#jisung switches between u and you with no logic at all
nettlestingsoup · 6 months
today's weird fic editing task is going through the red thread au and trying to make everyone text differently
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aloevendetta · 5 years
the senior trip
ok so this is my first stray kids fic, i didn’t rlly edit it but i hope you all enjoy! 💕 this is jock! hyunjin x fem! reader, also a friends to lovers au of sorts :) ft the 00 line
On the last week of school, your best friend Felix came up to you and begged you to go on a road trip with him and his friends
After an entire day of insisting that you were “one of his best friends” and that he would “die without you”, you caved
His best friends were a wildly varying group of seniors at the school, some of which you were friends with, some of which you barely talked to
Hyunjin was the cliche jock
He literally could play ANY sport and be amazing at it,,,
You were slightly envious of him but you wouldn’t let him know that
And then there was Jisung
He wasn’t the most book smart, but when it came to music he was a genius
Nobody really knew since he kept it quiet, and only the chorus kids and his music theory class knew about his hidden talent
Again, you were jealous
Seungmin was that kid who could manage several ap classes like a champ
Also one of your best friends
He was kind of sassy at times but sometimes you just needed good ole Minnie to let you know you were being stupid
Seungmin and Felix openly discussed this road trip all through the school year but you never thought they’d ACTUALLy do it
“Hey y/n, Wanna come on our road trip?”
“Yeah, sure ‘lix.” You’d say, brushing it off as teasing
“Y/n, you’re packed for our trip, right?”
“Did you forget?”
“I-I didn’t think you were serious? I’m not sure if I want to go, I have a lot of plans this summer and I kind of want to relax and-“
Seungmin then plopped down onto a bench at your lunch spot, clapping a hand on your back
“If anyone needs to relax, it’s me, and this trip is the perfect chance. We’re going to a resort!”
how were you supposed to get out of this now ( ಠ ಠ )
“My mom-“
Felix shot you a look
“Y/n, YOURE 18!!! You can go without your mom’s permission”
“Let me think about it.”
The rest of lunch Felix and Seungmin dropped it
After lunch was over, the avalanche of questions started
You were solid in your decision until Felix added you to a group chat
you kept telling yourself the only reason you went was the spam
But Felix and seungmin both knew it was because of your silent pining of hyunjin
Aka the super gorgeous super talented super sporty super nice super smart best friend of your best friend
Hyunjin: y/n, you HAVE to come with us :(( it won’t be the same :(((
from across the English classroom Felix watched your resolve crumble as you typed
Y/N: ,,,,, when do we leave
Never did you think you’d end up here, though
Jisung’s VW bus had broken down
(EVERYONE knew it was only a matter of time)
So now you sat crammed between jisung and hyunjin in the backseat of Felix’s car
Felix’s tiny car
His little
Honda Accord
Despite insisting Jisung took up little to no space and that it was far smarter for him to sit in the middle
he insisted that his knee had been bothering him and you should instead
being the little demon jisung is
He was laying with his head against the door and his feet pushing you closer to Hyunjin
U were rlly warm but it definiTELY wasn’t the car, just u :)
U were awkwardly pushed up against the dude you had a crush on all of high school
And you knew the 3 other boys in the car had planned it
When you glanced in the rear view mirror you were met with Seungmin’s grinning at you and a snort from Felix
You didn’t really mind though because Hyunjin was super sweet and didn’t mind you being that close to him at all
Instead, when jisung KICKED you over toward ur crush
And you PROFUSELy apologized
Hyunjin just laughed and said
“It’s okay! I’ve been around him my entire life, I’m not surprised, honestly”
(∗∕ ∕•̥̥̥̥∕ω∕•̥̥̥̥∕)
At some point during the ride you fell asleep and when you woke up on hyunjins shoulder
Saying you panicked would be an understatement
“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry I can’t believe I fell asleep on you, oh my gosh Hyunjin you should’ve woken me up and told me to move I’m so sorry”
“Y/n, it’s fine, I promise I didn’t mind.”
Yeah that made you feel somewhat better until you felt the dried up drool on your chin
Anyway, you guys had arrived at the resort you were staying at
felix and seungmin weren’t mean enough to make you room with hyunjin (tbh you’d die)
(also that’s too cliche let’s be honest)
though the moment the door shut and you threw your suitcase onto the suitcase stand, felix and seungmin were hounding you
“you slept on him, y/n”
“see we told you that you wouldn’t regret this”
“we’re the best wingmen ever”
“what would you do without us”
it took a sharp glare from you to get them to shut up but they were still snickering
after you unpacked, felix and seungmin shoved you out the door with jisung and hyunjin in tow
it was your job to buy and cook dinner apparently
when you got to the store you put jisung in charge of dessert and hyunjin was in charge of the vegetable
you had the main course
unsurprisingly, jisung came back with box of cake mix and funfetti icing
hyunjin, being the healthy he is due to his sports diet, came back with a microwave veggie bag
you were making one of your favorite dishes, maybe not the healthiest, but that was never a criteria for dinner
when u got back you put the boys to work
and surprise surprise
they protested as u told them to boil water and start making their food items
anyway, after u got them to actually start working (by promising you’d buy them the next game they wanted for felix’s switch), dinner quickly was served
u made a fancy pasta dish that was irresistible >:]
and you’re proud to say there were no leftovers
after you and the boys finished cleaning the kitchen, hyunjin approached you
“y/n, i’m gonna go on a walk to burn off some of the unhealthy stuff in that meal. i cant be looking puffy or gaining weight” he joked
“but if you,, uh, want to join me...?” he asked, smiling sheepishly
hyunjin was talking about BURNING CALORIES while you sat on the couch in pj shorts and an oversized shirt, watching tv and playing on your phone
ヽ༼ ಠ益ಠ ༽ノ really wanna make us feel healthy today, huh?
but it was hyunjin, so you got up, shoved your phone in your pocket and slipped into some shoes and went on a walk with him
he walked really fast, to be honest
you were jogging to keep up with him,,, and u were the one who wanted to do less exercise,,,, >:////
hyunjin would look back at you and laugh as your dragged your feet, wanting to take a break
“y/n~ we’re here”
“y-you took me somewhere? damn it, hyunjin, we could’ve taken the car (;¬д¬)”
“but that’s no fun!”
his puppy dog eyes made you sign in defeat before taking in the surroundings
hyunjin had led you to the resort pond reserve, where little ducks would swim during the day
at night, the onlt light pollution was from the city several miles away, and the stars reflected perfectly off of the calm water
“how’d you know about this?” you asked ur ‘workout’ partner
(like u could ever survive a workout with him)
“i saw it coming in and i thought you’d enjoy it. you were too busy sleeping on me but you mentioned stargazing sophomore year.”
ok 1) he thought of u
2) he remembers what you said about sophomore year
3),,, he brought jusr you?
could,,, could ur crush like you?
“i know jisung also likes stuff like this so i invited him but he didn’t want to stop the game he was in,” hyunjin added
and thus, the hope left
he just did it as a friendly thing, hyunjin was always friendly
you sighed and sat down on the grass, not really caring about the mud or grass stains
should,, you tell him?
it could ruin the rest of your trip and cause awkwardness between your friend groups and ruin your friendship with hyunjin
or he could (very unlikely) like you back
in which case,,, what do u do?
hm.... the logical choice was obvious; the first
screw logic though
“ah, hyunjin?”
he glanced over at you, shaking his bangs out of his face, but failing and spluttering to fix it, “yeah?”
“i dont want this to make anything awkward or whatever and i know this is really stupid because you’re you and i’m me and i like you but you’re all sport-y and handsome and girls love you and every one of those girls are prettier than me but i mean i couldn’t help it felix and seungmin tease me all the time and i got sick of holding it in because there was the off chance that maybe you liked me back but now all of this is coming out of my mouth and i realize how stupid i sound”
you cast your gaze down and played with. a strand of grass
“you like me?” hyunjin asked, earning a nod from you
“y/n.... i’ve liked you.... for the longest time, i thought you only saw me as a popular jock like the rest of my team or that you saw me as a brother or something...” his face went from shocked and morphed into a huge smile
you listened to him and your own smile formed before you tackled him into a hug
“oh gosh, i was so worried this would go badly. what will we tell the others? they’ll never let us out again” you laughed softly
hyunjin stood up, helping you up as well
“we don’t have to tell the others, they’re not stupid. for now, you’re here with me”
you scoffed at that. “ohmygosh, you’re so cliché-”
hyunjin cut you off with a kiss, and you didn’t really realize it before he pulled back
“was that ok? i didn’t mean to overstep any boundaries, i just, i dont know i just thought that maybe-”
you cut him off with a quick kiss on the cheek before grabbing his hand
“we gotta get back to the boys before they think we died” you smiled brightly
“i suppose youre right. what would we do without the mom friend?” he teased, letting go of your hand and wrapping his arm around you as you both walked home
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