musegalaxie · 6 years
Thoughts Aloud | Jeonghan+ University!Y/N
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Hmm, looks like we have 2/13 down..
Thanks so much to @junspurplehair, @bamspeach, @got7-texts & @1soonhoon  again, surpriseee<3<3<3
 And again because tumblr sucks,  @kimji-chuu @kpopbrowniefics @got7-texts @neverclosetoperfect @slayhunnie @jungnoir @puppyprincepudding     @cafechenle  @rachel-daae & @causekpop 
 Still really enjoying writing like this and hoping you guys like thiiiiiiissss idk if this is going out before or on christmas butT most likely before bc i can’t wait BUT I hope you guys love it!
Send me who you think I’ll write for next and any Ideas you have!
just incase it’s unclear this time, y/n is a rhythmic gymnast
you and jeonghan were known for acting more like old lovers than best friends
you would care for and look after each other like you were both each other’s children
but when it came to having simple conversations or disputes, you’d lose your train of thought so quickly bc wow those eyes
and ofc jeonghan would thoroughly enjoy getting his way
bc  s w i n d l e r  it’s in his DNA
but why did you seem to always give in to him so easily?
you weren’t naturally like that with anyone else or even with the rest of seventeen
the members would even say seventeen had two mothers because while scoups is quiet...
* flashback 3 weeks ago, they caught hoshi sleeping peacefully with honey butter chip crumbs across his cheeks*
jeonghan: and dON’t even thiNK about sneaking chips into your room and making mingyu clean it up!
+ classic finger wag and sassy mother tone
y/n: *looks over to jeonghan, huffs* Because you don’t do it.. Mingyu complains about you all the time! Next time I hear him complain again I’ll come for you next, Jeonghan.
svt:  literally standing at attention bc nobody can snatch jeonghan like you can
(but will they laugh? nooOO who wants a death wish  n o  t h a n k  y o u)
woozi is probably the farthest away from you oh look he’s making his way into the bathtub
short story: the sass is rEAL with you two
but besides all of the playful ‘motherly love’ the two of you gave each other
 and atop the strong friendship and trust the two of you had built
you had felt something deep in the corner of your heart for a while
something that you weren’t too sure you knew how to explain
so you kept pushing it away
because Jeonghan was ‘a valuable friend’ and why lose that kind of friendship over a little tickle you’re not even sure of 
“psh, it’ll go away, y/n.”
you began to realize-like a slow rolling snowball-that you couldn’t decipher your feelings
you felt betrayed by your own heart
especially when Jeonghan would make his way to another suite past curfew
you were a resident assistant, and always seemed to be on midnight-4am duty
you always needed some extra time to help you stay awake and complete assignments
so you said “RA position open? Why not?”
watching his white-blonde head brazenly pass you by made you bubble with curiosity and frustration j e a l o u s y
he confided in you, and always stopped to reassure you
without missing the chance to throw in a sassy “Yes, Omma, I’ll be back in an hour.”
you knew he was going over to study, but couldn’t help your mind wondering who he’d be with all that time
you’d know in about 15 minutes
but you hated doing the hourly walk through because you couldn’t bear the thought of possibly seeing him with someone else seeing a girl in the dorm and having to report him.
ofc he had you under oath to keep his ‘unit jumping’ a secret, so you could never actually report him..
If you did, you’d have no crutch to support your platonic feelings….
and so every time you saw him laying across Chanyeol & Chen’s bed, the room empty and no other soul in sight, you felt relieved.
but they did find it weird a month ago when you started to pop your head through the door to say hi instead of just knocking and walking by like you used to
thank god it was your last hourly check of the night
you told yourself to fight the urge to pop your head in and just knock and say bye
you walked up through all 5 halls
peeking through all 79 rooms
finally making it to the 80th room on the 5th hall
and he’s waiting outside the door for you
‘hey, I didn’t want you to walk all the way back alone tonight.’
surprises you with facts about how many times you’ve covered his back and how he owes you
you’re busy chanting how you shouldn’t be affected by it that him grabbing you by the shoulders makes you jump
‘You okay? You really need to get more sleep, you seem tired’
‘Yes dad…’
you’re more than okay, you’re on cloud 9
forces his way inside and hands you his lunch when you two arrive at your dorm
‘You never eat, I swear your coaches are putting too much pressure on you’
besides being a natural A+ student (ahem, barely any effort but you slay your grades, go y/n) you also love sports and helping people a lot, you’re a sweet, campus unnie that a lot of people look up to.
relationship advice, recent homework, career advice, y/n unnie to the rescue!
but a hard-worker like yourself can only do and handle so much
so ofc many times than not, self care is forgotten
especially with your insane schedule
6am-12pm classes
3 hour rehearsals with your coach
learning new ribbon dance routines, choosing new unitards
an hour to soak in the tub to relieve your body and another to clean your dorm and catch up on homework
and then finally it was 11pm and time to grab your tablet with all your recorded lectures and bounce to the resident assistant office to get your work done and patrol the suite every hour until 4am
then finally back to your dorm to get 2 hours-or maybe no hours of sleep, depending on just how exhausted you felt that day and how much more you had to do
and so Jeonghan’s concerns were definitely valid
‘I promise, the RA position ends next week. I just needed some extra cash and i don’t mind turning in my assignments early because of it.’
‘And you won’t stay up all night completing those papers after this month ends? hA! like I haven’t known you for almost 4 years, y/n. listen to me. we’re going to graduate soon. I’m not saying you shouldn’t work hard, but you’re so close to the end, take a break sometimes? please?’
‘plus you seem more absent-minded these days…is anything on your mind I can help with?’
y o u, you immediately think
help me figure out my feelings for you…
‘Not a lot, just trying to prepare for my first performance…and figure out some things..’
‘You just finished doing that last week.. you bothered me about it the entire week and were so relieved when it was over..”
Ooh  c r a p
“There’s something else, huh?”
He was peering down at you, annoying you with his prying and scaring you, you weren’t ready to say anything about this yet
Not to mention your heart was pounding like a sledgehammer in your chest and you could barely brea-
“Y/n. when was there ever something you wouldn’t tell me?”
His tone deep and words short, you knew he was hurt
Guilt pressed up against your ribs, past the butterflies, and pushed your lip out from your teeth, searching for the words to say
“Hannie, I’m sorry wait-”
Unwillingly let you drag him back toward the small living area
He shifted his weight and looked at the floor
"I know you value trust, and because of you, I've become sensitive to trusting people easily as well, but we've gotten so close, and it makes me feel hurt to think that you're possibly hiding something from me..."
but I can't possibly tell you...
the silence in the room made the air taste stale
"You're really not going to tell me, Y/N-ah?"
How could I tell you when it's YOu omg-
you gripped your hair in a mini frenzy
"What do you mean it's ME?" 
"I...meant to think that..." 
"Well, I heard it." 
"Well erASE IT!" 
you frowned and covered his ears with your small hands, making him giggle in the soft, endearing way that he does
"I don't wanna laugh, I'm upset at you." 
he pouted and crossed his arms, his eyes glowing and sparkling in the evening light, his mischievous glint ironically highlighted
"I want to tell you I like you, but we're best friends, Jeonghan, how..." 
his face dropped and it was at that moment you knew y o u  s c r e w e d  u p 
he took down your hands and smiled softly 
"Did you really think I couldn't hear through your little fingers, Y/N?"    
he tugged you close and smiled
"I wanted to confess first, I'm still upset at you."
"oH my goodness, Jeonghan, you're such a baby."
he pecked your lips and your little dorm began to spin
"But I'm Y/N's baby." 
he said, in the softest, most cringey-baby agyeo voice  🙄
You cupped your best-boyfriend's cheeks, smiling at his puppy-dog eyes and knowing you might want to kill him, but he was the best one to go on this journey with.
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jindongdongie · 7 years
Hello my Loves~
I don’t really know how to say this properly, but I’m wondering what opinions you have on ‘The Clan’ series so far.
What do you think about the setting? Characters? 
Anything it might be missing that you think I need to add in?
OR just want to fangirl? ( I’m always down to fangirl 😉💓)
I’m really interested in your opinions, as I’m struggling to get out of a small writing rut.
Could you please take the time to let me know? I’d really appreciate it if you would~
Thank you so much.
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