head closer, the side of his beak bumping against the outcropping. She reached out to pet the warm skin beneath his eye, which rolled back a little. Not unlike a dog very happy about being scratched in just the right place. 
“Do you read to all of them?” her dad asked. “The Titans, I mean.”
“Nah. G falls asleep if he’s laying down for more than five minutes, and Mothra prefers movies.” Maddie swirled the ice in her water bottle. “Me and Rodan are book club buddies. Dr. Stanton suggests stuff for us sometimes, too.” 
Rodan—and there was no other word for it—purred. It was a much softer rumble than Godzilla’s with a definite cat-like trill to it. He liked their little two-person book club.
“Rick reads Miss Marple?” Instead of sounding doubtful, her dad sounded vaguely horrified. “Rick reads the ‘what not to do’ list?” 
Maddie sucked air in through her teeth, faux apologetic. 
He sagged in place with a groan. “I’m gonna start locking my door when we’re at Castle Bravo.” Looking over his shoulder, he appeared to watch someone for a moment before nodding. “All right, they still need me topside for a while. We might end up staying the night.” 
“Works for me,” Maddie said, settling back into place. “We still got some mysteries to solve. Don’t we, Rodan?” 
Rodan made a motion not unlike fluffing up, just minus the feathers. A short, soft screech of delight echoed through the chamber. 
Her dad turned and walked away, chuckling, as Maddie reopened the book. “Now, where were we? Ah, yes—‘A very bold and perfect crime,’ said Sir Henry. ‘Almost the perfect crime.’”
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dragon-kazansky · 2 years
Stand up and let go
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Part of the Murder Bird series
Gender neutral reader
Really switching up the canon line now. Ready?
Thanks @jeyfeather-moon for the idea!
Khonshu was losing. Ammit had the upper hand. Here, like this, there is nothing you can do. This cannot be how you lose Khonshu again.
You're in theory temple. Their sanctuary.
Maybe you can help. Khonshu won't like it, but what other options do you have?
You run from the entrance of the pyramid and run back inside, up the stairs and through the doorway. You run down the hall, careful of the bodies which still lay within. You don't stop until you find that room, colliding with the wall to stop yourself.
You look up at all the remaining statues.
"If I release you, will you help me? I can't stand by and do nothing. Khonshu is losing and he needs help. You have to help him!"
You know you won't get an answer. They're trapped. Still, that doesn't stop you.
One by one you grab them and throw them to the ground. The ones that don't crack immediately, you stand on like you did with Khonshu.
One by one the gods rise. They adjust to their forms and turn their heads to you.
"And who are you?" A deep voice asks.
You turn around and lay your eyes on Anubis. Those jackal eyes staring into your soul.
"My name isn't important," but you tell them anyway. "What is important is that Khonshu is in danger. Ammit is free and killing hundreds if not thousands of people. I will not lose Khonshu again."
Anubis stares at you with beady eyes. It's unsettling.
"I would need an avatar," he snarls.
"Then find one, but do it quickly."
He stares at you, still.
"What? What do you want?"
"I want you to be my avatar."
You shake your head.
"Khonshu will be mad."
"Do you do everything that Bird tells you?"
"No, but... being an avatar is... I've seen what that does to people."
"These are the terms. Be my avatar, defeat Ammit, and I will let you go, only once she has been defeated."
You shake your head.
"Khonshu will only fail if we do not take on avatars."
"Why me?
"Because you care for him. So fight for him. With my powers, getting rid of Ammit's avatar will be easy."
"I don't want to kill him... just stop him. Arthur was my friend once. He took care of me once. I will not kill him."
"Your choices are limited."
You clench your fist in anguish.
Khonshu will be pissed when he finds out, but if it would truly save him.
"I will not kill Arthur Harrow, but I will stop him."
"I accept your terms. You have to let me go when this is done."
"Only when Ammit has been defeated," Anubis chuckles.
You tilt your head up and accept the power of Anubis. You feel... stronger.
You run all the way back. When you reach the entrance, Anubis has grown to the size of Ammit and Khonshu. As he grows, you summon your suit. Like this, you can fight. You'll be alright.
You take off into the night and go find Harrow.
You find him fighting Marc and Layla.
Layla, who appears to be in a suit of her own. You both stare at one another, but don't question the fits.
You turn to Harrow.
He look at you.
"It didn't have to be this way," he says.
"No, but what choice do I have?" You ask.
Arthur says nothing. He runs back at the three of you with his cane ready. Marc goes to meet him halfway, but blacks out.
You go stop him, but it's too late.
Marc returns. He questions Steven. Steven has no idea.
Harrow lays on the ground with the end of how cane sticking out of his head. You swallow a scream as you take in what you're seeing.
You hadn't want him killed. Just... saved.
Marc takes the cane and looks up at you.
"What was that?"
He doesn't know.
"Grab Harrow!" Layla calls out. Marc picks him up. You follow them back to the pyramid.
Marc drops Harrow onto the broken slab on the middle of the room. He joins you and Layla and takes each of your hands.
"We must bind Ammit to Harrow. In a mortal vessel she is vulnerable." Layla explains.
All of you begin to chant.
Using what power is still there in that temple, you begin the blinding process. You see Harrow twitch. He's alive. Thank goodness for that.
Then it's over.
Ammit is bound to the body.
You stare at Harrow.
"Kill him!"
You ignore Anubis and look up to see Khonshu here. He is looking at you.
"What did you do?" He asks.
You say nothing.
Marc approaches Harrow.
"Remember our deal?" He asks Khonshu.
Khonshu turns his head away from you.
"You and the worm will be free from me. I remember."
"If you want him dead, do it yourself." Marc walks away. Layla follows.
The suit disappears from Marc's body. Khonshu let's him go. He turns back to you.
"Free them, Anubis," Khonshu demands.
"Not until the terms have been met."
You look at Anubis.
"Ammit has been defeated!"
"Ammit still lives. Until she has been killed within her vessel, you will remain my avatar," Anubis grins and disappears.
Khonshu looks at you.
"Why did you do that?"
You look at him.
"To keep you safe."
Khonshu sighs and reaches out. He places his hand on your head.
"You fool. You have become the avatar if a god. I did not want this for you."
You say nothing.
"My oath has not changed."
You look up at him.
"I will protect you, even from Anubis himself. You are my star, my precious mortal. I will free you from him myself."
You smile up at Khonshu.
Khonshu looks up at where Marc had gone.
"I have an avatar who will help."
You look at him confused. He let Marc and Steven go. Layla won't accept.
Who was he talking about?
Khonshu leaves it at that and sees to it that you're somewhere safe and sound for the night.
Harrow will be dealt with.
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harriertail · 5 years
Concept: a cult in warriors that worships the moon and manipulates the clans into believing that their moon god wants to help bring back Starclan when in reality, they want to sacrifice them in exchange for prolonged youth. The cultists become enamored with Shadowsight and believe that he's the child of the moon because of his visions and dub him "The Eternal Night" after the lightning strike incident.
jeyfeather u genuinely have so many good ideas i LOVE this! WC defo needs more cults/threatening rogues with their own belief system and Shadowsight being the moon cults chosen one would be sooo good, espec if the Voice he heard came from them!
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I have read all your stories in AO3 and I love them! Godzilla's are my forte and I would like to ask you for two requests (I hope you can, if not, no problem :3)1.- What would happen if mechagodzilla noticed Madison at the time where he 'saves' her from the skullcrawler and felt attracted to her (starlight style), so practically having control of her body, instead of fighting with Godzilla and Kong , he wants to take Madison (Godzilla and Kong in Sullivan plan give me the girl) xd.2.- I have s
It looks like your ask either got cut off or there was supposed to be a second part, friend! I only have this one, tho.
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed them!
Mechagodzilla nope-ing out of the fight because he'd rather hang out with Maddie is hilarious! If we follow the same kidnapping idea from This Little Light of Mine, I imagine she'd be just as confused but with increased anger and a reluctant relief that, okay, if he's distracted by me, he's not causing untold amounts of destruction.
I'd like to think this is Kevin flying solo and having the vaguest recollection of seeing this child when he was unfrozen and she's the only familiar face who hasn't hurt him, which is his motivation for taking her.
Godzilla's back in Hong Kong like, ":/ I came all this way and you don't even fight me? Hello?" And then Kong shows up and gives him a fight anyway, lol.
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