#jikook we love bts bbq party in la
stormblessed95 · 2 years
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Hey Stormie...have you ever talked about this...and Where can I get it🥺
Hi! I swear I've 100% talked about this before. But I can't remember or find it. I think in a reblog from someone else. Lol but WHATEVER let's do it again!
This comes from the 190706 We Love BTS 2019: "BBQ Party in Las Vegas" You can find it here with English subs too, filmed for hulu
This was filmed though right after they won Billboards that year, so on 190502 is the date its really from!
The screengrab you have is from barely a minute in during the psychology test portion of the conversation! Lol they all had to pick the animal they would feed first at the zoo, and that would signify what you valued the most. So they all picked an animal. Jimin, the monkey (same), and the yoonjinkook the panther and taenamseok the rabbit.
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And for these answers it was said that if you picked monkey, you valued your friendships and relationships in your life the most. Of which Jimin fully agreed that was something he highly valued and so he would say was accurate. JK chiming in with a "oh. Be my friend!" cuteness
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The panther signified life partner as what you valued the most in your life. Which JK also agreed with and Jimin went "OH JKKK" and they reached across to briefly clasp hands as JK looked at Jimin and asked "who could be my life partner?" 👀👀👀
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The rest of the group all shouted BTS as the answer, while Jimin, JK and Jin all shouted ARMY as their life partner. Lol 💜
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The rabbit meant family was most valued to you. Which got those 3 lots of affectionate hugs and them saying that BTS was their family! Lol to which JK said that BTS fit all 3 answers. They are friends, partners and family. 🥰
Jimin agreeing of course, giving an affectionate JKKKK again and reaching over for a fist bump. And then they moved on to the next topic. Lmao all that within the first 3 minutes 🤣
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Their Answers to other questions as well.... only those jikook answered for now.
Current Obsession:
Jimin: listening to music while he falls asleep
JK: practicing English
What would you take to a deserted island:
Jimin: a flint
JK: muscles (lol)
An unforgettable memory with the member sitting next to them:
Jin to Jimin: during trainee days they would always go to the gym and then the internet Cafe together
Jimin to Tae: how they would go out often together while in Japan and would go out at night without the company knowing to buy snd eat Lots of lunch boxes and have a beer and go for walks while in Japan. L
Tae to JK: during trainee days they went to a bathhouse together that doesn't exist anymore had a rice drink and watched the snow
JK to Suga: Suga teaching JK about the Irish Bomb and going drinking with him and getting drunk that day. Lol (jimin and jhope requested to go drinking for an Irish bomb with suga next)
If you had a week long vacation, what would you do?
Jimin: Said he would want to travel, that it doesn't matter where or with who, but he would want to go places (JK saying "travel boy!" Lol)
JK: Rest for a day, box for a day, study English for a day, study video making for a day, study photography for a day, study drawing for a day and box some more lol
(Sounds a lot like how they spent their 2019 vacations later that year 🥰 all of their answers did.)
Favorite thing in your room?
Jimin: The framed thing hanging up with all the birthday notes from his members and a duck chair that was gifted to him by a friend (and Jhope decorated)
JK: his Bluetooth speaker (jimin laughed so hard he almost fell over at this answer lol)
Which country or city you haven't been to yet would you like to visit?
Jimin: To Northern Europe to see the Aurora lights (other suggestions were given too lol)
JK: said he wanted to go to Northern Europe too and also somewhere to see the White Night
Using the following words (BBQ, bath, DNA, Rice scoop, dance, abs, praying mantis) come up with a message of love:
Jimin: Ah, everyone. Your love has been stored in my heart one rice scoop at a time, and now that love has become very big. I love you guys
JK: Everyone, My love comes from my abs. So I shall work hard to always strengthen my abs. (LOL Jimin dying laughing from the previous statements and now JKs. Chiming in with a "so if you lose your abs, do you lose your love too?" "I wont lose my abs until I die!" Jimins "ohhh we shall see. You will work on your abs while thinking of ARMY" 🤣🤣 )
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We then spent the next few minutes watching them eat and Tae leading the maknae line in a "it's tasty" harmony lol they gave their closing statements. Including JK saying the most memorable part was everyones energy. Jimin saying that he laughed so much today it hurt. Lol and Jimin also teasing Tae in his ending mentions alluding back to his message of love and baths. Lol Jimin saying they made good memories today because of Tae, JK agreeing saying "yes, you were cool." My vminkook 🥰
Probably more than you asked for, but my masterlist will be happy with this on it! Lol hope it helped! 💜💜💜
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kanmom51 · 3 years
Can I ask what you think of this (I’m referring to around 1:30 but you should watch from the beginning till the moment to find out the context)? Ik tkkers used this moment and cut out the part where jm goes “jk!” and holds his hand and instead used tae tapping under jk’s chin to make ppl think he was his life partner or smthing. (Pls don’t ask me how I know that, I had an unfortunate video recommendation) But I’m wondering why jikookers didn’t think this was sus😭. Am I missing smthing here?
First let me apologize for taking such a long time to answer your ask anon.
Now, let's get into it. This is the We love BTS BBQ party in Las Vegas in 2019. I'm not going to analyze the whole party, just the part you talk about in your ask, the psychology test.
The members were asked if they were zoo keepers which animal, out of the list they were given, would they feed first, and their answers were supposed to point out what they find most valuable in their lives.
JK, who was first to pick, chose the black panther, and JM chose the monkey.
They were all in good spirits, joking around. This was about having fun. They were joking around. JK's black panther choice saying that for him Wakanda is most significant.
JM chose the monkey, which signifies friends.
JK turns to JM smiling and says: "be my friend".
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Then JK reaches out to what looks like a fist bump JM, while it looks like JM either went for a hand hold or hi five, so they kind of miss each other, leaving JK kind of high and dry (he does try to grab JM's hand but JM pulls his hand back too fast), awkward...
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Then they move on to the black panther, JK's choice, and we learn that it signifies life partner.
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At this point JK (while turning and looking in JM's direction), JM & Jin say: "ah, life partner" (feels like not a surprise to them), while Tae touches JK's chin.
This isn't Tae saying "JK, my life partner, I now know that I am most important to you". NO. This is more like Tae looking at JK saying: "Oh, you're so endearing, not surprised though that the thing you care most about is your life partner (who happens to be my soulmate, cough)".
Thing is that while Tae is touching JK's chin, JK, still looking at JM is pulling back from Tae's touch.
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And here comes RM's remark, which is not surprising to me, but I think is overlooked.
Like I mentioned, it seemed that JK, JM & Jin weren't surprised by meaning behind JK's choice, but what seems like an assumption on my part when it comes to them, RM confirms clearly, by outright saying: "As expected".
Yes, RM said it out loud. As expected, the most meaningful thing to JK is his life partner (maybe that same person he doesn't take his eyes off the whole time).
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Someone (I wonder who) was really happy with JK's choice.
And then JK goes: "who could be my life partner?"
Hobi tries: BTS. No, wrong answer.
Yet again JK, JM & Jin answer: "Army".
JK says army while looking for a split second at JM, and then turns to the camera. Same time JM couldn't wipe the grin off his face.
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Yes JK, we know 'army' is your life partner (cough JM cough), and we also know just how important army (cough JM cough) is to you.
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