sleepylittlesloth · 1 year
Okay here we go:
Jinx is Powders' ability to do something.
Powder; having grown up in the undercity, being unable to help her older family members, has always been forced to be the observer.
Despite her efforts to change this and cause change to help, it never worked and the attempt would often cause the situation to make things worse.
(A lot of this post will be about the music video "My enemy," so maybe watch that after as a refresher)
Anyways, when watching the MV, if you focus on just the clips of powder sitting alone at the bar with her monkey. She goes from melancholic to happy; laughing, head thrown back in glee, to subdued with a sad smile, all while sitting alone at the bar.
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This hints at her early psychosis and also shows her reflecting on her memories of Vi and the group.
<sidenote, in the scenes of vi giving everyone a demonstration on some martial arts, the other crew that attacked them are there, showing them all being undercity kids and how they could've been friends if the circumstances werent so awful. Poverty pits them against one another.>
The firefly coming out've powders mouth, showing both her loss of childhood wonder and innocence, immediately followed by a flash of Jinx.
Losing the firefly, which also represents losing her childhood friend ekko, shows that in order to be Jinx, she had to let Ekko go, the last string tying her to everyone she'd known till that point.
The next flash of Jinx we see is when Powder pretends to shoot the enforcer. So first was Powder, who is helpless to do anything against the enforcers, followed by jinx, forshadowing that jinx has the ability to actually do damage. Jinx, who can do something against the evil enforcers who always walk through and hurt them, abuse them, intimidate them. Jinx has the power to change that when Powder couldn't.
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Another moment that caught my eye was the scene of Powder standing by while two guys beat up Mylo. This might explain why Mylo is always so tough on Powder, because she's so young, she's looked over and not beaten up so much, unlike him, and she gets to be protected, unlike him. His anger comes from envy (maybe).
Anyways, powder in this scene is helpless, then they're running away from enforcers. This also makes me think that these two have been paired up before, and this situation mightve happened.
Eg, mylo takes powder for a walk to go somewhere but then theyre intervened by some guys who then take mylo into an ally to beat him up, maybe rob him, humiliating him in front of powder who is helpless to do anything but watch.
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Then theres this scene with Powder standing alone surrounded by enforcers, she cant do anything about it, as she's poweless, but Jinx can, and there jinx appears, assessing, strong, confident, everything Powder isnt.
Yet Jinx can't do anything while Powders on the wheel, so Powder disappears, leaving Jinx to take out the enforcers. It's only once the dangers gone that powder returns.
This shows that powder is the one Jinx was created to protect since powders' main protector [Vi] left.
In the Projector clips of Powder lipsyncing, this feels like we're seeing into Powders mind. The clip of the freeze frame of jinx on the projector aka the one in control, shows Powder desperately trying to get rid of Jinx, trying to retake control of her body.
But Powder is trapped in the mind, forced to watch everything play out because Jinx has to protect Powder, but it's never safe now, with everything happening, so Powders never allowed out.
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Jinx's trauma locked her in as that little girl
What does this all mean?
Jinx is Powders persona to protect herself
So everytime Powder was powerless, Jinx is there to be her power
Jinx's whole drive and purpose is to protect Powder
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voltyrra · 6 years
Okay mini rant time. Hello random person on Reddit who thinks my characters' sexuality is a fucking joke. News flash! Panromantic people exist, demisexual people exist, panromantic demisexual people fucking exist! I know, shocker. It is not retarded, it is not ridiculous, and you, my dear disrespectful wraith, can fuck right off.
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