#ima tite
solarsought · 2 years
muses i’ll be removing when i move blogs
- kai
- luma aah’valio
- luminara unduli
- commander wolffe
- jyn erso
- cassian andor
- bodhi rook
- raven “mystique” darkholme
- foggy nelson
- veronika pryde-rasputin
- fran murdock
- ingrid miranda
- henrik mikaelson
- ima tite
- lyla winston
- althea jerry
- naomi denvers
- gina martin
- jess black
- joey hudson
- gracie raleigh-rovia
- ygritte
- saoirse black
- keelin byrne
- ornaith murphy
- iain burnett
- mai finnigan
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Manager - Ima Tite
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zoranphoto · 2 years
HRVATSKA MOŽE DO VELIKOG SPEKTAKLA! Dolaze Japanci, ali u četvrtfinalu prijetio bi nam Brazil!
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Dug je i silno napet bio dan na Svjetskom prvenstvu u Katru. Nakon što je Hrvatska izborila osminu finala utakmicom bez golova protiv Belgije, večernje utakmice donijele su susret s Japanom u ponedjeljak u borbi za četvrtfinale, s pogledom prema protivniku koji je izveo senzaciju završivši na prvom mjestu u skupini sa Španjolskom i Njemačkom. Japanci slave svoj veliki uspjeh, a nakon njega, počinje priprema za protivnika kojeg Vatreni nikako nisu očekivali, po riječima Zlatka Dalića nakon utakmice. Dalić je pričao o Španjolskoj, o spoju mladosti i iskustva u momčadi koju vodi Luis Enrique, a umjesto toga, slijedi ogled s protivnikom kojem je na klupi izbornik Hajime Moriyasu. U ponedjeljak u četiri popodne po našem vremenu krenut će se s centra u novom velikom izazovu za hrvatske reprezentativce, s respektom koji Japanci itekako zaslužuju poslije pobjeda nad Njemačkom i Španjolskom u skupini. Ipak, gledaju renome protivnika, djeluje obećavajuće da Vatreni neće ići na Španjolce koji su uoči posljednjeg kola bili najbliži prvom mjestu u grupi, a pogled korak dalje, u četvrtfinale, nudi šansu da se dogodi spektakl u kojem bi Hrvatska tražila senzaciju.    
Turnirski ‘kostur’ vodi prema – Brazilu
‘Kostur’ eliminacijske faze SP-a smjestio je Hrvatsku u dio ždrijeba velikog turnira u Katru u kojem bi  najizgledniji četvrtfinalni protivnik bio Brazil. S dvije pobjede u dosadašnjem tijeku SP-a, protiv Srbije i Švicarske, Brazilci su već osigurali prolazak, a s prvog mjesta ih sutra može skinuti samo nepovoljna gol-razlika u odnosu na Švicarce. Do toga bi došlo u slučaju da Brazil izgubi od Kameruna, a Švicarska u posljednjem kolu svlada Srbiju, i to s razlikom golova koja bi donijela skok na prvo mjesto, ispred Brazilaca. To ipak nije izgledno, pa brazilski izbornik Tite može bez puno stresa gledati prema raspletu u grupi.
Što slijedi dalje?
Bude li Brazil prvi u svojoj skupini G, u osmini finala dočekao bi drugoplasiranog iz skupine H. U njoj prije posljednjeg kola vodi Portugal, koji ima šest bodova, slijedi Gana s tri boda, a Južna Koreja i Urugvaj imaju po bod. U posljednjem kolu u toj grupi sutra će igrati Portugal – Južna Koreja i Gana – Urugvaj.     Brazilci protiv Ganaca, Južne Koreje ili Urugvajaca? Nema dvojbe tko bi bio izraziti favorit u takvom dvoboju osmine finala, a Vatreni bi svojom pobjedom nad Japanom išli u napad na južnoameričke velikane, peterostruke svjetske prvake. Znaju se i termini ključnih utakmica u eliminacijskoj fazi. Hrvatska i Japan igrat će u ponedjeljak u popodnevnom terminu, a budu li prvi u svojoj skupini, čemu su jako blizu, Brazilci bi svoj nastup u osmini finala imali istog dana navečer, u 20 sati po našem vremenu. Četvrtfinale u kojem je moguć susret Hrvatske i Brazila na rasporedu je za osam dana, u petak, 9. prosinca, u 16 sati po našem vremenu. Bilo bi baš sjajno pratiti takav spektakl… Dnevno.hr Foto : HNS Read the full article
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thecrowsdoc · 3 years
You think you know someone, but when your life comes crashing down.
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casualwriters · 3 years
S/o being Ima older sister and falling for Happy
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A/n - I always have a soft spot for Ima I do not support what she did but we all know she was a broken girl who just wanted to be loved, hope you guys enjoy 🖤💋
No one had guessed that you were related to Ima, you knew she had burned all the bridges with samcro, but that didn't mean you had to suffer. You grew up with her throughout all the trouble you both went to you guys grew closer as young teens. When she skank around with Opie and Jax you had to stay around and became the punching bag, but still, that was your sister even if she was stupid you loved her. Jax adored you never blamed you for the sister's mistakes he invited you to a party for god know what you didn't ask. Not knowing any other of the boys in the club you stayed around the bar talking to Chucky who kept making you laugh slowly fitting in hearing two men talking near the bedroom knowing one of them has Tig you finish the shot Chucky had given you that was calming your nerves down. Tig being the idiot he was pushed the killer towards you.
It was great, getting to know Happy, but again what ruin it was your older sister calling you in the middle of meeting happy and playing with his dog. You were never ashamed of being Ima's sister no, but you were nervous telling the others because Ima was not their biggest fan. Leaving and apologizing to Happy you left. You enter the area where She was working seeing Ima bleeding coming down her noise someone did this to her anger boiled in your chest holding your sister in your arms.
Holding the female in your arms for over thirty minutes, you told her to take time off but again she didn't listen staying in the dressing room you were upset, but could not take action on it.
Happy and you were been talking for weeks now everyone thought he was the 'Killer' but he was your killer. Movie nights were a constant thing every Sunday or Saturday even the
boys know (try) not to disturb thos nights.
Strangely enough Happy enjoyed being held, being the tough guy twenty-four-seven, and being called to handle the dirty work was exhausting he didn't even ask or you didn't even ask you just knew when he wanted to be held everyone has limits right.
Simple days you would make dinner for the club, hanging out with them they were like your family even if you accidentally burned a cabinets and Gemma had to save the day.
The club figured it out sooner or later that you were related to Ima, it wasn't that hard when you both looked similar Jax owned up to what he did to Ima her broken noise everything you were furious, slapping the Vp across the face yelling curse words at him refusing to agree that what he did was right, Happy had to grab you by the waist to calm you down.
Happy was cold but he was emotional for you Dog came right to you when you enter the house, of course, you were upset. Even if it wasn't the topic of what happened with your younger sister. Happy was a hard man to read in general, he wasn't keen on these sentimental stuff but he was a melt when he was around you.
Happy had calmed you down, and now the club was calm but you and Ima still needed to talk you told her about Happy, she was cheeky and excited to see you happy, helping her powder up her face to cover the marks you told her about how he treated you well and treated you like a princess, he may be a hard ass and a pain in the ass but you care about him. Ima was such tease
Even with the club not liking Ima, and hating that she slept around with every taken man she was your sister and you be damned for anyone to hurt her.
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bailwhoreganaxoxo · 4 years
The love triangle you’re in based on your birth month: Sons of Anarchy
January: Bobby Munson & Tig Trager
Feburary: Ima Tite & Jax Teller
March: Tara Knowles & Lyla Winston
April: Gemma Teller-Morrow & JT Teller
May: Ratboy Skogstrom & Filthy Phil
June: Chibs Telford & Fiona Larkin
July: Nero Padilla & Chibs Telford
August: Herman Kozik & Tig Trager
September: Clay Morrow & Wayne Unser
October: Opie Winston & Jax Teller
November: Happy Lowman & Juice Ortiz
December: Chibs Telford & Jimmy O’Phelan
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cappingsoa · 4 years
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come-join-themurder · 4 years
Day 14
Least Favorite Female Character: Ima
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youare-mysonshine · 4 years
Honest opinion on the SOA ladies? (Gemma, tara, lyla, donna, candy, ima, colette, venus) sorry if this seems kinda long, you don't have to do all if you don't like, just the main ones.
gemma: love her, even tho she was very problematic. love her lmao.
tara: never really liked her tbh.
lyla: i love lyla with my heart, my heart broke for her when opie died.
donna: i hate what happened to her, i liked her. i understand why she was so upset about opie being back in the club after getting out of prison. she deserved better. the entire winston family deserved better.
venus: VENUS VAN DAM IS MY QUEEN I FUCKING LOVE VENUS VAN DAM. i love her so much lmao her and tig are really fucking cute together.
ima: don’t like the bitch either lmao
tbh i forgot who candy and colette are lmao i need to go back and rewatch when i get the balls to do so 🤣
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enixamyram · 5 years
Never getting over that Jax literally brushed off Opie cheating on Lyla with Ima after a second of being annoyed by it, but broke Ima’s nose for it.
I don’t even like Ima that much but I actually feel so sorry for her, especially that one scene where Bobby goes to touch her arm and she flinches away from him. She is so visible scared, like he’s going to hurt her as well. And why? Because a married guy wanted to hurt his wife and she just happened to be the girl he used to do it.
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imagineredwood · 7 years
Being Jax's and Ima's daughter would include?
Always having a big family
Always feeling protected as the VPs kid
Being torn over letting your mom do what she wants and not having her do porn
Making sure people watch what they say about her when you’re around
Especially Gemma
Jax making sure that you don’t let people walk over you
Ima always watching over you and making sure you’re doing well
Knowing you have plenty of options as to what you want to do with all the connections they have
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textsfromsoa · 7 years
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starsdisappeared · 5 years
tag dump
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bailwhoreganaxoxo · 4 years
Which character hates you based on your birth month: Sons of Anarchy
January: Jimmy O’Phelan
February: Juice Ortiz
March: Clay Morrow
April: Wayne Unser
May: Bobby Munson
June: Tig Trager
July: Jax Teller
August: Gemma Teller-Morrow
September: Opie Winston
October: Ima Tite
November: Chibs Telford
December: Otto Delaney
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cappingsoa · 4 years
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cenntaur-remaking · 6 years
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