#jiao yue answers
yingjiaoyue · 4 months
Yue should be the one who beat the hell out of Dong while Macaque and Mayor fangirl in the background, I don't make the rules.
Somewhere in an alternative universe…
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*beats the shit out of Syaoran*
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lmk-oc-competition · 5 months
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And with that, round one is officially over!! Thank you so much to all those who participated and congratulations to the ones moving on to the next round!!
As always, be sure to review this post for information regarding the rules & propaganda and if you've got a question then either check the FAQs or send me an Ask! (Previously answered asks can also be found under #asks)
Round two will be starting tomorrow, April 30 at 7 AM PDT. If you'd like to change your OC image or description, please be sure to DM me.
Check below the cut to view the match-ups and the links to all polls!
Yue Li (@thelovemaiden ) VS Jade (@demonichunny) [link to poll]
Yeva Moon (@chuitu) VS Shuying (@luminancebwyons) [link to poll]
Blitz (@yuendelahoya) VS Huáng Mudan (@yourlocaleggperson) [link to poll]
Ling (@camhues ) VS Xiaoqing (@twinklecupcake) [link to poll]
Yu Ling (@lmkobsessedmoth) VS Ox-Head (@allthenicknamesweretaken) [link to poll]
Yuèliàng (@sun4ndmo0n) VS Huilian (@hummingbird13) [link to poll]
Sky (@skylinx2o) VS Vervet (@rae-blu) [link to poll]
Ying Jiao Yue (@yingjiaoyue) VS Li Qiū Zi (@tiredghostness) [link to poll]
Good luck and have fun!!!
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ktzt96-blog · 4 months
Gong ShangJiao's weakness
<Gong San, who can call out Gong Er soft side>
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Chapter 1 : Restless Nights
Yuanzhi had not slept well for two weeks. The battle with WuFone had left Gong Palace in disarray, both physically and mentally. In front of the mountain gate, the wounded lay in heaps, the damage was extensive, and the back mountain, once vibrant with life, now held only the remains of two houses: Yue and Xue.
The stress and worry gnawed at Yuanzhi, preventing him from finding peace. Even the slightest sound—the footfalls of a servant, the whisper of the wind—would jolt him awake. Another sleepless night had passed, and as dawn broke, he dressed and set off to find his brother. Jinfu, Shangjue’s personal guard, was injured and needed months to recover, adding to Yuanzhi’s sense of urgency.
"Where is my brother?" Yuanzhi demanded, his eyes dark with exhaustion.
"Young Master Zhi," a servant replied cautiously, "Master left the palace early and went to Sword Master."
Yuanzhi’s frustration bubbled over. "That Gong Ziyu is too much. Why does he summon my brother constantly? Doesn’t he know my brother has responsibilities?"
Muttering under his breath, Yuanzhi headed to Yu Palace. When he arrived, he saw JinFan standing guard at the door.
"Is my brother inside?"
"Young Master Zhi, Sword Master and Master Jiao are having an important meeting. Please wait in the guest room."
"Why? Did they say I’m not allowed in?" JinFan’s silence was answer enough. Yuanzhi tried to push past him, but JinFan blocked his way.
"What are you doing? Who are you to stop me? Do you think you’re someone important just because you’re engaged to Gong Zishang? Move when I tell you to!" JinFan stood firm, pretending not to hear him. Annoyed, Yuanzhi started to fight, but JinFan merely dodged his blows and continued to block the door.
In the midst of their struggle, Yuanzhi suddenly felt dizzy and lost his balance, tripping over his own feet. The door was ajar, and two figures emerged. One of them swiftly moved to support Yuanzhi.
When Yuanzhi saw his brother, he stopped his resistance and behaved. "Ge~"
"JinFan, don't bully my younger brother," Gong Ziyu said, though his tone was teasing. "Oh, now he’s also your younger brother," Gong Ziyu added with a smirk.
JinFan responded respectfully, "Sword Master, I did nothing to Young Master Zhi. He seemed weak from the beginning."
Feeling offended, Yuanzhi wanted to argue, but a stern look from Shangjue made him reconsider. "Yuanzhi," Shangjue called calmly, and Yuanzhi reluctantly bowed to Gong Ziyu.
"Sword Master."
"Why are you looking for me?" Shangjue asked, and Yuanzhi hesitated. He had no solid reason other than wanting to be near his brother.
"I was wondering if there’s anything I can help with at Jiao Palace," Yuanzhi said, his tone softening when he addressed Shangjue.
Gong Ziyu couldn’t resist teasing him further. "If Brother Yuanzhi has extra time, he can come help at Yu Palace."
Yuanzhi forced a smile. "There are plenty of people at Yu Palace. Even if I’m not helping, I believe Sword Master can manage."
Chapter 2 : Silent Comfort
Shangjue returned to his paperwork, his desk covered with reports and documents. There was little Yuanzhi could do to assist, but he refused to leave his brother’s side. He felt safe when he was with Shangjue, and as the minutes ticked by, he began to feel drowsy.
Noticing the sudden quiet, Shangjue looked up to find Yuanzhi asleep at the table. Gently, he approached and sat beside his brother, carefully laying Yuanzhi’s head on his lap. Each movement was tender, as if handling a fragile treasure.
Shangjue observed Yuanzhi’s pale, exhausted face, feeling a pang of guilt. He had been too busy to take care of his younger brother properly. Now, as Yuanzhi slept soundly, Shangjue smiled softly and stroked his brother’s forehead. Yuanzhi flinched slightly, and Shangjue held his breath, not wanting to wake him.
A knock at the door interrupted the moment. A servant announced that lunch was ready to be served.
"Tell everyone to go back. I will summon you when needed. And make sure no one makes any noise," Shangjue instructed.
The servant, confused, relayed the message to the others. That day, Jiao Palace was quieter than usual, a haven of peace in the aftermath of chaos, where two brothers found solace in each other’s presence.
Chapter 3: The Wedding Opposition
Gong Yuan Zhi stood in the grand hall of Gong Palace, his face set in a determined scowl. The air was thick with tension as he declared, "I oppose this wedding. I refuse to call Jin Fan my brother-in-law."
The elders and family members gathered in the hall exchanged worried glances. Gong Shang Jiao, Yuan Zhi's older brother, stepped forward, his expression a mix of anger and disbelief. "Yuan Zhi, this is absurd. What reason could you possibly have for opposing the marriage of Zi Sheng and Jin Fan?"
Yuan Zhi clenched his fists, his voice rising in frustration. "I just don't want it! He can’t be part of our family!"
"That is not a reason," Shang Jiao retorted, his patience wearing thin. "You’re being unreasonable."
Yuan Zhi opened his mouth to argue, but the words caught in his throat. He couldn't articulate the tangle of emotions and memories that had led him to this moment. Frustrated and feeling misunderstood, he turned on his heel and stormed out of the hall.
Later that evening, Shang Jiao found his younger brother sulking in their shared courtyard. The moonlight cast long shadows across the stone pathway, and the air was cool and still. Shang Jiao approached Yuan Zhi, his anger softened by concern.
"Yuan Zhi," he began gently, "talk to me. Why are you so opposed to this marriage?"
Yuan Zhi sighed, the fight gone out of him. "You wouldn't understand."
"Try me," Shang Jiao encouraged, sitting beside him.
Taking a deep breath, Yuan Zhi started to explain. "Ge, you knew we had many conflicts back then. He always sided with Gong Zi Yu, and I hated him for it. He was always so condescending, treating me like a foolish child."
Shang Jiao listened patiently, piecing together the history he had only partially known. "Yuan Zhi, Jin Fan was fulfilling his duty. He was protecting Gong Zi Yu, just as any loyal guard would. He may have seemed harsh, but he was doing his job."
Yuan Zhi looked down, his voice barely above a whisper. "I know that now. But back then, I felt so disrespected. He treated me like I was nothing."
Shang Jiao placed a reassuring hand on his brother's shoulder. "People change, Yuan Zhi. Jin Fan understands that you were young and impulsive. He doesn't hold those times against you anymore. In fact, he wants to apologize."
"Apologize?" Yuan Zhi echoed, his surprise evident.
"Yes," Shang Jiao confirmed. "Jin Fan has seen how you've grown and matured. He respects you, and he regrets any hurt he caused. You should give him a chance."
Just then, Jin Fan approached the courtyard, having been summoned by Shang Jiao earlier. He stood a respectful distance away, waiting to be acknowledged.
"Jin Fan," Shang Jiao called, "come here."
Jin Fan stepped forward, his demeanor calm and sincere. "Young Master Yuan Zhi, I owe you an apology."
Yuan Zhi looked up, meeting Jin Fan's eyes for the first time in what felt like years. He saw not the condescending guard of his past, but a man willing to make amends.
"I apologize for any disrespect I showed you in the past," Jin Fan continued. "I was only doing my duty, but I see now that I could have handled things differently. I hope we can put the past behind us and move forward as family."
Yuan Zhi hesitated, the old wounds still tender but beginning to heal. He glanced at his brother, who gave him an encouraging nod. Taking a deep breath, Yuan Zhi stood and faced Jin Fan.
"Apology accepted," he said,
Jin Fan look of relief and gratitude crossing his face. "Thank you, Young Master Yuan Zhi."
Shang Jiao smiled, feeling a weight lift from his shoulders. "Good. Now, let’s prepare for the wedding with a united heart."
Chapter 4: The Reluctant Concession
The aftermath of the battle with WuFone had left Jiao Gong Palace in disarray. The once-mighty stronghold now lay vulnerable, with many of its trusted guards injured or incapacitated, including JinFu. The hallways were quieter, filled with a somber atmosphere as the injured were tended to and repairs were undertaken.
"Brother," Yuanzhi began, his voice steady despite the exhaustion lining his face. "I need to speak with you."
Shangjue looked up, his expression softening slightly at the sight of his younger brother. "What is it, Yuanzhi?"
"I want to accompany you on your next trip outside Gong Manor," Yuanzhi stated firmly. "With JinFu and many others injured, you need someone you can trust by your side."
Shangjue's eyes narrowed. "No, Yuanzhi. It's too dangerous. You need to stay here and rest."
"Rest? How can I rest knowing you’re out there with so few guards? Either you take me with you, or you don’t go at all," Yuanzhi declared, his voice rising with a mix of frustration and desperation.
Shangjue sighed, rubbing his temples. "Yuanzhi, you know I can't allow that. Your safety is my priority. You're not ready for the dangers out there."
"I’m seventeen, Shangjue! I’m not a child anymore. You always say you trust me, but when it comes down to it, you never let me prove myself," Yuanzhi argued, his eyes flashing with determination. "I’m going with you, or you’re not going either."
The standoff between the brothers intensified, neither willing to back down. Finally, Shangjue stood up, his expression hardening. "This is not a matter of trust, Yuanzhi. It’s about responsibility. I can’t focus on the mission if I’m constantly worried about you. And you're still a child"
"Then make it simple," Yuanzhi said stubbornly, his resolve unwavering. "Either take me with you or stay until JinFu is well enough to accompany you."
"You believe JinFu more than me," ShangJue said.
"No, Ge, it's not like that. You know what I said," Yuanzhi explained, his voice wavering as he was on the brink of tears.
"You can't handle…," Shangjue began softly.
"You never believe me," Yuanzhi said, hurt evident in his voice.
"No, Yuanzhi, I believe you. You're so good for your age, but you're just not ready for the outside world," Shangjue’s frustration grew, but he saw the determination in his brother’s eyes. He knew Yuanzhi wouldn't give up easily. The younger brother's health had already been fragile since the battle, and the last thing Shangjue wanted was for him to fall ill from stress and exhaustion.
"I'm not going to discuss this with you. Go back to your room," Shangjue commanded.
YuanZhi stomped out, feeling a mix of frustration and sadness. Days passed in uneasy silence between the brothers. Yuanzhi’s stubbornness turned to sulking protest, refusing to eat properly and overexerting himself. One afternoon, Shangjue found Yuanzhi collapsed in the training yard, his face pale and body trembling.
"Yuanzhi!" Shangjue cried out, rushing to his side. He lifted his brother gently, feeling the weight of guilt and worry pressing down on him. "Why do you do this to yourself?"
Yuanzhi’s eyelids fluttered open, his voice weak but defiant. "I… just want to be with you, Ge… to keep you safe." Then he fainted.
Shangjue’s heart ached at the sight of his brother’s frailty. He carried him back to his chamber, summoning the healer. As Yuanzhi rested, Shangjue sat by his bedside, the weight of his responsibilities and his love for his brother warring within him.
Yuanzhi's fever was high because he was already weak; he couldn't stand the fever. His consciousness was in and out, his dreams filled with the battle with WuFone. He dreamed of the moment his brother was lying in blood and unresponsive to his call. Shangjue tried to pull Yuanzhi out of the nightmares, his voice gentle but firm. "Yuanzhi, wake up. It's just a dream. I'm here."
The healer worked diligently, administering herbs and cooling compresses to bring down the fever. ShangJue remained by his brother's side, refusing to leave even for a moment. As the night wore on, Yuanzhi's fever gradually subsided, though his sleep remained fitful.
Shangjue's mind raced with thoughts of their recent battles and the ever-present threats they faced. He couldn't help but feel a deep sense of guilt for putting his brother in danger, for not protecting him better. He recalled Yuanzhi's words before he fainted, his desire to keep him safe. It was a role reversal that Shangjue found both touching and troubling.
As dawn approached, Yuanzhi's breathing evened out, and he finally fell into a deep, peaceful sleep. Shangjue allowed himself a moment of relief, though he knew their troubles were far from over. He stroked Yuanzhi's hair gently, whispering, "Rest now, my brother. I will find a way to make things right."
Yuanzhi murmured weakly, his eyelids drooping. His voice, barely a whisper, carried the weight of his exhaustion and vulnerability. "Ge.... don't leave me."
Shangjue's heart ached at the sight of his brother in such a state. He gently stroked Yuanzhi's hair, his touch light and reassuring his voice soft but filled with resolve. "I'll always be here."
"Ge..." Yuan Zhi began whimper again, his voice still weak .
"Shh, it's alright," Shangjue said softly. "You're safe, Yuanzhi. Just rest."
Yuanzhi's breathing gradually slowed, and he drifted back to sleep, the tension in his body easing. Shangjue watched over him, his mind filled with a mix of worry and determination.
The next morning, Yuanzhi awoke to find Shangjue still by his side. The elder brother had stayed awake, keeping watch through the night. Yuanzhi's heart swelled with gratitude and love. His expression a mix of relief and resignation.
"You win, Yuanzhi," Shang Jiao said softly. "But only until JinFu recovers. Then, I promise you, I will take every precaution to ensure your safety."
Yuanzhi managed a weak smile, his eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you, Ge. I knew I'd win as always."
Shangjue nodded, squeezing his brother’s hand gently. "Foolish child. Bullying the whole manor was not enough, now you're starting to bully me too. Just promise me you’ll rest and regain your strength. We’ll face whatever comes together."
Yuanzhi, his heart swelling with affection and relief, whispered, "I promise, Ge. We'll face everything together."
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the-archlich · 4 years
Is the Yue Chen/Lin and Sun Chen/Lin issue the same as Zhang Jiao/Jue? As in just different pronunciations of the same character, or is it something else, like naming taboo or whatever?
A linguist could give a more thorough answer, but as I understand it:
Most of the time when this comes up its because the character’s meaning and pronunciation has changed over the years. One is the modern way of reading it, the other is an older version. The latter is often preferred by academics because its closer to how it would have been said at the time - although the fundamental pronunciation of the entire language is vastly different now anyway.
As I said, someone with a more in depth knowledge of the linguistics could explain more. I pretty much default to whatever I see more knowledgeable people saying.
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ambeann · 4 years
LAY - 蓮 (Lit) Lyrics
LAY - 蓮 (Lit) Lyrics
[EP] 蓮 (LIT) Artist: LAY(张艺兴) / 레이(LAY) Genre: POP, Chinese Music, Hip Hop, R&B Release Date: 2020.06.01 ©℗ Zhang Yixing Studio, SM ENTERTAINMENT Track List 01. 蓮 (Lit) 02. 玉 (Jade) 03. 鷹 (Eagle) 04. 水 (H2O) 05. 飛 (Fly) 06. 靈 (Soul) Lyricist: 李毅杰, LAY(张艺兴) Composer: LAY(张艺兴), Anti-General Arranger: Anti-General, LAY(张艺兴)
Pinyin Look at me, good? You make an answer Look at me, good? You know what I'm saying xiang da dao wo? What do you want from me? They got all eyes on me lian hua zhan li zai xia yi ge Level zhun bei hao yong you wo Title ang zang dou shi er bu jian chu yu ni bu ran de lian lu wo hai zai zou cong bu ceng hui tou jiu qu dao xia yi ge Level Now we go Take take take No one beat me down Take take take Play another round Take take take jiu da wo bu dao Take take take wo zou wo de dao I am the lian Lit Lit Lit I am Lit Lit tai duo ren fen bu qing dui cuo xin yang que shi cai hui kun huo huang hua tai duo dou bei pian guo chuan yan dou dang zuo zhen xiang lai chuan bo yi lu xian zu dao le xian zai chen ci lan diao ni de nian bai bu yao zai lai yi xiang tian kai King cong lai dou bu hui juan dai I am the king zai yin yue wang guo qin wen wo de Ring zhe jiu shu yu wo dai shang wo de Crown I got the power You know it I got the power You know it I got it whoa tai duo ren xiang ba wo ban dao (ban bu dao) tai duo ren zai zhi shou hua jiao (No no no no) tai duo ren dou zai na pai dui deng jiu shi chu yu ni bu ran ni kan hao You wanna fight and we having a fight Time will decide but you know I survive Music, my arena Feeling the vibe? Taking China to the World (You should know) I am the lian Lit Lit Lit Lit I am the lian I am Lit Chinese Look at me good You make an answer Look at me good You know what I'm saying 想打倒我 What do you want from me They got all eyes on me 莲花 站立在下一个 Level 准备好拥有我 Title 肮脏都视而不见 出淤泥不染的莲 路我还在走 从不曾回头 就去到下一个 Level Now we go Take take take No one beat me down Take take take Play another round Take take take 就打我不倒 Take take take 我走我的道 I am the 莲 Lit Lit Lit I am Lit Lit 太多人分不清对错 信仰缺失才会困惑 谎话太多都被骗过 传言都当作真相来传播 一路险阻到了现在 陈词滥调你的念白 不要再来异想天开 King从来都不会倦怠 I am the king 在音乐王国 亲吻我的 Ring 这就属于我 戴上我的 Crown I got the power You know it I got the power You know it I got it whoa 太多人想把我绊倒 绊不倒 太多人在指手画脚 No no no no 太多人都在那排队等 就是出淤泥不染 你看好 You wanna fight and we having a fight Time will decide but you know I survive Music my arena Feeling the vibe Taking China to the World You should know I am the 莲 Lit Lit Lit Lit I am the 莲 I am Lit English Translation N/A Source: Naver Music Pinyin: Xiami Music English Translation: N/A K-Lyrics For You Lyrics, Korean Song, Kpop Song, Kpops Lyrics, Korean Lyrics from LAY - 蓮 (Lit) Lyrics http://sinkpop.blogspot.com/2020/06/lay-lit-lyrics.html Korean Song Lyrics Kpop Artis Korean Boyband Korean Girlband from Blogger Lirik Lagu Korea LAY - 蓮 (Lit) Lyrics http://kpopslyric.blogspot.com/2020/06/lay-lit-lyrics.html
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filmstopia · 7 years
Love Off the Cuff (Original title - Chun Jiao jiu Zhi Ming) - Official Trailer 2017 - SGCloverFilms
New Post has been published on https://goo.gl/WQxZtY
Love Off the Cuff (Original title - Chun Jiao jiu Zhi Ming) - Official Trailer 2017 - SGCloverFilms
In 2010, Jimmy and Cherie fell in love in the back alleys of Hong Kong. In 2012, they each found a new love in a new city, but they ultimately chose to stay together. In 2017, Cherie and Jimmy will brave the stormy seas and save their relationship. Can Cherie and Jimmy overcome their seven-year itch? The path to finding out the answer is filled with laughs and tears. Directed by: Ho-Cheung Pang Cast: Shawn Yue, Mengjie Jiang, Miriam Chin Wah Yeung (function(d,s,id)var js,stags=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(d.getElementById(id))return;js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src="http://g-ec2.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/imdb/plugins/rating/js/rating.min.js";stags.parentNode.insertBefore(js,stags);)(document,'script','imdb-rating-api');
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yingjiaoyue · 4 months
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Crazy laugh in the distant
Hold on- lemme search up some pranks rq- actually I already got an idea MWHAHAA—
"Prank Call with Jiao Yue's Ex" (Short Comic)
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Lmao u thought
Okay.. Dare #1 Accomplished!! >:D
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yingjiaoyue · 4 months
Maybe you can make a prank to Mayor&Macaque about that you're with Syaoran again? As a dare
Feel free to decline ^^
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Looks like things are going to be rough tonight- ehem-
Anyways DARE #2 Finished >:D
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yingjiaoyue · 6 months
Miri: No, stay away from catnip! Bad cat!
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(Cat!Jiao Yue is one sensitive creature, calling her a ‘bad cat’ makes her cry.)
She won’t be going near the catnip anymore :)
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yingjiaoyue · 4 months
i dare you to draw jiao yues four kids coming home with a Chihuahua and show her reaction *you can decline if you want* -my sister will be sad if you decline cuz she told me to do this dare TvT-
Rin: "Hey, uh... we got something?" ( @zammy357 )
Jiao Yue: *[grumbling and growling sounds]*
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Rainbow: "pfft--" ( @askrainbowandmk )
Star: "Why is mommy up at the fridge?" ( @monkiart )
Kaiju An: "Looks like we can't keep the dog." ( @noisymutantherelol )
Now this would also happen irl if someone brought a dog inside my house..
Anyways DARE #(I forgot the number) FINISHED!
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yingjiaoyue · 3 months
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“Just a simple design, dear.”
Honestly, I dont know how to style someones hair lmao—
I think Jiao Yue would just cut it a bit short then add some side/curtain bangs and then add a lil bow as an accessory :) but yeah… idk how to style hair other than brain it or make it a ponytail djsjdnjsjdns,, I need to search at pinterest for hair inspo 😞
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yingjiaoyue · 4 months
Dare! Hang out with your four kids…. At a haunted house :3
Now this has got interesting... (tagging: @zammy357 @noisymutantherelol @askrainbowandmk @monkieart )
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The haunted house is haunted because Syaoran is there...
Dare #4 Finished ^^
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yingjiaoyue · 6 months
how would jiao Yue react if she was randomly turned into a real life cat?
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Cat!Jiao Yue: *aggressive confused cat growling noises*
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yingjiaoyue · 4 months
I dare macaque and mayor to dye Jiao Yue hair!
In that meme about as long as it not blue and pink please! XD
Jiao Yue: "As long as it isn't blue or pink..."
Mayor & Macaque: "..."
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Oooh guess who'll be in trouble soon-
I lost count of the dares but yeh- finished!
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yingjiaoyue · 3 months
Ying what were those noises last night and who's red scarf was on the floor?
“What noises-“ … “and what scarf-“
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yingjiaoyue · 4 months
Buy a cat costume :3
"Ordered and bought these online..."
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Dare #3 done mweheehe
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