#jikook off camera dates
stormblessed95 · 1 month
IDK if I'm stupid but did we see a footage from ANTOYA??? OR???? Because words on the street, they went there twice but I didn't see any footage from that place. So now I'm thinking... DATE!!! I live in a very delulu world.
They did go there! Antoya was the place they opened the show with.
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Right after practice for JK and right after Jimin arrived in NY
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They did go twice, an ARMY also went to Antoya and asked. The waitress didn't say much to keep their privacy but said they had a lovely time and came twice. Once with a bunch of staff and a second time just the two of them and sat together in a private room that time
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Also is a good reminder that we got 2 hours of footage from a little over 3 days spent together. Jikook did a lot of things and had time together that we NEVER got to see, and never will.
And a friendly reminder that this Korean BBQ place is marked as an LGBTQ+ friendly location too 🌈
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Hope that helps!
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kanmom51 · 2 months
Hi! I love reading your posts so much so I would like to know your thoughts on this:
I saw some of us on X thanking this person for manifesting the toothbrushing scene which was funny but at the same time i am super confused on how jikook really did exactly the same as the fan art (the plaid pyjamas especially)! Do you think this was purely coincidence or one of them saw it and went 'let's make this to reality'?
English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if my ask is all over the place :) love ya!
Let's start with the end here why don't we?
JM and JK are the real thing. They have a real actual relationship unlike the dreamt up needing to lean on made up fanart relationship that Tkks delude themselves JK and Tae have.
That is the starting point.
Jikook are the real deal. A real life long term loving couple. TKK are not. Not a couple. Friends yes. At times closer at times not so much, but always and only friends.
So, let's talk about that fanart. It's from 2022. 22 July 22 to be accurate. I am literally feeling sick to my stomach at the moment, but I will share the photo, cause I'm going to be making a point here.
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*At least they kept the JM in place (although they probably are deluded as to it's meaning...).
So, why is the date so important, you may ask.
Because that is the day ITS Friendcation came out.
And guess what we got in that first episode of the show.
Only the four friendliest of friends in their matchy plaid pj's.
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Basically what we had was TKK's in their hazed daydreams wishing that instead of Tae sleeping together with his squad, to which a one Jeon Jungkook does not belong no matter how much they want to twist it (same crew that left JK at the ski resort by himself while leaving together), instead of Tae waking up with Wooga and their match plaid pj's and brushing teeth together, it would be JK there with him.
Like I say, dream on.
That fanart of theirs, is a dream not a reality, and they can scream until they are blue in the face, it won't change the fact that the one brushing his teeth with JK at the moment is JM, not Tae, by choice. JK choice. JM's choice. They both wanted it. They both planned it. They both worked towards it. And they are both living it right now.
I find it kind of funny how TKKs keep on screaming that JM and JK's travels are for the camera, not genuine, all for the buck. If that was true, if Jikook were indeed the 'fanservice' couple for BH, if Jikook were a money maker as a unit for the company, how is it that this cash machine has never been properly utilized. It always amuses me to hear this from them all while most of Jikook's interactions are off camera, not for us to intentionally see. This one unit that has never come to fruition officially (until now, and there is a reason for that and a reason why we are getting more now, none of which are them being 'faked' for the camera in order to make money).
I love how they twist everything to fit a constant changing narrative. I actually don't know how they keep up with themselves. It would be so exhausting.
I saw Mina's tweets. Will not share them here. I will not give that hateful ***** a platform here. All I will say is that it must be so very hard for her right now. Reality is hitting and it's hitting hard. I guess it's a last hurrah, an attempt to cling to their fantasy. Basically acting like a belligerent child having a tantrum.
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If I didn't loath her and her kind I would actually pity them. They are going to be so very miserable in the upcoming months. Not to mention after they are all back from the military.
I guess these weirdos need to be reminded that JM and JK's Tokyo trip back in 2017 was not for the cameras. A trip eternalized with JK's GCFT, a trip they could not stop talking about, a trip they continued to talk about in their book under the title Real love.
I won't remind them of just how fondly JK was talking about their trip and the show, nor will I bring up that shining sun of a smile he had when JM says he'll hug him later, cause you know, these are basically fans that have no interest in what the idol they supposedly love (yeah, no love there) says or feels. It's about what they, as fans, want to feel dreaming about buff JK the fuckboy, bad boy, man handler and his dainty weak boyfriend Tae (with their love hate toxic jealousy drama filled relationship).
Excuse me for a sec...
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I also guess they need to be reminded that not all of JM and JK's time together was filmed, not all of it was for the cameras, as they love to put it. Not in NY, and definitley not in Tokyo 2023. Funny how two people that were working on enlisting together and got to fulfill their wishes and make sure that the 18 months of their military service they are inseparable, even if that means a tougher placement than if they enlisted separately, still wanted to go on these trips together. I think that by now any claim that this was forced on them - the trips, the show, the enlistment - have been long disproved.
And for a couple that the company are 'trying to push on us' it's really funny how silent they have been since their enlistment. But yeah, these people will continue to say what they want because otherwise their dreams are dead. Kind of like Larry's that still think those two are a thing.
You know what else that fanart comes after, btw?
Not only the ITS friendcation, but also after this:
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JK directing LGO MV choosing the couples pj's, choosing to have JM walk out of the bathroom brushing his teeth JK waiting for him in the bedroom.
Fanart is art (not that some of the fanart out there would be considered art by myself, but you know, that's a personal taste, or distaste, and that btw includes some Jikook fanart as well). It can replicate or express reality but it can also be an outright fantasy.
In this case it's TKKs seeing the reality (Wooga and Jikook) and expressing fantasy (their ideas or wishes applied onto TKK), lol.
And now we have JM and JK on their trip wearing these couples pj's.
What a blow that must have been for TKKs. And this whole scrambling thing they are doing, that this is "the company" copying their fanart. Absolutely hilarious.
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Jikook have shown us over the years that they love plaid. Not gonna add pics here cause there is no end to them. JK, JM alone, together, plaid is something they have been doing. Specifically? Not necessarily. But it's something they wear.
Jikook themselves have worn plaid pj's in the past for LGO MV (and the live as well - do I remind you guys of JK's joke about why he decided to have JM brushing his teeth?). Director JK. Their choice.
The fanart TKKs are squealing about was not an original piece of art that a TKKer came up with. They literally copied the pajamas worn by the Woogas in ITS Friendcation inserting JK into their fantasy.
If people would watch original content they would know that Jikook, both of them, tend not to wear pj's at home. Not around the house and not in bed. We saw JM in ITS 2. We saw JK in his bed live (in which I would love to remind TKKs how flirty and naughty he was with JM all while being half naked in bed, nagging JM to do a live with him, all his choice, all knowing that the company will not be happy with him, lol - still waiting for that Jikook live, you know from the company's "for the cameras" couple). Oh, and we also have the LV live. Yeah, that was an interesting one. Seeing that not only did we hear from JM and Hobi that JM walks around in his undies at home but that JK is in charge of the soundtrack... I guess while he's in his undies as well...(JM's reaction to Hobi's slip up was priceless). Point being that those two don't do clothes for sleep. But clearly they couldn't go 'au natural' for the show, so they chose to wear pj's.
And just like the other clothes that they chose to wear throughout their travels, that we will get to see in the show, they chose to wear these pj's.
Couple pj's.
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This is not a photo shoot. This is them coming from home with their own clothes wearing what they want to wear, what they feel comfortable in. And they chose to wear those pj's knowing EXACTLY how it will be perceived.
And just like Wooga chose to wear the plaid pj's, which btw were all identical, like the rings they wear, probably as a symbol of their friendship, all while NO ONE ever dared to claim that they were dressed by stylists or forced into wearing them or that the creators of the show even suggested the idea to them, JM and JK chose to wear these pj's that are not identical but seem to be perceived as couple's pj's.
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Pajamas sold out of course, the company's caption at the bottom being: "How about watching the show together in couple pajamas?"
Their choice.
Their decision.
Filming themselves brushing their teeth - their decision.
I want to make something clear here. They have said it and I will repeat it. This is not a scripted show. This is them travelling, experiencing, enjoying themselves (you cannot fake those smiles and giggles), filming themselves. That angle, the camera in the bathroom, that is a camera they placed there, they wanted us to see this just like JK wanted to show us JM brushing his teeth and coming out to him in the bedroom.
Do I remind you what happened when a camera was placed in a room when they didn't want us to see what they were up to?
This is not 2018 anymore. This is 2024 (well, filmed end of 2023, and may I just note that after the new contracts were signed, and I do think this is highly relevant as to what we are going to be getting in this show, what we will be allowed to see, the level of candor). No more hidden cameras in rooms (I think the company had realized that was a dangerous game they were playing at), and their artists control over what will be filmed and what not.
Their choices, their decisions, not some company executive. Them. The two of them.
I will end this by saying that I doubt that Jikook are even aware of this TKK fanart.
But if they were, then this wouldn't be them copying the fanart trying to create the illusion they are a couple.
No need for an illusion when you ARE the real deal.
If, by any chance, they were aware of the fanart then I would say that any connection to it would be them saying a big FUCK YOU to TKKs and their delusions.
But yeah, I do doubt they were even aware of this pic.
JK's search logarithm is Jimin based. Not TKK. So keep dreaming TKKs, cause not only are TKK not the thing you so very much want them to be, the thought of that thing, them as a couple, you as a fan group, your art and fantasies, all those aren't even a blip on JM and JK's radars.
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not-goldy · 2 months
Do you think Jikook's bond (whatever it is) is a goldmine to HYBE and they are trying to profit off it?
Thanks for such an intelligent question, having had one such mentally stimulating ask in a while.
Is Hybe overtly exploiting the chemistry that BTS has and that each pair has within the band, absolutely. I mean that bit should be so easy to wrap your head around.
Romance, bromance is one of the top selling genres of all time. The idea of BTS having a super strong fated bond between them is so commercially viable literal movies and songs have been written about them. 7 dates, bullet proof, and their recent Kdrama series etc to be exact.
And ships sell. I've said this since day one. The commercial viability of ships is just an offshoot of the commercial viability of bands as discussed above.
So yes, within that context, Hybe definitely would gravitate towards the two members with the most chemistry, who also happen to be two of the most liked members of the group, two of the most popular members and the most influential members of the group.
You don't go to war with your weakest soldiers.
Jikook is a very strong ship. We all know that.
They've had the most running in the group with some of the ships rising and falling over the years in terms of chemistry and popularity.
There's a lot to do with a pair like that. Reality shows, travel shows, documentaries, memoirs, tell all, cooking shows.
I watch a lot of reality TV and it's not hard to see how Jikook would fit right into that realm.
If BTS was love Island 🏝 Jikook would get their own spinoff after the season ended.
Fans love them, they get the most votes, the camera adores them and producers have so much they wanna do with them.
Am I making sense???
Going off with the Love Island analogy, just because Jikook are fan favorite, and the crew likes to follow them every where with a camera, and they are getting a spin off show of just the two of them don't necessarily mean their bond is fake that they are only existing for fan service or that the company is exploiting them.
There's just so much to do with them. They are fun entertaining adorable and a pleasure to work with.
So to answer your question I'll say yes and no.
Yes, they definitely a Goldmine for hybe in as far as content production goes.
No because they get to kill two birds with one stone. They can make money off of them, but also they create a safe space for Jikook to have that longevity to explore and nurture their relationship. They love being together. They love doing what they do. Hybe simply allows them to live their dreams and relationship much longer.
I've always said, if any queer pair in kpop were real you'd find them in a ship because ships would be their perfect cover for it. And we've seen jikook use this card very often to get out of trouble. Everything they do would be chalked down to fan service no matter how egregious they were. It can be invalidating and frustrating but In a way, it's also safe for them that way.
If I got paid to cozy up to my girlfriend, travel the world with her, eat as much as we can, hike, experience all and any culture- yall could call us anything you want I'm taking that offer🤣🤣🤣🤣
But we gotta give credit where credit is due because to me it's Jungkook that lay the foundation for all of this to be possible when he put of his first GCF with Jimin and later Jimin lay on top of him on a couch talking bout how they ought to do it again and how he would even model for him if filming is what he wanted to do.
I think they gave Hybe the idea of what it can do with them.
You can tell these things are things they both naturally want to do and have already done. During Run, they come up with a team name, they work well together, during rehearsals they stay behind and work on their routines tweaking it a bit, they come up with cooking shows to do, stay up all night doing nothing.
They are by themselves very creative and adventurous.
So like I said, I don't think this is hybe mining them but more so amplifying and giving them the production value to do what they already have been doing which they love, fans love and the company loves.
I'm sure if any other pair had this same organic pull towards eachother and wanted to be around eachother all the time too hybe would be just as curious and invested in them but as it turns out there isn't.
We are not stupid, we see them. And we see how some members act like they can't wait to get out of set when others keep it going even after they yell cut.
We see them all.
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jeonscatalyst · 25 days
Jikook deciding together, what to eat, when to eat, when to sleep, when to diet, what clothes to buy and match. Making life decisions together, enlisting together, even deciding to spend couple days together.
I can't get over how they move like a couple, even if they're possibly only friends. They're so in tune & move together as one. I can see why members always speak about them as a package deal or ask if they're dating or a couple. They clearly see it too. And the way they've always been consistent with their domestic nighttime routines, we seen for years. We saw it in ITS 2 when they decided to call it a night together and Jk asked Jimin if he wanted Ramen and Jimin said no lets sleep now. In NY going to bed together at the same time. In CT, brushing their teeth together & getting ready for bed and going to bed again around the same time & waking up and snuggling together complete with morning booty slaps and moans. In Jeju, both washing up at the same time, with Jimin even hovering by JK doing his nightly skin care routine, same as he did in CT. Deciding when they are gonna have "Ramen" kinda hard when you have a guest crashing in your room, then deciding together not to have Ramen and just winding down together, until Jk says he's tied and says come on lets go to bed and they run and jump in the same bed together & snuggle a little bit. We even see them brushing their teeth together again in Japan in matching couple PJ's. The way JK even added them waking up together and starting their morning routine together in couple JK's, in the Life Goes On video, which also parallels Troye Sivan's opening shot of his There For You music video, which is the song JK used for GCF Tokyo. I'm in awe of Jikook. Always on the same page. Its so darn cute & so domestic.
If not couple, why so couple coded Jikook? If not couple, maybe you should become one, since you already act like one. ;)
Yep you said it all anon. If jikook are not a couple they might aswell become one because they already act like one and have been behaving like one for over 10 years.
I still remember when they were in Vegas for PTD and jikook were dieting together and taking boxing lessons together from Tommy Sseam. Jk got into the room found out Jimin had eaten and called his a traitor lol. There were always some little things they did or said that gave us an idea of how they spent their time off camera. Even back in 2021 when they were in LA for PTD, we had them coming back from concerts together, eating together, working out together, even talking about not showering yet, I mean what do yoonminers and taekookers think when they see stuff like that? They think that all these years Jimin and Jungkook just abandoned Tae and yoongi and did everything together including eating, sleeping, working out etc and only waited for the solo era to finally spend some time with their boyfriends Tae and Yoongi even though all these years Taegi have been spending nights alone, showering alone, eating alone, working out alone and barely spending any alone time with Jikook because those two were literally always together? Jimin and Jungkook are some terrible partners then.
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chevelleneech · 7 days
The whole AYS show seems like Jimin is trying to make things go back to how they were in the past with Jungkook (i.e., in 2020/21), and Jungkook is just going along with it for the sake of it and trying to enjoy it. Now, either they are holding back in these episodes or something, but there, I cannot see even the slightest bit of affection, which can be classified as romantic or maybe romantic in any sense. They just seem like 2 bros (not in a homophobic way, but in a bestfriends for a decade goofing around way) hanging out. He is enjoying it for sure, Jungkook I mean, but he is definitely not the one putting a lot of thought, or some actual good conversation during trips, its like going through motions because someone invited you. Its mostly jimin trying to make the atmosphere feel good.
Also, another unpopular opinion is that they, in Sapporo episodes, just feel sadder? anxious? or, um, discontent (most probably because of the military), but it probably would have been better if they went to Sapporo without cameras again.
I disagree. Your opinion is yours, but I think they appear to be having fun, and ignoring how much Jungkook is laughing and literally saying out his own mouth that he’s happy, makes no sense.
Is it possible Jimin is trying to rekindle something? Yes? But we don’t know that. They haven’t talked about anything of the sort, so I don’t see the point in letting that color your view of the show. I’ve said it before and will say it again, it’s fine to have your theories and such, but you can’t slap them on what we’re being shown and decide that’s what it is.
Yes, I think they’re dating so my opinions on how they act are biased in that regard, but I am also able to watch the show as it is. Dating or not, Jimin and Jungkook both have been happy in each episode we’ve seen them spending time together in. The very first one is the only one where, imo, we saw hesitancy or nerves more like, but they also gave an explanation for why. They hadn’t seen each other, JK was working, and Jimin planned it yet wasn’t sure it was a good idea.
That latter bit alone insinuates to me that they had something deeper prior to hiatus, and were nervous about being together again in a serious one on one type of trip, but by the end of Connecticut they seemed fine. Constantly pulling on the “JK seems to be going along for the ride” thing is again, very Tkkr minded. Jimin planned it and JK said yes, so yes, technically he went along with it. However, Jungkook said himself by the end, he wanted to keep doing it. Jungkook said himself, he wanted to go back to Tokyo/Japan in general with Jimin, because they had such a good time the first time (GCFT).
I get it, you guys want a reason to explain away emotions of theirs you don’t understand, but what’s the point? They are telling us they’re happy. They’re telling us they’re having fun. They’re telling us the memories they’re making together will be what they think back on once enlisted. You’re digging for reasons to claim they’re not being truthful, and that’s why a different version of the show is forming in your head.
I’d also like to state a strong opinion here, that plenty of people hate to see discussed: Jungkook’s personality has always been “disinterested”, and it is likely because he’s neurodiverse. Solos of other members, and JM and Jikook antis alike have been saying the same thing over and over for years about how he acts rude, drifts off, is selfish, overly competitive, etc., as a reason for why they think he dislikes Jimin, dislikes this or that member, is actually in love with Tae, and so on.
Jungkook has even said these things about his personality, and it’s been co-signed by the other members. So while it’s possible he’s never been checked for anything, the truth is whether he knows or not, the parts of his personality you all keep harping on as proof of him “going through the motions,” are common amongst people with autism and ADHD. It’s why fans with them have said for years he reminds them of themselves or people they know. It’s why I say it.
I’m not diagnosing him, but he does share traits, and it isn’t new. Jungkook has always had moments of appearing standoffish and unbothered, yet when he talks about things he did during those same moments, he recounts them with positive words and smiles. Not only that, but every person who has ever had anything to say about JK, has used positive words to discuss him. They say he’s quiet and shy, then proceed to talk about how kind and present he is, meaning when JK is doing things he considers work, he dials in. He puts in effort to always be present and in the moment. Which he and the others had also already told us he does. Jungkook has to put in effort and be very interested in something to get it done. When he’s not working, he has trouble focusing on things that don’t hold his attention fully.
So it is impossible to decide he’s not having a good time with Jimin, just because the same personality he’s has over all these years, remains his personality. You guys just keep ignoring the fact that he has told us it takes effort for him to focus on things. It’s either that or you guys choose to use it against one specific person, which is Jimin.
You like to believe his lack of overt excitement and interest is because he doesn’t want to be with Jimin, when he is telling us that isn’t true. Jeju showed us a lot as well, of how completely blind almost, the members are to JK’s personality, and various other travel shows of theirs have told us the same. They don’t blink twice at his ticks and stims, they don’t really scold him for his dry and blunt reactions and responses, and they laugh off his competitiveness.
Jungkook, and I say this kindly, appears to be a lot to handle. He has a very polar opposite type of personality. When he’s dialed in, it’s difficult to get him to take breaks, to stop criticizing himself. When he’s playing games, he gets really into them and is loud and has a desire to be the winner. When he’s in a quieter mood, he seems to not speak at all and zones out, and wants to be left alone. That is a lot to adjust to, because from all we’ve seen, it doesn’t seem to happen once in a blue moon. It’s a day to day thing, if not hour to hour.
I even recall a time back in 2020 I believe, where it was talked about Jungkook was overstimulated by something during a rehearsal, to the point where he couldn’t participate in their dress rehearsal. He had to keep on the same clothes he’d been wearing and sweating in all day. I don’t remember which stage it was, or else I’d be more specific, but yeah.
Point is, I think the members know who he is, and I think JK has shown us who he is plenty. The members have also shown us who they are, and it seems they all have taken time to learn how to best support each other and their needs, whatever they may be. And speaking specifically of AYS, I simply do not think Jimin would bother rekindling old times if he knew Jungkook truly wasn’t wanting to do it. He’s known him for too long to push his boundaries that way, knowing it would be easily seen in camera how disinterested he’d be. Nor do I think JK would have planned Sapporo if he didn’t really want to do it.
Again, even if we ignore him possibly being neurodivergent, his personality remains what it is, and the members know him. So why force him into something, knowing he’d have to accommodate or makeup for JK’s lack of interest? It doesn’t make sense to me.
Now, I know I got a tad off topic and long winded, but I feel like what was said was necessary. Jungkook isn’t acting any different to how we know him to act, and he is repeatedly voicing his joy as he spends time with Jimin. Ignoring the literal words coming out of his mouth in favor of deciding he is feeling something else, and then taking that something else as reality… that’s on you.
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viathecloset · 7 months
Taehyung and jungkook's relationship is overlooked by 90% of the fandom solely because they are so controlled by the narrative of the fandom/company that they cannot quite accept that anything outside is even a remote possibility. Ive been more of a quiet observer for years now [my sister's an army since 2015] and I've seen the boys, moreover I know how marketing and kpop works. It's quite evident if u observe close enough of the pattern on how this group of seven guys who genuinely love music is marketed you would understand to what extent you're being brainwashed. Im not talking about this like a conspiracy theorist. It's quite simple and right infront of you. Yall refuse to accept it that's all.
1. There are a certain set of stories that are made to be told by them, over and over again. Even if it disturbs them or they are bored. E.g: 2018 disbandment story, vmin dumpling incident, jikook rain fight/tokyo trip, mind you there are many things that happend between people who lived together for 10+ yrs but if it cuts the flow of events you are made to believe happened you aren't gonna hear from it, ever.
2. Like stories there are dynamics that each pair is supposed to portray Taegi as annoying/annoyed duo, taejin/jikook as flirty HS boyfriends, namseok/taekook the awkward old friends and no matter how much the relationships change or evolve you won't see it cuz again, it won't FIT the narrative that has already been shown.
3. Like relationships there are characteristics that thankfully some members chose to break out of during their solo era: hoseok always being sunshine and loud ( he's quite serious and very dedicated infact ), jungkook being that muscle dude who only knows how to follow his Hyungs ( he's very independent and has a lot of targets he wants to achieve individually, he's very thoughtful and organized) and Taehyung being WEIRD and weak ( he's extremely intelligent and super strong he's strategic and disciplined)
4. This brings us to the whole Taekook narrative, the fact that they've been seen so much during solo era yet people had the audacity to still call them distant and awkward solely cuz it wasn't via company but through Taehyung's ig or jungkook mentioning him in interviews etc. I think it's needless to say they aren't comfortable being touchy and showy on camera for content, hell if they were to shoot everytime Taehyung and jungkook hangout there would he enough CONTENT till 2067. They're supportive of eo and have a very big shared friend circle, when jungkook went missing for almost 2 months we got to know Taehyung was the one he was with.
5. The thing is everyone [ including my own sister ] thinks that Taehyung is being desperate or such whenever he mentions Taehyung cuz a. Yall have actually led jokers run so fucking rampant that everytime the man mentions him actually doing something you're ready to throw him under the bus and call him a liar or such. b. Im not saying jungkook isn't close to anyone else but when he isn't working or shooting content and just wants to be himself the one you saw him most was around Taehyung and yes it matters. In the name of hating shippers yall have not only dissed the quite frankly PRIVATE bond they seem to share but went as far as dissing Taehyung himself cuz of the extreme level of manipulation yall are under.
Ik imma find armys [jikookers ]under this sooner or later calling me names but to be honest I'm sick and tired of yall dissing very real people and their very real human relationships solely based off the content yall are made to believe is 100% candid. Go touch grass, get friends, go date, don't obsess over them for a while then come back and try seeing it from a neutral perspective.
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Part 2- 10 Jikook Moments That Make Me Say "There is no way Jikook is not real"
Part 2. Because let me tell you all something...from the looks of it, Jikook is real.
And going through my own brain archives and content, we have enough moments to give us Part 3, 4, 5... and we have moments to make a Top10 of basically everything.
And just an fyi, for a moment to persuade me, it can be sexual tension, taking care of each other, physical contact, even awkwardness, etc, but it has to have that added intimacy. You know, the unspoken words between couples. And Jikook is full of that not so secret but always present intimacy.
So let's begin this one...
(In no particular order)
10. Bam <3 Jimin
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Ok, let's be honest here... Uncle Jimin? Lol more like Dad(dy) Jimin! But no joke, that dog knows Jimin really well and loves Jimin. Trust me...I grew up having more than 10 dogs at all times so I know a thing or two lol
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It's the eye contact and the little ears that give it away.
Bam's behavior shows how comfortable he is with Jimin. He is even licking Jimin's toes in some scenes. Sooo cuteeeee!!!
The poor dog was even confused when he had to decide who to follow, Jk or Jimin. Is that because Jimin is his owner too? 👀 Even the other members asked Jimin questions on Bam.
Like when Jin asks Jimin if Bam will run after him. And Jimin is like say what? Totally caught off guard lol
I'm not going to lie. I love Bam and Jimin and Jungkook and the interactions are beautiful to watch. So if Bam tells us that Jikook is real, then Jikook is real. Dogs don't lie!
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Ah but for reals, I love him so much! You know what? He needs his own post! Bam appreciation post coming soon.
9. "I was with Jungkook"
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I was with Jungkook. In their defense, they are always together. But this one hit differently, at least to me.
It was Jungkook's birthday and it was them two. Thats when they got the Billboard announcement that they had placed no.1 and they fell asleep caressing their phones and crying. So like they were in the same bed and all. Cool, nothing suspicious yet.
But it was Jk's birthday. And if Jk is dating someone, shouldn't he had been with them celebrating? Shouldn't be had been in someone's else's bed caressing the phone because Jk's group got no.1 on billboard (cough, Jimin's live when he got no.1 on billboard cough)? If Jimin was dating someone else shouldn't he had been with that person instead?
Also, Jk's smile when Jimin was finally able to tell everyone he was with Jk was huge. And Jimin had tried a few days before in that other live but the story got all jumbled and Jungkook was not so happy about it.
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So Jimin confessed. He was with Jungkook. And all was well once again in the Park-Jeon household.
8. If eyes were in the shape of 💕...
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This moment is so freakin real to me. First of all, I love Jikook during Dynamite era and this live was fun.
It's really like Jikook was in their honeymoon phase again...how many honeymoon phases do these guys have? Lol
And then we get this tiny 1 second moment of Jk blinking with heart eyes at Jimin. Just because Jimin said something slightly amusing. Omg.
Cancel everything because this is love💘!!!!
And there is also that suspicious Jimin moment. You know those annoying comments we hate "Finger hearts if Jikook is real..."
Well, Jimin at around 11:20ish, reads a comment that says "Stay healthy" then looks around nervously and does this...
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Then takes a quick glance around again. Just to make sure. They didn't see. But we did.
Go watch it!
7. Remember our first kiss? Would you like to fall in love?
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Ahhhhhhh. Does this even need explanation? They look happy. And Jimin's little smug face in the first clip is everything. It is cute!
This is romantic. It is intimate. And somehow its captured on camera.
6. Jk lifting Jimin
No, this lift is not like the others. Its not just goofing around and being silly.
First of all because k-army says that Jk says "Let me lift you once." (Does anyone have a source for this?? I couldn't find it anymore 😐)
And then Jk looks at the mirrors behind them to see how they look when he is lifting Jimin. That's insanely hot. I don't think I'm imagining this... I mean...
Please answer the following question:
Do bros want to see what they look like in a suggestive position? No!
Then why did Jungkook have to look?
5. Jk 🤟 Jimin
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Jk does this in front of a loooooot of people. And you can see his gorgeous eyes expecting a reaction from Jimin. It isn't until Jimin smiles that he smiles too. It's romantic and very him. A grand gesture that leaves Jimin speechless.
I don't know about you all but normal friends don't go around declaring their love just for the fun of it. ROMANTIC love, everyone. You don't stand there thinking how to surprise your non-boyfriend with a romantic gesture. But you do do that for a real boyfriend/girlfriend. In front of hundreds of people...sometimes thousands, and sometimes millions.
4. On Screen Thirsting
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Blink and you miss it. Not only in this live but in plenty other material. They want each other and get lost in their own world letting the other know they want them.
What else is there to explain?
3. Their body language...speaks to them lol ah and us.
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Welp. This one is a huge one for me. These are things that your body does automatically like breathing and your heart beating. Your subconscious tells your body what is the safest, most comfortable and loving space and your body tunes into that. And yes, all the members are close and all have a high degree of skinship but with Jikook there is that extra bit. They don't call Jk satellite Jeon for nothing.
The crazy thing is that this has been happening since they were fetus Jikook! And here we are 10 years later and Jk is still satellite-ing around in Run episodes.
2. Jk spilling the tea on how he is the best boyfriend.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh. This.
It was just sooo sweet. Insanely sweet.
As you all know, Jk tends to live in his own world and marches to the beat of his drum. He doesn't often post things for others or congratulate his members on social media (except for one...). So on this day, which should have its own post because virtual White Day date while Jimin is overseas...I mean....
Anyway, so on this day, Jk comes back for a little p.s. to his 3 part live and he tells us to look forward to 12 o' clock (a few minutes later) because something amazing is coming. He never does that for anyone else. He never posts spoilers for anyone else. So it was just sweet and very boyfriend of him.
And people can hate and say that Jikook is not even close...but then why would Jk do that? And why would he give us spoilers if Jk is not the type to care about that?
I'll tell you why...because he loves his Jimin and he was feeling proud and supportive.
And the Letter spoiler....ahhhhhhhh. You all see his little smile during it?
🕯Let's manifest a Letter live performance🕯
I wish they could talk about Letter. Well, no. I wish they could sing Letter...
Don’t worry
By your side just stay yeah
Because we don’t know what days await us,
Though it’s scary, though we’re afraid
Never forget that we’re always together
This sounds an awful lot like ms stuff to me 😔
1. Boys With Luv
Oh god.
When this concert aired, it was like 4 am my time. And I had only 1 eye open because I really wanted to sleep. Then Boy With Luv started and my eyes were like not today, fam. Because wild things happen with Jikook during this song so my brain knew better. So my eyes opened up real fast.
And then Jk is stared looking suspicious. Side eyeing Jimin.
Jk sings the last line and you think we made it without any Jikookery. FALSE!
Jk looks around and you can tell he is thinking something...Jimin gets closer and Jk does this thing were it looks like he is expecting something? I dont know.
A kiss?
A declaration of love?
A marriage proposal?!!?
This is what it looks like to me, ok??? Let me be.
And Jimin looks at him and they just are. And for a second it seems like something will happen. Because Jk is unpredictable. And the moment passes. And Jimin looks nervous as hell.
I screamed during this. And my partner was like what happened?!? And I was like NOTHING, HAPPENED! Lol and nothing happened so why is this moment so engraved in my brain?
I guess its because of the unspoken words during it. The thoughts that were thunk! The secret info exchanged while they were looking at each other.
The intimacy, everyone. Even though they were surrounded by the members and millions of eyes were watching.
Ahhh but isn't this Jikook always???
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seoul-bros · 5 months
Jikook Week 18 Complete ✔️(09/04-16/04/2024)
Their eighteenth week in the military is now complete. It's time to celebrate this milestone with a look back at this week in 2020.
The world was at the beginning of the COVID pandemic lockdowns and nations across the world were seeing a sharp rise in fatalities from the disease. The US leg of the Map of the Soul tour was on indefinite hold and to fill the gap, on 09/04, BTS announced Bang Bang Con a streaming event of their concerts between 2015 and 2018 to be held on 18th -19th April 2020.
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On 14/04, the one hundredth episode of Run BTS was released. BTS had hired out the whole arena used for the ISAC games (IYKYK hee hee). It was sponsored by and they were all kitted out in FILA.
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As with most BTS big days there was a cake to celebrate. Jimin suggested they cut the cake together (like VIPs) which was a cute idea but didn't quite work so the maknae had to do the honours and promptly got told off by RM for turning his back to the camera. The injustice!
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Then it was on to team selection. A quiz about previous episodes of Run BTS was held to see who would be the team leader.
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Taehyung wiped the floor with everyone. He really was the Run BTS mastermind. He then got to pick his team - JK, Jin and Jimin. It was rap line (100 jin) against vocal line (seok 100).
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The teams have to play badminton with weird rackets.
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All is going well until Suga hits JK's team members twice in a row. The first time it was Jin and the second it was Jimin. At this point JK springs into protective mode and I wouldn't have wanted to be Suga at this point. Check out Hobi's reaction.
Cr. to OP
First round the rapline dominate but the vocal line stage a comeback and take all three games and the match. Man of the Match though has to be J-Hope whose skill with the pot cover was outstanding. The 95 line really enjoyed it.
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The second game was Foot Volleyball. It was the hopeless three moment for 100 jin. Needless to say seok 100 won again.
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Finally this week, Boyfriend had Jimin choosing their massage chair over JK's capable hands. Yeah that's believable (heavy sarcasm) 🤣😂🤣😂
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Post Date: 16/04/2024
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mrs-monaghan · 10 months
Ig you saw the airport video from today. They were getting mobbed, Jimin was pushed back by fans but JK was busy filming and didn't even care to look back.
I just want to ask how y'all can ship jimin with someone who doesn't care about him a bit?? I'm genuinely concerned about it that y'all think they're dating irl and even if that's true then i gotta say JK doesn't deserve Jimin at all, I hope Jimin will find someone who'll genuinely care for him and love not like JK who does it for camera only.
Insecure Jikookers and shippers... y'all may even be more annoying that antis. Nah scratch that. You are more annoying. While you're busy projecting and seeing things that are not there, we are here going gaga over Jimin cutely holding onto JK's hoodie so as not to get separated
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That is so cute and adorable... makes me want to cry 😭😭😭😭😭
Takes us all right back to this moment.
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(Thanks @chicknbunny13)
So as you can see anon, this has happened before and it was Jimin holding onto JK 🥺🥺🥺🥺 JK is filming thats not news. We already know there is content coming. Why u gotta read into something that's not there??? I just see things to coo and smile about
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(Edit but I'm sure it's pretty accurate)
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Would it kill you to just enjoy what we are getting? Why do you need to disect and jump into the wrong conclusions??
This is the most we have seen of Jikook all year TOGETHER. Read that again and let in sink in. For the first time in a long time we are getting Jikook content that isn't related to their music. Content thats just about them and their rlship. And instead of enjoying you've decided to fill your mind with negative, rubbish theories??
Well anon, I am not buying what you are selling. You and everyone else trying to shit all over this trip can stay off my inbox. Jikook are in Tokyo. Again. And JK is documenting it. Again. 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾 They're on their way to enjoy snow. A thing they both really love. And they're gonna have a great time. They already are if Jimin's neck is anything to go by 🤣🤣🤣
Its a great time to be a Jikooker. We are having the time of our lives. Get on board or get blocked. That's it.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 1 month
Have you ever had that type of friend where you feel like you're the one carrying the friendship and the moment you stop trying you and this friend wouldn't see each other anymore? Jimin saying that if he didn't go to the US when he did the show wouldn't have happened doesn't surprise me. Remember the whole dance video thing last year and how Jungkook acted like the other members wouldn't want to do it with him when we all know they would've if he just asked?
I think he's that type of person that never initiates anything, he's just always waiting for other people to start things for him. I mean, he's even like that with his carrer. The fact that as early as beginning of 2022 Jimin was already working on his album, but a whole year after that by the beginning of 2023 and Jungkook still didn't seem to have any plans. If it wasn't for SB he wouldn't even have released an album.
I was thinking that I don't know how Jimin has the patience for him then I remembered my younger sibling is the same way where I always have to be the one to seek them out. So I get it Jimin, is that older sibling life. Which is fine when it's your sibling, but if this was my boyfriend there's no way I would let that shit slide. And that really sums up their relationship to me: Mostly fine for a friendship but shitty for a romantic relationship.
You've made several points.. especially the one about the dance challenges which I hadn't thought about now these days, but I remember that when he said that I wrote about how he was obviously lying and he didn't even ask the members to make a video with him. He just didn't ask them, the way I'm 10000% sure he never texted Jimin personally, or "formally" invited him over. I mean, not while he was on live.
The night JK went live and fell asleep with the camera on he said he didn't have anything to do the next day. If I recall correctly it was the same night he went to the theatre with wooga, then went back home and passed out drunk.
That same night Jimin was posting Instagram stories from his home, watching Hoseok and Yoongi videos. If I recall correctly, the next day he went to visit Jin with Hoseok. Later, he said they'd gone to see him because both him and Hoseok had that day off.
If you're in touch with someone you'd know if not only one but two of people who are supposedly close to you are going to meet another friend. He could've gone visit Jin as well.
People think all that started in March 2023 when it had been happening since long before. August 2022, Jimin spent like three weeks in the USA? Then he flew back to Korea and that same night, Jungkook was out eating with some people. So for the people who think they're dating, Jimin's away for like a month and his boyfriend doesn't get dinner with him when he arrives? Before world cup openings ceremony too, Jungkook went bowling with Taehyung. Around those same days they were together at the paradise hotel.
So Jungkook has time to hook up with women at his home, but not to grab dinner with Jimin?
I really can't fathom the level of self deception those who believe they're boyfriends must be putting themselves through. It's not 2+2 at this point, it's 2+2+2+2+2+2 like. There are so many factors.
I also found these posts, I took screenshots because I have to click everywhere on my phone to add the link and this is easier. But these are from March 3rd 2023.
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I also remember briefly bringing up Tom Holland and Zendaya, you know, a real couple. And how they were seen together more times than jikook were seen together in two years, and Tom and Zendaya don't even live in the same continent lol. I think I got some anons trying to lecture ME on queer people and how to live like a queer person in a gay relationship, compared to disgusting heteros like tomdaya.
Anyways. I really don't think I'll reply to more asks about this because it's so repetitive. There really isn't much to say. They aren't dating each other, they're just very dear friends, obviously.
Finally.. Does anyone have the screenshot of Hoseok's ig story on his birthday last year? I'm almost scared I might've dreamed it because I can't find it anywhere but I'm sure he posted a picture of a cake or flowers? and tagged Jimin, as if Jimin had brought those to him the night of his birthday, after the live in the company.
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stormblessed95 · 10 days
Watching Are You Sure?! EP 6
A reminder of how I do these reaction posts as I watch things. I just write my reactions and thoughts down literally they happen. Think more of a bullet point format. I'll include links when I can to videos, thanks to the people who twt who upload clips. And at the end, I'll do a better wrap up of all my opinions. I hope everyone enjoyed the show so far!!
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Flying to Japan on Nov 25, 2023!
Jikook being the rich bitches that they are now, do you think they had the whole plane just for them and their staff? The way they BOTH got to enjoy the window seats and the whole row to themselves for most of the trip. Genuinely wish I could fly that way 😂 it has to make that experience a little less miserable lol
Jungkooks super informal tone, the soft way he spoke, the way he placed his hand over Jimin's nape.... Topped off with talking about how their first ever trip together was to Japan, Tokyo. And that's why he wanted to come back. Excuse me 😭 the romantic in you is escaping!
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JK panning down with his camera and us getting to see Jimin gripping his sweater over his tummy. Such a consistent habit! Both of them! JK randomly panning to film Jimin, and Jimin holding onto JK. They are so sweet and cute. It's giving boyfriend. I can't lie lol
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"We have arrived" they say, while in a moving car, and I'm pretty sure Jimin has to be in JKs lap to film the way they are. Or at least BASICALLY all the way in it. Lol and JKs smug ass little smirk and pouty lips. Bro, chill 😅😂
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The zoom in on Jimins eyes randomly. Another habit consistently consistent!
JK saying yes of course he knew Jimin's album was coming out soon and yes of course he watched the SGMB video. He stays up to date on all Jimin content thank you very much
Not the kids making Jimin feel old by calling him Uncle 😂😂
Jikook hanging out drinking and eating snacks and just chit chatting so normal and regular that Jimin just completely forgets they are filming a show for a brief second there, walking away without his camera. There is something so endearing about that
Not them showing us JK falling on the ice from both Jimin and JKs camera perspectives 😂😂
JK being super whiny and bratty and Jimin going "why are you so angry these days?" With a laugh and JK going "it's for the show" basically to be more entertaining. Lol and Jimin just saying that he can handle all his anger. Handle all of JK. "I can handle you" is what it's giving. And it's giving so so much. Just wow
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They way they reminisced about their first Tokyo trip while eating their midnight snack 🥰 Jimin remembered so many details. JK just remembered being worried about Jimin's feet hurting during their long walk to Shibuya.
JK sharing how special it was for him to get a short letter from RM when he did his showcase. That was so cute!!
Them arguing over the AC with one being hot and the other cold was so relatable for me. It was like watching me and my partner 😂
They went to sleep in separate beds and woke up in front of cameras in separate beds, but you can't convince me that JK didn't end up in Jimins bed for at least part of the night. Lol his sheets are still tucked in all nicely (Jimin's aren't and JK doesn't sleep that neat from what we have seen lol) and his water bottle is moved over to Jimin's side of the nightstand too. But what do I know 🤷‍♀️😂
Has there been an episode where Jikook haven't brushed their teeth together? Lol
JK being all romantic about remember this moment of watching the snow fall together in the morning. And Jimin popping the bubble by saying they'll have to shovel so much snow in the military 😂😂
JK going I want to cut my hair and Jimin immediately coming over to crack jokes with wordplay 😂
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JK just turning to stare at Jimin wanting his compliments over the glasses he picked out to wear. Lol and Jimin immediately giving him said compliment. It was absolutely giving domestic couple vibes. Can't lie won't lie
Bathroom selcas!!
JK wearing a napkin under his glasses because his nose was sweating because of the spice 🤣
The vibes and tones they have when speaking about their service is so drastically different when compared to in the USA. They are about to enter into service together and they have no more doubts or fear of being separated and you can tell in how they talk about it now versus then.
The editors making fun of Jikook ordering in Japanese lmfao "using all the words they know"
The reappearance of "KooKoo-San" 😭😭🥰😍
I love the animated train station 🤣🤣
Jikook sharing air pods and music on the train and roleplaying saying it feels like they are in an anime. They said they were listening to a Japanese song and Jimin was getting really into when he started this role play. Lol what song was it?!!?
Jimin pulled a JK and went from filming scenery to randomly switching his camera view to film Jungkook close up too.
JK snuggling up on Jimin as they watch the scenery go by on the train is the cutest fucking thing. JK was living the dream. You can tell they were so content and happy.
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Finally arriving in Sapporo and walking through the train station seeing an adorable little girl and Jimin getting all sappy about how he would be an emotional mess as a girl dad if he ever had a daughter. JK looked both nervous and excited about that idea 🤣🥰💜
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Jimin saying JKs live vocals on Hate You were so good that he threw his phone. So relatable. The biggest fanboy!
Jikook singing Super Tuna!! So cute!!
Jimin saying he has to be the most normal on a team of weirdos and JK being like nah babe, you are a total weirdo freak just like the rest of us! (Personally, I think to make it as an idol, you can't be normal, you gotta have a little bit of freak going on to be able to handle all of that lol) But yes Jungkook! Speak that truth! "Who sets the standard for 'normal' anyway?" EXACTLY!!!
Not Jimin pulling up Christmas Day by Jikook circa 2014 to listen to on their snowy drive in Sapporo Japan?! The sentimentality and romance in the air that has to be happening?! Lol even with their younger voices 🤣 the cringe over hearing his 19 year old voice say merry Christmas 🤣😂😂
Impromptu self photoshoot in the snow!
The way they giggle together is one of my favorite things. Over anything and everything
Jikook roleplaying at the museum bar lol that was inherently flirty. So flirty. What the heck. That was first time meeting at a bar with cheesy pick up lines roleplay. That's like kinky foreplay for some people 😂😂 JK getting all flustered over it too and ending it with the "you're ridiculous" lol
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JK this thing is cute, Jimin buy it then. Ah, rich people 😅😂
Their embarrassed faces when the staff told them as they were walking away that they didn't pay for their drinks 😂😂😂 Jimin running up to go pay but with JKs black card! Lol not even his own! But that's before they said Cash only, so JK comes to pay for it in cash lol I too, would've felt very embarrassed over forgetting to pay 😂
Jimin galloping through the snow. Lmao he is such a little weirdo 🤣😂 love him so much
Their cute little snowball fight with JK picking up just massive clumps of snow to throw lol
Not them calling ARMY out for just enjoying watching them just sit around and eat. They know we are down bad lol
What kind of carrots is Jimin eating that they are bitter??! 😂
Jikook constantly memeing together too lmao!
Them saying they would've been such trouble together as same age friends. They already don't have a normal hyung/dongsaeng relationship at all. Can you imagine if those lines that they already pretend don't exist actually never existed at all? Already attached at the hip. If vminkook were ALL same age friends, they would be even crazier together I bet! Lol
Jimin once again talking about the dumpling fight. The way he was actually ready to beat Tae up during that is still so crazy to me 😂😂 the way he Knows they (Vmin) were both being petty AF back then and they can laugh now.
Lmfao not them talking about JK kissing RM for his birthday and RM telling him he went too far and crossing the line. They wore him down to accepting their kisses eventually. Birthday kisses must've turned into tradition since then for Joonie 😂😂
They've come so so far. I'm so proud of all my members. I too can't wait to see the 7 back together again!
Shall we head to the hot springs?? Can't wait!
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Wrap Up Thoughts:
Please ignore any and all typos in this post. My brain is so fried and I'm so sleepy. Lol
Anyone else notice they spent almost this entire episode in matching and/or coordinated outfits? Yeah, me too! How very adorable of them. It's so obvious and clear in this episode than it has been in any other. The thing I noticed most about their dynamics in this episode was the consistency in all their little sweet and cute habits together. Things they've done around each other for years and years. And they are still doing it!
JK spent the entire episode randomly filming Jimin. And he said "I love it" or "I'm so happy" over 30 times in just the one episode. Traveling with Jimin and just chilling together brings him so much joy. Everyone should rejoice in that. And Jimin spent the entire episode randomly bursting out into song, but specifically SNTY 🥰 the support!
And the way JK was filming Jimin, it's still that consistency man.
I said most of my "analysis" moments in all that stuff above, I don't really feel the need to repeat myself but if someone wants or needs clarification on my thoughts, please ask/let me know! This was a beautiful and very sweet episode. They were just purely enjoying each other's company! They were so happy together. Good food, good beer, good company, beautiful atmosphere. I'm so happy for them. And it reeks of domestic bliss so often in this episode too. Lol love that for them as well!
If anyone in Brazil wants to know what video from Twitter is under any of my purple links, please let me know which one and I'll try and download and post that specific video for you. Just send an ask. Sorry for the inconvenience!
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moonsunbam · 1 month
from the bottom of my heart to ALL anons going in jikookers blogs:
you should be ashamed of being born. you guys must be so fun at parties too.
imagine having a whole jikook tv show to watch and talk about and the FIRST thing you think of saying is about how jikook dont making a sex tape on camera to you guys is DEBUNKING. like do you guys can see how youre DEHUMANIZING THEM?? why cant you be normal and just think about jimin and jungkook as a regular couple you see on the street??? why do you have to microanalize EVERYTHING???
im so tired of all of you, vocês são pessoas patéticas com vidas patéticas e tão medíocres eu tenho pena de vocês.
please get off twitter and GO OUTSIDE.
ask yourself something: if you logged out of twitter, tumblr and etc this problem with jikook will still exist in real life? if no THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP PORRA.
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not-goldy · 5 months
Jk-tkk never had say. Its about Tae & Tae-tkk feelings. Tae- tkk hate JK and Jk-tkk let them call the shots cause they're weak. I'll tell you what. Come sit next to me Jk-tkk who fled. I'll defend Jk with you. However, if you're still a Jimin/Jikook hating tkk at heart, even if you left that Tae biased Jk hating cult, sorry but you can still sit & fight alone.
Notice a pattern?
'Tae travels with friends.' Tkk: So glad he's having fun. 'Jk travels with Jimin.' Tkk: Selfish prick only cares about himself.
'Tae releases a show with friends.' Tkk: Make it a #1 show, watch & support, we love Wooga. 'Jk has a show coming.' Tkk: Boycott, don't watch, we want it to flop.
'Vmin at Tae's fanmeet.' Tkk: They're so cute. Tae loves his soulmate/BFF. 'Jk shows up to Jimin's rehearsal.' Tkk: Trash JK faking content for cameras. 'Tae shows up to his Wooga friends show.' Tkk: He's so supportive of his friends. 'Jimin supporting Jk in NY & Jk's BB #1.' Tkk: What about Tae? Of course Jk's doing fanservice.
'Tk make a TikTok together.' Tkk: Look at our babies showing off they're in love. 'Jk makes a tiktok with Mingyu.' Tkk: Don't watch it's for clout, he's disrespectful to Tae. 'Tae out everywhere with Friends without Jk all chapter 2' Tkk: We support this freedom & love his friends. 'Jk out with 97 line, Jimin, friends, family without Tae' Tkk: Where is Tae? All Jk's friends are trash.
'Jk watched Jimin content & supports him' Tkk: Fanservice whore pushing others, while Tae suffers. 'Tae posts about Lisa, members, Wooga. Tkk: He's so supportive of literally everyone.
'Tae doesn't post about Jk's BB #1.' Tkk: crickets 'Jk says congrats to Jimin on his award.' Tkk: Can he stop hurting Tae & ignoring him.
'Tae dates Jennie in their faces.' Tkk: This is all Jk's fault. Drags him & Jimin for it.
'Tae says he's happy to separate for Military, even tho he had the option to enlist with Jk. No tattoo or any excuses. Tkk: Jk is a selfish bastard who enlisted with Jimin instead of sacrificing himself for Tae. Lets make his life a living hell while he is in the military and can't defend himself & keep it up until he discharges.
They hate every single moment he's there with Jm.
Watch them gag and bully anyone who would bring it up after his service and watch jokers cave and delete their posts about jikook serving in MS together
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marengogo · 1 year
Silver Lining - What If #6: FOR(ever) ↔️ YOU(ng) - Jikook the Musical
Good Morning - by Verbal Jint  [10 Years of Misinterpretation Part I]
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
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Dear Ladies, Gentlemen and Distinguished Enbies, welcome to a one day only “showing” of FOR(ever) ↔️ YOU(ng) - Jikook the Musical. Tonight I shall try my best to narrate a cute little story, which has various songs as centre plot developers; hence a “musical”. Taken individually, all these events may seem absolutely disconnected, and with no relevance to each other. However, as I started to collect them, they turned out to compose quite the neat little story about two boys their love for music and perhaps each other? So grab a snack, and a thin hat everyone, sit, relax and enjoy the show.
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This story brings us all the way back to almost 8 years ago, to be precise, the year is 2015, the date is August 18 and during BTS’ Japan Official Fan Meeting Undercover Mission in Osaka (this fan meet went on from the 13th to the 20th of August), while playing a game, JM suddenly loses consciousness and falls off stage. He is taken to a hospital immediately and as soon they are explained the situation, Big Hit Entertainment tweets the following:
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The same day, JM himself goes ahead and posts the following
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Fans panicked. Obviously VERY LUCKILY FOR ME: I WASN’T AROUND AT THE TIME. As for his members, I am sure they were worried out of their minds, so much so that one particular member would express his relief perhaps at having JM safe and sound back with them, right on their very stage. This member was JK, whom two days later (August 20), on the last day of this event, as they performed "For You", walked right by JM and stopped for a couple of seconds, looking at him while he was singing part of the song’s first verse. For the rest of the song, it would become quite visible how JM couldn’t help but smile (cutely).
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So, even though we do not have an elaborated tale of what all the members must have felt exactly, it is safe to say that JM’s accident had a bit of an effect on JK’s mind. So much so that, a couple of months later, while he was playing around as Romeo & Juliet with JM, on the shoot-set of Season Greetings 2016, JK suddenly “refused” to play with JM because, and I quote:
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Let’s fast forward to June 2016, this time we are in Paris, and the boys decide to start a VLIVE just before performing at KCON and, at the beginning of the live, we only have VMIN in sight. They start to talk about RM & JK’s new song “I Know” and, as the two are actually in the room but off camera, Tae asks  bribes JK to sing a bit of the song. We still can’t see JK, but, while Tae looks away JM looks straight into JK’s direction as the latter proceeds to sing
🎶Know you love me, boy
So that I love you🎵
… The expression on JM’s face is priceless the things I’d give to know how JK sang this to JM. ANYWAYS, RM eventually also joins into a funny rendition of the song and when they are done, VMIN resumes talking to ARMY and though we will never know for sure what caused it, perhaps JK’s expression, or the lyrics, or the fact that it was JK or all things together, or none of the above, BUT JM did stumble his way through trying to describe the song, in the words of Tae, JM suddenly seemed to be a bit “nervous” almost as if someone had suddenly serenaded him out of nowhere.
Another example at JM being flustered actually happened a month earlier to the Paris trip, at the ISAC where the Tannies needed to sing a song called Hand in Hand and while they are practising (at minute 0:57) I believe that JK might have change the lyrics to “promise me” but don’t quote me on that!, which made JM react in that way Joon and Hobi on the other hand; LOOOL 😬.
Basically, 10 months had effectively passed since the “For You Incident-Serenade” and it feels as if JK might have caught on to the fact that the easiest way to get a flustered reaction from JM is to sing to him. Perhaps he had to sing at him a couple more times off camera, in order to confirm this theory AS ALWAYS; WE WILL NEVER KNOW but from this moment on, whenever he’d find a chance to, it would seem like JK would take the topic at hand and find a way to romantically sing it at JM.
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It is finally February 2017, and love isn’t the only thing in the air, in fact, on paper actually, on February 7, JK graduates high school. He is visibly hella excited, and though he goes to the ceremony alone, all his members show up, and afterwards, on their way to the restaurant, VMINKOOK share a ride.  For the most part jikook are doing most of the talking and at a point in which JM is talking a very eager looking JK suddenly starts singing, at JM, the beginning lyrics from A day Long Ago (오래전 그날) by Yoon Jong Shin.
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AND, For the very first time on-camera, JM does his very best not to react. We can still see the slight hint of a smile, but for the most part, he’s successfully brushed it off and he is very quick at keeping the topic of discussion on track.
This might have thrown off someone like your-truly, but JK? No, the boy likes a good challenge. JK nor was discouraged, nor did he try to force JM to listen to him, he just went along with JM. We are talking about an almost 20 year old boy who, for the greater part of 2016 (that is when he turned 19, which is the age you become an adult in Korea) has been trying his mighty best to have his hyungs, and JM in particular, understand that he is now an adult and that he has been for quite some time. But hyungs gonna hyung, immaright? Sorry JK…
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Now, I don’t know what happened in the months between JK’s graduation and the 1st of October (2017), but there seems to be no on-camera attempt of JK even attempting to sing at JM, in fact, if anything, JK has been trying to appeal in different ways. For example, JM-Encyclopedia JK makes an appearance, or I’d rather not call you hyung makes a strong comeback. Regardless, for the first time, at the Fan Meet in Goyang (1st October, 2017)  JM is singing at JK lyrics from the “Best of Me” where he substitutes the word heaven (cheonkook) with Jungkook (he would do it again on episode 28 of RUN BTS, which would be broadcasted on November 7, 2017, but telling from the hairstyles it was probably filmed around the same period as the Goyang Fan Meet).
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We are now halfway through the movie, and though our heroes have gone through a series of back-and-forths, they haven’t really encountered any “conflicts” per say; namean? Sure, JM is the one doing the singing now, because maybe he is trying to get JK’s attention. Had he lost said attention? Had something happened between the two of them? Or had their relationship evolved to a point in which he was just trying to return some of the musical energy he’d received thus far? WE WILL NEVER KNOW unless they tell us that is. But what we know is that a good 30 days after this, JK would take JM on what we now know to be, thanks to Beyond The Story, a healing trip to Tokyo, which would give birth to the first and most famous gcf: GCF in TOKYO. 
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Upon returning from Japan the two of them feel closer. It looks like they had the time of their life and they can’t seem to be able to talk about anything else. Basically they appear to be quite smitten with this shared experience, and perhaps, with each other? In addition, while still being the maknae, JK is sort of shifting into being more of a protective entity for JM and though JM tries his best to keep him in that designated maknae-slot, he also can’t help but indulge in the “offered protection”. 
They are now spending a lot more time together and this fact is not lost on some people in their environment, regardless of whether said people want to admit it or not. Particularly in 2018 (where, before even getting to the infamous Nampyeon-Namchin December )
we are in Hamilton, September 22nd, on their Love Yourself Tour. As they perform Attack on Titan, during the song’s break, JK pulls a For You Serenade-typa thing, but this is not 2015 and JK is no longer 17. This time, he focuses on JM for the whole part, hair pushed back and all, and for the first time in a while JM is visibly flustered, he silently giggles, turns towards ARMY, and also pushes his hair back. JK’s satisfied expression as he got JM’s attention says it all.
Yeah, this is not the same JK. He is not a boy who is relieved to see his bandmate's being well and alive, or trying to use the situation to his advantage in an awkwards manner. NO. This is a 21 year old, who’s just come back from the trip of a lifetime, this right here, seems to me, to be a boy with luv. 
Speaking of which, fast-forward a couple of months, May 21, 2019, they are in California, and as they are getting ready to perform on The Voice, Memories 2019 will show us how, for the first time JK substitutes words of a song while singing at JM. He substitutes the word “Love is” with “Jimin” while singing Boy With Luv at JM, who acts like he is ignoring him completely but actually proceeds to sing along. Who knew there was an art in serenading and beginning serenaded? Jikook circa 2015 🤡
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Indeed, there is nothing stronger than a boy with luv, let’s not forget that a couple of weeks prior to this (May 5th to be exact) Rose Bowl-gate did happen. Well, up to this point, all seems very flowery and very peachy; what could go wrong, right?.
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AND, here we are, the part right before the end of the “musical”. We all know some sort of “big conflict is coming” and at this point some might just turn off the movie and leave it at a happy place but the majority will probably just brave it through to this day I start watching Baz Luhrman’s Romeo + Juliet and stop the movie right before the part whenthey take the fake poison, nobody dies in my Romeo + Juliet, thank you, bye! . Let’s brave it through.
Things are going quite well in Jikook world. The Tannies were given a break for the first time ever and thought JM left to go explore the world, he made sure to travel all the way back to Seoul to spend JK’s birthday with him, just to then travel off again; dedication. BTS then takes off to go and shoot Bon Voyage 4, and amongst the many things JK goes up a mountain and comes down with snow for JM; devotion. The two of them are living life, all while diligently performing touring as well.
Thus comes the end of the Speak Yourself tour, Seoul, October 26, 2019. The vocal line performs The Truth Untold and it happens, not only do JK and JM turn to face each other as they sing the last part of the song, but they also change “And” to “But”.
Jikookers who notice are left speechless, but jikookers weren’t the only people who noticed. That and a series of “jikook moments” throughout 26th-29th of October, made October 30, 2019 quickly roll by and the following happens:
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I can’t even imagine what it must have felt to have experienced THAT. To be honest I don’t even want to think about it, but then actually is more like “I can’t believe they actually fucking did that…”. BUT, guess who won the IDGAF war?:
I bet many thought jikook would perhaps “tone it down”, but they kept being themselves. They kept being as affectionate, annoying, close and “flirty” as per usual, I mean some time in 2020 we got 👇🏾
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So yeah, I suppose, love will always win.
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It’s now 2023. All the boys are getting ready to go to MS, as a result, they are giving it their all working on solo projects. Jikook has finally managed to become a bit more private, and this isn’t as a consequence to what happened in 2019 (if not we wouldn’t have had that hickey-incident). A lot has happened since then, but I believe that, perhaps, as things got more serious, and as they got older, their relationship naturally progressed into something more mature, personal and deeper in significance. For example JM associating JK with the song Young Forever
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*The writing in the shoe where JM is sticking his tongue out says Jeon Jungkook.
a song that holds a very special place in JM’s heart; tattoo-worthy special. 
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There is that, the adult side … Aaaand then there is also JK & JM quietly spending 4 days together in NYC/CT, in the midst of JK’s debut (perhaps getting content ready?) and there is also JK half naked in bed trying to bait JM into doing a live with him and starting off the bat with singing at JM the initial lyrics from Good Morning by Verbal Jint.
🎶Good morning – that’s what I texted you
I think I’m into you, it’s dangerous 🎵
… I suppose old habits die hard.
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Always respectfully yours 💜🫰🏾
DAY vers.
NIGHT vers.
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theangryjikooker · 1 month
Interesting perspective that you have on jikook. To me it's kind of hard to judge since they were both sick, but the first two episodes were giving off the kind of vibes that they were reconnecting after some time apart. Which tracks because Jimin seemed extremely busy making two albums. Most telling scenes to me tho was that scene of them in the woods having the conversation about the mosquitoes and flies, and JK asked 'do they miss me' and Jimin replied with 'they can't get over you' when Jimin grabs JK's shirt and JK says he gave him butterflies. Felt like it was a convo about something other than the thing they were talking about, which I think they do a lot on camera lol. And the scene in the bed when JK goes to wake up Jimin. The chemistry was definitely something else, with JK caressing up his leg, Jimin trying to grab JK's face towards him, JK turning him over and slapping his butt. I go back back and forth about whether it's something more than close friendship, but it was definitely giving off the energy that they were trying to hold themselves back from doing more. It'll be interesting to see how the rest of it unfolds.
Just to preface this, I do aim to re-watch these initial episodes. I don't think my first impressions will change much, but I'll likely be watching with other shared viewpoints in mind.
Reconnecting after some time apart shouldn't be a huge deal. I think what makes this reconnection strange is partly due to the collective sentiment (among shippers) that they're dating. By virtue of this alone, they should reasonably be dialed in to one another, and I'm not getting that sense from them.
From my POV (i.e., they're not romantically involved / I don't think any of the members are), this doesn't really matter. But when I'm trying to objectively watch them as though they're potentially involved, there's a disconnect; the math is not mathing.
But like you said, it's kind of interesting because I also go back-and-forth with them in a different way: they seem to have this constantly shifting connection where I was frequently like, "They're fuckin' weird" to "What the fuck."
They're just getting their bearings; it's the first show they're doing where they're helming it on their own without the assist of other members, so I'm obviously willing to keep my mind open for the later episodes. What bothers me–especially with commentary that I've been seeing–is this smugness that Jkk are not as close anymore when that's clearly incorrect. If you take the romance aspect out of it, they're completely fine. They're extremely dorky, and in these two episodes alone, there's a justification of other members' reactions to them that we've previously seen. As I said–and whether you think there are romantic undertones or not–they're weird as fuck. I cannot stress how weird they are.
I'll also concede to the benefit of shippers that they occasionally look like they're finding a reason to initiate play fighting in a way that's borderline flirtatious. It's giving "I'm going to bother you because I know you're going to retaliate." They're really cheeky, and I find it to be an adorable quality of theirs.
This conveniently brings me to my final point: what I do find funny is how much of an instigator JK actually is, and I get the sense that he knows and takes advantage of the fact that he can get away with his actions pretty easily (and he does this with TH too when he abruptly hangs up on him–that's such a lil bro thing to do).
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chevelleneech · 17 days
i just wanted to ask something as a person with no dating experience whatsoever, but i do think jikook have something diff from others, if assuming they are in a relationship/situationship/or whatever jikook style thing, statements like how jm said he was called uncle in the sgmb behinds etc, and how he talked about wanting a daughter etc (i know this to some people would seem as they are not together at all, etc, but i feel like teh daughter thing is everyone has thought of that at least ones about kids before even settling down or whatever, but again idk) and how they were not in touch for months etc, this proves they dont live together or get together that often, or talk about stuff that often. But assuming they do have something going on, something that suits them, do you have any idea how that would work or look like? or maybe you know someone in a similar situation (again i know that each person is diff so cant compare, but just wondering, how would this work then?)
I don’t understand the question? Them talking about stuff the other may not know, is normal. Something happened at work, Jimin told JK about it. That’s not that odd to me, personally.
As for the kid thing, I’m pretty sure they’ve talked about kids plenty off camera. The members have brought it up multiple times over the years, and in the past it’s usually something they unnecessarily freak out about and change the topic on. So I would imagine the number of and gender of child Jimin wants is not actually a surprise to Jungkook.
I also don’t think they were completely out of touch, but weren’t as close as they were used to being. So whatever they were going through was their business, and while I have my speculations, I don’t think viewing that timeframe as something specific is possible. Because we don’t know what happened, so we don’t know what emotions they had regarding each other during that time. Meaning it’s not possible to really assume they did or didn’t have certain conversations about things that we ourselves would consider serious partner stuff.
If they are dating, they have their own way of dealing with things within their relationship. If they’re not, they have their own way of dealing with their dynamic that differs from the ones they have with other members. I think it’s clear they don’t live together as well, but prior to their group hiatus, they were seeing each other damn near every second of everyday, so it didn’t matter. Now, they presumably still see each other everyday during work in the military. They will also share vacation days, so it can be assumed them not sharing a house still doesn’t yet matter. Their lives are not normal, so they aren’t going to navigate a relationship the same way as most people would expect.
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