#Road Trip Drabbles
auriidae · 1 month
im so sad the ethubs roadtrip au only exists in your head i would read the HELL out of that
AW. WELL THAT'S VERY NICE TO HEAR <33 i might have to take another crack at writing it seriously, i've become excited about the story again,,,,
here's some random bits i wrote for it before, if that's of any interest ! (context in order is they've stopped at a rest area at night / they are In The Car / just checked into a hotel)
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plasmodiumpyrexia · 1 year
A short thing inspired by @warmblanketwhump‘s post about fever chills that's been in my drafts for way too long 😅
The conversation had become a distant blur of sounds A no longer had the energy to follow; they ceased the polite nods and “mhm”s miles ago, opting instead to sit quietly, gazing out the window at passing scenery with half-lidded eyes while the others chatted around them.
"...'bout you A?" Who? "Think they fell asleep" C gently nudged A's arm and repeated B's question "We're stopping soon, do you want anything?" "No..." They shivered. "...could you turn down the AC?" B's brow furrowed in concern from behind the wheel. "A, the AC is off. You ok?" Now that they though about it, A had been unusually quiet. "Mhm" A mumbled. They were still half-asleep, still exhausted and aching and freezing... but they didn't to ruin the trip. A straightened up in the seat and did their best to keep the next shiver at bay. "Yeah, I'm fine."
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thornsnvultures · 1 year
eddie munson x plus size!reader
a little drabble about going on a road trip with eddie, steve & robin based on this ask i got yesterday
cw: past body image issues, implied past eating disorder
"Please don't eat that," Steve blanches at the hot dog in your hands. "Those things are terrible for you."
"Don't judge my choice of food. This road trip just started and I didn't have breakfast," you huff and roll your eyes.
"I'm just looking out for you," Steve holds his hands up, backing out of your way so you can grab napkins and a few ketchup packets.
"I'll be fine, Steven. I've had worse things in my mouth."
Steve snorts out a laugh and crosses his arms. "Yeah, you've been with Munson for, what, a year now?"
"Rude," Eddie gasps, dramatically raising the heart shaped sunglasses he's wearing to the top of his head. He's loaded up with chips in one arm and a liter of soda in the other.
"Hey, babe. Any of that for me?"
"You can have whatever you like, sweetheart," Eddie says with a wink. He pushes around Steve to press a kiss to your cheek, making his way to the register.
"I'm just saying," Steve presses, following you following Eddie, "you don't know what kinda mystery meat is in that thing. Or how long it was on that roller for."
"Well good news for you, Steve," you smile at him, handing the dog to the cashier to get rung up. "You don't have to eat it."
Steve throws up his arms and walks out. He heads to where Robin's waiting for the three of you in the van, already done filling the tank.
"Don't let him bother you, baby," Eddie wraps his arm around you as you walk out together. His big bag of snacks and drinks are slung over his shoulder. Steve didn't bother you, and you tell Eddie as much.
"He's just looking out for me. He can't help it."
The sun is really beating down today, you can't wait to get back on the road with the windows down.
"I don't like him shaming you for what you eat," he whispers, the usual lightness in his voice replaced with concern. You feel Eddie bristle like a cat puffing his fur out. The posturing is cute but unnecessary.
"I'm fine, Eddie. And I appreciate you wanting to defend my honor, good sir," you smile and kiss his cheek and his hackles lower.
Eddie bows as he opens the van door for you and you laugh. He helps you climb in and kisses your hand before he lets you go.
"Get a move on, nerds!" Robin calls from the backseat. Eddie hands you the snacks and jogs around to the other side of the van.
You might've let Steve's comment bother you before, let his worry settle in your mind like an insult to your weight, your appetite. But you know better, you know Steve's worried about your health and keeling over from a tainted dog. He's not your mother, worrying over calories. He's your friend and a damn good one.
You pull out your hot dog and eat, finally, after a morning of packing and stressing that you'd forget something. Eddie smiles at you from the driver's seat, cranking up the tunes. Steve and Robin argue in the back but the open windows muffle them slightly and you settle. You're with friends, you're going to have a good summer, and you're not going to let anything stop you.
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hardly-an-escape · 3 months
okay the last couple days were cuh-razy but I am back in the car ensconced in the backseat for the next 9-10 hours and I’m getting back to the road trip prompts!!
I have one about half done and then two more I’m ruminating on, if you drop me any more I can’t guarantee anything but I’ll do my best!
come and drop a prompt in my inbox and I'll write you a drabble while I’m being a passenger princess on this road trip <3
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polaroidtelevision · 2 years
I was going to post a list of the several writer steve aus bouncing around in my head for people to take and use as they please but then I spiralled on a specific one and now it’s at 2k and counting and too long to post here like I was going to so anyway chapter one of this will be out on ao3 soon. Maybe
Basically Steve’s a writer and Eddie’s a barista at a queer friendly cafe with a rockstar side gig.
It’s 1987, the upside down didn’t happen, Steve finally gets out of his parents house and gets an apartment with robin in the city. He starts going to community college to work towards eventually being a counselor or teacher or something. While he isn’t studying he picks up hobbies he felt like he could never even begin to approach while under his parents roof and he and robin explore the queer scene of the area(he realized he was bisexual in 1985). They find a cafe not far from the apartment, it’s called Dorothy’s Keep, it’s decorated very fantastically and it just screams this is a safe place to be yourself, not to mention the name, it’s a queer refuge hiding in plain sight. And Steve becomes a regular. He claims a table in the corner and spends lots of time their studying, and then he starts writing. He gets the idea on a whim one day when on the phone with Dustin, who’s telling him about their latest dnd campaign back in Hawkins. The storyline evolves into its own thing in his head, and then he puts his own twists into the scene, his own monsters and characters, and he starts writing. Its a fantasy horror romance that starts out being about a boy and a girl, but after a few interactions with the cute barista at Dorothy’s keep he makes the main characters queer. His writing end up being good, and he’s cranking the story out, between the atmosphere at the cafe and his life being actually pretty sorted out, he can finally afford to be creative.
Said cute barista AKA Eddie Munson always greets Steve by name or nickname when he comes in now, it’s been a couple months since he first started coming in, and maybe Eddie has a bit of a crush on his favorite regular.
One day he sees Steve looking particularly frustrated in the corner, and frustrated Steve looks like a kicked puppy and Eddie just can’t have that going on, so he decides to finally gather the courage to do something like he’s been meaning to. So he brings Steve his favorite pastry that he often orders. Steve says “I uh, I didn’t order this?” And Eddie says something about how he looked so sad and “i can’t have my favorite regular being down in the dumps, now, can I?”
Steve says thanks and is like yeah you know what I’m done with this for today and closes the journal he’s writing in and Eddie’s guesses “schoolwork?” And Steve replies with “nah, writers block is kicking my ass.”
Naturally, Eddie asks “you’re a writer?” And it ends with Steve telling him all about his story for the next hour and Eddie assuring him that he’s the manager and won’t get in trouble for extending his break a bit and they flirt. Like. A lot.
They talk more often after that and flirt a lot and we’ll, you can guess where the story is headed.
Keep an eye out for the fic, it’s gonna be super gay and cute, I’ll repost this when chapter one is out. I haven’t decided if I’m gonna add angst yet or not, but knowing me there’ll be a.. little bit. There’ll be a happy ending though, I promise.
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evaofkonoha · 1 year
shisui & itachi roadtrip nonsense
In Arizona
"Wha---what is that?" Shisui asks, eyes narrowing as he leans in closer to the glass case.
"I believe that is the Thing," Itachi deadpans, caught somewhere between annoyance and amusement at the novelty of this road-side stop.
Shisui narrows his eyes at the gray mass tucked in the case. "Do you think it's real?" He whispers.
Itachi rolls his eyes. "Probably not. It appears to be a paper mache craft project."
"Ah c'mon Itachi! The magic is in believing!" Shisui chides, looking up at Itachi with sparkling eyes. Shisui knows he is charming and insanely persuasive, hence why they keep making stops at every roadside attraction in the continental United States.
"It's not very convincing," itachi remarks, taking in what is supposed to be proof of the extraterrestrial but really feels like a waste of time.
"Then close your eyes and believe."
"I won't be able to see it then."Shisui smiles back at him.
In Colorado
They camp for a night in the Great Sand Dunes National Park, because one of Itachi's goals for this grand roadtrip is to hot up as many National Parks as possible. The sand dunes are magnificent as they are astonishing.
"Isn't in crazy how all of a sudden there's just… sand. Like, sand everywhere," Shisui remarks, letting a handful of it slip through his fingers.
Itachi smiles softly.
"It's a little unexplainable, isn't it? I'm sure there's a reason why this is here, but it's almost more magical to not know why and instead just be amazed that it's here at all."
Quirking an eyebrow, smirk growing, Shisui quips, "Oh so now you're filled with mystery and adventure?"
The next day, Itachi buys a so-ugly-it's-cute Bigfoot Christmas ornament in a junky shop in Colorado Springs. When asked what compelled him to buy it, Itachi just responds with a cheeky grin,
"I don't know, kind of reminded me of you."
Shisui pouts a little at that.
In Oklahoma
Itachi's head whips to determine if what he saw in his perriferal is actually real. Interestingly enough, it is.
"Pull over there," he says, voice tinged with an edge of urgency.
Shisui follows where he is pointing, crossing the highway to find… Alvin and the Chipmunks?
Itachi's already half-crawling into the backseat to grab the camera. "You have to get my picture."
Shisui sits stunned at the events unfolding, not quite processing what is going on before it finally hits him that they are now pulled into the parking lot of a Marijuana despinsery so that Itachi can get his picture with three massive and slightly unnerving chipmunks. Of course he loves Itachi, so he takes the camera and gets out of the SUV.
In Arkansas
Their adventures have taken them to the Ozark mountain range, specifically to the small town of Eureka Springs, nestled and built into the mountain side. It has quirky, tourist shops, interesting restaurants, and a sex shop right in the middle of town. And not just any kind of sex shop, but a slightly trashy one.
So of course, Shisui just has to go in it.
Hand in hand, Shisui leads (drags) Itachi amongst the families visiting the little town towards the shop. Not one to be too embarrassed about his sexuality usually, the location and lack of any subtlety has a small blush growing on Itachi's cheeks. He finds himself keeping his head down and hoping his bangs will keep him from being recognized (as if he knows any of these people).
They make it into the shop, which smells very strongly of lemon intense, and immediately Shisui's eyes light up at the cheap lingerie sets and sex toys scattered about with seemingly no rhyme or reason.
They spend the next twenty minutes pursuing---at least Shisui is---occasionally stopping when Shisui finds something to menace Itachi with.
Making their way to one of the back corners, away from the very open windows to the street or the front counter, Shisui pulls Itachi in close for a kiss.
"You're cute when you blush," he whispers against Itachi's lips. Of course, Itachi blushes just a little bit at the compliment.
"And you're annoying."
"You find it endearing. Honestly, I'm a little horny. Want to get something and maybe go find a place to try it out?" Shisui nuzzles against Itachi's cheek. "I saw a maid set that you would look so cute in back by the window…"
Itachi pulls away with a blush and a scoff. "And the mood is dead."
They ended up not getting the cheap maid costume, but a few other things. Needless to say, the mood was not entirely dead.
This was fun to write. I couldn't sleep so I worked this out on my phone. If you have a state you would like to see them visit, don't hesitate to tell me! This is a fun little writing exercise and I would love to add more to it <3
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sleepyeye17 · 2 years
I was hiking in the redwoods today and saw a couple where the guy was so excited about the trees and it made me write this.
“This pamphlet says that redwood trees have a fireproof exterior,” Steve says, looking at the brochure the ranger had given them. “That’s why they continue growing even after their insides have been fire damaged.”
“That’s deep,” Eddie says. Santa Cruz was their last stop on the Corroded Coffin Atlantic tour. They’d gotten into the hotel late the night before, and the rest of the band was still asleep. Eddie had insisted on seeing the redwoods this morning, for reasons he couldn’t vocalize and nobody else understood. Steve begrudgingly went along with Eddie, driving the Volkswagen bus carefully through the winding mountains.
 Now at the park, Eddie was all eyes, tipping his head back to the redwood canopy above them. Steve doesn’t totally understand, but he likes watching Eddie’s excitement. It smells green and cold, and everything is dripping and mossy and fresh.
Then they turn the corner, and Eddie gasps like a Disney kid meeting Mickey.
The tree is at least forty feet in circumference, blackened in some spots, with dark burls bulging out across the path. Steve looks up, but the top is too far to see, and it makes him dizzy. He looks back down to Eddie.
Eddie raises his arms up, like he’s trying to somehow mimic the tree in front of them. He jumps up and down and punches the air. 
“THAT’S AMAZING! Look at how knobby it is. It’s like it’s melted or something. This is BEAUTIFUL!”
Eddie throws his head back and spins, laughing, his arms wide open. Burnt tree, regrowing. And Steve watches him, and knows. This is it. He’s in love.
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password-door-lock · 11 months
Mystictober Day 26-- Road Trip
“Come on,” Unknown calls, dragging you behind him without hesitation. He has to keep his hands on you anyway, to make sure that you don't escape, and if you're not going to move efficiently, then he's going to move you himself. You had your chance to walk quickly, and you lost it when you decided to stand there staring at him instead. “Get in the car now, cutie.” 
“Alright.” You do as he says, at least, sliding into the passenger side of the car. Unknown scowls— this is not how he imagined the interaction playing out. First of all, you should be in the backseat, not the front— as far as he’s concerned, you're cargo, not his driving buddy. Second of all, as cute as it is, he didn't exactly imagine that you would be excited to come with him. Did you lie about the lock on purpose just so he would take you? If that's the case, he's going to need to teach you some manners once you get to Magenta. You confirm his assessment by reaching across the car and slamming your hand down on the horn. “Road trip!” You cheer, honking the horn again.
That, at least, gets Unknown scrambling into the car so that he can pull your hand off of the horn. The last thing he needs is someone hearing it and rushing down here to investigate the commotion. “And what do you think you're doing?” His tone is as measured as he can possibly make it, though he’s already approaching the end of his patience after only a few minutes of your antics. 
“Sorry.” You make a big show of placing your hands demurely in your lap, but Unknown isn't fooled. He's going to have to keep an eye on you— just great. How on Earth are you going to serve as a proper assistant if you can't even get into a car without causing trouble? “I'm just excited.”
“What are you excited for, hm?” Unknown can't help but play along. He has mixed feelings about you, about this, about everything, and pressing you for information seems to be the best way to handle the situation. You should never be allowed to hide any information from him, anyway. 
“We're going on a road trip,” you explain as he fastens his seat belt and begins backing out of the parking space. “Right? Aren't you taking me someplace far away?”
Unknown considers the question. Three hours is a bit far, he supposes, although he's made the trek out here to spy on you so many times that it doesn't really feel much like an event for him. Still, you spend so much time holed up in your apartment that he could see why this seems like a big deal. “Yes.”
“Great. I could use a vacation,” you beam, smiling at the automated ticket collector guarding the parking structure’s exit as if it is a human. You don’t seem deterred by its refusal to engage with you as it accepts Unknown’s money and spits out a receipt. “Can we get some snacks? It's not really a road trip without snacks.”
As if he's going to stop and let you out of the car before he gets you to Magenta. You could run off and tell somebody about him— not to mention that people would see the two of you together. “No.”
Your shoulders slump, and you pout for a moment before returning to your typical enthusiasm. “Can we listen to music?”
Unknown has seen your metube history and the playlists that you listen to on other streaming apps. Even if he had a way to connect them to his car— it's too old for that, anyway— he wouldn't, and you can’t honestly believe that he would give you back your phone after taking it away. “No.”
“Can we play road trip games?” You ask.
“I don't know what that is.” Maybe it involves sitting quietly and leaving him alone— that's wishful thinking, but after being peppered with questions for the entire duration of the elevator ride down to the basement level where he left the car, Unknown is willing to entertain the thought.
“Oh, there's so many.” Why do you still sound so cheerful? You don't seem to have registered Unknown as the threat that he is, which annoys him. “Um, for bingo we would have to make cards, so we probably can't do that one, but there's a ton of other fun ones. Like, uh... wow, I haven't been on a road trip in a while, let me think of some...”
“Yes,” Unknown sees his opportunity and takes it. “Think of all the road trip games you can remember. Then report back to me about it later.” Hopefully, this tactic will at least give him a little bit of peace and quiet to think of a plan before you start rambling again. Normally, he would be amused by your enthusiasm, but Unknown has only a few hours to come up with an explanation for your presence that will satisfy the Savior when she sees you at Magenta. He doesn't have time for games.
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frogz-r-writers · 2 months
Prompt: Road trip
"Low fuel," Cole notes after hour four of their six-hour ride. He'd insisted that they go on this trip, convinced that Olive needed some well-deserved time away from their parents.
"Then just let me stay with your family for the weekend, a whole ass vacation is a little excessive," Olive had argued, to which Cole had simply replied a simple 'No.'
"I told you to fill the tank before we left, didn't I?" Olive yawns, knocking their head against the passenger side window.
"Driving on a half-full tank really challenges my driver's instinct," Cole defends.
"Well what're your 'driver's instincts' telling you now," Olive queries with obvious sarcasm, motioning air quotes around the words.
"That there's a gas station within the next three miles," Cole replies confidently. To Olives absolute shock and disappointment, the pair does, in fact, come across some random gas station within the next three miles.
"You're fucking kidding!" Olive groans as they come to a stop next to the pump. Cole turns the car off.
"I told you! Driver's instinct!"
"Yeah, yeah," Olive waves off. "I'm going to go buy a drink."
"Oh! Get me a bag of Skittles. Thanks!"
"I didn't..." They sigh, "Y'know what? Fine."
The quiet ring of a bell announces Olive's entrance as they turn into the first isle, giving the cashier a small, awkward nod. Olive makes a beeline for the fridge that hold various iced tea brands and grabs the most recognizable one in the raspberry flavor. With an exasperated they grab a bag of skittles off the shelf in passing and, finally, stops at the register.
Because Olive loves the planet, they leave the store holding both the drink and the candy and throws the Skittles at Cole's big head upon opening the car door.
"Thanks!" He states cheerily, picking up the candy from were it'd fallen into his lap. He opens the bag and sticks it in the cupholder of the center console. Cole starts the car after a moment and returns to the road. The siblings manage to sit in relative silence for around twenty minutes.
"My driver's instincts sense a rest stop in fifteen minutes, do you need a piss?" Cole asks, eyes keeping to the road ahead.
"shut the fuck up!" Olive yells, laughing. A beat. "...yes."
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daryfromthefuture · 1 year
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day 9: zipline
"You sure you don't wanna go?" the boy asked, a smirk on his face.
Doc shook his head. "I shall politely decline. Be careful, though - I don't have the flying DeLorean to catch you if something goes wrong."
Marty's grin widened and he gripped the handles. "You bet I will."
"Ready?" the instructor asked, and Marty, confident, nodded. 
The waterfall beneath him was roaring, the force of the water strong. He couldn’t believe how perfect this road trip was going.
This was summer, and Marty wanted more.
He followed the zipline with his gaze. The ride of his life.
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filet-o-feelings · 1 year
Sevenish Sentence Sunday
Thanks for the tags @tyfinn @jesuisici33 and @goodiecornbread it took me all day week, but I finally managed to write a very small amount!
He’s not running away; he’s going on an adventure.
He repeats this like a mantra every time he thinks about the shame he is indeed running from. He can’t face his patrons, knowing what he knows. He can’t face his parents. He can’t face Sebastien, or his employees.
He can’t face the shame, so he’s putting his own spin on it. Shame on shame equals adventure. Or something. He’s not a math guy. It doesn’t matter. It’s fine.
Not going to tag anyone since it's getting late.
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savage-rhi · 1 year
Idk if you write for these characters but Regis and clarus go on a road trip with
getting back from the trip, and some friends are there to welcome them back, but something seems..different and one mf cant help but say “what happened did you guys fuck or something” (…they did)
I never wrote for Regis or Clarus before, but I am now! Hope you like it! 💙
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Weskham couldn't help but side eye Regis as they both ventured down one of the main palace halls. Since the prince arrived home from his trip with Clarus, there had been something different about him. Regis looked more exhausted than when he first left. As if another issue at hand was gripping his mind. This troubled Weskham a great deal. The whole point of the trip--that both he and Clarus arranged--was to ensure Regis had time to rest. Gods above knew Regis needed it before he and his team would venture to Accordo to build up alliances.
The weight of the world was literally upon the crown that Regis would wear. Weskham knew that better than anyone. Being the hand of the king, it was his duty and honor to help the monarch keep the peace and also take care of himself. To see Regis look so tired after having a peaceful vacation, felt like a failure on Weskham's part. He felt foolish for not pulling Clarus to the side to ask what had happened.
Weskham stared at the coronation ring that was snug against Regis's right index finger, knowing one day the Ring of the Lucii would take its place. Furrowing his brows, Weskham could feel the competent adviser he knew himself to be pave way to the best friend: wanting to know what was ailing his pal besides the unfair sacrifices his bloodline carried.
"A pardon, highness." Weskham cleared his throat.
"Yes?" Regis stopped in his tracks and turned his attention in full to Weskham. His eyes glanced up and down his form, noting he looked concerned.
"You only ever look like you've seen a ghost when something terrible is on the horizon, my friend."
Weskham couldn't help but laugh. He shook his head. "Fortunately, you are wrong there. However, I have to say that as your friend you have me worried. You haven't looked well since you left the Regalia."
"Oh," Regis made a face. He turned his gaze elsewhere down the hall, as if making sure no one else was within the vicinity. "I can assure you there is nothing amiss on my part. However, the trip with Clarus was...an experience to say the least. Let's resume our walk."
Weskham gave a bow with his head and pressed on. While staying at Regis's right side, he couldn't help but grin.
Regis raised a brow. "What's so amusing?"
"Oh nothing but an immature thought." Weskham chuckled.
"Enlighten me." Regis smiled awkwardly, shaking his head.
"If I didn't know better," Weskham began, trying to keep his composure in check. "I'd say you and Clarus finally gave into that tension that's been with us since youth."
"Beg your pardon?"
"Don't be daft, Regis." Weskham huffed with amusement. "I mean what exactly happened between you and Clarus that was an experience? Did you two fuck or something?"
Regis's eyes bulged from his skull at the accusation. His body and posture tensed and an awkward silence fell between both his long time friend and himself. He blinked a few times after Weskham did a double take.
"I'm good," Regis coughed. "I'm good."
The faint blush to Regis's pale skin and his response was enough to tell Weskham everything. He parted his mouth to say something, but was quickly interrupted.
"May we both respectfully pretend this conversation didn't transpire."
Weskham could feel his own face growing warm now. What began as a jest to an inside joke between himself, Regis, and Clarus was now heading into territory Weskham himself wasn't sure he was ready for. Both as a friend of the prince and his future adviser.
"I agree," Weskham finally responded, not before smirking. "Was he good at least?"
"That meeting with the Niflheim councilman, I need you to get it rescheduled ASAP." Regis all but bulldozed through the question Weskham asked. He glared at hearing the suppressed chuckles escaped Weskham's mouth.
"I'll ensure it happens," Weskham nodded. "By the way, Reg, nice dodge."
"Oh shut up."
If you like my work and feel generous, feel free to donate to my ko-fi account or my cash app account!
Cash App: $JayRex1463
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steffiam · 8 months
The roadtrip is going just fine.
"I'm sorry for what happened to Lemar", you looked shortly in his direction before focusing back at the traffic.
"Why would you care", he sounded bitter.
"I know what grief feels like. Its not that I don't have any emotions, Walker." You huffed annoyed.
"I said sorry, OK?!"
God... the longest road trip ever.
And just 45 miles down.
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croik · 2 years
Malevoween Drabble #11 - Lost & Abandoned
The last thing Parker remembered was Arthur’s hands around his throat. He woke up at the end of the world.
No, not “woke”. He was just…there, standing in the crowd, as if he always had been. Under a gray sky, amidst gray people, stumbling across gray dirt. Like a portrait of hell scratched out by a child in #2 pencil. He turned in circles, rubbing his neck that should’ve hurt. “Arthur?”
“That devil fucker got you too, huh?”
A young woman stood next to him, her color dull but not gray yet. “Name’s Emily,” she said. “Welcome to being dead.”
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the day i figure out how to doodle tanyame kissing, it's over for all of us
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heartbinders · 4 months
❛ ic: prompto. ❛ musings: prompto. ❛ headcanon: prompto. ❛ aesthetic: prompto. ❛ meta: prompto. ❛ images: prompto. ❛ relations: prompto. ❛ open: prompto. ❛ closed: prompto. ❛ inbox: prompto. ❛ dash games: prompto. ❛ starter call: prompto. ❛ drabbles: prompto. ❛ music: prompto. ❛ verse: prompto ; brotherhood. ❛ verse: prompto ; prologue. ❛ verse: prompto ; road trip. ❛ verse: prompto ; world of ruin. ❛ verse: prompto ; possibilities. ❛ verse: prompto ; dawn of the future. ❛ verse: prompto ; kingdom hearts. ❛ verse: prompto ; pokemon. ❛ verse: prompto ; sunset city.
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