#jt teller
thewildones · 1 year
      some lyrics :        " i believe in the sand beneath my toes .       the beach gives a feeling ,       an earthly feeling . "        //        @sythegun ...
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the warm weather of the santa monica pier nearing sunset :       if heaven truly existed ,       god was in the sand ,       or in the waves that crash against the shore .       there was a true peace that settled with jt's ever chaotic mind .       he could feel the grains of earth between his toes ,       and somehow feel so connected to the world .       the very same world that he seeks out to destroy       ( AND THAT WAS THE COSMIC IRONY OF HIS LIFE . )       there's a small handful of people still lingering on the pier and on the beach .       he brought jackson here many times in the past ,       found that it was easier to talk to him .       LISTEN TO HIM .       knowing well enough he isn't the best father ,       nor the best at being present —       especially when he needs to be .       it would be par the course to have his son take his place when he dies .       like a king that passes the kingdom to the prince .       however there is no kingdom to give ,       for his is one of death and destruction .       instead he wants jackson to have a chance at a life that extends far beyond his world .       he wants him to get out ,       out of charming and out of this country when he has the chance .       HE WANTS HIS SON TO HAVE A NORMAL LIFE .
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jt smiles softly as jackosn speaks ,       " spoken like your old man , "       he says .       this boy grows bolder and smarter each day ,       and the longer he watches his son grow .       the more he realizes jackson is just like him .       " always ground yourself son ,       it keeps ya' humble . "       southern twang weaves through his words       ( it goes to show that you can take the boy out of texas ,       BUT TEXAS IS ALWAYS IN HIS HEART . )       " a man's soul is dictated on his actions ,       you keep yourself humbled and kind .       the world will be yours for the takin' . "       a hand reaches around jackson's shoulder's and lightly squeezes it .       " don't let anyone tell ya' any different ,       but most of all ?       don't let anyone ever convince you otherwise . "
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The Real Club Leader In Sons of Anarchy
Click the Banner and listen to Motorcycle Madhouse Morning Mayhem on Spotify The Sons of Anarchy club went through a couple of changes of leadership in seven seasons, but the real club leader wasn’t even a member of the club: Gemma Teller-Morrow (Katey Sagal), Jax’s mother. Kurt Sutter gave viewers a glimpse at the world of motorcycle clubs in the TV series Sons of Anarchy, set in the fictional…
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garbinge · 9 months
Maybe One Day
Chibs Telford x F!Teller!Reader
Summary: You go back to Charming 10 years after… everything.
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: Angsty. Mentions of death, murder, emotional distress, emotionally heavy.
SOA Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics
A/N: I wrote this on my phone so don’t mind any odd formatting or editing mistakes!
Part 2
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The moment you crossed into the town line you felt the heaviness overcome you. It was like there was this smog that only existed within the miles of town, one foot outside that sign that held the town founding year and population and it was like fresh air. But currently you were being suffocated as the odometer added mile after mile as you drove deeper into Charming.
It was like looking at an old photograph, not much had changed in most parts. There was still the main street strip, some of the stores definitely were new, but the street felt the same. You noticed the lack of loud, rumbling motors, lack of two wheeled engines parked along the curb. But early on that had been how it was before Scoops turned into the new head quarters for the Sons of Anarchy. It had been 10 years since you’d been back here, so it was likely the original club stomping grounds were back in commission.
You had told yourself you weren’t going to find out if that were true but you currently were parked just outside the automotive shop to see a new black warehouse like space where the old blue one used to be. The paint didn’t look too fresh where SOA was stencilled on but it looked new enough to you as you leaned against the black cutlass.
One thing and one thing only. It was the sentence you repeated in your head over and over as you drove hours back home. Back home, that felt like a heavy statement. Charming might have been where you grew up, but it wasn’t home. Despite it being where you’ve lived most in your life, it wasn’t home. One thing and one thing only. You knew that wasn’t true every time the thought ran in your head. It was inevitable that you’d come here, that you’d stop at the rocky mounted highway where JT’s memorial was. Where the helmet and sunglasses of the other Teller still lay abandoned.
You were just supposed to grab the last few things at the house before the closing date. The realtor handled everything else, the listing pictures, the calls with interested buyers, you had hired people to straighten up and you had put mostly everything else in storage 10 years ago, but there was one thing that was still in that house that no one else could get but you.
You didn’t put the house on the market until a month ago. It was an assumption but you figured the club was going to use the house for whatever shady business or reasons, it’s why you were happy you had a confirmed buyer that first week of putting the blue house on the market. All it took was one day and one tour by your realtor before the offer came in. But that sped up your timeline. It was likely that was why you pushed this out so far, dreading the thought of coming out here and going to the kitchen drawer and grabbing that pocket notebook that you hid in the false bottom of it.
Now that notebook was weighing heavy in your back pocket but it was fitting considering the weight of the air. You saw people in TM work shirts moving around, the weight of the word Teller staring down at you even from the street. That was all Charming ever did, weigh heavy on you.
You thought of the words you repeated over and over again. One thing and one thing only. What a lie. You scoffed slightly as if the conversation you were having in your head was actually happening outloud.
A few more thoughts popped into your head, each from someone this town had an effect on. Both statements weighing heavy on you because what else would thoughts about Charming be.
The one Hale spoke to Jax when you were younger. “It wont be long before SAMCRO is just an ugly memory in the history of charming.” Something felt unsettling there, unfortunately Hale died before he could see that come to light and as you stared at the new SAMCRO compound you had to think you probably would too.
Then Wendy’s voice came to your head, “The MC, this town, it kills all the shit you love.” She was right before shit even hit the fan. Although, shit was always hitting the fan so she was just on the pulse of Charming before any one else even bothered to look. You had lost everyone to Charming—to the club. Yes, you had Abel and Thomas still, but it was different, everyone you had in your family during your young life was gone. Tara, Jax, Gemma, Opie. The list went on.
But before you could continue the list you heard a familiar voice. The voice of the one person you hadn’t technically lost to the reaper but you most certainly lost to Charming and SAMCRO.
You hated how the voice made your heart happy. You hated how it managed to make every ounce of heaviness disappear and flee to the deep depths of the town and would only surface when you were left alone. But as you heard his voice again it made you wish you never would be alone again. It made you think for the briefest of seconds that maybe you could back out of the offer, move into the house that was now in your name and create a life here. Charming was home after all.
No. No. Charming was not home. The quick rational part of your brain quickly jolted you back to reality. That weight quickly rising from the ground and pulling at your ankles as a reminder that the town’s grip would suffocate you. But there it was again, the interruption that pulled the weight off your ankles and had you feeling as light as a feather.
The name he called you for years, whether it was in public or when you were tangled up in the sheets felt like a breath of fresh air in this smothering town. It wasn’t a nickname solely for you, you heard him say it to many women in your years of knowing him, and he probably had a fair share of women now he used the name on.
But that didn’t stop your knees from wanting to buckle. You turned and saw him, it was ironic that in your years of hanging in this club house, at TM, you had never seen Chibs on the street in front of the club HQ. Most guys parked inside, the street parking was reserved for excess cars who were there for service and for on lookers like yourself, although they usually tended to be wearing badges.
“Mother of Christ.” His accent was thick as he lifted his sunglasses up and off his face. His feet were moving towards you.
He didn’t think twice before engulfing you in a hug. You had thought about this moment a lot, going over all the different ways it could go. In one of the scenarios you thought he’d pause immediately front of you, stare at you like a stranger. There was something so relieving that he was hugging you like the past 10 years hadn’t existed, that no matter what happened he still cared about you, was happy to see you.
“Chibs!” A voice interrupted your embrace and you wanted to murder them. Funny how being in Charming made homicide an instant thought.
Chibs pulled away and that’s when the Scottish cologne hit you, a smile filling your face as he looked back to the person in the TM lot.
“Church in 10!”
You looked at the patch on his kutte immediately at those words and saw the president patch. It sent bile to your throat, it was the patch Jax wore for years. Not figuratively, but literally. It was the exact patch he wore, some of the stains on it were likely from his time wearing it. You didn’t stay here long enough to see it sit on Chibbs’ kutte but seeing it now was transporting you back 10 years.
“Why don’t y’come int’the clubhouse darlin’, have a drink, we can talk.” He looked older, the bags under his eyes were dark and puffy. You could tell the club life was affecting him, his hair was graying way more and it made him even more attractive.
“I shouldn’t.” You shook your head and doubled down, “I can’t.”
The second two worded statement you spoke is what made Chibs understand, a nod escaping from his head.
“It’s good t’see ye’.” He was trying to keep it light, he knew how hard this was.
“I’m selling the house.” You said it so business like, it was a way to give him the heads up to let the club know. You saw some traces of them being there, not frequently but enough. Cigarette buds in the ashtrays around the furniture that was left, empty beer bottles in the recycling bin. You knew Chibs made sure whoever came by knew to clean up after.
Chibs just nodded and looked down. “Y’happy?”
How were you supposed to be happy after Charming took every last thing that you loved. You thought for a minute and the faces of your nephews flashed in your mind and you smiled.
“The boys are teenagers. I don’t know if you can be happy with teenagers.” You joked.
Chibs grinned at the mention of Thomas and Abel.
You wanted to ask him if he was happy but you were afraid of the answer. You saw what the club presidency did to the person in the role before him. You saw what it had done to the other Teller in the same position just a decade before. It made you think about JT and his legacy for a moment. You always wondered if JT was just exemplified as this great person because he wasnt alive to be rememebered for his flaws. But then you remembered Gemma and Clay and how they only remembered JT for his flaws. Your mind instantly went to Jax who had killed both Clay and Gemma, and what his legacy was. If he’d be exemplified just because he was gone and his flaws would be forgotten. Your eyes moved to the newer clubhouse and saw the small memorial that was on the roof. There was white air forces perched on the edge where Jax would very often sit and reflect. That solidified it for you, he’d be seen as Jax Teller, son of JT, president of SOA, an honor to have known and loved him for the guys who were in the club when he reigned as VP and president. But then your eyes fell back on Chibs, the hope that since he knew the flaws that essentially led to the death of your brother, he’d lead differently while still respecting his legacy in the eyes of the club.
“You rebuilt.” You pointed to the building trying to erase that long heavy thought from your mind.
“Ice cream and hookers were too distracting for the guys.” He teased in reference to Scoops and Red Woody. “You sure you don’t want to come in, love? Church won’t take long, I’ll give y’my dorm while y’wait.”
It was a convincing offer. You wanted to see what Chibs’ dorm looked like, what life was like for him. But deep down you knew you already knew what it looked like because you lived it. You lived it and you hated it. You loved him but hated the life.
“No just came to get this.” You pulled the pocket notebook out and flapped it in the air.
Chibs knew exactly what that was and nodded in understanding.
“Chibs!” The same voice called out again.
“He’ll be in in a second!” You called out, eyes still glued on the Scot in front of you.
The prospect shut up quickly and moved back inside. You wondered how he’d describe you to the members inside, there was only a handful that could potentially recognize you from description, and an even smaller handful that would come out to see for themselves.
“I wanted to give it to Abel. I think he deserves to know Jax the way Jax wanted him to.” You explained the notebook that Chibbs knew all about between the time when Jax was writing it and when you had told him where you’d put it.
“It was really good ta see y’love.”
Despite everything shitty about being back, it was true for you too. It was great seeing him. You wished you could ask him to leave, come stay with you on your humble farm, sell fresh eggs with you at the farmers market and ride dirt bikes with the boys. But it was the same reason he never asked you to stay here. Sure he might’ve asked you to come in for a drink but the words “stay in Charming” would never come from his mouth. He knew it was too painful.
He pulled you in for another hug and you didn’t want to let go. The drink wasn’t sounding half bad, you wanted to catch up, hear about what he’s up to, how he’s been, but the answers you’d want to hear would never come and the one’s you dreaded to hear would be the only one’s that filled your ears.
As you pulled out of the embrace you squeezed his arm in a way to tell him the same about seeing him without actually saying it and then you quickly turned back to your car. Chibs was walking away now, his hand reaching up to wipe the couple stray tears he’d never admit to shedding and dropping his sunglasses back down.
You called out one last time to him, an impulsive decision and impulsive thought meeting together at the tip of your tongue.
“If Abel comes here, push him out. Don’t welcome him in.”
Chibs was frozen at the request and then he nodded in understanding.
“I’ll send ‘em right back to th’farm so his auntie can talk some sense into ‘em.” It was a humorous statement but it gave you relief because Chibs wouldn’t lie to you.
“You can tell him about Jax. The Jax you knew. The Jax we wanted him to be.”
It was just like you to have the most mundane small talk conversation at close range where whispers could be exchanged and this important one where voices carried.
“I won’t.” At first you thought he misheard you and you were going to correct him when he spoke up. “If he’s anything like his ol’ man, he’ll want to become the man we wanted him to be, and we’ve already seen how that plays out.”
You thought it was impossible to feel seen in Charming. To feel heard. You thought it was impossible for someone in the club to speak this way about it. About past members. It was probably one of the many things about Chibs that made you love him, his honesty, his care for the Teller family. It gave you a little hope.
“There’s always room for you at the farm.” You said as Chibs was walking backwards. Getting closer to the club but still staring in your direction. You saw the curly haired man appear from the clubhouse building, about to call Chibs’ name when he spotted you. You knew he’d hear the prospect talk and be outside to see for himself, using Chibs as the excuse.
Your hand raised and waved at Tig like you had just seen him yesterday. He immediately raised his hand waved and you heard his laugh crystal clear from where you were and stared back at Chibs for a response to your invitation.
“Maybe one day, love. Maybe one day.”
Part 2
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rebelwrites · 8 months
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Sixteen: Give Me Your Goddamn Kutte!
Charles Leclerc x Nova Teller (OC)
Till the wheels fall off masterlist
Small town meets the fast lane. What happens when two souls meet? Will it end in happiness or will they both crash and burn?
Warning; Jax loses his shit
As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
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Juice kept quiet as Jax planted his hand firmly on his shoulder, he didn’t care if he was squeezing the muscle like it was a piece of paper ready to be tossed into the trash can. The whole club pulled their weight, paying their dues each month and making sure all the businesses are fit to make as much money as possible, yet for some reason Juice decided that he could be the one to slack off.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw the cutest sight, Elenor sitting on Nova’s knee whilst Charles had his arm wrapped around his sister’s shoulder and with the other hand he was helping Elenor color in whichever coloring book she had brought with her. He felt his heart flip watching the three of them together. The only thing was worried about was when Charles had to leave for the rest of the racing season, he knew it was going to not only break his sister’s heart but also his daughter’s as well.
Pushing the thoughts down, he tightened his grip on Juice’s shoulder, marching him into the kitchen. Jax was no longer playing around with the giant man baby.
This was his livelihood he was playing with now.
The moment they walked into the kitchen a heavy silence fell over the room as Juice backed himself into the corner, “you had so many fucking chances,” Jax growled, slamming his palms against the stainless steel counter, watching as Juice winced at the sound echoing around the room. “I stuck my fucking neck out on the line for you,” he paused for a moment taking in the guilty look that was taking over Juice’s expressions, “but you didn’t know that, did you?”
“No,” Juice muttered quietly, dropping his gaze down to his feet.
“The first time you fucked up Nova wanted me to kick your ass to the curb,” Jax snarled, gripping the edge of the worktop so tightly his knuckles were starting to turn white, “then the second time, I lied for you! Once again so Nova didn’t fucking chop your dick off, and this is how you repay me?”
Jax could feel his blood pressure rising, he knew his voice would be echoing around the room, no doubt everyone in the bar heard every word he was saying, but right now he couldn’t see past the rage, especially when Juice burst out laughing.
“Please tell me you aren’t fucking laughing right now?” Jax spat lunging across the room, wrapping his hand around Juice’s throat, slamming him against the stainless steel cabinets. “Look at me,” he growled, venom dripping on his every word. Juice ignored Jax’s demands, “I said fucking look at me you piece of shit. Fucking explain yourself.”
“I thought it was okay seen as Nova is suddenly swanning around with that fucking Formula One driver!” Juice snapped, narrowing his eyes at Jax.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me!” Jax roared, there was no way he was blaming his sister right now. “Nova fucking runs herself into the ground for this family and this club. If you have forgotten she was running the bar and the cafe for nearly the best part of a year. She hardly fucking slept, she lives off energy drinks and there were about three times she nearly put herself in hospital due to exhaustion and on the fourth time she ended up in the ER from the amount of caffeine she had, but we kept that quiet from you all because you didn’t need to know!” Jax paused for a moment, taking a breath, “oh, I forgot she's been the main carer for JT. So yes, I believe she is the one who deserves to have the summer off, maybe even fall in love, and I was the one to tell her to take a step back.”
Juice didn’t speak, the guilty look on his face had disappeared as quickly as it appeared, instead he was smirking. Jax couldn’t believe he hadn’t noticed this before, the Puerto Rican was high right now. Without thinking he balled his fingers into a fist before raising his arm letting his knuckles collide with Juice’s jaw, “you are a fucking joke right now, showing up high and trying to bring down my sister.”
“Whatcha gonna do? Beat me?”
“I should fucking bury you!” Jax snarled, releasing his grip of Juice’s throat taking a couple of steps back, running his fingers through his hair, fixing a couple of strands of hair that had fallen out of place, “give me your goddamn kutte!”
Juice stared back at Jax in slight disbelief, but his movements were fast as he ripped off the well worn leather hanging on his shoulders, “do you know what Jackson, fuck you!” Juice snapped, launching the kutte on the tiled floor like it was a piece of litter to him. “Everything is about you and fucking Nova, neither of you fucking care about anyone else,” he seethed, narrowing his eyes at Jax, “she isn’t the only one trying to keep their head above water, running multiple businesses.”
He took a step closer to Jax, who was standing there in shock at the sudden outburst from someone Jax thought he knew, turns out he didn’t, “you are actually doing me a favor,” Juice scoffed, running his hand over his face, “I can actually work less to support myself instead of this stupid fucking club.”
“Juicy Boy.”
“Don’t fucking Juicy Boy me,” he snapped, glaring at Jax, “Nova has been looking for a reason to kick me to the curb, no one ever fucking checked on me, it was all about precious Nova! Do you know what screw you Jax and screw the club, all this means is I don’t have to keep providing everyone with weed at a heavily discounted rate meaning my goddam takings at my shop will double!” Juice was now pacing the room but suddenly stopped turning to face Jax with a wide smirk on his face, “plus I will get to keep all my own profits.”
Jax felt his expression drop, running his fingers through his hair. His stomach twisted into a tight knot as he realized that Juice was telling the truth.
“You forgot the shop was in my name, not the clubs, didn’t you?” Juice chuckled, as he made his way to the fire exit, “everyone is working themselves to the fucking bone for this club and for what? You don’t even see what's happening in front of your own eyes! Thanks for nothing, I guess, so much for the fucking brotherhood,” he spat before leaving Jax standing in the kitchen frozen to the spot.
His head was spinning, Juice had never kicked off like this before. Leaning against the stainless steel worktop Jax let out a strangled cry. This wasn’t what he needed on the day of the fundraiser but everything Juice said had struck a nerve with him, maybe he was right, maybe he was too focused on the Teller bubble to notice all the other things that were happening around him.
Did everyone feel like this towards him and Nova?
Were they all putting on a front around them?
“Fuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!” he screamed, turning towards the refrigerator letting his fist collide with the metal, not caring about the pain that seared through his knuckles, he kept punching the appliance trying to release the frustration building up in his body.
The music had been turned up to drown out the sounds of the argument of Jax and Juice but nothing could mask the painful screams that echoed through the building. Running my hands over my face I pressed a kiss against the top of Elenor’s head, “Ça vous dérange de la surveiller pendant que je m'occupe de Jax ? You mind keeping an eye on her while I take care of Jax?” I asked Charles and Pierre but keeping my gaze focused on behind the bar.
“Tout va bien ? Is everything ok?” Charles asked softly, running his fingers over the back of my neck.
“Not sure yet,” I sighed, taking a deep breath, “if you can just watch her whilst I go see if Jax is okay that would be great.”
“Of course, Sunshine,” Pierre teased, with a wide smirk on his face.
Rolling my eyes at him, I shuffled Elenor so she was now sitting on the leather sofa. “Why don’t you go show Charles and Pierre your fairy garden?” I asked softly, finally looking down at the sweet innocent girl.
“Wait, you have a fairy garden?” Charles exclaimed, making me smile. No one could doubt he was good with Elenor, “come on then, lead the way Little Bear,” he grinned, holding his hand out. My heart fluttered watching her happily take his hand along with the bright grin that appeared on her face at the sound of the nickname Charles called her.
Pulling the sleeves of Charles hoodie over my hands I slowly made my way towards the kitchen, there were no sounds of arguing anymore so that had to be a good sign right? Either Juice had left or Jax completely lost his temper and Juice’s body would be lying on the floor.
Taking a deep breath I pushed the door open, finding Jax slumped on the floor, his fingers tangled in his hair, tugging at his roots, “fuck, Jax, what happened?” I breathed, panic flooding my body, I had never seen him like this before.
In front of me sat the shell of the man I loved.
“Talk to me,” I whispered, crouching down in front of my brother.
“We fucked up Squirt,” he muttered, letting out a heavy sigh before pushing himself to his feet, storming out of the kitchen.
What the fuck was he on about?
How did we fuck up?
For once it felt like things were finally changing for the better, I was finally getting some sleep, everything felt like it was under control and I had finally met someone who made me feel so many emotions, who set my world on fire and I didn’t want to extinguish the flames. It was like always life had a funny way of kicking me to the ground, leaving me in the dirt.
Letting out a shaky breath I quickly followed my older brother, the moment I stepped through the fire escape I felt the warmth of the sun hit my skin making me rethink my choice of clothing this morning.
“Jaxy,” I hummed, dropping down to the floor joining him on the patio, “talk to me, what's going on?”
“You are gonna hate me for this,” he growled into the air, placing a cigarette between his lips before passing the packet to me, “we might have been too harsh on Juice.”
I practically choked on the first inhale of the cigarette, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Had Jax hit his head or something? “Please tell me this is some fucking joke?” I scoffed, resting my elbows on my knees, “he got in your head didn’t he?”
“Nova, just think about it. We have been so caught up with Pops, the whole messy divorce and custody battle with Tara. For the past year at least we have been fighting to keep our family from drowning,” he sighed, taking a long drag of the smoke. “We failed to notice that everyone else was working their fucking asses off for us, for the club. I think we need to hire more people, a lot more.”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, Jax was willing to let random outsiders come in and work the businesses the club had worked so hard to build. I felt like I was losing control and there was nothing I could do about it.
The more I thought about it, the more appealing packing everything into a duffle bag, tossing it into the trunk of my beat up truck and hitting the road without a second glance. In the same breath I knew I was tied to this small town in the middle of nowhere, there was no way I could walk away from my family.
“We aren’t talking about this now,” I scoffed, pushing myself to my feet, “we have less than an hour before that bar is full of people wanting to take part in the annual fundraiser. So take a breath, beat the shit out of the garbage can or something but you need your game face on.”
“Nova,” Jax called out to me as tossed the cigarette butt into the metal bin.
“Not the time Jax,” I hollered over my shoulder as I moved around the building going to find Charles, Pierre and Elenor.
My head was spinning, I was happy enough to welcome Nero into the business with open arms because he was practically family but to welcome strangers in, well that was a different matter entirely. Taking a deep breath I made my way towards the one person that could drown out the voices, my worries and fears.
The warmth of the sun didn’t match the feeling that spread through my body as Charles smiled at me, I was falling hard for him. It was like I had jumped out of a plane without a parachute and the ground was coming at me faster than ever.
My stomach twisted into a tight knot the closer I got to him. Everything was suddenly clear, I was becoming addicted and my drug was Charles Leclerc.
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@withmyteeth @chibsytelford @stillbreathin @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie @dragon-of-winterfell @ohthemisssery @a-distantdreamer @sgkophie @angywritesstuff @enchantedbytomandhenry @scribbuluswrites @dangerouspursepeachbear @buendiabebeta @ferrarifwendvale @theplobnrgone @charlesleclercje @queenslife @panicforspec @justme2042 @liv67 @derpinathebrave @clcspeonies @pleasantducktimetravel @raaaaabzzz @mehrmonga @sbgal @fangirl-lb @pitconfirmbutton @oslokij @tall-tanned-tattoo @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @pumpkin-spice-hate @talicat713 @band--psycho @little-diable @i-love-scott-mccall @fourthwallhateclub @theysayitscrazy @rosieposie0624 @choochoo284 @meteora-fc @beeroses @darklydeliciousdesires @the-jer-bear @extraneousred @youflickedtooharddamnit @babypink224221
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The Perks Of Being A Fiend
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Alpha!Jax Teller x Omega!POC!Reader "LuLu"
Alpha!Jax Teller x Omega!POC!Reader "LuLu" There's no in-between, we only do extremes. He can get on my LAST nerve, but honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way.
Smut, Fluff and Smut, Light Angst, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Jax Teller, Accidental Voyeurism, Oral Sex, Sex, Rough Sex, Marriage, Pregnancy
Hello Heathens! This is my first Jax fic although I'm a massive SOA fan. So be kind. (This was my first Jax fic 😊) Happy Reading!
Banner by @cafekitsune Divider by @firefly-graphics
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5 Missed Calls from JT 🐺
🌖Little Moon🌔 : I'm working Jackson. Why on earth are you blowing up my phone? JT 🐺 : I'm Sorry  LM: Okay JT: Just okay? That's it? LM: What do you want a medal or something for doing the bare minimum when you did wrong?  JT: C'mon dont be like that darlin'.  LM: Don't. I know you're bored at the club house. So what is it you really want? What are you trying to sweet talk me into? JT: Just wanted to see my pretty Omega and since I'm stuck here I thought a picture or two might tide me over.  LM: Seriously?  JT: You know I’m serious. LM: Find some Beta crow eater to feed your need to see flesh. You’ve always been good at that. JT: That won’t satisfy the craving. I’m fiending for you. Always you. LM: I don't have time for this. JT: Just one picture. Take a bathroom break.  JT: Where did you go? JT: I just want to see my Omega. Please, darlin’. I’ll do that thing with my tongue later. LM:  
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Now leave me be. And you would have done that thing with your tongue anyway. I set up the couch for you tonight if you decide to come home. 
JT: Damn. It’s like that? LM: It’s like that. Balls in your court Teller. I’m not the one needing to earn forgiveness.
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“I know that face.” Opie said with a smirk. “Someone is in the doghouse again. What’d you do this time?”
“Terra stopped by the house this morning to thank me for helping her with her flat tire last night.” He mumbles out as he lights up a cigarette.
“And?” Opie asks.
“And I may not have told Lulu about it when I got home late because of it.” He exhales a breath of smoke.
“Ooh.” Op winces. “That was a really dumb move man.” He shakes his head. “She’s the chillest woman you’ve ever been with it. But that only works when you don’t blindside her. Tara knew what she was doing showing up this morning like that. What’d Lu do?”
“She’s the one that opened the door and let her in when she asked for me with damn coffee and donuts in her hand.” He stomps out his cigarette. “She stayed calm and went about her normal morning routine while Tara thanked me and I escorted her out.”
“She was calm?”
“Fuck man. What happened when the door closed?”
“She sat at the table with her coffee and grabbed a donut. She then told me ‘Such a gentleman and a baddass. Lucky me to have snagged such an Alpha. If only he knew to keep me up to date on happenings with his crazy exes.’ Gave me a kiss and then rushed off to get ready for the day.”
“Why the fuck are you here then?” Opie Inquires.
“She’s working. Told me the couch is ready for me tonight if I come home.”
“Damn I do not wish I were you right now. You have some groveling to do Prez.”
“Don’t I know it. Thankfully I know just how to diffuse her.”
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You're getting ready to leave work and head home when your besties number shows up on your phone. You pick up and before you can even say hello she's going a mile a minute. 
"You're still coming tonight. No excuses. Dress hot as shit too. Get Jax back for that Tara bullshit. I know for a fact that Ari is in town."
“Hello to you too Diamond.” You finally get out as you climb into your Chevelle. “I wasn’t going to bail on you tonight. I just wanted something low key but if you have a plan in mind I’m all for it. You know petty is my love language.”
“I’m thinking, O’ Sheas.” 
“We always go to O’ Sheas.”
“Duh. But tonight Ari will be there. I’m sure he’ll be looking for an Omega to get lost in.” She remarks. “He is the idiot that let you get away. If he spots you I’m sure he’ll be begging for another piece.”
“I know you didn't forget that Jax is in fact my Alpha.”
“Of course I didn’t.” She replies. “I’m just saying give the Prez a taste of his own medicine. You don’t have to sleep with him. Just be your charming self is all.”
“I’m only agreeing to go because a drink is just what I need to forget this day.” You say as you pull into your driveway. “I’m not entertaining this Ari nonsense. If he’s there, then he’s there. I’m just looking to get inebriated enough to just knock straight out when I get home. Lord knows I sleep like shit when I’m alone.”
“Jax not coming home tonight?”
“More like I relegated him to the couch.”
“Understandable. I’ll let you get ready. Pick you up in like an hour or so.”
“Sounds good.”
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You’re leaning over your built-in vanity, applying highlighter to your cheeks, clad in an olive green lingerie set, your favorite thigh high knit stockings keeping you warm, singing along to Mary J Blige. “My whole world’s, Up. Side. Dooooown.” Your hips sway to the beat as you really get into the song. You glance up into the mirror and spot Jax leaning against the door frame, just admiring the view.
“Singing ‘bout me, little moon?” He husks out.
“I plead the fifth.” You deadpan, turning your eyes back to your reflection.
He steps up behind you, ghosting his fingers along your exposed skin. “Got plans tonight, Omega?” He whispers into your ear.
You swallow but attempt to hold your ground. “Just hitting O’ Sheas with Diamond. Nothing special.” You shrug.
“Hmm.” He takes a step back. “I better get to it then.”
“Get to what?” You turn on your heel towards him as he cages you in.
"These panties have got to go.” He tugs on the waistband against your hip. “Hold on to the counter and lift your ass up for me." You instinctively follow his command. 
Not wasting a second Jax practically rips the fabric from your skin. “Much better.” 
He sinks down to his knees so that his handsome face and your glistening folds are level with each other. Eyes hooded, pupils dilated, he scents your arousal in the air, licking his lips. “Fuck. Look at you Omega. Perfect little pussy leaking all this slick for me.” He licks a stripe up your folds to your swollen clit, moaning in delight at the sweetness flowing onto his tongue. “God, I missed the taste of you on my tongue.”
"It hasn't even been a day since your last meal." You whimper out. 
"Too long. Plus I have an apology to make." He growls out. 
You find yourself threading your fingers through his golden locks for balance as he begins to really go to town. Feasting on you as if he’ll perish if he does not consume every ounce of you. He sinks two fingers into your center. You can’t help but grind against his face, fucking yourself with his fingers. He curls them just so, hitting that sweet spongy spot that has you seeing stars. Eliciting a long guttural moan as your sweet nectar spills, making quite the mess all over the lower half of his face.
You release his hair as he lifts his face from between your thighs, lips shining and beard covered in your juices, looking like the cat that got the cream. You wanted to allow your anger to persist, but the endorphin high with an oxytocin chaser that you just experienced is wavering your resolve. 
You place your palms on his cheeks, pulling him up to grace him with a deep kiss, enjoying the taste of yourself on his tongue. “Get up Alpha.” You speak against his lips. 
Once he is standing between your open thighs you undo his belt and zipper. You reach in, wrapping your hand around his base, giving him a slow pump, granting you a low groan, before pulling out his beautifully thick cock.  
"Turn around ‘mega. Hands on the sink. Eyes on me in the mirror. I want you to watch me ruin you baby." You turn around, taking your time placing your hands on the counter. He smacks your ass once, in warning. 
You push your hips back as you lean forward. This is when he chooses to tease you, rubbing his dick up and down your soaked folds. Tapping his head against your clit several times before sinking in slowly until his tip kisses your cervix, giving you a moment to adjust to his size stretching you out. 
Feeling full of your Alpha you subconsciously begin to undulate your hips, looking for friction, as you lock eyes with him in the mirror. "Alpha, please. Fuck me. I don't think I can stand this much longer. Feels too good when you're so deep inside me." 
He growls at your plea, fisting your hair and pulling. Forcing you to arch you back further to keep your eyes locked in the mirror. 
He pulls back, slamming in as he begins a punishing pace, fucking you hard and deep. His balls slap against your swollen clit with every thrust making you see spots from the pure ecstasy of it all. Your staring into the mirror, watching his face as he grunts, swears and groans while he fucks all the tension and anger from you from behind. 
You watch as he throws his head back, letting out a growl you can feel vibrate against your skin. "Fuck Omega, your pussy is just so damn tight. Feel so good wrapped around my dick. Ready to cum for me again? I need to feel ya squeezin’ me, trying to pop my knot and milk me dry."
"Yes.” You whimper out. “Please, Alpha. I’m close. So, so close." You’re uncaring of how needy you sound at the moment. The man really had a knack for turning you into a hormonal mess whenever he felt the need.
Your plea’s add fuel to his need to consume you, driving him to fuck you even harder. You know you'll most likely be sporting bruises on your hips from the counter, but you’ll deal with that fun little reminder later. Hand still wrapped up in your hair, his grip tightens, the pleasured pain sending you head first over the edge into the bliss of another orgasm. 
"Don't close your eyes, ‘mega. Look at yourself.” He grits out. “See how gorgeous you look when you come undone for me." You let out a primal wailing moan as your pussy clamps down on his cock and your legs begin to shake. He smacks your ass with his free hand before taking hold of your hip, continuing to fuck you as you ride the waves of your orgasm.
When your walls stop their rhythmic suffocation of his cock, he slows down, taking his time to fuck you nice and deep. Hitting all your sweet spots. Cresting into the zone of overstimulation you begin to squirm against him again. 
He watches, as his cock sinks in and out of your swollen and dripping folds. Hypnotized by how well you take his dick and still remain so goddamn tight. His hips instinctively pick up the pace, once again. "I'm close, Omega. Gonna fill ya up so good, you’ll still be leaking for days" He grunts out, accompanied by harsh thrusts.
"FUCK!” You shout. “Yes. Please, yes. Want all of you Alpha." Is all you can manage to mumble out as you arch your back deeper, preparing to take his seed deep into your womb.
He continues on, setting a pace that just makes your brain go fuzzy and every nerve-ending sing in pleasure.
“Fuuuck.” He grunts out. “My cock drunk little omega. Pussy’s gripping me so damn tight baby. She doesn't want to let me go.”
You just nod and whisper out. “Please. Full.” Lost in a sea of sensation, your mind is not able to formulate more than two words in your current state, other than moans, whimpers and wails of pleasure. You’re flying a serotonin high you are not ready to come down from yet.
That was all the validation he needed to hear to stop holding back and pop his knot, releasing his seed deep into your waiting womb. Painting the walls white with rope after rope of his spend. 
Locked tight on his knot, time seemed to stand still, it felt like he was pouring everything he had into you, his cock gave it’s final twitch and he collapsed onto your back. Caging you in as he rains kisses along your shoulders.
That’s when you hear a round of applause come from the doorway. “GOTDAMN Girl! Now I get why he gets away with so much."
You burst into laughter at the situation. Unashamed over what they caught you doing in the comfort of your home. No one told her to let herself in with the key you gave her for emergencies.
“That was the hottest shit I have ever seen and we produce porn.” Juice blurts out.
“Hope you took some notes than, Juicy.” Jax snarks. “Now get the fuck out of my house so I can fully finish apologizing to my woman. Sorry Diamond but she’s staying in tonight.”
“Come on Juice.” Diamond turns to the still gawking biker. “Looks like your my date for tonight. I’m not wasting this outfit cus my girl is so easily dickmatized by her Alpha.”
She latches on to his Kutte and drags him back down the hall out of the house.
Jax knot has gone down enough at this point for him to tenderly slip out of you. A trail of his cum begins leaking down your thigh. He collects it on his fingers and pushes it back inside, making you moan and push back against him.
“I’m going to keep you full until I am fully forgiven for my stupidity.” He pulls his fingers out and places them before you face. You open your mouth and clean them of your combined essences. 
“I hope you carbo loaded at the Club then Alpha.” You tease. “You have a ways to go to remain out of the dog house.”
He lifts you up into his arms and walks into your bedroom. “I’ll be sure to do my worst.”
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That night took a turn you could not have expected. You want to blame it on the hormone high but that would be a weak cop out when in reality you always would have said yes. 
While recovering from your escapades, enjoying all the lovely chemicals coursing through your veins, Jax asked you to be his old lady in every way. “You’re already my mate” He runs his fingers along the freshly renewed bite along your collarbone. “Let’s make this all the way official and head down to the courthouse and make it legal.”
“You’re serious.”
“Okay. We’re going to need witnesses though.” You reply
“Easy. Op and Diamond.” He reaches for his phone and calls Op. You pick up yours to text D to meet you at the courthouse in the morning.
That’s how you found yourself in a sundress with a newly signed marriage license cuddled up with your now husband in the kitchen, waiting for Happy to show up to tattoo your ring finger. 
“Gemma is gonna flip when she finds out.” Opie states calmly as he takes a puff of his cigarette.
“Who cares what Gemma thinks.” You shrug. “She was always on team, not me, anyway. This was for us not her.”
“She’s just going to have to get over it whenever the news hits her.” Jax adds.
“She might have forgiven you Jackson. But your still on shit list. I’m not so easily swayed.” Diamond declares. “Though this move has given you some points. Making her glow like that will always get you points with me.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Jax responds.
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Twelve weeks after your Alpha’s apology and your subsequent nuptials thereafter, the club was dealing with some backlash from a new MC trying to make a name for themselves in the streets. Wanting to keep his men and their families safe, Jax has called a lockdown.
The compound and clubhouse was filled with families, children trying to find a way to deal with the boredom, running around making nuisances of themselves. The volume of so many voices alone was overwhelming, not to mention the haze of cigarette smoke that permeates the air. You’d been feeling queasy for days and the stench of bad perfume wafting off the crow eaters as you tried to make lunch had bile slowly rising up your throat.
“You doin okay there Sweetheart?” Gemma asks, watching you waver slightly on your feet.
“I’ll be fine.” You reply. “Just not feeling my best today. It’ll pass. I think I might go lay down for a bit though if I’m not needed here.”
“We got it Sug.” Luann blurts out before Gemma could give you the third degree. “These crow eaters need to learn to be useful for something other than sucking dick anyway.” 
“Thanks.” You give her a tight smile. “If you need any more help, please don't hesitate to come get me.” You rush out of the kitchen before anyone can object and head down the hall to Jax’s room. You’ve unbuttoned your tight jeans and are in the process of sliding the denim down your legs when the door opens. 
“Everything okay ‘mega?” Are the first words out of Jax’s mouth. “Op saw you booking it pretty fast out the kitchen.” He closes the door behind him, walking up to you as you're stepping out of your pants. 
“I’m fine now.” You wrap your arms around his shoulders. “Just needed to get away from the stench of Crow Eater.” 
He places his hands on your hips, pushing up your loose shirt, one of his old beat up SAM CROW’s, thumbs tracing your lower stomach. “They still given you a hard time with smells?” He asks.
“They are.” You nod your head. “It’s mainly the perfume that sets me off. Thankfully it’s supposed to ease up soon. I don’t think I could handle a full nine months of feeling like this.”
He lowers himself to his knees, where his head is in line with your non-existent bump. “Listen here pup. You’re already causing your mama problems and I can’t have that. I’mma need ya to calm your shit down or we’re both gonna be in for it when you get out.” You chuckle at his antics as he reprimands his progeny growing in your womb.
He has been nothing short of amazing since you found out last week that you were expecting your first pup. His apology sure left its mark. It’s a bit sooner than you both were expecting but it’s exciting nonetheless.
“Such a big strong Alpha, on his knees, pleading with his unborn child. Whatever shall I do with you.” You run your fingers through his hair as the door is slammed open. You both turn to find Gemma standing in the doorway, Opie behind her with a look of defeat on his face.
“Sorry guys. I caught her snooping near the door and before I could get a chance to shoo her away she gasped and threw open the door.” He shakes his head.
“You're pregnant?!” She hollers at you. “I knew something was up. That why you marked her?”
“Mom.” Jax stands up. “I’m gonna need ya to calm the fuck down. That’s not only my Omega, but my wife and the mother of your unborn grandchild, your screeching at. She’s already feeling like crap. I’m not about to have you stressing her out too. Either accept this and be happy or get out our faces.” He huffs.
Stunned not only that her son is speaking to her like this but that somehow he got married and didn't even inform her. “You got married? Was that before or after you knocked her up?”
“Watch it.” He growls. “Not that it is really any of your business but we just recently found out she was pregnant. Must have happened around our wedding day. Not that it matters. She was always going to be mine. Knew it from the moment her scent hit my nose.”
“Why didn't you tell me you were getting married?” She asks.
“Because I knew how you’d act and I didn't want you pulling any of your tricks.” Jax deadpans.
“I know what you think about me Gemma.” You speak up. “And you're wrong. I have only ever wanted what was best for your son. My Alpha. Now that we’ve started our own family, you can choose to let your misconceptions of me go and be a part of this little pups life when they arrive. Or you can double down and miss out on all the wonders a new life brings to a family. The decision is yours.” 
“Damn.” You hear Opie mutter out.
“If you think for one second I’m risking not being in my first grandbabies life, you're sorely mistaken honey.” Gemma states. “I’ll behave. I’d say welcome to the family but you’ve already been here awhile apparently.”
“See that wasn't that hard.” Jax teases before turning to you. “Can we tell everybody now. I think they all could use some good news.”
You sigh. “Fine. But can I get a nap first.” You negotiate. “I know they’ll want to celebrate and chit chat. If I don’t get some rest I may just snap at the first person to try and touch my belly.”
They all laugh. “Alright, little moon. We can take a nap.” He kisses your forehead, then turns to his mother. “Don’t say a word until we come out later. I mean it mom.”
“I’m not gonna blab.” She relents. “Wouldn’t want to deal with your wrath having upset your Omega. Been there with your father when I was pregnant with John. Wouldn’t wish that on anybody.”
“C’mon Gemma.” Opie pulls her out the room, slowly closing the door. “I’ll keep an eye out Prez.” 
“Thanks Op.” He pulls you close, giving you a loving kiss. “I love you Omega.”
“Love ya too Alpha.” You kiss him back, pulling him towards the bed where you had previously made a haphazard nest, so you could cuddle up and get some much needed rest with your perfect pain the ass Alpha.
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ofpetalsnash · 3 months
Flashback: All Roads Lead Home
[I hated this, but I had no other options for Carter or myself. I drove all night to get to @letmepreachtoya’s house. My car was a piece of shit, but it got me to the driveway.  Why am I here? My ex-fiancé chose his love of pills over his love for me and our son. I heard a dog barking and I froze. A Doberman was barking and jumping at my car door.
“THORN! IN THE DAMN HOUSE! NOW!” Lynn! Come get the dog!”
Once the dog got off of the car, my door opened and my uncle hugged me so tightly.
“Hey, Pipsqueak welcome home, Darlin’ let’s get you and Carter inside. Your lip is bleeding. Did he hit you?”
I hesitated. I wanted to ignore it like that part never happened.
I nodded slowly. I knew this was bad, but Tellers don’t lie, and I was a Teller dammit.]
He didn’t want me to leave with Carter. I wasn’t leaving him there, Uncle D I won’t.
[I was expecting @letmepreachtoya to be mad, but what he said made me cry.
“GEMMA ROSE! Get me Bubba’s gun. Fucking little shit is gonna die.”
When I saw @gemmaroserp come outside I cried harder.
“David, what the hell are you yelling about? I should slap you for calling me, Gemma Rose.”
I smiled a little at that.
“I’m sorry! He put his fuckin’ hands on her and I’m not good with that.”
Hearing that made the tears stop if only for a second. More people came outside, and I wanted to hide, but that wasn’t an option. The passenger side door opened, and someone started climbing across the seats to get to me.
“Let me see, Squeakers. Let me see, Mama.”
I smiled and hugged @blueeyeedmayan’s neck almost too tight.]
Esai! You’re here! Why?
[The look I got made giggle.
“You called JT’s brother heartbroken and didn’t think he would throw out a distress call for the rest of us, Mama?”
I didn’t know what Esai meant, but at least the road led me back home to my roots.]
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ofrehabncros · 2 months
All About Wendy Case-Teller
Overcoming addiction means facing my demons head-on and refusing to let them control my life.
Married to @ofconflictncros
Mom to Abel
Daughter in law to JT & Gemma Teller
Counselor at Hope & Grace Rehab #ParadoxsMinx
Experienced Role Player
Likes and Reblogs Appreciated
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melodymunson · 3 months
Moot appreciation tag game 🍯🌈🌟
Thank you for the tag @munson-mjstan
Music Genre: Punk, Rock, Metal, old school rap and female horrorcore
Shows + Movies: Stranger Things, American Horror Story, Sons of Anarchy, Hemlock Grove, South Of Nowhere, Freaks & Geeks, My So Called Life, Degrassi. American Psycho, The Girl Next Door (2004 version), Spree, Fall Guy, Barbarian, IT (both versions), American Mary, House of 1000 Corpses, Loving Annabelle, Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back, Lost Boys, Goonies, The Craft, American Satan, Paradise City.
Colors: Pink, Black, rainbow, maroon, purple, blue
Characters: Steve Harrington, Baron Lamram, Kurt Kunkle, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Billy Hargrove, Roman Godfrey, Peter Rumancek, Michael Langdon, Jax Teller, Opie Winston, Baby Firefly, Kim Kelly, Nancy Downs, Patrick Bateman, Pennywise, The Countess, Madison Montgomery, Montana Duke, Mary Mason, Jordan Catalano, Simon Ostergaard, Ellie Nash, JT Yorke, Grace Cardinal.
Musicians: Bullet For My Valentine, Otep, Type O Negative, Ice Nine Kills, Motionless In White, Rammstein, Razakel, Smallz One, Eminem, D12, Nirvana, Ramones, Ghost, Apocalyptica, Slayer, Judas Priest, Kuza, William Control.
@shichey97 @hellv1ra @haceleyes @inourtownofhawkins @jozstankovich
@londonfog-chan @ofhawkinsandvecna @somethingvicked
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ofrosesnwhispers · 2 months
All About Arabella Keke Grazer
“When we take action to avenge the ones we love personal justice collides with social and divine justice. We become judge, jury, and God. With that choice comes daunting responsibility. Some men cave under that weight. Others abuse the momentum. The true outlaw finds the balance between the passion in his heart and the reason in his mind. His solution is always an equal mix of might and right.”- John 'JT' Teller
Daughter of Wally Grazer
First Nine Brat & First Nine Rose
Grew up in foster care after Dad died in '86
Hard of hearing because of an accident when I was a baby.
Takes zero shit and lives by @stillrockinacro's code
Very close to @ofpetalsnash & @biteofchaos
Owns Kiss From A Rose Apothecary Shop
Mature Content Triggers MDNI
Muse of #Paradox
21+ #SOA #MayansMC RP
Reblog if you wish
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ofreapersnroses · 5 months
Answers I've Been Looking For
[Being told that you have biological parents was a shock, but being told that they thought I died after I was born made me cry so hard. When the lady from the state brought me to a lawyer's office, I started to get nervous.
“Aly, this is Sarah Marie the child who matches your client’s DNA. Has she been notified?”
I thought that the lawyer was going to hit her.
“Yes, Alexis and Jackson have been told and are going to be at the house when we get there.”
I rolled my eyes as the lady from the state just handed over the paperwork and walked out the door.
“I’m sorry about that, would you like to see some pictures of your family, Gracelyn?”
I blinked and nodded.]
My name is Gracelyn. Yes, please.
[The lawyer smiled and opened the file.
“Yes, your name is Gracelyn Rose Teller, you are fourteen years old, and you have siblings. This picture was taken shortly after you were born. That is your mother and father, the little boy in the picture is your older brother, Davidson.”
I took the picture and cried. I had a whole family that was grieving me when I wasn’t gone.
“My name is Aly Lowen and I’m your parents’ lawyer. I just spoke to your mom. She and your dad will be at the house waiting for us. I know that you are scared, I promise you that your parents have been missing you and wanting you since the day you were born. They can not wait for you to be with them again.”
I nodded as I cried and headed to the door.]
You said that I had more siblings than Davidson. What are their names?
[Aly smiled at me.
“Well, you have two younger brothers, Abel and JT. Your parents are in the process of getting custody of your god siblings, Kenny and Ellie.”
My parents are good people, aren’t they?
Aly hugged me and smiled.
“Yes, honey they are, and they have missed you so much.”
I cried as I walked to the car because for the first time in my life, I was going to know what love was and I was going to be with people that loved me. I didn’t know what to do with that information, but I hoped that they wouldn’t send me back once they realized how much trouble I was.]
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flawedsnark · 6 months
All About Davidson Jackson Teller
I'm a Teller that's your only warning, you won't get another. Trust me.
Son of @hellonaharley & @ofpetalsnash
Twin of @ofpixiedustncros
Brother of @ofrebelash, @ofreapersnroses Abel & JT
Godbrother of @piercedbygrimthorns, Ellie & Kenny
Godson of @biteofchaos & @blueeyedmayan
Grandson of @stillrockinacro & @gemmaroserp
Nephew of @ofmayanchaos & @ofwhispersncros & @ofglitznlead @ofchaoticpetalsnmeds @ofreapersnrage
My heart is forever linked to @reapersgravity
Mature Content Triggers MDNI
Muse of #Paradox
21+ #SOA #MayansMC RP
Reblog if you wish
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lifewithaview · 3 months
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Ron Perlman, Mark Boone Junior, Kim Coates, Charlie Hunnam, and Glenn Plummer in Sons of Anarchy (2008) Pilot
When the Mayans, a Latino gang led by Marcus Álvarez (Emilio Rivera), steal their stockpile of weapons and burn their warehouse, SAMCRO is placed in a difficult position, as they've already taken payment for the guns from the 1-9ers, a powerful African-American gang led by Laroy Wayne (Tory Kittles). As SAMCRO president Clarence 'Clay' Morrow (Ron Perlman) plots their revenge, his step-son and club vice-president Jackson 'Jax' Teller (Charlie Hunnam) finds an old document written by his dead father John 'JT' Teller (voiced by Nicholas Guest), one of the Sons' founders. In it, JT writes about the direction in which he wanted SAMCRO to go; nothing like the gun-running direction in which Clay and his wife Gemma (Katey Sagal), Jax's mother, has taken them. When they locate where the Mayans are hiding their weaponry, Clay calls upon Jax to bring his friend Harry 'Opie' Winston (Ryan Hurst) back into the fold. However, Opie has recently been released from jail after refusing to testify against SAMCRO, and has promised his wife Donna (Sprague Grayden) he'll go straight. Meanwhile, Jax's estranged wife, Wendy (Drea de Matteo), takes a drug overdose, leading to an emergency C- section and life-threatening surgery for her and Jax's son, who's ten weeks premature. Complicating matters is that the case is being handled by neonatal surgeon Dr. Tara Knowles (Maggie Siff), Jax's childhood sweetheart, who has recently returned to Charming after ten years away.
*Jax (Charlie Hunnam) is always seen wearing white Nike Air Force 1 sneakers throughout the entire series, which is a very notable part of his look. However, in the pilot, he is seen wearing black Adidas, low-top sneakers.
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garbinge · 1 year
Bad Haircut
Jax Teller & Opie Winston & OC Joanne Teller
From these August Prompts: Bad Haircut
Words: 1.2k
Warnings: Light angst. A/N: Not a Charming life chapter but using that taglist since it's my girl Jo. I love creating these one shots that stray from my original scenario for the Charming Life story!
Charming Life Taglist: @livingdeadblondequeen @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics
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Jo had been working her way through beauty school while Jax was making his way through the formality of being a prospect for the club. Everyone knew him and Opie would patch in, their legacy was strong between JT and Piney but everyone in the club just needed to bust their balls for a few months, build character, ya know. 
Most everyone in her family cared more about that than Joanne’s stretch at the Stockton Beauty Institute and School of Cosmetology. That was fine with her, she’d take everyone saying nothing over them giving her shit for it, which they definitely would have, especially Gemma. She was just days shy of getting her license and the boys were just hours shy of their patch in. 
“Don’t you wrap up school soon?” Jax asked as he sat in the salon chair Jo had set up in front of her vanity. 
Jo was standing in front of the vanity mirror grabbing scissors and a comb from the barbicide jar. “Two days until the ceremony.” She nodded and grabbed a towel to wrap around his neck since she knew that he wasn’t going to put a smock on to catch the hair. 
“So it'll be like your college graduation?” Opie asked as he sat at the edge of Joanne’s bed, arms resting on his knees. 
“Except significantly less people.” Jo laughed and shook her head as she tilted Jax’s head around looking at what she was working with. “There’s like 15 people in my class.” 
“Oh thank God.” Jax let out a big sigh. 
“You weren’t going to come.” Jo pushed his head. 
“We both were, just weren’t sure when and where it was.” Opie now looked up at Jo, his beanie snug over his head despite the weather in California. 
Jo just shook her head and began to cut Jax’s hair, taking half an inch off the ends. “It’s at the School in Stockton, 1PM.” 
“Afternoon?!” Jax piped up, excitement in his voice. “15 people, 1PM call time, free haircuts for life, this is way better than college.” He teased. 
Joanne let out a laugh. “What about you, patch in party tonight, is it better than you thought?” 
“Ask us in a few months.” Opie smirked before getting up to look at the photos Joanne had tucked behind the frame of her vanity mirror. 
“Wish Dad was here to see you patch in.” Joanne spoke to her little brother who just nodded slightly.  
“Let’s hope I live up to the weight of the legacy.” Jax’s voice turned solemn. 
“Make your own.” Jo said sectioning out his hair, finishing up the layer of hair in the back. “Don’t let the club decide your legacy, make your own. That’s what Dad would want. He never wanted us living in his shadow.” 
“You comin’ to the party tonight?” Opie turned around with something in his hand. 
Joanne’s eyes moved down to see what it was but as her gaze moved it landed on the prospect patch that sat on the left side of the kutte. She thought things would be different, she thought she’d be Opie’s old lady, which was extreme wishful thinking considering they had never even dated. But the signs were there. Things worked out the way they were supposed to, if she had gone down that track, she wouldn’t have gone to school, both times, she was making a life for herself on her own, something her father would be proud of. But staring at Opie wearing that prospect patch made old feelings stir. 
“Can I have this?” Opie was now holding the photo up in the air. 
It was a photo of the three of them on bikes as kids. Despite Jo being a little over a year older than Jax and Opie, they both towered over her in the photo, much like now. She was the only one in a helmet, more of her own fear of wiping out and hurting herself. Her bike had a pink basket on it with a SOA “A” sticker on the basket. 
“Yea, I have a few copies of it.” Joanne combed through Jax’s hair making sure all of it was even. “You know you put that sticker on my bike basket.” She tried to hide her smile. “And Jax put the reaper on the back of my bike.” 
“Protection.” Opie laughed knowing the exact reason both of them put those stickers on her bike as kids. “From those neighborhood kids, right?” 
“Yea the ones who’d throw glass in the street hoping to pop our tires.” Joanne let out a laugh. 
She moved now to start brining Jax’s hair back into a low bun, styling it wet since she knew he’d argue the second she went to grab the blow dryer. 
“Didn’t you beat them up?” Opie asked as he plopped back onto Joanne’s bed. 
“I did, after they popped Jax’s tire.” Joanne looked over at Opie waiting for Jax’s argument to start. 
“You threatened them.” His voice drew out a little as he tried to call her out. “There was no beating up involved.” His head turned to face Joanne in protest. 
Her and Opie let out a chuckle. “They never fucked with you again, did they?” Joanne asked while Jax rolled his eyes. “Now turn back around I’m almost done.” 
Jax clicked his tongue in his mouth and turned back around to face the mirror while she wrapped a hair tie around the man bun she styled for him. 
“This haircut makes me feel like a douchebag.” Jax asked as he leaned forward out of the salon chair. 
“You always look like a douchebag.” Opie chimed in, his tongue poking through his bottom lip as he teased his best friend. 
Joanne pulled Jax back into the salon chair and tucked the few stray strands behind his ears. “It’s not the cut, I styled it, the girls will love it.” 
“It’s my patch in party, the girls will love me regardless.” Jax spoke while eyeing himself up in the mirror. 
“I think it’s your personality that speaks douchebag, douchebag.” Joanne pushed him out of her hands and went to place her tools back in the barbicide and wipe her hands off. 
“Hey! Shouldn’t you guys be leaving for the patch in party?” Gemma’s voice got louder as it got nearer and the door to Jo’s room was being open. Her eyes moved from Jo, to Opie, than fell on Jax. “You look like a douchebag.” Her face twisted up in disgust.
Joanne took a big sigh at that and held her hand out knowing Jax was going to take the hair tie out and she would be prepared to put it back on her vanity. 
The smile grew on Jax’s face, it made her want to punch him but she had to admit it was kind of funny. As his hair fell out of the tie he looked at it in the mirror. “You’re right the cut does look good.” He handed her the hair tie as he checked himself out in the mirror. 
“Whatever, douchebag.” Her eyes rolled. 
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rebelwrites · 8 months
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Seventeen: Baby You Ain’t As Anonymous As you Think.
Charles Leclerc x Nova Teller (OC)
Till the wheels fall off masterlist
Small town meets the fast lane. What happens when two souls meet? Will it end in happiness or will they both crash and burn?
As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
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Standing amongst the crowd I watched Jax and Tig take the makeshift stage that had been built down by the lake. I was still unsure why we needed a stage this big but Jax and Pops were adamant they wanted it, they sure as hell loved theatrics. Tearing my gaze away from Jax I turned to look at Charles, who now had Elenor sitting on his shoulders, she had a proud smirk on her face like she had just walked into a candy store and the store owner told her everything was free.
“Tu vas bien, ma chérie ? Are you all right, darling?” Charles beamed, flashing me a smile.
“I will be,” I hummed, reaching up gently squeezing his arm. After the photos were released on instagram this morning I felt myself holding back from public displays of affection and it was killing me.
“Auntie Nova, can we have a movie night tonight?” Elenor grinned, fluttering her long eyelashes at me, “and can Uncle Charles and Uncle Pierre come as well?”
“I don’t see why not baby,” I beamed back at her before turning to Charles, “you down for movie night with my crazy ass family? There is a high possibility we will be making our way through all of the Cars movies,” I giggled, knowing that Elenor would beg and plead to put all three films on.
“Sunshine, didn’t you know Cars is one of my favorite movies,” he smirked with a wink.
“Alright then, Lightning McQueen.”
“Oh my god!” I exclaimed, covering my face with my hands, trying to hide the snort that escaped my lips, “you did not just Kachow me. God, you are a giant dork!”
Before Charles could respond Jax’s voice echoed around the lake, as if the boy needed a microphone he was loud enough as it was, “I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for everyone turning up today. Before we kick off the annual scavenger hunt I have just been made aware of a few donations that have come in anonymously.”
I found myself cocking my brow at my brother who just smirked at me, throwing me a wink as he pulled a piece of paper out of his back pocket, “I honestly could cry at these donations. Two people have donated 26 thousand dollars between them, with 10 thousand dollars going towards the dementia charity and 16 thousand dollars being given,'' the words were getting caught in his throat, as he covered his eyes with his hand trying to stop the tears, “to the Teller family to help with any future care that JT needs.”
There was nothing stopping the tears from spilling over my lashline, I didn’t even try to stop them. That's when it hit me, everything made perfect sense. Two donations which both happened to be the same numbers as the two dorks standing either side of me drove under. Without saying a word I turned to Pierre pulling him into a tight hug, before turning to Charles reaching my hand up resting it on his cheek with a watery smile on my face.
“Baby, you ain’t as anonymous as you think,” I whispered, feeling him copy my movements but instead of letting his hand sit still against my skin he slowly used his thumb to wipe away my tears.
“I don’t know what you are talking about, Sunshine.”
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The rest of the day went by in one big blur, the scavenger hunt was a success, even if it was the first year where I didn’t win but I didn’t care. My focus was on Charles, I wanted to enjoy the little time we had left together so the afternoon was spent wandering around town, showing Charles the places that held fond memories for me. All whilst keeping an eye out for people that might be trying to leak pictures of the two of us, luckily for us everyone was more focused on the events of the day then me and Charles.
“I just need to finish up here then we can head back to mine,” I hummed, leaning up on my tiptoes pressing my lips against his cheek.
“Take your time Sunshine,” he smiled, picking Elenor up, sitting her on the top of the bar.
I couldn’t help but smile as I walked away from the two of them, slipping into the back I needed to find Jax. I knew where he would be, taking a deep breath I wrapped my fingers around the door handle before slowly pushing it open. I needed to clear the air between us. I hated the fact we had hardly spoken all day.
“Hey,” I said quietly, leaning against the wooden frame.
“Hey, yourself,” he said looking up from the paper that was in his hands, “about earlier,”
“Don’t worry about it,” I said softly, fiddling with the sleeves of Charles hoodie, “my head has been all over the place recently with you know,” I paused, dropping my gaze to my hands, “everything with Pops and the social media post, then you tell me we fucked up with Juice, I just kinda exploded.”
“We do need to talk about it though,” Jax sighed, dropping the paper onto the desk.
“I know,” I whispered, finally looking back up at my brother, “I need to get my head straight first, okay.”
“Okay,” Jax nodded, pushing himself up to his feet, taking a few strides across the small room before he pulled me into a tight hug, “I still love you, don’t worry about that Squirt.”
Resting my cheek against the cool leather, I took another deep breath, “enough mushy shit, Elenor wants a movie night so lock the office up and let's get outta here.”
Jax didn’t take much convincing, I knew that movie nights were his favorite, taking a step back, I started walking back into the main room. The moment I stepped out behind the bar I felt my blood starting to boil at the sight that was in front of me. My fingers twitched as I formed a fist, I was ready to punch a bitch.
She was pushing her fake ass tits up against Charles and fluttering her false eyelashes.
“If you wanna live, I would suggest you walk away whilst you have the chance,” I said through gritted teeth, pausing so I could unclench my fist covering Elenor’s ears, “you fucking skanky ass bitch.”
The smirk that Ima flashed made me want to grab the knife from behind me, the one that we used to cut up the lemon and limes, “well, let's be real, you aren’t the kind of person that Charlie goes for,” she laughed, turning back to Charles, running her fingers across his cheek. I didn’t miss the slight flinch that happened when she made contact with him.
“If you wanna be real, then I can get real,” I growled, placing my palm on the bar, shifting my weight onto my hand. I launched myself over the counter, “I might just start a bonfire out back, throwing your scrawny ass on it, watching you melt in the flames,” before she had a chance to respond, my fingers were tangled in her hair extensions, yanking her head back with so much force I was surprised I didn’t snap her neck.
“Get off me you golddigger,” she screamed, trying to claw at my hands.
“Do you even know who he is?” I asked, cocking my brow.
“Some football player,” she said with so much confidence I couldn’t help but scoff.
“Yeah, such a skilled football player,” I said with a playful tone, locking eyes with Charles, watching as he laughed slightly with a small shrug of his shoulders.
Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Jax, leaning against the back worktop with a smug smirk on his face, “need any help Squirt?” he asked, shoving his hands in the front pocket of his jeans.
“Nah, I’ve got this,” I nodded, tugging harder on Ima’s hair causing her to scream, “the trash just needs taking out, that's all,” I growled, storming out of the bar, dragging Ima behind me.
Ignoring the sound of her cries I didn’t stop until I was standing outside of the building. I didn’t care if I was being over dramatic, this bitch needed to keep her hands off things that didn’t belong to her, like my man.
Shit, I was calling him my man now.
Fuck, I was acting like a jealous girlfriend!
I didn’t even know if I could call myself Charles’ girlfriend, just the thought made my heart skip a beat but I knew that come the end of the summer break he would be back doing what he did best. Racing around tracks at 200 miles an hour, living that playboy life, more than likely forgetting I existed.
Pushing the thoughts down I let my fist collide with Ima’s nose feeling the familiar crunching feeling under my knuckles, “you better stay away from him if you don’t want your whole face reconstructed.”
Loosening my grip on her cheap ass extensions I spun around on the balls of my feet, strolling back into the bar with a proud smirk on my face. The moment I got close enough to Charles, he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me in between his thighs.
“You getting protective over me now, Sunshine?” he hummed, slipping his hand underneath the hoodie letting his fingers brush against the skin of my lower back, causing sparks to erupt across my skin.
Pulling my bottom lip between my teeth, I shook my head slightly, “nah, I just don’t want you catching an STD or something,” I said calmly.
The smirk on Charles face was enough to cause my knees to wobble, if it wasn’t for his strong arms wrapped around me I was pretty sure they would have given out on me.
“You sure about that, Babygirl,” he purred, leaning closer so his nose brushed against mine.
The two of us were locked in the moment, it was like there was no one else in the room with us, like we were protected by a bubble, until Jax rang the last order bell, causing me to jump at the unexpected sound, “I do not need to see whatever this,” he scoffed, waving his hands in the air, “is gonna lead to.”
“Oh Jackson, leave your sister alone,” Pops scolded, causing me to pull away from Charles slightly, instantly being greeted by a warm smile from Pops, “she’s young and in love, leave her be.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” I exclaimed, narrowing my eyes at my father, “who said anything about love?”
“Oh sunshine,” Charles beamed, reaching up and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, “you are so in love with me, it’s written all over your beautiful face.”
Instantly I could feel the heat in the room rising, the hairs on the back of my neck standing to attention as Charles slowly moved his fingers across my cheek and I was pretty sure my ears were the same shade of red as his hoodie I was wearing.
“I can uninvite you from family movie night, ya know,” I huffed, pouting at him, “so I’d think carefully about who’s side you take.”
“No you can’t Auntie Nova,” Elenor said loudly, “I invited him so you can’t kick him out.”
“Yeah, Auntie Nova, I’m Elenor’s guest,” he hummed. The smile on Charles' face turned into a smug smirk as he moved his hand into the air so Elenor could fist bump him, “thanks for having my back Ellie-bear,” he grinned, throwing her a wink. I couldn’t believe this, everyone was ganging up on me.
“Sempre zio Charles, sempre,” she grinned.
I couldn’t help but giggle slightly at the expression on Jax’s face as he watched his little girl speak in another language. Yes she didn’t pronounce it perfectly but for her age it was really good.
“And in English?” he asked, letting his eyes dart between me and his daughter.
“She said, always uncle Charles, always,” I beamed, leaning over and ruffling her hair. “in Italian.”
“Princess, where did you learn that?” Jax asked with a proud smile on his face, as he walked around the bar until he was now scooping her up in his arms.
“Pierre told me what uncle was in Italian and I knew what always was,” she giggled.
“I wonder where she learned that from,” Jax said with a playful tone, cocking his brow at me.
“No idea,” I shrugged, wiggling out of Charles arms.
“Yes you do auntie Nov,” Elenor grinned. Was I really about to be called out by my five year old niece? “you are always saying ‘Forza Ferrari, sempre!”
Apparently I was.
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@withmyteeth @chibsytelford @stillbreathin @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie @dragon-of-winterfell @ohthemisssery @a-distantdreamer @sgkophie @angywritesstuff @enchantedbytomandhenry @scribbuluswrites @dangerouspursepeachbear @buendiabebeta @ferrarifwendvale @theplobnrgone @charlesleclercje @queenslife @panicforspec @justme2042 @liv67 @derpinathebrave @clcspeonies @pleasantducktimetravel @raaaaabzzz @mehrmonga @sbgal @fangirl-lb @pitconfirmbutton @oslokij @tall-tanned-tattoo @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @pumpkin-spice-hate @talicat713 @band--psycho @little-diable @i-love-scott-mccall @fourthwallhateclub @theysayitscrazy @rosieposie0624 @choochoo284 @meteora-fc @beeroses @darklydeliciousdesires @the-jer-bear @extraneousred @youflickedtooharddamnit @babypink224221
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mitchelldailygames · 1 year
Developer Deep Dive: You Walk Into a Bar
I wrote You Walk Into a Bar when I was on a kick, early in my game writing, of making games with unique, weird mechanics. I think my early exposure to the indie ttrpg scene did that to me, and I’ll be forever thankful for that lesson. I often design around dice and other ttrpg “standards” these days, but I will always have an eye out for places where weird works.
This is a drinking game, so CW for alcohol. This game also explicitly states that it can be played without alcohol. I hardly ever drink these days, and I’d be happy to have this game be fun and accessible to people who don’t drink at all. If you do end up playing this game with alcohol, make sure you set up boundaries and common agreements with your group. No one should feel pressured to drink more than they want to, and everyone should have a safe, sober way to get home or already be in a place they can stay until they are sober when the game is over.
The gameplay of You Walk Into a Bar is pretty simple. Everyone has a character with a goal. When you take a drink, you take over the GM (actually JT or Joke Teller in this game) role and let your character take a backseat. This lets you set up things for your character, while not actually being able to seize on that set-up until someone takes over JT-ing from you, which creates a fun push and pull. There’s also a drinking contest resolution mechanic where if a character attempts something that has an interesting possibility of failure, they take a drink to succeed at it. The JT can opt to take a drink, and the acting player can either take another drink and still succeed or not drink and fail. This is capped at just this one additional drink, because I wanted there to be some boundaries built into the game.
You Walk Into a Bar is set within an “A __ walks into a bar,” joke set-up. Each character is something that walks into a bar, which could be absolutely anything from a member of the clergy to a proton, and the players are kind of roleplaying a meta situation of telling the joke while the characters get away from them in pursuit of their own goals within the joke. It leads to a real strange mix of characters. The scenario gets even more surreal as the JT adds whatever they want to the scene. It’s very loose, organic, and messy, even more so when playing with alcohol.
I’ve played this game twice. The first time kicked off a recurring virtual game group with college friends. Only one of them had significant experience with ttrpgs, and two of them were interested but very nervous about the whole roleplaying thing. They are now experienced ttrpg-ers that I’ve taken through all sorts of systems. They deliver meaningful and surprising experiences every time we meet.
The second time was with a big group of friends, including the group mentioned above and their spouses. It was definitely a harder game to play with such a big group, and I got to see how it breaks down when someone drunker than the rest of the group and with different expectations is in the experience. We still had an overall good time, but I definitely recommend a smaller group and switching to water if anyone has finished a couple drinks or can’t track what’s happening anymore.
For some people, even the mention or suggestion of alcohol is a turn-off, and I think this is totally fair. This game is not for everyone, and while I think the premise and rotating GM mechanic are a lot of fun, it’s less for me even than when I first wrote it. But, if you’re looking for something with a party game vibe that can be played with a pen, some napkins to scrawl on, and people with variable levels of ttrpg experience, give it a look!
Please enjoy responsibly.
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ofpetalsnash · 6 months
About Alexis 'Lexi' Teller
I'm so much more than a pretty face. Come test me and find out. The Princess of the Cros blossomed into The Queen of the Roses.
Wife of @hellonaharley & MC President
Mother of @flawedsnark, @ofrebelash, @ofreapersnroses, @ofpixiedustncros Abel & JT
Godmother of Ellie & Kenny
Daughter of @onceamayan
Goddaughter to @stillrockinacro, @gemmaroserp, @ofmayanroyalty & Diana
Sister of @ofmayanchaos @ofchaoticpetalsnmeds & @ofglitznlead
Niece of @ofpetalsnglam & @letmepreachtoya
Cousin of @themayancreeper, @ofgracensass, & @powdercoatedmayan
Mature Content Triggers MDNI
Banter and SLs always welcome
Muse of #Paradox
21+ #SOA #MayansMC RP
Reblog if you wish
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