ams-parker · 7 years
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One more to go tonight and then i’m collapsing haha. Pink/blue @jilliancares and @haleykinz aesthetic!
Haley: https://loturdfromloreal.tumblr.com/image/164788112078
Jillian: https://loturdfromloreal.tumblr.com/image/164788552838
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jilliancares · 7 years
When are you and Haley going to become official rat
you’re the only person who cares about me,,, only person who SENT ME AN ASK DDDD’’’’’: for YOU i will give haley a kiss on the hand you’re welcome
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sneezerodent-blog · 7 years
Hey guys! Sorry I missed last week, I went camping and forgot about it... People in the Void Chapter seven Warnings: still none Word count: about 1.3k Jillian sighed. She was leaning against one of the walls of Tumblr, waiting for Haley to show up. Neither Anon or ~Red were on, so she couldn't talk to them either. She hadn’t seen Haley in days, and Jillian was getting worried. She sighed again, because that's all she could think of doing. She decided to walk around. The posts scrolled past her, and that distracted her for a while. But then she was at the end of Tumblr. /Oh crap./ She thought, looking at the spreading cracks of darkness. She was still supposed to do something about that! She had forgotten about that when she was thinking about Haley. “It's been a long time, hasn't it, Jilliancares?” the voice makes her jump. Jillian had forgot about Tumblr's voice too. “Sorry… I forgot…” Jillian said, looking out into the darkness. “It is only human.” Tumblr replied. “The assignment was large, for just one person.” “Well, Haley was going to help me, but I haven't seen her in a few days.” Jillian explained. “You've grown quite fond of her.” Tumblr said bluntly. Jillian could feel herself blush. “Well… yeah, but I don't really wanna tell everyone yet!” Jillian said, brushing her hair out of her face. “I won't spoil it.” Tumblr promised. “I might as well go alone though….” Jillian thought out loud. “It was my assignment first, and I did accept it. Do you think you can leave Tumblr open for everyone else if I go try to help more people?” “I'm not sure.” Tumblr replied. “I'll attempt it, but whatever is causing this is getting stronger. It must not like them leaving.” “Maybe.” Jillian agreed. “I'm going in. Haley can join me if she wants to.” “Alright.” Tumblr replied. Jillian braced herself, but before she could go… “I have to shut it off. The access needs more of my attention than I currently have. I'm sorry, everyone else will have to leave.” Tumblr said. Jillian nodded understandingly. The air whooshed past her as everyone left. Jillian secretly wished that Haley was here​ beside her. She stepped forward, back into the void. ---------- Haley sat at her desk, fiddling with a pencil. She was so bored without her computer, and felt alone. She wanted to go ask her mom if she could get it back, with the excuse that she just wanted to draw. It most likely wouldn't work though. Haley missed Tumblr, or maybe she just missed Jillian. Haley wondered what the other was doing, if she had even noticed that Haley was gone. That made her feel worse, so she pushed that thought from her head. Sketching was boring at this point. She tried coloring a picture she drew, but she was better at drawing on the computer. It looked alright, but it wasn't as polished. Haley stood from her desk, running a hand through her hair. She wished Alexis was back, or she had her computer, or school was starting, just /something/. Alexis was busy with other things, though, she had to wait two more days to get her computer back, and she didn't really wish school was starting. She'd had enough of that for this year, thank you. She just wanted to do something. And all she really wanted to do was see Jillian again. ---------- Jillian walked down the hallway, moving quickly, and looking for anything out of the ordinary. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. She paused by Haley's door, resting a hand on the engraving. She had her own door, now that she was out of this place. Jillian wanted to open it and get lost in something related to Haley, since she missed her. Jillian shook her head. She had something else she had to do. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z. Jillian brushed her finger over the back wall, and turned around. Nothing looked any different, but all those people had to be in there /somewhere/. They couldn't have all disappeared. She walked back. She made it all the way to the beginning. Nothing. Back towards the end. Her steps wavered as she passed Haley's door again. She desperately wanted to enter, and see what was in there. Even more, she wanted Haley to be there with her. Jillian walked to the end and back another time before making her decision. She walked straight to Haley's door and threw it open. A winding pathway stretched in front of Jillian's feet. It disappeared in the darkness filling the rest of the area. Jillian couldn't see where anything ended. How could this be here, and why? Jillian stepped away from the door, and opened one next to it. It looked like normal Tumblr, except it was emptier. A dash of posts was lining the floor, and the walls were blue. Jillian closed that one, and looked into Haley's again. She cautiously stepped out into the winding pathway. Jillian was so confused as to why this was in Haley's door. Of all the places it could be…. Jillian took a few more steps, these ones more confident than the last. The path seemed sturdy enough. It stretched on forever though, curving up and down and left and right. /Whoever made this could've at least made it straight if they were gonna make a forever pathway/, Jillian thought. She walked for a while anyway. When she turned around, she couldn't see the door she came in through, and she still couldn't see the other side either. Jillian paused for a minute to take the scenery in. Since she had been moving so fast, she was surrounded by the darkness, the only split of color her own body and the path beneath her feet. She called out for Tumblr. Or anyone, really. Maybe Haley would somehow hear her, since Jillian was in her too. Nobody answered. A feeling of loneliness sank deep into Jillian's chest. She sat down, with her legs hanging over the edge. “Why did I even bother going this far?” Jillian asked herself. “Haley should've come with me.” Jillian wrapped her arms around her chest. She felt bad for always wanting Haley with her, because she knew that Haley had a life outside of her. Maybe something bad happened to Haley, or her family, and there Jillian was, being selfish. Jillian rested her hand on the path, lingering where she sat before rising. Before she could move, though, something loud cracked. It sounded just like the breaking dash back in normal Tumblr. Jillian jumped to her feet and scampered backwards, away from the black crack that appeared where she had been sitting. She paused again to catch her breath. Her heartbeat had rocketed from the panic of the situation. The crack resonated again. Jillian was given little time to move before the path began dropping away from where it had cracked before. If Jillian was scrambling before, she had turned into a crab now. The spreading darkness was right at her feet before she could get back on them. Jillian called out for help, although she already knew no one was there to hear her. ---------- “Thanks for letting me use your computer.” Haley told one of her old friends from school. “No problem. It's crap anyway.” Karina said. She handed Haley the old laptop and closed the door to her house without another word. Haley shook the rude goodbye from her head and walked back to her car. She was going to go to the nearest Starbucks to use it. She wouldn't be able to at home, since she was still grounded, and there was WiFi at Starbucks, and she could buy Karina a gift card to say thanks. Haley was borderline speeding all the way there, so the journey didn't take as long as it should've. Haley couldn't move faster as she set her bag next to the computer. She decided to order, just so she wouldn't look strange. Then she was in Tumblr. It took a second for her to sign in, and then there was nothing.
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dangoghz · 7 years
Red~ Best fandom ship: Jillykinz (Jilliancares X Haleykinz)
@jilliancares @haleykinz like n reblog to vote!
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boygenuiss · 7 years
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ams-parker · 7 years
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the last one for today lol. i’m exhausted and sick so imma go to bed now. @jilliancares and @haleykinz white/nature aesthetic!
Jillykinz pink+blue: https://loturdfromloreal.tumblr.com/image/164789021463
Jillian: https://loturdfromloreal.tumblr.com/image/164788552838
Haley: https://loturdfromloreal.tumblr.com/image/164788112078
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jilliancares · 7 years
u rat i can see your tags (#I love love love Haley #'s art) and I love them, you got the fan service on lock
LOL it actually was a mistake bc i pressed the comma instead of the apostrophe (me! and writer! someone who writes every day!) but yeah i decided not to fix it for you bud
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jilliancares · 7 years
Hey I saw your post, I hope you feel better :/
thanks pal!! i’ve been sleeping like a mother and i just woke up (and throwed up rip) again! im hoping its done forever now so i can resume writing without feeling like death haha
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jilliancares · 7 years
Hey so i'm starting an official ship blog for you and @Haleykinz but i felt the need to ask permission to stalk your blog and also write fanfic of you two? i'm planning to make edits and whatnot so i'll need to go deep and repost photos of you two which felt creepy to do unless i asked first. If you feel uncomfortable i'll delete it immediately.
LOL i mean that’s fine with me and i’m sure it’s fine with @haleykinz too, but if she thinks differently i’m sure she’ll say so! also is that our ship name now? jillykinz? nice
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sneezerodent-blog · 7 years
Hey guys! I've decided to start posting regularly on Fridays, so get used to that. I've also decided to do ten chapters of People in the Void, so halfway there! People in the Void Chapter five Warnings: none (still) Word count: 1.6k “Now how do you feel?” Jillian asked Haley. She thought for a moment. “I feel like I just had a headache, and it went away.” Haley replied. “Do you feel angry at all?” “Not really. It's gonna take me a little to get over that painting though.” “Sorry. It was the only thing I could do to get you to listen.” “I'm sorry I didn't listen.” “Do you want to keep going, to see if we can find something else?” Jillian looked up into Haley's eyes, and saw how tired they were. “No, I need to get home.” “Alright.” Jillian wanted to hug her, comfort her, do something. But she just walked stiffly, silently, beside Haley as they walked. What was going on? Haley walked faster when they got to the shortened dash. She exited as soon as she can, but Jillian stayed in the quiet of empty Tumblr. Now that they had left that room Jillian could only think of one thing. “Haley… oh, this is so cliche.” Jillian slumped against one of the walls as she mumbled to herself. “Now you're my friend, and I'm in love with you.” Jillian chuckled, remembering all the times she had done the same things in her stories. “But I don't know how to tell you, because I don't know if you love me back. I can't stop thinking about it.” Jillian put her face in her knees, wanting the world to go away. “Why is life so cliche?” --------------- Haley stepped out of her laptop onto the floor of her room. She flicked the light on and moved to her desk. She had her own scanner and printer she could connect to her laptop for when she drew. She always drew the first draft on paper. Haley sat down, and put her head in her hands for a moment. Her cheeks were burning, and she felt so embarrassed. She had been painting a scene from one of Jillian's stories. They were just so interesting, and she got so much inspiration from them. Honestly, she was kinda glad Jillian ruined it. She just hoped Jillian hadn't recognized it. The papers rustled as she shifted them around, looking for her pencils. Maybe she would draw a scene from Jillian's stories, and post it on Tumblr. She had yet to post a drawing on Tumblr, before she had just talked to people. Haley finished the sketch rather quickly. It was only the first scene though, there were two more. When they were all done, she scanned them onto her computer. She followed them inside. The pictures were hanging against the wall, inside a folder pinned to it. Haley grabbed them and took them into her drawing program. --------------- “Hey mom?” Jillian called through her apparently empty house. She trudged up the stairs, feeling as exhausted as Haley looked. Her phone buzzed in her pocket, and she glanced at it. /There's something going on between you and Haley. I want to know what it is./ - Anon. /Yeah!!! Tell us!!!”/ - ~Red. Jillian set get phone down on the bedside table and sat on the edge of her bed. Vance slowly walked up to her, setting his head on her knees. How could she tell her friends? She didn't even know herself. Jillian thought she liked Haley, more than just a friend. But she wasn't sure if Haley liked her back. Cliche friend crush, wondering if it was going to ruin their relationship. She couldn't deny how she felt, but she wasn't sure what it was! /It's complicated, I don't even know./ -Jillian. /Mhm. Sure./ - Anon. /I think you do know, you just don't wanna say!/ ~Red. /Seriously guys, I don't know./ - Jillian. Jillian sets her phone down on her bedside table, turning it on silent. She didn't want to deal with that anymore. She didn't know, she didn't know, /she didn't know./ But Jillian wished she did. “Jillian? I'm home!” her mom yelled from somewhere else in the house. “Hey mom!” Jillian yelled back. “I brought you some food.” “Okay, I'll be right down!” Jillian plugged her phone in before walking to the kitchen. She could imagine that ~Red and Anon were spamming her, but she would deal with that later. Her mom was waiting in the kitchen, a box of pizza on their island counter. LC rubbed her face against Jillian's leg, making Jillian pick her up. “You okay kid? You don't look the best.” Jillian's mom asked. “Yeah, I'm fine.” Jillian lied. She rubbed her face into LC’s fur to avoid looking at her mom. “If you say so. I have some stuff to do, but help yourself to the pizza. Leave me at least two pieces.” her mom walked out after that. Jillian sat down, LC leaping onto the floor. Vance took her spot on Jillian's lap with his face, his eyes begging for a piece of her pizza. Jillian absent mindedly scratched his ears as she ate. ---------------- Haley stretched, standing up from her desk. Her mom had called her phone while she drew, telling her that Haley needed to come downstairs. They were gonna eat together before Alexis left again. “We're going to an art museum too, right after dinner. Just you and me.” Alexis said, pointing her fork at Haley. Haley groaned. She had been planning to post that picture she had just finished drawing to Tumblr, and see if she could find Jillian. “But I had planned stuff for tonight!” Haley said. “Not anymore. C'mon, I'm leaving! Do it for me!” Alexis said. Their mom didn't bother joining in the conversation. Alexis looked at Haley, with the same begging eyes as she had when they were younger. Haley looked away, rolling her own. “I'll buy us some ice cream as we come home.” Alexis bribed. “Try harder.” Haley replied. “Cookies?” “Harder.” “I dunno, what do you want?” “I dunno either. We can see later.” “Deal.” Alexis reached over the table, and the two shook hands. Alexis was always so professional, Haley thought. Once they had finished eating, the two walked out to Alexis's car. “So. Tell me about you.” Alexis said, when they got on the road. “Uhh…what about me?” Haley replied. “Who do you like?” Alexis asked. Haley blushed, immediately thinking of Jillian before pushing the thought from her mind. The two were just friends, even though she was pretty cute. “I dunno….” Haley mumbled, trying to escape the question. “I think you do.” Haley stayed quiet until they got to the museum, and Alexis didn't pester her more. Haley wandered through the museum, mumbling to Alexis and feeling inspired at all the different styles. Alexis listened, nodding and adding her own opinion, but Haley knew she still wanted to know what was up. Haley also knew she absolutely refused to tell. “Alright, have you decided where you want to go?” Alexis asks as they walk back out to her car. It had gotten a bit cold, Haley was glad she brought her hoodie. She wrapped her arms around herself. “I'm kinda feeling up for some cheesecake. Can we get cheesecake?” Haley asks. “Um… we can find some at a grocery store or something.” Alexis replies, gently backing out if the parking lot. The two talked about their favorite pictures as they drove to the store, the awkwardness of their previous conversation hanging over them. “Maybe here?” Haley says, pointing out of the window at a store to their left. “Yeah, I think I saw some in here.” Alexis replies. ------------- Jillian paced around her room, biting her nails and thinking. How did people in her stories tell their friends they loved them? It slipped out when they didn't mean it, mostly. Jillian wanted to tell Haley, though, face to face. Maybe she would talk to Anon and ~Red first. They were understanding when she finally told them about Tumblr, and about Haley and all the other doors. Then maybe she could find a time to talk to Haley and tell her how she felt. But how would Haley feel? Did she like Jillian too? That's how it worked in stories, but this was real life, not a story. Jillian could possibly wait, watching for the perfect time to tell. That wouldn't work either because she might lose her chance to tell Haley. Jillian decided that she would talk it out with Haley, and hope for the best. It was nerve-wracking, even before it even happened. Just thinking about it made streaks of panic run through Jillian's blood. She took deep breath. Everything would be fine. If Haley didn't like her back, it wasn't the end of the world. /It'll sure feel like it though/, her mind pops in. Jillian shakes the thought away, chewing at her nails again. ---------------- Haley went straight up to her room when she got home. It was getting kind of late, but she wanted to post her picture before she went to bed. She had worked so hard on it and she wanted Jillian to be able to see it. She walked into her laptop, the picture still in the folder on a wall. She picked it up and walked into Tumblr. An option floated before her, asking her if she wanted to share the file she brought. Haley reached out and pressed the /yes/ button on it. A drawer similar to that of a filing cabinet opened from it, and she placed the folder inside. /Do you wish to add a message?/ Haley thought for a moment, before writing out a description. She also added a link to Jillian's account, since it was based on her writing. In a moment, the floating option was gone, and her drawing scrolled out beneath her feet.
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jilliancares · 7 years
Hey, sorry to bother you but I was just letting you know that the first chapter of the first fanfic is posted if you wanna check it out! (You don't have to but I figured you might be curious)
um im gonna go check that out right away!
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sneezerodent-blog · 7 years
I don’t have anything new to say
um... here’s chapter six
People in the Void
Chapter Six
Warnings: still none
Word Count: about 1.9k
Jillian couldn't stop chewing on her nails. That was what she did when she was nervous, and she was more nervous now than she had been in a while. She had decided that today was the day she would tell Haley how she felt. Anon and ~Red had been understanding again, because they were always like that. Jillian was comforted for a moment, thinking about her friends, before the nervousness settled in again.
At one point she had tried to write to take her mind off things, but it didn't really work. She was right on the epilogue of arp, and wanted it to be as polished as could be. It had been a good series, and Jillian wanted it to stay that way.
She couldn't read, either. Jillian was able to read the words fine, but comprehending them was a different story. She read the same page five times before giving up. Jillian finally gave up stalling and walked into Tumblr.
~Red was nowhere to be seen right away, but Anon was lounging around at the top of the dash. Her eyebrows raised immediately, because she knew what Jillian was planning on doing.
“Hey.” Anon said when Jillian walked over.
“Hi.” Jillian replied, her hands visibly shaking.
“So, have a speech ready?” Anon asked, gesturing for Jillian to sit next to her.
“No. I don't even know how it's going to work.” Jillian said, pushing her hair out of her face. Her hand gently bumped her glasses out of place.
“Well you better figure it out quick.” Anon states, pointing at the entrance to Tumblr. Haley had ever so conveniently walked in at the perfect timing.
“Uh….” Jillian just stared at Haley, unable to think until Anon pulled her to her feet and shoved her in Haley's direction.
Jillian stumbled toward Haley, who stepped forward to stop her from falling. Jillian blushed furiously, before taking a few steps backwards.
“Hey Jillian.” Haley said, wondering why Jillian was acting weird. She was so easy to read, Haley thought.
“Hi… how are you?” Jillian asked, nervously rubbing her arm.
“I'm fine. What's up with you?” Haley responded. Jillian just blushed again.
“I just wanted to talk to you.” Jillian said.
“Oh! That reminds me! I wanted to show you something, if you haven't already seen it.” Haley stated, grabbing Jillian's wrist and leading her forward. Jillian walked beside her, not trying to remove her arm from Haley's grasp.
“Oh wow!” Jillian looked down at the picture Haley had posted the night before, her eyes wide. “It's so cool!”
Haley looked down at it as well, blushing. She had wanted to show Jillian it, and that most likely meant compliments. Even when Haley expected compliments she blushed and blabbered about them.
“You're so talented!” Jillian said, turning her beaming face to look at Haley.
“Thanks, it wasn't that hard to draw.” Haley mumbled.
“But I mean you drew it for me, and that's just…. Wow.” Jillian replied, sitting down beside it. Haley looked around, before sitting next to her.
“Can I share this? It's so cool!” Jillian asked.
“I guess…” Haley didn't finish speaking before Jillian had shared it with her followers.
“Thank you Haley, that's just so cool!” Jillian said, returning to her feet. “Uh… can I talk to you about something?”
Jillian's joyous beam turns to something more nervous. Haley stood, worry rising in her mind.
“Uh yeah. What's up?” Haley asks.
“Can we do this somewhere more private?”
This time Jillian led Haley, back to the private messaging room near the entrance. Haley had some suspicions of what Jillian wanted to talk about, but she didn't share them. She would listen to what Jillian had to say.
The two sat next to each other against one of the walls. Jillian was tense, making sure not to let her arm touch Haley's. She absentmindedly played with a strand of her hair for a moment. Haley sat still, but more relaxed than Jillian.
“So…. How are you?” Jillian asked, clearing her throat.
“I'm fine, you?” Haley replied. Jillian just nodded.
“Um…so… I wanted to tell you something….” Jillian mumbled, and Haley could barely hear her.
“Jillian, you can tell me anything. I'm not going to judge you.” Haley tried to comfort her friend. Jillian only shifted uncomfortably.
“I'm honored you drew that for me.” Jillian said, a bit louder.
“It’s no big deal. Your writing is really cool and I was inspired by it.” Haley responded, smiling kindly at Jillian. She just blushed and looked down at her feet.
“Haley… I really like you.” Jillian said.
Haley smiled, looking a little uncomfortable. Or was Jillian just imagining it? She couldn't tell.
“Like… like you like you.” Jillian continued, trying not to look up at Haley. She didn't want to see what Haley was thinking, she wanted Haley to tell her.
Haley still didn't say anything. Was Jillian just thinking that time was moving slower than it was, or was Haley just taking forever to answer?
Jillian couldn't tell that either.
Her panic rose in her throat, making her hands shake and her breaths come short. Jillian wanted to run away and find Vance or LC. She didn't want to be there. She didn't want to deal with that feeling.
“Jillian….” Haley sounded like she was trying to politely decline what Jillian had said. Jillian felt her panic turn to tears, trying to spill out of her eyes before she could even have the chance to stop them.
Jillian stood and ran out of the room. She heard Haley yell her name behind her.
“Jillian, wait!” Jillian didn't listen, she didn't want to listen. She just ran out, into her computer. Tears streamed down her cheeks, but she didn't know why. Jillian walked out to her room, picking up LC on the way. She fiddled with the cat’s tail, and told her she was a good girl.
Jillian just overreacted, she told herself. As soon as she had calmed down she would go back and tell Haley how she felt, and hope that everything would work out.
Yeah, that's what Jillian was going to do. As soon as she finished her book.
Haley chased after Jillian as she ran out of Tumblr. She had told Haley how she felt before randomly bursting into tears and running away. Haley didn't even get a chance to tell her she liked her - like, liked her liked her - before she left.
Jillian was gone though, and Haley couldn't contact her unless she was on Tumblr. Haley didn't know how long it would be until Jillian came back…
It wasn't a big deal. Jillian just needed some time to cool down, Haley told herself, and she would come back when she was ready. She didn't want to rush Jillian, but she also wanted to know if Jillian was okay….
Haley's thoughts were interrupted by someone tapping on her shoulder. She turned around to see Anon, one of Jillian's friends.
“Hello.” Haley said, a bit awkwardly.
“Hey. You haven't seen Jillian around, have you?” she asked, looking around as if Jillian was going to turn up at the question.
“No. She uh… left suddenly.” Haley replied.
“Good. That means I can safely ask you. What's going on between you two?” Anon studies Haley's face.
“Nothing….” Haley lies, terribly.
“That's such a lie! Please, she won't tell me anything either, and I just want to know what's going on.” Anon says, flashing her best puppy eyes.
“Fine, but not because of your eyes. It didn't work. Jillian just told me she liked me. It's nothing more than that.” Haley admitted, shrugging as she did so. Someone bursted from behind a crowd of people, waving her hands excitedly.
“I knew it! I knew Jillykinz was a thing! Hah, I told you Anon!” ~Red yelled, nearly jumping up and down with joy. “I'm totally gonna write fanfiction for this!”
~Red dashed away, through Tumblr's exit.
“Dang it. I lost a bet now. Well, you two are a cute couple.” Anon wandered away, leaving Haley flattered and stuttering.
“Wait… what?” Haley asked, not yet comprehending the conversation. Were they really that obvious?
Haley looked down at the time in the bottom corner, and nearly freaked. She was late for dinner, and her mom hated that. Haley left as quickly as she could, and walked down to her kitchen.
Jillian peeked over her book to look at the clock on her bedside table. It was nearly midnight - had she stayed up that late?
Oh well, she had stayed up later before. She pulled the blanket further around her shoulders, and returned to her book. LC curled around the doorway to Jillian's room, but turned and walked the other way. Vance shifted where he was laying on Jillian's feet.
Jillian finally stopped reading about fifteen minutes past two in the morning. She set the empty glass of what had been chocolate milk by her clock, and turned over.
“Haley, you've been spending too much time on that computer lately.” Haley's mom told her as they were cleaning up after dinner.
“Oh?” Haley tried to sound innocent.
“Haley, you're grounded.” her mom's conversational voice turned angry. “Your sister came to town, and all you were doing was spending time on that computer! It's unbelievable!”
“Mom, I'm seventeen! You're still grounding me?!” Haley replied, her tone turning angry as well.
“While you live in my house, you live under my rules. Bring it to me, now.” Haley stomped away, up to her room. Before she brought it down, she angrily changed the password so her mom wouldn't be able to get in. She wouldn't be able to get in either. Ever since she got the computer, her mom had a special safe that she locked it in whenever Haley was grounded. But Haley knew it was better than trying to argue with her mom, who would take it away anyway in sell it, or let her keep it and turn off the WiFi. Either way, Haley wouldn't be able to use it, and she hated that.
“Here.” Haley set it down on the kitchen counter with a huff.
“You can have it back when you lose the attitude.” her mom walked away to her room, and Haley heard the safe open and​ close.
Haley sat on her bed, closing the door on the world. She wanted to go talk to Jillian, but she couldn't do that easily. She could try to contact Jillian through Tumblr on her phone, but that was different. It wasn't as immersive, because she couldn't walk into her phone like she could her computer.
Haley laid back on her pillows with a sigh.
The next morning, Jillian woke up to her alarm telling her that it was time to post the last chapter of arp. She hadn't finished it yet, so she dashed to her computer. Luckily, it only took her about twenty minutes to finish, and then she was in Tumblr, sharing it with the world.
“Hey Jillian.” Anon said, walking up beside her. “Nice way to end arp.”
“You finished it already?” Jillian asked, surprised. She had only shared it like five minutes ago.
“I read fast.” Anon explained, with a shrug.
“JILLIAN!!!” ~Red barreled towards Jillian and Anon, nearly falling over when she stopped. “Why do you do this to me?!”
“Uh… what?” Jillian asked.
“Arp is so good! But now it's over!” ~Red said.
“But now you get to look forward to CAM.” Jillian replied.
“CAM?” Anon asked. Jillian hadn't told what her new fic was going to be about yet.
“You'll see, you just have to wait another week. Unless you can guess what it stands for.” Jillian said, watching in amusement as her friends guessed wildly.
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ams-parker · 7 years
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of course of course we’re only five minutes in the first motherfucking episode and lAncE CAnt kEEp thE [ShIp] stRaIGhT because he is HELLA GAY
@haleykinz @jilliancares this is your fault im going down the trash hole again into the voltron cult
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jilliancares · 6 years
Red~ me: *silently chanting jillykinz over and over*
aldjsfklaf jillykniz rise tbh lmao
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jilliancares · 7 years
Red~ this person doing a shrine, let us know when the jillykinz one is up, BECAUSE BISH Yes. //How is Jilly the fairy?
omg 😂
and i’m good dude!! i should probably go to sleep soon as i have a test i haven’t studied for tomorrow morning, but i’ve been blissfully ignoring it in the hopes that i’ll spontaneously ace it. i hope you’re well!! 
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jilliancares · 7 years
So ik your ship name with Haley is jilliankinz but tbh I think haleycares is a fucking adorable name too ok idk I'm just ranting (Also I send you a lot of asks so my sign thing will be 🐘)
it’s jillykinz!!!! 
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