fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
The Eaten family
Since I'm stopping with fundiechurch a bit of info of each family about their future.
Solomon and Hannah Eaten are expecting their 8th child. It's a boy who they will call Marcus. They will have one more child and then Hannah's womb will close.
Eldest son Sebastian will try to take the example his father gives him. He will try to convert others and in that he will find Kate Caliene, the daughter of Dina Caliente and Bob Pancakes, as his soulmate. Together they will try to bring more people in the church.
Sienna is only 16 years old right now. She will marry Evan Pancakes what will bring a lot of awkward situations with her brother Sebastian being married to Kate. Sienna and Evan will leave fundiechurch for a less conservative church. They both love cats and will always have more cats then children.
Daley is 14 years old and is about to give his parents a lot of trouble with his anger outbursts. Solomon and Hannah will have their hands full with him.
Harold, Dianna, Henry and Matthew are still in their childhood years, no plans are set in stone for them.
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
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We are so incredible thankful with the safe and healthy arrival of our two baby's. We named them Jake and Eliza. They are so precious to us and can't thank the Lord enough for all his blessings. Raymond&Babette Kenley
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Baby Eaten #8 is on the way! Our family is growing once again and we are thrilled with all the blessings HE gives us. Solomon&Hannah Eaten, Sebastian, Sienna, Daley, Harold, Dianna, Henry and Matthew
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We have been blessed by the Lord with his grace. We are expecting baby Leppert #3 and couldn't be more excited to expand our family to a family of five. Titus&Rachel Leppert, James, Alicia
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
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We feel so blessed with the birth of a healthy baby boy, Alex. Big sister Abby is doting on him every minute she can. Praise the Lord for all he gives. Alexander&Ayla Goth, Abby
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Baby Eaten #7 is on the way! We are thrilled to expand our family once again. The children can't stop talking about their new brother or sister. Solomon&Hannah Eaten, Sebastian, Sienna, Daley, Harold, Dianna, Henry
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
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We are thrilled to announce we are expending our family one more time! Baby Nelson #11 is on the way. We can't be more thankful to God for blessing us with so many children. Logan&Alice Nelson, Lois, Anthony, Lawson, Alyssa, Lincoln, Ashley, Liam, Amelia, Lily, Andrew
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Our twins made it sound and safe into the world! Praise the Lord! We named them Kade and Jill, a boy and a girl. Pierre&Jade Clarkson, Pepijn, Olivia, Nathan, Marinda, Lennard
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Our little family is growing once again! Baby Eaten #6 is on the way. We can't wait to meet this precious little baby. Solomon&Hannah Eaten, Sebastian, Sienna, Daley, Harold, Dianna
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We are blessed with a precious little baby girl. We named her after Grace's mother, Shania. Everything is going great with both Grace and Shania. Max&Grace Villareal
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
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We are so happy to announce that baby Eaten #5 is on the way! We couldn't be more thrilled to add another little blessing to our family. Solomon&Hannah Eaten, Sebastian, Sienna, Daley, Harold
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We have been blessed by the Lord again! We are expecting our fifth baby! We are all very excited to welcome this little gift of God to our family soon. Romeo&Cassandra Clarkson, Julian, Annabell, Owen, Meghan
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We have been blessed with the birth of a healthy daughter, Lily Nelson. She is adored by all her eight siblings and her parents. We couldn't be more thankful. Logan&Alice Nelson, Lois, Anthony, Lawson, Alyssa, Lincoln, Ashley, Liam, Amelia
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
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We very happy to announce that we are expecting again. We feel so blessed by God to take care of another child in His glory. The childeren, especially Sienna, are very excited for the new baby. Solomon&Hannah Eaten, Sebastian, Sienna, Daley
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We have been blessed with another girl! We are totally in love with this little bundle of joy, and that's her name, Joy. It suits her very well. We now have four girls and seven boys. Praise the Lord! Joshua&Shania Leppert, Titus, Grace, Faith, Micah, Joseph, Paul, Zacheriah, Jonathan, Hope, Truett
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
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We feel so incredibly blessed to announce that we are expecting another baby! Pepijn will be a great big brother soon! Pierre&Jade Clarkson, Pepijn
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We have been blessed with a healthy baby boy, Daley. We are all in love with this little guy. Sebastian is thrilled with his younger brother and Sienna is the best big sister for him. Solomon&Hannah Eaten, Sebastian, Sienna
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Our little girl is here! Christa is healthy baby and Lydia is doing great. Thanks for all your prayers for an easy delivery. Timothy&Lydia Barrow
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