#jim and douxie are very sweet boys and i love them to pieces
iburnbrightest · 4 years
Also this might also become a half douxie stan blog tbh i LOVED him
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p-artsypants · 4 years
Arcadia or Bust (16) Corner of Main and State
"Yeah, so mom…we made it to New Jersey, and we're all safe...but the Heartstone isn't really...impressive. So, we're bringing what we found home. See you soon!" In Which Arcadia welcomes back it's underground citizens, Jim gets used to mundane life as a Troll, and drama seeks them all out like a magnet.
Ao3 | FF.net
I’m rewatching Trollhunters, because it’s been like a year since I watched it, and the more I listen, the less the plot of Wizards makes sense to me. Don’t get me wrong, I loved it, but there’s some lore and continuity issues. That being said, I’ll continue to write this story using Trollhunter’s lore primarily, with a sprinkle of Wizards and 3Below lore as I see fit. :)
Jim had been through a lot of trauma in his life. At least since becoming the Trollhunter. But nothing was as jarring as looking down to his chest and seeing his ribcage, muscles, and heart beating. 
They had taken the amulet from where it was nestled, and in return, left the gaping hole wide open, oozing with blood, and exposed. Could trolls get infections? Because humans certainly could, and this was just asking for infection. 
He had been lying here alone for a few hours now. It was hard to tell exactly how long in the vast passage of time while drenched in pain. 
When Colonel Kubritz appeared at his side, he wasn’t even surprised. Had he fallen asleep?
“How do you get this to work?” She bit. In her hand, she held the cleaned amulet, and it glowed, aching to be back with him. 
“You can’t. You have to be chosen by it. Even if I die, it will pick someone else. And it might not be you.” 
She slapped him for that, but it looked like it hurt her more than him, by the wince on her face. “Don’t give me that crap. Tell me how to work it!” 
“Just speak the incantation inscribed.”
“We already tried that.”
He shrugged. “That’s all it is.”
She narrowed her eyes. “Teach me to use it, and I’ll let you go home.” 
Jim sighed. It was pointless, but he may as well try. 
Claire rang the doorbell at the designated house. 
A surly man opened the door. “Yeah? What do you want? No solicitors! Unless you’re a girl scout…no, you’re too old. Are you with the tamale lady?” 
“Hello sir, I’m not here to sell anything, I actually came to ask about the car you had totaled a few days ago.”
“Are you here to hunt down that devil that flipped my baby?!” He gestured to the smashed in car in the driveway. It looked drivable, but one bump away from death. 
“Not quite...I’m actually here to fix it.” 
“Fix it? You want to fix that? My mechanic couldn’t even fix it! And you want to! What are you, 15?” 
“17, actually.” 
“I doubt you have the experience for this, little lady.” 
“Oh, I’m not a mechanic, I’m a sorceress.” 
“A what now?” 
“Sorceress, a witch! Do I have permission to fix your truck?” 
“Girlie, if you can fix my truck, I’ll owe you a huge favor.” 
“I was hoping you’d say that!” With a little skip, Claire went over to the truck and rested her hands on the hood. “Ad initium redire...” Her hands glowed purple, and pulsed against the metal, making it groan. Then it began to twist and crunch, popping out dents and welding pieces back together. 
The old man stood in shock as his beloved truck knit back together, and when she was done, it was in perfect condition. 
“How did—where did you—?!” He rounded the car, circling it like a vulture. “It’s perfect! You even took out that bump from years ago! You’re a miracle worker, girlie!” 
Claire fell on her butt on the driveway, dizzy and winded. “Glad to help.” 
“You alright?” 
“Just a little winded. I’m still getting used to using magic, especially without a staff. It’s exhausting.” 
“Well why don’t you take a seat up on the porch instead of the road? I’ll get you a beer.” 
“I’m seventeen.” 
“You’ve earned it!” 
Claire chuckled to herself and climbed to her feet. She followed the man up his steps and took a seat on the porch swing while he went inside. 
Only a minute later, he returned with beers in hand. “Here you are darlin’. Summertime ale. I’m partial to dark ale myself, but my neighbor got me this pale ale. It’s pretty good! You have a favorite?” 
Claire took a sip and tried to hide the grimace. “I don’t really get to drink very often, unless it’s a special occasion.” 
“Right right, we’ll keep it our little secret. Now then, I owe you a favor. You just saved me a whole chunk of change and a basket of anxiety. You must have something in mind since you offered?” He suddenly sat up straight. “Oh god, you don’t want my soul do you?” 
Claire snorted. “No no, you can keep your soul! Don’t know what I would do with it anyways...You know the boy that damaged your truck in the first place?” 
“I only saw a glimpse of him, that blue devil? What about him?” 
“He’s actually my boyfriend, and he’s really very sweet and usually not like this. But he was...fed something he shouldn’t have had and it made him go berserk.” 
“Crying shame.” 
“I’ll say! So the army came in and took him away! They wouldn’t listen to us at all!” 
“So what do you want me to do about it?” 
“We are going to run a campaign to get him out. Hopefully, if we get enough attention on the issue, they’ll let him go.” 
“Oh, I gotcha.” 
“So if you could just...spread the truth around town? He’s actually the one that stopped that troll invasion back at the beginning of summer.” 
The man looked surprised at that. “No kidding, that was him? Well, he’s a local hero! He’s been talked about a lot since then! Sure I’ll set the record straight! What’s this kid’s name?”
“Jim Lake Jr.” 
“Got it! Don’t worry, I’ll bring it up at the lodge, and the rotary, and the chess club...”
The phone was ringing, he had been successfully patched through. Strickler sat in his office after hours, wanting to make the call as private as possible. 
“Stricklander, I haven’t heard from you since the fall of the Janus order. What reason have you called on me?” 
“Can’t I just call an old friend to catch up?”
“You? No.”
Walt cracked a smile. “Fine. I need a favor.” 
“Changeling to changeling, or school principal to army general?” 
“The latter, actually.” 
The man on the other line laughed. “Color me intrigued.” 
“You know of the human Trollhunter, correct?”
“Just what you wrote in your dossier, a human male, 16 years old, lives in Arcadia Oaks, California, turned half-troll by the wizard Merlin. Responsible for the death of Bular and Gunmar. Quite a remarkable young soul. Is there anything else to know?”
“He’s been captured by the United States Army.”
The man let out half a chuckle. “Captured? What dumb trouble did he get into?”
“His deadbeat father left out some cocaine for the boy to find, he thought it was trash, and ate it.”
Distantly on the other line, there was laughter, a strong bark of laughter that lasted far too long. When he came back, he was calm. “How unfortunate.” 
“He’s a good kid. Why would there be a kilogram of cocaine in the trash anyways? I fail to see the humor in the situation.” 
“Of course. So, I assume, he went on a rampage following his meal, and then attracted the attention of some of us?” 
“So you haven’t heard about it?” 
“Not where I’m stationed. But give me a moment.” The line went silent, only a very distant and quiet tapping of keys on a keyboard being tapped. Then the man returned. “I’m glad you told me about this. This incident hasn’t been reported to our database. That shows evidence of misconduct. Did you get the name of the commanding officer responsible, by chance?” 
“Colonel Kubritz, I believe.” 
More typing. “Area 49-B.”
“That name was also passed around.” 
“Technically not my jurisdiction, and since she didn’t report it, I’m not supposed to know about it.”
“I’m afraid you will officially know about it soon.” 
“His friends and family, myself included, are going to put on a protest for his freedom. Drawing attention to the situation.” 
That echoing laughter was back again. 
“It wasn’t my idea, in case you were wondering.” 
“I know, you wouldn’t come up with something so bold. Regardless, go ahead in through with it. I’ll make sure whatever protest happens gets brought to my superior’s attention, and then I will take it from there.” 
“Thanks. I will owe you one.” 
“Oh come now, Walter, we Changelings that survived the Fall of the Janus order have to stick together. Besides, I heard rumors that you’re caring for my familiar?”
“He’s still in the cradle stone, and the moment. One baby at a time, for now.” 
“Then we’re even. Besides, this is the most interesting thing that’s happened in a while. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” 
“Your kindness is refreshing. I’m glad Gunmar didn’t eat you.” 
“Gee, thanks.” 
“We’ll be in touch then, Samuel.” 
“Of course, Walter.” 
“How goes the car repair?” Asked Merlin, as he met up with Toby and Claire in the park. 
“Ugh, exhausting. First I stopped at the mechanics, and they’re still backed up with fixing other cars. Apparently, Gunmar’s army did a number and backed them up for months. But they gave me the names of all the clients who got totaled from Jim. I had to hit the scrap yard for four of them, and I just finished another two in driveways.” 
“How many does that leave you with?”
“Seven more,” she sighed. “How goes the road work?”
“It goes. Now come along, there’s someone I’d like you to meet.” He didn’t wait for them to follow as he turned and started walking away. 
Sharing a dubious look, Toby and Claire quickly caught up with him. He led them to a bookstore, where a young man was sweeping outside. 
“Hisirdoux, my faithful and loyal apprentice—“
“You're damn straight I’m loyal!” He shouted. “Where have you been? I’ve been cleaning tables for the last 900 years!” 
“Calm yourself boy, I’m here now, aren’t I? And I need your help.” 
“Finally! What is it? Just say the word!”
“I need you to go with Miss Claire Nuñez and help her restore recently smashed vehicles.”
“Or, you can repair street damage.” 
Douxie crossed his arms. “What is this? I saw what happened! There were trolls, and evidence of Morgana! And now you need my help? To clean up, several months later?”
“That is correct.” 
“Why didn’t you call for me back then?!”
“I forgot.” 
“You forgot? About me?”
“Oh come now, don’t take it personally. I was busy trying to prepare the Trollhunter to fight Gunmar. And get my magic back from Morgana.” 
Douxie seemed to become more sympathetic at that. “Morgana stole your magic?” 
“Yes, but it’s all in the past now. Everything is fine. Well, not really. Seems that the US Army has declared the Trollhunter as a menace to society. We must get the trust of the city on our side if we are to get them to trust us, and agree that his capture is unjust.” 
“Please,” said Claire. “We need all the help we can get.” 
Douxie sighed. “Alright. Afterwards, you’re training me again.” He gave Merlin a hard look. “And no amateur magic either. I’ve been doing the same drills for 900 years. I think I’m ready for more advanced work.”
“Oh, you will be. Starting with helping Miss Nuñez field her shadow magic.”
Douxie looked at her, in awe. “You’re practicing shadow magic? Truly?”
“It’s a recent development…”
“She took Morgana’s Skathe-Hrün, and wielded it without any training. Because of that she has a tether to Morgana in the Shadow realm, who has been teaching her ever so slightly. I’m not allowed to train her, but she could use the guidance of a Wizard in the physical realm. Do you understand Hisirdoux?” 
“I do, and I’ll be happy to teach her…I’m just…I’ll need a moment or two to digest the sentence you just said.” 
“Well, don’t take too long, we have a Trollhunter to rescue!” 
There was a heavy knock on the door, which was never a good thing. Especially nowadays. 
Still, Barbara went to the door. 
Standing there was Detective Scott and James Lake Sr. 
“Does this belong to you?” Asked the detective. 
“I don’t claim him, no.” 
Her almost ex-husband smiled at her, pleadingly, “Please Babs?” 
“What is he even doing out? You arrested him!”
“About that…” Detective Scott winced. “We don’t have enough to keep him on.” 
“What!” She shouted. “He confessed in front of a bunch of people!”
“Which would be helpful if we had a case for a trial. But as it stands, he doesn’t actually have any drugs on him. And we don’t have a confession on tape. So…we’re shit out of luck.” 
“Oh come on Louis, you know the cocaine came from him! Where else would Jim have gotten it from?” 
“Look, the chief’s not thrilled that we didn’t arrest the guy responsible for trashing the town, but we’re supposed to arrest someone else without evidence?” 
Barbara threw her hands up in the air. “With probable cause!” 
“That doesn’t work with drug dealers. He’s clean, Barbara. All the blood tests came back clean too.” 
The house shook slightly, and Barbara felt the floor bow behind her. “Is there a problem, officer?” Asked Draal. 
“Nothing you can help with, Draal. Thank you.” Barbara sighed. “James is not being charged.” 
“But he is a criminal, this degenerate flesh bag poisoned the Trollhunter! He should face banishment for his crimes!” 
James withered a little with the glare Draal gave him. 
“Well,” said Officer Scott. “Maybe you can keep an eye on him from now on. If you have evidence that he is dealing, like physical traces of cocaine on the premises, call us. But for now, there’s not much else we can do.” 
“This is ludicrous.”
“I know, I’m sorry Barbara. How is Jim?”
She frowned. “You haven’t heard? The army came and collected him from the hospital!”
Louis sputtered. “The army came?!”
“Where were they when Gunmar was terrorizing us?” He scoffed. “Again, sorry Barbara, I can’t help you here.” 
“It’s alright. We’ve got a plan.” 
“Love to hear it, but I’ve got to get back to the office. I’m sure Toby will tell Darci, and she’ll tell me. Good luck!” And he left James on the porch. 
“Babs, I’m sorry…” 
“Save it.” Barbara scoffed, but allowed him in the house. 
Draal never took his eyes off the man. 
“Well, you’ll be happy to know I have no more supply. And after Rudy found out what happened to my last Kilo, she’s not getting anymore for me. So…”
“I’ll have to thank Jim for keeping a kilogram of Cocaine off the streets of Arcadia. We have a fairly low rate of drug use around here, and we don’t need you to ruin people’s lives.” 
James sighed, knowing he had dodged a huge bullet by being let off the hook. He’d rather deal with his wife than with his ex-associates in jail any day. “I think I’ve still ruined people’s lives anyway.” He walked into the living room, only to halt at the signs on the table. 
Release Jim Lake Jr. 
Justice for Jim
Let Lake Go!
“Babs, what is all this?”
“That’s part of our plan to free Jim! I’m friends with the councilwoman, and she suggested that we campaign for his release. Bringing a lot of unwanted attention onto his capture will stir the government to let him go!”
James jutted out his jaw, a sign of barely concealed rage. An expression Barbara had grown very used to in the last few months. “So, you’re going to put his name—my name in the news? You’re going to broadcast what city we live in?” 
He whirled on her, grabbing her arm. “Babs, people are looking for me! Horrible, mean, and ruthless people! If you put his name out there, they’ll know where to look!” 
“All the better! Then they can come take you off my hands!” 
“You don’t understand! I owe them a lot of money, and they’ll take it anyway they can! That includes extorting you, Jim, and whoever else they connect with me!” 
Draal stepped in, removing his hand from Barbara’s arm. “This house is under my protection. If anyone dare tries to enter, they will be dealt with swiftly.”
“You don’t know what these men are capable of.” 
“I assure you, I’ve decimated armies of flesh bags in my day. These men are no different.”  
Barbara smiled. “If you’re really that scared, I hear Vermont is lovely this time of year.” 
James just narrowed his eyes, before storming out of the room.
The first rally took place from 3pm to dusk, starting from after school, and leading up to when Trolls would be able to participate. Granted, it was only a handful of people, but standing in the middle of downtown did garner a lot of attention. More than a dozen people walking past had stopped to ask about the cause. They were then given a short synopsis of the situation, as it pertained to them:
“Jim is a 16 year old student who was chosen by the trolls to be our protector. He willingly gave up his humanity to defeat Gunmar the Black, the monstrous troll that attacked the city at the beginning of the summer. Now, he looks like a troll, and was sabotaged to go into a rage and damage the city. The US army took him away without a trial! He’s a hero to the city, and deserves fair treatment!”
Reactions ranged from: 
“Oh, he stopped that thing?”
“Oh my god! He’s just a child!” 
Overwhelmingly, there was no negative feedback, at least in person. But it was only day one. 
“This daylight...is it significant?” The colonel asked, as she circled his table. 
“It’s just a name.” Jim lied. “A sword with a name is stronger than one without.” 
“Interesting. Interesting indeed. According to my notes, trolls turn to stone in daylight. Any correlation there?” 
So she already knew? Then what was the point? Was she just playing with him?
“I’m the Trollhunter, and I fight bad trolls. It would make sense to name my sword after something they’re afraid of.” 
She hummed. “And what about you?” 
“What about me?” 
“Are you afraid of daylight?” 
“Why would I be?” 
The colonel laughed. “Oh Jim Lake Jr. You’re the worst liar I’ve ever met. You are honest and forthcoming with truths that work in your favor. You freely told me of your transformation, and of your victory against a Troll tyrant. But now that I’m edging on the topic of your weakness, you clam up and give me vague answers. I can do this all day, beast. What does daylight do to you?”
“Nothing. It doesn’t do anything to me.” 
“Really? Even as a troll? That’s interesting.” 
“It’s fortunate.” 
“I would say so. Though, now you’ve got me curious. These burns on your skin…where did they come from?” She dragged her fingernail over one of the dark marks.
Jim winced. “I don’t know. I wasn’t aware in my rage state.”
“Then you won’t mind if I find out for myself?” She crooked a finger towards the shadows. Jim could hear the creak of wheels before a lamp with several fixtures was wheeled forward. 
“Oh no…”
“UV lights, all different wattages. Let’s see what works the best, hmm?”
Justice for Jim
By Nadja Chamack 
Who is Jim Lake Jr. anyway? This is a question I asked myself as I drove downtown three days ago. No doubt, you’ve seen the crowd of students and teachers holding signs on the corner of Main and State Street. It’s pretty hard to miss, quite honestly. Among the students, there’s also Councilwoman Nuñez, and resident Troll Mascot, ARRRGH! Signs range from ‘Justice for Jim’ to ‘Free our Lake’. 
But who is Jim Lake Jr.? And what happened? A precursory search on my end showed only a scant few facts. Jim is a student at Arcadia Highschool, in his Junior year. He was nominated as Spring Fling King last year, and played the part of Romeo in the school play. His criminal record seemed pretty clean too. A misdemeanor for scratching a rental scooter was all that showed up. But hey, who hasn’t done that?
So I went to the source, his family and friends campaigning for him. On Saturday, the group was downtown, campaigning all day long, so I had the chance to interview each and every person about why they were there.
Turns out, Jim Lake Jr. might be the most amazing person in Arcadia. 
From his mother, Dr. Barbara Lake, I learned that Jim is an Arcadia native, born and raised here. He enjoys cooking gourmet food, working on his vespa, and acting. 
Oh, and he’s the first human Trollhunter. 
What? You’ve never heard of a Trollhunter? Me neither. But Barbara and Blinky, another resident Troll, gave me the scoop. 
You all remember that night at the beginning of the summer that we all promised not to talk about? Well, I’m going to talk about it. In fact, I’m here to give you all the answers you’ve been craving. 
Many months before that fateful night, a new Trollhunter was chosen, after the previous one had perished. “The Trollhunter is chosen according to his mettle, by the amulet of the Trollhunter, as created by Merlin, the wizard of Arthurian legend. Jim was chosen after the fall of Kanjigar, his predecessor. Jim is the first human to be chosen, also the smallest and weakest. But, he was the first to defeat Bular, son of Gunmar!” Said his mentor, Blinky. None of this made any sense to me at first, though it was said with great enthusiasm. 
It turns out, the trolls that we’ve gotten used to seeing around town, mostly ARRRGH, are ‘good’ trolls. The bad trolls, ‘Gum-gums’ are what invaded our town and destroyed my car. The Trollhunter’s whole job is to fight off these bad trolls, and gnomes, and goblins, and everything else that goes bump in the night. And so he did. The Gum-Gums invaded from the ‘Darklands’, being led by a fearsome troll named Gunmar the Black, the Skullcrasher, the Dark Lord…he had a lot of names, and it was obviously a bad dude. Gunmar had plans to invade the whole world by blotting out the sun, a.k.a the eclipse we saw. And he would have gotten away for it too, if it weren’t for those meddling kids! 
Mainly Jim Lake Jr. and his friends. 
And how does a sixteen year old defeat a couple millennia old, bloodthirsty, all powerful tyrant? With a fancy sword? Close. With some magical armor? Closer. By giving up a part of his humanity and becoming a half-human, half-troll hybrid? Now you’re getting it! Yes, to protect Arcadia, to protect us, Jim Lake Jr. allowed himself to be changed. You may have seen him around town. Blue skin, big horns...okay, I just described most of the trolls that are around here. 
“Jim works the night shift at my store,” said Stu Harding, owner of Thrifty Furnishings. “He’s a very hard worker, and always willing to do the heavy lifting that is hard for the other employees to do.” 
“Despite his appearance, Jim ultimately decided to attend school,” said Principal Walter Strickler. “After the school found out about why he had missed so many days of school, they were willing to move him onto the next grade to be with his peers. He was a good student before all this, and he fought really hard to keep his grades up regardless. We felt he should still have the opportunity to graduate. We were looking forward to having him on our football team, and in our spring production of Beauty and the Beast.” 
So what happened to Jim? And why is there such a big campaign for his freedom?
Well, the truth is that Jim is a victim of unfortunate circumstances. In more ways than one, obviously. Trolls eat our trash. That’s why Arcadia has such a small carbon footprint! (Be sure to thank ARRRGH next time you see him!) And this trait was adopted by Jim too, when he was transformed. 
“He just picked a bunch of items out of the trash. Cans, an old sock, and what looked like a VHS wrapped in duct tape,” said Jim’s best friend, Toby Dolmzalski. “It was a normal lunch for him. But right in the middle of gym class, he turned crazy town banana pants and took off! I had never seen Jim act like that! Ever!” 
After an 8 hour rage through town, Jim collapsed and was taken to the hospital for evaluation. It turns out what Jim had ingested turned out to be a kilogram of pure cocaine! 
At this time, it is unknown where the cocaine came from, or if it was planted purposefully. (Seriously, who throws away a kilogram of cocaine?)
But the damage that Jim caused was extensive enough to catch the attention of the US army, who has taken Jim into captivity from the hospital. No trial, no rights, they even took him while he was unconscious. His friends and family have not heard from him since. 
“I’m so worried,” said girlfriend, Claire Nuñez. “He was injured from the battle with Gunmar, and didn’t completely heal. In the hospital, he was covered in burns from the sun. I have no idea if they’re caring for him properly, or dissecting him like some creature. But he deserves so much better than this. He saved our town, he saved my life, and the life of my baby brother. That’s why we won’t rest until he’s home!” 
“Not bad,” said ARRRGH, long time friend of Jim. “Good troll have bad days, best trolls have worse days. Jim need some good days.”
Couldn’t have said it better myself, ARRRGH. 
Friends and family of Jim are asking everyone share #JusticeforJim on social media, hoping to get the attention of someone in charge. All the damage caused by Jim has been repaired, and there were no casualties from his attack.  
Of course, the whole ‘troll’ aspect of this story has to be a local legend. So when sharing it to social media, kindly leave that part out.   
“C-Bomb!” Mary shouted from the other end of the hall. She came running and almost crashed into Claire and Toby, holding her phone up in the air. “My twitter feed is blowing up, girl! Look at all of this!” She held the screen up so they could see. 
“Citizen abducted by the government, is this China or North Korea? Neither! It’s the US! #JusticeforJim” 
“Imagine if this was your son. So sad, and so scary! #JusticeforJim”
“This is real life, not science fiction #JusticeforJim” 
“Whoa, where did these all come from?” Asked Claire. “What did you post?” 
“Did you know Snapper Karr did a report on it!?”
“Snapper Karr? From KTTV in LA?” 
“Yes! Thankfully, he left out the whole troll thing. I’ll send you a link. In his story, Jim is just a kid that has a rare genetic disorder that makes him look different, and so the government took him away!” 
Claire winced. “This is…kind of spiraling out of control.”
“I don’t know why you’re worrying, Claire,” said Darci. “We want people talking about Jim getting abducted. It doesn’t matter if the world outside Arcadia doesn’t have all the facts. They still know he’s been taken away without a trial, and that’s all that’s important. Besides, Jim doesn’t want the whole world knowing about Trolls, right?”
She nodded. “As long as this works, I’ll be happy.” 
“And sensationalist stories like this blow up for like a week, and then they die out and are forgotten. This won’t last.” Mary waved her hand. “It should work long enough to get Jimmy Jam out though.” Then she squealed. “OMG you know what we should do?! We should totally have a welcome home party! Or-or a parade! Like they have for veterans!” 
“Mary, I don’t think—“ 
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it! You’re not the only one with ties to the city!” And she hurried off, texting frantically. 
“What’s up Claire? I would have thought you’d be ecstatic the hashtag went viral.” Asked Toby. 
“Don’t get me wrong, I am happy. And I’m happy that Snapper Karr chalked the troll thing up to local legend or superstition…but I can’t help but worry that something bad is going to come out of this.” 
“Like what?”
“I don’t know. It’s just a gut feeling.” She scoffed and went to her locker. “It’s dumb, don’t worry about it.” 
No sooner had she said that, did Strickler appear. “Claire, Toby, come with me.” 
“I’ve already spoken with your teachers, now come along.” 
Claire and Toby shared a look, but followed regardless.
They were led to the parking lot, where a black van with tinted windows waited, a huge red flag, if there ever was one. 
“Umm…” said Toby. 
“Don’t worry.” Strickler assured. 
A man in an army uniform stepped out of the driver seat. “Walter, good to see you again.”
“Glad to see you as well, Samuel. And thank you for following through with your promise.” 
“As I said, this is the most interesting thing to happen in a while.” He glanced at the two teenagers in attendance. “We’re just waiting for his mother, correct?” 
“She should be here soon.”
Toby muttered to Claire, “Who’s Jorgen Von Strangle over here?”
“No idea.”
And just like that, Barbara pulled into the parking lot, haphazardly parked, and ran over to them, still in her scrubs. “I came as soon as I could! We’re going to get Jim?!” 
“What?!” Screamed Toby. “We’re rescuing him?!” 
“That is the goal,” the man answered. “I’m General Samuel Attila. I’ve been given authorization to intervene in this situation, given that this project, whatever it is, hasn’t been officially recorded. But, bear in mind, you may not like what you see. We may be bringing home Jim, or just his body. I don’t know. So if anyone is uncomfortable with that idea, I suggest you stay behind.” 
“I’m going,” Said Toby. “No matter what.” 
“Me too,” said Claire. “It’ll hurt, but I want to know what happened to him.” 
“Alright, then let’s hurry. The facility is about an hour away.” He ushered everyone into the van, which had two front seats, two benches along the walls, and a gurney in the middle. As soon as everyone was buckled, they headed out.
“Hey, if you know Mr. Strickler, does that mean you’re a…?” 
“A what, Toby?” Asked Walt, with a hint of amusement in his tone. 
“A…man of culture?”
“Yes, I am a changeling.” 
Toby exhaled. “Okay, it’s like super hard to ask that question when you don’t know who knows, you know?” 
“I owe the Trollhunter a debt of gratitude for stopping Gunmar. After he ate the entirety of the Janus order, we the few that weren’t present for his return stayed in hiding. Had Gunmar taken over the world, my death as a traitor would have been slow and painful. We were thinking about sending him a thoughtful gift basket, but I think this is more fun. I love to bully those in lower ranks. The fleshbags get a few pretty badges and think they’re invincible. I love watching them cower!” 
Toby leaned closer to Claire. “He was so nice and helpful, I was beginning to wonder if he was actually a changeling.” 
“Same! But I actually feel better knowing he’s got ulterior motives, and that they have nothing to do with us.” 
“Have you heard from Nomura lately?” Samuel asked Walter. 
“She was in Arcadia for a while. She helped with the fight with Gunmar. Right now, I believe she’s on her way back from New Jersey.” 
“New Jersey? What was she doing out there?”
“After Morgana and Gunmar destroyed the Heartstone, Jim and Blinky went in search of a new one.”
“Oh, yes. I forgot there were rumors of a source in New Jersey. Did they find it?” 
“Yep,” said Claire. “But it wasn’t very big, so we brought it back to Arcadia in a truck. The rest of the tribe is making their way back on foot.”
“Ah, that explains it.” Samuel nodded. “You’re both very lucky. Not many Changeling’s are allowed in Trollmarket.” 
“Now that Gunmar’s out of the picture, I’m sure you could visit too!” Toby exclaimed, before getting elbowed in the gut by Claire. 
“It’d be nice to see it once. I’m sad I didn’t get to see the Heartstone in its glory, but such is life.”
The rest of the ride continued in relative silence. Strickler and Samuel spoke to each other, mostly catching up. But Toby, Claire, and Barbara were far too anxious to keep up with the conversation. 
There were no windows in the back of the vehicle, so there was no way of knowing where they were. From the front, they looked to be in a weaving forest trail. 
Then there were huge cement walls in front of them. 
Samuel pulled in the front gate. 
The man at the gate didn’t look up from his computer. “You’re not authorized to be here.” 
“Excuse me?”
“I don’t recognize your vehicle, so I know you don’t have clearance.” 
Samuel sat up a little straighter, glaring at the soldier at the gate. “How about you scan my badge first, and then tell me if I have clearance, Lieutenant.” 
The soldier gave a little shrug and reached out for the badge, his eyes widening as he caught a glance at the four stars on the man’s shoulder. “Oh.” 
“No, sir. I just…I don’t need to scan your badge, you can go in.” 
“Thank you. At ease soldier.” 
Toby held back a snicker.
“And, let Colonel Kubritz know she has company.” 
“Yes sir.” 
“As you were.” 
The gate rolled open, and they pulled through. 
It seemed like Samuel’s message was received pretty quickly, because the woman that had taken Jim was waiting for them, flanked by soldiers with strange weapons. 
“Stay in the car.” He told everyone, before getting out. 
“I was not aware of any sort of inspection. You are not my commanding general, and therefore not welcome here. This facility holds highly dangerous equipment and confidential projects.”
“Stand down, Colonel. I am here on behalf of general Adele. I’m here to recover Jim Lake Jr. General Adele will be speaking to you about your discharge.” 
“What are you talking about?” She demanded. 
“You kidnapped a teenage boy from a hospital. Surely you didn’t think that wouldn’t go unnoticed? I have video evidence of you leaving the hospital with him.” 
“He’s not a normal boy—“ 
“I’d say so! His whole town is hailing him as a hero for saving them from an invasion! I thought this facility was for research on protecting Earth from invaders. And you’re punishing a boy for saving a town?” 
“He also destroyed it. Don’t give into their little campaign. Jim Lake Jr. may have done something good once, but that doesn’t stop him from being a monster.” 
“I was just in Arcadia, Colonel. There is no damage. There’s no lawsuits against Jim Lake Jr. There’s not even any pending arrests.” 
“I have video evidence of his destruction!” She barked. 
“Then let the local police handle it.” 
She growled, then commanded her men to stand down. “Fine. But if he does this again, no one will stop me from taking him.” 
“Actually,” he clarified with a smirk. “You’re being discharged. So you won’t have any means to take him again.” 
Her mouth opened in shock, as she fought to find an argument. 
But he was a general, he was above her. 
“Now, Jim Lake Jr.?” 
She grumbled something and started off towards a big central building.
Samuel was quick to beckon the others out of the car to follow him, and headed towards the same building as Kubritz. 
When Barbara reached them, she spoke, “you didn’t hurt my son, did you?” 
Kubritz didn’t even look at her. “I don’t have to share information with civilians.” 
Claire clenched her fists in anger, a black haze coming over her hands. 
But Toby simply patted her on the back to ground her. 
Colonel Kubritz led them through the research facility, ignoring their questions. 
They reached the room Jim was being held in, and she entered her code to open the door. 
Of course, Jim wasn’t the only thing in the room, being surrounded by specimens of all sorts of living creatures, but he was right in the center, with a spot light right on him. 
“Jim!” Claire shouted first as she ran to him. 
The poor boy was naked, lying on his back and strapped to the table with thick iron bonds. His wound from Morgana wasn’t the worst on him anymore, as he was covered in blackened burned spots. The spot that had the amulet was now just a hole in his chest, that went right down to the ribs. Claire could see his heart beating, and his lungs moving, thank god. 
“Jim...” she cried, seeing the carnage. 
“What did you do to him?!” Toby shouted at the Colonel, but she didn’t respond. 
“Honey? Jim? Can you hear me?” Barbara asked, as she assessed the damage. 
His eyes opened ever so slightly. “Mom? Is that you? Are you...really here?” 
“Yeah kiddo,” she wiped some tears from her eyes. “It’s me, I’m here. Toby, Claire, and Walt are here too. We’re going to take you home.” 
His smile was just a hint, and he stated, “I’m tired.” 
“I’m sure you are. We’re going to get you fixed up!” She turned to the Colonel. “Get me a gurney or a wheelchair!” 
She scoffed. “I don’t take orders from civilians.” 
Samuel interceded. “Then get me a soldier who isn’t completely incompetent! If you’re going to continue to endanger the life of this young man, then I suggest you get out of my sight before I endanger yours.” 
The Colonel didn’t waver, though a tremor went down her spine. “Lieutenant!” She called. 
A man hurried into the room, standing at attention.
Kubritz just gave a roll of the eyes. “Follow whatever order the general gives you.” 
“No, I’m done.” With one last glare to Samuel, she added, “I'll be sending my evidence to General Adele, then we’ll see who’s the one putting the nation in danger.” 
“Go ahead, I’ve already given my report.”
She growled at him, turned and left without another word. 
The lieutenant just stood at attention in front of Samuel instead. “Orders sir?”
“Get someone to fetch the gurney from the back of our van, and send for the medic! And get someone to get these shackles off this kid!” 
“Sir yes sir!” 
Meanwhile, Claire stood right by Jim’s side, holding his hand, brushing the bangs away from his face and combing his hair with her fingers. He had a pretty strong fever. 
“You’re going to be alright Jim. We’re going to take good care of you.” 
“I’m…cold…” He breathed. 
Barbara found some vinyl gloves nearby and got to work examining her boy. “I don’t know about the Troll half, but this tissue looks alright. I don’t see any infection yet, or any tissue death. Of course, we need to get this covered immediately.” 
“Where’s the amulet?” Asked Walt. “That’s what’s missing.” 
“The amulet!” Barbara addressed Samuel. “His amulet, we have to find it!” 
He nodded, “we can’t let these psychos have it. They have no idea what magic it possesses, even without being the chosen wielder.” 
Only a beat passed before the army medic came with the gurney, and another soldier came with a crowbar to undo the shackles. 
“Lieutenant, we’re looking for an amulet that came with Jim. It’s what’s missing from his chest.” 
The Lieutenant blanched. “I don’t know anything about it…I can ask the Colonel?”
“She won’t tell.” 
The shackles fell free from Jim’s limbs, but he didn’t seem to register it. 
“Alright,” said Barbara, “Let’s move him onto the gurney. We can worry about the amulet later.” It took everyone to lift him and carefully slide him over. Then, he was covered up to his stomach with a blanket. 
“You’re going home, Jim. Mi amor, you’re safe now.” Claire whispered, kissing his forehead. 
“Hmm…” Jim weakly groaned. “…for the…glory…” But before he could finish, he fell back into sleep.
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