#jim kirkxreader
littlemaatta · 2 years
Changes - Jim Kirk x Reader
Anonymous said: Ok so, I don't know if you're taking requests or if this is even considered an imagine, but... And stay with me on this one.... Can we have a kirkxreader (I thought of her being Bones' little sister but I give you free rein on that) oneshot based on this audio (https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYh7hY6b/) ? I just think it fits really well and I love the  previous fics you have done for star trek 🥺
a/n: link to audio mentioned- https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYh7hY6b/ I changed it a little bit because in the audio they’re married and that didn’t work with what I went with. and tweaked a line or two at the beginning as well.
warnings: swearing, trapped/trying to escape, arguing, talking about death and injury
reader is described as: female. no size, skin, or hair descriptors used :)
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James Tiberius Kirk. Otherwise and often referred to as the biggest pain in your ass to ever grace the universe.
You couldn’t even count on your fingers anymore the amount of times that he had gotten into trouble and you had had to bail him out.
He was constantly being reckless with not just his own life, but others as well. It drove you absolutely insane. Add to that the fact that you were hopelessly in love with the man, and it made things a lot worse.
Any time he went on a mission without you, you waited with bated breath. Unknown to you, he did the same.
If you were being honest with yourself though, Jim had saved you just as many times, if not more. It just so happens that both of you had a tendency to get into  bad situations.
The most recent occurrence of this had been a mission on a planet mostly made up of oceans. You had been sent to explore the surface of the oceans in a shuttle, accompanied by some science crew members. 
You had flown the shuttle a little too close to the water at the request of one of the scientists who was trying to get life form readings, and a creature breaching the surface had knocked into the ship. As a result the shuttle ended up crashing into the water.
You sent off mayday signals immediately, hoping they reached the Enterprise before the shuttle lost function. 
Jim had personally suited up and dove into the water to attach a line to your shuttle and pull you out. 
The time before that, the roles were reversed and you had had to lead a small crew to beam aboard a ship that had taken Jim hostage and break him out. You beamed back to the Enterprise supporting most of his weight as he limped beside you with a fractured leg and covered in bruises.
Your brother was the one most irritated by these tendencies of yours. His best friend and his younger sister, always showing up in the medbay to be his problem.
You would mumble a “Sorry Len,” every time he sighed at the sight of you being carried into the medbay.
Despite your constant irritation with Jim, you did love him. Though you kept that to yourself, not even revealing it to your friends. Afraid of what it would mean to speak it into existence. Another level to your relationship with him that would inevitably cause changes. Change is scary, something you knew all too well. 
So you continued on, saving him, begrudgingly thanking him when he saves you, keeping your feelings to yourself, and being bio-bed neighbors in the medbay.
What had begun as just a typical away mission to investigate a planet, quickly dissolved into chaos, as it usually did with James T. Kirk in your experience.
Jim had called your name and you joined him on the transporter along with a few other personnel.
The planet seemed normal, as they always do at first. On your way through a town that seemed to have been abandoned, Jim ordered everyone to split into pairs to get a look around.
You rolled your eyes when he paired himself with you but followed your captain as he entered a building.
Now, you wish you had done anything else.
The exploration had led the two of you downstairs and gotten you trapped. The door had swung shut upon entry and no matter how much you pounded on the metal, it refused to yield.
And as your frustration built, you turned it on the only other person in the room with you.
“This is just fantastic, Jim. Absolutely fantastic.” you say, venom coating your words as you shoot a glare in his direction.
“I don’t know what I did to deserve the blame!” Jim responds indignantly.
“Are you kidding? I never knew pain until I met you!”
“Oh please, and I suppose you’re the one that’s keeping me together.”
“It would seem so,” you answer through gritted teeth, trying in vain to pull the door open.
“Oh is it now?”
“Yes!” you respond, throwing your arms into the air.
“Proving my point!” Jim scoffs, as he looks around the room for any other exits.
“Yes, yes, helping man kind, helping friends. But the framework revealed the truth. It’s all ego.” 
“Oh, ego?”
“I would love to deal with ego.” Jim says.
“Would you?” you respond, matching his sarcasm.
“Guess why? Your ego likes to pretend that you’re Jane Goodall saving helpless little creatures like me.”
You scoff, “I do not think I’m saving you!”
“Oh, of course you do!”
“Listen, if anything it’s always you saving me!”
“Alright, don’t start that.”
“Yes, yes because you saved me in the future, you saved me on Vulcan, and you saved me when we were trapped at the bottom of the ocean.” You finally step away from the door with a final bang of your fist echoing against the metal. “Well, I guess we’re stuck in here together.” 
“Yeah, well. That’s what happens. Get stuck and almost die, just a normal day for us. Hopefully this time you don’t injure yourself trying to save me.”
“I’m allowed to want to save you!” you shout.
“And I’ll save you every time or I’ll die trying! I don’t care!” he matches your yelling.
“Me too, because I love you!”
“Yeah, well I love you too!”
“Well then why are we yelling?”
“I don’t know!!” he yells back and with nothing left to yell at one another, you stand staring at each other, both breathing heavily.
A loud noise startles the both of you and breaks your staring as you both turn to face the door. It swings open to reveal the rest of your team.
Your first thought, however shallow, is a vain hope that none of them had heard your screaming match with the Captain. 
The sympathetic look you get from one of the security ensigns dashes that hope quickly. 
You take a deep breath and steel yourself as you march past the team and out of the building, giving them a curt nod as thanks for freeing you, and ignoring Jim’s soft call of your name.
Once back outside you don’t wait for the others to join you before you open your communicator and ask Scotty to beam you back to the Enterprise.
Scotty is visibly confused when it is only you and tries to ask you what happened but you brush him off as gently as you can in your current state before rushing to your quarters.
Hours of thinking over your argument with Jim have lead you to his door. Standing in the hallway and grasping at whatever courage you have.
Your words die in your throat as you meet Jim’s eyes.
“You love me.” you finally are able to croak out, barely a whisper, a stark change from the shouting you did earlier.
Jim’s eyes soften, “And you love me.” 
“We’re very bad at this.”
“I know.” he says with a short laugh.
“I’m still gonna get mad at you when I have to save you.”
“I would expect nothing less. Can’t have too much change, can we?” he steps forward and reaches out a hand to you.
“No, not too much.” you place your hand in his and let him pull you closer. “A little bit won’t hurt though.”
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Fandom: Star Trek
Pairing: Jim Kirk x Reader
Warning: Little bit of sadness, but mostly comfort
Writer: @imaginesofeveryfandom aka @hufflepuffing-all-day-long
Summary/Request: Requested by anon:  hi! your requests are open right? if not just ignore this! I was wondering if I could get a Kirk hurt/comfort based on the song "Robot" by The Sam Willows? (it's such a good song by such a good group if you haven't heard it/them I highly suggest you check them out!) and I was hoping you could make it where Kirk is comforting the reader please. thank you so so much *insert heart emoji bc I'm on pc rip*
Gender neutral
There are days when nothing goes wrong, absolutely nothing. There are no sad stories, or sad events, not mean words said or unfortunate incidents. But despite this, there are those days where despite its almost perfect nature you still feel sad, still feel hurt, still feel that ache in your chest and you don’t know why. 
It is those days, days like today, where you find yourself, after a shift in engineering, trailing back to the quarters you shared with Jim. You couldn’t explain why you felt such heaviness in your chest and on your shoulders, couldn’t pin point the reason for your sadness. But it was there, whether you had a reason or not. 
The door to your quarter whooshed open with the code. Jim was already sat on the bed waiting, it was unusual, usually he was still in the bridge.
“What are you doing here?”
“Scotty said you weren’t feeling too good today. Figured i’d stop working over time and come see how you are. So?” It actually makes you want to cry. That Scotty took note, cared enough to tell Jim, that Jim cared enough to stop being a workaholic and wait for you to get in. That he cared enough to listen and be there. 
“I’m sad.” You kick off your shoes before collapsing in his lap, arms around his neck, face pressing into his shoulder. “I don’t know why, I just am. I feel...heavy.” You know that Jim understands, there are days when he collapses onto you, head falling to your lap and he too has no explanation for that feeling. But that is what relationships are about, holding each other when you feel sad even if there’s no explanation. Being there when the other needs you.
You feel a hand in your hair, rubbing at the base of your neck in soothing circles. “You want to cuddle and watch some vids? See if I can’t get the replicator to make some ice-cream or something?” 
You pull back just enough to smile up at him, the first smile you’d cracked all day, “I’d love that, thank you.” You press a kiss to his cheek before crawling off his lap and further into bed. 
You might have these days where everything feels bad even though nothing bad has happened, you might days when bad stuff keeps coming, but at least you always had Jim waiting ready to find a way to make you smile even when that seemed impossible.  
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Oooooo how about a sleepy, cuddly, perfect-morning-where-you-don't-have-to-get-out-of-bed-for-hours kinda scene with Leonard? Or Spock. Or Scotty. Or Jim. Whomever tickles your fancy. ���
 Hey, have I EVER told you guys how much I love Jim Kirk? Especially TOS Jim Kirk? I don’t think it’s ever come up.
You smiled as you came too on the chest of Jim Kirk. You tilted your head back and tempted to take a look at the man you loved. His chest heaved a sigh and you saw two deep brown eyes staring at you. “How long have you been up?”
“Ten minutes or so,” he whispered in a deep gravely voice. 
“What time is it,” You asked, pushing yourself up so you could be closer to his face.
“about 700 hours.” You groaned and placed your face into his neck, “I know.”
“We don’t even need to be up today,” you groaned again, “I just wanted to sleep in.” His arms pulled you tighter, starting to chuckle. He pressed a kiss to your temple.
“Yeah, but you can take a nap later. Right now, let’s enjoy that we don’t have to be anywhere. My only duty today is to you.” You tilted your head back again and smiled at his cheesy, abet lazy smile. He pressed his lips to yours, you let yourself melt into him, humming into the kiss. You could feel him grin as he pulled away a millimeter, before tilting back in for a better angle.  They were loose lazy kisses, a far cry from what you were used too. You got quick pecks, hot lustful make outs mixed with slow meaningful kisses and desperate relieved kisses. But this slow, ‘we have all the time in the world,’ was so rare. “Good morning by the way,” he said pulling back.
“Good morning,” you whispered. You settled back down into his side, “When was the last time you and I woke up together and actually said good morning?”
“Three months ago, the last shore leave.” His thumb rubbed patterns into your arm. You sighed and nuzzled in, placing soft kisses on his shoulder. “I was thinking later, if you want to leave the bed, of course, we could check out that park. They have this conservatory…”
“I’d love too,” You mumbled, “but later, too sleepy now. Give me like two hours, and a coffee, and lunch. And cuddles.”
“Alright, alright, later,” He chuckled, “Close your eyes. I love you.”
“Love you too,” you whispered. After that you both fell silent, enjoying the still moment. A rare moment where you could just sit and exist. Feel the soft rise and fall of his chest, and the warmth he produced. His even deep breathing and the soft thudding of his heart lulling you back into a peaceful sleep. 
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I’ll Do Better
Summary :  As Jim and you enter a big chapter in your lives it takes a toll on your relationship. Will you both be able to overcome your troubles, or will it ultimately tear you apart forever?
Inspired by : Light by Sleeping At Last (song lyrics are bolded in this)
Rating: T
Tags: @outside-the-government
Beta’d by: @bkwrm523
Jim stood at the foot of the bed. The room was quiet, the lights dimmed to 20%. You looked peaceful as you laid there, body curled around the small infant sleeping next to you. Waves of regret washed over him. He tore his eyes away from the sight of the two of you. His thoughts went back to Medical Bay where Leonard opened his eyes to the severity of the situation.
“Good God man, you have to pull yourself together. That is your wife and child, and they need you whether you like it or not. I know you’re scared but it won’t physically kill you to go check up on her every once in awhile.” The doctor sighed. “She’s losing her damn mind, Jim. I’m worried about her. Her psychological evaluation came back terrible. She’s on the verge of a mental breakdown and I fear for the worst. She’s not only trying to fill her role as a new mother but acting as a father as well. She pours her all into that child and asks nothing from you in return. This isn’t just about you anymore, it’s about all of you. She’s needs you now more than ever.” He placed his hand on Jim’s shoulder.  “You know I’m here for you guys, right?”
Guilt ate away him, making him sick to his stomach. His eyes trailed across the floor and back to the bed. Looking at you he could see the changes. You looked thinner, dark bags under your eyes, your normally neat hair was throwing up into a lazy bun. When was the last time you had a moment to yourself? He felt terrible. He didn’t mean to be neglectful, to run away and hide. But the truth is he had been terrified when the baby was born premature. He thought he had more time to prepare to be a father, he wanted to be a good one.
No, instead he was a coward. Too afraid to get attached to the baby who originally only had 15% chance of living. He didn’t want to lose something so important and so instead he pushed away in order to protect himself. How absolutely selfish of him.
His eyes lingered on you for just a moment more. You were always stronger than him. His eyes shifted to look at the infant, noticing that she was significantly bigger than the last time he saw her. His heart wrenched as he noted she looked exactly like him. With the way that he had been acting he could only imagine that it was painful for you to even look at her. Because he couldn’t see how looking at her wasn’t reminding you of him.
He moved to the opposite side of the bed, sinking onto the mattress as he laid his body on the opposite side of the child. She was gorgeous and he was a fool for missing out. "I am so sorry.” He whispered to the baby.
May these words be the first to find your ears
The world is brighter than the sun now that you’re here
Though your eyes will need some time to adjust
To the overwhelming light surrounding us
The baby squirmed, her tiny eyes cracking open, a small cry cracking out from her lips. He froze for a moment unsure of what to do. And then suddenly this fatherly instinct washed over him. “Shh, it’s okay, Jemma. Daddy is here.” He gently swooped the baby into his arms. Standing from the bed he looked around the room for some kind of bottle as her cries grew louder.
He failed to notice you spring up in bed, horrified that maybe the baby had fallen off the side. Your eyes landed on his form and sighed in relief to see that Jemma was okay.
By now he had located a bottle and was warming some milk, while bouncing the baby slightly trying to soothe her.
I’ll give you everything I have
I’ll teach you everything I know
I promise I’ll do better
I will always hold you close
But I will learn to let you go
I promise I’ll do better
I will soften every edge
I’ll hold the world to its best
And I’ll do better
With every heartbeat I have left
I will defend your every breath
And I’ll do better
A smile graced your lips at the site of the two of them, but it quickly fell away as wicked thoughts came to you. What was he doing here? You swiftly got up from the bed, moving across the room to take her from his arms. He didn’t need to be bothered by this. You had every intention to give him a piece of your mind as well. How dare he show up now?
“I love you so much Gemma, and I’m so sorry. You deserve a better father and your mom deserves a better husband. If you let me I’m going to try to make up for it.” He sighed as he gave her the bottle, her cried quieting immediately.
Cause you are loved
You are loved more than you know
I hereby pledge all of my days
To prove it so
Though your heart is far too young to realize
The unimaginable light you hold inside
“I hope you can forgive me. I don’t think your mom will. I’m such a fool Gemma. When I should have been there for the both of you I was a coward. I love your mom so much. She has always been stronger than me. I was just so scared. Scared I would lose you, scared I would lose her. I was an idiot. I’ll spend the rest of my days making it up to you both if I have to.”
His words made you stop. You could feel the tears well up in your eyes. “Oh Jim you’re such an idiot.” You whispered loud enough for him to hear. His head whip to look at you. “Y/N, honey - I’m so sorry.” He moved closer to you, eyes filled with pain and regret. “ I know an apology is not good enough, but it’s the only words I can say.” He looked at the baby. “ I love you two so much and I let my fear get the best of me. I know you won’t forgive me right away but I hope that you’re able to one day.”
You were mad, but the sight of him holding your baby made your heart melt. “You’re right Jim, I can’t forgive you yet. You have to prove to me that you’re not going to run away again. I can’t do this alone. I’m mentally and physically exhausted. I see Leonard multiple times a week. I sometimes go back twice in the same day because I’m so afraid that I’m just going to snap. I fear for Gemma. I love her and I don’t want to hurt her. Nyota has been a godsend, giving me breaks here and there. But I can’t be a burden to her all the time. I need you to be here. Promise me you’ll be here for us.”
His eyes connected with yours. “Y/N, I can’t apologize enough. I promise I’ll make it up to the two of you. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” It was then in that moment that you realized he had been crying. Tears stained his cheeks and you knew that he meant what he said. You brought a hands up and placed it gently on his cheek. “Okay, Jim.” You moved closer pressing a kiss to Gemma’s head as she finished her bottle and fell asleep in his arms. “I love you, Captain.” You lifted your head and pressed your lips against his.
“I love you too, Y/N. Go take care of yourself, wash up and sleep. I’ll take care of her.”
I’ll give you everything I have
I’ll teach you everything I know
I promise I’ll do better
I will always hold you close
But I will learn to let you go
I promise I’ll do better
I will rearrange the stars
Pull ‘em down to where you are
I promise I’ll do better
With every heartbeat I have left
I’ll defend your every breath
I promise I’ll do better
I will soften every edge
Hold the world to its best
I promise I’ll do better
With every heartbeat I have left
I’ll defend your every breath
I’ll do better
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kaitymccoy123 · 7 years
Yeoman, huh?
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Intro: So this is a LONG LONG LONG overdue request from @annalisehartmann so I apologize a million times over and over for the lateness of this one.  But it’s super long so I hope that makes up for it!  And I kinda love it a lot so I hope it’s alright!
I guess I’ll start us off for the Trek Fest 2017!  Organized by the amazing @outside-the-government and the first week is all about Jim!  It just so happened that I finished this and scheduled it to post today, without even knowing it was June 1st lol.   
Pairing: Jim x reader
Word Count: 4,300ish (haha whoops)
Summary: The reader is an accomplished yeoman assigned to the Enterprise to work with Jim Kirk. They only know of Kirk what comes from his reputation, which isn’t very good. But once they start working together, they realize the Captain is not all of what his reputation sets before him.  When aliens attack the ship, the reader gets caught up in the battle.  Are they willing to risk everything to save the man they are falling for?
Warning: very fluffy.  much fluff.  
A/N: So my starting idea for this one is that the reader has the wrong idea about Jim, and goes into working with him with this idea.  I do not think Jim is any of the things the reader thinks, but that is just part of the story.  
Also, I had to throw Scotty in there, of course I did.  He’s my fave, of course! 
Let me know what you think about Jim’s characterization here, because I feel like it was more TOS than AOS (see notes at bottom for more).  
You knew you wanted to be a yeoman ever since you were little.  
Every other kid wanted to be a doctor, or lawyer, or a captain.  But not you. You loved listening to the stories your mom told, as she was a yeoman herself, and you knew the position inside and out, even before you could pursue the career itself.   You wanted to be the right hand of the captain, helping to organize things and filter information, and set the captain straight as needed.
You had been top of your class at the Academy, and had been assigned to 5 different ships, 5 different captains in the 5 years since you graduated, and you loved every single minute of it. 
After just finishing up a 6 month mission, you were excited to hear what your new assignment would be. 
But when the name showed up on your PADD, you groaned. 
“What?” Your best friend, Rowena, looked over your shoulder. 
“I’m assigned to the Enterprise.” You informed, skimming over your new assignment. 
“What?!  That’s amazing!” She shook your shoulder, but you gave a grunt. 
“Yeah, so amazing, except I’ll have to work with the infamous Captain James T. Kirk.”  Your tone was laced with sarcasm.  
“DUDE!” She slapped your arm excitedly and you scowled, “You are so lucky!  I’ve heard he’s super hot.” 
Rowena sighed longingly and you threw your PADD onto the bed, flopping back onto it so you were staring at the ceiling. 
“Yeah, sure, and an entitled, cocky, arrogant prick who just wants to get in every woman’s pants.”
Rowena flopped down beside you, “What’s so bad about that?  God knows you could use some.”
“Ro!” You gasped and slapped her arm, but you weren’t mad, this was just how she was, giving it to you straight and narrow. 
“It’s true, Y/N.” She giggled, “how long is the mission?” 
“Five years.” You raised your eyebrows in mirror to her expression and nodded. 
“That’s a long time.”
“I know.”
Rowena turned suddenly onto her side, making the bed jump a little, “Y/N, you are the best yeoman that I have ever met.  You can, and you have, handled complete asshats that call themselves captains, so you will give this Captain Kirk a run for his money if he’s anything like people say.  You got this.” 
You smiled.  She always knew exactly what to say, hopefully this time she was right. 
The Enterprise was the most beautiful ship you had ever seen, let alone been on.  As you walked the halls, you tried to admire the architecture of the inside of the ship, but you couldn't too much because you were lost and couldn't find the bridge, where you were supposed to report.  
You had to ask three separate times for directions and finally when you found it, Captain Kirk hadn't even arrived yet.  You drew into the back of the mingling crowd, pulling out your PADD to get ready to take notes.  You knew you probably didn't need to, but it was part of your job and it helped you focus. 
After a few minutes, Captain Kirk finally arrived, hurrying through the lift doors onto the captain's platform, looking a little out of breath.  And his command gold shirt was on backwards.  
He jumped right into his speech, oozing charisma and smiles as he spoke, and you dutifully took notes.  After the speech, you watched and waited until everyone had went up to Captain Kirk and introduced themselves, taking the time to observe your new captain.   He had golden blond hair and a dazzling smile, his posture sure-of-himself and welcoming, and you tried to match your previous notions about him to this man in front of you.  
"I'm going to head down to get the preliminary reports from Scotty, com me if you need me." He spoke to Spock, the first officer. 
"Captain Kirk?" 
He smiled as you approached, and you were thrown off by the blue of his eyes, almost crystalline, and they crinkled around the edges when he smiled.  
"I'm Y/N Y/L/N, your new yeoman." You extended your hand and he took it, shaking it firmly. 
"Nice to meet you, Y/N, I'm sorry but I have to get down to engineering but we can get more acquainted when I get back." He nodded and took off in the direction of the lift.
"Captain?" You called. 
He stopped.
"Are you familiar with the job description of a yeoman?" You asked, placing your hand on your hip.
He turned back to you, his eyebrow raised, and his gaze searching and confused. 
"It includes retrieving reports and filtering information back to the captain." You informed, walking slowly up to the puzzled captain, "So I will go get these reports, and you can sit your pretty little behind in your chair and do whatever captains do."
You knew you probably shouldn't be so sassy with your tone on your first meeting with him, but you couldn't push the thought of his reputation out of your mind.  
"Right, yep, I apologize, Y/N, I'll take a seat then, and you can go run and get those reports." Captain Kirk pursed his lips and slid back over to his chair, dipping his head and actually looking a little apologetic.  
Walking over to stand next to his chair, you looked down at him, "I've been told that you have never had a yeoman before, and I am here to assure you I'm here for anything you need.  I've been around the block a few times before." You found yourself relaxing next to the smiling captain. 
"Good to know, Y/N," He tilted his head as he looked up at you from his chair, "I look forward to working together."
You smiled down at him, "Oh, and Captain?" You mused, "Your shirt's on backwards." 
His eyes widened and he glanced down at the shirt, already starting to pull on the sleeves as you retreated to the lift. 
Add idiot to your list of adjectives to describe Jim Kirk. 
You could quickly scratch that off your list as Jim Kirk was definitely not an idiot.
"What is the level the war core is running at?" Jim said as he read the report that you had retrieved. 
"3.5.  Scotty said we are doing jus' fine." You pulled out the Scottish accent and it made Jim smile. 
"And the radio connectivity of the generators?  Are they still within normal levels?" 
"Yes, Ensign Heather said they were a little high the other day but they handled it."
"And the..." 
"The pressure in the power cells has not exceeded maximum level." You recited, know knowing exactly what he was going to ask. Jim looked up at you, handing you back your PADD with a brush of his fingers on yours, and he seemed satisfied with your work. 
You were getting used to delivering reports like this.  Every time you came back with a report from any part of the ship, he would question you on the details.  Like when you would return from engineering, you quickly learned to gather as much information as possible because he seemed to know everything about everything that came back to him.  He would ask what levels the warp core was set at, what the detailed numbers were involving radiowaves, and generators, and comlinks were.  Things that you had never even heard of.  But you learned quickly.  
And it was kind of fun, learning all these new terms.  You always loved getting to work with a new captain, falling in step next to them, learning what they liked and disliked, how they ran things.  It was one of your favourite parts about the job.
You could also cross 'entitled' off your list, because most of the time he actually forgot you were there and would get up to go get something himself.  Most of the other captains you worked with had you running around like a madwoman, retrieving this and that, not excluding coffee runs and delivering personal messages.  
But not Jim.  He thanked you each and every time you returned to the bridge with something for him, and when you brought him his lunch one time, because he had forgotten to go for a break, he insisted that you needn't do that for him.
“Captain, must I remind you, again, that it’s my job?” You teased, setting down his lunch tray. 
“I know, but...” 
“No buts, Captain, I am happy to do it.” The genuine tone of your voice surprised you, and it made Jim tilt his head to the side and squint his eyes at you curiously. 
The gaze made heat rush to your cheeks, and you quickly ducked away, claiming you had notes to organize.  
"Captain, I have the report you asked for from Dr. McCoy, as well as I filed the navigation charts for our next week's journey." You walked over towards the captain's chair, engrossed in a file on your PADD, but were stopped by a set of hands on your shoulders. 
"You should watch where you're going, Y/N." You looked up to meet Jim's blue eyes near inches from your own.  
You stepped back on instinct, "Sorry, Captain, I was just getting the next task sorted in my head."
He chuckled lowly, "You work too hard, Y/N, and I told you to call me Jim." 
"Sorry, Jim, I'm just used to calling captains, Captain." You blushed, and thrust the PADD into Jim's hands, a little too roughly.  
He gave you an amused side-eye and you felt yourself blush even more.  
"I'd like to buy you a drink later, if you'll have me." Jim dropped his arm, the PADD swinging at his side, and your head sprung up at the statement. 
"Uh... I..." You stammered, making the mistake to meet his eyes and you nearly swooned at the sight of the bright blue irises. 
"I apologize if I have assumed too much, Y/N, you don't have to." His eyes turned downwards now, his stoic facade breaking only for a moment. 
"No, Cap- I mean, Jim I would love to have a drink with you." You smiled up at him and his mouth stretched into a smile as well. 
You nodded. 
"Well then, we can head there after shift."
"Sounds like a plan." You chirped, butterflies set aflutter in your stomach which brought your voice up an octave, and you tried to hide it with a cough.  
Jim just looked amused at how flustered you seemed, and you gave a quick shrug to your shoulders before nearly bolting for the lift doors. 
"Ro, he's actually really nice." You were sprawled out on your bed with your com to your ear, just having returned from having drinks with Jim, and you were still all jittery from it.  
You and him had talked all evening, and you could definitely now cross 'arrogant' off your list because he was the sweetest person, and the best listener, you had ever talked to.  The evening was spent chatting and laughing, with a few suggestive brushes of fingers and knees, but nothing too intimate, and he had walked you back to your quarters, bidding you goodnight, nothing more.  
"Have you slept with him yet?" Rowena asked, and you snorted. 
"No!  No, I haven't." You defended, grinning to yourself and biting your fist. 
"But you've thought about it, right?"
"Okay, okay!  But I can hear it in your tone, you like him." She teased.  
"I DO NOT!" You argued, with much less fight in your voice than you intended, "But he's a really good guy, okay, NOT that I'm going to sleep with him."
Rowena's giggles resounded through the com, and it made you laugh too.  You missed your best friend. 
"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, sweetie." Rowena giggled.
"Yeah," You thought of his crystal blue eyes and sweet smile, "me too."
The next day you arrived on shift, expecting a warm welcome by Jim, but he wasn't in his chair.  Asking First Officer Spock where the captain could be, he told you that he hadn't arrived on shift yet, which was very unlike Jim.  You waited patiently for him, busying yourself, your eyes constantly flicking back and forth from your work to the lift doors. 
"I'm going to go check the engineering room to see if Jim's there." You said non-noncommittally, to no one in particular, and turned to stride out the door.  
The hallways leading up to the engineering room were eerily quiet, and you found yourself tiptoeing on instinct, your pulse racing in your ears.  
"Jim?" You called into the empty corridor with no response. 
Reaching the door you found it ajar, the lights in the engineering room dark as you tentatively stuck your head in.  You were going to call out again when you heard the mumble of voices.  Stepping along the metal bridge that ran along the outside edge of the engineering room, you kept silent and clutched your PADD to your chest.  
Then, finally, a few figures came into view and you froze, crouching down instinctively.  Holding your breath, you peered over the edge and saw five figures, two you recognized as Scotty and Jim, the others were dark, hooded aliens.  Jim and Scotty were nearly backed up against some boilers, the aliens pointing some large weapons at them, and they were talking, but it was too far away for you to hear anything.  
Jim appeared to say something, looking very fierce and captain-ly, and the voice of the aliens grew louder, and they appeared to advance on Jim and Scotty.  Panic flood through you as Jim and Scotty pressed up against the boiler and the alien's weapons raised menacingly.  
The syllable was out of your mouth and echoing across the engineering room before you could stop it.
The attack on Jim and Scotty paused, and all heads spun in your direction. You froze, your mouth hanging open, in a half crouch on the metal bridge. 
Jim looked at you for a moment, but then turned back to the aliens and swung at them.  He managed to get the weapon from the hands of the closest alien, who seemed to bark orders at the other two, and you go the message loud and clear, even though it was in whatever language they spoke. 
Get the girl.
You gulped as you saw them dash for the stairs and you took off, and the last thing you saw was Jim’s eyes on you before you were out of view.  
You had been in a few battles before, but you were usually told to get out of harm’s way and hide, because you had barely any fighting experience.  You had taken a few classes on self-defense, and practiced with Rowena at the gym in the Academy, but hadn’t had to use your skills much.  
Why the thought of your and Ro’s gym matches were going through your mind at a time like this you had no idea, but you were snapped back into reality very quickly.  One of the aliens was coming down the bridge in front of you, and the other was coming from behind you.  You were trapped. 
Adrenaline left your mouth dry and your limps shook, when you realized you still held your PADD in your hands.  Looking around you, you decided that your only way out was to go over the edge of the railing.  
So in one fell swoop you tossed the PADD at the oncoming alien, it bouncing off him uselessly, but it made him stop for a second, giving you just enough time to hop over the railing and land on the top of the nearest boiler.  
The aliens shouted at you as you skidded across the top of the slippery metal boiler, and let out a garbled scream when you slid to the edge.  You managed to get a hold on one of the metal railings sticking off the boiler, and you slammed into the side as you fell, your arm nearly being wretched from it’s socket as you dangled. 
“Help!” You croaked, kicking out at the boiler to see if you could pull yourself up a bit, but it was no use.  
“Let go, lass, I’ll catch ya!” A voice from below you, Scotty, with his arms raised and a cut down the side of his face. 
“It’s too high!” You squeaked, your arm beginning to tremble from trying to hold up your weight. 
Two loud clanks sounded over your head and you managed to look up, it was the ones who were trying to get to you, landing on the top of the boiler.  
You heard Scotty swear from below you, and you saw his red shirt move out of view. 
“Scotty!  What-” You started, but suddenly the boiler jerked and something clanked again, and you jostled against the side. 
You heard, rather than saw the two aliens fall into the boiler, Scotty must have opened a panel in the top, and they were enveloped into the water which splashed over the side onto you, and you sputtered.  
Their screams were unusually loud and pained for just behind immersed in water, and you shook as they beat the inside.  Your arm was beginning to burn and you cried out again when suddenly the shaking stopped.  
“Well tha’s interesting.” 
You met Scotty’s eyes, who had moved back to underneath you, “Scot-”
Your hand suddenly slipped, probably due to a mix of your tired muscles and the water-covered handle, and you fell, not even able to cry out and you landed directly on top of Scotty.  His form softened your fall a little, but knocked him to the ground, you on top of him, and you could hear his groans and curses.  
Rolling off of him, you bent over on your hands and knees, gasping for air.  
“Y/N?  Scotty?  Are you alright?” It was Jim’s voice now, and his knees came into view. 
He took your collective groans and gasps as a ‘no’ and you felt a hand on your back as he tilted you back and his concerned blue eyes met yours. 
“’m okay.  I landed on Scotty, so he must’a got the brunt of it.” You urged him, but let yourself be comforted by his gaze for a moment before you pushed him towards Scotty. 
Scotty seemed to right himself quickly, though he was favouring his right side, a hand on his ribs, and you felt instantly bad.  You stood shakily, leaning on the side of the boiler.
“You have to get out of here, there is another group on the other side of the room, heading our way.” Jim’s voice cut through your struggle and his hand found your shoulder. 
“There’s more of them?!” You rasped, bending over to catch your breath. 
“You get out of here, Y/N, I’m serious.  Go.” He placed his hand on your back and you straightened up. 
“No, I can help, they don’t like water, Jim, it dissolved the other two aliens, we can stop them-.”
“No, go, now.  That’s an order.” His gaze was fierce and insistent, but you thought you could see a touch of pleading in his expression. 
You only nodded and moved to Scotty, tugging on his arm to get him to follow you.  
You met Jim’s eyes one last time as you retreated, silently begging the universe to let you be able to see those blue eyes again. 
Once you were out of sight you turned to Scotty, stopping suddenly. 
“We have to flood the engineering room.” You met the engineer’s wide eyes. 
“But Jim said-”
“I don’t care what Jim said, we can’t just leave him to defeat an army of aliens all on his own.  He’ll die.” Your voice cracked on the last word, and Scotty raised an eyebrow at you. 
“Alrigh’.” He nodded. “There’s a way.  As soon as I saw those things get all washed away inside tha’ boiler, I knew what we needed t’a do.  Follow me.”
You gave Scotty a nervous, but appreciative smile as you followed him deep into the engineering room.
A few minutes later, a plan was devised and you and Scotty were in position.  
You were up on the metal bridge again, tucked into the side of it, and you watched with horror as the army of aliens mad there way towards Jim, who seemed to be limping.  
“Y’a ready, lass?” Scotty’s voice came through your com. 
Though you swear you’d never felt your heart beat this fast before, you gulped and nodded, “Ready.”
“Ok, go.”
At those words you surged forward, dashing along the metal bridge, your feet landing heavily and loudly as you ran, which didn’t concern you at all, because that was kind of the point.   
“HEY!  STUPID ALIEN PEOPLE!  OVER HERE!” You yelled at the top of your lungs, and all eyes turned to you once again, the alien group changing direction and heading your way, away from Jim. 
“NOW SCOTTY!” You screamed and grabbed onto the railing for dear life.  
The whole room seemed to shudder, and there was an impossibly loud set of creaking, which you knew were the boilers opening and beginning to overflow. 
“Jim!  Jim, get up!  Onto the ledge!” You urged, meeting his eyes with a flash of panic, having realized that you forgot to warn him. 
His form was small from your high perch, but he paused for only a second before rushing to the nearest set of stairs and beginning to climb, quickly getting lost in the sea of metal stairs and railings. 
Water rushed into the room, starting to flow across the floor, and you silently begged it to go faster, as the aliens were starting to realize that something was wrong and were heading in your direction.  
But your pleading seemed to work as another wave of water rushed across the floor and soon reached the feet of the aliens.  Very quickly they were screeching and scattering, trying to get away from the water, but it was no use, your plan was a success.  
Scotty had locked the exit doors, sealed them so the water didn’t leak across the ship, but also so the aliens had no where to go.  
You sank to the floor, your hands pressed to your ears, as the screeching was so bad and loud that it was almost painful.  Peeking a glance to the aliens, you could see they were dropping like flies, slowly being disintegrated into dark blobs in the water, some of them trying to dash back to where you assumed their ship boarded, but they slipped and fell and were soon washed away.  
Suddenly the room when quiet.  You could tell when Scotty shut off the water, because the creaking stopped, and the water seemed to settle.  
You let out a breath you didn’t know you had been holding and pressed your head back against the railing, dropping your hands from your ears.  
You did it.  
Relief flooded through you as you shakily stood, and suddenly another, quieter set of yelling met your ears.  It brought a smile to your mouth when you realized it was Scotty whooping in success from across the room.  
You whooped once in response and pumped your fist in triumph as you slowly made your way across the bridge again, your limps still shaky as the adrenaline began to wane.  
You stopped suddenly when you realized there was another form at the end of the bridge in front of you.  This one was not a dark, scary alien, but a gold-shirted Jim Kirk, his eyes set in a glare and fists were clenched at his side as he made his way across the bridge. 
"That was stupid, really stupid." Jim mumbled as he stalked towards you, looking very angry, and it took you aback. 
"Jim-" You started. 
"So goddamn brave but so stupid." He was getting closer now and you took a step back, unsure of how to react. 
"I'm sorry." You were frozen in place.  
Jim didn't respond, instead he placed a hand on either side of your head and crushed his lips to yours in a kiss.  It took you a few seconds to react, as his action was so surprising, but you eventually leaned into him, wrapping your arms around his waist to pull him closer, deepening the kiss.  It was a few moments of pure bliss.  You had just beat the aliens, saved your captain and probably the entire ship, and now Jim Kirk was kissing you.  It was exhilarating.
Pulling back to breathe, you moved your arms to wrap around his neck to keep him close, his hands sliding down to your hips now.  
“Wow.” You breathed, “I should rescue you more often.”
His touched his forehead to yours, and he let an exhale out, a soft smile pulling at the corner of his mouth. 
“Thank you, Y/N.” He said and gave you another soft kiss, barely a brush of his lips against yours, “But promise me you’ll never put yourself in danger like that again.”
You could only nod and you reached up, pushing his hair back over his ear, and he closed his eyes at the touch. 
You took the opportunity to lean in and press another gentle kiss to his lips, a shiver running down your spine, which you could attribute to either the feeling of his hands on your waist or the fact that you were still soaking wet from the water from the boiler.  
“Shouldn’t you reprimand me for disobeying a direct order?” You tilted your head at him playfully. 
A smile, “We’ll talked about that later.”
He pressed a kiss to your temple and slung his arm around your shoulders, leading you across the bridge, the way he came.  
“We better go find Scotty and get him and you to the medbay.” Jim said dutifully and you gave his side a squeeze, leaning into his warmth. 
“And talk to him about how we’re going to clean up this mess.” You noted, looking out to the foot of murky brown water that covered the engineering room floor. 
Jim huffed a laugh and helped you ease down the stairs on to the next level, nearing where Scotty was.  
And in that moment, with his arm slung around your shoulders and his around your waist, you knew, with a rush of clarity, that Jim Kirk was nothing like you expected, but everything you needed. 
-Thanks for reading!  I hope you enjoyed it!-
-Permanent tag list (let me know if you want to be added/removed): @feelmyroarrrr @jefferson-in-the-tardis​@anyakinamidala​@digitalmoonhowell​ @trekken81​@fandomheadrush​@kirkaholic123​ @im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11​ @pinkamour1588​ @to-pick-ourselves-up-7​ @starmission​ @destielismymothership​ @curiosity-killed-the-speedster @yourtropegirl @mccoymostly
I really struggled with this one for a while.  I wrote a bunch of it all at once, and it just didn’t sit right, so I left it for a while, because I dreaded going back to write it.  
But as I re-read it, I began to like it more and more, and found I really liked it.  
I feel like Jim was more TOS than AOS in this one.  For some reason I couldn’t put my thumb on AOS Jim’s character this time around, so this feels more TOS to me (even though I heartily ship TOS Spirk).  
Please let me know what you thought of his character, if it was true to him or not.  
Maybe it’s because I’ve been writing and focusing a lot more on Scotty lately, that I feel like I am losing my grip on his (and Bones’ for that matter) character, and this is me easing back into it?  I don’t know.  But I like this story even so.  
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Hey! For the roadtrip drabbles, if you like, “if you didn’t want her to slap you, then you shouldn’t have been an idiot,” with Kirk? So sorry if you don’t have any of his spots left! I’ll really enjoy what you write anyways. :)
“You stupid idiot,” you yelled as you stormed into the medical bay where your current boyfriend sat with bandages being wrapped around his chest. “You are so goddamned stupid it’s a surprise you made it past infancy!”
Jim opened his mouth to speak but you kept going, leveling his injured look with yours which, as Jim called, brighter than a supernova. “What the hell were you thinking? Did you even have a plan? Or did you just go in half-cocked like always?”
“I was doing my job! Keeping you and the crew safe,” he was surprised you let him get the sentence in, but then again-
Your hand stung from the hard, stiffed armed blow you just delivered. Jim kept his face looking the way your hand had moved it. He wasn’t sure what had happened or really what hit him. “No! You were playing hero!  You could have died! you did almost die!” You gesticulated wildly, “What would we do without you? This ship needs you, Jim! I need you Jim!” He finally stole a glance at you, it was only a trace of guilt. You huffed and stormed out before the frustrated tears that where stinging your eyes had a chance to fall.
“I think y/n almost broke my jaw.”
“Well,” Bones started, who had been an audience for the whole affair. “If you didn't want them to slap you, then you shouldn’t have been an idiot.”
“I was doing what was necessary,” Jim fought back.
“You scared them, Jim. You scared all of us.”
Jim sighed and looked down into his lap, “I got to go explain myself.” He moved to stand by Bones pushed him back down. 
“Later. I need to finish up. And I’m sure Y/N need to cool off.”
@outside-the-government @kaitymccoy123 @starshiphufflebadger @mccoymostly   @imaginestartrek @wificrazymisfit @athena1138 @buckyy3s @malindacath @bkwrm523 @goodnightwife @jefferson-in-the-tardis @youre-on-a-starship @thefanficfaerie @thequeenofthehobbits @awhitewyvern @daytimemaniac @dreaming-about-starfleet @sparkedupsilver @goddessqueenloki @anotherotter @romansinsparta @lady-hawkguy @pinkamour1588 @medicatemedrmccoy @captainsbabysitter-blog  @make-me-imagine @imagine-that-hoes @cracraforfandoms
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Five Years.
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Fandom: Star Trek
Pairing: Jim Kirk x Reader
Warning: Angst, long distance (really long distance)
Writer: @imaginesofeveryfandom aka @thequeenofthehobbits
Summary/Request: Five years is a long time, so incredibly hard and you can’t wait to see him again. 
You hadn’t seen Jim in five years. Five whole years. You were prepared for that. You knew it was going to happen, you knew why it was happening, after all you were dating a starship captain you couldn’t exactly expect him not to disappear into space for long periods of time...
But five years was a lot harder in practice than it was in theory. Five years of video calls, of hearing about his exploits after the fact, of sometimes hearing about them from other people, of not knowing if he was going to be okay...of knowing he was reckless. 
Five years of lonely nights, his side of the bed empty, the smell of him disappearing after the first laundry day. Five years of eating dinner alone, of eating breakfast alone, of not waking up to the Jim Special breakfast that he sometimes decided to surprise you with. Five years of not having a helping hand with cleaning and cooking, of not having your other half helping you with little things that would otherwise seem unimportant. 
Five years of being asked ‘how’s Jim?’ and not really being able to answer because you didn’t know exactly what was happening at every second and your information was always out of date. Five years of sympathetic looks. 
Five years of not being able to curl up with him at night, not being able to watch old movies together and laugh about the problems within them. Five years without kisses, without hugs, without tickle fights, without jokes between the two of you. Five years without sharing baths and driving across countryside in outdated cars. 
Five years without Jim. 
It was so hard, but you’d always remained proud of him. You’d known him when he was just another Star Fleet Cadet in that bright coloured uniform, when he was just another patron in the bar you frequented after work...and he’d come a long way. He’d grown up without losing that spark, he’d done so many amazing things, things you couldn’t even comprehend doing. But being proud didn’t stop you missing him night and day.
Nor did it prepare you for the nerves in your stomach as you waited for the shuttle to come in. He was coming home, after five years, he was coming home. It was irrational, you knew that, that fear that he would come home and not care anymore, that things would have changed...it was so irrational especially as you’d spoken to him not long before he was supposed to leave the Enterprise for Earth and he’d seemed as loving as usual. But the worry was still there. 
You hadn’t even bothered getting dressed, it was early in the morning and you’d been far too concerned with being there to see him arrive than getting out of your lounge clothes and into something different.
It’s a strange experience seeing him for the first time in five years, it’s almost like time slows down as you spot the familiar blonde hair in the crowd, his civilian clothes in place, the jacket he refused to get rid of even though it had a million scuff marks and points of damage. You don’t really take note of the other people, of other families coming together after five years, of all the noise, it’s like all your senses are honed in on him. 
You don’t run at him like in those movies, although the desire is there, rather you feel like your stuck in mud, unable to move forward. You stand there watching him as he makes his way to you, bag slung over his shoulder, a familiar quirked smile beaming at you. It’s like a weight off your shoulders, like you can breathe again simply because he’s there. 
He doesn’t stop until he’s wrapped you in his arms, cheek pressed against your cheek, breathing you in. He still feels the same, warm and soft, still smells the same like aftershave and coconut shampoo. It is a good sort of ache that fills your chest at being able to touch him again after five years.
“I’ve missed you...” You mumble into his neck, nuzzling there, feeling like the closer you get the less likely he is to leave again. You don’t want to go through five years apart again. Ever. You’d leave your job, join him if you had to, even if you’re terrified of space. 
“I’ve missed you too...five years...” Five years in space was hard enough, the same thing day in and day out, but without you, with the knowledge that he couldn’t see you? It made it infinitely worse. His cabin was cold, clinical. His insecurities, fears that you’d find someone else while he was gone, very real. 
“Don’t leave me again? I’ll come with you next time, I don’t care as long as we don’t have to do that again.” You press further into him, bodies touching from cheek to legs and you want to draw him even closer, practically become one person because it’s been so long, with such distance between the two of you...
“You’d do that?” He pulls back, just slightly, but even an inch feels like miles. 
“Of course I would, Jim. I love you.” 
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Mrs Kirk {Part 1}
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Fandom: Star Trek
Pairing: Jim Kirk x Reader (She/Her identifying) 
Warning: Accidental Marriage + Little bits of panic/angst
Writer: @imaginesofeveryfandom aka @thequeenofthehobbits
Summary/request: You and Jim get married. Accidentally. On a new federation planet. Without knowing about it. Turns out its legally binding. Fuck. 
Notes: Partially based off the Mrs Reynolds episode of Firefly
Part 2 X
Part of the Enterprise’s job was to greet newly joined federation planets, to keep relations on good terms, and to ultimately do what they were told. That’s really how you found yourself in quite the predicament.
Xaxia was a new member of the federation, a little planet settled by human smugglers and traders. They had been very Anti-federation for quite a while and the change of hard took time, a lot of work and now they had finally joined the federation all bad blood put aside. The USS Enterprise, your ship (or rather Captain Kirk’s ship), was assigned to see, speak, and celebrate with the Xaxians (and to make sure everything was in order and there weren’t any federation rules being broken).
“Why do I have to come along? I’m just a nurse, Leonard!” Leonard had accosted you while you’d been working on an ensign’s burn and promptly told you that as your chief medical officer he demanded you go to ground with everyone and take part in the festivities.
“Because you’re getting grumpy.” Sure you were a little grumpy, but only because you kept getting put on long night shifts and for some reason ensigns can’t help but flirt with you when they find out you’re a nurse. It’s frustrating. You’re tired. You miss real food and sleep.
“Like you?”
“Yeah, like me. There can only be one grumpy medical personnel on the ship. That and you need a break, seriously.” Leonard might not ever say it but it was obvious he was concerned for you, as your officer and your friend. You appreciated it but you didn’t want to go to a strange planet to celebrate them joining the federation. You just wanted to sleep.
“The Captain will be there.”
“And?” The truth was you knew exactly why Leonard had brought that up. The Captain despite not knowing you very well always wanted you at things like this and would drag you their himself if he could…that and you might have admitted to finding the man attractive while you were drunk one time. But, that man seriously had eyes that were incomparable. How does anyone get eyes that blue?
“If he notices you’re not there he’ll come and drag you down himself.”
“Jim can be easily persuaded!”
“Not when he has to be there and wants to gawk at you all night.”
“He doesn’t gawk, he looks at me and looks at everyone.” There was no gawking or at least you told yourself there was no gawking. You told yourself that there was absolutely no gawking, that Jim Kirk did not stare at you. That he wasn’t at all attracted to you. He was your captain the two of you barely shared words. You were definitely not his type. Definitely not.
Or you tried to tell yourself that because while there weren’t any serious fraternisation rules, you really didn’t like how anxious you got around him when you even considered the prospect of him being interested.
It wasn’t a bad sort of anxious really, the type that made you a little excited and nervous, but you still found it unsettling to have someone change how you felt so easily.
Suffice to say you agreed to Leonard’s badgering and that’s how you found yourself on a strange planet, with fungus for trees and bright colours, at what was essentially a bonfire. People, Star fleet crew and Xaxians, were dancing round the flames and drinking from cups. You had to admit that it was nice; a warm fire, laughter in the air, real ground beneath your feet. Yeah, it was nice.
It was the sort of atmosphere that had you sitting on the bright pink grass, pulling what were the equivalent of earth daisies from the ground and threading them together. As a child making flower crowns from daises had been an art you had perfected and while you weren’t quite as good as you once had been you still found yourself managing to construct a rather good looking crown.
“Hey.” You looked up to see the captain, scrambling to your feet, “Captain!” You didn’t stand at attention despite the urge to seeing the looking he gave you.
“Call me Jim, please, how many times do I have to tell you?” You knew that he wanted you to call him Jim, but it hadn’t quite set in yet. You still called him the Captain, you still stood at attention, still had those natural instincts and yet part of you didn’t want to have to call him Captain. He was such an informal captain, he cared so much about his crew and you wanted to be just as easy with him as he was with you.
“A million…maybe more.” The two of you stood in silence, you passing the crown of flowers through your hands , and noting that a few of the Xaxians were watching intently, but put it off as the fact that you were talking to the well know and amazing James Tiberius Kirk and not any other factor at all.
Jim glanced over at you, a cup of god knows what in his hands. It was amazing horrible that he looked so good in the firelight, the shadows playing with his features. You hated that you found him so attractive, weren’t superior officers supposed to be old, unattractive men? People you didn’t get distracted by?
“This drink is pretty good…” He held out the cup to you, “Wanna try?” you stared at it for a moment, contemplating the pros and cons of drinking from the same cup as your captain but decided it couldn’t do any harm, right? After all he wasn’t ill and it was only a sip.
“Thanks…” You took the cup from him, fingers brushing against his own before you brought the cup up to your mouth and took a sip. You held the cup away from you, coughing slightly at the strength of the alcohol in cup. “Wow…”
“Not much of a drinker?”
“I mean…that’s strong, Ca- Jim..” You had to take a moment to clear your head, Jim laughing lightly at your reaction before taking the cup back and sipping from it himself. He barely flinched.
You looked down at the crown of flowers in your hand and back at the captain. It was more out of instinct, out of an urge, than a thought out process when you placed the crown on his head. It suited him nicely though, the bright blue of the flowers simply matched his eyes (not that you noticed) and it made him seem soft, not that he wasn’t a soft person but…
You watched Jim look up at the flower crown before smiling at you, “I knew you liked me!” You could feel the embarrassment rushing through you. It was definitely not because you liked him.
“It’s just some flowers!” It wasn’t a marriage proposal for goodness sake it was just some flowers! You barely noticed a few of the Xaxians coming towards you, grins on their faces as if they’d just been witness to some amazing event. Which they had, not that you were aware of that though.
“Flowers mean you like someone. Just admit it. You like me!”
“I-“ You were cut off by a strange voice to your left, “Congratulations!” One of the locals was grinning at you, hands clasped together as they looked between you and Kirk with what almost looked like a loving expression. The type of look your academy roommate used to get when watching romantic films.
“You don’t know…?” The woman looked between you two with a look that quickly turned to horror at the thought that you’d maybe done something that you didn’t know you’d done. But she realised rather quickly it fell on her to tell you both what had happened. “You’re married.”
“WHAT!” What had you done…
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Prompt: Wow!!! Congratulations on 900 followers! I'd like to ask for a Star Trek TOS Drabble with prompts 4 and 33 featuring Kirk and the reader. You're so great for offering to do this!!! I can't wait to read them all -please tag me! For @kirkaholic123
Pairing: Kirk/Reader
Warnings: nope!
A/N: I am in LOVE with this. Thank you for this prompt. I love Jim Kirk a lot. Especially sweet, soft, bookish TOS Jim Kirk. So thank you, thank you for giving me the opportunity to write super soft Jim Kirk. 
Word Count: like 600
You heard a muffled swear from the other room. You walked in and saw one of Jim’s paper books in pieces. “Jimmy,” you treaded carefully as he just stared at the pile of pages, the cover dangling from his finger tips. “Are you okay? What happened?”
“It, uh, it fell apart,” he looked up into your eyes, his own brown pair brimming with tears.
“Oh Jim,” you sighed, sitting next to him rubbing a hand on his back. “Which one was it?”
“Treasure Island,” your blood ran cold. That was a family heirloom, ever since his great great grandfather. Handed father to son. A small note from each one in the cover of the old paperback. You watched him started to pick up the yellowed wrinkled pages, biting his lip. “It was bound to happen.” He got up moving to throw it out.
“Jim,” you cried out making him stop dead in his tracks, turning to look at you, eyebrows raised. “Come here. Let me fix it.”
“How could you,” he asked, but walking to you anyway. “What can you do? It’s all tattered up.”
You smiled placed your hands over his, looking up into his eyes. “I have my ways. Trust me, James Kirk.” You whispered brushing the hair off his brow.
“I always trust you,” he leaned down and kissed your head.
It took a few weeks but you did it. You managed to bind the book back together. Pages into signatures. And signatures into a book. All the precise measurements, and lacing. The late nights after shift, when Jim was asleep, or at work, working in silence and mystery. But it was all worth it. He was going to have Treasure Island back.
You slid into his office where he was pouring over a report, stylist tapping on the desk. His eyes were knitted together in concentration. “Jim,” you singsonged. You received an hmph. “Jim, I need you to close your eyes and hold out your hands.”
“Y/n, I’m really behind on these reports. I need to make sure everything gets signed off.” He didn’t even look at you.
“James Tiberius Kirk. This will take two minutes! Please. You’ll love it.” you pleaded rocking on the balls of your feet.
He finally glanced up, “two minutes?” you nodded, grinning. He smiled softly closing his eyes and putting out his hands. You gently laid the book in his hands.
Jim opened his eyes slowly and gasped. “Y/N,” he breathed. “You. You fixed it.” He ran his hands over the book opening it so delicately.
His thumb ran over the ink of the note his father left. And then he let out a shuddery laugh as he spotted your note to him. “Jim, let this binding be as secure and tight as my love for you, Y/N.”
He placed the book down and stood up, wrapping you in his strong arms. “Thank you. Thank you so much.” He rocked slowly holding you tightly to him.
“Anything for my Jim.”
“What in this galaxy did I do to deserve you,” he looked at you tears in his eyes. You held his face, ready to wipe his tears. You grinned at him, and he smiled at you leaning in to kiss you.
“Must’ve been something good,” you giggled as he held his lips millimeters from yours, eyes locked to yours.
His warm breath tickled your skin as he chuckled, his eyes crinkled in that beautiful way. “Must have,” he mused pressing his lips to yours in a soft, loving kiss.
Tags: @feelmyroarrrr @outside-the-government @kaitymccoy123 @starshiphufflebadger @mccoymostly @answer-the-sirens @imaginenterprise @imaginestartrek @wificrazymisfit @athena1138 @buckyy3s @malindacath @bkwrm523 @goodnightwife @jefferson-in-the-tardis @storiesfromstarfleet @youre-on-a-starship @yourtropegirl @thequeenofthehobbits @awhitewyvern @daytimemaniac @auduna-druitt @pinkamour1588 @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse
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Mrs Kirk {Part 9| Epilogue}
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Fandom: Star Trek
Pairing: Jim Kirk x Reader  (She/Her identifying)
Warning: N/A
Writer: @imaginesofeveryfandom aka @thequeenofthehobbits
Summary/request: You and Jim get married. Accidentally. On a new federation planet. Without knowing about it. Turns out its legally binding. Fuck.
Part 1 X, Part 2 X, Part 3 X, Part 4 X, Part 5 X, Part 6 X, Part 7 X, Part 8 X
You and Jim had been together for a year now, after the accidental marriage, after deciding to stay together you’d done so and it had been great. Old vids on your days off and looking after him when he was reckless. Being brought lunch when you were stuck in med bay. Your relationship had grown from strength to strength. You were ‘happily married’ even if you had been treating it more like dating than marriage. But it had worked.
You had grown closer, learnt more about each other, and even had vid calls with each other’s parents back on Earth. You woke up each morning to sight of James Tiberius Kirk and went to sleep each night to the same. You loved it and you loved him and in your head you contemplated the idea of a proper marriage.
A proper wedding, all that pomp and ceremony…not a random alien marriage without realising you were doing it.
It wasn’t uncommon for you to be called to the bridge, but to be called there and to find everyone else gone was a strange occurrence. It hadn’t been empty since the last stop you’d made to grab supplies and rest for a few days.
“James?” He wasn’t in his chair, but rather standing in the middle of the room, hands behind his back. The smile on his face was one that you’d only ever seen when he had something planned. Whether that something was good or bad only time would tell, but you hated that smile because it meant a surprise that you were probably not prepared for.
“Hey, Moonbeam, light of my life, darling wifey.” It was bad sign when Jim Kirk started listing off more names for you than just Moonbeam.
“I thought I told you to never call me wifey?” You raise an eyebrow at him as you walk closer, coming to stop in front of him with your hands on your hips. You’ve had a long shift and part of you just wanted for him to get it over and done with so you could go get out of your uniform and maybe take advantage of having access to his bath tub. But part of you was filled with a familiar excitement that Jim always seemed to draw from you.
“Yes, you did…but maybe just this once I’m allowed to?” You’re about to ask him what makes him think that, until he’s holding out a little box. A jewellery box. The question dies before it can even be formed by your lips. “Take it…have a look.” It’s a shaky hand of yours that reaches out for it and takes it into your own.
It clicks open to reveal to solid bands of gold, you look up at him. “I figured we could make it official…wedding bands…since we didn’t really have a conventional marriage. I figured we could do all the ceremony and stuff after we get back to earth…I know it is a few years, but family…”
The rings are simply wedding bands but it’s the surprise, the consideration, the meaning that makes them so important. He wants to make this marriage real for the both of you. With Earth traditions. With things that mean something to the both you.
“Oh…James.” You grab his hand pulling him towards you, before taking one of the rings, the one obviously meant for his fingers. You watch the gold band slide onto his left hand and suddenly what happened a year ago feels so much realer.
“I love you.” He takes your ring and does the same to you, the weight is strange and yet reassuring. You suddenly understand why it had never felt real before. Because before there was nothing physical tying the two of you together. It was simply a law, a rule. There was nothing physical about it. Now there’s rings, rings which say you’re a wife and he’s a husband.
“I love you too.”
You don’t care that it’s another few years before your back on earth and can properly celebrate with your family. All you care about is that you’re happy, he’s happy and there’s rings now. Simple but perfect and on your hand.
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Mrs Kirk {Part 7}
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Fandom: Star Trek
Pairing: Jim Kirk x Reader  (She/Her identifying)
Warning: N/A
Writer: @imaginesofeveryfandom aka @thequeenofthehobbits
Summary/request: You and Jim get married. Accidentally. On a new federation planet. Without knowing about it. Turns out its legally binding. Fuck.
Part 1 X, Part 2 X, Part 3 X, Part 4 X, Part 5 X, Part 6 X, Part 8 X
It’s a few weeks later, and much closer to that federation outpost and your impending decision surrounding you marriage. Jim was back to his usual teasing and vibrant self. He didn’t need you to help him get dressed anymore, and despite the awkwardness that had prevailed during those days of looking after him it did bring the two of you closer.
All in all life with Jim and life on the Enterprise was returning to a sort of normalcy after everything that had happened. Normalcy for you wasn’t necessarily normal, but it was growing increasingly domestic. You’d spent a great deal of your time being a doting nurse and fitting a terrible stereotypical wife. After healing, however, roles had begun to reverse.
Jim would bring lunch to you if you were stuck in the med bay because of an emergency, he would make the bed and change the sheets. He would do laundry and clean rather than letting you do it. He would ask you if you needed anything. He had started to become a doting husband figure and it was entirely too strange.
Everyone, even the captain, had certain days off from work. Despite all odds, and most likely due to some sort of interference from Jim, the two of you had the same day off each week…although on a space ship the weeks didn’t really seem to have days anymore. It was strange, how you could go from knowing the days and whether it was morning or night to simply accepting that everything blurred into one.
“James, I need to go do the laundry!” You were currently being held hostage by your captain in a very warm bed. With the weeks came a sort of friendship and comfort around each other that meant Jim was all the more teasing and all the more tactile. Hence the arms right around your waist, and the legs keeping you from moving away despite every attempt to get up and out of that bed.
“Moonbeam it’s our day off…can’t we just watch old vids and eat replicator popcorn?” It was incredibly tempting especially because the bed was arm and Jim was warm and he was doing that whiney begging voice. The one you were sure barely anyone had ever heard but that was really hard to resist.
You found yourself no longer struggling allowing yourself to be drawn back full into the bed and wondered how you’d reached this point. How you’d fallen for your captain after accidentally marrying him, to the point that you could barely disagree with him on some points? How had you gotten this attached this quickly? How come you feared the possibility of a divorce and no longer being around him anymore?
You weren’t actually sure you could sleep on your own anymore. There was a routine in sleeping in the same bed with someone, the taking turns to get changed for the evening, the conversations about your days, the warmth of another person, the reassurance that you weren’t alone, the sound of their breathing and the way the felt when you cuddled up next to them. You weren’t entirely sure you’d be able to sleep if the two of you parted ways.
You snuggled back into the warm covers and followed Jim with your eyes as he got up and pottered about, replicating popcorn and all sorts of sweets (more than you thought possible, obviously Scotty had been improving the replicators), before searching what you could only assume was his own personal archive of movies that he’d stored on his PADD. You knew that Jim, much like yourself, enjoyed classical music, musical from a few centuries back, and you assumed that his taste in vids was much the same.
It was hilarious just watching him attempt to sort out a bigger display, he wasn’t an engineer or a technician and it was messy and it took about 5 attempts to get sound and 3 attempts to get a picture, but he succeeded in the end.
“What’s your poison, Moonbeam? Horror? Romantic Comedies? Fantasy?”
“Anything, but horror, we deal with enough terrifying shit every day.”
“Sci-fi horror is definitely off the table.”
The best thing, you decided, about Jim was that he made decisions and he made them quickly. You’d in the past struggled to watch movies with people with neither of you being able to make a decision about what to watch, but Jim wasn’t like that. He listened to what you did or did not want to watch genre wise and then made a decision based on that.
“So what even is this?” You asked as he brought the replicated snacks over the bed, before curl under the covers again himself.
“What’s it about?” You took a handful of popcorn before pressing against Jim’s side, shoulder to shoulder. It was obviously an old movie, perhaps 20th century? Maybe 21st? But in your experience there was something enjoyably bad about those movies, the limitations and what people made with them, the lack of knowledge about space and science was also quite funny. The assumptions people always seemed to make about the future that never quite panned out, but sometimes got close.
“This marine and this girl and you’ll just have to watch.”
You had never imagined that you’d be watching an old movie in bed with James Tiberius Kirk when you were in the academy or even when you’d first joined the Enterprise. Not only did it seem too domestic for Jim, the Jim you had heard about back then, but the thought that it would be you in that situation seemed so utterly bizarre.
“If he likes her why won’t he accept it? Why does he hurt her?”
“Because wife of mine, he’s a dick and he needs to go through some stuff and grow up…”
“Is there a happy ending?” You look up at Jim, taking his attention away from the screen to look at you.
“You’ll just have to wait and see.” He gives you that teasing grin before turning back to the vid and you think that maybe waiting and seeing applies to your situation too. Maybe worrying about how Jim feels and what decision he wants to make in the next few days when you finally hit that federation outpost is ridiculous. Maybe it’s just about waiting and seeing because things can change in the blink of an eye. You know how you feel.
You know that you want to remain married, treating it more as a budding relationship than a marriage. You know that you want to continue sharing quarters and waking up to him. You want to keep this routine you’ve gotten, the sharing of responsibilities, the lunches, the coming back after a long shift to another person.
You know you can’t guarantee he feels the same. While you feel romantic feelings deep in your gut, Jim could simply want to be your friend and if that is the way it is there’s nothing you can do, but accept it and let it happen. If he wants a divorce who are you to stop him?
Wait and see was very fitting you decided.
“What do you want to watch now?”
When you didn’t answer Jim looked down at you realising that you had fallen asleep. The warmth of the bed, the soothing nature of being curled up with another person had led to you slumbering against him, cheek pressed against his shoulder, mouth open just so as you breathed evenly.
He settled down further into the bed, carefully pulling you against him before reaching for the tiny control and selecting another movie. He had to admit…that prospect of not being married to you anymore upset him. He just hoped you felt the same way. He wanted to explore your relationship more. He wanted you around. He could feel the deep well of affection for you in his chest whenever he even thought of you.
Divorce was just…not what he wanted. He had never really wanted it except for the initial panic that had set in when he’d been told he’d married the head nurse of his ship who he barely knew.
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Mrs Kirk {Part 2}
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Fandom: Star Trek
Pairing: Jim Kirk x Reader  (She/Her identifying)
Warning: Accidental Marriage + Little bits of panic/angst
Writer: @imaginesofeveryfandom aka @thequeenofthehobbits
Summary/request: You and Jim get married. Accidentally. On a new federation planet. Without knowing about it. Turns out its legally binding. Fuck.
Part 1 X,  Part 3 X
“You’re telling us that this is legally binding! Spock, there has to be some…some loophole!” After the surprise of finding out you might be married everyone was hastily shoved back to the Enterprise and you now found yourself sitting down, head in your hands while your captain paced across the floor. Spock was of no help because apparently there was no help to be had. Which was just…great.
“Xaxia is a federation planet, their legal system mixes with ours, their legal marriages are our legal marriages. I’m sorry, Jim, but you’re married. Legally and in most places.” Part of you isn’t sure how you feel. You don’t know your captain well, you aren’t even friends and now your married and there are so many regulations and rules around that.
Your first thought is that he’s not the worst person to be accidentally married to, but that doesn’t mean that either of you want to be married does it? While he might not be quiet the man he was when you were both in the Academy together, that didn’t mean he had any desire for marriage. Marriage a serious commitment. Usually between people who love each other. You certainly don’t love each other.
“Spock…can you leave us for a second?” You look up and watch Spock leave the ready room. Jim walks towards you and crouches in front of you. He doesn’t look mad, he looks like he’s concerned that you might pass out and you suppose that’s what’s always made him such a good captain. He cares about others before himself a lot.
“Hey…so we could get a divorce if you want? But…I was wondering if we could make a go of it? We can’t divorce until we hit a federation outpost anyway…and I know this wasn’t planned and I know we’re not close, but I..” You can tell how hard it is for him to say any of it and you reach out and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
“You can tell me…we’re married now.” You try to smile at your own poor attempt at humour. Marriage was a big deal for you it always had been. Marriage had always seemed so solid, so concrete and so unbreakable and even though you and Jim didn’t really know each other the idea of breaking it didn’t quite sit well with you. But at the same time you were freaking out. You were married to your captain. This was not planned. This was not the fairy tale wedding people talked about, it wasn’t about love it was an accident with a fucking flower crown and some stupid alcohol that you didn’t even like!
“I like you…maybe not in a marriage sense quite yet but I do like you and I want to…see how it goes?” It’s not conventional that’s your first thought, but either way you’re going to be married until you can reach the next federation outpost anyway…maybe it’s worth trying, who knows how it could turn out.
“There are rules aren’t there? About living quarters and…that sort of thing I never…never thought I’d need to know them.” It’s your way of saying that you’d like to give it a go…that you found him attractive and maybe…maybe this would work out. But you didn’t know and you certainly didn’t want to bet on it in case it didn’t. Especially considering this was new territory for you both.
Maybe it would be different if you’d known each other well beforehand, but you hadn’t. You’d admired him from afar as a captain and as an attractive human being, even in the Academy you’d found yourself admiring him. Even if he had been more a dick back then than he was now. He’d grown up quite a bit.
“There are…I’d have to look them up. It’s not I, we, planned for this…are you sure about this? I know it’s asking a lot of you to give this a shot and I…I don’t want you to do it because you think you have to.”
“You might be my captain, but you could never get me to do this if I didn’t want to.”
From there the two of you had hunted down Spoke and sat around looking up the regulations surrounding married Starfleet couples. Starfleet had more rules then you thought but the main ones seemed to be that you couldn’t be unprofessional during working hours, that because of that spouses had to share the quarters of the higher ranking crew member so that couples had time together outside of working hours. It was an attempt to keep ‘fraternisation’ at a minimum while work was being conducted. Other than that the rules were rules that most people on the Enterprise would probably ignore anyway. Things like couples counselling with CMO and regular check ups at medical. The most important ones seemed to simply be about accommodation.
You had to share Kirk’s quarters. You weren’t allowed to have your own and as much as you knew Jim would bend the rules to make you more comfortable you wanted to do this properly. You wanted to see where this would go and that wouldn’t happen if the two of you ignored each other every day.
“You know you can stay in your own quarters right…I’m captain I can bend a few rules for my wife” Wife is said with a bit of teasing smile, an attempt at making light of the true severity of what the two of you had done, but you appreciate it.
“As long as you promise not to ravish me in the night I think I can handle sharing quarters.” You find yourself winking at him and joking along as you type in the code to your room or what used to be your room. It’s nice to relax a little…to joke with him. Not to be worried because he’s the captain or be worried because you just got accidentally married less than 3 hours ago.
“You just want my bath tub.” It was a fact that the Captain’s quarters had a shower and a bath tub something no one else had access too. It was certainly a perk of being accidentally married to the Captain.
“Oh, Captain, you figured it out! This was my plan all along!” You’re stuffing the little clothes and items you’ve collected into a few bags. You don’t have much, most of your things are back on Earth in storage waiting for you to come home. There was no point bringing too much with you on the 5 year mission, mostly because there simply was the space. All your things fit into 2 bags.
It was strange to think that this wasn’t your room anymore that the bed wasn’t yours, the shower wasn’t either. That you’d no longer be spending your evenings here, but somewhere else. With someone else.
“Are you sure?”
“Jim. I’m sure.” You know he’s simply concerned but it’s more than a little annoying. The annoyance does dissipate, however, when he takes the bags from you despite your protest and begins walking you to your now shared quarters. His quarters. Your quarters.
Ensigns, commanders and everyone in between stare at the two of you as you walk past. Everyone knows, most likely through the grapevine of gossip that was the enterprise, but it’s unnerving to have so many strange people stare at you when previously no one did.
You try to ignore it, walking side by side with Jim until you come to a door. You’ll have to learn a whole new code you think as you watch his fingers type out a code he is so familiar with. You make a note of it and play the numbers over in your head again and again and again. You don’t want to forget it. You need to get into this place now, it’s your new home away from home.
God, how are you going to tell your family? Should you tell them? What if it doesn’t work out? Maybe you should wait…
“This is…home…” You come back to the present when Jim puts your bags own, and turns to you with arms open wide gesturing at the room around you two.
A big bed, bigger than yours, big enough for two people and room between…a desk and computer screen, a sofa off to the side. A door inside the room you presume leads to a bath room. It’s by no means a luxury room, it’s nothing like an apartment on Earth, but it is better than what you’ve been living in considering his rank. He was the captain after all.
You have no idea what you’re doing and by the look on Jim’s face you’re pretty sure he has no idea what he’s doing either. That’s somehow reassuring.
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Mrs Kirk {Part 8}
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Fandom: Star Trek
Pairing: Jim Kirk x Reader  (She/Her identifying)
Warning: N/A
Writer: @imaginesofeveryfandom aka @thequeenofthehobbits
Summary/request: You and Jim get married. Accidentally. On a new federation planet. Without knowing about it. Turns out its legally binding. Fuck.
Part 1 X, Part 2 X, Part 3 X, Part 4 X, Part 5 X, Part 6 X, Part 7 X, Part 9| Epilogue X
You were nervous as the Enterprise docked at Pittsburgh, a terrible name for a federation outpost, you and Jim had to make a decision while you were here. If you wanted to call this marriage off legally it would have to be down now or else it’d be another month or so before you could do it. Not that you wanted to call it off.
6 weeks was not a long time, but you had not only gotten attached to Jim in that time, but you’d fallen in, what you could only be described as, love with him. He made you happy, happy to go to your shift and deal with idiots and happy to come back at the end of the shift. Happy to spend time with people. Happy with being in space when everything seemed so directionless. Jim gave you a connection, a home, a direction.
He gave you a purpose outside of your job. He gave you someone to look forward too. So the prospect of having a discussion that could end that…was terrifying.
You waited for people to begin leaving the ship before making your way to the bridge where you were sure you’d find Jim until the very last minute. He had a reputation for staying on the ship as much as he could even when there was another option.
You smiled at Nyota and nodded at Spock as you passed them on their way off of the bridge. Jim was the last person there, sat in his chair as per usual staring out of the large window. There was something about Jim when he was in that chair, something that made him captain. He was normally so friendly and informal, but that chair gave him a different air about him. Something with a lot more authority.
“James…” There’s an unspoken question when you speak. ‘What are we going to do?’ Does he still want to be married? Does he have any feelings for you past friendship? Are you going to give it a try? To try for something more romantic.
“Hey, Moonbeam” His smile is just as worried as you walk over to him, perching yourself on the arm of his chair. The chair. You can’t imagine not having him call you Moonbeam. You can’t imagine hearing it and feeling heartbroken either. The name had become a point of affection for you, it made your heart lift and your stomach buzz.
“So.” The two of you stare at each other for a while before a hand reaches for your own and Jim holds it in his lap. You hope that’s a good sign…but you’re worried that it just means that he’s trying to break it to you gently.
“James…what are you thinking?” You don’t want to speak first, scared that bearing your soul would only end badly. You want him to tell you first.
A thumb brushes against the back of your hand, it’s soothing and you take the time to focus on it. Focus on the little touches the two of you have shared. “Moonbeam…Y/N…I like you and when I say that I mean that I am attracted to you and I have….i’ve fallen for you. I don’t want a divorce…I want us to just treat this like dating and see where it goes. I don’t want to wake up without you and that terrifies me…but I love you and I love being married to you as strange as it is.”
It’s like a weight has been lifted when you hear him speak. He’s nervous and he’s babbling and it’s so obvious that feelings, real, solid feelings aren’t something he’s used to expressing, but he does. He tells you and hearing that he feels the same that he wants to keep this marriage, to treat it as a dating experience and see if it goes further is amazing.
You let out a massive sigh of relief, slumping slightly, before tightening your grip on his hand and looking him in the eye, those blue, blue eyes. “I love you too, James Tiberius Kirk…I want to see where it goes and I…I don’t want to be without you and it’s terrifying that 6 weeks has done this but…”
“But I kind of love it.” You love how he makes you feel, how giddy, how happy, how content. You love feeling that rush of affection in your chest. You love seeing him smile and you love the blue of his eyes. You love everything about it, terrifying as it is.
You slide off the chair arm and carefully into his lap, arms wrapping around his shoulders instead of holding his hands. His come to rest around your back, drawing you tighter to him and you feel an appreciation for this moment, for the closeness and the truth. The removal of all that worry and all that fear.
You press a kiss to the tip of his nose. It felt strange to kiss him in anyway. It was adorable the way his nose scrunched before he pressed a kiss to your cheek. A kiss to his chin. A kiss to your forehead.
“Are you ever going to kiss me?” He’s teasing you, a little smirk and a waggle of his eyebrows has you contemplating just leaving him there. But the desire to kiss him properly, to press your lips to his for the first time overrides any desire to teach him a lesson.
You press your lips against his finally, firm but not rough. His lips are slightly chapped and plumper than you expected. It is not some mythical magical experience, there are no fireworks, but there are happy butterflies in your stomach and a pleasant affectionate buzz in your chest at the way he pulls your closer and swipes his tongue across the seam of your lips.
You realise in that moment that kisses and love do not need to be magical. The companionship, the contact, the affection, it is all amazing on its own without some fairy-tale style occurrence. Perhaps this is what those fireworks were supposed to feel like, a buzzing excitement, the affection for another person. The taste of someone’s lips and the playful nip to your lip. The hands against your waist and the hair beneath your fingers.
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Mrs Kirk {Part 3}
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Fandom: Star Trek
Pairing: Jim Kirk x Reader  (She/Her identifying)
Warning: N/A
Writer: @imaginesofeveryfandom aka @thequeenofthehobbits
Summary/request: You and Jim get married. Accidentally. On a new federation planet. Without knowing about it. Turns out its legally binding. Fuck.
Part 1 X, Part 2 X, Part 4 X
Jim clears out a space for your things in his wardrobe and in his drawers, it reminds you of those times back on Earth where your relationships would grow serious and you’d slowly move little bits into their house. Except this is already serious and it’s all your things. Your underwear next to his, you uniforms next to his, your boots next to his. It’s odd the mix of blue and gold.
“My wardrobe looks like some sort of 21st century nightclub.”
“I’m not going to lie I’m not sure if I like the colour combination, Captain. You might need to get a blue shirt now.” You sat down on his your shared bed, watching him stare at the uniforms. Maybe if it was mixed it would look better rather than one block of gold and one block of blue? Oddly enough the more you stared at it the fonder you became of the colours.
“Or you could get gold?”
“I’d look terrible in gold.” You wouldn’t, but it was funny to watch him turn on you in disbelief. It was like you’d just told him Santa Clause never existed or that no one listened to 21st century music anymore. It was sweet in a way just how offended he seemed for you at the prospect you’d ever look bad, it was a bit of boost to your confidence strangely.
“I don’t think you could look terrible in anything.” It serious, the captain voice had come out, the one that said don’t argue with me because you’ll never win.
“Aww, Captain!”
“Are you calling me captain to annoy me or are you refusing to call me Jim?” The smirk started to pull at his lips, the one that was so infamous when you were both just cadets so many years ago now. Everything about him was infamous back them; the blue of his eyes, the movement of his hips, the taste of his kiss, the smile, the hair. You couldn’t go anywhere on campus without overhearing someone talking about James Tiberius Kirk and his talent in the bed room.
“What if I call you James?” You were sure barely anyone called him James anymore, other than perhaps those reading his official name back to him. You quite liked the thought of calling him something no one else on the ship did. James was a nice name. Classic. Traditional. Some people might call it boring but then the man himself was definitely not boring.
“It’s slightly better than captain seeing as your my new wifey.” In fact he rather liked the way it sounded from you, not that he’d ever admit that. After all it was a bit soon after a surprise marriage to start fawning over you…right? Even if he’d had an interest in you from afar before strange marriages had struck him and you.  
“Wifey?” You brought your fingers up to imitate air quotations at the most ridiculous alternative to wife you’d heard. It was somehow worse than those couples that called each other boo bear and sugar muffin puffin or whatever they called each other.
“Not a fan?”
“Maybe stick to something else, James…” He’s leaning against his desk, hands back on the top of it watching you with that smile. The one you know is incredibly dangerous. The one that has made the strongest of people go giddy. It had to be some sort of charm of his, maybe he wasn’t even human? Maybe James Kirk was half human, half some mysterious race that were naturally charming to the point no one could really resist that smile?
“Alright, honey”
“Are you intending to make me divorce you?” This sort of relaxed banter is strange to have with the Captain of all people, but it’s nice. It’s nice to smile and laugh and enjoy his company. It helps put the weight of the situation to the back of your mind for the moment, the way he makes light of it, the way you make light of it.
“I’m trying to be sweet!” The old Kirk shines through sometimes you noticed, but he’s slightly different now. Captaincy had mellowed him out, made him more serious…but he still had that old streak through him. Still teased and flirted and laughed. He was still beautiful. You were older too though, no longer the girl bashful from simply looking at Jim Kirk in Xenoanthropology or too scared to talk to your new captain because of an old interest when you were younger. You’re wiser and older and being able to laugh with him is perhaps one of the best developments of growing up.
“The infamous James Tiberius Kirk, sweet?”
“Sometimes I forget we were in the academy together…you know I’m not that bad, right? So what I had sex a few times, I’m a good guy!”
“I know.”
“You were joking?”
“I was joking. Besides so what if you had consensual sex with half the academy population? It’s not like you broke any real hearts…people knew it was just sex.” The one thing that different James Kirk from the other ladies men of the academy was that he was very clear that it was just sex with him and that if someone wanted more…they wouldn’t get it. Gaila was perhaps the only one you remember getting attached to him, they had a brief but longer than typical for Kirk, sexual relationship in which she got a little attached. You had been a sort of friend and had to listen to her talk about him. But she took the ending of it well…she didn’t kill him. But the general rule was that people went to Jim if they wanted a one-night, no strings attached dalliance.
“You were the half I never slept with.”
“I’d like to say I’d remember if we ever had sex so yes, James, you never slept with me and that’s probably a good thing considering our current predicament.” You couldn’t imagine how uncomfortable it could be to accidentally marry an old one-night stand, to be forced together. At least you and Jim had very little previous interaction with each other. You could make your own opinions of each other up.
“Can you imagine? Married to a one-night stand from the Academy?”
“I didn’t have enough for the odds to be in favour of marrying a one-night stand, James.” You hadn’t really slept with lots of people at the academy, you’d dated a few people, had a few little flings here and there, but in general you’d be content with friendships and yourself. Or maybe you told yourself that you were content with that and with unrequited crushes.
“Are you saying I slept with so many people that it was actually probable?” The two of you continued to chat for a while, witty talk putting off the inevitable serious conversation about marriage, life, living together until reaching a federation outpost and then the inevitable discussion as to whether you wanted to stay married or get a divorce. Maybe it would go well and you’d decide to stay married longer or maybe it would be a horrendous experience ending in your transfer to a different ship.
The two of you were lying back on the bed side by side hours later. The bed felt comfier than yours but you weren’t sure if you’d just imagined that.
“You know what I miss?”
“The moon, our moon. I miss moonlight filtering in through my window. I miss when it was bright and full. I loved the moon growing up. There was always something so mystical about it.” You turn your head towards him as you talk. Your mind’s eyes imagining the moon, your moon. Not all these strange moons around different planets in different systems. But The Moon. The piece rock songs have been sung about and myths have been written for.
“The moons pretty great…”
“Yeah…” You felt the exhaustion of a long day of ups and downs and accidental marriages finally hit you. Watching him with heavy eyes and the desire to get in your pajamas (that are definitely not the boring ones they give you) and go to sleep.
“Alright, time for bed, Moonbeam.” You watch him sit up and grab a pillow starting towards the sofa in the corner of the room.
“What are you doing?” You’re too tired to question the new name, but not too tired to question why he’s not sleeping in his bed and why he’s going towards the sofa. You sit up to grab his arm as he moves towards the sofa, stopping him from moving any further.
“I’m giving you the bed…?”
“You take the bed, it’s your bed, and I’ll take the sofa.” You move to sit up and get off the bed, but find Jim in front of you, arms crossed. “You’re taking the bed.” You’re not surprised he’s fighting you on this, but it’s the most frustrating thing. It was his room first he got the bed, also he was captain, surely the captain needed to be well rested?
“James…why don’t we just share? I won’t sleep if you’re on the sofa, I’ll feel bad.” You’d toss and turn and worry over it all night and that was the last thing you needed after the most bizarre day of your life.
“I just…I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.” It’s sweet that he’s considering how you might feel about sharing a bed with your captain, but you’re too tired to care about it and you’re both adults. It’s not like you’re adolescents. You can share a bed and not make it weird.
“The only thing that’ll make me uncomfortable is you on that sofa.” You watch him relent and place the pillow back where it belonged on the bed.
You move away to grab your pajamas changing in the bathroom, much bigger than yours and with that notorious bath tub. He’s in bed when you walk back out, lying on his back staring at the ceiling. You slide into the other side, lying on your side and staring at the door. It’s a little awkward, but exhaustion quickly overrides any discomfort and you find yourself falling asleep without much thought to Jim lying next to you.
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Mrs Kirk {Part 4}
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Fandom: Star Trek
Pairing: Jim Kirk x Reader  (She/Her identifying)
Warning: References sex in the past
Writer: @imaginesofeveryfandom aka @thequeenofthehobbits
Summary/request: You and Jim get married. Accidentally. On a new federation planet. Without knowing about it. Turns out its legally binding. Fuck.
Part 1 X, Part 2 X, Part 3 X, Part 5 X
You start to wake up, keeping your eyes closed and curling further into the pillow underneath your head, nice smelling and soft, warm. You feel content and happy and you really don’t want to wake up and report to the med bay only to deal with Ensigns with burns and bruises and a grumpy Bones. It’s not until you realise that the pillow is moving slowly up and down and that the nice smell is more like someone’s aftershave than fabric conditioner that you open your eyes.
You’re greeted by the sight of a chest, your eyes follow it up a neck to a familiar face which is fast asleep still. Jim. You’re not that surprised, and you rationalise that people gravitate towards each other when they’re asleep and that it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. But that doesn’t stop the mild embarrassment at the arm tightly wound around your waist or the way your legs are twisted between his.
Seeing Jim asleep is something you never thought you’d see and it’s a strange experience. The lines that usually line his face whether from concern for his crew or from laughter are gone and eased away, he’s drooling slightly not that you would let him know that (you’re not sure he’d appreciate you point out that he drools in his sleep), and he’s hair has taken on an unruly quality that perhaps explains why he always looks so well kept during the day. You had always assumed his hair wasn’t naturally that neat.
“James…” You push yourself to yours knees, the arm around your waist falling away to the mattress. You shake him lightly after looking at the clock which indicates that you’re both due for your shifts, not that the Captain got much free time anyway. He was on shift from early in the morning till late in the evening and you didn’t envy that fact.
Jim rolls over and away from you, arm underneath his head, still asleep. He makes a whiny sort of noise that makes you laugh lightly under your breath. You take a minute to admire his bare back (against your better judgement and morals), the plans of strong muscle and the little freckles and marks. You’re surprised to see scars, but then you supposed he grew up without the sort of medical care you found in Star Fleet which stopped most scars from occurring.
“James.” You try harder, hands pressing against warm skin and shaking him as you speak louder. If you’re late to the med bay then Leonard will have your hide, accidental marriage or not, and you’d feel bad if you just left Jim asleep without trying. You hate that you like the feeling of his warm skin, it makes you feel creepy even though you know it’s just a natural appreciation of being close to someone else.
“What…” You move away as he rolls back onto his back blinking up at you with tired blue eyes. He slowly sits himself up, a hand running through his already unruly hair as he finally comprehends that your sat there watching him in your pajamas.
“Hi…” You watch him look at the clock, frowning at the time before smiling over at you tiredly. There’s something uncomfortable domestic about the whole thing and yet you quite like it. You quite like not waking up to an empty bed and rather waking up warm and safe. Even if it’s with your Captain who you’ve had but a mere 5 or so conversations with.
“Hi, Moonbeam.”
“Are you going to call me that forever now?” You don’t dislike it, there’s something nice about him listening to you and making a name based upon that, but there’s also something strangely intimidate about it that you’re not quite prepared for.
“Unless you’d prefer ‘Wifey’?”
“Anything, but Wifey.” You think you can handle Moonbeam better than Wifey, even if he uses it in front of people. Wifey just continues to remind everyone that the Captain accidentally married the head nurse and that the two of you are now living in the same quarters. Moonbeam while somewhat cheesy at least could have been given to you by a friend and not a surprise husband.
Now he’s awake you leave him to whatever morning rituals he has, grabbing your uniform and having a brief shower. Even his shower was better than yours. The perks of being captain for sure. You’re pulling your regulation boots on when he finally gets out of bed, pajama trousers slung low over his hips. You do your best not to stare, concentrating a little too hard on the zipper of your boots.
“I’m going…I’ll be in the med bay if you need me, James.” You grab your communicator off the desk and look up at him briefly to say goodbye, he waves a hand at you too tired to hold a conversation and you leave.
It’s an uncomfortable sort of leaving, to leave someone else’s room, but it’s your room too now…but people look at you as if it wasn’t, they look at you as if you’d just had some fling with the captain, as if you’re walking down the corridor in yesterday’s clothes with your hair a mess. You try to ignore it as you take the turbo lift down to the level the med bay is on.
It’s obvious that everyone knows what happened; some make jokes as you walk past and others give you more respect than you’d ever received as if they thought you might set the captain on them like some sort of guard dog. You don’t like that the dynamic around you has changed. That you can’t walk down the corridor without people noticing you, now they all notice you because they know you’re the person who accidentally married the bloody captain.
You’re nearing the med bay when you pass an ensign who calls out to you, “Hi, Mrs Kirk.” It’s teasing and you don’t know the ensign making it more than a little uncomfortable but you choose to ignore it and the way Mrs. Kirk doesn’t sound that bad. You don’t need to start a fight before you get on your shift.
“If it isn’t Mrs James Tiberius Kirk!” You open the doors to the med bay being created by Leonard’s surprisingly chipper voice, usually he was grumpy and dower, but he seemed to revel in perhaps what he assumed was going to be your misery.
“Not you too, Leonard!” You ignored the glances of the other nurses and doctors and joined Leonard by an empty bed where he seemed to be going over some charts. You had been friends with Leonard since he became your CMO, even if he was a hard arse he was a good doctor and he’d sneak you bourbon if you were having a bad day.
“Hey, you were the one that drank from his cup and gave him a flower crown, not me, kid”
“I know…Never let me do anything on a strange planet without asking about marriage customs first.” You jumped up to sit on the bed, heaving a sigh. It was nice to be around someone else to talk about this. Spock was so clinical when tell you, you were legally married and Jim was in the same situation. But Leonard wasn’t. You could just speak.
“You couldn’t have known…so what are you and Jim doing about it? Word is you’re in his quarters now…” You figured some of the nurses saw you leaving earlier and probably scurried off to gossip. You didn’t blame them, part of what kept things interesting on a star ship was the gossip and the drama that unfolded because of it.
“We’re trying…we don’t hit the next federation outpost for weeks and we figured we try it out…” Take marriage for a test drive…you weren’t entirely sure what you were expecting from it. Were you waiting for it to fail to give you a legitimate reason to call it off or where you hoping it would go well and a commitment that was made on accident would become something more important, something more emotional?
“See if marriage suits you?”
“Sort of. It’s strange. Waking up with someone you barely know.” Nice, however, to wake up to someone else in the bed. A warm body, even if he drools in his sleep.
“Are you comfortable staying with him, kid? He’s not making you?” You scoff at the suggestion that Jim Kirk of all people would force you to stay in the safe bed let alone room as him. The man had some bizarrely strong sense of honour that dictated he had to treat you with the most ridiculous amount of care and respect. ‘I’ll take the sofa’, was still the most ridiculous statement you’d heard since being around him.
“Of course he’s not making me, Leonard…I agreed and I’m not uncomfortable, it’s just strange…different quarters, no longer a single person space…it’s all strange. For god’s sake the man’s married to me!” You still find it bizarre to think that you’re married. No ceremony you recognise, no rings, no nothing and in a way it doesn’t even feel real. But you know it is. That underlying anxiety surrounding it is always present reminding you that this is very much real and very much legal.
“I never thought I’d see the day James Kirk got married and yet you were both stupid enough to get married without realising it.”
“I hate you.” You knew you were never going to live down the fact you’d accidentally gotten married, whether a divorce was in your future or not. No one would ever forget that you went to Xaxia and accidentally got married. Who makes marriage about an alcoholic beverage and a flower crown anyway?!
“I’m just here to offer witty sarcasm and maybe some marital advice, like make sure you always have alcohol.”
“Wow, someone’s pessimistic.”
“Have you met my ex-wife?”
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Mrs Kirk {Part 5}
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Fandom: Star Trek
Pairing: Jim Kirk x Reader  (She/Her identifying)
Warning: Angst, hurt
Writer: @imaginesofeveryfandom aka @thequeenofthehobbits
Summary/request: You and Jim get married. Accidentally. On a new federation planet. Without knowing about it. Turns out its legally binding. Fuck.
Part 1 X, Part 2 X, Part 3 X, Part 4 X, Part 6 X
A week went by rather quickly. You learnt that Jim had a bad habit of leaving laundry on the floor, that he tried his best to get time free to have lunch with you where you’d discuss each other. He’d ask you questions about growing up and what books or movies you liked and take a genuine interest which was so strange at first. Originally it had felt a little bit like an interrogation, but that had gone away over the week and talking with him became almost natural.
He still called you Moonbeam.
You still shared a bed but each evening and each morning became more natural. Waking up to him had become a ritual, he was there and he would roll over when you tried to wake him up, he’d eventually get up and smile at you. On the odd occasion he’d be up before you, dressed and energetic, in some cases he tickled you awake and you claimed you hated him. More and more you fell asleep closer to each other, the gap between the two of you slowly closing until you fell asleep with an arm around your waist and your cheek pressed against his chest. It almost seemed normal until you started thinking about it too hard. Then you realised that this whole situation wasn’t really normal, but maybe that was okay.
Do things really need to be normal for them to be good and right?
A week in and a lot of the crew had grown used to the new development, while people were still curious they didn’t outright stare at you in the corridors nor did they make jokes or comments when you walked past. In general people had calmed down and it made things a lot less uncomfortable when you only had to deal with close friends asking questions and making comments.
You were sealing a wound shut on one of the newbies from engineering when Uhura walked in. You’d been friends with Nyota since the academy, having lived next to each other. Nyota had needed someone to vent to about Gaila and the men she brought back and you needed help with your xenolinguistics class so it worked out all in all and the two of you had grown close. You were still close, spending lunches and dinners together, shore leave was spent together in bars watching Chekov try and often fail at seducing people.
“I thought you were on shift?” You ask her, she’s usually on the bridge this time of day monitoring communications even if sometimes there’s nothing to monitor. You’d listened to enough rants about how boring it could get to know that it wasn’t quite as busy as the med bay was. At least you always had at least one injury or sickness to handle.
“We’re going on an away mission…I decided to come tell you because otherwise you’d worry.”
“I’ll worry anyway. Who’s going?” You finish with the red shirt, telling him he can leave and begin cleaning up the space where he’d been, remaking the medical bed. You know that certain people, Jim for example, always go on away missions and it worried you because Jim was notorious for getting hurt on every single one. To varying degrees. You know him now, he’s more than just your captain and you’re worried he might get himself killed for the second time.
“Myself, Spock, the Captain, a few of the security people, Leonard.”
“Which means I put you in charge of my med bay.” You watch Leonard leave his office, grumpy as per usual, phaser at his side. He hated away missions but he was also one of the most qualified doctors on the ship.
“The nurse? You do have other doctors here.”
“But I trust you. Also these lot are all bloodsucking bastards.”
“You should probably keep that opinion to yourself, Len.” You watch a few of the doctors’ glare at him due to his words. But agreed with him in a way. A lot of the doctors were very…stuck up. They cared more about getting people out of med bay then actually looking after them. Not all of them were bad, but then you supposed Leonard had a point in picking someone he trusted to boss everyone about in his absence.
“We have to go…I’ll see you at dinner?”
“Of course you will, Nyota.” She leaves first, long ponytail swinging behind. You’re sure she’s going along because of some communication issue, but that doesn’t mean that she’s entirely safe. It’s discomforting to think that she might not actually be there at dinner that rather she’d be in the med bay but you tell yourself it’s just that voice called fear talking and not rationality.
Leonard lingers a moment, an uncharacteristic softness to him, hand patting you on the shoulder, “I’ll make sure your husband doesn’t die.” It’s said as a joke, a quirk of a lip, a lifted eyebrow. But you know he knows you’re worried about Jim. You won’t admit it. You won’t admit that after just a week you’re terrified of him leaving…but he knows. You don’t need to say anything. Leonard always knew.
“Don’t die either, Len.”
“I’ll try not to, kid.” You hate when he calls you kid, but in that moment it’s a bittersweet sort of hate. The sort that reminds you that you’d miss it if he wasn’t there to call you that anymore.
Watching people walk away is hard. Part of you is glad Jim didn’t come to say goodbye to you. Not sure you could watch another person walk away into uncertainty. It also means you can trick yourself into believing that he didn’t say goodbye because he knew nothing would happen, because the away mission would be simple and harmless.
You tried to distract yourself while they were gone, spending time reorganising supplies, caring for Engineers who’d hurt themselves…but there was always an awareness in the back of your mind that they were all down on a planet where they could get hurt. It bothered you, you realised, not just because you had friends down there, but because you had Jim down there.
It was something you’d been attempting to ignore. To put off thinking about but with the med bay quiet and with worry niggling at you it was becoming harder to ignore. You’d always been attracted to Jim, in the academy he’d been unattainable and beautiful, once he became captain it only increased. But the past week…had made you attracted to him in a different regard. He wasn’t just physically beautiful; he was kind and silly and fun…he was dreadfully intelligent and could be irritating as well. You knew it had started to go past base attraction. You liked him. You didn’t want to admit how much but you liked him.
You liked how warm he was. You liked how comforting sleeping in the same bed with him is. You liked how much respect he had for you and everyone. You liked that he called you Moonbeam and that he wanted to give this marriage thing ago. You liked how blue his eyes were. You liked the way his hair fell in his face. You liked when he talked about himself and told you stories or discussed xenoanthropology with you. You liked him. More than you’d admit it.
It wasn’t just friendly admiration…you knew that. It was the warmth in your chest, those moments of pure affection you felt for him. It was something much more romantic…if not dissimilar. It was more than a little terrifying to be married to someone you’d started to fall for and had no idea of knowing if that person felt the same.
Your comm rang out and you grabbed, “Y/L/N, here” You could hear phaser fire and the sound of running feet through what sounded like foliage.
“Kid! Get the med bay ready!”
“What happened?!” You turn to tell junior nurses and the doctors to prep for whatever might come through those doors. It wasn’t the first time you’d been in the med bay during an emergency but every time was just as nerve wrecking as the last. That jolt of adrenaline at knowing someone needed your help, the adrenaline that had kept you on your feet for 24 hours once during an outbreak of the flu.
“It’s Jim.” You don’t need to hear any more than that, you can’t hear any more than that. It’s like you’re underwater for a moment, the panic dulling the sounds you hear and it takes a nurse bumping into you for you to come to your sense and begin helping despite not knowing what Leonard would need, what was wrong with Jim.
You swear your heart stops when he comes through the doors on a stretcher, he’s conscious you can see that but he’s barely aware and what awareness he has seems to be panic. He is bloodied and hurt and you try not to look at the wounds as you help Leonard get him onto a medical bed.
“Moonbeam…” A weak hand grabs your uniform as you turn to call out to a nurse standing nearby. He’s grasping it so weakly that you could ignore it, but you don’t. He’s blinking up at you barely aware of his surroundings and you for go your job to grasp that hand with your own and stand by his head.
“You keep him calm and I’ll fix him up, kid.” He flickers a glance up at you before returning to his work.
You feel your stomach turn as you look at the blood, the open wounds across his torso, before you look away and focus on his face. Your free hand pushing hair from his face and gently moving the back of your hand across his cheek, calming, soothing. He can’t go into shock you realise and the thought that he could terrifies you.
“I’m right here, James…I’m not going anywhere.” You weren’t. You weren’t. Fear wouldn’t let you leave him. Wouldn’t let you move. A week and he’d captured you in his net and that thought that he might let you go by leaving hurt so badly.
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