meliorn · 8 years
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✩ JIMON WEEK ✩ ↳ day 5: lyrics
Oh you were the only boy to call me pretty The sex was heaven sent Thinking on the memory And all the subtext - Wilder.
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Can we just take a minute to appreciate the fact that Jace didn't know what a mango was till Simon.
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johnhaos · 8 years
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Jimon Week: Day 4 - food or jimon + details
→ Jace's Fond Look™
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clary-bi-ghtwood · 8 years
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jimon week day 1   //   social media
jace and simon instagram pages! i always love seeing these around so i thought i’d give making my own a try :) (also i wrote some jimon instagram headcanons here if you’re interested)
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moonlightperseus · 8 years
When Jace was young he longed to see colors. To know what everything looked like. To not just see constant blacks and whites and grays. 
His father had told him it was a silly dream, that seeing the world in black and white, that was what was right. Colors can blind you, make you weak and vulnerable. Just like love. (Love is weakness. Jace refused to be weak.)
Jace believed him. 
He didn’t think about colors anymore. (Not even when he was covered in blood and bruises, no, he didn’t wonder how they looked with color. He didn’t. Not once.)
The first color Jace saw was brown. 
It was after he got back from Valentine, after he got kicked out of the institute. He was staying at Magnus’ apartment, Magnus and Alec had left, mentioning something about ‘alone time in Italy.’ Jace wasn’t really paying attention.  
Jace had crashed on the couch, staring at the tv without really taking anything in when Simon entered the apartment. 
Magnus was mentoring him and must’ve forgotten to mention to Simon that he wasn’t home that day. 
“Oh,” Simon said, after Jace told him Magnus was off with Alec somewhere in Italy. “Well, in that case, I guess I should, um, be going.” 
“Stay?” Jace wasn’t sure why he suggested it. But being alone didn’t sound too great. “I mean, if you want... We could watch one of those star movies you’re always rambling on about?”
“Really?” Simon looked shocked. 
Jace shrugged. “Yeah,”
Simon grinned. “Alright,”
So Simon joined him on the couch after setting up the first Star Wars movie.
Jace didn’t really pay much attention to the movie, instead he watched Simon, as the vampire rambled excitedly about different things that were happening in the movie. 
It was about an hour into the movie that when Jace glanced at Simon, he noticed his eyes. They weren’t black, or gray, but a softer color. Something warmer. Gentle. Like melted chocolate. Jace couldn’t help but stare. (Don’t fall in love. Don’t fall in love.)
He didn’t say anything about it to anyone. 
The next color Jace saw was red. 
He and Simon were hanging out more ever since the Star Wars event, as Simon called it. 
Sometimes they watched movies or shows together, Simon trying to get Jace up to date on pop culture stuff. Sometimes they talked. Most of the time they sat together in a peaceful silence. Simon reading a book and Jace just sitting there in content. 
Normally, Jace couldn’t stand silence. It left him to his own thoughts and that was a scary place. But Simon made the silence better, with his occasional hum or soft laughter when he read something amusing. 
It was one of the silent days, Simon on one end of the couch, reading a book titled ‘Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe’, while Jace sat on the other end, his head thrown back, staring at the ceiling as he listened to Simon turn the pages of his book.
Jace glanced back at Simon when he felt the other shifting on the couch. Simon had grabbed his glass of blood and was taking a careful sip, his eyes still on his book. 
It had already been established that Jace didn’t care that Simon had to drink blood, though Simon had been a little more than nervous the first time he ‘fed’ in front of Jace. But slowly, Simon had become more comfortable drinking blood around Jace. 
But Jace wasn’t thinking about any of that, he was staring at Simon’s lips, where the blood was no longer a darkened gray, but a much brighter color. His eyes shifted to the glass and watched as the liquid slowly shifted to the same vibrant color. 
Simon licked the blood off his lips but his lips didn’t return to their normal gray color, instead becoming a softer version of the color of blood. 
Jace stared in complete awe as color slowly spread through Simon’s body.
But this time Simon noticed the staring, his cheeks turning the same color as his lips. 
“What? Did I get blood on my chin?” Simon asked, quickly going to wipe at his chin with his sleeve. 
Jace quickly shook his head. “No-no, it’s... nothing.”
Simon gave Jace a confused look, but dropped it, going back to reading his book. 
Almost the whole world was in color by the time Jace realized why.
He had approached Alec about the situation, who told him he had been slowly seeing bits of color ever since he met Magnus up until he kissed him at the wedding, he explained that after the kiss, everything was in color. 
And Jace finally understood. He was in love with Simon Lewis. 
Every nerve felt like it was on fire as he paced back and forth, waiting for Simon to arrive. 
He had sent Simon a vague text, asking for him to come over as soon as it’s convenient.  
Simon had replied with a simple. ‘are u okay dude?’ to which Jace responded that they needed to talk. Simon told him that he would be over shortly.
But the more he thought about it, the more he wasn’t sure what he was going to say. 
Before he could send Alec a text ‘SOS’ there was a knock on the door.
He opened the door and there was Simon, in full color. 
Jace didn’t stop to think, he surged forward and pressed his lips against Simon’s. Just as quickly as he kissed him, he stopped, pulling back and muttering quiet apologies. 
Simon stared at Jace with wide eyes before quickly pulling him in by the collar of his sweater to kiss him back. 
This kiss lasted much longer. And when they pulled apart they were both grinning. 
“You’re eyes are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” Simon whispered. 
And Jace couldn’t help but kiss him again.
(Maybe his father was wrong, maybe love wasn’t weakness, it was strength.)
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aleclwb · 8 years
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oh, snap (jace/simon, 1,5k)
So, Simon has done a lot of stupid shit when drunk. He once tried to climb a tree, which did not end well. He declared his love for the tiny umbrellas in his drinks, and then continued to sing a song about it, which ended up on the internet, so that didn’t really end well either. But sending Jace Wayland a selfie with the caption ‘ur cute pls kiss me’ is probably the stupidest thing of all.
written for jimon week, day one: social media :)
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fandom-madnessess · 8 years
For Jimon Week Day 3: Colours (a quick pre-slash drabble that I came up with last night)
Jace can’t help but feel amused as he watches Clary and the Mundane boy argue. It’s obvious the boy cares about her. He doesn’t want to be here, looks absolutely terrified, but the idea that his friend might be in trouble is more than enough form him to stand his ground, and Jace has to admire him for that.
The boy’s pleas for Clary to go home with him, to get help, turn more desperate the more Clary tries to explain what is going on. Clary keeps throwing Jace desperate glances to help her out. The boy doesn’t look like he’s going to leave without Clary, and Jace gives in.
He deactivates his Rune, smirking when he hears the Mundane gasp. He looks up. The smirk drops from his face when he locks eyes with the boy.
The Angel gave Shadowhunters many gifts, some of them more rare than others. One of the increasingly more rare ones is what has become known as a Partner in Fate, or a Fate Mate as some call it jokingly. It’s someone who’s life is inextricably intertwined with yours. Finding them usually means that your life is going to turn pretty shitty, very soon. Not that people who don’t have a Partner in Fate don’t face challenges, but when you have one, at least you know you don’t have to go through it alone.
You realize pretty young when you have a Partner in Fate, because you can’t see the colour of their eyes. Jace has never been able to see the colour brown, dirt is usually a shade of red or green, bricks are red or grey, and the darker the skin tone the deeper red they become.
But now, after looking into the boy’s eyes, Jace can see it all. He can see that the Mundane’s skin is browner than his or Clary’s. The Institute walls seem warmer now that he can see the brown in the clay of the bricks. Everything looks warmer, more inviting. Brown is beautiful.
He looks back to the Mundane—Simon, he needs to remember that name—so fragile, untrained, ignorant of the Shadow World, and his Partner in Fate.
Well, shit, Jace thinks.
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matthewbane · 8 years
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💖 jimon week: day 2 - valentine’s day 💖
“You... bought me flowers?” Jace arched an eyebrow.
“Yeah--I mean, well, I was on my way back to the Institute from my synagogue, and there was the cutest old lady at the flower shop around the corner, and she stopped me and asked if I was seeing anyone, and um, well--I kinda told her about you, and she started to show me all these bouquets of flowers, and she pulled out these yellow ones that reminded me of your hair and your smile and--I dunno, I thought you might like them, but now it just seems like it was a bad--”
Jace interrupted Simon with a firm kiss.
“God, you never shut up,” he mumbled against Simon’s lips.
“I’m... sorry?”
“No, you dummy. I love it, and I love the flowers. And I love you.”
Simon felt his stomach flip-flop, and he exhaled loudly. His face lit up with a wide grin as he pulled Jace in for another kiss. “I love you, too. Happy Valentine’s Day.”
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goddammitjuliette · 8 years
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Simon likes to take pics of Jace when he’s not looking but this time he glanced over his shoulder. Simon has no idea what kind of monster he’s created. A snapchatting monster.
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Conversations they had: 
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(+Jace spamming Simon)
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Jimon Week. Day One: social media or jimon + favorite quote
“fml?” (+bonus)
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meliorn · 8 years
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✩ JIMON WEEK ✩ ↳ day 7: free choice (high school AU)
word count: ~4,5k summary: It’s hard being a teenager in high school. It’s even harder when you’re just starting to figure out sexuality and desire and how cute boys are, when suddenly a boy starts paying attention to you. And not just any boy, either.
or, the high school AU where Jace asks Simon to tutor him.
read it on ao3
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gayblush · 8 years
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jimon week: day 1 -- social media au
punk!jace + pastel/soft!simon
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johnhaos · 8 years
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Jimon Week: Day 1 - social media or jimon + your favourite quote
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eric-bogosian · 8 years
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Be Mine → Jimon Week Day Two
Simon Lewis has never had a valentine before. With the school's Sweetheart Dance looming right around the corner, and no one to go with, he does the only logical thing he can think of - he asks out Jace Lightwood.
Jimon high school AU, 6k+ words - read on AO3.
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clary-bi-ghtwood · 8 years
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jimon week day 3   //   jimon + colours
jimon aesthetics + colour schemes
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moonlightperseus · 8 years
wrap up my heart
for jimon week day 4: food (the title’s a pun I love me)
Jace glanced at the time on his phone, his fingers tapping on the counter to his food-turned-coffee truck. It was eleven thirty. The time that Simon almost always was at Java Jace by during the weekdays ever since he showed up one day, asking for Jace’s strongest coffee to make up from his lack of eating breakfast. 
Jace had felt sympathy for the college student, being a college drop-out due to a breakdown from stress, he went to the back of his truck and searched for any food like substance, managed to whip up a quick wrap for Simon. Simon had been ecstatically thankful. And well, ever since then Java Jace always carried sandwich wraps along with coffee. 
Jace leaned out of the truck, hoping that if he looked harder, that Simon would just appear. 
But a half an hour passed and Jace’s hope to see the cute nerd slowly deflated, putting the special wrap he had made just for Simon back in the small refrigerator, continuing on server coffee to the passerby clients.
It wasn’t until Jace was starting to pack up that Simon arrived, as soon as Jace saw him, his heart sunk just a little more. 
There was a girl with bright orange hair who had her arm slung around Simon’s shoulders, Simon’s head was ducked and the girl was talking in a quiet voice to him. 
“Simon,” Jace said, his voice lacking it’s usual enthusiasm. “You had me worried that something had happened to you when you didn’t show up this morning.” 
Simon seemed to duck his head even more, which for some reason earned a nudge from the girl. 
The nudge apparently meant something because Simon looked up at Jace, his eyes looking anywhere but at Jace’s. 
“Sorry, wasn’t feeling well.” Simon mumbled.
Jace frowned, he was certainly looking a little off. 
“I’m Clary,” The girl said, offering out her hand for Jace to shake. “Simon’s told me all about you.” 
Jace shook her hand, confused by what she meant. “Good things, I hope?”
Clary grinned, glancing at Simon with a glint in her eyes. “Oh yes, lots of good things.”
Jace glanced at Simon, who was blushing. 
“Ignore her,” Simon blurted out. “She’s a pain in the ass-” Clary smacked his arm lightly. “Ow!"
“Looks like she’s a pain in the arm too.” Jace said with a snort. 
Simon laughed, it was like music to Jace’s ears. 
Clary glanced at her phone. “Oh, would you look at that, I’m late for.... art science.” 
With that she turned and darted off. 
Jace wasn’t an expert on art related stuff, but he was pretty sure that he’d never heard of ‘art science’ before. 
“She’s... interesting.” Jace said, turning his attention back to Simon. 
Simon nodded. “Yeah,”
“Are you two dating?” Jace asked, trying to sound uninterested but probably failing badly.
“What? No. God no.” Simon quickly replied.  “I mean for one thing she’s a lesbian, and for another she’s like a sister to me.”
“Oh,” Jace had to force himself not to grin. “That’s... nice.”
“What about you? Are you dating anyone?” Simon asked, tilting his head slightly.
Jace blinked, surprised by the question. “Me? Uh- no, not currently. Had a bit of a rough breakup with a past boyfriend...” 
Simon raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t know you were gay.” 
“I’m Bi, actually.” Jace felt himself toughing up a bit, as he always did when he was discussing his sexuality with anyone but his siblings. 
“Oh... cool.” Simon said, his expression was completely blank.
Jace frowned. “Does that bother you?”
“What? No. Of course it doesn’t! I just told you that my best friend slash basically sister is gay. Why would I have a problem with you being Bi? I mean, that’d be a little hypocritical of me, seeing as I’m Pan.” Simon rushed out. 
It was Jace’s turn to be dumbfounded. “Oh,” 
“I wasn’t sick.” Simon suddenly said.
“What?” Jace asked, getting whiplash from how fast the conversation changed. 
“This morning, when I didn’t show up, I wasn’t sick.” Simon repeated. “I was trying to figure out how to ask you out. And then panicking because I figured I had no chance in hell. And just... kinda freaking out over it.”
Jace stared at Simon. “I- like on a date?” 
Simon ducked his head slightly, clearly blushing. “Y-yeah, but uh, if you don’t want to, that’s totally cool. It’s fine, I get it-”
“Dude,” Jace cut him off. “If I wasn’t leaning out of a food-turned-coffee truck, I’d be kissing you right now.” 
Definitely not one of Jace’s most romantic speeches, but it seemed to work. 
Simon’s head shot up and a smile spreading across his face. “Wait- really?”
“Yeah, I’ve had a bit of a thing for you ever since you first showed up here.” Jace replied with a grin. “My shift just officially ended. You wanna go out somewhere? Maybe not a coffee shop though.” 
Simon couldn’t help but laugh. “How about dinner? My treat, since you’re always spoiling me with free food that I know a coffee truck doesn’t normally carry.” 
Jace chuckled, exiting the truck to stand next to Simon. “I didn’t see you complaining when you were hungry.”
“I’m not complaining. I just want to treat you for once.” Simon said, reaching out for Jace’s hand.
Jace took Simon’s hand with a smile. “Alright, you can pay for dinner, but I’m buying dessert.” 
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aleclwb · 8 years
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call it magic (jace/simon, 5.5k)
The cutting boards are at it again. Or, well, they are fine for most of the morning, until Jace comes in and they start circling around his middle like they’re trying to sacrifice him to the food gods. Or something. At least they aren’t chanting anything.
“Just one normal day,” Jace says, “Just one day I want to come in here and be like ‘Hi Simon, here’s your delivery!’ and that’s it. Just once.”
“You and me both,” Maia says, eyeing one of the cutting boards currently circling Jace. It’s holding a half chopped tomato she had been working on.
“It’s charming,” Simon says, with the voice of someone who has had to repeat that exact phrase way too many times. “It adds character.”
Or, Simon owns a sandwich shop with a haunted kitchen. Jace delivers his bread.
written for jimon week day four: food. only like,,, a tad late
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