janetbrown711 · 4 months
Tonight at Eight
Both Pigsy and Tang have blind dates tonight at eight, and there surely isn't anything suspicious about that at all
Ao3 Link
Pigsy dried off a chili-sauce stained bowl with a well worn washcloth and an eye heavy on the clock. It was barely 3:00 pm, but all Pigsy could think about was how he was closing up shop around 6:30 for a very, very important… date.
Heavens, it felt so embarrassing to admit to himself. Here he was, ill-tempered Pigsy, owner of the well-loved business Pigsy’s Noodles, father of a five-year-old, someone fully convinced his life had ended ten years ago, going on a date.
It felt childish, and it didn’t help that he’d basically dropped the idea of romance and love since Sandy–
No, he wasn’t going to think about that. He had something good to look forward to for once, and he wasn’t going to let the past ruin it… yet. Maybe. Who knows?
Pigsy sighed, adding the bowl to the clean pile and scolding himself for acting like such a teenager. He had work to do.
“You alright, Pigsy?” Tang asked innocently from his place at the bar.
Pigsy went to answer, but instead his grandmother laughed from the booth where she and Xiaotian were sitting.
“Jiejie is planning on closing early today for a ‘special event’.” She grinned at her grandson, who felt like he could just die at this point, but decided scrubbing the grill would be more productive.
“What? Psh, that’s impossible! Everyone knows Pigsy would rather die than close before ten,” Tang teased with a cheeky grin that made the chef roll his eyes.
“Bullying is reserved for family or paying customers, Tang,” Pigsy retorted.
“I’ll pay his tab then, Jiejie. Goodness knows that boy needs some meat on his bones.” His grandmother snorted and Tang turned pink, all while Xiaotian giggled.
“So– um–” Tang cleared his throat to ease off the embarrassment, “What’s this ‘special event’?”
His grandmother scoffed again and joined Tang by the bar, which Xiaotian was quick to follow with his crayons and coloring book in tow. “Good luck getting an answer out of him. He won’t even tell me.”
Pigsy rolled his eyes. “Can’t a man have privacy anymore?”
“Ahhhh, but if you don’t tell me, what will I talk about with the ladies at mahjong?” His grandmother shook her head, which made Xiaotian giggle more.
“Oh, does that mean it's something embarrassing?” Tang fully hopped onto the teasing bandwagon.
“No, it just means it’s personal, is all,” Pigsy huffed, eyeing a customer as they walked in, and made his way to the register.
Tang laughed before his eyes went to his book. “Well, if it helps, I’m going to do something totally stupid and embarrassing tonight too.”
At that, Pigsy’s grandmother’s eyes lit up, and she took Tang’s hands into hers. “Like what? Dancing? One of those American rodeos? What?”
“Ah, well–”
“Sir? I’m ready to order,” said the woman across the cashier, and Pigsy shook his head to focus.
“Right, right– what can I get for you?” he forced a customer-friendly smile.
The woman ordered some beef chow fun, and by the time Pigsy started cooking again, Tang was on the brink of a confession.
“Come on, after all the meals I’ve bought for you? To support that big brain of yours? It’s bad enough little Jiejie is acting like his father right now.” She shot a dramatic glare at the chef, before turning back to Tang. “Must you add to my pile of old-womanly misery?”
“Alright, alright, fine. I’m… Heavens, this really is stupid, Miss Xiahui.” Tang covered his face with his hands before taking a breath. “I’m… going on a blind date with someone I’ve never met, and I don’t know what they look like, or what their name is, or literally anything else. I’m going to get murdered, aren’t I?” Tang blurted out, making the chef’s grandmother laugh.
“I’m very excited for you, dear! You know, I’ve been trying to get Jiejie to sign up for one of those ever since he dumped Wujing, but does he take my advice? No!” She gave an exasperated sigh.
“Not true. I opened up this place because of you,” Pigsy retorted from where he stood by the stove.
“Oh, sure, but when it comes to clothes or photos or vacations or even a park I think Xiaotian would like it’s all ‘oh that’s too far,’ or, ‘I’m dressed fine’ or even, ‘this makes me look ancient’,” she snipped right back.
“I know you never left the forties, Lǎolao, but the rest of the world has.” Pigsy rolled his eyes.
His grandmother sighed again. “You see what I put up with Tang? No respect! And I actually deserve it, unlike some people.”
“R-right! Well– at least no matter what, we know that my night’s plans are definitely more embarrassing than Pigsy’s, so…” Tang fiddled with his sleeves like he always did when he was nervous.
“A night of romance is nothing to be embarrassed about. Why, my late husband used to take me out dancing at this old French-style café– I think it was destroyed by the Red Guard though, which is a real shame, you know, it was the romantic spot in the city.” She sighed dreamily.
“That sounds wonderful, Miss Xiahui. My date and I are just meeting at this one restaurant by the park” Tang smiled and got back to his noodles.
“If I didn’t know you any better, I’d say you’re ruining your appetite,” Pigsy’s grandmother chuckled.
“Can’t let him know I’m a complete mess, right?” Tang laughed pathetically.
Pigsy rolled his eyes and teased, “Don’t be so hard on yourself. I think it’s fascinating you can eat so much and manage to keep that whole ‘starving Victorian orphan’ look.”
Tang snorted. “Thanks.”
Pigsy winked and laughed before going back to check on how the noodles were doing.
“Oh, don’t mind Jiejie, he’s just jealous because he hasn’t had a date in six years.” The elderly woman patted Tang’s knee.
“For your information, I actually do have a date, and it's tonight, so you can cut out that whole teasing routine,” Pigsy quipped without thinking, and he could practically hear his Lǎolao’s jaw drop and eyes sparkle.
“You have a date tonight too?! Oh, this is just wonderful! Who’s the lucky person? Are they rich? Do they know you have your own business? Have you gone out with them before? Were they cute? Why wouldn’t you tell me about them! Jiejie, how could you not tell me you’ve been dating someone–! Are they actually ugly, and you were embarrassed to tell me? Look, it’s okay, Jiejie, sometimes it really is what’s on the inside that–”
“Lǎolǎo, please.” Pigsy turned and pleaded with her, pouring the customer’s noodles into a bowl and adding the vegetables.
“Oh, Jiejie, I’m just so happy for you, is all! My sweet little sunzi out in the world again! Maybe you can even find little Xiaotian a mother or another father! Oh, wouldn’t that just be lovely.” His grandmother hugged the coloring child, who looked around in confusion.
“Lǎolao, you’re going to crush the kid.” Pigsy’s face was dark red as he rang the counter’s bell and called out the order.
“Come on, I need some answers here. You know how boring my life has gotten since retirement,” his grandmother pleaded.
“Not much to say. It’s the first date, and I haven’t met them, either. Also, I thought you said you understood that I’m not Xiaotian’s–... you know,” Pigsy looked away as the customer took their food.
“Oh? A double blind date! Isn’t that lovely.” Lǎolao clapped her hands, completely ignoring his comment about Xiaotian. “Where to?”
“Some place they recommended.” Pigsy shrugged. “I don’t know much about it, but I don’t get out much.”
“Oh, this is so exciting! I almost wish I could tag along with both of you, but I have to take care of this little monkey man.” His grandmother smiled at Xiaotian and began to tickle him, filling the restaurant with loud squeals of delight.
Pigsy rolled his eyes with a chuckle, going to wash some dishes in the sink when he noticed Tang looking at him, tilting his head curiously. “What’s up?”
“Oh–! Nothing! I just– a date, huh? That’s huge, congrats.” The scholar smiled softly.
“Ah, it’s no big deal, really. I just… I don’t know. Heck, I don’t even know why I agreed to do this whole ‘blind date’ thing. It’s so strange not even knowing the person’s name,” Pigsy confessed.
“Hear you there. But in a way, I think that makes it easier to get to know them, you know? No images, fake names, it’s… comforting, in a way. Especially with the whole ‘background check’ feature so you know it’s less likely for anyone to be a serial killer, haha,” Tang rambled.
“Yeah, I guess that’s part of the reason I signed up too. I mean– that, and because I seriously never go out. Not that I necessarily want to go out more, but you know what I mean.” Pigsy snorted.
Tang laughed. “I do.”
Pigsy smiled before shaking his head and getting to those dishes.
“So… what’s your mystery person like?” Tang asked after a minute of dishwashing.
“Oh– well, you know… they seem real smart and stuff,” Pigsy hesitated to admit, glad to stay facing the sink, so Tang couldn’t see how red his face was becoming. “They’re kinda poetic too, but not in a traditional sense. I don’t even know if they know just how smart they are, it seems kinda natural to them. I dunno.”
“Oh, interesting.” He heard Tang laugh nervously. “I hope you have fun.”
After his face stopped feeling so hot, Pigsy finally asked, “What about you? What���s your mystery man like?”
“He’s really super sweet and considerate, you know? Not very technological, but– heavens, he always knows what to say. He’s also super funny and snarky, and he makes me feel all smart and important, which is crazy because like– it’s just me.” Tang blushed and looked down at his bowl. “He has no idea I’m practically broke. I’m kind of scared to bring it up, you know? Like– ‘hey, let’s go to dinner! Oh, and by the way I can’t afford anything so it’s all on you!’” Tang sighed. “I should probably just cancel…”
“What?! You can’t do that,” Pigsy immediately protested, getting his grandmother’s attention once more.
“What are you two talking about now?” She looked back and forth between the two of them.
“I was– ummm… considering canceling my… date?” Tang gave a sheepish smile, and Pigsy’s grandmother smacked him upside the head.
“Shǎchā! You are not doing that!” She scolded the scholar.
“Wha–?! Why not? I’m flat broke. I can’t even buy a garden salad,” Tang huffed, resting his elbows on the bar.
“So?” Pigsy snorted. “The payment is being lucky enough to enjoy your company, nothing more and nothing less. If he doesn’t accept, run out of the restaurant. Take his wallet if you can. Make him pay.”
Tang laughed. “That’s easy for you to say, anyone would be lucky to date a five-star chef.”
Pigsy rolled his eyes. “I am not a five-star chef–”
His grandmother interrupted him with a scoff. “My recipes are much better than anything that can be found in those froufrou places with the marble floors and glass ceilings– especially with your additions, Jiejie.”
“Gotta agree with your grandmother, Pigsy. Your recipes are one of a kind and anyone would be lucky to go out with a chef as amazing and talented as you.” Tang smiled with so much earnestness it made Pigsy’s cheeks flush again.
“Well, I think anyone’d be lucky to go out with anyone half as smart as you,” Pigsy countered, making Tang hide in his scarf a bit.
His grandmother had something of a smug look on her face when Pigsy glanced at her, but she quickly cleared her throat and started talking to Xiaotian about his drawing. The chef sighed, shaking his head and vowing to one day fully understand that woman.
“So… what time are you closing?” Tang ventured to ask.
“Around 6:30 to try and get some of that dinner rush money before kickin’ everyone out,” Pigsy glanced at the clock yet again.
“Smart. I’ll have to leave around 6 anyway to get ready and all too.” Tang fidgeted with his scarf.
“You going to want another bowl before then?” Pigsy couldn’t help but smirk a little.
“Har-har,” Tang rolled his eyes. “... but yeah, maybe.”
Pigsy laughed. “Don’t stress yourself, it’s a big day for us both.”
“Right, yeah.” The scholar smiled before going back to his current bowl.
Again, Pigsy’s grandmother looked amused at this, but when Pigsy looked, she acted like nothing was wrong and started complimenting Xiaotian’s drawing again.
Pigsy sighed, focusing back on his work as customers began to pour in once more. The chef managed to hold a steady pace that kept him fairly busy, though not busy enough to forget to make Tang another bowl of lo mein he teased him about. Tang ate, Xiaotian colored (even showed a handful to Pigsy when he could), his grandmother gossiped about some of the mahjong ladies, and overall it was a pretty solid work day. He wished Tang the best of luck on his way out, and wished some of that for himself when he closed the restaurant.
“So, you really are going on a date, aren’t you?” His grandmother teased as Pigsy locked the iron security shield.
Pigsy rolled his eyes. “I appreciate your trust in my honesty.”
“I’m just making sure before I get my hopes up. Heaven knows this only happens once in a blue moon,” she teased, making Xiaotian giggle.
“What’re you laughing at, mister?” Pigsy put his hands on his hips dramatically, making the kid laugh more.
“He’s laughing at the fact that you haven’t been on a date since before he was born, isn’t that right, my little dumpling?” Lǎolao pinched his cheeks, which made him whine and go behind Pigsy.
“I know, I know. It’s not my fault he’s as cute as a button, you know,” She defended herself before Pigsy rolled his eyes again and picked the kid up.
“Miss Xiahui is a lot like my mother, you know? No respect for boundaries. I’m so sorry you have to spend all night with her,” Pigsy apologized dramatically.
“S’okay! She lets me have cookies.” Xiaotian grinned wide, making the chef immediately give his grandmother a look.
“I’ve already told you it’s not my fault he’s so cute.” His grandmother raised her hands in defeat, making the chef roll his eyes yet again.
“If he gets cavities, you’re paying the dentist bill,” Pigsy huffed and started walking home.
“He’s not going to get cavities, Jiejie. Xiaotian knows how to brush his teeth very well, don’t you, dear?” Lǎolao patted the boy’s head as he nodded.
“Right,” Pigsy said. “Let’s just get home.”
“Yes, yes! We have to get you good and ready for your date! Oh, I’m so excited.” Lǎolao had dropped the teasing for genuine elation. “You know, I think if I looked I could find one of your grandfather’s old suits. Oh, you’d look just so handsome in it.”
“Oh, wow, Lǎolao, that’s really not–”
“Necessary? Of course it is! Tonight is a momentous occasion and I want my grandson to look his absolute best.” She ignored his protest and practically marched the rest of the way to their apartment.
Pigsy gave a nice, long sigh. “You’re gonna have a long night, kid.”
“No bedtime?” Xiaotian’s face lit up.
“Who knows.” Pigsy snorted and picked up the pace to follow his grandmother (who, for someone in their 80s, was rather spritely).
When they got home, his grandmother quickly pulled out old boxes and had him try on three suits before finally finding a Western Style from the 40s. His grandmother also gave him gold square cufflinks, as well as a blue and pink floral tie. He managed to at the very least convince her to let him wear his own socks and shoes, and after she spritzed him down with peach perfume, the look was finished.
“Lǎolao, you don’t have to do this, my suit is plenty good,” Pigsy pointed out as his grandmother straightened out his suit coat, looking like she was going to cry.
“No, no. You look absolutely perfect.” She smiled, finally stepping back to admire her work. “Your date will absolutely love you.”
“Lǎolao.” Pigsy’s face turned tomato red.
His grandmother chuckled. “I suppose we could use a third opinion.” She tapped her chin, before calling Xiaotian in from the living room, and in a moment, the five-year-old pattered over. “Xiaotian, do you think Pigsy looks nice?”
Xiaotian gave two thumbs up and a toothy grin. “Fancy!”
“See? You look perfect.” His grandmother smiled and patted Xiaotian’s head.
“I never said I looked bad, I’m just saying it’s– it’s a lot, and I really don’t know if I need Waigong’s suit–”
“Nonsense, Bajie. He’d want you to have it.” His grandmother cupped Pigsy’s cheek.
“It’s… a blind date from an anonymous chat site, Lǎolao. I really don’t think–”
“You never know, Jiejie. You could be meeting the love of your life,” She hummed.
“Right… sure,” Pigsy agreed to drop his protests for the sake of not dampening his grandmother’s spirits.
The elder pig demon smiled again, patting Pigsy’s cheek twice. “Now, let me find my camera; I want to capture how handsome you look.” She winked and left the room.
“Lǎolao, I really don’t have time for– never mind.” Pigsy shook his head when he realized she was just going to insist. He sighed, giving himself another once over in the mirror and adjusting his tie.
“You really think this isn’t too much, kid?” Pigsy asked Xiaotian.
The boy shook his head. “You look like a detective!”
Pigsy laughed, realizing Xiaotian was 100% correct. “All I’m missing is the hat, darn.” He snapped his fingers playfully.
“And a gun,” the boy giggled.
“Ahhhhh, that might be a bit much kiddo,” Pigsy chuckled, ruffling the kid’s hair. “You gonna be okay with just Lǎolao tonight?”
Xiaotian nodded. “We’re gonna watch Monkey Empire.”
“Again? Didn’t we just finish that?” Pigsy raised a playful eyebrow.
“Yeah, but I wannaaaaaa,” Xiaotian explained eloquently.
“Fair enough. Just don’t let Lǎolao spoil you too much, alright? And make sure you brush your teeth extra good, and put all your toys away for her. I’ll check on you as soon as I get back,” Pigsy said, fixing the kid’s hair since he just messed it up.
“Okie dokie, Piggy.” The boy grinned again.
“Found it!” Pigsy’s grandmother finally called from the other room, and she was back in a flash.
“Oh, you just look so handsome, I could eat you right up, you know that? Your date is a very, very lucky man,” the woman chuckled as she took a photo, not even waiting for him to pose or smile.
“‘Man’? I don’t know their gender,” Pigsy pointed out, but she just waved her hand and snapped another photo.
“Xiaotian, go join Bajie, I want to get my two favorite, most handsome boys together,” she instructed and Xiaotian ran to Pigsy. The chef scooped him up and they both smiled for the camera.
After a few photos were taken, Pigsy glanced at the clock and said, “Alright, are we done? I’m gonna be late soon.”
“Yes, yes, you can go,” His grandmother sighed dramatically– though snapped another photo anyway.
Pigsy rolled his eyes, setting Xiaotian back down before kneeling to his level.
“You promise to be good for Lǎolao?” He asked the five-year-old, who nodded seriously. “Good. I’ll see you later tonight, kiddo.” The chef smiled and stood before Xiaotian grabbed his pant leg.
“I’ll miss you,” Xiaotian whispered, and Pigsy… wasn’t quite sure how to respond to that.
“I’ll… be back soon, kid. Don’t stress yourself,” he finally said, patting the kid on the head again.
“Besides,” Lǎolao said, getting the kid to look at her, “you have a very fun night planned with your Lǎolao, and we’re going to have lots of fun, aren’t we, Xiaotian?”
“Yeah! We’ll watch Monkey King!” The kid grinned once more, making the elder pig demon chuckle.
“We most certainly will. And we’ll eat lots of cookies and candy and break lots of Bajie’s silly rules,” his grandmother enabled the kid’s natural desire for rebellion.
“You’re killing me, you know that?” Pigsy half-joked, arms crossed.
“It’s what keeps me young,” Lǎolao teased right back.
“Right.” Pigsy rolled his eyes. “Well, I gotta get going so–”
“WAIT!” Xiaotian suddenly shouted, running out of the room, while Pigsy and his grandmother just looked at each other in confusion. They didn’t have to wait long, though, as Xiaotian was back in the matter of seconds with a drawing in his hand.
“For luck!” He explained, handing it over.
Pigsy accepted the offering, laughing when he saw it was a very crude drawing of Xiaotian, Pigsy’s grandmother, Tang, and himself all eating noodles at the restaurant with even cruder hearts everywhere.
“I love it, kid. I’ll put it right here for safe keeping,” Pigsy complimented, folding the drawing so it fit right by his pocket square, which made Xiaotian so happy that, before Pigsy could prepare himself, the kid hugged him.
“Have fun!” Xiaotian grinned nice and big before stepping back and waving.
“I will.” Pigsy waved a little and headed to the door.
“Yes, have lots of fun! I expect to hear about tonight in great detail tomorrow!” His grandmother waved as well, to which Pigsy laughed and shook his head before exiting the apartment door and heading out into the night.
Pigsy arrived at the restaurant at exactly 7:57, three minutes early and before his date. The place was classy, but clearly small and not quite known in the public sphere yet. There was no need for a wait or reservation, so Pigsy was taken to an outside table for two by the fountain.
He could see why this mystery person would pick a place like this. It was nice, but hidden away, and not too expensive. His person was sensible and romantic, and this choice was a reflection of that.
Pigsy opened up the website on his phone, telling his date he’d arrived and got a table, before he settled himself down to wait and think (his favorite activity!).
Pigsy was totally going to fuck this night up.
He hadn’t been on a date in years, and even then, the ones he’d had with Wujing were full of personal mistakes he wasn’t keen on repeating. He knew for a fact he was going to sound incredibly stupid, especially in comparison to his eloquent partner, but that was hardly the least of his worries. Maybe he’d get too angry at something, and it would totally freak them out, or he’d bring up Xiaotian, and they’d hate that he had a kid (even though he wasn’t his kid technically, he was just his guardian, but that would also probably scare them away, creating a perfect lose-lose situation). And heavens, that wasn’t even mentioning the fact that there was a good chance Pigsy forgot to even tell them he was a demon– he was so unbelievably stupid like that.
At exactly eight o'clock, the waiter stopped by and dropped off two glasses of water before disappearing. Pigsy tried his best not to chug it immediately, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t get thirsty when he was nervous. To try and force himself not to, he kept tracing the rim of his glass again and again and again, while keeping an eye on the door.
A part of the chef wondered if his date stood him up. There were a handful of people already here; maybe his date had arrived, saw Pigsy, realized their date was a hideous pig demon, and simply slipped away. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time…
No, no. Pigsy had to wait and be rational. He needed to remember the little drawing in his suit pocket reminding him it was all going to be fine, even if it wasn’t fine, and he’d be okay. So instead of completely losing his mind and worrying to death, Pigsy placed a hand against the pocket that held the drawing and took nice, long breaths before taking a casual and normal drink of water.
However, just then, the restaurant’s door flung open, and Pigsy’s heart practically leapt into his throat as he saw–
No… no, yeah, that was Tang all right, panting with his back against a wall before he looked around the space. When he saw Pigsy, the scholar seemed to share the exact same confusion, head tilting, but he eventually approached the lone pig demon.
“Hey, Pigsy… What’re you doing here?” Tang asked, still catching his breath.
“Same as you, I guess,” Pigsy looked at the fountain, face turning red.
“Right, yeah! Man, that’s one hell of a coincidence, isn’t it?” Tang laughed.
Pigsy laughed as well. “Guess there aren’t many romantic spots left in the city.”
“Guess not.” Tang fidgeted with his scarf, looking around the restaurant.
“Your date not here yet?” Pigsy guessed.
Tang shrugged. “They said they were, but I don’t see them anywhere.”
“Maybe they just lied and said they were here when they’re really just on their way, I used to do that all the time.” Pigsy snorted.
“Yeah, maybe,” Tang laughed. “You– uh– don’t mind if I sit here for right now, do you?”
“Be my guest. You could use the water anyway,” Pigsy teased, and Tang graciously accepted the seat and water.
“I just– I don’t know, me and them agreed to meet here at eight, and I planned to be here at eight o’clock sharp, so I just– I don’t know. Maybe they stood me up– god, that would be so embarrassing,” Tang whispered that last bit to himself.
“Hey. Relax. You’re only five minutes late, and they aren’t even here yet. Besides, they’d have to be a complete moron to stand you up, of all people,” Pigsy pointed out.
Tang rolled his eyes with a little smile. “Yeah, yeah, thanks. Where’s your date?”
“Late, probably. Or maybe we’ve both been stood up, wouldn’t that be something?” Pigsy mused.
“Misery does love company,” Tang laughed sadly.
“He’ll show, I’m sure of it.” Pigsy tried his best to sound comforting.
“Thanks. I’m sure yours will too.” Tang did his best too.
Pigsy nodded, pulling out his phone again and checking to see if they’d messaged him yet, but he was greeted with the exact same screen as minutes before.
He sighed.
“So, you said your date picked this place?” Tang asked out of the blue.
“Uh– yeah. I’ve never been.” Pigsy shrugged.
“I’ve only been here once or twice, but their mango pudding is to die for; though, it’s not as good as yours or your grandmother’s,” Tang stated like it was obvious.
“Funny, my date recommended the mango pudding too. Must be really popular,” Pigsy recalled.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if it was, it’s amazing.” Tang fidgeted with his scarf again before pulling out his phone. “Though, I gotta ask– why would you agree to a restaurant? You always hate eating out?”
“It was a very persuasive review.” Pigsy snorted. “Besides, I didn’t wanna sound like a hard ass or anything, and it's not like I had any better ideas.”
“I’m sure that’s not true,” the scholar assured, typing something.
Pigsy sighed, looking around the restaurant at other couples drinking wine and being all couple-y, when his phone suddenly buzzed in his pocket.
ShiningAnthropod_Admirer: “Sorry I’m late! Where are you? Just got here.”
Pigsy looked around, and not seeing anyone by the door, he frowned, quickly replying:
FineCuisine81: “Check the outside section.”
“You messaging your date too?” Tang laughed.
“Yeah, they said they’re here, so…” Pigsy trailed off.
“Oh! So’s mine, so I should probably– like– go, haha,” Tang said, already standing.
Pigsy just smiled somewhat sadly as the scholar shuffled away, not giving the pig demon a glance.
Whatever, he was sure it wasn’t personal (or– he hoped, anyway) and so pulled out his phone to find another message.
ShiningAnthropod_Admirer: “Where are you sitting?”
Pigsy looked around only briefly before sending:
FineCuisine81: “By the fountain in the middle section.”
Pigsy tapped his fingers anxiously against the table, staring at his screen intently as three dots bounced around.
ShiningAnthropod_Admirer: “There's a lot of people here. I guess I should also ask what you’re wearing too, haha”
“More like lots of humans,” Pigsy muttered to himself.
No– Pigsy couldn’t be bitter, he was supposed to have fun. It didn’t matter if his date was looking around and clearly expecting a human, it was–
Pigsy placed his hand on his breast pocket and took deep breaths, reminding himself he was fine and loved, and he’d be okay.
FineCuisine81: “Old blue western suit and a floral tie.”
He waited with bated breath, barely even daring to glance around to see if his date was actually looking for him or not. He did catch another glance at Tang, which the scholar returned with a funny shrug that Pigsy returned, before they both just went back to their phones.
ShiningAnthropod_Admirer: “I still don’t see you. You aren’t lying about being there, are you?”
Pigsy knitted his eyebrows, almost offended if he didn’t understand how bad first date jitters could be.
FineCuisine81: “I promise I’m not.”
Pigsy wasn’t even sure he was breathing anymore with how nervous he was watching the screen. At one point, the waiter stopped by to try and ask him if he was ready to order, but he pushed them away immediately.
A minute passed, then two.
ShiningAnthropod_Admirer: “Are you sure you’re at the right restaurant? The Huayuan Restaurant? The one on Lianren Road?” FineCuisine81: “I promise.”
Pigsy bit his cheek. He knew it wouldn’t be enough– maybe he needed to do something.
FineCuisine81: “What are you wearing? Maybe I can find you.”
Pigsy barely had to wait a second for a reply.
ShiningAnthropod_Admirer: “Red and gold tang suit with embroidery along the sleeves and sides. Also glasses lol.”
Pigsy paused, because that–... No… No, it– it couldn’t be, Pigsy would know if it was Tang. There– there would be signs. He’d know. Pigsy wasn’t that stupid.
He saw Tang circling around the fountain again, and this time when he locked eyes with Pigsy the scholar sighed and sat across from him once more.
Tang suit. Gold embroidery. Glasses.
“I’m pretty sure my date is just lying about being here at this point. I mean– I’ve circled the entire place like– ten times, but I just– I’m a little glad your table is still empty too.” Tang laughed like he was going to cry.
Holy fucking shit…
“I-I– Tang, I’m–” Pigsy was utterly dumbfounded because the man sitting in front of him was his mystery man– the fiercely intelligent and kind soul he had spent months chatting with, being too scared of what he’d think if he saw his appearance. Iit was him. It was Tang.
“A-are you okay? You look a little shaken,” Tang laughed again, this time picking up a napkin to wipe his eyes.
Pigsy didn’t think, just grabbed Tang’s hands and stroked them with his thumbs.
“Wha–? Pigsy? Are you alright?” The scholar was clearly startled, but didn’t break the grasp.
“Tang, I-I– It’s– I’m–” Pigsy growled in frustration, words alluding him.
“Yes…?” Tang asked softly, his eyes sparkling like diamonds against the night sky and glasses.
Pigsy took another breath, feeling warmth radiating from Xiaotian’s drawing as he did, and said, “1940’s western suit. Floral tie.”
Tang pulled back a little, opening his mouth to speak, before he looked Pigsy up and down. It only took seconds before his eyes widened with recognition.
“No… no, no– you–? Me? No, you– you wouldn’t, I–” Tang shook his head. “I appreciate you trying to save my night, but–”
“Tang. My username was ‘FineCuisine81’ because I’m a chef and was born in 1981. I didn’t bring up the restaurant or Xiaotian or my grandmother or– much of my past really because you know I’m pretty hesitant about most of it,” Pigsy pleaded for him to understand.
“I-I– you– you wouldn’t–”
“C’mon, Tang. You know me– you know my snark by now, don’t you?” Pigsy tried to joke, but Tang snagged his hands away to cover his face.
“Pigsy, I-I– did you look me up? Is this some kind of– sick joke? Getting payback for all those stupid bowls of noodles?” The scholar was crying by now.
“Tang! I would never– I didn’t know it was you, but now that I do, I– I couldn’t be happier, I swear.” Pigsy smiled despite his overwhelming worry.
Tang shook his head. “No– I’m– I’m not good enough for you– I’m such a mess a-and I’m broke a-and scrawny a-and anxious a-and–”
“Tang, you’re plenty good enough– you’re so much better than me, anyways,” Pigsy laughed and sniffled. “You’re so smart and kind and likable and–”
“B-but you’re really nice too! A-and you have a real job that pays well and a loving grandmother a-and you’re a guardian– and me? I’m just some loser with a nose in a book,” Tang interrupted.
“We– There’s a reason we wanted to meet our ‘mystery person’, Tang. We both saw… something in them– something that made us want more” Pigsy smiled as he wiped away one of the scholar’s tears. “I… I really don’t want to throw that away because I’m scared.”
Tang finally opened his eyes enough to get another good look at Pigsy. It was terrifying to be inspected by him, but Pigsy managed to hold strong and met his gaze with a soft, tearful smile that eventually got Tang to laugh and shake his head.
“We are so stupid, aren’t we?” He asked, and Pigsy removed his hands.
“Oh, absolutely,” Pigsy couldn’t help but agree. “But hey– I’m sure Lǎolao’ll love to hear it took us a whole fifteen minutes to realize we were here for each other.”
“Oh, heavens, she’s never going to let that go, is she?” Tang copied the pig, the redness in his face starting to leave.
“I’m pretty sure she’ll hold it above us until the day she dies,” Pigsy chuckled. “On the bright side, though, at least we’re both idiots.”
“Fair enough.” Tang smiled and looked at the fountain. “I just– I really picked out a restaurant– I am so sorry, this food is going to be trash compared to yours.”
“Bah, I’m sure that’s not true if you like it.” Pigsy winked.
Tang’s face went red again. “Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure; I like instant ramen.”
“Only because it’s so cheap.” The chef snorted.
“You don’t know the depths of my depravity,” Tang refuted.
“Well, I’d certainly like to. That’s why we’re still here, isn’t it?” Pigsy wiped his own face.
“Y-yeah! It– it is.” Tang smiled shyly. “I just– wow, I’m so embarrassed. I mean, the suit, the tie–”
“Hey, how’s about we just forget about fifteen minutes ago, and start over, okay? No guilt, no anxiety, nothing. Just us having a nice evening out,” Pigsy proposed.
Tang thought about it for a moment before nodding. “I’d like that a lot, Pigsy.”
“Then, it’s settled. We drove here together and the waiter sat us together, and we’re now deciding which wine to order together. That good?” Pigsy asked.
Tang nodded. “Sounds perfect, Pigsy.”
“I couldn’t agree with you more.”
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