#jim: protective bf mode
mysticdevils · 9 months
jim: spock! are you all right?
spock: captain, you let them see our ship.
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Moment of appreciation for how genuinely concerned the crew look when Izzy falls over 😥
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Special mentions to:
■ Lucius for being dramatic™
■ Jim for being a concerned cutie
■ Roach for immediately forgetting about the cleaver in his hands because he's v concerned
■ Frenchie for doing... well not much actually but he always gets a special mention
■ And most of all Fang for immediately entering protective bf mode
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I need Veronica and Natalie headcanons like pronto! (Let’s also add in some small cute V and Wes headcanons too while we’re at it! 😄)
it’s late but honestly, veronica and natalie give me life as well wesley and v. 
❖ at first, these two doesn’t want anything to do with each other. like veronica hopper only hates three persons in her life, and natalie is one of them while natalie think that veronica is fake. because no one can have a shitty life and be that happy or be that nice.
❖ professors always pited veronica and natalie against each other cause they were the best students and basically, they were equal which doesn’t help tho.
❖ then the demorgorgons happens and wow, revelation for both girls and since then, they’re glued to each other. no one expected this friendship and honestly half of the high school still wonder this friendships works.
❖ when billy and veronica’s fling are over, natalie is literally ready to fight this asshole bc he wouldn’t let veronica alone. and since vee insisted on the fact that she had to let go, natalie obviously not listened and decided to make his life in high school a living hell.
❖ sharing clothes a lot tho, especially when nat’s starts changing her wardrobe.
❖dynamic duo when shit goes downhill. mainly staying with the kids and be mama bear and ready to kill anyone getting close to the kids.
❖ natalie is so soft around veronica and actually let down all her walls with her and it’s just precious cause veronica is one of the first person natalie open up to, mainly about her mom and how much she misses her. and it actually bring them even more closer because veronica understands natalie and her loss.
❖v is lowkey jealous when wesley comes into the pictures because wow, natalie has the chance to have her brother back, a brothe rshe didn’t even remember while veronica will never ever have sara’s back which sucks.
❖but it doesn’t last long and after that, they’re the perfect bff again.
❖ just casual hang out at natalie’s home. they just listen to music, watchs series and movie or veronica baking/cooking for the finley/kids while natalie watches and tastes everything even if veronica says no. lowkey gossips or talks about their bfs too.
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❖first meet after wesley escaped from the labs to find eleven. first though?? “wow he’s hot” and he thanks her for watching out after eleven and natalie and she’s like ?? bc no one ever thanked her. but granted el is her little sister and natalie’s her friend so ofc she’s watching out after them.
❖ veronica lowkey tries to ease wesley’s page from the lab to normal life. she’s helped him with the actual music, movie, ect and that’s how they spend their time together for a while??
❖wesley was the first to initiate the kiss cause veronica didn’t want to urge him/makes thing weird and it was super cute. they were curled in the couch and wesley just looked at her and next thing he knew, veronica was kissing him back.
❖a lot of holding hands or arm on the shoulders and it’s super sweet.
❖ jim hopper is very supportive of the relationship between veronica and wesley bc his daughter deserves someone as good as she is. but jim still lowkey protective of veronica.
❖ if you touch to wesley, veronica is in a fight me mode and is ready to throw hands at anyone. it happened once and tommy h. still is now avoiding to even look at v.
❖ veronica loves cooking for wesley and making him discover new dish so she always tries to bring him something new at least once in week.
❖ two cinnamon together and they’re literally the purest and goal couple.
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