#jimin erects jungkook in korea and also in other countries
whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Do you think jimin just did this in that run episode.. when he sat on JK's neck to stop him.
But He looked way pleased with himself, suddenly realized they are on set and was a little embarrassed because staff were there so he smirked and climbed down
And JK was completely unfazed by this. As if its a regular thing jimin does at home.
Does KFI have any comments on this ?
Not today he didn't because, well, it didn't come up in conversation. But I love Run BTS Episodes 148-149. Even with the overalls.
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We are all Yoongi when the Jeon-Parks bust out the roleplay, I think.
And this? THIS is what you meant? THIS moment, anon? The malttukbakgi horsey ride moment?
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It is aptly described in your link, smart anon:
My freshman year in college Kev taught a bunch of us to play this but I always called it the Horsey Ride Game. I was a bit of a dolt in a college. I pledged a whole sorority and shit. But this game is just funny. And because I was a hobbit I always got to jump on people.
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AND I KNOW BTS has played this game, I have a perfect picture in my brain of them standing by a turquoise/aqua painted fence and Namjoon and Hobi were just like... IDK, they did this once, that's all I remember. ONE OF YOU TELL ME WHEN THAT WAS HELP
So when this episode came out I was like KEVIN-OPPA WHAT THE SAM HILL FUCK IS THIS and after he told me not to say fuck he said "That is not malttukbakgi, that's just sitting on your man until he does as he's told". Paraphrased because it's been several months ago, but yes. It was discussed. And apparently that's just sitting on your man until he does as he's told. And what's even funnier is that Koo didn't even flinch, he reacted not at all except to kinda slide his hands up Jimin's legs like he was thinking of flipping him upside down and standing upright, but he didn't. Jimin's got a dommy streak a mile wide. I LIVE.
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be-the-script · 7 years
The preposterous adventures of Agust D the mermaid hunter and his half-lamb half-cookie companion Jeon Jungkook, including the stories of the prince of the air searching for his wings and how the Yin and the Yang found their balance
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Chapter 8/10: I’m sorry my brother
Word Count: 1,794
Summary: Taehyung found his wings back!! But at what cost...
The morning passed slowly. They had all went their way, searching for Taehyung's wings, with more or less motivation depending on the guy. In the afternoon though, Jungkook surprisingly joined the air creature. He didn't really look hurt, maybe vexed, or offended.
"Hey, I'm not stupid okay?" He finally said after a silence, slightly pouting. "My father said it's because I'm learning about the world. I'm not stupid." He repeated, determined.
Taehyung was looking at him, surprised and most of all quite pleased by the younger's acceptance of his ignorance.
"It's alright, you can't know everything like that. Just make sure to be a bit more respectful, would you?"
"I'll try. But I'll still prove the fish hybrid I'm stronger than him."
Taehyung sighed.
"Jungkook, If I were you, I wouldn't look down on a creature who lives in an environment where you yourself have an average life expectancy of three minutes. Just because he doesn't have an intelligence similar to humans' doesn't mean he's stupid. He's actually able to communicate with almost all the sea life, he sees in the abyss as clear as day and despite what humans did to his kind, he doesn't hate them…"
"What did humans do?"
"Sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned that. Don't mind it please."
"It's the reason why he was crying the day you met him, right?"
"… Yes."
"If you can't tell me, I'll just ask him when he gets back."
"Please don't! It would only bring painful memories back! Even if you asked him, he would probably not answer and rather go back to the royal palace of the sea. So please don't."
Jungkook finally agreed to not try to learn more about Jimin's past. But Taehyung still felt a bit guilty for teasing the youngster with a story he wouldn't have.
"You know what? If you keep your word and if I find back my wings, I'll take you to a fly. How does that sound?"
Jungkook had his eyes shining with excitation.
"Can you carry me on another continent? Like the farthest away from my brother?"
"Well, I'm used to carry Jimin for fun, but never for so long. Maybe just to Jeju?" Taehyung answered with a little laugh. Seriously, what did Seokjin do to have his brother avoid him that much?
"As long as I'm away from the mother hen and free to explore the world, I'll take it!!" Jungkook said with a burning passion, making Taehyung laugh for good.
The five reunited in the night and even though they weren't talking about it, they all had a thought for their two comrades actually deep down in the darkness. They ate in silence, enjoying some of the food that was now filling most of Agust D's fridge. Like his fridge, Agust D's mind was filling with more and more thoughts. Like that one.
"Why did you have your wings cut in the first place?" He asked to Taehyung, making everyone realised that they had never really wondered about it.
"Well, a little disagreement with my family, that's all," Taehyung explained with a tight smile.
"What kind of disagreement? What proof do we have we're not helping a delinquent?"
The feathered young man sighed.
"I opposed my father and to keep me from spreading my ideas to others… He made sure I wouldn't be there."
"That's quite the harsh treatment for a simple disagreement."
"No, in our culture the family chief's opinion is absolute. Opposing to it is a big offense to all the family."
"Why did you do it then?"
"Because he was unfair and egoistic! I couldn't stand this anymore." Taehyung fisted his hands on his knees, anger also showing on his face.
No one tried to further the subject. They knew Taehyung was very respectful and caring but if he was angered, he would become quite violent.
The following day passed even more slowly, their research still fruitless. Taehyung came to the sea a bit before the sunset. He picked a shell, checking if its inhabitant had left and if the limestone structure was in a good state. He murmured a few words, slightly whistling - Jimin had told him it was easier to transmit. Then he jumped from rock to rock to the farthest place he could reach and he threw the shell. A few minutes later, a fish jumped out of the water, signaling him his message had been sent.
He came back to the Snail. Hoseok was once again arguing with Seokjin. The two had been quite stressed in the last days and it was probably their way to cope. However, it seemed like Jungkook was also done with them. The young man suddenly got up and hit his two elders on the head, making them fall on their knees while holding their hurting skull. Once he was done, the bunny-teethed boy came back to his sit, resuming eating his cookies.
"If you can eat anything, why do you keep eating those things?" Agust D asked as he himself wasn't a fan of sweet things.
"Cookies make him stronger. They also help him heal if he's hurt." Seokjin answered instead, still massaging the top of his head.
"He's the cutest of us all but I have a feeling he's also the scariest, isn't he?" Hoseok added, now looking warily at the boy focused on eating.
"Well, I think he's a good kid." Agust D said, remembering how the boy would always carry him if he got tired.
As they obviously weren't in the mood to sleep, they decided to rather wait for Namjoon and Jimin. Seokjin amused everyone with little tricks, making Cucurbitaceae seeds grow in all kind of things like an armchair, a cat plushy or a gold sculpture of himself - Seokjin still wonders why it made them laugh so much, it was really good looking and of the most refined taste, those guys must be insensitive brutes unable to appreciate art.
It was almost dawn when Namjoon and Jimin came back, safe and sound. Hoseok had never seen his brother so lively - even though it was still quite calm compared to other people, - especially when he told them about the royal palace of the Sea Kingdom, a gigantic coral atop an even more gigantic turtle. The whole palace had come to them after their travel in the deep end of the Trench to help them cross the Kuroshio current that passed between the Trench and South Korea. He was mainly talking about their comeback because he couldn't remember anything of what had happened in the Trench. And Jimin didn't seem in the mood to tell them, hugging Taehyung's waist while this one was gently caressing his hair.
They ended celebrating the success of the operation with a copious breakfast prepared by Hoseok and Seokjin - who were best friends now that the stress was gone. Agust D took part in the party even though he was wondering more and more how he had ended in that situation, putting five people up in his Snail and crossing South Korea searching for wings. It wasn't that he didn't like it, he was just really used to his calm place, surrounded by his movies and his novels. On that subject, Hoseok had gained a lot of popularity in his heart after he had taken the time to tidy all his possessions - in exchange for having destroyed his precious baseball ball he had said.
"Hurry up or I'm leaving you here!!" Agust D yelled from the driver seat of his truck to Seokjin who had gone picking up little flowers, ignoring Jungkook's murmurs next to him telling him to "do it! Leave him!"
The wizard took his wand out and after a "Calycophysum" his feet propelled him next to the truck. He climbed and they could finally head to their next destination: Pohang. During the trip, Seokjin checked Taehyung's scars and sadly noticed that they were starting to heal, closing the skin and the hope of the poor birdman.
Pohang was the city with the easternmost point in the country. It was the first South Korean place to see the sunrise every day and it had a famous summer festival. It was also the place where the Hand of Coexistence had been erected, to the greatest joy of Jimin who jumped around the immense hand as soon as he saw it.
The rest of the team had joined him almost an hour later as they had been forced to stop at a gas station on the way. And optionally to respect the Highway Code.
It was already late in the afternoon but they had barely the time to come out of the Snail when a loud and piercing song came from the sea. Even though they couldn't understand it, they knew it came from Jimin and that it must have been important. They all hurried toward the sea, orientating themselves thanks to the continuing song. They all grouped at the top of a cliff, the place gladly empty of tourist as it was nearing the sunset.
Jimin was down there, excitedly pointing a point on the stone wall. They looked and indeed here they were!! A pair of wings, lying on a cornice, unaltered apart from a light discoloration if compared with Taehyung's arms.
Now was coming the delicate task of recovering them. They were too high for the merman and too low for the others. Seokjin quickly picked a seed from his pocket, he put it in the soil and claimed "Polyclathra" while gesturing his wand in a complex figure. The seed quickly grew into a strong climber. 
Taehyung wanted to go himself but Jungkook was quicker. The young boy easily went down, delicately took hold of the mass of feathers and let himself be lifted up by the others, so he could securely hold his treasure.
Taehyung received his belongings with tears in his eyes, his heart bursting with emotion at the sight of his precious limbs. As soon as the wave of emotion passed, he quickly knelt to sew the feathers back to his skin with a string and a needle he had on him, showing an impressive dexterity while doing so. As he sewed, the wings recovered their initial color.
He sewed the last point. He slowly stood up and opened the wings, enjoying the feeling.
But it was short-lived as soon after, another cry came from the sea, horrified this time. No one understood and when they tried to look down Jimin was quickly swimming away. And then they turned to Taehyung, finally facing him, after being in his back to watch the healing process. The inside of his wings were splashed with blood.
Next chapter→
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