#jimmy o'phelan
tumbleweed-writes · 3 months
Now That I Have You: Chibs Telford X Original Character. Chapter Eight.
Previous Chapter HERE
Chapter Eight: Fix It
Chibs sat on an old rickety picnic table, outside a Sons clubhouse in Reno Nevada. The cold desert night air was a refreshing change from the air in Charming, but Chibs could not quite find it in him to appreciate the nice change in temperature.
He reached into the pocket of his kutte pulling out a cigarette and lighting it with a cheap navy blue bic lighter his heart and his mind feeling so heavy. He wanted to disappear into the dorm he was staying in, in the Reno clubhouse, and sleep off his misery. The noise of the party raging on inside though kept him from the rest or escape he craved.
He reached into this jeans pocket pulling out and staring down at his cell phone for the millionth time today. He glared down at the cell spotting the no missed calls message it taunting him and breaking his heart all the more.
Though it was Monday night the Reno clubhouse was boisterous and filled with action. The Reno brothers had gone all out to make the mother charter feel welcome in their clubhouse. There was a wide selection of booze and several attractive women were up for grabs.
Chibs was tempted to go inside and let himself become lost in the chaos. He was tempted to let the wild surroundings swallow him up and dull his heartache.
He knew that he couldn't do that though, going inside and letting go would be a gigantic mistake. Letting the chaos, booze, and women soothe his heartbreak would just make everything ten times worse in the long run.
He once again reminded himself that Molly hadn't broken up with him. She had just told him that she needed time to think. She had not ended the relationship.She just wanted time to sort her head out and figure out if this was worth continuing. She just needed time to think.
But wasn't that what women said when they were breaking up with you, a voice that sounded a little bit like Jimmy O'Phelan piped up in his head. He felt his heart plummet at the thought.
He frowned taking a long drag off of his cigarette hoping that he could somehow smoke out the Jimmy voice.
Though he knew that the truth about whom and what he was would have come out eventually, he hated that things had gone this way. He knew he could not hide the truth forever, but he had dreaded what Molly would make of it all. He had known it would not be easy for her. She had come from such a violent background. So, of course she feared falling into violence once again. His world gave her so much to fear.
He was well aware that because of who he was and what his life was that he risked the chance of losing Molly and Mason. The risk of losing them hurt far more than he'd thought it would.
The thought of losing what he'd built with them both so quickly was like a punch in the gut. It felt like the air had been knocked out of his body and there seemed to be no way to ever feel as though he could breathe steadily again.
The idea of Molly being afraid of him was agonizing. He hated thinking that she may believe that he would ever harm Mason or her. He hated believing that she might fear that the life that came with him would only lead to pain and suffering for her child and herself. He hated thinking that she might not trust him to protect both Mason and her.
He felt his heart sink knowing that it was not easy for any ol lady accepting the club along with the knowledge of what it made their man do. He knew that Molly was not familiar with this life. This was so far out of her norm. She had come to him from a society that told her that outlaw biker clubs were dangerous and the people in them should be feared. Molly wasn't like Gemma, or some of the croweaters, or Tara even. This was all uncharted territory for her.
Molly would either sink or she would swim if she agreed to be his. Chibs knew that it wasn't just her safety and her heart that she had to consider. Mason was the most important thing in her life; Chibs knew that.
Molly was a mother; she just wanted the best for her boy. That was something that Chibs adored about her. He loved her obvious love for her child. The love she felt for her son had been an admirable trait that he'd noticed about her. He adored seeing her be a mother. He found it comforting; thinking that she trusted him with her child. Mason and she had been so soothing for him. He'd grown to adore them both so quickly.
Chibs could admit the more he'd learned about Molly's past the more he'd adored her. He had admired how she was so strong for her boy. She would sacrifice anything for her son. Chibs had fallen for her strength. She was so brave in his opinion; escaping her husband to protect her child. She was stronger than she realized.
In Chibs' opinion Mason was so lucky to have a mother like Molly; a woman who would leave everything she knew to try to give her child a better life. A woman who was willing to risk her safety to make sure that her child would never know the strike of his father's hand. He hoped that one day when Mason was old enough he would know about and appreciate what his mother had done for them both. He hoped the boy would understand just how strong his mother was.
Chibs felt his heart ache thinking of Mason. He had not just fallen for Molly; he'd adored her kid as well. Mason was so young and so trusting. He looked at Chibs and did not see the hardened dangerous biker. He saw Mr. Chibs who bought him popsicles and pushed him on the park swings. He did not fear Chibs. Chibs hated the idea of not being in the boy's life. He had wonder if things were over between Molly and he, would he still be permitted to be a part of Mason's life. When this relationship had first begun to develop, Molly had told him that she did not want him to disappear from her son's life if things fizzled out between them. Would knowing just how dangerous he was change how she felt about that?
Chibs hated the idea of being kept from the child he'd grown to adore. He'd realized that the little boy loved him; looked up to him. Chibs feared breaking Mason's heart. He feared that if things were over between Molly and he, then Molly would move on to some safer choice in a romantic partner. He feared that this safe choice would replace him in Mason's life. He hated the concept of some other man being looked up to by Mason.
Chibs could admit that he had already talked to Tara over the phone; had a long conversation with her. He had made her promise him that she would keep an eye on Molly and Mason while he was away. He had made her swear that she would do everything to protect them just as he would. Of course, he knew that this was not simple for the good doctor. Molly was giving her the cold shoulder; angry that Tara had known the true nature of Chibs upon first encouraging Chibs to give Molly that ride home and seemingly encouraging a relationship between Molly and he. She was upset that Tara had withheld the truth from her. She refused to return Tara's calls or texts and Tara was not willing to go to Molly's place to try to break the ice. Chibs feared that their friendship was at risk and he had no idea how to fix anything. The thought of Molly losing her trust in Tara made his stomach turn. He knew Molly's husband had not allowed her to have friends. He knew Tara meant a lot to her. Thinking that she'd lost trust in a friend she was so thrilled to have made his heart ache.
He could admit that he feared something happening to Molly was he was away. His worse fear was her husband showing up to hurt her or her boy while he wasn't there to keep Mason and she safe. He had nightmares about it each time he tried to get an ounce of sleep. He had horrible dreams were he woke up in a cold sweat wanting to puke only able to remember the dream version of the woman he loved and may have lost screaming out in pain begging for him to help her.
Chibs feared that his dreams may become a reality. He was more determined than ever to protect Molly from her husband no matter what. He refused to let his dreams become a reality. He knew no matter what happened between Molly and he, that he would kill Brian Parker if he ever stepped foot in Charming. He would make the son of a bitch regret ever thinking of raising a hand to Molly.
He wasn't going to stop protecting her and her boy. Even if she didn't want him anymore he wasn't going to let a thing happen to her.
Chibs had thought of calling Gemma asking her to check up on Molly, but the last thing he needed was hurricane Gemma racing over to Molly's house or work and making things worse.
It had to work out, he promised himself. He had lost so much in his life, he had to hope that life would finally show him some gentleness and allow him one sense of peace and love. He tried to tell himself that Molly would think about their time together and would understand that what he did for a living didn't define him. She would surely have to realize that he may do bad things for the club, but that didn't mean that he wasn't a good man.
He knew it was a cliché, a criminal with a heart of gold. The thought would have made him chuckle if he wasn't so miserable.
He knew that Molly probably didn't see it that way; a criminal with a good heart. In a way he had betrayed her, not telling her the truth about just what he was from the start. He had slowly trickled the truth to her thinking he was lessening the fallout. Slowly revealing the truth to her though had hurt her more in the end.
How could she ever want a man like him, he found himself asking. How would she ever even begin to accept this side to him? How could she ever believe him when he promised her that he wouldn't let a thing happen to her or Mason?
He didn't know what the future held for Molly and he and it was excruciating. He just wanted to know what was going on inside her head.
Did she still trust him? Did he still make her feel safe? Did she still believe that he cared so much for her and her boy? Did she understand just how much she meant to him?
The last thing he'd ever wanted was to let her down. He never wanted to break her heart. He never wanted to make her doubt him. He never wanted to destroy her trust. He had adored her sweet nature and he feared he'd tainted it. A cruel voice in the back of his head claimed that this just proved that he wasn't good enough for a woman like her. He felt an insecure voice claim that he was a dirty violent criminal who was not worthy of a sweet woman and her child. She deserved so much more than he would ever be.
Chibs rolled his eyes as a blonde croweater wandered outside a cigarette hanging out the side of her crimson lips she making a beeline for him. He was so not in the mood to deal with some gash trying to put the moves on him.
She made her way over to him speaking as she leaned in. "Got a light?"
Chibs said nothing as he handed over his lighter he hoping and praying she'd take his silence as a sign to fuck off. The croweater took it from him lighting up her own cancer stick before speaking. "You look like something the cat threw up."
He raised an eyebrow knowing that her comment was probably pretty accurate. He hadn't slept well since the night he'd left Molly Garrett's house aside from the terrible nightmares he had about her and her husband.
He had spent his time going back in forth in between throwing himself into club business and staring at his phone trying to build up the nerve to call Molly. He'd been driving himself insane trying to figure out a way to fix this. He'd been torturing himself thinking that there was no way to fix this and fearing what his life would be without Molly and Mason. He hated the thought of his life going right back to what it had been before Molly Garrett and her boy had pulled into TM Auto with a broken little Volkswagen Bug.
The croweater sat down beside him wanting to take a load off. The silver platform stripper heels she was wearing had been a poor choice for tonight, though the boys at the clubhouse loved them, especially that samcro guy Tig.
The two sat in silence for a long moment before the croweater finally spoke her curiosity getting the better of her she unable to shake her curiosity about her silent SAMCRO company. "Trouble with the ol lady?"
"How do ya know I've got an ol lady?" Chibs blurted out wondering if his heartbroken appearance was really that obvious. He had to wonder if he had some kind of neon flashing sign that stated heartbreak over his head.
"There's only one thing that can make someone look that shitty...and that's love." The croweater stated a knowing tone to her voice.
Shelia the croweater had been through enough heartbreak herself to spot the clear look of heartache a mile away.
First there had been Jeffery, her high school boyfriend who drove a harley leading her into her lifelong devotion to bikers. Then there had been Max, a biker with a rotten front tooth and enough tattoos to cover a tattoo parlors walls. Then last but not least there had been Jake a skinny guy with long stringy hair and a mean temper, things had been good with him until he'd gotten himself locked up in the state penitentiary.
Sheila spoke again feeling the need to play therapist. She'd always had a thing for wounded birds, nursing them back to health. The Scotsman beside her looked like a wounded bird in need of guidance if there ever was one. "So what happened?"
Chibs let out a sigh not really wanting to discuss his love life with a woman in a sequin mini dress and a pair of heels that most strippers would envy. Somehow he found himself speaking though knowing it would feel cathartic to get it all out of his head. "Nothing...I mean it was nothin she did...it was all me. I let er and her boy down. I may of wrecked shite beyond repair."
"Then fix it, whatever you did to let her down...find a way to make things right, Babe. Don't let her go, fight for love. Whatever you do, don't give up. Grovel at her feet if you have to. Just repair what you broke. Do whatever it takes. Sitting around wallowing in misery is just hurting you both. If she means enough to you to make you this miserable then she's worth fighting for. I bet she's just as miserable as you. Show her that you can't live without her. The second you get home, spill your heart to her. Tell her you love her and that you're going to do what it takes to fix things. Don't give up." Shelia responded the hopeless romantic in her providing advice for the Scot.
Chibs raised an eyebrow a little dumbfounded that the woman was giving him advice that seemed to be so sensible.
Sheila spoke again smirking the booze she'd drank this evening making the filter in her brain that stopped her from being so blunt shut off. "You know, usually I would try to talk you into a back room and take total advantage of this situation, but I can recognize that look in your eyes. I've had it a few times myself. Fix it hon. Make things right with your ol lady. If you love her then fight for her. Make it clear to her that she's the one for you."
And with that statement Sheila patted Chibs' on the knee before standing up and hobbling on her all too high heels back into the clubhouse.
Chibs raised an eyebrow as he watched her leave. The last thing he would have ever expected in a dozen years was for a croweater to give him some decent advice about love.
He frowned when he noticed the tattoo clearly visible on Sheila's back; two gigantic wings, angel wings to be more descriptive.
Christ, his guardian angel would come drunk in stripper heels and a cigarette hanging out the side of her mouth; he couldn't help but to think.
He sighed realizing that the croweater was right; he couldn't let his old lady go without a fight. He was falling in love with Molly Garrett and he had to show her that he was willing to do what it took to fix this and earn her trust.
Molly Garrett sat up in an old rocking chair parked in front of her TV her heart feeling heavy.
The television was on showing some stupid looking reality show. It was one of those shows where they locked up a bunch of people in a house and made them cohabit together in the hopes of one of them winning money.
Molly had turned the tv on an hour ago but found that she couldn't pay attention to it. Mason was in his room playing with his favorite lego set completely unaware of his mother's heartbreak.
She was miserable and lost; so lost. She had never felt more conflicted about anything in her life.
Chibs had made her happy. She had felt so wonderful with him. He had been so kind, so patient, so understanding, and so perfect. He had truly felt as though he was her godsend. She was unsure if she should still feel that way. She didn't know if she should still think of him as her light at the end of the tunnel.
Her heart insisted that Chibs had been perfect to her. He had treated her like a queen and treated Mason like a little king.
Her mind screamed that he was dangerous. He had admitted to her that his role in SAMCRO required violence from him, violence he was comfortable with. His past in Ireland showed that he had no problems with violence. She had been so ready to leave violence behind when she'd left Brian. She had been ready to find security and peace. How was it that the first man she'd found herself attracted to brought so much violence with him? Chibs' world sounded so frightening and threatening. She could imagine that the world of SAMCRO was tinged with danger and fear.
A voice in the back of her head insisted that Chibs would bring violence right to her front steps. She was uncertain of if he would ever be violent towards her. As frightened as her mind was of the world he lived in, her heart claimed that a man who had been as sweet as him would not harm her. Then again hadn't Brian been sweet at first? She feared that even if Chibs would not harm her, that the world he involved himself in would bring harm upon her or her child.
Chibs' world sounded like such a brutal one. He was a criminal, there was no doubting that. He had admitted to her that he'd done some awful things. Something told her that the things he'd done and was capable of continuing to do would give her nightmares and make her skin crawl.
Why else would Chibs have been so afraid to tell her the truth? He was not a dumb man. He had to know that she would see him as a monster if she knew what he was capable of.
If he was some kind of monster then just why did she feel so safe with him? Why did her heart try to claim that he would never allow any pain to fall upon Mason or her? Why did her poor heart seem so insistent that she should be willing to give him a chance? Why did she want to try to trust him despite her mind telling her that she would be a fool to give him any second chances?
She was overwhelmed with the debate over how Chibs could feel so dangerous and so safe at the same time?
Molly wasn't sure if she could take on this life of his. Could she handle it all; the guns, the women, and the chaos?
It wasn't just herself that she would be placing in this world of Chibs', it would be Mason too. Surely a responsible good mother would take her child and run far far away from Chibs Telford and all his friends too.
Mason was just a little boy. He was so innocent and so trusting. He adored Chibs so much it was so obvious. What kind of mother was she letting the criminal become some kind of screwed up role model for her fragile impressionable son? Wouldn't she be setting Mason up for a destructive life if she stood by Chibs?
What would Mason learn from such a world? Would he learn that breaking the law was okay? Would Chibs teach him that violence was sometimes necessary? Would Chibs teach him that it was okay to cause people pain and leave chaos in your wake? Would Chibs teach Mason that it was fine to bend rules and do horrible immoral acts? What kind of mother was she even considering allowing an admitted outlaw biker to be around her son? What kind of woman was she if she was feeling any sort of amorous feelings for that outlaw biker? Just how much had Brian fucked up her mind? Had her husband really destroyed her that much that she was growing so enamored with a man who was so capable of violence?
She took a deep breath trying to hold back her sorrows. She had done nothing but cry over the past few days. She'd cried and driven herself insane debating what she wanted with Chibs. She'd sobbed and told herself that she was so damaged and the worst mother on the planet.
Her time had been spent crying and thinking. She just felt so wretched.
Molly didn't know what to do. She wanted to crawl into her bed and never get back out again. She just wanted to hide from the reality of her situation. She felt so heartbroken and so angry. Tara had been calling her and she'd ignored the calls certain if she spoke to the woman she would have nothing kind to say. Tara had known this entire time and she'd let Molly fall into this being so naive to the reality of SAMCRO. Molly felt so betrayed and so hurt.
Her heart hurt. It felt like someone had ripped her heart out of her chest cavity and stomped on it and made it a filthy broken thing before shoving it back into her body.
Her hearts screeched that Chibs made her feel so content, and beautiful, and just plain secure. Mason loved him so much. The child thought that Chibs was his hero. She could not find a way to make sense of her fears surrounding Chibs and the way that her heart felt about him. She could rationalize the two opposing opinions she held about Chibs.
She questioned if this was the end of what Chibs and she had been building together. Her mind asked if she could she lose Chibs? Could she find it in her to walk away from him and not regret it? He had felt so healing for her heart. Could she walk away from how healing he'd felt?
Could she trust him to keep her safe though? Could she trust him to keep Mason safe from the violence of his world? Did she trust him not to hurt her and not to let hurt fall upon her or Mason?
She tried her best to put on a happy face as Mason entered the room crawling up into her lap and sitting down.
Mason spoke up letting out a very over dramatic sigh. "When is Mr. Chibs going to come back?"
"I don't know baby...he went on a special trip." Molly answered her heart aching to even talk about the man. How would she explain it to Mason if she walked way from Chibs? Did she still trust Chibs enough to remain in Mason's life even if she didn't trust him with her heart?
"Like an adventure?" Mason asked as she began to rock him almost feeling like he was a baby once again.
Though Molly knew now that the rocking was probably more for her comfort than his.
She spoke "Yes, exactly like an adventure."
"I hope he comes back soon...I miss him. I love Mr. Chibs. Do you miss him?" Mason asked as he stared up at his mother frowning at the tears that were beginning to fall down her cheeks.
Why else would his mother be crying he thought. She must miss Mr. Chibs just as much as him?
"Why do you love Mr. Chibs?" Molly asked not wanting to answer the question about missing Chibs. She knew that deep down she did miss him. She missed him more than anything. She had no idea how to feel about him, but dear God did her heart miss him so much.
Mason let out a sigh as he spoke up as though he was explaining something very obvious to his mother. "I love him because he'd kind of like a daddy. He does all the stuff a daddy is suppose to do I think. Like he takes us places in the bug, and he tells me stories and watches movies with me and gives me Popsicles. He made me pancakes once and he pushed me on a swing and played with me at the park. He kisses you like a daddy is suppose to kiss a mommy too. He's strong and funny and smart. I think he's a lot like a daddy is supposed to be."
"What about your daddy though?" Molly asked knowing that this conversation was going to happen sooner or later. She just hadn't expected Chibs to be a part of this conversation not like this. She felt guilt bubble in her gut wondering if they should have discussed Brian sooner. A voice in the back of her brain taunted her that this was just another way she was failing at being a good mother.
Mason frowned for a moment as though he was locked into deep thought before he spoke. "He's nicer than daddy. Mr. Chibs doesn't make you cry like daddy does and he doesn't make you hurt. I don't like daddy, I like Mr. Chibs a lot though."
Molly felt her throat begin to tighten up as she let her child's words sink in. He doesn't make you cry like daddy does and he doesn't make you hurt.
Mason spoke again suddenly as he let out another dramatic sigh. "I don't think Mr. Chibs is a real pirate though."
"Why?" Molly asked trying not to cry even harder than she already was.
Mason spoke his voice very serious as though the reasoning was completely clear. "Because he doesn't have an eye patch."
Molly burst out laughing at the comment. She laughed hard, more than she'd laughed in the past few days.
She laughed so hard it made her sides hurt because laughing was better than crying.
Molly frowned as the sound of someone knocking at her front door interrupted her sleeping in.
She rolled over opening her eyes as she stared at Mason. The boy was sitting up in her bed beside her watching his favorite cartoon Adventure Time on the little TV that sat on her dresser completely ignoring the pounding at her front door.
She rolled out of bed knowing that she looked like hell but the knocking wasn't letting up long enough to allow her time to put on real clothes.
"Alright keep your pants on." She mumbled as she made her way out of her bedroom to the living area towards the front door her body feeling heavy and tired.
She opened the door seeing the last person she'd ever expected to see.
Gemma raised an eyebrow as she stared at the disheveled woman in front of her. Molly Garrett looked far less put together and sweet than she usually tended to look. She looked like hell.
Molly's hair resembled a wild nest of tangled hair. Molly's eyes had dark circles underneath them and heavy bags hinting that she'd not been sleeping well. She was wearing only a baggy mens red plaid pajama shirt, that had once belonged to her father, and a pair of knee high socks.
Molly felt her cheeks flush realizing that she looked like a crazy person standing here in front of Gemma Teller Morrow. She resisted the urge to shrink back from her feeling far less polished and far less secure than Gemma. She resisted the urge to slam the door in the woman's face and hide.
She didn't even have time to invite the woman in as Gemma walked into her house uninvited and spoke. "We need to talk."
"Is it about the lawyer?" Molly asked her stomach dropping. What if Lucy Fisher had decided that she didn't want to represent her anymore? What if she had decided that she wasn't going to do it pro bono? What if things falling to pieces between Chibs and she meant that Lucy no longer cared to work for her?
"No. We need to talk about the mistake you're making." Gemma stated as she made herself at home taking a seat on Molly's sofa and lighting a cigarette.
"Pardon me?" Molly blurted out crossing her hands over her chest a little irritated with how relaxed Gemma looked sitting back on her ugly sofa. The woman looked like she owned the place.
Gemma raised her eyebrows taking a drag off her cigarette, Molly's irritation not even fazing her. "You're miserable and Chibs is miserable. Now usually if someone made him that upset I'd make them pay, but I'm making an exception with you. He loves you, so I'm being nicer than I'd usually be willing to be in this situation."
Molly frowned as Mason entered the room giving his best friend Abel's grandmother a curious look.
Gemma spoke up taking charge of the situation as she spotted the boy. "Why don't you go into your room and play buddy. I'm just going to talk to your mommy and cheer her up."
Molly opened her mouth wanting to say something to stop this madness. She frowned as Mason followed Gemma's orders turning around and going to his bedroom.
Gemma patted the sofa as she spoke up. "Now sit down and listen."
Molly surprised herself by doing just that. Part of her wanted to tell Gemma to get the fuck out of her house, but a bigger part of her knew that she should just sit down and hear the woman out.
"Do you love him?" Gemma asked not screwing around before blurting out the big questions.
Molly dropped her jaw her cheeks flushing a little. She wasn't sure how she was supposed to answer that.
Did she love him? She let the question marinate in her brain for a moment trying to come to a conclusion.
Didn't he make her feel safe? Didn't her make her smile? He made her heart race. Kissing him was like being in heaven. He touched her so gently as though she was made of porcelain. Even though her brain had been debating just how dangerous he might be, she knew her heart had been insistent about one thing; Chibs Telford had captured her heart and she feared walking away from him would shatter her heart indefinitely.
"I think I'm getting there." Molly admitted still unsure of how to answer the question. It was too soon for love, but she knew that she was defiantly falling hard for him. Even if she was afraid and uncertain if she trust him, her heart knew what it thought of him.
Gemma smiled apparently satisfied with the answer. "I get that you're scared honey. After what you've been through I think you have the right to be scared, but you have to understand something. Chibs would never hurt that kid or you."
"I am having such a hard time believing that. He had admitted that he's comfortable with violence" Molly stated as she began to wring her hands together wanting to do something to keep her nerve busy body occupied.
Gemma sent her a stern look fast to speak up. "He might be comfortable enacting violence if it's for the club. Don't mistake that for how he treats the people he loves. I have known him for a long while now, he protects what he loves. I know for a fact that Chibs would sooner cut his own hands off than raise them to you or that boy of yours."
Gemma gave her a knowing look as she spoke giving Molly the same speech she'd given at least a dozen other old ladies. She'd given the speech when they were having doubt about their place in the club. "I get that you're scared of SAMCRO. I get that you don't like what it might bring out in him. You have to accept that the club is part of him. The club can be a lot to handle. If you love him though, you're going to have to learn to love the club. Love the man, learn to love the club. Trust me Sweetheart, the club is the glue that holds shit together when things get hard. We look out for our own. You're Chibs' that means that club looks out for you and that boy of yours."
Molly let out a sigh as she spoke. "But can I trust that my son will stay safe in this world? If I let myself learn to love the club will it hurt my child? Can I trust that nothing in this life I'm willing to take on for Chibs will hurt my son?"
"No offense honey, but you can't ever be sure that your kid will stay safe in any world. You only get one chance to raise your children I know that. Don't you want to raise him somewhere where you know he'll be loved? Chibs loves that little boy he would never let anyone lay a finger on him. If Chibs loves him, then everyone he shares a patch with, everyone tied to the club will love that kid and do what it takes to protect him. The same goes for you. Like I said, we take care of our own." Gemma explained knowing that Molly needed to hear this.
Molly bit her bottom lip trying not to cry. Gemma was right. Chibs would never let any harm come to Mason, from his world or any outside forces.
Gemma spoke again a sigh leaving her. "Chibs loves you, Sweetheart. He's known too much loss in his life and too much pain. Being with you has given him a sense of peace I'm not sure he's ever had. He would do whatever it takes to show you that same peace. Trust me, he's dedicated to you. You have to trust that you mean the world to him. Give him a chance to show you that."
Molly rolled the information through her mind her mind and her heart once again battling it out. She felt her heart speak a little louder listening to Gemma's words. Give him a chance. 
Gemma patted Molly's knee as she spoke up. "Now what do you say we go surprise your old man?"
"He's coming home?...today, I mean? What about Mason?" Molly asked her stomach churning at the idea of facing Chibs. What was she supposed to say to him?
Gemma stood up nodding her head. "Yes, we're throwing a bash at the clubhouse to welcome the boys home. I'll take care of your boy. Now go put on something that will give Chibs an instant hard on."
Molly felt her cheeks flush the last part of Gemma's statement making her drop her jaw a little. She couldn't help but to thank god that Mason was out of earshot in his bedroom.
She wanted to argue but she found herself standing up and heading to her bedroom to do just what Gemma said. Something told her that it was not wise to argue with Gemma Teller Morrow. 
She had a feeling that it was time to listen to her heart. She had to let her heart have what it seemed to want.
Molly felt so out of place. She felt so very very out of place as she climbed out of Gemma's black suv.
It had taken her a while to find something to wear that would look sexy but would still make her comfortable.
She'd finally settled on a pair of blue jeans and a black tank top that was a little tighter than she'd usually feel comfortable in, at least in public. She had worn that all on top of a matching lace pink bra and panty set that she'd never worn before.
She had worn the same low wedges she'd worn that day at the park. She had done her makeup wearing the strawberry colored lipstick. She had curled her hair allowing it to lay loose around her.
The only jewelry she wore was a heart shaped pendent necklace around her neck. It had been her now deceased grandmother's at one point and it made her feel strong.
She knew that she needed to feel strong right now.
She was almost afraid that Chibs wouldn't want her anymore. She was frightened that he was upset by her sending him away.
Molly stared down at her outfit hoping that the tank top and jeans were what Gemma meant by hard on inducing.
Gemma had called over a woman named Neeta to watch Mason. Molly had been reassured that Neeta would watch the boy for a few hours. Then later this evening Gemma would take him to her house to spend the night with Abel.
That would give Chibs and she a night to fix this. She told herself that she was willing to give him a chance to fix this. She had to let him try. She was not ready to walk away from him.
Molly was overwhelmed by the amount of people at the clubhouse, and the amount of women. Scantily clad women seemed to crowd the area. Some of the women seemed far more alluring than her. They were certainly comfortable showing far more skin than she would ever dare. They seemed quite confident in their looks and brazen enough to go for any man they wanted. 
She felt less than sexy around these women. She was surprised that she felt a little jealous at the thought of these women being around Chibs.
Gemma spotted the look on Molly's face. She spoke up soothing Molly's worries as though she could read her mind. "Don't worry. He's only got eyes for you. Since the moment you met him, he's been all about you."
Molly stuck close to Gemma as though Gemma would protect her from these women and the men. The men were scary looking guys. A few of them seemed to let their eyes scan her body, leering at her. She had never been entirely comfortable around the gaze of men. Something told her that if she did not stick close to Gemma then any of these men would happily approach her and do what they wanted to her even if she tried to decline. She had a feeling that the scantily clad women who seemed to hang around the club were not exactly given the luxury of turning a guy down especially if he wore a kutte. 
She turned to face the clubhouse's massive parking lot as the sound of bikes echoed in the distance.
Gemma placed a hand on Molly's back reassuring her that this was going to turn out okay.
Molly took a deep breath trying to remain calm in the chaos of cheers and motorcycles.
She moved forward as she spotted Chibs her heart beginning to beat faster than she was sure it ever had.
Here went nothing, she thought.
Chibs climbed off his bike feeling no better than he'd felt all week. All he wanted to do was climb into his bed in the clubhouse and hide from everything and everyone.
Despite his decision to go to Molly and try to fight for her the instant he came home, something told him he should take a moment to at the very least figure out a game plan. Perhaps he should freshen up and buy her flowers before he went to grovel at her feet. 
He rolled his eyes as he felt a soft tap on his back, clearly female. A croweater was the last thing he wanted to put up with right now.
He turned ready to tell the gash to fuck off but found himself speechless at the sight in front of him.
He reached out placing a hand on Molly's arm almost afraid that she wasn't really here. He was almost sure that this was some wonderful dream he was having and he'd just wake up to find himself alone and still miserable.
Chibs embraced Molly unsure of what else he should do. He was relieved that she did not shove him away. He felt a sense of peace wash over him as it hit him that she embraced him back. She held him just as tightly almost wanting to fall apart in his embrace.
She took a deep breath holding back the tears; she didn't want to ruin the sexy image she'd tried to build up for him.
As he reluctantly pulled away from the embrace Molly wordlessly leaned up locking her lips with his.
He placed his arms around her again allowing himself to sink completely into the kiss and the passion behind it.
She pulled away pressing a few more innocent pecks to his lips as she spoke. "I'm here if you still want me...I'm not going anywhere."
He pressed his lips to hers again overwhelmed by her statement. She was still his. She wanted him.
He knew he was never going to let her go. No matter what she was going to remain by his side forever.
They stood there kissing lost in one another completely oblivious to the insanity around them. The both of them oblivious to a smug looking Gemma watching them proud of her work.
All that mattered to Chibs and Molly was that they had one another and everything was going to be okay.
Brian Parker sat in the middle of his massive living room bottle of Jack Daniels in hand. His busted hand still ached even though the gashes along his knuckles were healing. He glowered as he lifted the bottle up swigging the alcohol.
He felt his mind flash back to the night he'd come home to discover his wife had run away. 
He had punched a mirror in the master bedroom the night he'd when he discovered that his wife and child were gone.
She'd packed up her clothing and jewelry. Anything that he hadn't bought her. She had left the more expensive outfits he'd bought her over the years hanging in the huge walk in closet.
She had left her wedding and engagement ring behind.
She had taken Mason. His son was gone. The little boy's room was empty.
The photo albums had been taken. Any photos that contained Brain had been left behind.
The bitch had really done it. She'd left him, he thought.
He had already gone to her brother but that smug little prick wouldn't talk. It was the same story with her mother and her sister. Her grandmother had threatened to fall the cops when he'd tried to knock at her front door.
He'd spent the entire time after Molly's disappearing act trying to reach out to anyone who might know where she had run off to.
The police were a joke. They'd said that there was nothing illegal about his wife leaving him. There was nothing illegal about her taking off with his kid if they had not custody order in place. They'd smelled the booze on his lips and had written him off as a drunkard.
Brian gritted his jaw at the thought of his wife. Just who did the bitch think she was? Taking his kid?
Though he hadn't been a good father, Molly and Mason were just a trophy to him.
Molly and Mason were something for him to show off to his friends and clients. They were his perfect family.
Molly hadn't been good enough in Brian's eyes of course. The kid hadn't either; asthma and a learning disability. He was sure Molly's genes had wrecked the kid.
Molly was not perfect by any stretch. She had room for improvement and she was too stupid to listen to his advice. She'd always been hardheaded and he'd thought he'd finally broken her of it. 
Of course Molly had gotten a little fat since she'd had the kid. She wouldn't just get plastic surgery like every other housewife they knew.
Brian had found comfort in his secretary. Missy the secretary was a little twenty year old with fake breasts that he had bought.
The secretary had been fun but she wouldn't stop bugging him about divorcing Molly. That wasn't going to happen.
Molly was his wife. What would the neighbors and his clients think if he divorced Molly for a little twenty year old twit?
Molly might not be perfect but he loved her. She was just too dumb and too stubborn to be grateful for his love. 
Brian had to keep his wife in line. Just like his father had kept his mother in line.
He had to remind Molly of her place in this world. She belonged to him and she was to do as he said.
He wouldn't have to act out and give her reminders of her place if she didn't constantly screw up. 
She thought that she was so smart though. Molly thought that she was so much better than him.
She'd been nothing before him, Brian knew that. Molly had just been trailer trash with a drunken mother, a dead daddy, a gay brother, and a little brat sister.
She was trash before him. He had given her the world. He had given status in their community. He'd given her nice designer clothing and jewelry. He had given her his family's beautiful old plantation home and a staff to answer her every beckon call.
He had given her so much and this was how she'd repaid him.
The little bitch was either coming home with him or she was dead. She was going to pay when he found her. He just had to find a way. 
His wife was coming home or dying. 
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bitoftwistedluck · 4 months
All About Jimmy 'JJ' O'Phelan
I'm not someone you should play with trust me.
Son of Jimmy O'Phelan & Gina O'Brien
Step Son of Fiona Larkin
Step Brother of Kerriane
Cousin of @imatitestar
Works with @thebutcherofanarchy when in the states
Lover of ink, knives, & flames
Mature Content Triggers
Muse of #Paradox
21+ #SOA #MayansMC RP
Reblog if you wish
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charminggirl512 · 2 years
welcome to charming // chibs telford x oc
Chibs Telford x F!OC
Warnings: 18+, language, talk of sexual assault and violence, slight fatphobia
Word Count: 2,887
A/N: I've finally written the first time that Ellie and Chibs met. Felt good to write the beginning of their story. Gaelic translations will be at the very end. Enjoy!
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   I haven't relaxed in two weeks. I don't remember what it was like to not be nauseous and shaking with heart palpitations. I grew up in an extremely stressful family and environment, yet I don't think I've ever been so unable to relax. I prayed that as soon as my plane landed that I would feel some sort of relief, but it's been twenty minutes in a cab and I still can't slow my breathing. 
   The driver stops in front of a large garage and another building surrounded by a fence. I peek and see a giant sign that reads "Teller-Morrow Automotive Repair" which tells me that I'm in the right place. I grab my backpack and small suitcase before paying the driver and thanking him. Once my feet are settled on the pavement, he races away, eager to get to his next job that doesn't involve a strange girl who barely speaks. I don't blame him.
   As I'm walking towards the garage, a group of men on motorcycles pull in and parks before going into the additional building. I barely get a glimpse of their familiar patch, but I'm further assured that I'm in the right place. I've seen McGee's patch enough to know what it looks like, and it finally feels like a piece of home is here. 
"Can I help you, sweetheart? You look lost," A tall woman says as she exits the garage. I should be intimidated by her biker babe clothing and judging stare, but I've faced far worse than her.
"I'm Eleanor Drysdale. I'm looking for Clay Morrow," I answer, and the second she hears my accent her stare relaxes. 
"He's just gone into the clubhouse. You're the girl that McGee sent, aren't you," She asks as she leads me towards the additional building. 
"Aye. He said that I should ask for Clay and that if I can't find him, to ask for Gemma," I answer, feeling my body relax minutely with the knowledge that I was one step closer to safety.
"Well, I'm Gemma. I'm Clay's Old Lady and my son, Jax, is also in the club. You'll be staying at my house, so I'm sure we'll get to know each other well," She says as she places her hand on my arm as I walk past her through the doorway. I try to not jump, but can't help the involuntary reaction of feeling someone else's touch after what happened. 
   She stares at me for a second before the sound of a bunch of men interrupts. There are at least a dozen of them and they all seem to be laughing and talking, most of them with a drink in their hand despite it being just barely noon. A man with long blonde hair comes over and kisses Gemma's cheek before looking me up and down. Despite my worn-out jeans and a black long-sleeve top, he seems to enjoy what he sees. 
"I'm Jax. What's your name, darling?" The drawl of his voice is full of confidence and I can tell that he always gets what he wants. 
"I'm Eleanor, but you can call me Ellie. Is Clay here?" 
   I don't have time to flirt with boys; I need to ensure my safety and make a plan and Jax was standing in the way of that. He just barely hides his look of hurt before pointing over to the bar where a large man is talking to two other men, one with dark curly hair and the other with scars on his cheeks. I nod at Jax, before heading over to him. They stop talking as I approach them, and Clay seems to be annoyed that I've interrupted him. 
"I'm Eleanor Drysdale, Alastair Drysdale's daughter. McGee sent me to you for safety from Jimmy O'Phelan and I would really appreciate it if you could tell me that I'm safe." I do my best to not let my voice crack on the last word, but it's a losing battle. His gaze on me softens and he looks behind me at Gemma.
"You're safe, sweetheart," She says as she comes up next to me and wraps her arm around my shoulder. 
"You're safe. Jimmy doesn't know that you're here and everyone in this club is sworn to secrecy about where you are," Clay adds and it's the straw that breaks the camel's back. 
   The tears that I've been holding in for two weeks fall and I can't control the sobs that come out of my throat. Things go into motion around me and I'm gently pushed into a bar stool with a glass of Jameson and a cigarette and a lighter waiting for me. Gemma rubs up and down my back and the man with the scars stands opposite me behind the bar.
"You're Alastair's girl?" The Scottish accent scares me at first before soothing me. I nod and he continues. "I knew your father. He was a good man and I know that he would want you taken care of. It's gonna be okay, lass. Tha thu sàbhailte an seo."
   With shaky hands, I light the cigarette and allow the smoke to enter my lungs. After a couple of sips of Jameson and the rest of the cigarette, I've calmed down some. My heart has finally stopped trying to escape my chest. 
"Tell us what happened," Gemma says, her voice soft and motherly. I lost my own mother to a bomb when I was eight and haven't been around any sort of nurturing since. 
"I was sixteen when Jimmy first met me. He was working with my father on some gun shipments and took a liking to me. Once I finished school and was eighteen, he started to try to seduce me despite having a wife. I denied him, of course, and my father's power protected me from anything worse. My father was killed and three days later, Jimmy was on my doorstep telling me that I wasn't protected anymore and that I couldn't keep him away. 
   He had his men follow me wherever I went and he tried to kidnap me a handful of times over the past two years but was unsuccessful. The last time that he tried to kidnap me, he also tried to sexually assault me. When I got away from him, he came after me with a knife and cut open my thighs and my arms. I went to McGee for help and he sent me here." 
   You could hear a pin drop, the room was so silent. The Scotsman across the bar seemed to be vibrating with rage, and I was both confused and comforted by a stranger's anger for what happened to me. I left out that the stitches I received from one of McGee's men were poorly done and hurt more than they helped. That wasn't one of my top priorities so it didn't matter to me now. 
"Did you go to the hospital," The Scotsman asks, breaking the silence. 
"I didn't want to risk it. One of McGee's men patched me up," I answer, wondering why that was the part of the story that he decided to fixate on.
"Let me see the stitches." When I don't move to expose myself to him, he continues talking. "I was a medic in the army. Show me the stitches so that I can make sure that there's nothing wrong with them." 
"I'm not going to expose myself to you. I don't even know you," I answer, shocked by his boldness. 
"Lass, infected stitches can kill you. We can go to another room so that no one sees anything, but you're showing me the stitches." The authority that oozes from his voice would turn me on in other circumstances, but right now it just pisses me off. When I don't move from the bar stool, he comes around and throws me over his shoulder. I cry out at the pressure on the stitches and I can almost feel his self-satisfaction.
   Once we're in another room with a large table with a Reaper on it, he closes the door and grabs a bag which he begins unpacking on the table. It's full of medical supplies and he organizes them in a way that must make sense to his mind. 
"Take off your pants," He orders without looking at me and I contemplate fighting him on it, but decide that it would be a waste of energy. 
"Will you at least tell me your name?"
"Chibs." Short and sweet but not his name.
"Your real name." He looks over his shoulder at me, probably surprised that I would further question him. 
"Filip. Filip Telford." 
   I automatically understand his rage earlier. His wife was Fiona, the woman that Jimmy was in an odd marriage with. I'd never met him, but his story was told as a warning to not cross Jimmy. I take a deep breath and pull of my jeans then sit on top of the table in front of him. I avert my eyes away from the stitches, knowing the pain that will fill me when I see them again. 
"Oh, lamb." He's looked at the letters etched into my skin. Now he understands why I didn't want him to see them. 
   The J is a little more ragged than the O. By the time he got to his second initial, I had stopped fighting and had given into his anger. The mental pain of knowing that he literally would be etched in my skin for forever far outweighed the physical pain of the knife in my skin. I had already disliked my large thighs and now I would never be able to look at them again without being forced to relive my trauma. 
"He said that if he couldn't have me, I would have to always have him," I whisper as I wipe the silent tears falling down my face. The stitches are red and angry, but Filip tries to be as gentle as he can as he begins to undo them. 
"Once they heal, you'll hardly notice them. Mine were about as deep as yours are and they took around three months to heal. I don't know how bad your arms are, though," He answers with his eyes laser focused on what he's doing. 
"Why did he do it to you," I ask and almost instantly wish that I hadn't. He surprisingly doesn't get angry at the question, just continues to undo the jagged stitches. 
"He banished me from the IRA and wanted me to live with the knowledge that my wife would never want me again with the scars," He answers, his tone showing no anger. "You know who Fiona is so I'm sure you know the rest of the story." 
"My Uncle Galen told Jimmy where I was hiding from him because he killed my father and wanted to get rid of me so that I wouldn't find out. What he doesn't know is that I watched him shoot my father fifteen times on the steps of Kellan Ashby's church." He looks up at me when I say that. "I've never told anyone that."
   Filip continues to work in silence, undoing the stitches before redoing them. The difference is instantly noticeable; the stitches are tight and even, rather than loose and jagged. I'm grateful that he forced me to do this because hopefully my scars would look better with proper stitches. Once's he's finished, I remove my shirt so that he can fix the ones on my forearm. These read out 'slut' though they don't seem to bother me as much. 
"I want to kill him even more than I already did. How could he do this to a little girl," He says to himself. 
"I'm a woman, not a child," I snap at him and he seems surprised by my bite. 
"I know, lass, I know," He reassures me, guilt in his eyes.
"No one believed me for months that Jimmy was after me. They said that I was doing it for attention and that I was just a little girl with mommy issues. Why would the great Jimmy O'Phelan want the chubby daughter of an IRA King when he could get whoever he wanted?" He stops attending to my wounds to grab my face so that I maintained eye contact with him. 
"Don't ever talk about yourself like that. You're more beautiful than half the women in Ireland and I won't listen to you insult yourself," He tells me with his voice raised. I can't help the blush that rises to me cheeks and pull away from his grip to hide my face from him. 
   He finishes his work in silence and I watch his face the whole time. Though he's definitely older than me, I find myself incredibly attracted to him. His eyes are soft and gentle, his mouth set in a firm frown that almost makes me pity him. The scars enhance his face structure rather than taking away from it, and I find myself more and more enamored with them. I like the sprinkles of gray throughout his hair and beard. His hands are calloused yet gentle, and I find myself watching their every move. I've spent the last year avoiding every man I've come into contact with to protect myself, and now that I'm safe I can't help but fall for the first man that shows me attention. 
   A knock on the door breaks our silence and he looks up at me to make sure that it's okay for them to come in before allowing them in. Gemma walks in with her purse in hand.
"I've got to go home and check on the birds. I've got your suitcase and backpack in my car, so I'll bring them to the house and pick you up later, Ellie." She barely knows me and she's already taking care of me. 
"No need. I'll bring her by on my bike when we finish up here. She needs to go over a few things with Clay," Chibs answers for me. Gemma nods before kissing my forehead and Chibs' cheek and leaving. 
   The rest of the guys take the open door as an invitation to enter what I've figured out to be their room for Church. I spent some time hanging out at SAMBel over the past couple of years, so I'm familiar with how the club works. Clay sits at the head of the table and the rest of them sit in what seems to be their assigned seats. Chibs continues finishing up the stitches as Clay starts talking. 
"Ellie, you'll be staying with me and Gemma for the time being. If we think the Irish are coming for a visit, we'll move you to our cabin with at least two members, but we don't expect that to happen any time soon. You'll be working with Gemma in the garage, doing some office work and just helping around with the club so no one becomes suspicious. Your cover is that you're McGee's adopted daughter and he sent you here because you're thinking about going to school in America." I nod while Clay tells me all of this, absorbing as much information as I can. I'm about to reply when Filip pulls particularly hard on the last stitch.
"Fuck, Filip! Na bi garbh," I hiss at him and he glares up at me. The guys seem to find it funny that I called him Filip, which only makes him glare harder. 
"Bi nad nighean mhath," He answers, which makes me glare back at him. 
"Go fuck yourself." The guys really get a kick out of that, but Filip and I keep glaring at each other.
"I think Chibs has finally met his match," Jax says as he smirks at the two of us. 
   They finish up talking about whatever else they needed to talk about before Clay dismisses everyone. Chibs helps me put my shirt back on since I already put my jeans back on when he finished restitching my thighs. His fingertips graze my waist and goosebumps arise under his touch. Once I'm situated, he puts his hand on my lower back to lead me out of the clubhouse. Jax is climbing on his bike at the same time as Chibs and I are walking to his. 
"Don't be too hard on Chibs, Ellie. He's getting old," Jax teases before speeding off. Chibs ignores him and helps me put a helmet on over my mass of dark curls, making sure that it's clasped properly before putting his own on and climbing on the bike. I settle in behind him and precariously wrap my arms around his waist. There's a good two inches between us and he uses my hands to pull me so that my front is pressed firmly against his back. 
"Hold on tight, little lamb," He says, and I can practically hear the smile in his voice. 
   He speeds off into the afternoon traffic, taking me to Gemma's house. Neither of us know this yet, but this certainly won't be the last time on the back of his bike and it is definitely not the last time that I'm pressed against him like this. 
"Welcome to Charming, lass." 
Gaelic Translations:
Tha thu sàbhailte an seo: You're safe here.
Na bi garbh: Don't be rough.
Bi nad nighean mhath: Be a good girl.
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southsideborn · 2 years
rewatching supernatural, recognize actor who plays War, look him up, it's fucking Jimmy O'Phelan from SOA
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I was not expecting that HAHA MOTHER OF CHRIST but fuck it made me laugh, I could rewatch this in loop for hours. There's so much tension in the whole scene and then this🤣
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bailwhoreganaxoxo · 4 years
The love triangle you’re in based on your birth month: Sons of Anarchy
January: Bobby Munson & Tig Trager
Feburary: Ima Tite & Jax Teller
March: Tara Knowles & Lyla Winston
April: Gemma Teller-Morrow & JT Teller
May: Ratboy Skogstrom & Filthy Phil
June: Chibs Telford & Fiona Larkin
July: Nero Padilla & Chibs Telford
August: Herman Kozik & Tig Trager
September: Clay Morrow & Wayne Unser
October: Opie Winston & Jax Teller
November: Happy Lowman & Juice Ortiz
December: Chibs Telford & Jimmy O’Phelan
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whiskeyshots · 3 years
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Catherine, and her *many* loves: 
Jimmy O’Phelan, Dessie Dennehy, and Darragh Ryan. 
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Now, be honest: how many panties fell RIGHT HERE?
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littlevampie222 · 4 years
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30 Day SOA Challenge:
Day 10: Favorite villain? Maaaaan, I didn't root for the ruthless folks that messed with my guys...
But for the sake of actually having an answer here, and because I have already mentioned two that I absolutely despise, I'm going with Jimmy O’Phelan. I enjoyed his storyline with Chibs, the whole IRA and Ireland storyline, etc. I was glued to my seat watching all of that unfold. Plus, I always enjoy this actor's work.
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dailysoa · 7 years
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jamesbuckfastbarnes · 7 years
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I got the idea of Jimmy O and Chibs arguing on Facebook and Tig just pissing Chibs off even more so here you go guys. Enjoy! - red-w00dy xoxo
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imagineredwood · 7 years
Being Fionna and Jimmy's teen son would include? (I imagined he helped his sister and mom escape)
(I’m honestly not sure that he would help them sneak away because they’d already be a family and most likely as Jimmys son, he’d probably be in with the IRA as well and I don’t see him trying to stir the pot when it’ll be his ass and Jimmy will just find them anyways)
Being torn between having his fathers back and helping his family
Being able to be the peace maker between Fi and Jimmy
Knowing that at the end of the day, Jimmy might but business before you
You being hesitant to try him because of that
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bailwhoreganaxoxo · 4 years
Which character hates you based on your birth month: Sons of Anarchy
January: Jimmy O’Phelan
February: Juice Ortiz
March: Clay Morrow
April: Wayne Unser
May: Bobby Munson
June: Tig Trager
July: Jax Teller
August: Gemma Teller-Morrow
September: Opie Winston
October: Ima Tite
November: Chibs Telford
December: Otto Delaney
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whiskeyshots · 3 years
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When Irish Eyes Aren’t Smiling - chapter 103 sneak peek
"How did you imagine your life would turn out?" asked Jimmy. 
Catherine sighed. "Obviously, I thought it would end with you and I together. We'd have three weans; two boys and a wee girl—in that order. And we'd eventually find our way out of Belfast… somewhere in the countryside in the Republic, and most certainly none of this shite to worry about." 
"Sounds to me like you gave it a lot of thought." 
"I guess I did. You know, when I was at St. Dom's and I was bored outta me mind in class, I would scribble Mrs. Catherine O'Phelan all over my notebooks with these pathetic doodles of hearts." She rolled the glass of whiskey between her hands, eyes fixated on a brown stain in the carpet. "I wish I could go back twelve years and tell that wee girl to run… run as fast and as far away as she possibly can… from you." 
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chibsytelford · 4 years
I just need somebody to appreciate that I had a weird as hell Sons of Anarchy dream with Jimmy O'Phelan wearing what essentially looked like a diaper made out of legos. It was so wrong.
😂😂😂 why do I find this so funny!!!
Dreams are hella weird man
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