#that looks like anything but a horsey ride
animeficsworld · 6 months
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Warumono x Reader
Spoilers for Episode 7.
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When he said there was a new place he would like to check out, you had a feeling it had to do with pandas.
Everything had to do with pandas with him.
But you were quite excited.
Finally he was going somewhere new besides the usual Zoo.
And you were happy to see when you arrived that this was an amusement park.
"Let's get tickets!" you said as you stood in line.
First, he said he wanted to ride the horsey. Which you didn't question as you stood in line for the Merry go round. You saw him waving at a mother but you didn't question.
Next, you went on the swan, where, once more he was waving at a woman who waved at the children.
But you let it slide once more.
"Let's go to the Haunted House!" you said as you grabbed his hand and walked in the direction of the next attraction. 
But of course, the people in there got scared of him, not the other way around.
Then, he pointed at a star ride.
"That one."
"Are you sure?" you asked and he only nodded once before he got in line.
After the spinning thing, you thought he had enough but apparently not.
And once you both got off, he was dizzy, while you were fine.
"What kind of a torture device was that?!" he asked and you laughed, he looked at you.
"Kids like it." you said as you shrugged your shoulders.
Children enjoy this?! - he thought to himself.
Then, the roller coaster, which you personally loved the most.
Then he headed to sit down on a bench.
"I will get something to drink." you said and he just waved at you.
You grabbed two cans of soda but when you turned back, you saw an elderly man sitting next to him, you decided to just watch and not intervene. 
When the old man left with their grandchild, you handed your boyfriend the can of soda.
"I know a place you might like." you said and after your finished your drinks, you headed to the Souvenir shop.
Which was an absolute hit.
But then he noticed the capsules.
"Why are pandas imprisoned?!" you heard him mumble before he started to purchase all of the toys and continued to take pictures of them.
"I must find the panda with the black tail!" he said and started to walk away, you grabbed two of the toys he bought and put them in your purse.
After that, you two went on more and more rides.
But then an employee showed you the way to the panda cars. And of course, it was an absolute hit with your boyfriend, he immediately got on one.
You took so many photos of him riding the panda.
The day ended probably way too quickly. But you did have a lot of fun.
And at the end of the day, he walked you back to your place.
"Oh wait." you said as he turned to leave. "Here, I saved a pair." you handed him one of the panda toys you put away earlier. "Now we have a couple, just like us." you said as you showed him yours. 
He looked at the toys and then handed you the one you gave him.
"If they are a couple, they deserve to be together at all times. Yours or mine would get said if they spend time apart." you nearly teared up at his cuteness.
"Thank you! I had a great time today!" you smiled at him as he nodded.
"Have a good night." he said and you headed into your apartment.
If you were honest, you were rather disappointed that he just left without a kiss.
But he was a weird guy, so you didn't expect anything less from him.
A couple of days later, he came over to your place, well, you invited him over for dinner.
You cooked some of your favourite, which also happened to be his. So, you sat around your table with the TV playing in the background as you both enjoyed each other's company.
You quickly washed the dishes and you were now watching a panda documentary. 
"Can I ask?" you said as you turned to look at him across the table, "Why do you like pandas so much?"
"I find them cute."
"Ah. I see. And why do you like me?"
"I find you also very cute. And kind, and patient, and funny, and generous, and brave, and considerate, and helpful, and beautiful." you smiled at him.
"Thank you. I also like you very much." you both turned back to watch the TV. Not long after you felt a pair of arms hugging you as you were moved back against a warm body.
You felt your heart quicken up as you couldn't concentrate on the TV anymore. 
You couldn't believe he was holding you so close.
It took you a long time to get comfortable, but when you did, you leaned back fully against his body, with your head on his chest, you fell asleep.
You knew he was a weird guy, so you didn't expect anything less from him, however, he always found ways to show his appreciation and love. 
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A/N: I would like to thank everyone for the support! I am having quite a hard time so I cannot post as much as I wish. I hope I can soon sort everything out and come back with many more writings to you!
Thank you all!
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tightjeansjavi · 1 year
𝕓𝕝𝕦𝕖 𝕛𝕖𝕒𝕟𝕤 𝕟’𝕋𝕖𝕩𝕒𝕤 𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞𝕤
𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕟𝕖
♡ 𓃗 ♡
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Pre! Outbreak Joel x horseback riding instructor f!reader
A/N: as a horse girl/equestrian, this story is very special to me. I hope you all enjoy Joel+Clove/Clover (bc you’re his lucky charm) and their cute lil horsey love story ♡
~word count : 2.3k~
Summary: Joel Miller, single father; total soft dad has an astronomically enormous crush on you, his daughters horseback riding instructor.
Warnings: soft! Joel, shy! Joel, fluff, flirting, slow burn, eventual established relationship, single! Father Joel, protective! Joel, he’s so sweet your teeth will hurt! Joel, eventual smut, some angst, no y/n, +18 minors dni !
blue jeans playlist:
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Austin, Texas
Joel Miller, 34; single father and a total softy, only for his kid of course. Sarah was his absolute sunshine. His baby girl. After her mom was no longer in the picture, Joel took on the full responsibility of being a single father, with the help of his brother Tommy too. Sarah was an adventurous kid. She always wanted to be outside. Whether it was hiking with her dad, playing soccer, or any other sport she could fathom. Joel would do anything and everything for his daughter. He’d lasso her the fucking moon if he could. When she wanted to try out for soccer, he became her coach. He researched all the drills, got her the best cleats he could afford, and attended every single one of her practices, and games. Yeah, you could say he was easily the most unashamedly supportive dad out there.
It came as no surprise to Joel when Sarah came to him one day after school going on and on about horses. Her class had watched the movie ‘Spirit’ that day, and she was absolutely hooked. It was the only thing she wanted to talk about when he picked her up. Joel loved to see his kid talking about the things she loved, so passionately.
“Dad, the movie had me in tears! It was such a beautiful story, I can’t stop thinking about it!”
He chuckled, bringing his arm around the back of her seat as he backed out of the parking spot he was currently in. “Yeah? Think i’ve heard of that movie before kiddo. It’s a good one.”
“Would you watch it again?”
“With you? Absolutely!”
She had rolled the window down, letting her arm rest on the side. She had purple nail polish on, her favorite color. “So Dad, what if I said I maybe wanted to look into taking some horseback riding lessons? I already grabbed like 6 different horse books from the school library! Did you know that horses can sleep standing up? They only lie down to sleep when they feel safe, and there’s usually another horse watching over them just in case!”
“I had no idea about that kiddo. You got any more horse facts for me?” He tapped his hand lightly against the steering wheel, Linda Ronstadt’s ‘Long Long Time’ crackled through the old radio in his truck. “You wanna look into getting some horseback riding lessons? Sure, sweet pea. I’ll look into it for ya.
Sarah was already pulling out one of the horse books from her bag, flipping through the pages. “Oh! Here’s one, did you know that horses have a nearly 360-degree field of vision? They have two blind spots, one directly behind them, and other directly in front of their head.” She looked over at her dad in the passenger seat, she was beaming when he said he would look into riding lessons for her. “Really? Thank you dad, you’re the best!”
“Is that why you’re not supposed to stand behind ‘em cause they’ll spook? No problem kiddo. Might have to take an extra shift with Tommy but it’ll be alright.” He spoke while pulling into their driveway and as soon as he was parked, Sarah was unbuckling her seat belt and giving him a big hug and kiss on the cheek. “I think so? Bet the book I'm reading will have all the answers! I’ll do the dishes extra this week and anything else you need help with, okay?”
He hugged her back, giving her a soft kiss on the side of her head. He loved his daughter more than anything in the world.
“I appreciate it kiddo. Whad’ya want for dinner? If you say pizza again I swear–”
She giggled as she pulled away from his hug shortly after and hopped out of the passenger seat. “I was gonna say that we should switch it up a bit, so how about some chicken fingers and fries?”
“Kiddo, you gotta get some vegetables in there! How about broccoli?”
She made a weird face at him. “Broccoli? Really dad? That stuff is nasty!”
“What if I smother it in butter and cheese?”
“Now we’re talking!”
He chuckled to himself, cutting the ignition and hopped out of the driver's seat. “Damn kid never wantin’ to eat her greens.” He muttered to himself.
Sarah had cooped herself up in her room with her horse books spread out on her bed. She barely even heard her dad hollering that dinner was ready because she was that immersed in it. The second time he yelled, she closed up the book and headed downstairs.
After dinner and a couple episodes of ‘The Saddle Club’ were watched, Joel had carried a sleeping Sarah up to her room. He gently tucked her in under the covers, kissing the top of her head before he gathered up all her books and quietly placed them on her desk. He took one last look at his baby girl, who was peacefully sleeping before he softly closed her bedroom door.
Joel found himself sitting in his makeshift office, looking up horseback riding facilities in their area. He got distracted by this neat little website called, ‘breyerhorses.com’ There he found that the website was for toy figurine horses called model horses. As soon as he recognized the two horses from the movie ‘Spirit,’ he didn’t hesitate ordering them for Sarah. He ordered one for himself as well, a Quarter Horse in a sliding stop position. He admittedly had no idea what the horse was doing, but he recognized it from a rodeo he attended way back when.
After the model horses were ordered, he was back on the hunt. Most of the horseback riding facilities in their area were way out of his budget. They also came off as being elite, a little snobby, and definitely not for beginners. He was just about to give up when he stumbled upon your website. Thank the heavens, he thought to himself as he clicked the link. Right away he was liking what he was seeing just based on the words, ‘family owned’ and ‘non-profit’ The title of your facility was ‘Dream Riders.’ He read in the bio that every horse on the property was rescued, and that you were big on horsemanship skills. He also liked to see that lessons were offered for all ages, skill level, experience, and riding style. What really sold him was how affordable the prices were, and thank fuck for that because all the other hunter jumper barns he looked at, had a starting rate of $60-$100 per lesson. Who in their right mind was spending that much on a horseback riding lesson? Not Joel Miller. Each of the horses had a little bio as well including their breed, age, and personality. He admittedly skipped over that section and went right to your bio.
He could tell just from your smile alone that you were a decent person. You had kind, soft looking eyes. The photograph you had posted was you with your horse, your arm draped around his neck, giving him a hug. Joel couldn’t deny that you were pretty easy on the eyes as well. Not that it really mattered. He was only looking to make sure that his daughter would be in good hands. It just happened to be a bonus that you were attractive. Nothing more, and nothing less. He scribbled down your name and phone number onto a torn piece of paper.
He called you the following morning after dropping Sarah off at school, holding the phone against his ear as it rang. He tapped his fingers along the steering wheel as he waited.
You had just finished bringing the horses in from being out in the pasture all night when your phone rang. You had reached into your back pocket pulling it out to answer it and of course, Javi P chose to be a dickhead to his brother, Javi G, yet again. The tall, chestnut OTTB, (off the track Thoroughbred) let out a mean squeal over the side of his stall door. His ears were flattened against his head as he pawed at the wood aggressively. “Would you cut that shit out man? You’re gonna get your grain in a minute, pal. Eat your hay and stop making faces at your brother, dickhead.” You walked over to Javi G’s stall and reached your hand up and gently gave his velvety nose a gentle pet. “He’s always so grumpy in the morning huh? Who took a shit in his oats?” You gave him a quick kiss on the nose before finally answering your phone.
You said your name first before Joel even had the chance to get a word out. “Dream Riders, how can I help you?” You didn’t have a Texas accent like Joel had expected, and he could tell that you weren’t a local by any means.
“Hey, this is Joel. Hope i’m not botherin’ you or anythin’ just was looking to get my daughter some riding lessons–”
Javi P had kicked the side of his stall door, making a loud thump with his heavy hoof.
“Joel? Just gimme a minute, yeah?”
“Uh sure–”
You pulled your phone away from your ear as you gave the tall Thoroughbred a warning look.
“What did I just say? I’m on the phone, can’t you see that? You want me to turn you into glue? Don’t think that I won’t. Kick the door one more time bud, go on. See what happens.”
You brought the phone back to your ear with a small huff. You had no idea that Joel had heard the entire thing.
“Sorry about that Joel. You were saying that you were looking to get your daughter some riding lessons?”
“Yeah, I-uh–I was. Listen, you aren’t actually gonna turn that horse into glue, are you?”
You were visibly mortified, and felt flustered that Joel, a potential new client, heard you threaten to turn a horse into glue. You lifted your middle finger at Javi P then before rubbing your hand over your face.
“Oh god, did you hear that entire thing? I’m so sorry about that. Just was scolding one of our lovely horses. I swear, I will not be turning him into glue.” You nervously laughed.
Joel let out a chuckle as he leaned back against the worn leather seat in his truck.
“Oh, well that’s a relief. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop or anythin’ like that. Just couldn’t help but hear that part, y’know?”
“No worries at all, Joel. I should have been more aware of my surroundings. Anyway, what skill level is your daughter at?”
“She’s a beginner. Never been on a horse in her life. She just came to me yesterday actually after watching the movie Spirit, and said she really wants to take some horseback riding lessons. I spent all night lookin’ for the right place and then stumbled upon your page. Thought there was no harm in given’ ya a call.”
“Ah, I see. So she got hooked by the horse girl bug right away, huh? Well I'm sure you’ve already seen on our page that we’re entirely inclusive. All ages, skill level, experience, and riding style. I happen to teach all the beginners myself so your daughter would be taught under me. If you are interested, come on by anytime tomorrow and I'll give you both a tour?
“Yeah, that was honestly one of the main things that had your place stickin’ out from the rest. That and the price range.”
“Hunter jumper barns can cost a bitch-in-a-half. I used to take lessons at one years ago. Thought I was gonna have to take out a loan just to pay for lessons alone.”
Joel chuckled against the receiver. You had a mouth on you, that was for sure.
“Well, I think I’ll definitely take up your offer to get a tour of the place. You said anytime tomorrow? We’ll swing by sometime in the late afternoon. Does that work for you?”
“I really shouldn’t swear in front of potential customers, huh? Yeah! Anytime tomorrow works. Just give me a call when you’re on your way and I'll make sure I'm presentable. Looking forward to meeting you, and your daughter, Joel.”
“Perfect, I’ll let Sarah know. She’s gonna be stoked. Thank you again for your time darlin’ and see you late tomorrow afternoon. Take care now. I don’t mind the swearin’ by the way. Got a sailor’s mouth myself.”
Calling you darlin must have just been a Texas gentleman thing, right? So why did Joel Miller have you feeling red hot like a mushy tomato, on a hot summer's day already? You hadn’t even met this man yet, and just by his voice alone, you knew he was attractive.
“You got a sailor's mouth too? Well shit, never would have guessed that. Take care now, Joel. See you tomorrow.”
You ended the call and slipped your phone back into your jeans pocket as you walked down the row of stalls. You stopped in front of your own horse’s stall. Ezra was a 16 hand high Hanoverian. You rescued him from slaughter 5 years ago and you have been inseparable since.
“Hey fella,” You gave him a good pat on his soft neck, reached into your pocket and pulled out a carrot, holding it out for him and he gently grabbed it from your fingers. Chewing the treat happily. “Do all Texas men end first time phone calls with ‘darlin'?”
Your horse nickered in response, rubbing his face against your shoulder affectionately.
“Yeah, that’s exactly what I was gonna say bud.”
You gave him a good scratch behind his ears and one more carrot.
You were definitely a little too excited to meet this Joel Miller tomorrow. You couldn’t wait to put a face to his name.
Joel was feeling the same way about you as well. Except, he luckily had your website photo to go off of. Man, were you a pretty little thing.
Part 2:
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playroom-sekaii · 6 months
CG VBS Kaito hcs for a friend :D
(Him with the vbs babies ^w^)
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• The dad ever oh my God
• Gives all of them the silliest nicknames that either make them giggle or blush each time
• Sneaks them sweets a lot (Meiko is very annoyed by this)
• I don't know how else to word it but he's kind of like Bandit/Bluey's dad when it comes to games, they're ridiculous but he gets very into them, sometimes more than the kiddos himself
• So many uppies for all of them, but especially Kohane, she's so light that he can carry her on his back while doing basically anything
• Kohane loves games like hide and seek, or being given "horsey rides", and Kaito is always willing to provide anything of that sort she desires. Anything his little ones want they get!
• He works extra hard to make sure he doesn't scare or overstimulate her when she's little, he knows her anxiety is worse in this headspace and he wants his little mouse to feel safe!
•An loves helping at the Virtual Singers' café when she's small, and Kaito loves letting her do so! She's his little assistant, adding toppings to drinks and making sure all the pancakes are extra fluffy! It can get a little messy though, and usually the two of them are too busy enjoying their snacks to remember to clean up without Meiko reminding them >-<
• She likes it when he plays with her hair! Even if he's not the best at it, she still likes it! Mr. Kaito makes her look so silly and fun!
• Works extra hard to make sure she feels seen and paid attention to, since that wasn't a constant when she was a kid. Every word she says he's on the edge of his seat, he'll drop everything if she says she wants to show him something, she's singing? Standing ovation this'll surpass RAD WEEKEND (she's like five rn)
• Doing his best to be the greatest CG possible for Akito, not only because he knows how insecure he can be about his regression and how rough his home life can be, but also because of Kaito's greater connection to Aki's true feelings. Knows all of the little ways to make him regress (ruffling his hair, saying he's proud of him, calling him sport or kiddo, etc), Akito is grumpy whenever he manages to make him slip at first but he's grateful deep down.
• One of the few that Akito is truly open about his needs or wants with when small, even if he's a bit grumpy about it. Kaito's nothing but supportive though, and wants to help him get more comfortable with it.
• Loves playing games with him, especially soccer. When Akito's on the older end of his age range he'll put up a real fight but when he's littler Kaito usually lets him win so he doesn't have a grumpy tantrum-
• Since Toya's the littlest of the vbs kids when he's small, Kaito feels that he has to protect him the most. He's just a baby that deserves a proper chance at a good childhood! (Toya called him "Papa" once and now he'd kill for him)
• Always ready to make cookies or warm milk for this little guy! He managed to find some bottles in the café, and is working to find new flavored milks and such to make for Toya to see if he'll like them (he does, but regular chocolate milk will always be his favorite)
• Toya has fallen asleep on his lap so many times before, but it's worth it! It means he's feeling truly safe and small! Who cares if he can't feel his legs! It's for the baby!
• Sometimes when he's working with his DJ equipment he'll let Toya sit on his lap and play with them, pressing the buttons with a wide-eyed fascinated look on his face. Now he's just like Papa! Kaito's so proud.
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madhatterbri · 2 months
Unholy | Demon F.B.
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Summary: Maybe a date, a candle lit dinner and Grace goes to Nana and PopPop's (readers parents) and things get ummm passionate quick. Much to Demon's chagrin. 😂 18+.
Author's Note: Changed a little.
Finn Balor Masterlist
Requested by: @judgmentalunicornghost
Taglist: @theworldofotps @mrsarcherofinfamy @smallestsnarkestgirl @magicalbuttertarts
"Oh, thank hell," the Demon sighed when he heard Y/N's parents come through the front door. Grace slid off his back. Her tiny hand patted his tendrils. They were just playing the Wild West before the visitors arrived.
"Good horsey," she smiled and pinched his cheeks. With an evil giggle, she left the room. The Demon glared at the open bedroom door. At least she didn't offer him a carrot this time. He crawled to his room and waited for the doting grandparents to leave. Y/N's parents didn't know about the Demon, and that was best for everyone.
Y/N walked to his bedroom a few minutes after her parents left. The Demon heard they took Grace for the night, and he wasn't pleased. Now, he didn't have anyone to play with. Not that he necessarily needed her. No Demon would ever need a human. He could do anything he wanted.
"The coast is clear," Y/N announced when she entered the room.
The Demon was about to make a smart remark yet stopped. Y/N was dressed in nice clothes. She looked almost pleasant to look at. "Why are you dressed up?"
"Finn and I are going to take advantage and have a date night. Just the two of us. We haven't done that in months. Don't worry. You'll have the place to yourself. You don't have to play Sea Biscuit with Grace anymore,"
The Demon scoffed. "I never worry about the activities of useless humans and I could have made her stop if I wanted to I just didn't,"
"Sure thing. Well, we are going to be out late. Grace has her tablet if you guys want to talk. Have a good night, Demon,"
"Grace has her tablet. Have a good night," he mocked and rolled his eyes. Y/N rolled her eyes at him. It was like dealing with a teenager sometimes. She closed the bedroom door.
The Demon heard the front door open and close. He hummed to himself. He walked around the room apartment before he let out a curse. With no one at home, he grabbed his own tablet to reach out to Grace.
The Demon fell asleep early that night. The tablet still held a video call between him and Grace. Her sleeping face appeared on his screen while his appeared on hers. The peace in the house was rare. The last time he slept this good, he still ruled a piece of Hell.
A sudden thud against a wall in the apartment startled him awake. When the noise stopped, he started to fall back to sleep. The thud happened once more except this time it was louder.
The Demon crawled out of bed. He left his room. Sounds came from Finn and Y/N's bedroom. Curiosity had him in a hold. Quietly, he peered through the crack of the door. A horrified look appeared on his face.
Y/N was riding Finn. Their lips connected to quiet their moans. Her hand gripped the hair on the back of his head. Her other hand placed on his shoulder to steady herself. Finn sat against the headboard. Handcuffs kept his arms spread out against the headboard.
"Oh, Finn, I'm so close," Y/N moaned when she separated from him.
"Give it to me, Y/N," he grunted.
With one final sound coming from each, they reached the peak of their orgasm. Their foreheads pressed together. After catching her breath, Y/N reached for the keys on the nightstand. Finn's arms were released in no time. He rubbed his wrists and rolled them around. They laid under the covers and drifted off to sleep.
With his mouth dropped in shock, the Demon scurried back to his room.
The next morning started like any other. Y/N was cooking breakfast for everyone. Grace was still at her grandparent's place. The morning was quiet until the Demon showed up in the kitchen.
"Good morning, Demon. Sleep well? Grace is going to be here around lunchtime," Y/N greeted as she started cooking some eggs.
"Oh, Y/N, nice to see you in clothes," the Demon smiled warmly. "Where is Finn?"
"He's asleep. With Grace gone, we kind of slept in a bit this morning," Y/N answered. "And with work he just wants to get some extra sleep,"
"Yes, he certainly has been tied up lately,"
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lucid-ivory · 1 year
COD men & equestrian reader
characters: ghost, soap, gaz, price & alejandro X female reader
genre: fluff, platonic, slight crack?
format: bullet headcanons/ bullet fanfic idk
summary: one of the operators of the task force seems to be *too* good at horse riding and it's the last thing they expected
notes: reader is young, this is for all the equestrians if there are any in this fandom😭 and characters may be a bit ooc + this is very long and VERY specific
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has never ridden horses, wasn't planning on it
saw you as somebody interesting when he first saw you on a big horse
you seemed really confident so he just went along with it
little did he know
he was gangsta until you started cantering
like okay, maybe you just wanted to impress your teammates since everyone was watching
he knows shit about position, leg aids and all that so you could be doing anything wrong and he wouldn't realize
he slightly raises his eyebrows when he sees you approaching a big ass jump
like where u goin?????
it's one of those 1.30m oxers
he thinks you're taking it too far
he was already impressed by your skills, why would you jump that high
he's prepared to see you on the ground
obviously a horse goes faster the higher the jump is
the fact that you keep up with the animal is already making him feel like "huh?"
when he sees the horsey getting on his two legs and ready to jump he feels humbled
you're perfectly fine, you can keep up with the horse's speed and you seem proud of yourself
by this point it's already obvious that it wasn't your first time
now that he sees your confidence and level, he would like to see you jumping higher
he doesn't really know how high a horse can jump anyway
(for general knowledge, the record is 2,47meters)
after a few more small and bigger jumps, you go for one that's 1.50m
(which is usually the height of competitions)
you do it casually, enjoying the moment. the horse jumps well and looks sick as fuck, which equestrians call "scope"
so you yell out
smiling all wide and happy
he mishears it and thinks you're talking about somebody scoping with a sniper or something
everything is going smooth, the horse listens to you and you are humiliating many olympic riders because you are "y/n" and y/n is perfect
the horse is fast, very fast and you're going for the next jump again
but who is y/n without a bit of trouble
the horse refuses to jump, stopping abruptly right in front of the obstacle
but you stayed on because you're cool like that
it did "shake" you a little, you were preparing yourself for a jump after all
but your seat is great and you managed to control the horse
ghost was scared, not expecting the animal to stop at that speed
you knocked a few poles and he offered to put them back for you
you're a crazy bitch so you decided to ride a young horse
and young horses are sometimes spicy
bucking, rearing or getting scared for everything
he's surprised at how calm you look when the horse is like a bull around the arena
when you finally lose your balance and fall off, you manage to fall smoothly on your feet
he's scared, thought you were going to be hurt
how were you so calm?
you just fell off
the horse is still bucking around the arena and you're laughing
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i have 0 idea of scottish dialect
in fact i cannot understand it if a scottish person speaks to me so this will be hard
soap is next to ghost, he sees you jumping
you know the position riders do in order to jump? almost standing up and bending over the horse's neck
he checks you out for a milisecond when you do that
apart from that, he's impressed
why are you flying
how are you keeping yourself on the animal with only two irons on your feet and holding some leather in your hands
get down from there
you're just smiling while casually jumping 1.50m
when the horse stopped in front of the jump, he almost screamed
he just murmured
smirked when he saw how you stayed on
gg well played
ghost put the poles up for you again after you knocked them down and smiles slightly as you struggle to convince the horse to jump
great horsemanship, or horsewomanship
you let the horse approach the jump and smell it so they calm down
he has no idea what's going on but he thinks you're very gentle for that
eventually you make it over that jump and he feels very happy for you!
then you fall off and he thinks it's badass how you fell on your feet
so you get on again
when you're done jumping and you're trotting around, you want to show off
"did you see that, Lt?" he asks Ghost, and he simply nods.
while trotting, you play a little bit with the horse's controls
WASD to move shift to crouch ctrl to run ,,, jk
you start doing little dressage tricks
those ones that look so elegant and the horse is almost dancing
passage, piaffe, etc (look that up, it's BEAUTIFUL).
the horse is so cutely and smoothly bouncing and you're embracing the elegance
this is all probably happening while you're in your spec ops gear but it's okay
soap is surprised, ghost next to him simply admires
"why is the horse doin' that?"
he thinks it's pretty, but why and how would a horse move like that
"oh, you're telling him to do that?"
then he realizes you're the one using your legs and amazing skills to make the horse do all that
would like to see you in the classic equestrian competition look
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okay what the fuck
he now understands where all of your leg & core strength is coming from
mans is flabbergasted but secretly wants to keep looking at you
i headcanon that he did ride horses in one of those school trips maybe or something of sorts
and i don’t think he would want to do it again
when you’re about to fall at that speed in front of the jump he’s a bit scared for you, immediately feeling the relief when you’re still on and not on the ground
when you actually do fall but it’s obvious you didn’t get hurt he simply smiles
he knew it was going to happen
but then you got on the horse again and he was like ???
he appreciates your enthusiasm but visibly relaxes when you stop jumping and you stick to a more slow pace
“are you trying to impress us?”
girl you were in full uniform geared up & everything and you casually made the horse do the most complex and supreme movements that literally any other rider would kill for
you DID NOT do that for your own pleasure
gaz did appreciate a little bit more the horse’s posture
y’know ‘collection’ and all that, when the horse walks all pretty with their head down
he was not as clueless as soap and that’s why he teased you
you simply giggled and he smiled in response
why was the horse drifting how did you do that
the horse was casually trotting but you did a few subtle changes (that he didn’t see) and now the horse trots in diagonal
almost crossing his feet while trotting
he raises his eyebrows
he thinks that this is a useless trait for a soldier cuz i’m telling you no police horse does cute little steps like wth
but even if it’s a useless trait for a soldier, it’s a great ability for who he considers almost a sister
he’s very happy for you and constantly cheers you up and then may ask a question or two about how did you do that
the moment you start explaining technically with all the “WELL YOU PUT YOUR OUTSIDE LEG AND THEN THE HEAD HAS TO LOOK SLIGHTLY INTO THE INSIDE WITHOUT BENDING THE NECK—“ he gets scared
he thought it was easier
+10 appreciation because it really is hard
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let me tell you this man is almost shaking
he trusts your skills but he knows you're also young and you may not act responsible in order to just feel adrenaline or to impress somebody
while you jump, he holds his breath and then he releases it when you actually land perfectly
just like gaz, he relaxes a lot when you stick to the slower pace
he loves to see your reflexes in other contexts, such as riding
very proud of how you fell on your feet when the horse was bucking but appreciated it even more when you actually wanted to get on again
since this man is older i think he would have ridden horses in his golden era but not as in equitation, more like simply going for trail rides
he considers everyone in the team his little siblings, and since you appeared he may have this father instinct
he helps you with the stirrups and to tighten the girth
loves seeing you happy while riding, he thinks you deserve it knowing how young you are and how easier it is for you to get stressed with all the work
he tells everybody not to approach the horse's back because they may kick
"the horse has a green ribbon on his tail. he's young" he explains proudly to the rest of the team
(he didn't know shit about this, you told him about the ribbon meanings a while ago)
this man would probably ride with you
"i don't need a saddle, i'm used to riding bareback"
he does need a saddle.
i feel like if he rides with you and he trots or something he would slightly hurt his back because his position wouldn't really be great
(there was a time where my back hurt like hell too because i didn't know how to canter properly LMAO)
would count strides with you between each jump
i feel like he would like english thoroughbreds
man worships secretariat probably (he'd be so real for that)
jockey potential
don't talk to him about technique
he genuinely thinks it's stressing
the whole "outside rein inside leg, shoulders back, chin up, heels down" shit is very much complex to him
he actually thinks that he would be able to race a horse
can't lie, i think so too (i almost fall while walking)
would pat the horse when you stand next to him
when you dismount, if you are the kind of person that kinda just throws themselves off the horse (i have no idea how to gently and normally dismount) he'll be behind you to slightly grab your waist or back to keep you in place in case you lose balance
when you're done riding he offers to keep you company while you go to the horses stall
he thinks the horse is following you because you're not holding the reins or anything and he's surprised at the bond between you and the animal
he doesn't know that YOU are actually following the horse because he just wants to go to his stall and eat
when the horsey starts eating, price would approach him and look at him
would be startled when the horse has his ears laying flat on his skull
horsey doesn't want anybody near his food
would help you carry the saddle
if he's brave enough he will try and give a carrot to the horse
if you start picking the hooves after riding, he would be slightly concerned
"does this hurt the horse"
he is like a man proud of his daughter
100% would go to see you in competitions
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"vamos, vaquera!"
he would constantly try to cheer you up and would smile widely while you do your "little" jumps
would probably prefer western riding because y'know... los vaqueros
he would probably crush on you a little
i feel like he saw showjumping many times but he is still surprised to see a horse jumping that high in person
i think he's almost the only one that isn't scared when he sees you jumping. if you approach the big jumps so confidently then you know what you're doing
he would actually want to ride with you too, he's so excited
wants to feel like a true vaquero and the first step is riding a horse
i'm sure he focuses on your legs and sees the aids and cues you give to the horse to make different tricks or play with his speed
he looks at your posture and everything like he knows about it or something
he's the kind of person that would surprise you
horses tend to follow each other so whatever you do with your horse, his horse does it with him.
you look back at him when you are both cantering and you smile AT HOW GOOD HE IS
his hips sway back and forth smoothly following the horse's back
his lower leg moves a little but nothing too serious
you felt like he was really close to jumping the 1.50 and reveal he was a showjumper too or something
and the rest of the team didn't expect alejandro to be so good either
you lower the jumps to like 0.50m and you both try to jump
he doesn't jump it perfectly, but he doesn't fall either
impressive for a beginner
trust me he did try to ride your horse and do the same dressage tricks as you but it didn't really work
quickly dismounted after that, he saw the horse bucking and doesn't wanna fall off
after that, i feel like he would get more interested in barrel racing and other western disciplines
he wants to take off the helmet and ride with those cowboy hats.
you don't let him do that
dangerous D:
he appreciates it, thinks you care a lot for him
he thinks riding together is a new form of bonding for you two.
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that was long, i warned all of you
please remember that my requests are open and i'd love to see and write what anyone says!
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justmystyles · 1 year
hiii lovely :)
would you mind doing a fic where reader is an equestrian, and they’ve got their first horse show ! they’re really stressed, and harry maybe comforts them and helps with all of the stress that is a show day :) thank you !!!!
-horsey anon (if you have anons??)
Reigning It in
read my other works here!
pairing: Harry Styles x plus size reader
word count: 616
summary: you're about to participate in your first horse show, but the nerves overwhelm you. Harry finds you just in time.
a/n: thank you so much for this horsey anon! you're actually the first anon that has identified themselves (i understand the irony of my statement), and i love you for that! i'm sorry for taking so long to get this out, but I hope it was worth the wait!
tags: @allthelovehes @ameerakane20 @ash-craze @bethanysnow @blue-ballad @blueraspberryreader @brightlightsinlife @creativelyeva @cute-as-ducks420 @deannaard @fanficismydrug @gem1712 @golden-hoax @gothmingguk @groovychaosavenue @hillzrry @iceebabies @indierockgirrl @jerseygirlinca @jng4kook @jooniesbabie @kaverichauhan @laurxn-robinson @lexiecamposv @mrs-anna-styles211994 @n0vaj3an @potterheadandsherlocked @rach2699 @ravenclawdirectioner @stylesfeverr @superchrystaldrug @tenaciousperfectionunknown @tiaamberxx @thechaoticjoy @theekyliepage @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @youknowwhaaat
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“I don’t even know what I’m doing here. Why did I think this was a good idea?” You run a hand down your face as you pace back and forth in the stables. “I’m not ready, I’m going to fall. Probably break my neck, or best case scenario get a concussion.” 
You had decided to take on a hobby to keep yourself occupied while Harry was out on tour. You had always wanted to try horseback riding, so you signed up for lessons. You picked things up easily, your instructor noticed that you were a natural so she pushed you harder; eventually suggesting you sign up for a show. You were excited about it at the time, but now that you were here, minutes before going out in front of everyone, you were regretting ever even taking a lesson. 
The worst part was that Harry wasn’t there. He tried to free up his schedule to be there for you, but he was just too busy to make it work. It sucked, but you knew this was his job, his passion, so you weren’t mad. You still had your family and friends there, so you weren’t entirely alone. 
“Everything is going to be fine, right? You’re not going to let anything bad happen.” You finished your monologue, turning to face your horse, Marabelle, who you had been pouring your heart out to. 
“I would never.” 
You jumped, letting out a yelp of surprise. It was just you and your horse, you weren’t expecting her to actually respond. You turned around, jaw dropping when you saw Harry standing at the entrance to the barn. “H… Harry? What are you doing here?”  
He grins widely as he walks up to you, wrapping you in his arms. “I made my schedule work, there was no way I was missing this.” 
“But you said–” 
“I know what I said,” he cut you off. “But then I thought about it, and you’ve rearranged things to be there for me, and this is something that’s important to you, so it was important for me to be here to support you. Just like you do for me.” 
“I love you so much,” you say, tears welling in your eyes.
“None of that,” he chuckles, running his thumb across your cheek. “You’re going to be amazing. Is there anything I can do to help you?” 
You shake your head, looking up at him with a soft smile. “Just knowing you’re here is enough.” 
“I’m always here for you, beautiful.” He leans down, placing a chaste kiss on your lips. When he pulls back, he looks behind you at Marabelle. “And you,” he says as he moves past you, approaching your horse. “You take care of my girl. You’re going to be carrying my most precious cargo.” The horse whinnies in response, agreeing to Harry’s terms, he strokes her muzzle softly as a thank you. 
After a few more affirming words to Marabelle, Harry returned to you eyeing you curiously. “You ready?” 
“Definitely,” you smile. 
He kisses you once more, taking your helmet out of your hands and placing it on your head, tapping the top once it was in place. “Knock ‘em dead, baby. I’ll meet you in the winners circle.” 
“It’s not the Kentucky Derby,” you giggle.
Harry smiles, kissing your cheek before leaving you to make your final preparations. You watch him exit, releasing a content sigh. You are the most relaxed you’d been in days, and it was all because of that man. It didn’t matter once you got out there, because you knew he would be there to tell you how wonderful you did and how proud of you he was. 
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bunbeeplays · 3 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 115 - A Star in the Making
Lulu's got smashed papaya on her face and she's blowing raspberries like it's going out of style. This girl is a hot mess and today's episode has barely started!
Looks like Lulu's doing her own thing. Let's see what Gemma's up to.
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Xander and Ophelia don't let Gemma watch a ton of television, but she's been doing a good job eating her veggies so they decided to reward her with a little more TV time than usual.
There's a new kid's show on. Xander doesn't catch the name but it's about horses apparently.
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Gemma: Whoa, big kitty!
Xander: That's not a kitty, goofball. It's a horse! You're right though, they sure are big.
Gemma: Horsey?
Whatever these majestic creatures are, Gemma is fascinated by them.
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Xander: I'm gonna check on Mommy. Shout if you or Lulu need anything.
Gemma: 'kay, Daddy.
Knowing Ophelia, she's probably rehearsing the song they're debuting tonight, even though the band's rehearsed it to death.
Gemma isn't concerned with that, she's enthralled in her show.
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As Lulu practices pulling herself up on her feet, Gemma watches these kids go on all kinds of adventures with their horses. You can ride them apparently! Whet Gemma tried to ride Marshmallow, she just got scolded!
Maybe when she's a big girl, she can ride a horse too…
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Gemma: I'm gonna have a real horsey when I'm big, Lulu! You can ride her too!
Lulu: ☺️
Gemma: I'll braid her hair and you can clean up her poopy!
That doesn't seem like a very fair division of chores but Lulu's just happy her sister's happy!
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A commercial break comes on so Gemma entertains herself by playing with Lulu.
Gemma: You look silly, sissy.
Gemma blows a raspberry on the infant's belly, like she's seen Mommy and Daddy do, and grins as her sister bursts into giggles. She's killing this big sister thing!
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Ophelia, who was actually doing yoga to destress, witnesses that adorable moment right before feeding Lulu her afternoon milk.
Ophelia: Look at you two playing so nicely. And look at your face! Why didn't Daddy clean that off?
Gemma: He sayed she might want a snack for later.
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The crowd is full of friends, family and fans alike at The Lemon Drop. Ophelia approaches the mic.
Ophelia: Thank you all for coming out tonight to hear our latest single live! Your support means the world to us. This place is small but it feels like there's 400 of you here!
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Ophelia: This song is about letting go of your regrets and moving forward. A lot of stuff from my past resurfaced recently, some good, like my bestie Celeste - hey girl, there you are! - and some… not so good. But the days of wallowing and wondering "what if?" are behind me.
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🎶Regrets collect like old friends Here to relive your darkest moments I can see no way, I can see no way And all of the ghouls come out to play🎶
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🎶And every demon wants his pound of flesh But I like to keep some things to myself I like to keep my issues drawn It's always darkest before the dawn
And I've been a fool and I've been blind I can never leave the past behind I can see no way, I can see no way🎶
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🎶I'm always dragging that horse around All of his questions, such a mournful sound Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground 'Cause I like to keep my issues drawn But it's always darkest before the dawn🎶
Greta loves this gloomy song, so much it's making her NOT gloomy!
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🎶And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back So shake him off, oh whoa And I am done with my graceless heart So tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then restart🎶
Everyone's loving the song… It definitely catches the eye, or rather ear, of someone very important…
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They play the chorus again and this unfamiliar face is loving it!
Fan: OMW, no wonder my stepson loves this band so much!
Stepson? Greta's pretty sure that girl was only a few grades above her in high school.
Xander's proud of his wife. Celeste's contemplating getting juiced.
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The song concludes and Ophelia says her final piece.
Ophelia: Thank you guys so much! The song is now available on Plopify! Feel free to hang around and mingle. I know I'm gonna have some nectar myself.
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A few people go outside for fresh air, including Libby and Xander.
Xander: You still feelin' down?
Libby: Yeah… I might go.
Drew comes out in time to hear that.
Drew: Aw, that's a shame. We never get to talk in person.
Libby: …A few more minutes won't hurt, I guess.
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Before Ophelia can get her desired nectar, the new fan immediately approaches her.
Fan: I am, like, in LOVE with your vibe. I'm Paisley. Ophelia, right?
Ophelia: Yes, thank you! That's really sweet, Paisley.
Paisley: Any chance we could chat? I have a business opportunity!
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They sit down and Ophelia's surprise to see Trent waiting.
Ophelia: Oh, hey, Trent!
Trent: Hi. I see you met my step-mom. Yeah, Dad wouldn't let me come to a bar without adult supervision. Paisley was the closest to an adult we could find.
Paisley: You're so funny, Trent!
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Libby and Drew are somehow having a less awkward conversation.
Libby: It's just hard to find someone that wants what you want, y'know?
Drew: I get it. I'm kind of new to the whole wanting a relationship thing, but it's not easy. I'm sure you'll find someone that gels with you.
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Wow, what good and supportive friends who definitely are just wanting to stay friends!
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Paisley: So my hubby Juan thinks it'd be good for me to become a singer and musician like you! I'd just need some lessons. And we can totally work around your schedule. I, like, don't have a lot going on.
Ophelia: I don't know…
Paisley: Juan said he'll pay whatever you ask!
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aisley: If you're worried about childcare, you could bring your kids and they could play with the twins! They said they had fun last time. And you'd cover their college tuition in a few sessions!
Trent's testing to see if Ophelia is a mindreader by screaming SAY NO in his head
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Ophelia: I'd like to talk to my husband about it first, but I think we could make it work.
Paisley: OMW! Thank you thank you! Juan will be so happy!
Trent: -mumbling- I'm starting to think Dad didn't actually care about me getting to see The Main Squeeze live…
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sebsxphia · 2 years
your top gun caregiver blurbs/headcanons are great 💕 how do you think Rhett would be as a caregiver if his little was his partner?
i’ve been waiting for this one!! turn it up!!!!! 💖
i’m so pleased to hear you enjoy the others as well, thank you so much for letting me know dear anon!! 🥹🫶🏼
i hope you enjoy the below!! 💌
Rhett would protect you within an inch of his life and love you dearly. That means he’s more than happy to do anything for you and he would take great pride if he was your caregiver.
As a caregiver, I think he would spoil his little like the princess they are. He could never say no to them and wouldn’t really punish them either. As soon as you look up at him with those doe eyes and little smile, he melts and gives into you instantly.
He understands your regression is because sometimes you want to forget about the adult world and he loves to indulge in that and take full care of you.
He would travel out of town to the nearest toy store to buy you new toys and would spend extra on fast delivery to get a new pacifier delivered to rural Wyoming as quickly as possible.
He carries you around on his hip, cooks for you, gets you a sippy cup and always has you on his lap.
He loves to bounce you on his knee and play horsey. He chuckles at you and boops your nose when you squeal at him, “just like Daddy does when he rides!” He holds your hands extra tight so you don’t fall off.
He’s incredibly protective of you and won’t let you play out in the yard unless he can see you. If you’re walking through town you have to hold onto his hand the whole time.
If you start tearing up because people are looking at you both funny, he reassures you that it’s only because they don’t have a cute little one like he does.
He’s then pressing you close to his side and staring daggers at anyone else. No one gets to upset his little one.
You have a whole dresser dedicated to all of your little items that Rhett has very kindly spoiled you with. He takes baths with you and treats you to new bath toys to help distract you when he has to wash your hair.
He calls you “bambi”, “little one”, “princess” and “angel”.
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fanaticfanficwriter · 2 years
The Painting:
You sat on your bed, phone in hand still trying to gather the courage to text your boyfriend.  You had this pictured in your head for a while and it wouldn't leave you alone no matter how hard you tried!  You're certain Kokichi would go along with it as long as he wasn't busy, it's an interesting enough premise and oh boy does Kokichi like it interesting.  But you have such terrible anxiety that you can't bring yourself to ask such a thing, even though your heart knows he'd do it.  You decide to put your phone away and focus on experiment ideas. 
You look around your Ultimate Lab and notice a certain robotic rabbit was missing.  You sigh and walk out of your lab in search of one of your first creations.  You tried to think back to other places you've seen him in the past, but couldn't think of a pattern.  You walk aimlessly in hopes of finding him, but to no avail.  You aren't afraid he'll hurt anyone as that's against his programming.  However, Oswald was created as a prankster with an attitude and good luck.  How can a robotic rabbit have good luck guaranteed?  Well, as the Ultimate Technomancer you can do lots of weird stuff no ordinary person could pull off.  This includes stuff like giving robots magical powers and making the lights change color without a special lightbulb.  You stumble upon Shuichi while walking around and ask him if he's seen Oswald.  Shuichi said that he hasn't seen Oswald, but he'll let you know.  You end up in the lunchroom and try to brainstorm where he could be.  Why haven't you put a tracking device in that damn rabbit at this point?!  You'd use the security cameras, but you're a bit scared to ask permission.  You shouldn't be, they'd probably allow you to use them, you're the ULTIMATE TECHNOMANCER for crying out loud!  You see Teruteru making a big cake nearby and you scamper out of the lunchroom out of pure fear.  You calm yourself down and continue walking, deciding out of annoyance to go down to the security camera office, or so you thought.  Due to all the walking around you did, you had gotten your directions mixed up and now you're lost…  You pull out your phone and bring up your custom map, quickly making a route for the security office.  You don't get too far unfortunately due to hearing the doors you just left, fling open.  You turn around to see Kokichi riding atop Oswald, both having some of Teruteru's cake on them.  "I should've figured you'd both be together…" you stated in monotone. 
Kokichi sat on Oswald's shoulders eating some of Teruteru's cake with a smile on his face.  "Can I have some?" you asked.  "Sure!" Kokichi happily responded.  Oswald hops a bit closer and leans down a bit, Kokichi holding his plate out.  You grab the fork only for Kokichi to shove the plate of cake into you face.  "Giddy up horsey!  Hyah!" Kokichi yelled as you stood there in shock.  "I'm not your FUCKING steed!" Oswald yelled.  You flip Kokichi off as him and his accomplice hop away.  "Fuck it, that smooth bastard owes me!" you yell in anger, voice muffled by cake. You wait impatiently in an art studio you rented along with a professional portrait painter, waiting for Kokichi to show up.  You had texted him an hour ago to meet you here in his Supreme Leader get up minus the mask.  Where the hell was he?  "So you're one of those Ultimate kids, huh?" the painter asked.  "Yup, I'm the Ultimate Technomancer!  And you'll be painting my boyfriend today!  I sure hope he stays still for long enough…" you replied.  "What's a technomancer?" the painter questioned.  "A technomancer is like a necromancer but instead of puppeting the dead, I puppet anything powered by electricity including electricity itself!  I'm also very knowledgeable about electronics." you stated dramatically.  "And the Internet!" a voice piped in.  
You turn around to see Kokichi in his Supreme Leader outfit, which was the same shit he wore to school, but had the lovely additions of a snazzy hat and a nice cape.  "I wish I controlled the Internet, I can't do that." you said.  "Hey, did you call me here for a nude painting?" Kokichi asked.  You blushed intensely, "N-no!".  Kokichi started crying, "WAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!  You don't love me anymore!!!  Was this relationship all a lie to you?!".  "Quit it with the crocodile tears, you drama queen…" you replied.  "And to think I was going to ask you to marry me tonight!  I had a romantic candlelight dinner planned!  There were gonna be ROSES!  ROSES!" Kokichi yelled while doing over-the-top poses.  "But what about the twins?!" you screamed, startled.  "You're pregnant?!  When were you going to tell me?!" Kokichi exclaimed.  "I-I didn't tell you because you're not the father!" you stammered.  "Who is the father then?!" Kokichi asked angrily.  "It's Kiibo!" you cried.  The painter looked very stressed to be there to witness all of this unfold.  “That two-timing bastard!” Kokichi yelled.  “That WHAT NOW?!” you yelled in shock.  “U-um excuse me!  Should I leave?  You two sound like you need a moment…” the painter interjected.  You both turn to the painter with the most innocent smiles possible.  “Not at all! What gave you that idea?” you asked.  The painter gulped in response and walked over to their easel, reluctant to paint but willing to for such a good pay.
Kokichi walks up to the throne you had put there and sits down.  “What do you want me to do, my true love?” Kokichi asked in a dramatic tone.  “Just sit there for a moment, I have to set up some stuff.” you responded.  You wave your hand and the lighting changes around Kokichi.  “Wow!” the painter exclaimed.  “If you think that’s cool, you’ll shit your pants after what I do next!” you bragged.  You pull out a Gameboy Advance SP and turn it on, the painter looking at you in confusion; Kokichi probably also looking at you in confusion, but you can’t tell.  A Pokeball pops out of the screen, initially pixelated but turning realistic within a matter of seconds.  You catch the Pokeball and throw it, a blast of white pixels coming out as the Pokeball opens.  The white pixels fade to reveal a Houndoom and you watch the pure amazement on the painter’s face.  Houndoom walks up to Kokichi and sits at his side, awaiting more orders.  “Okay, so Kokichi, Imma need you to give me a good evil grin. One that screams, ‘I’m the leader of an evil organization and I mean business.’!  Houndoom, give off a menacing glare.” you commanded.  Kokichi and Houndoom obeyed the orders quickly enough.  “Excellent!  Kokichi, Imma need you to put a hand on Houndoom’s head, like it’s your evil cat or something.” you ordered.  Kokichi did just as he was told.  You give everyone the thumbs up to start and you sit there for hours on end.  It was pure torture for you and Kokichi, but you made it through.  You return Houndoom to its game and feel very dizzy afterwards.   “I’ll hand you the painting after it finishes drying and I add some finishing touches.” the painter explained.  “Sounds fine to me.” you replied.  
Kokichi walks up to you and puts an arm around you after the painter leaves.  “Let’s go to your dorm, I’m SOOOOO BORED!” Kokichi complained.  You both walk back to your dorm, with you feeling worse by the minute.  After a while of hearing Kokichi bitching about how bored he was, he started sounding weird.  Not wordwise but it sounded like you had cotton in your ears and every second it seemed like more cotton was being stuffed in.  You’re glad that you’ve made it into your dorm building, you’re even more glad when you manage to hear Kokichi say the word, “Elevator”.  Your walking became more of a stumble as you neared the elevator; Kokichi’s grip on you was tightening.  He uses his free hand to press the button to your floor while your vision starts to become wonky.  “Kokichi, I think I pushed myself too hard…” you warned.  You hear Kokichi say something, but can’t make it out.  “I can’t make out your words, I’m having a hard time hearing myself talk right now.” you admitted.  You felt scared, but felt safer with Kokichi nearby.  You feel the elevator stop and open, you watch Kokichi lift you up just as you’re about to fall on the ground.  He carries you in his arms out of the elevator, your vision distorting to the point where everything was spinning in all directions.  “My vision’s getting really spinny, Kokichi.” you told your boyfriend.
You feel Kokichi pick up speed and you see your dorm’s door shortly, the door color starting to change around the edges. Kokichi opens your door without taking you out of his arms and you both enter your dorm.  You suddenly feel nauseous as he carries you to your bed, he carefully lays you on your bed and leaves your room.  Your vision goes dark purple a moment after, but you’re somehow awake.  You faintly hear Kokichi talking and you try to get up, only to be too weak to get up.  You feel Kokichi prop you up and put a glass to your lips.  You start drinking what’s in the glass but gag after a moment of drinking it.  Orange juice, of course.  You take a moment and drink the entire glass along with a second he had with him.  Your vision returned shortly after that, but you still felt weak.  “Thanks a lot…” you uttered out.  
Kokichi sits next to you, holding your hand and looking at you.  After 10 minutes your hearing clears up thankfully.  “I think my hearing’s back to normal now.” you said.  “Are you sure?” Kokichi asked.  “Yeah, I’m pretty sure.” you responded.  “You shouldn’t push yourself so hard y’know.” Kokichi stated.  “I’m sorry, I wanted it as authentic as possible.” you responded.  “You don’t need to strive for authenticity when a Houndoom is being painted, you almost fainted from the strain!” he scolded you.  “I know…  I should’ve practiced it for longer periods of time before having the painting done and none of this would’ve happened…” you admitted.  “The important thing is that you learned your lesson…  Now let’s cuddle a bit before going to sleep!” Kokichi said.  “Sounds like a great idea to me…” you replied.  
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dsumpsbluey · 1 year
Unofficial Bluey Timeline: Part IV
Welcome back to another installment in the Unofficial Bluey Timeline; this week, we'll be covering episodes 16-20 (Yoga Ball thru Markets).
Yoga Ball - Episode 16
Bandit plays too rough
Debuts and Details:
The yoga ball is what Bandit sits on due to changing Bluey's diapers in the past. We do see him with a normal, green chair when the yoga ball is elsewhere.
While the stairway room has minimal changes, it IS missing a drawing of a dog near the glass doors on the left side (pic #1)
We get the first glimpse of the "Please" face running gag
(What constitutes as a "Please" face, is ears drooped, hands crossed, sparkled eyes, and sometimes a verbal "Please")
Bingo plays as "Lan" for a short bit, and Bluey reads a green book with a koala face on the cover.
This episode is when Bingo learns how to do her "Big Girl Bark", which brings up an interesting situation, considering she was able to do this in "Takeaway", meaning this would take place before that episode.
According to the Bluey Wiki, this was the first episode to be produced for season 1, which could explain the last bullet point (Takeaway was #4).
This episode is also the first time the girls' ages were revealed to be 6 for Bluey, and 4 for Bingo (Which we already assumed for this timeline)
In the end of the episode, the yoga ball ('Bally') sports two rainbow and one unicorn sticker, a callback to an earlier scene.
This episode, like some other season 1 episodes, was a tad slow, but still enjoyable
Favorite Part: The please face that gets me every time.
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Calypso - Episode 17
Bluey and schoolmates create a society
Debuts and Details:
Calypso, as well as Rusty, Indy, The Terriers, and Pretzel make their debuts.
Coco, Indy and Chloe play as mothers, and their kids' names are [UNKNOWN], Polly, and Rodrick.
The Terriers play as "Romans", which means romans existed in the Bluey-verse.
Rusty and Indy are set up as the caretakers for Polly.
Episodes with Bluey's classmates are cool to see, especially if its for the whole episode; its nice to step away from the main family and see the other kids spend time on screen.
Favorite Part: Pretzel being a bum; he's unironically my favorite character despite getting little screentime after this.
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The Doctor - Episode 18
Bingo runs a clinic
Debuts and Details:
Bingo's plush rabbit "Floppy", makes a very brief appearance when Bingo is operating on Lucky.
Bluey plays as "Edna", while Bingo plays as the doctor (a swap from "Hospital")
Just your average playdate episode. cute.
Favorite Part: When Bingo starts operating on Lucky (like why does she charge towards him like that?)
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The Claw - Episode 19
Bluey and Bingo learn the claw machine
Debuts and Details:
"Grey Dancer", Bingo's plush dolphin appears.
Bingo does bark, but it isn't the signature "Big Girl Bark"
Chilli is eating a salad, her favorite
Bluey and Bingo sit in opposite seats than usual, although given the fact both are harnessed similarly, it doesn't entirely matter.
This is the second time they are shown in the car, so I guess I'll describe what the back looks like;
There's a green bag, loose almonds, and some pens/pencils thrown around. The booster seats also look very identical to each other (it looks like they copy-pasted, the flipped it), and importantly nothing in the middle seat (although the driver angle shows the middle with two cushions).
The front door room now has a red seat instead of a yellow seat (which went missing in "Horsey Ride")
Both Chilli and Bandit use their left hands to portray the claw, which many suspect them as being left-hand dominant users. (Das cool)
Bandit misspells the word "Holder" despite having a PhD in Archaeology (Possible answers: "Holdr", "Holdre", "Holber", "Holdeer", "Holderr", "Holeder", "Holda", "Holdar")
The first instance of the girls admitting they didn't learn anything
I like how this episode shows the method of play by both the parents, as Chilli operates the claw to be fair, but not challenging, whereas Bandit operates the claw to be challenging, yet rewarding while also highlighting the negative effects of game addiction. He turns it into a lesson that while unspecified and a bit harsh, is effective in its own right.
Favorite Part: Definitely Bandit's claw machine.
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Markets - Episode 20
Bluey and Indy attempt to spend money
Debuts and Details:
This is the first of several instances of the "Floss" dance being shown, cuz this series is so hip.
Chilli can't floss, but Bandit can. Das why he's still cool.
Apparently 5 bucks is the new norm for the tooth fairy.
This ep was altered in Disney releases due to a controversial scene of a horse taking a massive dump in front of children.
Indy is revealed to not eat foods with added ingredients, wheat, sugar, gluten, and dairy
"Markets", like "Bob Bilby" before, has many new and returning faces in the background, so I'll make this more of a "Who's there" showcase, than a simple debut (BOLD for debut)
We start off with the background filler characters that surprisingly all show up in the first shot of the market. Via crappy description, this includes from left-to-right, Tan colored dog; light orange dog w/ lighter ear tips; dark purple dog w/ white hands; greenish-white curly dog; dark blue curly dog; Brown top white bottom dog; lavender colored dog; white dog with back spot that only appears for one scene for some reason; orange dog that looks like Rusty, even down to the tail design; and finally brown dog w/ brown spots [He shows up in later episodes, and is named "Postie" by the wiki].
Next shot shows Indy's mum and her shop, as well as Indy.
A zoomed out shot shows a brown-orange-white dog in another stall, but covered up by a teddy bear display and newspaper. [The wiki claims this to be the "Surfer" dog in "The Beach"]
After Indy joins Bluey, we see Rocko releasing bubbles in the air, as well as Mrs. Retriever in another stall; zoom out again and we see Pat (Lucky's Dad) shopping.
We see our first recognizable debut of the "Pony Lady", a brown gradient dog, and her two ponies, "Biscuits" who's decorated as a blue Pegasus, and "Buttermilk" who's dressed as a pink Unicorn.
The German Sausage stand is operated by Gruber and his dad.
The Poffertjes stand is operated by the "Poffertjes Dog", a light brown husky of Dutch descent.
Cornelius, Winton's dad, shows up offering toffee apples; Winton does later show up in the ep to get his dad a German Sausage.
Busker, an orange dog musician and definite fursona of series composer Joff Bush, makes his debut.
Buddy donates 5 dollarbucks.
Gruber gets carrot juice from the juice stall operated by Juniper's mum and Juniper.
Juniper gets carrots from a basenji in a produce stand.
Honey's mum, Daisy purchases mushrooms from the same place.
At the end of the episode, Bluey looses another tooth which is never discussed about or even shown in any episode afterwards. In the development of the timeline, this could lead to two scenarios:
Forget the fact she lost another tooth, and proceed with the later episodes. (Preferred method, b/c its simpler to forget the tooth as it doesn't serve any purpose afterwards; also cost-effective cuz why would they have to alter Bluey's model to remove a single tooth?).
Let the tooth grow back, and assume the next ep doesn't happen for another month or so (Could set back the episode in terms of the timeline for no exact reason, or if left alone, makes no sense why we have to wait for that long for a single tooth to grow).
Favorite Part: "5 Bucks", I like how the interaction serves as short argument between the parents, while at the same time maintaining the allusion of the Tooth Fairy for Bluey. (I mean the tooth fairy is real, right?)
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This concludes the 4th part of the Unofficial Bluey Timeline. Pretty interesting findings for this week with the bark and markets. If you have any questions about these findings or any that I missed, as always leave a comment in the post. With that, see you next week for another installment of the UBT.
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novumtimes · 19 days
Ralph Lauren draws the fashion crowd to the horsey Hamptons for a diverse show of Americana
BRIDGEHAMPTON, N.Y. — BRIDGEHAMPTON, N.Y. (AP) — Ralph Lauren took to Hamptons horse country for a rollout of his signature Americana featuring first lady Jill Biden, Usher and Colman Domingo on his front row and Naomi Campbell, Christy Turlington and a bevy of adorable kids on his runway. Horses and riders meandered Thursday night in a nearby field behind a white picket fence at a tony equestrian complex in Bridgehampton as Lauren showed bright tennis whites, baby blue dresses and jackets, and bright orange, green and yellow looks for men, women and the aforementioned tots. The sun faded as the open-air show came to a close and Lauren’s guests made their way to dinner in an on-site pop-up of his iconic Polo Bar restaurant. Lauren, taking his bow with Biden at his side, has fond memories of the Hamptons, where he maintains a home and visited as a child. For his spring 2025 show, a day ahead of the official start of New York Fashion Week, he chose Khalily Stables, a state-of-the-art, 19-acre equestrian compound of stalls, barns, riding arenas and grassy paddocks. Lauren mixed his Ralph Lauren Collection, Purple Label, Polo Ralph Lauren and children’s wear for an extra-long show that stressed wearability on a weather-perfect evening as summer turns to fall. There were picnic looks in soft blue dresses, and white trousers and shorts paired with stripes and jackets. There were evening looks, including a stunning long blush pearled skirt worn by Campbell with a knotted white T-shirt. For the men, Lauren offered skinny cuffed trousers, blue floral dinner jackets and splashes of color blocking in orange pants paired with navy nautical jackets and wide multicolored ties over pinstripe shirts. Whites and blues dominated, with a sprinkling of crochet and khaki. He threw in some sparkle in slinky sequined evening gowns, backless white cocktail dresses and blue blouses, adding a bit of his fairy dust to a pair of torn khaki trousers and other looks. Lauren’s young ones, from preschoolers to tweens and teens, were ready for anything. One wore white shorts and a green slicker worthy of the U.S. Open the company just sponsored in looks for the ball crews and on-court officials. Others wore high riding boots with blue polos and matching pants. Still more were tiny prepsters in pinstripe button downs, navy jackets and cropped white pants. The show, Usher mused afterwards, was “American life. That’s American love. That’s family.” Another of Lauren’s guests, Tom Hiddleston, agreed. “It’s an extremely precise and intelligent vision because you sort of think, I’d like to be a part of that. I’d like to live that,” he said. “Very inspiring.” Domingo added: “You saw literally all different colors and shapes and sizes of people and people feeling like they belong and go together.” Fellow guest Jude Law summed it up this way: “Aspiration for a better place.” Naomi Watts, Kasey Musgraves, Demi Singleton and Justin Theroux were also among Lauren’s guests. So was Kim Min-jeong, known as Winter, from the K-pop girl group Aespa. In his show notes, Lauren said the Hamptons is “more than a place. It’s a natural world of endless blue skies, the ocean, green fields, and white fences, rusticity and elegance with a quality of light that drew artists here decades ago.” He called the summer haven for New Yorkers like himself his home away from home, “my refuge and always an inspiration.” Perhaps Lauren has better luck with the travel gods overseeing New York traffic. Some of his city guests without access to helicopters for hire spent four hours fighting traffic on the way to his show. The company has had a big year. In addition to the U.S. Open, Lauren dressed Team USA for the Paris Games. ___ Associated Press video producer Brooke Lefferts contributed to this story. Source link via The Novum Times
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milfjagger · 5 months
🎧 + 12, 38, 46 :)
lay my hands on heaven and the sun and the moon and the stars/while the devil wants to fuck me in the back of his car
12. Your favourite book to be completely honest it's the hobbit i love that book so so so so much
38. Experience you’ll never forget riding in the back of a pickup truck offroad on a literal mountain in the alps. the driver was stoned as fuck and i had had like 6 beers and me and my friend honestly thought we were gonna die but i wouldn't have even cared it was amazing
46. Are you excited for anything? right now just finishing my placement at the end of this week but after idk that i might start looking for a part time horsey job for the summer
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thesinglesjukebox · 9 months
Jonathan takes us down to the farm...
Jonathan Bradley: Adrift in life, you've been invited on a university research trip to a secluded and secretive community. The purpose of this visit is anthropological, but you're just along for the ride; it's a solstice celebration, and you're happy to participate in whatever curious festivity these people have planned. These people adore horses, which seems kind of odd, but harmless, right? "Welcome to the farm," chirrups the woman who seems to know what's going on, or perhaps is in charge. She's dressed like a horse, too, and she trots and gallops like a horse -- or so she tells you. So do the other horses -- I mean people -- and these people have gathered for something like a rave. Their beats are heavy and simple and the effect is numbing -- or is that the hay they insisted you eat? It should be just any old club night, but horsegiirL is leading the dance -- her saddle is on, and that doesn't seem right for a human girl, but she wants to run she says -- and the horses are dancing now. Not like dressage, but also not like humans. You sweat and your vision blurs; the synths canter and the kicks pound like hooves. You should leave. You should leave. The horses are weaving flowers into your hair -- your mane -- and your friends have vanished. You smell burning; horsegiirL whinnies like a diva; no horse would dance to this. But you beam. Good mood. Good mood. Good mood. [9]
Tara Hillegeist: One hundred per cent the most normal-sounding music I've ever heard made by a furry. [6]
Micha Cavaseno: Subcultures are fascinating in that, like, it's extremely easy for them to never perceive of anything that doesn't insert itself into their culture. Take for example how hard I cackled when JoJo's Bizarre Adventure used Jodeci and how I knew there were tons of weebs who'd never heard a single K-Ci & Jojo song and maybe 10 of them would end up digging into '90s R&B the way they get really into classical after listening to enough Final Fantasy soundtracks or whatever. So similarly, I always wonder about furries because I've never had any clue what their interests are in besides songs that cater to their interests (various werewolf themed pop songs, "The Animal In Me" by Three Days Grace). "Why is Micha talking about furries?" you might ask? Well, as a dance track I've got nothing to say about "My Barn My Rules." Like, it'd make a good filler track I'd listen to once and skim over on Discogs if it'd been released in '91 and engineered by a guy who was previously in a '80s industrial group like Hula or whatever? But I did have to look at this single art featuring photomanipulation of a horse girl, so now I'm just wondering about that audience's relationship to rave music and whether this is going to be like "Can You Feel It?" for them or not down the line since, let's be real, the horse thing is the No. 1 quality to remark upon. [4]
Frank Kogan: Kinda want more from a talking horse, something more horsey -- though I don't suppose that's fair, since I don't make equivalent demands on talking humans, for instance. But I'm not really feeling the galloping fun that's intended. The beats push okay when horsegiirL starts chanting, "Saddle on, I'm ready now," but the rest is just a signified cuteness. [4]
Katherine St Asaph: The flak-driven fursona kayfabe of Horsegiirl's whole existence should bother me, and on some level I guess it does. Unfortunately, this bangs. My hypothetical Sunshine Rabbits-led fauna club anthem playlist treads one hoof closer to completion. [7]
Crystal Leww: I saw horsegiirL DJ in September, and she played "My Barn My Rules" like three minutes into her set rather than saving it for the closer, suggesting that even she knows that the stuff with MCR-T is the least banging stuff she has. The rest of the set was good -- more of the happy hardcore, Eurodance, and hard trance stuff that's been huge in Europe. It's hard to say why "My Barn My Rules" took off the way it did other than that people like boring, repetitive beats or maybe because it's one of the tracks that is on theme, but yeah, sorry I hate the horse head. [4]
Taylor Alatorre: Would rate this higher if it were an actual furry thing instead of a "Keep Rave Culture Weird" T-shirt. [3]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: A friend once told me that if you ever date a horse girl that you'll always be third in her life -- she and her horse come first and second, though not necessarily in that order. I guess that means the music comes fourth? [4]
John S. Quinn-Puerta: My wife: "I give it five bottles of Mane 'n Tail." [5]
Rachel Saywitz: I used to watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic when I was a teen because I needed happiness in the form of quick 15-minute brightly-colored animated episodes with magical ponies who loved each other, but I dropped off of it when I realized that most of the people who were obsessed with My Little Pony were men who didn't actually like women who liked horses, so I just want to say I fully support the literal horse girl renaissance! [7]
Kat Stevens: When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I played with My Little Ponies and listened to rave music as a child: but when I became an adult, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known. [9]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: When he died they took Old Billy's skull and put it into a museum; they also, separately, taxidermied his skin and put into a different museum. Now, two centuries later, the third part of his self has found a true and honorable resting place -- not in flesh nor bone but in the magic of song. [8]
Aaron Bergstrom: Don't you dare drag Old Billy into this. [3]
Ian Mathers: The amount of shitposting I consume has left me curiously immune to whatever dark magics are being invoked here. I respect it, but I am unmoved. [5]
Michelle Myers: The intro was funny the first time, but the mediocre hip-house failed to impress. [4]
Brad Shoup: You don't have to pick a lane. You can drop into many points on the horse-ownership spectrum: reading the Wikipedia page for "horse" to your partner as you entertain the fantasy of, one day, purchasing a horse; going classic Horse Girl mode; actually inhabiting the body of a horse. But you probably shouldn't release a track that sounds like a working session of you writing through all of these scenarios. Only in the last minute do they even find a decent hip-house melody. Lots of great lines and chants here, but at a track length of nearly 4:30 they're stretched thin; this feels like the dub. Give me some galloping gabber! [6]
Will Adams: The original track is 4:26 long. The video version is 2:03. This feels important. [5]
Scott Mildenhall: If you keep your ear close enough to the ground at this time of year in the UK, you may hear Mr Blobby's seminal Christmas number one, "Mr Blobby." If your ear is particularly well tuned, you will also notice that it is a fine piece of music. It could almost be on Very. Conceptually, it's watertight, and builds on Blobbyland instead of just visiting it. While you can elevate a generic track with simple novelty, you can do a lot more to make it stick. This is all to say that the funniest thing about this song is the way it caused Arielle Free to be wheeled unceremoniously out of the Radio 1 studio. [6]
Nortey Dowuona: horsegiirL is a very distinct vocalist. As a rapper, her voice is thin fluffy and light, being overpowered by the fast, steady pass of the kicks and the higher but just as brisk pace of the bassline. As a singer, her voice is just as fluffy, but also clammy, and once certain runs happen over the first thin synth note at the first chorus break, it fails to display much range and awkwardly riffs as her rapped bars come back in, both immediately clashing with each other. Once she is looped and dropped back in, as the song has switched basslines to compete with the sawtooth topline, her rapped voice fits more comfortably and sounds more pronounced. But her singing clashes, bouncing off it until it finally is taken off with a whinny, which has more presence than her voice. [8]
Dorian Sinclair: As mentioned in my Amaarae blurb, I'm a Sagittarius. I was also born in the Year of the Horse, making me doubly equine and causing me to feel a strange sense of kinship with the enigmatic horsegiirL. And while I'm not a huge novelty-song person, "My Barn My Rules" at least is decently funny and has a pretty solid beat. These modest accomplishments are enough to set it apart from the pack herd. [6]
Will Rivitz: As a longstanding member of the Singles Jukebox consortium, I can understand on an intellectual level why it's worthwhile we, as pop music writers, level our collective critical eye with an artist as perfectly lathed to elicit strong responses of all kinds as horsegiirL, and I am genuinely delighted to see what others from around these parts, both those who loved and who hated this song, have to say about it. At the same time, I think it's worth voicing a counterargument to the forking paths this song lays out: fuck that, it slaaaaaps. Anything that could be said about "My Barn My Rules" is violently wrested away from me as I'm pulled without regard to my current state to the dancefloor, to 3 a.m., to screaming every single word with my friends, sobriety only vaguely remembered as somewhere we perhaps once were and will perhaps have to contend with once again sometime in the distant future. For others, there are plenty of ways to vivisect and examine these four and a half minutes in a way that will resonate with those interested in engaging honestly and openly with this art. For me? No matter how much I turn over this totem in my head, I always come away with the same mantra: good mood. good mood! good moooooooooood! [10]
Claire Biddles: The kind of cultural product that demands either a [0] or a [10]. [10]
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tsyllaes · 10 months
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This is almost entirely unchanged from the original, I've just gone over them all with watercolour to fit the rest of my wildlife fact file pics. I will therefore copy-pasta all the text from last time.
Makakis came about because screw horses. Horses are way too finicky. Horsey people are very knowledgeable about horses; I couldn't give a shit about horses. I give up trying to make my horses realistic.
Also, on a side note after seeing a bandicoot digging at Mum's lawn yesterday, I had the idea that most mammals in Tsyllaes should really be marsupials, what with it being based pretty heavily on Australia and all.
I decided to try combining these ideas, starting with real marsupials, the extinct megafauna. Honestly the only one big enough to ride is the giant wombat, which absolutely bloody exist in Tsyllaes now, but not overly convenient as a steed. I looked then at extinct mammals to see if anything else might be useful, and came across the macrauchenia, some weird South American creature which was its own evolutionary branch, unrelated to anything else that currently exists. The closest they've got is the tapir/horse/elephant branch. PERFECT. Also I can find virtually no info about this thing.
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The common makaki is the one people think of whenever they think of a makaki. In keeping with their not-horse origins, their patterning is generally anything that a horse can be, as well as in keeping with their being marsupials, anything marsupials can be. They're about 2m tall at the shoulder, so significantly bigger than horses, but they're also very chill with sitting, most often lounging like kangaroos. I wanted to draw one lounging here but I needed to show the heights, so I'll do that when I eventually draw the Own's makakis. They have three toes on each foot, which makes them more agile and gives them stronger ankles than horses so the sodding things don't break their ankles. They live mostly in the mountains and hills of Kazin, Llayad and northern Raykin, where they use their snoots to pull leaves off of trees for food, occasionally fruit if they can get it but they're fine off leaves. They're suited to Kazin's open forests and the plains of Llayad, not so good in full desert with their comparatively small feet and need for water. Those from tropical forests and the Llayan savanna have no mane while those from the colder mountains have manes all the way down their back. The particularly cold border between Llayad and Kazin also breeds them with floofier coats. Llayans call these ones Kazinian makakis, because Llayad has their own 'common' one.
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The destrier is the one bred for battle. Bigger than the common makaki and with very strong legs, especially the back legs for springing forward from a stationary start. They have the longest tusks of all makaki breeds which can be an extra weapon in battle, and longer trunks, too, cos. I dunno. I felt like playing with the trunks. I'm sure there's an application for that. Also, side-note, this one's Mongrel! After drawing all the boys' makakis, I've better figured out how their anatomy goes, so I've tweaked this one a fair bit from the original, giving him longer, thicker legs and changing how the back legs kink to be more like how I've been drawing them, a bit more strength and spring to them.
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Oooooh he's a big, beefy boy, this one. The draft makaki has been bred for pure strength, huge forequarters for pulling heavy carts and plows, big feets for digging, strong trunk and tusks for pushing over trees and hauling branches.
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By complete contrast, Assiraz's makaki is bred purely for looks. The more snowy white, the pricier the animal, except their swishy gorgeous tail which has all the colours. Long, elegant legs and slender, curving neck. They're named after Empress Assiraz, who was the one to start breeding them in the first place. Literally their only use is to keep nobility's skirts clean and elevate them above the plebs, so in that regard they're highly practical. For anything much else, they're kinda useless.
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Native to the tropics and bred for its meat, the stocky little tapi has patterning on its back like a giraffe and range from grey, like the above, to dark brown with black spots to better camouflage. They taste like camel. I've never eaten camel so just roll with it.
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DONKEY. Or more technically a mule, but I just wanted to call it a donki. It's a hybrid between a tapi mare and common stallion to make a smaller makaki, less fragile in the legs giving them greater endurance than the common makakis, but because they're much smaller they're cheaper for the average Kazinian. More than half the donkis are sterile, which makes those ones nice and cheap for the poorer Kazinians, and even those which can breed are still significantly cheaper than common makakis and WAY cheaper than draft makakis.
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The two Llayan makakis, first one just called the 'Llayan makaki,' but, as mentioned before, Llayans call this one the 'common makaki' and the other one the 'Kazinian makaki'. She reach! And she has a foal in her pouch :D Llayan makakis are a bit smaller than the Kazinian ones. Also, because they're not actually zebras, the dark stripes can be any colour, though herds are mostly all of one colour.
Secondly, the rigaffe! Tollu girl is tollu, though I did shrink her a bit from the original. I think they also have colour variations, too, but always with the giraffe-like patterning. If you're wondering how the joey gets back in the pouch, it doesn't. Once the joey has left the pouch, that's it, it's out for good.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Do you think jimin just did this in that run episode.. when he sat on JK's neck to stop him.
But He looked way pleased with himself, suddenly realized they are on set and was a little embarrassed because staff were there so he smirked and climbed down
And JK was completely unfazed by this. As if its a regular thing jimin does at home.
Does KFI have any comments on this ?
Not today he didn't because, well, it didn't come up in conversation. But I love Run BTS Episodes 148-149. Even with the overalls.
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We are all Yoongi when the Jeon-Parks bust out the roleplay, I think.
And this? THIS is what you meant? THIS moment, anon? The malttukbakgi horsey ride moment?
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It is aptly described in your link, smart anon:
My freshman year in college Kev taught a bunch of us to play this but I always called it the Horsey Ride Game. I was a bit of a dolt in a college. I pledged a whole sorority and shit. But this game is just funny. And because I was a hobbit I always got to jump on people.
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AND I KNOW BTS has played this game, I have a perfect picture in my brain of them standing by a turquoise/aqua painted fence and Namjoon and Hobi were just like... IDK, they did this once, that's all I remember. ONE OF YOU TELL ME WHEN THAT WAS HELP
So when this episode came out I was like KEVIN-OPPA WHAT THE SAM HILL FUCK IS THIS and after he told me not to say fuck he said "That is not malttukbakgi, that's just sitting on your man until he does as he's told". Paraphrased because it's been several months ago, but yes. It was discussed. And apparently that's just sitting on your man until he does as he's told. And what's even funnier is that Koo didn't even flinch, he reacted not at all except to kinda slide his hands up Jimin's legs like he was thinking of flipping him upside down and standing upright, but he didn't. Jimin's got a dommy streak a mile wide. I LIVE.
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gunterfan1992 · 4 years
Interview with James Baxter (the Human)
Guess what, everyone? I just had the pleasure of exchanging emails with James Baxter—that’s right the James Baxter! James is something of a legend in the animation world, and he is known for his beautifully expressive animation style that is able to make even the simplest shape look majestic and full of life. In addition to the myriad movies he has worked on, James also contributed special animation to Adventure Time, working on season five’s “James Baxter the Horse” and season eight’s “Horse and Ball”; not only was the character named after him, but he even got to voice his horse doppelgänger!
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And so, without further ado, Mr. James Baxter the Human:
GunterFan: I know that you've recounted it before, but would it be possible to get your take on the 'origin story' of the "James Baxter the Horse" episode. How did it all come together?
James Baxter: Well, Pen and I were in contact with each other while I was working at DreamWorks. I had known about him since he had left CalArts and I had already told him how much I liked Adventure Time, and I had told him that if he ever needed me to do anything to give me a call. I guess he heard me because later he asked me to meet him at a tiny sandwich place that was on Flower St. and Sonora in Burbank (it's called Little Ground now, but I can't remember what it used to be back then). There, he pitched me the idea for the character and he gave me a quick sketch of James Baxter the Horse. I said  yes, absolutely I would love to animate and voice that for you, that sounds amazing. He also reminded me of one of my animation demo lectures that I had done at CalArts when he was a student there. I usually ask for suggestions from the students of what they would like me to animate for them, so they can see the thought process. At that lecture someone yelled out, "Do a horse balancing on a ball!" (it may have been Pen) I guess as a goof, knowing that might be a little tricky for a quick demo. I remember asking for something a little simpler please. I suppose Pen remembered that moment because that's where the idea came from. As far as the actual episode goes, and what happens in it, that's all Pen and his team.
GF: What was the animation process like? How long did it take you to get everything all together?
JB: I saw the storyboard, and they gave me a printed copy of it, as well as some exposure sheets for the shots that the horse was in. I spent a little time working out some different cycles that I could move between, James balancing in place, James turning in a circle etc. I was trying to do cycles that could be reused over and over in different shots to save on work. it was all animated on paper and all the clean up drawings were done by my wife Kendra. Then all those drawings were shipped overseas to the production studio that was doing the rest of the animation for the show, so that they could do the color and compositing. I guess it took us about a month or six weeks, but I was only working on it evenings and weekends.
GF: How much say did you have with regard to the character design? What about key poses? Were you given creative freedom?
JB: I was given a lot of freedom. I just had that one sketch that Pen had drawn, but he had suggested that I give it a more flowing mane and tail. I remember sending a drawing of mine back to the team at Cartoon Network so that they could do a color model for him. As far as key poses went, I just had the boards to go from, which were clear but not super detailed, so I had a lot of freedom to make up the animation as long as I stayed true to the staging and to the length of the shots. By the time i got the exposure sheets the dialogue tracks had already been written on them, which is common practice, so I could animate to the sound.
GF: I love James Baxter (the Horse)'s voice! What inspired the accent and the whinny? What was the recording process like?
JB: I guess the voice is me just trying to be horsey, and a little posh, and British. He only ever says his name (no trouble remembering the lines!), so it's a little hard to really define an accent, but I'm British so that's where I went. My natural accent hovers somewhere over the mid-Atlantic since I've lived in the US for over thirty years. The whinny is just me trying not to cough as I'm trying to make horsey noises! Voice acting is not my talent, but it was a lot of fun, mostly because it was so surreal just saying my own name in different ways for half an hour! They were very nice and patient with me.
GF: I haven't been able to find a lot of info on "Horse and Ball." What was that like? Was it different the second time?
JB: How did you feel returning to the show? Well, I was very pleased to get another chance to do more James Baxter, but there was more footage of him in the second episode and I had less time to do it. That meant that I only animated a few shots of him in that episode, not all of him as I had done in the first one. I would have loved to have done it all, but there just wasn't time. But it was just as fun to animate, especially falling off the ball and the dance at the end.
GF: What has the reception been like on your end? Do folks ever connect your name to the character without realizing that they're both you?
JB: I’ve never had the "Oh, I never knew that James Baxter was a real person" comment face to face, but I've seen it quite a lot in comment sections on YouTube and other places online. I've got to say, it's very gratifying having this amazing alter-ego of me in AT, especially since he's such a benevolent character. I'm glad Pen didn't decide to make him a jerk! All he does is ride around cheering people up, how amazing is that?! It's certainly become a gateway for a whole lot of people to discover me as an artist, not just a cartoon character.
I hope to incorporate all this information into the second edition of Exploring the Land of Ooo... one day. Either way, thank you James Baxter for not only agreeing to a little interview, but also making the world a better place!
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