jilliancares · 7 years
Wow it turns out deleting every single post on your tumblr takes a lot of time, who would’ve thought
my god are you really going through and deleting everything??? DAMN DUDE
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botanistlester · 7 years
id like everyone to know that im writing a new au and i fucking hate myself LOL
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ams-parker · 7 years
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One more to go tonight and then i’m collapsing haha. Pink/blue @jilliancares and @haleykinz aesthetic!
Haley: https://loturdfromloreal.tumblr.com/image/164788112078
Jillian: https://loturdfromloreal.tumblr.com/image/164788552838
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Friendly reminder: you’re great, and lovely, and beautiful, and I hope you have a nice day :)
I’ve literally not been on my phone and I haven’t checked anything for a while so I have no idea how long this was in here and I’m cryinggg,,, ily so much Haley, you are the best, I hope you have a good day/night too!!!
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dangoghz · 7 years
Red~ Best fandom ship: Jillykinz (Jilliancares X Haleykinz)
@jilliancares @haleykinz like n reblog to vote!
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shookethbrooketh · 7 years
@haleykinz for best artist!
@haleykinz you’ve been nominated! like/reblog to vote! 
nominate a blog for any category other than nicest blogger of the phanisthetearinmyheart phandom awards!
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klancereversebang · 7 years
Just making sure because I've signed up for a lot of things recently, I already signed up here right?
yes you did !!
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cupcakesquares · 7 years
Moving on Together
Summary: Dan and Phil are packing for college and Dan gets tired and sleepy cuddles and fluff.
Word Count: 1k
Genre: Fluff
Notes: My inspiration for this fic was this wonderful drawing by the lovely @haleykinz  
ao3 link
Rainbows. Phil’s room was covered in them. The lights on the wall. The rug on the floor. The backpack in the corner. The bedspread. Even the clothes strewn across the floor were brightly colored.
“Wow,” Dan had said when he’d first saw Phil’s room, all those years ago.
“A little much?” Phil had guessed sheepishly when he’d heard Dan’s reaction.
“No! that's not what I meant-“ Dan had rushed to reassure him, “-it’s just- er.”
“It’s okay, I know. My brother went a little overboard when I came out to him,” Phil had explained.
“Your brother did all this?” Dan had exclaimed, surprised. His brother barely gave him the time of day, and if he came out to him, it was likely all he would do was shrug.
"Kinda," Phil gestured to- well, everything, "I came out to him just before Christmas, and apparently it provided the perfect inspiration for a present.”
Dan smiled at the memory. Today marked the fourth anniversary of their friendship, and also the day they had to pack up for college. They were going to the same one, thankfully, and were sharing a dorm, so they were helping each other pack and decide what to take.
“Dan?” Phil’s voice came from the doorway behind him. He was very obviously struggling with some yet to be unfolded boxes, holding them at an awkward angle. “A little help?”
Dan rolled his eyes, “Of course you buffoon,” He said, taking the boxes from Phil’s hands and leaning them against the wall. “But what did you expect, holding them like that?”
“I didn’t-“ Phil started to protest, but Dan just laughed.
“Come on,” He said, “We have to pack up all your stuff before tomorrow morning, and we’d better get started or else we’re not gonna finish in time.”
“Should we take the rainbow lights? Would you want them in our dorm?” Phil asked, two hours later.
“I think we should take them in case our room looks too bland, but leave them up for now. We can take them down once we get to the bed since we’ll probably have to stand on it to get some of them down,” Dan answered
They were only two hours in, and Dan was already tired as fuck. It probably had something to do with the fact that he’d stayed up until 3 am last night, browsing the internet and scrolling through tumblr. Not to mention the fact that his mother had gotten him up at 8 so he could go to Phil’s house. He hadn’t even needed to be there until 10, but he’d been unable to fall back asleep and trudged over at 9. They hadn’t even started packing until shortly before noon, after a late breakfast of homemade pancakes.
“Phil,” Dan whined, “Can we take a break?”
Phil turned to him, exasperated. “Dan, that’s the fourth time you’ve said that in less than 15 minutes. And besides, we’ve only been packing for-” He glanced at the clock, which read 2:04, “-two hours. We haven't even gotten to the Wall of Stuff yet.”
Ah yes, the Wall of Stuff. When Dan had first met him, most of it was covered in band posters and pictures of his brother, Martyn, and sister, Katy. There were still various band posters and pictures of his family, but included into the collection was now pages ripped out from magazines, random lists and sticky notes, but most importantly, pictures of his friends. Most prominently, Dan. More and more pictures of Dan started appearing as they spent more and more time together, and even more so when they started dating.
“We can get to the Wall of Stuff later,” Dan complained, “I wanna take a break.”
“Fine,” Phil consented, “We can take a little break.”
Dan’s eyes were already drooping, thanks to the 5 hours of sleep he’d gotten last night. He dragged Phil into a slow kiss, then made his way over to the bed. He made grade hands at Phil. “Come cuddle me,” He said, blinking sleepily.
“Dan,” Phil began, standing up from his spot on the floor, “You know if we start cuddling, then we’re probably going to fall asleep.”
“No, we’re not!” Dan said indignantly, though he knew it was true. “And besides, if we do, your mom will probably wake us up, she’s been checking on us every hour.” It was likely. She’d been in there not ten minutes ago to make sure they were still packing.
“Alright,” Phil gave in, going over to his bed, and climbing in beside Dan. “Move over, you great lump, I’ve not got any room.”
Phil’s bed was a twin, which made it nearly impossible to almost anything. But Dan secretly loved it for cuddles, because they were forced to lay practically on top of each other. Dan scooted over as far as the bed would let him, then, once Phil was completely on, rolled on top of him.
“Oof,” Phil said, automatically snaking an arm around Dan, who was resting his head on the space between Phil’s shoulder and chest.
“Sorry,” Dan mumbled, not really meaning it. He was facing the wall and was looking at the various picture of the two of them. “Phil?” He asked.
“Yeah?“ Phil’s eyes were closing, he knew he wouldn’t be able to stay awake like this. “What’dya want?”
“Do you remember that day we went down to the board walk and had too much cotton candy and we fed popcorn to the seagulls and we lost a ton of money on stupid carnival games and you complained that I made a peace sign in every picture we took, even the ones in the photobooth?”
“Of course,” Phil replied.
“I wish we could go back to that day and not worry about college and the future and stuff.” Dan shifted so that his arm was underneath the pillow that Phil’s head was laying on.
Phil sighed. “Me too.”
“Maybe if we go to sleep right now, we’ll be transported back in time to when we were kids and didn’t have to worry about adult things like responsibilities.”
“Let's go to sleep then,” Phil agreed, winding his arm more tightly around Dan.
“Let’s go to sleep,” Dan echoed, his lips quirking up in a smile.
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phansterdam · 7 years
One of the requirements for the characteristics of life is Organization: needing to be made up of one or more cells, the basic unit of life. Fire isn't made up of cells it's just a chemical reaction, but most schools haven't updated their curriculum in y e a r s so a lot of old teachers/schools still think it is but it's no longer considered living. ~the more you know~
brb i’m going to find my physics teacher and demand answers
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auroraphilealis · 7 years
Hey, I don't have a question or anything I just wanted to remind you that you're great and I care about you a lot, and I hope you have a lovely nights sleep and that you remember to take care of yourself :)
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jilliancares · 7 years
I was wrong, I lied. Bed, floor, shower, roof; but not a tree
haley it’d be TOO HARD to fuck in a tree!!!!
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botanistlester · 7 years
It makes me stressed when I realize how many people will refrain from realizing they've been abused/harassed/bullied just because they don't think it was that bad or that it doesn't fit whatever criteria. I was the same exact way, I had water bottles poured on me and rubber bands snapped against me accompanied by some god awful words but always thought "Well no one has decked me in the face like in the movies so it's not bullying" and it's the worst kind of mentality to have honestly...
it’s honestly the same thing with abuse! a lot of people think “We’ll they haven’t hit me, so it’s not abuse”, and i also see the same thing with bullying/harassment. It’s really upsetting and schools need to teach more about these very serious subjects because it’s such a detrimental and big part of society now.
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ams-parker · 7 years
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the last one for today lol. i’m exhausted and sick so imma go to bed now. @jilliancares and @haleykinz white/nature aesthetic!
Jillykinz pink+blue: https://loturdfromloreal.tumblr.com/image/164789021463
Jillian: https://loturdfromloreal.tumblr.com/image/164788552838
Haley: https://loturdfromloreal.tumblr.com/image/164788112078
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You know sometimes seeing you in my notifications makes me so happy I wish I could follow you twice
haley D: you are so so nice to me, I appreciate it so much, I wish I could give you a big hug :(
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dangoghz · 7 years
Can y'all believe,,, Ester is out here.... doin' the lords work
im not really even doing anything but thank u haley ,,,
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colebegins · 7 years
excuse me
hey pal have you seen @haleykinz‘s art ?? bc you should check it out if you haven’t. i think my personal favorite might be this one !!
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