musegalaxie · 6 years
Thoughts Aloud | Jeonghan+ University!Y/N
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Hmm, looks like we have 2/13 down..
Thanks so much to @junspurplehair, @bamspeach, @got7-texts & @1soonhoon  again, surpriseee<3<3<3
 And again because tumblr sucks,  @kimji-chuu @kpopbrowniefics @got7-texts @neverclosetoperfect @slayhunnie @jungnoir @puppyprincepudding     @cafechenle  @rachel-daae & @causekpop 
 Still really enjoying writing like this and hoping you guys like thiiiiiiissss idk if this is going out before or on christmas butT most likely before bc i can’t wait BUT I hope you guys love it!
Send me who you think I’ll write for next and any Ideas you have!
just incase it’s unclear this time, y/n is a rhythmic gymnast
you and jeonghan were known for acting more like old lovers than best friends
you would care for and look after each other like you were both each other’s children
but when it came to having simple conversations or disputes, you’d lose your train of thought so quickly bc wow those eyes
and ofc jeonghan would thoroughly enjoy getting his way
bc  s w i n d l e r  it’s in his DNA
but why did you seem to always give in to him so easily?
you weren’t naturally like that with anyone else or even with the rest of seventeen
the members would even say seventeen had two mothers because while scoups is quiet...
* flashback 3 weeks ago, they caught hoshi sleeping peacefully with honey butter chip crumbs across his cheeks*
jeonghan: and dON’t even thiNK about sneaking chips into your room and making mingyu clean it up!
+ classic finger wag and sassy mother tone
y/n: *looks over to jeonghan, huffs* Because you don’t do it.. Mingyu complains about you all the time! Next time I hear him complain again I’ll come for you next, Jeonghan.
svt:  literally standing at attention bc nobody can snatch jeonghan like you can
(but will they laugh? nooOO who wants a death wish  n o  t h a n k  y o u)
woozi is probably the farthest away from you oh look he’s making his way into the bathtub
short story: the sass is rEAL with you two
but besides all of the playful ‘motherly love’ the two of you gave each other
 and atop the strong friendship and trust the two of you had built
you had felt something deep in the corner of your heart for a while
something that you weren’t too sure you knew how to explain
so you kept pushing it away
because Jeonghan was ‘a valuable friend’ and why lose that kind of friendship over a little tickle you’re not even sure of 
“psh, it’ll go away, y/n.”
you began to realize-like a slow rolling snowball-that you couldn’t decipher your feelings
you felt betrayed by your own heart
especially when Jeonghan would make his way to another suite past curfew
you were a resident assistant, and always seemed to be on midnight-4am duty
you always needed some extra time to help you stay awake and complete assignments
so you said “RA position open? Why not?”
watching his white-blonde head brazenly pass you by made you bubble with curiosity and frustration j e a l o u s y
he confided in you, and always stopped to reassure you
without missing the chance to throw in a sassy “Yes, Omma, I’ll be back in an hour.”
you knew he was going over to study, but couldn’t help your mind wondering who he’d be with all that time
you’d know in about 15 minutes
but you hated doing the hourly walk through because you couldn’t bear the thought of possibly seeing him with someone else seeing a girl in the dorm and having to report him.
ofc he had you under oath to keep his ‘unit jumping’ a secret, so you could never actually report him..
If you did, you’d have no crutch to support your platonic feelings….
and so every time you saw him laying across Chanyeol & Chen’s bed, the room empty and no other soul in sight, you felt relieved.
but they did find it weird a month ago when you started to pop your head through the door to say hi instead of just knocking and walking by like you used to
thank god it was your last hourly check of the night
you told yourself to fight the urge to pop your head in and just knock and say bye
you walked up through all 5 halls
peeking through all 79 rooms
finally making it to the 80th room on the 5th hall
and he’s waiting outside the door for you
‘hey, I didn’t want you to walk all the way back alone tonight.’
surprises you with facts about how many times you’ve covered his back and how he owes you
you’re busy chanting how you shouldn’t be affected by it that him grabbing you by the shoulders makes you jump
‘You okay? You really need to get more sleep, you seem tired’
‘Yes dad…’
you’re more than okay, you’re on cloud 9
forces his way inside and hands you his lunch when you two arrive at your dorm
‘You never eat, I swear your coaches are putting too much pressure on you’
besides being a natural A+ student (ahem, barely any effort but you slay your grades, go y/n) you also love sports and helping people a lot, you’re a sweet, campus unnie that a lot of people look up to.
relationship advice, recent homework, career advice, y/n unnie to the rescue!
but a hard-worker like yourself can only do and handle so much
so ofc many times than not, self care is forgotten
especially with your insane schedule
6am-12pm classes
3 hour rehearsals with your coach
learning new ribbon dance routines, choosing new unitards
an hour to soak in the tub to relieve your body and another to clean your dorm and catch up on homework
and then finally it was 11pm and time to grab your tablet with all your recorded lectures and bounce to the resident assistant office to get your work done and patrol the suite every hour until 4am
then finally back to your dorm to get 2 hours-or maybe no hours of sleep, depending on just how exhausted you felt that day and how much more you had to do
and so Jeonghan’s concerns were definitely valid
‘I promise, the RA position ends next week. I just needed some extra cash and i don’t mind turning in my assignments early because of it.’
‘And you won’t stay up all night completing those papers after this month ends? hA! like I haven’t known you for almost 4 years, y/n. listen to me. we’re going to graduate soon. I’m not saying you shouldn’t work hard, but you’re so close to the end, take a break sometimes? please?’
‘plus you seem more absent-minded these days…is anything on your mind I can help with?’
y o u, you immediately think
help me figure out my feelings for you…
‘Not a lot, just trying to prepare for my first performance…and figure out some things..’
‘You just finished doing that last week.. you bothered me about it the entire week and were so relieved when it was over..”
Ooh  c r a p
“There’s something else, huh?”
He was peering down at you, annoying you with his prying and scaring you, you weren’t ready to say anything about this yet
Not to mention your heart was pounding like a sledgehammer in your chest and you could barely brea-
“Y/n. when was there ever something you wouldn’t tell me?”
His tone deep and words short, you knew he was hurt
Guilt pressed up against your ribs, past the butterflies, and pushed your lip out from your teeth, searching for the words to say
“Hannie, I’m sorry wait-”
Unwillingly let you drag him back toward the small living area
He shifted his weight and looked at the floor
"I know you value trust, and because of you, I've become sensitive to trusting people easily as well, but we've gotten so close, and it makes me feel hurt to think that you're possibly hiding something from me..."
but I can't possibly tell you...
the silence in the room made the air taste stale
"You're really not going to tell me, Y/N-ah?"
How could I tell you when it's YOu omg-
you gripped your hair in a mini frenzy
"What do you mean it's ME?" 
"I...meant to think that..." 
"Well, I heard it." 
"Well erASE IT!" 
you frowned and covered his ears with your small hands, making him giggle in the soft, endearing way that he does
"I don't wanna laugh, I'm upset at you." 
he pouted and crossed his arms, his eyes glowing and sparkling in the evening light, his mischievous glint ironically highlighted
"I want to tell you I like you, but we're best friends, Jeonghan, how..." 
his face dropped and it was at that moment you knew y o u  s c r e w e d  u p 
he took down your hands and smiled softly 
"Did you really think I couldn't hear through your little fingers, Y/N?"    
he tugged you close and smiled
"I wanted to confess first, I'm still upset at you."
"oH my goodness, Jeonghan, you're such a baby."
he pecked your lips and your little dorm began to spin
"But I'm Y/N's baby." 
he said, in the softest, most cringey-baby agyeo voice  🙄
You cupped your best-boyfriend's cheeks, smiling at his puppy-dog eyes and knowing you might want to kill him, but he was the best one to go on this journey with.
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jindongdongie · 6 years
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Posting something on Jindongdongiewrites soon.. go follow quick!!!
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jindongdongie · 6 years
another u p d a t e 💕
I had been thinking about it since I got a tumblr, but I decided hey, let’s just see if this thing even goes anywhere. 
Weelp it did, and I love writing new things, it excites me. And I love all of you that read and help me write.💕💕💕
This came up because I’ve been working on something secret ( I promise you’ll all see soon) and while doing so, I realized just how much my cluttered drafts bother me, not to mention when I post, people say they never see it (which may never get fixed) and I never created a masterlist because 1. I was lazy, don’t judge 🤷‍♀️ and 2. why bother when my masterlist was SO tiny and links got deleted multiple times?
SO I was inspired by my lover @jungnoir‘s post she did not long ago about possibly leaving (lol not to leave, go read her post and follow her~) and I decided, maybe let’s revisit this option again? 
That way when people want to see if I’ve posted anything, they can just scroll down, and I can flood ya’ll with my rants and comeback squeals over here.
I wanna know your thoughts before I make any big decisions, so please, let me know what you think in my ever-so-available i n b o x, because i’d love to hear from you.
I still don’t know yet, the most important thing is cleaning out my drafts and writing atm, sooooooooooooo who knows what’ll happen? (i sure don’t)
Hope this made sense, and you can always i n b o x me if you have any questions.
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jindongdongie · 6 years
The Clan, 3 of? | Bobby
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Tagging some lovelies, thanks for hearing me rant and putting up with me, it’s FINALLY OUT YAS ~JJ
@slayhunnie @got7-texts @bamspeach @khiphop-stories @bfwooz @neverclosetoperfect  @peachykazi @jjongsik @rachel-daae @mochabam @tae-la-tiger @joshpup 💙💙💙
You squirmed uncomfortably under Jay’s watchful eye, watching as he squinted at you and Bobby, looked down at the meat he had in his left hand, and then up at the two of you again.
Bobby sighed, extending his lettuce-wrap-filled hand towards you.
You parted your lips, shyly looking between Bobby and Jay and then turning to cover your lettuce-filled mouth.
“So...When did the two of you start?” 
Jay broke the quiet air with his question. Bobby looked at you with beady eyes, clearing his throat, and you flushed, looking away from the two of them.
“We never-”
You and Bobby started in unison and stopped, startled by the sound of both your voices in perfect sync.
You looked at Bobby, nodding slightly for him to speak.
He pouted slightly before downing the soup he had left in his bowl, batting his lashes at you sorrowfully, and then speaking.
“We never started anything, Hyung. Da Hye and I are just-”
Jay cracked a smile.
“It’s none of my business. If B.I can’t squeeze it out of you, I surely-” Bobby’s eyes went wide, pressing a large, icy palm against Jay’s hand, making delicate snowflakes spread all over his now frozen, stiff fingers, glaring at his superior sharply.
Jay’s eyes turned red on instinct, smiling in apology as he defrosted his frigid hand, yet the mumbles under his breath were vulgar.
Biting back the pain he winced, pearly whites bared on the flesh of his lip as he felt the ice shards crawl up his veins. Shaking off his hand, He watched the ice droplets as they absorbed into his skin, flexing and bending each finger, his frown overly visible.
You smiled, gently tugging the collar of Bobby’s jacket with your eyebrows, making him look up at you. His eyes, glistening like ice, melted into a puddle as he noticed your gaze, and he loosened his grip on the spoon in his other hand.
Just then, a small object began to glide past you and toward Jay, cutting the wind near your ear with a swoosh. Bobby reached out a hand to stop its path with a small icicle, the shards of ice glistening as they collided with the article, shattering into pieces all over the grill and making it hiss threateningly.
The ill-omened, oval shaped bullet lay in the bed of freshly-washed, vibrant green lettuce leaves. Blue Onyx members had surfaced.
The three of you shared displeased looks and located your weapons, your fingers brushing against the deathly 24k barrel. You never thought you’d have to use it within the day you had received it.
Bobby stood before you, his gaze like an iceberg. 
You hated when he became like this, it would be hard to make him think about anything but defending his family, and he’d resort to any means, especially when it came to Blue Onyx’s Mino.
He was a sinister character, one who seemed to mesh with the thick shadows of the night, carrying with him a heavy aura that would make any small group of hitmen tremble, no matter how high their rank.
But what animosity was between Bobby and Mino?
B.I. had breathed a word here and there while talking about their childhood,quietly mentioning how Bobby was fathered by Mino, until some heavy-paying ‘errands’ came around and he deserted him without a word. After months of searching, B.I. and Jay found Bobby in Mino’s and his shared apartment. They soon found out what Bobby’s power was, as the room was fully encased in ice. 
Bobby rose to his feet, his posture shaky but determined. He swept a careful finger over the handle of his own pistol, securing its location. Worry laid heavily on Jay’s eyebrows, his face more wary than you had ever seen since you’ve known him. Mino, holding a shiny, black handgun, took lazy steps forward, his expression indecipherable.
 Bobby hesitated.
Now the man that betrayed his trust stood before him 6 years later, and he couldn’t lift a muscle to shake him up the way he planned, since all that blurred his vision was heartache. The heavy heart of a 16 year old boy filled with hurt and abandon overcame him, pulling him back into the pain of his unresolved wounds.
Bobby was so numbed by his own emotional damage and the cyclone of thoughts and emotions that he was reduced a motionless shadow, a bundle of nerves just waiting to erupt.
Jay sprung out of his seat, fire rushing through his veins, but was flustered as he felt you pull him down by his jacket, seating him quite firmly onto the metal stool.
Bobby felt the warmth of your hands press against his shoulders as you stood close beside him, fingers squeezing a bit as you looked up at the tall, broad figure in front of you. He reached for your hand, letting his fingers tangle in yours like threads tightening, pulling on your heart strings.
You studied Mino’s features, while his eyes took in your sudden presence with enthrallment, making Bobby secure his arm around you protectively.
Finally the silence broke, Mino’s rough voice sandpapering against the quiet air.
“Long time no see, Jiwon-ah.”
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jindongdongie · 7 years
From your head to your feet, the sight of you made __'s head feel light and his knees weak, but of course, he’s a real man. Real men would never show that.
Upcoming, Jindongdongie
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jindongdongie · 6 years
aaaaaaask gaaaaaaame
I was tagged to do this about me tag by @jungnoir 50 years ago here goes nothing
Mama, Jinju, JJ, etc
Star Sign
October 16th! #OctoberBabies
Favorite bands
Bruh ru talking about kpop groups? if so scroll thru my blog. 
Song stuck in my head
Pempe- Sean Tizzle (PLS LISTEN OMG)
Last movie I watched
Uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhm Last movie i watched was on the plane coming back from Korea and it was fabricated city<3 (IF ANYONE HAS ANY LINKS PLS LINK ME BC YA GIRL NEEDS TO FINISH WATCHING IT)
Last show I watched
Let’s eat 3!!!
When did I create my blog
January 16th, 2016<3 ( i think, lol)
What do I post
I’m splitting this blog into two, but for now i post writngs and drabbles occasionally, while also posting rants, kpop ish, songs, just kinda everything.
Last thing I Googled
Sean Tizzle Pempe Lyrics
Do I have other blogs
yxllow-fxiry (just my aesthetic)
jindongdongiewrites (my new writing only blog)
gildedyellowpeony (yellow aesthetic blog)
Do I get asks
No, sadly. I’m inactive and busy and so i suffer TT
Why did I choose my URL
Jinju  = my Korean name + Dong = a nickname for donghyuk + Dongie = a nickname I call Donghyuk = Jindongdongie 
(Some extra explainations)
JinDong- Me and Donghyuks ship name
DongDongie - I also call donghyuk this
Following Blogs
Favorite Colors
Yellow and anything neon or pastel
Average hours of sleep
...anywhere from 3 to 12
Lucky number
uuuuuuuuuuuh 8
What am I wearing
a watermelon patterned spaghetti strap night gown
How many blankets I sleep with
one and a sheeet
Dream job
building millionaires  their dream homes (i’m also interested in designing yachts)
Dream trip
Japan, Morocco and Hawaii
Favorite Food
Liberian-Korean-mexican-jamaican- I like too much food.
american (unfortunately) (placing another unfortunately here)
Favorite song now
gosh that’s kinda hard i’m listening to all kinds of music rn..
Rmvnt- Ghana boyz <3
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jindongdongie · 6 years
h e r e  g o e s
Moving all my writings over to @Jindongdongiewrites very soon~<3
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jindongdongie · 6 years
WIP(work-in-progress) tag!
tagged by @jungnoir  thanks babe! your story looks exciting, I love youtuber!au!!! i’m stealing ur setup too ^^
rules: write the first paragraph from your work(s) in progress, then tag as many people as you want!
title: my works never have a title until they’re complete/almost complete
genre: angst but happy ending, fluff, heartbreak, sadness
progress: i don’t even remember when i started this draft
pairing: Minghao x Y/N
A sharp pang pricked your heartstrings as you turned away from his tall frame, towering over you with eyes filled with what seemed like mock sorrow and tears.
The warmth and happiness that had filled you only a few seconds ago when Minghao slipped away with you to the small, lively patch of garden could have put the flowers bright hues to shame, but now your body was frozen over in shock and your limbs felt like dead weight.
The thorns he spoke pinched at your ears as he told you with shaky, anxious breaths that he felt it was better for the two of you to part ways, whispering in a cruel, honey-soaked voice that it was because ‘he was scared’ and ‘he loved you too much,’-and you couldn’t bear it. You held back your urge to cling to him, to cry, to stare at him in disbelief and replaced it all with a bright, plastered smile and a short nod, disgusted at how well suppressed your teary, shaky voice was.
tagging: @joshpup @causekpop @khiphop-stories 👀 @kpopbrowniefics 👀👀👀 lmk if i shouldn’t tag you guys in these....but i’m curious about your works....👀👀👀
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jindongdongie · 6 years
Confession | Vernon + University!Y/N
idk if i’ll do this for the other membersss ??? but let’s just say there’s drafts open~
Thank you to @bamspeach @got7-texts @1soonhoon <3<3<3
also just incase you guys don’t see this bc tumblr sucks, here it is @jjongsik @kpopbrowniefics @got7-texts @neverclosetoperfect @slayhunnie @jungnoir @tae-la-tiger @bfwooz @rachel-daae & @causekpop
I really like this writing style and I hope you guys enjoy this lil fic!💖💖💖
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 “come on, focus y/n”
you groaned, slouched on your little white chaise
staring at him from across the room
mussed hair
pen in his mouth
eyebrows furrowed as he worked on lyrics (you’re whipped, poor y/n)
he had let himself in since last night and tbh you weren’t complaining
you could get used to coming home from evening class to his gummy smile
gushing and exclaiming that he had finished one or two bars
his warm, sandalwood scent as he squished you into his arm, rapping to you while tightly holding his little leather-bound notebook
you rolled your eyes because tbh, Hansol was too much to handle
so you acted tough to guard your feelings
bc why would Hansol be attracted to you? 
UGH but y/nnnn you’re so gorgeous 
i honestly don’t know why you’re not catching these signs
Vernon has been coming over to ‘organize his thoughts’ for quite a long while
but recently it’s gotten more frequent
 as it always does when you’re close to finals
 He’ll call at an ungodly hour but only because he knew you’d be awake too
no matter how much it pissed you off that you hadn’t fallen asleep yet, Vernon knew there were things on your-ever-running mind
 and you’d probably never sleep without his company
Always brings your favorite midnight snack
(may or may not be a domino's cheesy bread with extra garlic sauce but ya know, whatever you like. i’m hungry i’m gonna be quiet now)
 and some pretty cake slices and strawberry tea from the bakery across the street 
bc he wants to fatten you up that’s his evil plan he knows that’s the only way to get you to smile and talk like a human again
and he was right
11+ years of friendship def paid off in his mind when he saw you take the little dominoes box from him with the biggest grin on your face
 and the sparkliest insert color here eyes
and his heart did little flips
like a baby dolphin learning how to swim those flips are not littleee, Vern
and he stilled his beating heart, almost cutting his finger trying to open his soda while asking you how your day was
and you ranted about how dUmB your assigned group was for thinking that they were gonna go free and you do all the project work for them, i mean how stupid could they b-
you two talked while the sky faded from yellow to gray to bluish-black
your tummy full as you worked on homework, papers and computer spread in front of you
Vernon in his usual place, settled in the center of your black marble floor, a floor below you
 white fuzzy rug under his butt, lyrics, pens, paper and phone on the shiny flooring
his hair bouncing up and down as he listened to music and scribbled away with his pencil anD WHY COULDN’T YOU FOCUS OMG YOU’RE STILL STUCK ON PROBLEM 5
you felt pent up and like you were going to explode bc whyyy hansol why
and you couldn’t get up and get your diary bc did you even own one haha 
so you aggressively take a pretty sheet of paper bc only pretty paper makes it into the diary
and write away until you feel your stress melt away
but omg you literally just wrote an angry essay about how many butterflies you feel for HVC
you folded it into a heart and tucked it into your desk drawer oops there’s so many hearts in there shove the drawer closeedd
and then finally your heart felt light enough to tackle problem 5 again
h o u r s  l a t e r
Vernon’s gold-honey eyes looked up toward your desk above him, confused as to why you hadn’t answered him yet
he furrowed his eyebrows and climbed the steps
‘everything is fine, Hansol, she probably just went into her room’
peeked around the corner and looked into your office
and feels his heart melt
there you are, face covered with your fur blanket
snoring cutely oh my gooodness y/n wipe your drool
he laughs because who wouldn’t, too c u t e
you even fell asleep with a pencil in hand, precious
but oh
there it goes
he tries to catch it but it’s already fallen into one of your drawers
shakes his head when he walks over to pick it up because why were you using a desk drawer as a trash can, the little ryan bin was literally rig-oh...
he sees that all the papers are delicately folded, sharp edges and corners
 and he know’s it’s not a mistake because you’ve made him origami many times
ugh, really y/n?!? you should’ve just locked the drawwwwwweerr
‘why didn’t you ever fold hearts for me?’
he smiles and turns it over in his hands a bit, and then blushes at the thought of actually receiving a heart from you
‘yeah, that’s not very friend-like, Hansol’
am i the only one that thinks he talks aloud a lot? yes? okai
His eyebrows knitted in thought
he was v curious
‘ugh, she’s going to kill me if she wakes up’
‘but what if she doesn’t wake up?’
‘what if she never trusts me again’
‘then again, why’d she hide it from me?’
‘but if she wanted to say she would’ve jus-aH i’m just gonna do it’
he plops down on the floor
gently, carefully unfolds it
how did it end up being the heart from today? 
 ~ f a n f i c t i o n ~
 feels his heart burst into a million flower petals
like aju nice, guys, not hanahakiii...
well maybe i should’ve said confetti but oH WELL
how could you have held it in so long?
he surely doesn't know how he managed to... 
Vernon’s eyes drank in every stroke of ink on the paper
by now your neighbors were getting worried bc why was Rudolph in your apartment in march? hmmm
He felt.. a whirlwind of things
Sugar rush. He felt like he had eaten an entire honeycomb dang those sweet words were written so aggressively 
pouty because you never told him and you probably think he doesn’t like you back i see a sulky chibi Vernon
and embarrassed bc Woozi hyung was right, aiiiiishh-
but he couldn’t stay sulky for long because
*lightbulb soundddd*
he sneaked around your office a bit WoW without throwing anything over good! job! Vernon!
and found a sheet of pretty paper
and began to write
S o M e  M o R e  H o U r S  L a T e R
You couldn’t have been sleeping more peacefully than this, this was the life
you snuggled your head into your pillow case
Your eyes fluttered open and you felt so warm and cozy until you reached up to put your hands under your pillow-AND WHAT EVIL PERSON WOULD PUT A PILLOW ON YOUR DESK YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE PASSING FINALS AND DYING, NOT SL- 
shiny... ee
you blinked a couple of times before reaching out to grab onto a sparkly, white paper airplane on your desk
this was one of your favorite decorative papers
it couldn’t have been anyone but Vernon
you sat up in your chair and closed your eyes bc too. mu ch. l i g h t.
your apartment was filled with clean, white light, bouncing off the water in your favorite mug
it had to be him
you took a sip and unfolded the little plane 
‘when did he practice this? hehee.. Ooh, when did he have such script-y handwriting? he needs to write more..”
your heart caught in your throat as you read over the words ‘You really should keep your secrets under lock and key, y/n..”
you found yourself reading through a blur of ‘sorry i couldn’t resist reading your note’ and ‘i can’t believe i let your heart hurt the way mine did while i waited for you to see how much i loved you’
he LoVED YOU?!?
finally!! YAY  for y/n!!! onto the ending
you were frozen in place
but i mean it was your fault for leaving the drawer partially open and unlocked girl come ON
but...but he felt the same way...and now you knew?
what would happen now?
excitement and anxiety suddenly sparked within you
you wanted to be with him
in his arms
not sitting at your desk, doing homework ew
but your brain was so frazzled that you were moving much slower than you thought you were
you were overheating with emotions and stress and hunger and lack of sleep that you could barely function
 and there were just too many options on how this could all end
so when he wrapped his arms around you, you sighed and held still, thinking that this was a much better option than exerting any energy 
you felt his head rest on top of yours and took a minute to pull his sleeves up to your nose
basking in his sandalwood scent, which was all yours now
Vernon’s heart was pounding as he walked around your chair, kneeling down to your level and cupping your cheeks with warm palms and icy fingertips
he blinked and exhaled slowly, looking up at you with his gold-honey eyes
‘I’d ask you what your answer was, but after pulling an all righter like that, it’s better to sleep first and solve later...so.. couple nap?’
You picked up both wrists, with all the strength you hand and planted them sleepily on your hips
with a v v soft determined look on your face
‘hoe you better do this right, i don’t care how tired i am, i will fall asleep on you and scold you later’
vernon snatched himself so qUICK
‘y/n y/m/n y/l/n, will you be my girlfriend?’
hopeful eyes as he looked at you warmly, hoping this would appease you
You burst into a bright halo of happiness, nodding weakly before speaking
‘of course, hansol vernon choi.. i mean you’re cute and talented or watevA’
red ears and deep gazes commENCE
hands are being heeeeeld
his nose brushed against yours before warmly planting a kiss on your cheek and lifting you up
carrying you downstairs with some fluffy blankets and pillows
you snuggle into him and start to drift off
and t h e n 
a question you HAD to ask
a question that itched your very soul
you shook him with a tiny shake that made him sigh in satisfaction once again
 this lil cutie was all his
Vern’s eyes fluttered open, ready to answer your every beck and call
‘hansol vernon choi, how did you find my sparkly origami paper?!?!
b u s t e ddddd
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jindongdongie · 6 years
Reconstructing a fic. @khiphop-stories you will be proud of me<3
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